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IP E-Games Community _ Quests _ RAN Online PH Comprehensive Quest Guide

Posted by: skyhiker Jul 13 2008, 05:27 PM last update: 03/01/2010
IMPORTANT NOTE: This guide is still under construction and will be constantly updated. Please bear with me as I transition the guide to the new forum format. Kindly read the disclaimer before using this guide. Corrections/modifications/suggestions/contributions will be greatly appreciated. Updates will be put on hold indefinitely as of March 2010. Feedback and input are still very much welcome, but the actual incorporation into the guide will be delayed. Indefinitely. Many thanks all for your continued support - this guide would not be possible without you. Yes, you ^_^ Please take note that quests supported under this guide are for the original, classic/veteran and rebirth characters. Quests exclusively for Extreme Class characters are available in the Please use your browser's FIND function (Ctrl-F) on this page to search for keywords. Don't forget to skim through the Index to find/go to the section which can help you most. Alternately, you may start browsing through the Ordered Quests from 1-200 HERE

==================================================== ******RAN ONLINE PH Comprehensive Quest Guide******* ====================(unofficial)==================== *********************v.2.14************************* ************** compiled by: skyhiker *************** ====================================================

INDEX: I-------KNOWN BUGGED QUESTS AND TYPOS --------------Quests which cannot be completed --------------Quest typographical errors --------------Quests mistakenly assumed as bugged --------------Missing quests --------------Quests with display/font issues

--------------Quests which may be inadvertently skipped/missed --------------Fixed bugs II------Level/Quest Requirements for Maps III-----Spiritual Sphere Quests [tradeable to corresponding SKILL SCROLLS IV------Skill Point Quests --------------Character Combine Patch New Quest Helper Skill Point Quests --------------EP 6-3 Obli E and New Quest Helper Skill Point Quests V-------Stat Point and Attribute|Bright Point Quests VI------Quests for Specific Rewards: --------------A. Armors and Costumes --------------B. Accessories (Necklaces/Rings/Rosaries) --------------C. Refines, Enhancements and Random Boxes VII-----****(In)Complete Quest Summary**** VIII----****COMPLETE QUEST DETAILS (lvl 1-100)**** --------****COMPLETE QUEST DETAILS (lvl 101-200)**** --------------Special Events Quests --------------Battle Arena Stage A,B,C & S --------------Dragon Boat Event --------------Newbie Patch IX------Ordered Start->Finish Quests for Popular Rewards --------------Entry to B3 --------------Zheng Armors --------------+7 Spatial Rosary (AngBeeLan) X-------Repeatable Quests and Miscellaneous Tasks with Rewards XI------Location, Entrance Coordinates of Maps and NPCs XII-----Mob List XIII----Miscellany (some hopefully helpful quest/general tips and info) -----------i.-Total Skill Points Acquired through Leveling + All Quests --------------Acquiring Scrolls Tips --------------Names of Scrolls by Skill/Rank Level & Spiritual

Spheres --------------Scroll Mob Drops --------------General Quest Tips --------------Within the Campus quests --------------Traversing through Maps --------------Free Healing --------------Corresponding Armor Types by Class -----------ii.New Episode 3+ Quests --------------Acquiring Scrolls Tips --------------Patch Content General Info --------------KEY and Mob List XIV-----Changelog XV------Credits and Disclaimer

Posted by: skyhiker Jul 13 2008, 05:30 PM

=============================================== !!!!!!!!!!!KNOWN BUGGED QUESTS!!!!!!!!!! ===============================================

All Quest Bugs are being compiled and forwarded to the developers in Korea. Bug fixes will ONLY be implemented WHEN they are received from Korea and patched into RAN PH **************************************************** QUESTS WHICH CANNOT BE COMPLETED: (Until fixed by the technical team, these will stay in the quest list) **IGNORE THESE QUESTS FOR NOW AS THEY ARE BUGGED/DUPLICATES**

y y

Cleaning the Dormitory: May be DUPLICATEd (force-acquiring from different SD (non-SG) or by re-equipping a broom). The dupe may be removed from the quest list by giving-up. Purifying the Student Center 1: DUPLICATE of MP quest. You have your own respective quest which can be completed as normal. [MP]Students Center 1; [PX]Auxillary Supplies Room; [SG] Science Classroom Heading Outside the Campus: DUPLICATE. New EP 3 bug.

Unverified Currency Notes [Technical Teacher (Phoenix)] <MP>: DUPLICATE. This quest is autogenerated after "Physics Teacher's Test". You have your own quest with the same title and rewards. Gathering the Upgrade Tool: BUGGED, stuck at 8 items. *Supposed to be* Fixed EP 6-3 patch. Collect only 8 oil bottles. Cannot be completed though.??

**************************************************** QUEST TYPOGRAPHICAL ERRORS (TYPOS): The Force Field Authentication [PX]: After acquiring the 3 spiritual spheres from Little Bandit, activate the Study Classroom Center 1 Terminal NOT Students Center 1. Physics Teacher's Call <PX>: For Phoenix Students, there's a typo in the dialogue - the Physics Teacher is found in the Phoenix Hole not in Phoenix Square in PX_Campus The Lessons of the Sword Agent, Buried Items quest [Swordsman Agent]: 4th and final correct GPS coordinates: 105,165 not 116,170 The Stolen Book 3 [Zheng]: Get book from HODEL, not Skating Master Collection of Old Book [Zheng]: Get ancient book from FIERY AUNTY, not Wrestler Gathering Information Before the Incident [auto] [Brawler | Shaman Agent]: For Brawlers, there's a typo for capsule #4 and #6. For #4, search the RIGHT-most hole not the left-most hole and for #6, search the LEFT-most hole, not the right-most hole of the middle row. Same with Shamans. Go the other way ^_^ Reward for Prison Escapees [MH]: Eliminate SPICE GIRL not HipHop Girl Obtain Weather Info (Pass Weather Info) {+4 vanish ring quest} [auto]: Report to ROOT HOLE Police, not TH Police Withdrawal of Security Guard ID Card: Retrieve 8 keys only (not 10) from BANDIT.

y y y y y y

y y y

QUESTS MISTAKENLY ASSUMED AS BUGGED: Searching for the Evidence {aka quest at the Ice Tyrant area} [auto]: If the quest does not respond even if you are in the right coordinates, double-check the HO channel. You MUST be in 1F_Ch1 (MAP name NOT server channel) Cannot acquire: "Obtain the Leonair College ID Card/The Basement 2 of Leonair Campus". You MUST complete the Image Expert's quest "Image Expert's Request" to obtain the quest from the Special Agent and subsequently from the Student Director [SG] NOT LEO to get the College ID AND the quest to go to 3F to activate the elevator to B2. Check the Entry to B3 sequence. Quests "unavailable" from the respective Student Director: Check if you have any pending/inprogress quests such as the "Cleaning the Dormitory" quest. You would need to complete this quest (or give up) before you can proceed. It also helps not to have a broom in your inventory when "talking" to the Student Director.

