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UVRI Fellowship Bible Study Week 3 Prayerfully read Matthew 4:1-11.

. Mark the words and phrases that touch you most. Thereafter write down the answers to the questions below IN YOUR OWN WORDS. As much as possible, personalize your response by using I me my. Be sure to pray before you begin and during the study.

1. Matthew 4:1 (NIV) Then Jesus was led by the Spirit into the desert to be tempted by the devil. Why did God allow this to happen? 2. What real needs do you think Jesus had when he was being tempted? What do you learn from Jesus response to Satans temptation? 3. Just as Jesus Christ was tempted, we are always tempted to live Satans way or our own way rather than Gods way. Prayerfully consider 1 Corinthians 10:13: i. ii. How would you define temptation? How is temptation different from sin? What is true about every temptation you face? Who can help you when you are tempted? Why doesnt God simply remove all sources of temptation from your life? Instead what does God provide?


4. The scriptures mention various sources of temptation as well as Gods assurance of victory over every source: i. Besides being tempted by Satan, what other source of temptation do you notice in 1 John 2:1517? Please explain which of the worldly desires from vs. 16 tempts you most strongly. State the truth in each of these passages that encourages you in your struggle against the influence of . your own evil desires (Romans 8:9) Satan (2 Thessalonians 3:3) the ways of the world (1 John 5:4-5) Meditate on Matthew 4:1-11 What truth in this passage strikes you most strongly? From which verse do you draw the above truth? Please memorize the verse and recite it to a colleague How would you make this a prayer request or a praise song? UVRI Fellowship Bible Study 2011

ii. iii.

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