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Maths Haikus

Children gawp and stare Numbers floating everywhere Theyll eat you, take care!!! Questions and answers The sound of scribbling pens The end of the test This poem is on Algebraic poetry Its in Haiku form

Mathematics is Quite interesting when With Mr Davey

We have maths Our teacher is Mr Davey We learn algebra

Maths is very fun Especially algebra But addition rules

Triangles have three Pentagons have more than four What do I speak of?

Maths about numbers Studied by children in school Used to mean to know

Many types of maths Some fun, some not quite so fun This is algebra

Decimals are hard Fractions, plus and take away Are not all that bad

Haphazard numbers Flying aimlessley around All over my book

Brackets indicies Divide, multiply and add Then subtract and goodbye

Algebra and tricky sums They all confuse me But Im sure theyll prove useful

Algebra is fun Its a special type of sum But I just like maths

Maths doesnt make sense It is very confusing But somehow it works

This is algebra We sometimes use letters Instead of numbers

Mathematics mad Counting to infinity Driving me mental

When yore doing maths Remember to do BIDMAS So it will be right

Adding, subtracting Multiplying, dividing All of it is good

Start with one plus one Then build on it until its Five times three thousand!

Maths is a language At least thats what teacher says But does he speak maths?

Once upon a time In a college called Helston A girl was in maths Triangle, circle Pentagon, hexagon, square Parallelogram Dodecahedron Pyramid, cylinder, sphere Cuboid, hemisphere

Maths, maths is the best Theres no better feeling Than doing a test

Math, mathematics Everything needs maths Not just dull old numbers!

8b1 April 2006

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