MISSING QUESTS: Some quests are exclusive to specific schools with no corresponding equivalents (fixed)

For school/server transferees, please PM a RAN GM (here at the forums) with your character name and server name to manually insert unvailable quests such as those for entering Root Hole and Head.B 1F QUESTS WITH DISPLAY/FONT ISSUES: To follow, for the meantime, please refer to existing quest details QUESTS WHICH MAY BE INADVERTENTLY SKIPPED/MISSED: To follow, for the meantime, please refer to existing quest details Nurse's Request

OTHER BUGS Sphere exchange for Brawler's 167 skill via 16 spiritual spheres FIXED BUGS: Unable to Enter Root Hole even after lvl 162?: Fixed [March 2007] Talk to the Weapon Shop Owner in MH for the quest to enter RH. For lvl 162+ server/school migrants, please PM a RAN GM (here at the forums) with the quest name "Deliver the News" with your character name and server name to manually insert this quest if it is unavailable Obtain the Special Broom [Locker Technician]: To get the broom, select "Return Broom". To return the broom, select "Borrow Broom". Nice logic, eh.: Fixed [2008] Advance Physics Teacher's Test: Autoquest lvl 165 for SG students. Corresponding quest for MP and PX students has been patched (Dec 5, 2007). Quest may be taken from the College Representative in the Marketplace. Physics Teacher's Call: It is possible to miss this quest and its rewards by completing the next quest "Physics Teacher's Test" before completing this one. Do the quests IN ORDER!: Fixed [EP 3-2]. This quest is now autogenerated, instead of acquiring it first from the Construction Supervisor. Find the Missing Report Cards: Missing for MP: MP autoquest (lvl 45) patched in EP 3. Resident's Request: Missing for MP: MP autoquest (lvl 51) patched in EP 3. Help for Freshman 2 & 3: Missing instructor chat option. Fixed EP 6-1 patch Resident's Request (Find/Report to Guard at SG Hole 80,79|69,9) <SG>: BUGGED. Fixed EP 6-2? patch. New coordinates are 69,9 Level 5 Achievement: BUGGED/RETIRED?. New EP 6? bug. Possibly caused by incomplete quest data from the new patches or a left-over of an already concluded event. Fixed EP 6-3/6-4?

y y

y y y y y

Posted by: skyhiker Jul 13 2008, 05:32 PM

=============================================== Level/Quest Requirements for Maps (Map, Level, Quest Name) ===============================================
Quest Name

Level Shibuya

Lvl Req

Leaving the Campus | Enter Campus Holes


Skill Testing System

Leonine Campus [Leo]


Special Agent's Test

Trading Hole Tunnel (SG HolePassage)* [TH]


Through the Tunnel

Trading Hole [TH]


Through the Tunnel

Leonine Main Center 1F [Leo 1F]


Spirit's Request

Leonine Campus 3F [Leo 3F]


The Basement 2 of Leonair Campus

Leonine Basement 2 [B2]


The Basement 2 of Leonair Campus

Carpark [CP]


Finding the Warehouse Key



Leonine Basement 3 [B3]


Green Hangout 1F [HO1F]


Investigate the Green's Secret..

Green Hangout 2F [HO2F]


The "Green" Secret Foothold

Green Hangout 3F [HO3F] Prison

125 130

The 2nd Floor of the "Green"...

Through Tunnel No.3

Middle Hole [MH]


Root Hole [RH]


Deliver Important Message

PrisonTestZone [PTZ] & Laboratory7


Head.B 1F


Entrance of Saint Financial...

Head.B 30F


Find the Password

Head.B 50F


To Head Office 50F

Head.B 90F


To Head Office 90F

Head.B U-ground


Laboratory in Underground

Head.B Left Wall*


Where the time stops 1

Head.B RightWall*


Where the Time Stops 2

Director Room


Where the Time Stops 2

Another World S


Activation of the Eight Signs..

Another W Center


To Another World

Another W North


To Another World

* Map accessible only during the respective quest

CODE Map Name-----------Lvl Shibuya-----------1 Leo---------------63 TH----------------67 Leo 1F------------75 Leo 3F------------75 From - Target

------------------------------------------------------------[Shibuya Entry Card [7D] required] Main Terminal - 10 Onslaught 40 min Special Agent - 20 SGD 40 min Police [SG] - Corrupted Hound in TH Tunnel 40 min Banshee - 2 items from Poison Ivy, 8 from Shadow Crow Student Director [SG] - Find location of B2 Elevator at Leo 3F SG|MP|PX Hole-----26

B2----------------75 CP----------------86 Wharf-------------90

Student Director [SG] - Get codes from IronMan28 @ 3F Cleaner [TH] - Key from Loose Halogen -

B3----------------100 HO1F--------------117 Police [Wharf] - Talk to Police [TH] HO2F--------------120 Police [Wharf] - 5 keys from Ice Tyrant, Baldie, VG HO3F--------------125 Police [Wharf] - 5 keys from DR, Baldie, VG, Ninja(M) Prison------------130 Through Tunnel No.3 - Find location MH----------------140 RH----------------162 Deliver Important Message - Talk to SD PTZ|Laboratory7---170 Head.B 1F---------190 Old Man [RH] - Enter Head.B 1F Head.B 30F--------190 Terminal 1F - Find locations Head.B 50F--------190 auto - Find locations Head.B 90F--------190 auto - Find locations Head.B U-ground---190 auto - Find locations and password (30F, 50F, 90F mobs) Head.B Left Wall Head.B Right Wall Director Room Another World S Another W Center Another W North

back to Top of Section, Index

Posted by: skyhiker Jul 13 2008, 05:35 PM

=============================================== Spiritual Sphere Quests ===============================================

