The Internet in The Classroom: C C C C C C C C C

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The Internet in the Classroom

Issues Assignment #3 School Policies on Using Blogs and Wikis in the Classroom

Myra Lipsey July 11, 2011

Arapahoe High School(2201 East Dry Creek Road, Centennial, Colorado 80123) Littleton Public Schools. Retrieved from Summary: Arapahoe High School has a distinct and separate blogging policy from the regular internet use policy. The policy states that blogging is considered an extension of the classroom and stresses the use of good conduct in speech and postings. The policy goes into great detail about blogging such as not using generalized statements with the preface of all. The policy states that students should be aware of safety by not posting any personal information such as full names, addresses, phone numbers, pictures, etc. The policy states that if students receive posts that are inappropriate they should be deleted and not commented on. Linking to websites is allowable, but students should make sure they have read the entire websites to make sure the information is appropriate since it is tied to the school. Students are to follow proper formatting and citation if they post anything that requires such. Arapahoe does allow students to post pictures in their blogs if they are appropriate and copyright laws are followed. It states that pictures of themselves or other students should not be included in blog activities. After the initial policy guidelines for safe and responsible blogging, Arapahoe lists some traits of successful bloggers, followed by appropriate sample posts. Policy Strengths: Arapahoe High School does a good job with their blogging policy statement. It seems to cover many specifics so there should be no question. For example, it lists ten specific items related to blogging safely and acting responsibly. It appears they are very keen on internet safety regarding their students because of the comments about not posting personal information, including pictures of themselves and others. It was impressive that they point out that students are to cite references and use correct formatting when blogging . They stress throughout their policy that students use language that is appropriate for school use, including posts from others who comment on their statements. It appears that this school put a lot of thought into their policy. I searched for many schools and very few had a specific, separate blogging policy, so I felt this was a major strength for this school. Policy Weaknesses: I could not find any weaknesses in the Arapahoe High School Blogging Policy. I feel they did a very good job in covering anything they could think of that might potentially be a problem. They did cover themselves by stating that these guidelines are not exhaustive and if students were to be in doubt about something they should ask a parent or a teacher.

Dedham Public School, Web 2.0 Policyfor Safe Collaboration and Publication of Student Online Work,(2010, October 6). Retrieved from Summary: The Dedham Public School District realizes 21st century learning is here and seems to have developed a policy that covers many Web 2.0 tools. It like the first school I referenced in policy one, emphasizes that anything published on a blog or wiki is a reflection on the school, so students are warned that posts need to be of a nature that is appropriate for school use. All postings are archived for review. This includes any inappropriate activity as well. The policy also mentions the importance of privacy of personal information. Strengths: The policy covers not only blogs and wikis, but other tools as well, such as podcasting, RSS feeds, and other Web 2.0 tools. Privacy and ethics are strongly emphasized as being something that students should be aware of. The policy explains how information online is copyrighted and that information students use should be cited. The policy has a section for teachers and things they are to be aware of and one is that teachers should be monitoring for cyber bullying on their students parts as well as posts or interaction from other students. Weaknesses: The only weakness I see is that the policy mentions that there are consequences for misuse, but it does not list what the consequences are. This policy is kind of broad as compared to the policy of Arapahoe High School (policy #1).

St. Thomas Episcopal School Social Media Policy. Retrieved from Summary: St. Thomas Episcopal policy covers a variety of social media including Facebook, Twitter, Wikis, and blogs. Just like the other two schools I have included in this paper, St. Thomas Episcopal School also wants to make sure that students, parents, and teachers are aware of how posts reflect on not only the individual, but the school as well. It also wants to make sure that safety practices are in place so that no names, pictures, etc. are given out that could be dangerous for students. It also makes mention of following copyright laws, and not plagiarizing. Strengths: One thing that was different in this school s policy was the importance of any content posted or used in anyway be of value. By this, they mention not forwarding funny emails or things sent along. As is the case of the other schools, St. Thomas Episcopal, also stresses the importance of following copyright rules, hyperlinking using citations, and practicing safety with postings. This policy did an excellent job of explaining copyright and refers users to a copyright and fair use site for more information. It even mentions how it is illegal to scan certain pictures without getting the permission of the photographer. The policy also spells out to students the need to follow the school s code of conduct when writing online and to use correct grammar, capitalization, and punctuation. This policy lists guidelines for students, a separate list for parents, and a separate list for teachers. It goes into great depth. Weaknesses: Like the second policy, it does not spell out specific consequences for breaking any of the rules stated in the policy. It just tells students that if they do not abide by the guidelines, they may lose their opportunity to take part in a project or access to future use of these tools. It also tells students to do their own work and how it is a violation of copyright to copy and paste someone else s comments or thoughts, but it does not say what the consequence will be if they do take something and not cite their source.

Policy on Blogging and Wikis for 4th Grade Students at Mattie Lively Elementary School The use of blogs and wikis in the elementary school setting can enhance and expand content taught in the classroom. Students will be issued accounts under the teacher s name. Student names and pictures will never be published for others to see. Students will be issued a unique identification number for their use to log in and post. An archive of all posts will be kept for a minimum of a year. Be Safe and Be Responsible by adhering to the following guidelines: 1. All posts/comments should be of appropriate content. 2. Blogs and/or wikis will be used in the classroom and out of the classroom for assignments. Students will adhere to the Internet rules of safety by not making reference to names of others or themselves, addresses, phone numbers, or pictures. 3. Realize than anyone who subscribes to this blog will be able to view its contents, so make sure to use correct grammar, punctuation, etc. 4. Students will post a response to the classroom blog once a week as a homework assignment. 5. Students will realize that copying something off the Internet is in violation of copyright. All information copying must be written in a format that contains a reference for each item copied, and quotation marks must be used.

Consequences for violation of the guidelines listed above: 1st Offense Conference with student and contact with parent 2nd Offense Contact with parent, office referral, and student account will be suspended for a week. 3rd Offense Student use of the blog/wiki will be suspended for the remainder of the school year, and the student will be responsible for completing the assignments in writing without the use of a computer.

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