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100 General Knowledge Questions and Answers - GK Quiz

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100 General Knowledge Questions and Answers - GK Quiz

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100 General Knowledge Questions with Answers

We shall be giving updated General Knowledge Questions that will include 2010 General Knowledge, Current Affairs GK Questions and more. The GK Quiz will help you refresh your memory on current affairs of India and the world targetted at getting you ready for the UPSC exam. This 2010 General Knowledge Quiz will updated on regular basis. If you would like to get notified when more general knowledge question answers are added to this article then you can become a subscriber of this article. It is the best way to be notified when this article is updated with more general knowledge quiz questions. Question: What is called as the "Roof of the World"? 1. Indira Point 2. Kanchenjunga 3. Pamir Knot 4. Indira Col Answer: 3 Question: The illustrious names of Aryabhatta and Varahamihir are associated with the age of the 1. Guptas 2. Kushanas 3. Mauryas 4. Palas Answer: 1 Question: Who generally acknowledged as the pioneer of local self government in modern India? 1. Ripon 2. Mayo 3. Lytton 4. Curzon Answer: 1 Question: Which Article of the Constitution of India abolishes untouchability and forbids its practice in any form? 1. Article 16 2. Article 17 3. Article 18

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100 General Knowledge Questions and Answers - GK Quiz

4. Article 15 Answer: 2 Question: The idea of Pakistan was first conceived by 1. Muhammad Iqbal 2. M. A. Jinnah 3. Shaukat Ali 4. Aga Khan Answer: 1 Question: Which of the following countries has introduced "Direct Democracy"? 1. Russia 2. India 3. France 4. Switzerland Answer: 4 Question: Inflation occurs when aggregate supply is 1. More that aggregate demand 2. Less than aggregate demand 3. Equal to aggregate demand 4. None of the above Answer: 2 Question: Which State has the lowest per capita income in India? 1. Bihar 2. Orissa 3. Rajasthan 4. Gujrat Answer: 2 Question: In the budget figures of the Government of India, fiscal deficit is 1. Total expenditure - total receipts 2. Revenue expenditure - revenue receipts 3. Capital expenditure - capital receipts + market borrowings 4. Sum of budget deficit and Government's market borrowings and liabilities Answer: 1 Question: The eighth Joint Economic Group dialogue between China and India was held in January 2010 in Beijing, China after a gap of 1. two years 2. three years 3. four years 4. five years Answer: 3 Question: According to the recently released World Bank Report, the Chinese economy grew by the close of fourth quarter of 2009 at the rate of 1. 9.7 percent 2. 10.7 percent 3. 10.8 percent 4. 11 percent

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100 General Knowledge Questions and Answers - GK Quiz

Answer: 2 Question: As per the quality of life Index 2010, which was released worldwide in January 2010, the united States occupies the 1. Second Place 2. Third Place 3. Fifth Place 4. Seventh Place Answer: 4 Question: The India-France deal for civil nuclear corporation, which came into force in January 2010, had been signed between the two countries in 1. September 2008 2. October 2008 3. November 2008 4. December 2008 Answer: 1 Question: Wodeyars were the ruler of 1. Princely State of Mysore 2. Princely State of Travancore 3. Vijayanagaram 4. None of these Answer: 1 Question: "Black Pagoda" is in 1. Egypt 2. Srilanka 3. Madurai 4. Konark Answer: 4 Question: The meeting of the Rajya Sabha are presided over by the 1. President 2. Vice President 3. Prime Minister 4. Speaker Answer: 2 Question: Lunar eclipse occurs on 1. A new moon day 2. A full moon day 3. A half moon day 4. both 1 and 2 Answer: 2 Question: Which of the following crops helps in nitrogen fixation? 1. Rice 2. Wheat 3. Beans 4. Maize Answer: 3

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100 General Knowledge Questions and Answers - GK Quiz

Question: Detroit in the U. S. A. is known as the city of 1. Motor Car 2. Lights 3. Aeroplanes 4. Rockets Answer: 1 Question: The term "Fourth Estate" refers to 1. Backward States 2. Judiciary 3. Press 4. Tea Estate Answer: 3 Question: SAIL's plant in Karnataka is situated at 1. Bangalore 2. Bhadravati 3. Belgaum 4. Hubli Answer: 2 Question: At which of the following place Rajiv Gandhi died of human bomb explosion? 1. New Delhi 2. Chennai 3. Sriperumbudur 4. Colombo Answer: 3 Question: Who is not the Speaker of the Lok Sabha ever? 1. Somnath Chatterjee 2. P. A. Sangma 3. Meira Kumar 4. Sushma Swaraj Answer: 4 Question: The Governor General associated with the abolition of slavery was 1. Cornwallis 2. Bentinck 3. Dalhousie 4. Rippon Answer: 2 Question: The name of India's first carrier is 1. INS Vikrant 2. INS Nilgiri 3. INS Kukri 4. INS Himgiri Answer: 1 Question: The general direct flow of summer monsoon in India is 1. From South to North 2. From South West to South East