Spirit Spheres

Char|Qst From: Target


Quest Name


<MP>Purifying the Study Cl C2

[MP]auto: 10 Hooligans

<PX>Purifying the Study Cl C2

[PX]auto: 10 Hooligans

<SG>Purifying the Study Cl C1

[SG]auto: 10 Hooligans


<MP>Purifying the Study Cl C2b

[MP]auto: 14 Bandits

<PX>Purifying the Study Cl C1

[PX]auto: 14 Bandits

<SG>Purifying the Study Cl C2

[SG]auto: 14 Bandits


17 |11

<SG>Purifying the History Cen

[SG]auto: 30 Fencing Students*

17 |12

<MP>Purifying the Art Center

[MP]auto: 22 Junkies

17 |13 <PX>Purifying the Science Center

[PX]auto: 22 Junkies

17 |13

<SG>Purifying the Library

[SG]auto: 30 Junkies

27 |15

<SG>Purifying the Society Room

[SG]auto: 30 Elite Fencers

27 |18

<MP>Purifying the Library 2

[MP]auto: 27 Slashers

27 |18

<PX>Purifying the Laboratory

[PX]auto: 27 Slashers

37 |25

<MP>Purifying the Student C1b

[MP]auto: 34 Brawlers

37 |25

<PX>Purifying the Auxillary

[PX]auto: 34 Brawlers

37 |26

Guard's Request

Security Guard: memo - Blood Drinker

47 |39

Physics Teacher's Test

Physics Teacher: 15 Barba|Cordy

57 |46

Nurse's Request 2

Nurse [SG Ring]: Talk to PTs

67 |66

Eliminate the Jackson

Physics Teacher [SG]: Jackson

77 |39

Recycling the Map

PT: 7 Map pieces from Clown

87 |71

Investigate the Leonair Campus

Special Agent: 5 leaves - Small Pox

87 |75

The Zopar's Request

Zopar: Items retrieval

10 11

97 |75 107|106

Cleaning the Spores The Stolen Book 5

SD [SG] cont'd.: Spore - Trapper Plant

Master Zheng: Book - Golf Player



Resident's Request

Cleaner [TH]: 20 Hunk Baldie



Finding the Scriptural

Suspicious Folk: Books - Fisherman



Collecting the Items

Warden: Taba, B Ninja, Parak



Collect a Bead II

WSO: Taba, Cross Fatty



Collect a Bead III

Police[RH]: Bakulaw

Character Combine Patch new skills acquisition tips back to Top of Section, Index * - under review... quest possibly not available anymore :(

Posted by: skyhiker Jul 13 2008, 05:44 PM

=============================================== Skill Point Quests ===============================================

CODE Point Level Quest Name 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 3 2 2 39 39 39 39 46 53 62 63 66 75 78 112 125 Student Director's Test Physics Teacher's Call Unverified Currency Notes Issue the Order Books Recycling the Map Technical Teacher's Test Eliminate the HS|CE|FH Eliminate the Bomber Clown Special Agent's Request Eliminate the Jackson The Police's Request Visiting the Old Man The Videotape Recovery From: Target SD: 2 Butts from Little Hooligan auto: Find Physics Teacher SD: Talk to SDs SD: Talk to Hole NPCs PT: 7 Map pieces from Clown TT: 20 Blood Hunger|UP| PT: 30 Hells|Car Engineer|25 FH PT [SG]: 30 Bomber Clown Special Agent: 20 Mummy Bandages Physics Teacher [SG]: Jackson Police [TH]: Talk to TH NPCs - LH Truck Driver: Talk to Folk Folk: Search & pass items to IE -------------------------------------------------------------The Force Field Authentication SD: Activate Campus Terminals

Obtain the Leonair College ID Special Agent: Talk to SD [SG]

2 2 5 2

132 132 144 148

The First Test The Second Test Collecting the Items Identify the Letter Pad

AngBeeLan: Cordy, FH, WW, SC AngBeeLan: 10 pills; Freezing Clown Warden: Taba, B Ninja, Parak Warden: 6 letter pcs; Totoy Bato, Maso

TOTAL: 30 (lvl 148+) back to Top of Section, Index CHARACTER COMBINE PATCH NEW QUESTS [11] From: New Quest Helper {Skill Representative} [Campus] Reward: Skill Points 2 (each quest) * Eliminate 3 Bosses specified (below) within 60 minutes * Confirm quest completion from Skill Representative {New Quest Helper} Requirement:Immortal [Complete the requirements/objectives within the stated time limit and Do Not Die during the test] Notes: Bosses can be found in specific map spawn points or thru Oh No! Destiny boxes CODE - Eliminate Boss - Chief Hooligan Req: lvl 5 - Eliminate Boss - Bandit Leader - Eliminate Boss - Notorious Junkie - Eliminate Boss - Master Fencer - Eliminate Boss - Brute Mauler - Eliminate Boss - Bruiser - Eliminate Boss - Furious Chef - Eliminate Boss - Welding Master - Eliminate Boss - Obasan - Eliminate Boss - Sanitizer Master - Eliminate Boss - Blood Robber 2. Eliminate 3 Bandit Leader - 60 mins 3. Eliminate 3 Notorious Junkie - 60 mins 4. Eliminate 3 Master Fencer - 60 mins 5. Eliminate 3 Brute Mauler - 60 mins 6. Eliminate 3 Bruiser - 60 mins 7. Eliminate 3 Furious Chef - 60 mins 8. Eliminate 3 Welding Master - 60 mins 9. Eliminate 3 Obasan - 60 mins 10.Eliminate 3 Sanitizer Master - 60 mins 11.Eliminate 3 Blood Robber - 60 mins Req: lvl 10, completed "Eliminate Boss - Chief Hooligan" Req: lvl 15, completed "Eliminate Boss - Bandit Leader" Req: lvl 20, completed "Eliminate Boss - Notorious Junkie" Req: lvl 25, completed "Eliminate Boss - Master Fencer" Req: lvl 30, completed "Eliminate Boss - Brute Mauler" Req: lvl 35, completed "Eliminate Boss - Bruiser" Req: lvl 40, completed "Eliminate Boss - Furious Chef" Req: lvl 45, completed "Eliminate Boss - Welding Master" Req: lvl 50, completed "Eliminate Boss - Obasan" Req: lvl 55, completed "Eliminate Boss - Sanitizer Master" 1. Eliminate 3 Chief Hooligan - 60 mins

