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Councilor Tom Monahan

School Committee Richard Bath
Ward 2
Cordially invite you to the Campaign KickKick-off
Andy Robinson Candidate for School Committee
Wednesday, July 27th 2011
5:30 to 8:30 pm
Georges Caf
228 Belmont Street, Brockton
The evening will feature an Italian Buffet and cash bar.
Suggested donation $20
For more information call (262(262-385385-0198)
or ee-mail ( )
Thank you for your continued support!
------------------------------Please cut along the line and return the bottom portion with your donation.

_____ YES, I/We plan on attending. Enclosed is my/our donation of __________

_____ YES, I/We would like to make a donation to Andys campaign but will be
unable to attend the fundraiser. Enclosed is my/our donation of _________
Name _____________________________________________________
City ____________________________ State ________ Zip ___________
Phone # ___________________
___________________ E-mail ____________________________
State law prohibits corporate contributions and individuals from contributing over $500 in any one calendar year.
Produced in-house by volunteer labor

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