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100 General Knowledge Questions and Answers - GK Quiz

3. From South East to South West 4. From South West to North East Answer: 2 Question: World No-Tobacco Day is observed on 1. May 25 2. May 31 3. May28 4. May 24 Answer: 2 Question: Which one of the following ecosystems covers the largest area of the earth's surface? 1. Desert Ecosystem 2. Grassland Ecosystem 3. Mountain Ecosystem 4. Marine Ecosystem Answer: 4 Question: With which game is the Double Fault associated? 1. Lawn Tennis 2. Football 3. Cricket 4. Hockey Answer: 2 Question: Where is the oldest oil refinery in India located? 1. Digboi 2. Cochin 3. Mathura 4. Guwahati Answer: 1 Question: The Siwaliks stretch between 1. Indus and Sutlaj 2. Potwar basin and Teesta 3. Sutlaj and Kali 4. None of these Answer: 2 Question: Thalassaemia is a hereditary disease affecting 1. Blood 2. Lungs 3. Heart 4. Kidney Answer: 1 Question: Polythene is industrially prepared by the polymerization of 1. Methane 2. Styrene 3. Acetylene 4. Ethylene

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100 General Knowledge Questions and Answers - GK Quiz

Answer: 4 Question: In cricket the length of pitch between the two wickets is 1. 24 yards 2. 23 yards 3. 22 yards 4. 21 yards Answer: 3 Question: Which one of the following is not the official language of the United Nations Organisation? 1. Arabic 2. Chinese 3. Portuguese 4. Spanish Answer: 3 Question: Which countries are separated by Mac Mohan Line? 1. India and Pakistan 2. China and Tibet 3. India and China 4. India and Bangladesh Answer: 3 Question: Which one of the following is a water soluble vitamin? 1. Vitamin A 2. Vitamin C 3. Vitamin D 4. Vitamin K Answer: 2 Question: Among the following who was the Speaker in two Lok Sabhas? 1. Rabi Ray 2. Shivraj Patil 3. P. A. Sangma 4. G. M. C Balyogi Answer: 4 Question: 'Lakshya' which is part of Indian Defence System is 1. Surface of air missile 2. Missile Firing Submarine 3. multi Barrel rocket System 4. Pilotless target aircraft Answer: 4 Question: Which one of the following states has only one representatives each in Lok Sabha? 1. Manipur, Meghalaya 2. Himachal Pradesh and Jammu Kashmir 3. Arunachal Pradesh and Tripura 4. Mizoram and Nagaland Answer: 4

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100 General Knowledge Questions and Answers - GK Quiz

Question: Who among the following is known as the guardian of the Public Purse in India? 1. The Comptroller and Auditor General of India 2. The President 3. The Minister of Finance 4. The parliament Answer: 1 Question: Biological Oxygen demand (BOD) is used as a standard measure of 1. Oxygen level in forest System 2. Oxygen level in animals 3. Oxygen level in water system 4. Oxygen level in atmosphere Answer: 3 Question: Which of the following Crops is of Kharif Season? 1. Soyabean 2. Linseed 3. lentil 4. Mustard Answer: 1 Question: Fruit most suitable for making jelly is 1. Papaya 2. Karunda 3. Mango 4. Banana Answer: 3 Question: Who was the first chief Justice of Supreme court of Calcutta? 1. Hyde 2. Elijah Impey 3. Lemaistre 4. Monson Answer: 2 Question: By which of the following Acts were the Commercial Rights of East India Company Abolished? 1. Regulating Act of 1773 2. Charter Act of 1813 3. Charter Act of 1833 4. Charter Act of 1853 Answer: 3 Question: Who Was the founder of All India Muslim League? 1. Sir Syed Ahmad Khan 2. Nawab Saleem Ullah Khan 3. Liyaqat Ali Khan 4. Mohammad Ali Jinnah Answer: 2 Question: Vishakhapatnam Steel Plant obtains its iron ore from the mines of

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100 General Knowledge Questions and Answers - GK Quiz