tips here TOTAL: 22 =================================

EP 6-3 Obli E and New Quest Helper Skill Point Quests From: New Quest Helper Oblivion E Event Req: lvl 30? * Collect items to make Oblivion E item (kill Dormitory trash!) * Check the items to the New Quest Helper Reward: Oblivion E(Event) - non-drop, non-trade, good for 15 days, restricted to inventory

Starting Battle Abilities Verification I Req: lvl 163? * Kill 3 Fire Ninja * Pass to SkillPoint Helper for verification results. {confirm with New Quest Helper} Reward: Skill Points 3 Starting Battle Abilities Verification II Req: lvl 164? * Kill 4 Light Inducer * Pass to SkillPoint Helper for verification results. {confirm with New Quest Helper} Reward: Skill Points 4 Starting Battle Abilities Verification III Req: lvl 165? * Kill 2 Poison Ninja * Kill 3 Ice Inducer * SkillPoint Helper for verification results. {confirm with New Quest Helper} Reward: Skill Points 5 Starting Battle Abilities Verification IV Req: lvl 166? * Kill 6 Haring Braso * SkillPoint Helper for verification results. {confirm with New Quest Helper} Reward: Skill Points 6 Starting Battle Abilities Verification V Req: lvl 167? * Kill 7 Pretty Veyah * SkillPoint Helper for verification results. {confirm with New Quest Helper} Reward: Skills Points: 7 TOTAL: 25

back to Top of Section, Index

Posted by: skyhiker Jul 13 2008, 05:47 PM

=============================================== Stat Point Quests ===============================================

CODE Point Level Quest Name 3 1 1 1 1 2 6 9 12 1 39 78 132 147 165 191 195 199 From - Target

-------------------------------------------------------------<<default starting stat points>> Recycling the Map The First Test Look for the Suspect PT - 7 Map pieces from Clowns AngBeeLan - Cordy, FH, WW, SC PC[A] - Look for clues, 1 Preso Investigate the Experimental... Po [TH] - visit SD and teachers

Advance Physics Teacher's Test auto - Kill Ice Tyrant Mid Term Executive Ability Test auto - 8 Light Inducers Test ability to execute II Test ability to execute III auto - 8 Fire Ninja auto - 8 Ice Inducers

TOTAL: 36 (up til lvl 200)

=============================================== Attribute | Bright Point Quests =============================================== CODE Point Level Quest Name 1 1 5 5 5 10 5 5 2 2 5 2 2 2 2 2 1 5 53 62 63 66 103 130 140 141 144 144 147 156 158 From - Target -------------------------------------------------------------<<default starting attribute point>> *Cleaning the Dormitory Eliminate the HS|CE|FH Eliminate the Bomber Clown Special Agent's Test Eliminate the Jackson Collection of Old Book Report on Prison Escapees Reward for Prison Escapees Rescue the Civilian SD - Get 20 trashes PT - Eliminate HS|CE|FH PT [SG] - 30 Bomber Clown SA - 20 SGD PT [SG] - 1 Jackson auto - Wrestler, Fiery Aunty Po [TH] - Eliminate 12 Maso Po [TH] - Eliminate Jeproks 3?-26 The Force Field Authentication SD - Activate Campus Terminals

Issue of Security Improvement auto - Find location auto - Find NPCs auto - Eliminate 1 Parak auto - Look for clues in MH auto - 1 HipHop Girl Reward for Prison Escapees Look for the Missing Persons Reward for Prison Escapees

Collect Back Fake Certificate auto - 10 certificates Verdugo, SA

2 2 5 5 3 3 3 5 3 5 5 5 5 5 5 5

160 161 162 162 163 167 169 170 173 190 190 190 190 190 190 190

Collect Back Counterfeit Money auto - 10 certificates Verdugo, SA Reward for Prison Escapees Mysterious Melody auto - 1 Spice Girl Behind the truth of Saint ... SA - Meet NPCs WE - Meet NPCs, BG/VG/DR auto - 1 Poison Ninja auto - 1 Light Inducer auto - Haring Braso auto - Find NPC Inf Term - Head.B 30F mobs Inf Term - Head.B 50F mobs Inf Term - Head.B 90F mobs auto - 30/50/90F mobs Inf Term - talk to Ji Il Cung Collect Back Counterfeit Money auto - 10 Nightmare Clown Reward for Prison Escapees Reward for Prison Escapees Reward for Prison Escapees Memory of the Document Second Document Recovery Third Document Recovery Fourth Document Recovery Laboratory in Underground Investigation of Underground

Action on Spell Defensive ... auto - PN,LI,FN,II

Assemble of the Eight Signs.. auto - Head.B U-ground mobs

TOTAL: 122 (up til lvl 200)

