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1. The A) 2. I A) 3. Each A)

sceneries B) bought B) of us B)

of Kashmir C) two C) have C) the D) East E) his D) always D)

are worth seeing. D) E) of apples E) to perform E)

dozens D) a duty D)

4. Sun rises in A) 5. His A) 6. A A) 7. The A) 8. My A) 9. I A) 10. We



appearance is like B) honest man B) C) is C)

fathers E) happy E)

poetries of Keats B) father B) is C) C) in D) you C)

are worth reading. D) E)

the home E) to give me D) the matter some advice E)

would like B)

discussed about


B) read C)

C) by D)

D) Girls E) with D) a rose E)

11. News are A)


12. A beautiful girl A) 13. Ten minutes are A) 14. He A)

can be compared B) allowed C) all the D) C) to D) furniture E)

each speaker E)

B) has B) sold C)

15. He A) 16. The A)

is B)

an C)

union D)

member E) foretold C) is D) the mans death D) going up E) Delhi? E) E)

fortune- teller B)

17. The price A) 18. Have A) 19. My A)

of the gold B) C)

you B)

ever gone to C) on D) D) upstairs E)

room is B) C)

20. The tree is

full with oranges



C) is C) me C)

D) a D) to come D) against C)

E) spinster E) home earlier E) the rules D) E)

21. This woman A) B)

22. He made A) B)

23. Do not violate A) 24. We A) live B) B)

besides C)

the stream D) E)

25. All the staffs have come A) B) C) D) E)

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