1. Bababudan 2. Bailadila 3. Dalli-Rajhra 4. Gurumahisaini Answer: 1 Question: The First Finance Commission was constituted in the year 1. 1956 2. 1953 3. 1952 4. 1951 Answer: 4 Question: Which one of the following Settlements comprised Zamindar as middleman to collect the land revenue? 1. Mahalwari Settlement 2. Ryotwari Settlement 3. Permanent Settlement 4. None of the above Answer: 3 Question: Which of the following was the court language during the reign of Akbar? 1. Hindi 2. Urdu 3. Persian 4. Arabic Answer: 3 Question: What were the districts called in the Vijaynagar empire? 1. Nadu 2. Khurram 3. Kottam 4. Janpad Answer: 3 Question: Which was the first National News Agency of India? 1. The Indian Review 2. The Free Press of India 3. The Associated Press of India 4. None of the above Answer: 3 Question: The depiction of the stones of the previous lives of Gautama Buddha was first done in the art of 1. Sarnath Pillar of Asoka 2. Bharhut Stupa 3. Ajanta Caves 4. Eilora Caves Answer: 2 Question: The British Parliament can do everything except make a woman a man and a woman a man?To whom is this statement ascribed?

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100 General Knowledge Questions and Answers - GK Quiz

1. Dicey 2. Hegal 3. De Lolme 4. none of above Answer: 3 Question: Which of the following states did not come into being in 1987? 1. Mizoram 2. Arunachal Pradesh 3. Goa 4. Manipur Answer: 4 Question: The number of Zonal Councils in India is 1. Five 2. Four 3. Seven 4. Eight Answer: 1 Question: National Commission for Back ward Classes was established in 1. 1994 2. 1993 3. 1995 4. 1999 Answer: 2 Question: Indravati Hydroelectric Project is the multipurpose projet of 1. Maharashtra state 2. Gujarat state 3. Orissa State 4. Tamil Nadu state Answer: 3 Question: Which sector contributes the maximum share in National income of India? 1. Primary 2. Secondary 3. Tertiary 4. All the above have equal share Answer: 3 Question: Shankarlal Guru committee was associated With 1. Agricultural Marketing 2. Agricultural production 3. Public Distribution System 4. None of above Answer: 1 Question: IMF is the result of 1. Hawana Conference 2. Rome Conference 3. Brettonwood Conference

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100 General Knowledge Questions and Answers - GK Quiz

4. Geneva Conference Answer: 3 Question: The Difference between Gross Domestic product and Net Domestic product is 1. Government Revenue 2. Net Indirect Tax (Indirect Tax Subsidy) 3. Consumption of fixed Capital 4. Net Capital Formation Answer: 4 Question: First share market in India was established in 1. Delhi 2. Mumbai 3. Kolkata 4. chennai Answer: 2 Question: The acronym STD written on Telephone booth stands for 1. Straight Telephone Dial 2. Switch Telephone Dial 3. Subscriber Telephone Dialing 4. Save Telephone Dialing Answer: 3 Question: India has signed a landamrk deal for sale of Dhruv Advance Light Helicopters (ALHs) with 1. Venezuela 2. Peru 3. Ecuador 4. Chile Answer: 3 Question: Humidity is measured by which of the following instrument? 1. Barometer 2. Thermometer 3. Hygrometer 4. Hydrometer Answer: 3 Question: Rabindranath Tagore was awarded Noble Prize for his literary work named 1. Geetanjali 2. Rajtarangini 3. Chokher Bali 4. Kapal Kundala Answer: 1 Question: Which of the following department of Indian Government takes care of education of children with physical disabilities? 1. Ministry of Welfare 2. Ministry of Sports 3. Ministry of HRD 4. Ministry of Rural Development

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100 General Knowledge Questions and Answers - GK Quiz

Answer: 1 Question: Amrita Pritam's work "A Revenue Stamp" is 1. A book of stories 2. A novel 3. A biography 4. An autobiography Answer: 4 Question: "Nadi Ke Dweep" is the creation of 1. Nirmala Verma 2. Krishna Sobit 3. Gajanan Madhav Muktibodh 4. Sachidananda Heeranand Vatsyayan Agyeya Answer: 4 Question: The poetic work "Rashmirathi" was written by 1. Maithilisharan Gupt 2. Mahadevi Verma 3. Ramdhari Singh Dinkar 4. Surya Kant Tripathi Nirala Answer: 3 Question: "Operation Black Board" refers to providing schools with 1. Enough number of black boards 2. New type of black boards 3. Training for using new type of black boards 4. All essential learning materials. Answer: 4 Question: Transistors used in electronic equipments are mostly made of 1. Silver 2. Copper 3. Silicon 4. Carbon Answer: 3 Question: The disease diphtheria affects 1. Lungs 2. Intestine 3. Throat 4. Body joints Answer: 3 Question: Which of the following is the brightest planet as seen from the earth? 1. Mercury 2. Uranus 3. Venus 4. Mars Answer: 3 Question: The Harry Potter series is written by 1. K K Rowling