Posted by: skyhiker Jul 13 2008, 05:52 PM

=============================================== Quests for Armors and Costumes =============================================== CODE Quest Level Armor [From] Quest Name -------------------------------------------------------------3 Cotton Gloves [+2] [auto] Attain Level 5 5 Cotton Gloves {B}[+2] [auto] Attain Level 8 7 Cotton Gloves {B} [term] Purifying the Study Clsrm C2 [MP] 8 Sports Gloves [+3] [auto] Attain Level 11 9 Sports Gloves [term] Purifying the Study Clsrm C2b [MP] 12 Training Gloves [C] [term] Purifying the Art Center [MP] 11 Sports Gloves [+4] [auto] Attain Level 14 14 Sports Gloves {B}[+4] [auto] Attain Level 17 15 Training Gloves {B} [term] Purifying the Library [MP] 17 Training Gloves [+4] [auto] Attain Level 20 21 Iron Gloves [C] [term] Sports Field Purification 27 Iron Gloves {B} [term] Purifying the Main Campus Entr [MP] 2-27 Senior Coat & Pants/Skirt [SD] The Force Field Authentication 75 Enhanced Coat & Pants [C] res+9 [IE] Image Expert's Request 76 Enhanced Coat & Pants {B}+2 [Zheng] The Stolen Book 1 83 Dynamic Coat & Pants [D]+4 [Zheng] The Stolen Book 2 88 Dynamic Coat & Pants [C]+3 [Zheng] The Stolen Book 3

92 115 130 140 171+

Dynamic Coat & Pants {B}+2 [Zheng] The Stolen Book 4 NPC {B} +4 entire set [Wharf Guard] The Guard's Request C lvl Steel Coat & Pants [Warden] Report Status of Jail C lvl Steel Glove +5 [WSO] Look for WSO's friends Extra Costume [30D] [Ami] Extra Stage (S)

Armor Level Armor Details Target -------------------------------------------------------------5 Cotton Gloves [+2] wind:2[+2] def:1(+4)[+2] Attain Level 5 8 Cotton Gloves {B}[+2] Attain Level 8 8 Cotton Gloves {B} def:1 10 Hooligans 11 Sports Gloves [+3] def:2(+6)[+3] Attain Level 11 Sports Gloves def:2 14 Bandits ? Training Gloves [C] 22 Junkies 11 Sports Gloves [+4] Attain Level 14 15 Sports Gloves {B}[+4] def:2(+8)[+4], res:2[+2] Attain Level 17 ? Training Gloves {B} 26 Brute Punks 18 Training Gloves [+4] def:3(+8)[+4] Attain Level 20 Iron Gloves [C] 29 Jr. Bruisers Iron Gloves {B} 36 Renegades 31-33 Senior Coat & Pants/Skirt Force Field Authentication 67-68 Enhanced Coat & Pants [C] def:15 res:19[+9] Image Expert's Request 73-74 Enhanced Coat & Pants {B}[+2] def:16 res:10 Book from Cripple Guy 76-77 Dynamic Coat & Pants [D]+4 def:16 res:7 Book from Skating Master 83-84 Dynamic Coat & Pants [C]+3 Book from Hodel 90-91 Dynamic Coat & Pants {B}+2 Book from Freezing Clown 111-114 NPC {B} +4 entire set 8 batons from SGD 155 C lvl Steel Coat & Pants Talk to Police [TH] 155 C lvl Steel Glove +5 Look for WSO's friends See MISCELLANY for Corresponding Armor Types by Class =============================================== Quests for Accessories =============================================== CODE Quest Level Reward Quest Name From - Quest/Target -------------------------------------------------------------24 Copper Ring [MP]Purifying the Stude [MP]Stn C1 Trm - 30 Maulers 33 Aruhagen Ring Lv30 Constr. Sup's Request CS - Find Tech Teacher 39 Dark Ring Lv30 Unverified Currency... PT - Talk to SDs 39 Azrael Rosary Lv30 Recycling the Map PT - 7 map pieces Clown 63 Dark Ring Lv30 Special Agent's Test SA - 20 SGD 71 Vanish Ring Lv80 Investigate the Leo... Agent - 5 leaves Smallpox

86 86 95 95 101 101 112 112 117 120 125 130 130 132 132 140 140 140 162 177 193 197 200

Soul Recall Rosa Lv80[+1] Finding the Warehouse.. Cleaner [TH] - Halogen Jade Ring Lv80 Finding the Warehouse.. Cleaner [TH] - Halogen LoHan Rosary Lv80 Returning the Trash Cleaner [TH] - Wrestler Vanish Ring Lv80 Returning the Trash Cleaner [TH] - Wrestler Soul Rosary Lv80[+2] Confiscating the Golf.. Cleaner [TH] - Golf Bomber Silver Ring Lv80 Confiscating the Golf.. Cleaner [TH] - Golf Bomber Darkish Necklace Lv120[+2]Water Quality Check Folk - follow orders Bone Rosary Lv120[+2] Repairing the Generator Folk - follow orders Lohan Rosary Lv120 Investigate the Build.. Po [Wharf] - searching Jade Ring Lv120 The "Green" Secret Fo.. Po [Wharf] - IT/VB/VG Silver Ring Lv120[+3] The 2nd Floor of the... Po [Wharf] - DR/VB/VG/N(M) Soul Rosary Lv120 Unlock Security Device Warden - R/B Ninja, Parak Ring Box Request of the Police Police [TH] - find Soul Spatial Rosary Lv120[+7] The Final Test AngBeeLan - 15 Baldies Aruhagen Ring Lv120[+4] The 3rd Floor of the... Po [Wharf] - N{M}/SH/SG/BG Space Ring Lv120[+6] Look for the Backpack.. Nurse [MH] - Nyebeng Lobo Bone Rosary Lv120[+4] Check if the Weapon ... WSO - follow orders Azrael Rosary Lv120[+4] Collect Back Confid... Po [TH] - Panday Taba Soul Ring Lv120[+6] Access Root Hole Po [RH] - Follow coords Vanish Ring Lv120[+4] Obtain Weather Info [auto] - Talk to RH Police Janaohu Ganil Make Special Ring [auto] - Bakulaw, LI, FN Iron Fist Ganil The Ring will be upgr.. Old Man - Talk to Old Man Black Knife Ganil The Ring will be upgr.. Old Man - Talk to Old Man

