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THE BASICS: how CSP works

Collecting and reflecting concentrated sunlight Heating up a thermal fluid (HTF) Steam generation Generating power through a thermodynamic cycle

THE BASICS: Solar Resources, Land & Water Normal Direct Irradiation 1800 (kWh/(m2 x annum)
Water Consumption (Trough 50 MW): 570,000 m3/year Flat land with less than 2% inclination Gas consumption 60 GWh/year (Although other fossil
fuel back up can be used for isolated areas)

Parabolic Trough: Costs & Resources

Plant capacity: 50 MW (Up to 300 MW) NDI (annual) 2000 (kWh (m2 x year)) Anual Electricity Yield: 115 GWh/year Useful life: 25 years Current LCOE: 0.26/kWh - 0.18/kWh (Depending on NDI) Expected LCOE by 2020: 0.20 (in Southern Europe)

Current Investment Costs: 3,000 6,000 /kW

Total investment: 300 million

Parabolic Trough: Costs & Resources

Total Area: 125 150 Ha
Area/MW: 2,5 to 3 Ha/MW Collector Area 287,000 m2 Plant capacity: 50 MW (Up to 300 MW) NDI (annual) 2000 (kWh (m2 x year)) Anual Electricity Yield: 115 GWh/year Useful life: 25 years Water Consumption: 570,000 m3/year

Parabolic Trough: Costs & Resources

Power Tower: Costs & Resources

Plant capacity: 17 MW (Up to 100 MW) NDI (annual) 2000 (kWh (m2 x year)) Anual Electricity Yield: 110 GWh/year Height of the Tower: 130 meters Current LCOE: ~ 0.26/kWh (Depending on NDI) Expected LCOE by 2020: ~ 0.20 (in Southern Europe)

Current Investment Costs: ~ 3,000 /kW

Total investment: 200 - 300 million

Power Tower: Costs & Resources Plant capacity: 17 MW NDI (annual) 2000 (kWh (m2 x year)) Anual Electricity Yield: 110 GWh/year Height of the Tower: 130 meters
Total Area: 142 Ha
Area/MW: 8.3 Ha/MW Reflective Area: 287,500 m2 Water Consumption: 570,000 m3/year

Linear Fresnel and Parabolic Dish

Prototypes & Demonstration Plants Capacity: up to 200 MW Current LCOE: > 0.40/kWh At the beginning of the learning curve ($)

Prototypes and Demonstration Plants Capacity: 4 40 kW per Dish Current Investment Cost: 14,000/kW No water consumption

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