Fourth Grade Then and Now - Interview Activity For Grandparents' Day

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Fourth Grade: Then

_____________________ An interview of _________________________________________ _______________________________ By

Todays Date

What school did you attend in Fourth Grade? (Name of School, City, State)

Who was President when you were in Fourth Grade?

What was your favorite subject?

What sports did you play?

What games did you play at recess?

What was your favorite lunch?

What kind of special classes did you have? (art, music, shop, Home Economics)

How much homework did you have?

At what time did school start and end?

Did you have to write in cursive?

What did you write with?

Fourth Grade: Then


What kind of writing board did you have in your classroom?

Additional Questions/Comments

Fourth Grade: Now

_____________________ An interview of _________________________________________ _______________________________ By

Todays Date

What school do you attend? (Name of School, City, State)

Who is President Now?

What is your favorite subject?

What sports do you play?

What games do you play at recess?

What is your favorite lunch?

What kind of special classes do you have?

How much homework do you have?

At what time does school start and end?

Do you have to write in cursive?

What do you write with?

Fourth Grade: Now

How fast can you keyboard?


What kind of writing board did you have in your classroom?

Additional Questions/Comments

Fourth Grade Then and Now Mini Unit

Students interview their Grandparent(s) or other family member using the Fourth Grade Then questionnaire. Grandparents interview their grandchild using the Fourth Grade Now questionnaire. Teacher will get a picture of the interview Student will go make copies of the two interview sheets and keep one set. After the interview, the student will write a newspaper story comparing and contrasting the two Fourth Grade experiences.

Newspaper story will have a Headline Dateline Two to three paragraph story reporting on the interview which will be typed and formatted to look like a news paper article. It will include a picture of the interview. Articles will be displayed at school, and copies provided for families.

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