=============================================== Quests for Refines, Enhancements and Misc. Boxes =============================================== CODE Reward Level Quest Name From - Quest/Target -------------------------------------------------------------Red Bead 75 Transmitting the Videotape SD - Pass tape to Agent 1 Burr ? 75 Transmitting the Videotape SD - Pass tape to Agent 1 FBurr, 1 Lux 88 Searching for the First Aid Kit auto - 10 pkg Head Nurse 1 FBurr, 1 Lux 110 Search for the Criminal auto - Fisherman, GT, SG 1 Fburr 125 Searching for the Evidence auto - Ice Tyrant area Basic Upgrade 130 Sacred Financial Group Private..TH police - Visit Jail Ring Box 130 Request of the Police Police [TH] - find Soul Grinds Box 130 Request of the Police Police [TH] - find Soul Red Bead [2] 130 Investigate the Jail Police [TH] - follow Red Bead [5] 140 Confirm Security of Middle H... Police [TH] - investigate Grinds Box 140 Confirm Security of Middle H... Police [TH] - investigate Synthesizer Upg 140 Investigate on the Case Po [TH] - Fire from cars Red Bead [7] 176 Collect Back Bullet Pellets auto - 12 SS Pretty Veyah Grinds Box 176 Collect Back Bullet Pellets auto - 12 SS Pretty Veyah [lvl 190+ quests to follow]

Box Contents/Item Equivalent ---------------------------Basic Upgrade Set [1 Protection Potion, 1 Burr] Synthesizer Upgrade Set [1 Protection Potion, 1 Burr, 1 Bone Powder, 1 Iron, 1 Crystal, 1 Sodium, 1 Silver] Ring Box [LOTTERY/RANDOM - rings] Grinds Box [LOTTERY/RANDOM - elemental refines] 5 Red Beads - Trade with Cleaner [SG] for any refining item of choice or for a Green Bead 5 Green Beads - 1 Green Crystal 5 Green Crystals - (Not yet determined) Note: LOTTERY/RANDOM indicates that there might be chances that the box will be EMPTY

Posted by: skyhiker Jul 13 2008, 05:59 PM

=============================================== =============================================== ****************(In)Complete Quest Summary (1200)*************** =============================================== ===============================================

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Req Lvl, [From] Quest Name Objective; Reward ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Lvl:1 [auto] Introduction to New Students Look for Grocery Merchant; Bread [5] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Lvl:2 [SD] Student's Registration Find location of various Campus NPCs; Exp 200, Bread [10] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Lvl:1-10 [Nurse] Nurse's Request Talk to Grocery Merchant and Nurse; Bread, Small MP, Small SP ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Lvl:2 [SD] Student Director's Test 2 Cig Butts from Little Hooligan; Exp 100, LP 5, Skill 1 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Lvl:2 [SD] The Force Field Authentication

Activate all terminals; Exp 30000, Attr 1, LP 1, Skill 1, Senior Coat & Pants ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Lvl:3 [auto] Attain Level 5 Talk to G Merchant after attaining character level 5; Exp 400, Cotton Gloves ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Lvl:5 [SD] (*) Obtain the Special Broom Get Special Broom from Locker Technician; Special Broom ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Lvl:5, Holding "Special Broom" [SD] (*) Cleaning the Dormitory Clean 20 Trashes from Dormitory; Attr 5, LP 1, Bread [10] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Lvl:5 [auto] Attain Level 8 Attain Level 8 and talk to G Merchant; Exp 700, Cotton Gloves {B} ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Lvl:5 [Nurse] (*) Improvised Medicines 20 Cig Butts from Hooligan and talk to Nurse; Gold 1200 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Lvl:7 [Study Clsrm Center 2 Term] Purifying the Study Classroom Center 2 Eliminate 10 Hooligans and activate Terminal; Exp 800, 1 SS, Cotton Gloves {B} ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Lvl:11 [auto] Attain Level 14 Attain Level 14 and talk to G Merchant; Exp 1100, Sports Gloves ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Lvl:11 [Nurse] (*) Stolen Bandages 20 bandages from Street Junkies; Gold 2800 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Lvl: [From] Quest Name Objective; Reward ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Lvl: [From] Quest Name Objective; Reward ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Lvl: [From] Quest Name Objective; Reward ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Posted by: skyhiker Jul 13 2008, 06:05 PM

=============================================== =============================================== ********Complete Quest Details (1-200)********* ===============================================

CODE - QUEST NAME Req: Required Character Level, Prerequisites From: NPC from which quest can be obtained or automatically generated * Quest Objectives Reward: Quest Reward Notes: Miscellaneous notes and comments/suggestions concerning the quest - Introduction to New Students Req: lvl 1 From: autoquest * Look for Grocery Merchant loc 10,2 Reward: Bread [5] Note: Use the "New Student Info" chat option when talking with the Merchant. - Student's Registration <SWORDSMAN> Req: lvl 2 From: autoquest <SG> or Student Director at Admin Office at Campus1F * Acquire Registration Form from Swordsman Instructor * Confirm location of Health Room loc 4,22 and talk to Nurse * Confirm location of Basic Science Room loc 22,3 and activate terminal * Deliver Registration Form to Student Director loc 8,0 * Get bread from Grocery Merchant * Talk to respective Campus Instructor * Submit exit aproval form to Student Director loc 8,0 Reward: Exp 200, Bread [10] - Student's Registration <BRAWLER> Req: lvl 2 From: autoquest <SG> or Student Director at Admin Office at Campus1F * Acquire Registration Form from Brawler Instructor loc 11,7 * Confirm location of Health Room loc 4,22 and talk to Nurse * Deliver Registration Form to Student Director loc 8,0 * Get bread from Grocery Merchant * Talk to respective Campus Instructor * Submit exit aproval form to Student Director loc 8,0 Reward: Exp 200, Bread [10] - Student's Registration <SHAMAN> Req: lvl 2 From: autoquest <SG> or Student Director at Admin Office at Campus1F * Acquire Registration Form from Shaman Instructor loc 18,7 * Confirm location of Information Room loc 24,19 and activate terminal * Confirm location of Health Room loc 4,22 and talk to Nurse * Deliver Registration Form to Student Director loc 8,0 * Get bread from Grocery Merchant loc 10,3

