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Dear parents,

Student Name:

I am starting our weekend project this weekend. Each student will have the opportunity to take our class mascot home for the weekend. The class has named our classroom mascot _______________ _ _ _ _ _ _ . be coming along with a journal. He will also I am asking that you take pictures

and write about what your child and ____________________ id over the _ _ d weekend. If you do not have access to a camera then you can draw the pictures. It is important that__________________ _ is taken care of _ and not thrown or torn. thoughts on paper. This can also help your child understand responsibility, print awareness, and the process of putting their On Monday we will have show and tell.

If for any reason you do not want your child to participate please check no below. Thank you, __ _____________________________ __ _ _

----- Yes! my child would like to have the class mascot for a weekend. ----- No! I would not like my child to bring the class mascot home for
the weekend.

Please Sign and Return X__ __ _ _ ______________________________________

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