Baliraja Farmers Producer Co

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Market Research Survey
This survey is made to understand customer needs and wants so that we can serve you in efficient way and fulfill your requirements in future, so we expect your cooperation for next few minutes.
Name: Gender: Address: Phone: Profession: Family income: 1) Monthly food grain requirement Type Wheat Bajra Jawar Rice Qty Rate Frequency Place of purchase/ Area(Resi., close to workplace) e-mail: Family size Adults: Kids: Age:

2) The place you would prefer to purchase 1. Store 2. Home service 3. Farm itself 3) In which type of package you buy 1. Loose 2. Gunny bag 3. Plastic bag

4. Market

5. Online 6. Other _________________

4. Container


4) How much importance you give for packaging 1. Not important 2. Not so 3. Medium 4. Some what

5. Very much

5) Packaging denotes __________________________________________________________ 6) Do you feel Hybrid varieties and chemical products are harmful for health, rank it 1. Not at all 2. Not so much 3. Some what agree 4. Completely agree 5. Cant say

7) Willingness to pay little more for Organic products 1. Not at all 2. Little 3. Medium

4.Quite high

5. At any cost

8) Any medical issues with family members____________________________________________

9) Medical expenditure (Annual) ____________________________________________________

10) The Organic producers you know __________________________________________________

11) Would you like to add new products like Jamun Juice, Karvand Pickle etc.


12) Which Organic products you would like to have________________________________________

13) Do you purchase Online ?


14) Do you use Debit or Credit Card for purchase of food grains and vegitable?


15) Would you like to have Home Service for these products?


16) Would you like to have food grains in form of FLOUR directly?


17) Would you take EFFORT to buy products for SOCIAL CAUSE ?



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