* Deliver completed Registration Form to Shaman Instructor loc 18,7 * Submit exit aproval form to Student Director loc 8,0 Reward: Exp 200, Bread [10], Skill: Breath of Life Notes: There are NO skill points used when the skill is learned for free - Student's Registration <ARCHER> Req: lvl 2 From: autoquest <SG> or Student Director at Admin Office at Campus1F * Acquire Registration Form from Archery Instructor loc 10,15 * Deliver Form to Student Director loc 8,0 * Activate Information Room Terminal loc 25,20 * Confirm location of Health Room loc 4,22 and talk to Nurse * Get bread from Grocery Merchant 10,3 * Deliver completed Registration Form to Archery Instructor loc 10,15 * Submit exit aproval form to Student Director loc 8,0 Reward: Exp 200, Bread [5], Wooden Arrows [300], Skill: Shockwave - Student Director's Test Req: lvl 2, completed "Student's Registration" From: Student Director * Collect 2 Cigaratte Butts from Little Hooligan Reward: Exp 100, Life Point 5, Skill Point 1 - Nurse's Request Req: lvl 1-10, completed "Student's Registration" From: Nurse * Get Medical Record from Grocery Merchant * Talk to Nurse Reward: Bread [2], Small MP [2], Small SP [2] Notes: This quest will be skipped if not taken between lvl 1-10 - The Force Field Authentication <MP> Req: Lvl 2, completed "Student's Registration" From: Student Director [MP Campus 1F] * Test/activate Study Classroom Center 2 Terminal * Collect 3 spiritual spheres from Little Hooligan * Activate Study Classroom Center 2 Terminal * Test Study Classroom Center 1 Terminal * Collect 8 spiritual spheres from Little Bandit * Activate Study Classroom Center 1 Terminal * Test Art Center Terminal * Collect 13 spiritual spheres from Bandit * Activate Art Center Terminal * Test Terminal at Library * Collect 18 spiritual spheres from Fencing Student * Activate Library Terminal * Test the Students Center 1 Terminal * Collect 24 spiritual spheres from Slasher * Activate Students Center 1 Terminal

* Talk to Student Director Reward: Exp 30000, Attribute 1, Life Points 10, Skill Point 1, Senior Uniform Set [Coat & Pants/Skirt] - The Force Field Authentication <PX> <<TYPO>> Req: Lvl 2, completed "Student's Registration" From: Student Director [PX Campus 1F] * Test/activate Main Center Terminal [PX Campus] * Collect 2 spiritual spheres from Little Hooligan * Activate Main Center Terminal * Test/activate Study Classroom Center 1 Terminal * Collect 3 spiritual spheres from Little Bandit * Activate Study Classroom Center 1 Terminal [NOT Students Center 1 (typo)] * Test/activate Renovation Center Terminal * Collect 4 spiritual spheres from Bandit * Activate Renovation Center Terminal * Test/activate Science Center Terminal * Collect 7 spiritual spheres from Gangster * Activate Science Center Terminal * Test/activate Practice Center Terminal * Collect 10 spiritual spheres from Slugger * Activate Practice Center Terminal * Test/activate Students Center 1 Terminal * Collect 13 spiritual spheres from Slasher * Activate Students Center 1 Terminal * Test/activate Library Terminal * Collect 15 spiritual spheres from Jr.Bruiser * Activate Library Terminal * Test/activate Auxillary Supplies Room Terminal * Collect 18 spiritual spheres from Brawler * Activate Auxillary Supplies Room Terminal * Talk to Student Director Reward: Exp 30000, Attribute 1, Life Points 10, Skill Point 1, Senior Uniform Set [Coat & Pants/Skirt] - The Force Field Authentication <SG> Req: Lvl 2, completed "Student's Registration" From: Student Director [SG Campus 1F] * Test/activate Study Classroom Center 1 Terminal * Collect 2 spiritual spheres from Little Hooligan * Activate Study Classroom Center 1 Terminal * Test/activate Left Dragon Park 1 Terminal * Collect 4 spiritual spheres from Little Bandit * Activate Left Dragon Park 1 Terminal * Test/activate Study Classroom Center 3 Terminal * Collect 8 spiritual spheres from Bandit * Activate Study Classroom Center 3 Terminal * Test/activate Dormitory Terminal * Collect 9 spiritual spheres from Gangster

* Activate Dormitory Terminal * Test/activate Society Room Terminal * Collect 12 spiritual spheres from Slugger * Activate Society Room Terminal * Test/activate Walking Zone Terminal * Collect 16 spiritual spheres from Slasher * Activate Walking Zone Terminal * Test/activate Science Center Terminal * Collect 20 spiritual spheres from Brawler * Activate Science Center Terminal * Talk to Student Director Reward: Exp 30000, Attribute 1, Life Points 10, Skill Point 1, Senior Uniform Set [Coat & Pants/Skirt] - Attain Level 5 Req: lvl 3 From: autoquest * Talk to Grocery Merchant after attaining character level 5 Reward: Exp 400, Cotton Gloves [+2] wind:2[+2] lvl:5 - (*)Obtain the Special Broom Req: lvl 5 (followed "Cleaning the Dormitory" chat option) From: Student Director * Find Locker Custodian [Locker Technician] * Get broom Locker Technician Reward: Special Broom Notes: To trigger the quest, click on the following chat option: >Cleaning the Dormitory - (*)Cleaning the Dormitory Req: Lvl 5, Holding or have "Special Broom" in inventory (completed "Obtain the Special Broom") From: Student Director at Admin Office at 1st Floor of the Main Center * Clean 20 Trashes from Dormitory * Submit Trashes to SD Reward: Attribute 5, Life Point 1, Bread [10] Notes: After the initial quest, attributes will only be added if the value is negative (e.g. -1 will become +4; 0 will remain 0). Quest can be duplicated <<BUGGED>> - Attain Level 8 Req: lvl 5 From: autoquest * Talk to Grocery Merchant Reward: Exp 700, Cotton Gloves {B}[+2] lvl:8 - (*) Improvised Medicines Req: lvl 5 From: Nurse