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100 General Knowledge Questions and Answers - GK Quiz

2. K J Rowling 3. J K Rowling 4. A K Rowling Answer: 3 Question: The most common communicable disease is 1. Influenza 2. Typhoid 3. Cholera 4. Polio Answer: 1 Question: Among the following, the richest source of protein is 1. Ground Nut 2. Rice 3. Potato 4. Apple Answer: 1 Question: Taoism is a school of 1. Chinese philosophy 2. Japanese philosophy 3. Buddhist philosophy 4. Sri Lankan philosophy Answer: 1 Question: Hydrogen is used instead of Helium to fill balloons for meteorology because 1. of its low density 2. It is not very reactive under normal conditions 3. It is almost insoluble in water 4. It can be prepared easily Answer: 1 Question: The most abundant element in the earth's crust is 1. Silicon 2. Aluminium 3. Nitrogen 4. Oxygen Answer: 4 Question: Stainless steel is an example of 1. A metallic compound 2. A homogeneous mixture 3. A heterogeneous mixture 4. An inorganic compound Answer: 1 Question: The Non-Cooperation Movement was ultimately withdrawn by Mahatma Gandhi 1. On the directions of the Party 2. On account of amicable settlement with the British 3. On account of violent incidents at Chauri-Chaura 4. On account of excessive repression by the Government

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100 General Knowledge Questions and Answers - GK Quiz

Answer: 3 Question: The Preamble of the Constitution after 42nd amendment declares India 1. Sovereign Socialist Secular Democratic Republic 2. Sovereign Democratic Republic 3. Federal Democratic Republic 4. Federal Socialist Democratic Republic Answer: 1 Question: The International Date Line is the 1. Equator 2. 0 Longitude 3. 88 East Longitude 4. 180 Longitude Answer: 4 Question: The real executive power under a Parliamentary Government rests with 1. The Parliament 2. The King 3. The Council of Ministers 4. The Civil Servants Answer: 3 Question: Who among the following was the first Maratha Ruler to get legal recognition from the Mughals? 1. Sahuji 2. Shivaji 3. Balaji Baji Rao 4. Sambhaji Answer: 1 Question: The average solar day is approximately 1. 24 hrs 2. 24 hrs 15 minutes 3. 24 hrs 52 minutes 4. 24 hrs 15 Second Answer: 1 Question: The constellation Sapta-Rishi is known to westerns as the 1. Seven Monks 2. Alpha Centauri 3. Big Dipper 4. Small Bear Answer: 3 Question: One kilobyte is equal to 1. 1000 bytes 2. 1024 bytes 3. 100 bytes 4. 1023 bytes Answer: 2 Question: Which of the following is a cellulose fiber?

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100 General Knowledge Questions and Answers - GK Quiz

1. Cotton 2. Wool 3. Rayon 4. Polyester Answer: 1 Question: Which of the following is not an example of Operating System? 1. Windows 98 2. BSD Unix 3. Microsoft Office XP 4. Red Hat Linux Answer: 3 Question: Which of the following vitamins helps in the absorption of calcium? 1. Vitamin A 2. Vitamin B 3. Vitamin C 4. Vitamin D Answer: 4 Question: Dengue fever is spread by 1. Aedes aegypti mosquito 2. Common House flies 3. Anophilies mosquito 4. Rodent like rats and squirrels Answer: 1 Question: Which of the following is not a fundamental right of the Indian citizens? 1. Right to property 2. Right to freedom of expression 3. Right to vote 4. Right to remain silence Answer: 1 Question: Which supercomputer is developed by the Indian Scientists? 1. Param 2. Super 301 3. Compaq Presario 4. CRAY YMP Answer: 1 Question: Genome is the key to tomorrow's medical practices because 1. It unleashes an information revolution 2. It provides a new outlook into medicine 3. It is a new way of making drugs 4. It can enable customized medicines. Answer: 2 Question: Which of the following is not a missile tested in Indian Missile Programme? 1. Agni 2. Trishul 3. Prithvi

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100 General Knowledge Questions and Answers - GK Quiz

4. Arjun Answer: 4 Question: Mahatma Gandhi started his struggle against apartheid in 1. Natal 2. Transvaal 3. Johannesberg 4. Champaran Answer: 1 A total of 215 users are reading this article.

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