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1. One application of data warehouses is: A) shipping of information. B) order processing. C) decision support. D) file updating.

Level: Difficult Page Ref: 5 Topic: Introduction AACSB Use of Information Technology 2. Older systems that often contain data of poor quality are called _____ systems. A) controlled B) legacy C) database D) mainframe Level: Difficult Page Ref: 18 Topic: Costs and Risks of the Database Approach Subtopic: Conversion Costs AACSB Use of Information Technology 3. A database is an organized collection of _____ related data. A) logically B) physically C) loosely D) badly Level: Easy Page Ref: 6 Topic: Basic Concepts and Definitions AACSB Use of Information Technology 4. Which of the following types of data can be stored in a database? A) Voice B) Letters C) Numbers D) All of the above Level: Easy Page Ref: 6 Topic: Basic Concepts and Definitions Subtopic: Data AACSB Use of Information Technology, Analytic Skills 5. Data processed in a way that increases a users knowledge is: A) text. B) graphics C) information. D) hyperlink. Level: Easy Page Ref: 7 Topic: Basic Concepts and Definitions

Subtopic: Data Versus Information AACSB Use of Information Technology 6. Data that describe the properties of other data are: A) relationships. B) logical. C) physical. D) None of the above Level: Moderate Page Ref: 8 Topic: Basic Concepts and Definitions Subtopic: Metadata AACSB Use of Information Technology 7. All of the following are properties of metadata except: A) data definitions. B) processing logic. C) rules or constraints. D) data structures. Level: Moderate Page Ref: 8 Topic: Basic Concepts and Definitions Subtopic: Metadata AACSB Use of Information Technology, Analytic skills 8. One disadvantage of file processing systems is: A) reduced data duplication. B) program-data independence. C) limited data sharing. D) enforcement of integrity constraints. Level: Moderate Page Ref: 12 Topic: Traditional File Processing Systems Subtopic: Disadvantages of File Processing Systems AACSB Use of Information Technology 9. Program-data dependence is caused by: A) file descriptors being stored in each application. B) data descriptions being stored on a server. C) data descriptions being written into programming code. D) data cohabiting with programs. Level: Moderate Page Ref: 12 Topic: Disadvantages of File Processing Systems Subtopic: Program-Data Dependence AACSB Use of Information Technology

10. Loss of metadata integrity is often a result of: A) poor design. B) unplanned and uncontrolled duplication of data. C) decreased programmer productivity. D) a large volume of file i/o. Level: Moderate Page Ref: 12,12 Topic: Disadvantages of File Processing Systems Subtopic: Duplication of Data AACSB Use of Information Technology, Analytic Skills 1. Data modeling may be the most important part of the systems development process because: A) data characteristics are important in the design of programs and other systems components. B) the data in a system are generally less complex than processes, and play a central role in development. C) data are less stable than processes. D) it is the easiest. Level: Easy
Topic: Introduction

Page Ref:91

AACSB Use of Information Technology, Analytic Skills 2. A business rule: A) defines or constrains some aspect of the business. B) asserts business structure. C) controls or influences the behavior of the business. D) all of the above. Level: Easy Page Ref: 92 Topic: Modeling the Rules of the Organization AACSB Use of Information Technology

3. The common types of entities are: A) strong entities. B) weak entities. C) associative entities. D) all of the above. Level: Moderate Page Ref: 91 Topic: Introduction AACSB Use of Information Technology

4. Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of a good business rule? A) Declarative B) Atomic C) Inconsistent D) Expressible Level: Moderate Page Ref: 93 Topic: Modeling the Rules of the Organization Subtopic: Scope of Business Rules AACSB Analytic skills 5. Which of the following is NOT a good characteristic of a data name? A) Relates to business characteristics B) Readable C) Repeatable D) Relates to a technical characteristic of the system Level: Moderate Page Ref: 94,95 Topic: Modeling the Rules of the Organization Subtopic: Data Names and Definitions AACSB Analytic skills 6. A fact is an association between two or more: A) words. B) terms. C) facts. D) nuggets. Level: Easy Page Ref: 95 Topic: Modeling the Rules of the Organization Subtopic: Data Definitions AACSB Analytic skills 7. A good data definition will all of the characteristics of a data object EXCEPT: A) subtleties. B) examples. C) who determines the value of the data. D) who can delete the data. Level: Easy Page Ref: 96 Topic: Modeling the Rules of the Organization Subtopic: Data Definitions AACSB Analytic skills The logical representation of an organizations data is called a(n): database model. entity-relationship model. relationship systems design.

8. A) B) C)


database entity diagram. Level: Easy Page Ref: 97 Topic: The E-R Model: An Overview AACSB Use of Information Technology

9. Customers, cars, and parts are examples of : A) entities. B) attributes. C) cardinals. D) relationships. Level: Easy Page Ref: 98 Topic: Modeling Entities and Attributes AACSB Analytic skills, Use of Information Technology 10. Which of the following is an entity type on which a strong entity depends? A) Owner B) Member C) Attribute D) None of the above

Level: Moderate

Page Ref: 102

Topic: Modeling Entities and Attributes Subtopic: Strong Versus Weak Entity Types AACSB Use of Information Technology, Reflective Thinking 1. Which of the following is a generic entity type that has a relationship with one or more subtypes? A) Megatype B) Supertype C) Subgroup D) Class Level: Easy Page Ref: 152 Topic: Representing Supertypes and Subtypes AACSB Use of Information Technology 2. The property by which subtype entities possess the values of all attributes of a supertype is called: A) hierarchy reception. B) class management. C) attribute inheritance. D) generalization. Level: Moderate Page Ref: 154 Topic: Representing Supertypes and Subtypes

Subtopic: Attribute Inheritance

AACSB Use of Information Technology 3. Subtypes should be used when: A) there are attributes that apply to some, but not all instances of an entity type. B) supertypes relate to objects outside the business. C) the instances of a subtype do not participate in a relationship that is unique to that subtype. D) none of the above.

Level: Easy

Page Ref: 155

Topic: Representing Supertypes and Subtypes Subtopic: When to Use Supertype/Subtype Relationships AACSB Use of Information Technology, Analytic Skills

Figure tb41 4. In Figure tb41, which of the following are subtypes of patient? A) Outpatient B) Physician C) Bed D) All of the above Level: Moderate Page Ref: 155

Topic: Representing Supertypes and Subtypes

Subtopic: When to Use Supertype/Subtype Relationships AACSB Use of Information Technology, Analytic Skills

5. The process of defining one or more subtypes of a supertype and forming relationships is called: A) specialization. B) generalization. C) creating discord. D) selecting classes.

Level: Easy Page Ref: 157 Topic: Representing Supertypes and Subtypes Subtopic: Representing Specialization and Generalization AACSB Use of Information Technology, Analytic Skills

Figure tb42 6. In Figure tb42, to which of the following entities are the entities CAR and TRUCK generalized? A) Make B) Vehicle C) Model D) Price Level: Moderate Page Ref: 156 Topic: Representing Supertypes and Subtypes Subtopic: Representing Specialization and Generalization AACSB Use of Information Technology, Analytic Skills 7. Which of the following is a completeness constraint? A) Total specialization B) Partial generalization C) Total recall D) Partial hybridization Answer: A
Level: Easy Page Ref: 159 Topic: Specifying Constraints in Supertype/Subtype Relationships Subtopic: Specifying Completeness Constraints

AACSB Use of Information Technology, Analytic Skills

8. The _____ rule specifies that an entity instance of a supertype is allowed not to belong to any subtype. A) semi-specialization B) total specialization C) partial specialization D) disjointedness Level: Easy Page Ref: 159 Topic: Specifying Constraints in Supertype/Subtype Relationships Subtopic: Specifying Completeness Constraints AACSB Use of Information Technology, Analytic Skills 9. The _________ rule specifies that each entity instance of the supertype must be a member of some subtype in the relationship. A) semi-specialization B) total specialization C) partial specialization D) total convergence

Level: Easy

Page Ref: 159

Topic: Specifying Constraints in Supertype/Subtype Relationships

Subtopic: Specifying Completeness Constraints

AACSB Use of Information Technology, Analytic Skills

Figure tb43 10. In Figure tb43, a student: A) must be a graduate student, an undergraduate, a special student or some other type of student. B) must be a graduate student or an undergraduate student. C) must be at least a special student. D) none of the above.

Level: Difficult

Page Ref: 160

Topic: Specifying Constraints in Supertype/Subtype Relationships


Subtopic: Specifying Completeness Constraints AACSB Use of Information Technology, Analytic Skills A form of database specification that indicates all the parameters for data storage that are then input to database implementation is: A) logical. B) physical. C) schematic. D) conceptual.

Level: Easy
Topic: An Overview of Part Three AACSB Use of Information Technology 2. A)

Page Ref: 199

Physical database design decisions must be made carefully because of impacts on: data accessibility. B) response times. C) security. D) All of the above.

Level: Easy
Topic: An Overview of Part Three

Page Ref: 200

AACSB Use of Information Technology, Analytic Skills 3. The relational data model consists of which components? A) Data structure B) Data manipulation C) Data integrity D) All of the above

Level: Easy
Topic: The Relational Data Model AACSB Use of Information Technology

Page Ref: 203


A two-dimensional table of data is called a: A) group. B) set. C) declaration. D) relation.

Level: Easy

Page Ref: 203

Topic: The Relational Data Model Subtopic: Relational Data Structure AACSB Use of Information Technology, Analytic Skills 5. _____ is a component of the relational data model included to specify business rules to maintain the integrity of data when they are manipulated. A) Business rule constraint B) Data integrity C) Business integrity D) Data structure

Level: Easy
Topic: The Relational Data Model Subtopic: Basic Definitions AACSB Use of Information Technology 6. A) B) C) D)

Page Ref: 203

An attribute (or attributes) that uniquely identifies each row in a relation is called a: column. foreign field. primary key. duplicate key.

Level: Easy
Topic: The Relational Data Model Subtopic: Relational Keys AACSB Use of Information Technology 7.

Page Ref: 204

An attribute in a relation of a database that serves as the primary key of another relation in the same database is called a: A) link attribute. B) link key.
C) foreign key.


foreign attribute.

Level: Easy
Topic: The Relational Data Model Subtopic: Relational Keys

Page Ref: 204

AACSB Use of Information Technology


A primary key that consists of more than one attribute is called a: A) foreign key. B) composite key. C) multivalued key. D) cardinal key. Level: Moderate Topic: The Relational Data Model Subtopic: Relational Keys AACSB Use of Information Technology Page Ref: 204


Which of the following are properties of relations? A) Each attribute has a unique name. B) No two rows in a relation are identical. C) There are no multivalued attributes in a relation. D) All of the above.

Level: Easy
Topic: The Relational Data Mode Subtopic: Properties of Relations AACSB Use of Information Technology

Page Ref: 204


In Figure tb51, the primary key for Order Line is which type of key?

Figure tb51 A) B) C) D) Composite Foreign Standard Grouped

Level: Moderate
Topic: The Relational Data Model

Page Ref: 204

AACSB Use of Information Technology, Analytic Skills

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