* Collect 20 Cigarette Butts from Hooligan * Pass Cigarette Butts to Nurse Reward: Gold 1200 - Purifying the Study Classroom Center 2 <MP><PX> | Purifying the Study Classroom Center 1 <SG> Req: lvl 7 From: autoquest * Eliminate 10 Hooligans * Confirm purification at Study Classroom Center 2 [MP][PX] | 1 [SG] Terminal Reward: Exp 800, 1 Spiritual Sphere, Cotton Gloves {B} - Attain Level 11 Req: lvl 8 From: autoquest * Talk to Grocery Merchant Reward: Exp 1100, Sports Gloves [+3] lvl 11 - Purifying the Study Classroom Center 2 (2nd Purification) <MP> | Purifying the Study Classroom Center 1 <PX> | Purifying the Study Classroom Center 2 <SG> Req: lvl 9 From: autoquest * Eliminate 14 Bandits * Confirm purification at Study Classroom Center 2 [MP][SG] | 1 [PX] Terminal Reward: Exp 1400, 1 Spiritual Sphere, Sports Gloves [C] - (3)Help for Freshman <MP|PX|SG> Req: lvl 10 From: autoquest OR if lvl 10+, NPC @ Room 1-9: Sujung (Campus 1F 25,9) | Tammy | Ziny * Find enrollment application from the Student Director * Deliver the application to Joon 1-2 (Campus 1F 4,9) | Brian | Zinu * Deliver the application to Sujung 1-9 (Campus 1F 25,9) | Tammy | Ziny Reward: Experience: 700, Bread [10] Note: New EP 3 quest - Attain Level 14 Req: lvl 11 From: autoquest * Talk to Grocery Merchant Reward: Exp 1100, Sports Gloves [+4] - (*) Stolen Bandages Req: lvl 11 From: Nurse * Retrieve 20 bandages from Street Junkies * Pass Bandages to Nurse Reward: Gold 2800

- Purifying the History Center <SG> Req: lvl 11 From: autoquest * Eliminate 30 Fencing Students * Confirm purification at History Center Terminal Reward: Exp 2000, 2 Spiritual Spheres, Sports Gloves {B}, Spike Stick - Purifying the Renovation Center <PX> Req: lvl 12 From: autoquest * Eliminate 18 Fencing Students * Confirm purification at Renovation Center Terminal Reward: Exp 2000, Sports Gloves {B}, Spike Stick - Purifying the Art Center <MP> | Purifying the Science Center <PX> Req: lvl 12 [MP], lvl 13 [PX] From: autoquest * Eliminate 22 Street Junkies * Confirm purification at Art Center [MP] | Science Center [PX] Terminal Reward: Exp 2400, 2 Spiritual Spheres, Training Gloves [C], Spike Stick - Purifying the Library <SG> Req: lvl 13 From: autoquest * Eliminate 30 Street Junkies * Confirm purification at Library Terminal Reward: Exp 2400, 2 Spiritual Spheres, Training Gloves - Attain Level 17 Req: lvl 14 From: autoquest * Talk to Grocery Merchant Reward: Exp 2900, Sports Gloves {B}[+4] elemental resistances +2 - Purifying the Art Center (2nd purification)<MP> Req: lvl 13 From: autoquest * Eliminate 24 Sluggers * Confirm purification at Art Center Terminal Reward: Exp 2600, Special Stick - Purifying the Library <MP> Req: lvl 15 From: autoquest * Eliminate 26 Brute Punks * Confirm purification at Library Terminal Reward: Exp 2800, Training Gloves {B}, XinYue Dagger

- Purifying the Society Room <SG> | Purifying the Practice Center <PX> Req: lvl 15 From: autoquest * Eliminate 30 [SG] | 26 [PX] Elite Fencers * Confirm purification at Society Room [SG] | Practice Center [PX] Terminal Reward: Exp 2400, 3 Spiritual Spheres, Training Gloves {B}, Special Stick - (3)Help for Freshman 2 <MP|PX|SG> Req: 16, completed "Help for Freshman" From: autoquest or if lvl 16+, NPC @ Room 1-9: Sujung (Campus 1F 25,9) | Tammy | Ziny * Speak with Sujung | Tammy | Ziny * Meet Shaman Instructor * Go to Resource Room {Information Room} * Deliver to Sujung | Tammy | Ziny Reward: Experience: 1400, Bread [20] Note: New EP 3 quest. Previously bugged quest fixed EP 6-1 - Attain Level 20 Req: lvl 17 From: autoquest * Talk to Grocery Merchant Reward: Exp 4000, Training Gloves [+4] - Purifying the Library (2nd purification) <MP> | Purifying the Laboratory <PX> Req: lvl 18 From: autoquest * Eliminate 27 Slashers * Confirm purification at Library Terminal Reward: Exp 3200, 3 Spiritual Spheres, Xin Yue Dagger - (3)Help for Freshman 3 <MP|PX|SG> Req: 21, completed "Help for Freshman" From: autoquest OR if lvl 21+, NPC @ Room 1-2: Joon (Campus 1F 4,9) | Brian | Zinu * Speak with Joon | Brian | Zinu * Meet Brawler Instructor * Go to Resource Room {Information Room} * Deliver to Joon | Brian | Zinu Reward: Experience 2000, Bread [30] Note: New EP 3 quest. Previously bugged quest fixed EP 6-1 - Sports Field Purification <MP> Req: lvl 21 From: autoquest * Eliminate 29 Jr. Bruisers * Confirm purification at Library Terminal

Reward: Exp 3600, Iron Gloves [C] - Purifying the Students Center 1 <MP> | Science Classroom <SG> | Auxillary Supplies Room <PX> Req: lvl 24 From: autoquest * Eliminate 30 Maulers <MP|PX> | Punks <SG> * Confirm purification at Student Center 1 | Science Classroom Terminal Reward: Exp 4000, Copper Ring, Majestic Dagger Note: A duplicate quest for Students Center 1 (regardless of school) is auto-generated. This is a new EP 3 bug. <<BUGGED>> Trigger: [EP 6-3] PHX: News Center Purification - Purifying the Student Center 1 (2nd purification) <MP> | Auxillary Supplies Room (2nd purification) <PX> | Req: lvl 25, completed "Purifying the Student Center 1" From: Student Center 1 Terminal <MP> | