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Peer Review Sheet for AMH 2041 First, read your peers paper, without making any comments

or marks. Just get a general impression of the paper. Then, reread the paper with pen in hand and answer the questions below in detail. Your job is to provide constructive advice. Simply writing good or yes and no will not help your classmates revise their papers. You must think about their work carefully in order to provide helpful comments to guide them in their revisions. Answer the questions on a blank piece of paper and make sure to number them so it is clear which question you are answering. 1. Reread the assignment sheet. Evaluate below how closely your peers paper comes to meeting all of the requirements of the assignment? (Is the topic appropriate? Is it the required length? Are there the required sources? Etc.) 2. On the paper, underline what you think the thesis is. The thesis should be clear and arguable. Make suggestions for improving the thesis. 3. Does the paper make its case? Is the thesis supported with evidence and examples? Tell the writer where you would like more detail or more support. 4. As you read through the essay, did you ever feel lost or confused? Mark these places on the essay with a squiggly line. 5. Reread each paragraph thinking about organization. Each paragraph should be focused on one major topic. If you think the paragraph is focused, put an f beside it. If you think it is not focused, write nf and circle any sentences that seem out of place. 6. Evaluate the papers sources. Are they credible scholarly sources (is wikipedia a scholarly source? )? 7. Evaluate the papers documentation of sources. Are all sources properly documented using the Chicago Manual of Style? Whenever the writer summarizes, quotes, or paraphrases, does she use a corresponding note? Does the note contain the correct details? 8. Make suggestions for improving the introduction and conclusion. The introduction (the first or first and second paragraphs) should interest the reader and set the stage for the rest of the paper. The conclusion should signal closure. 9. What are the papers strengths? What are its weaknesses? Make any final suggestions for improvements.

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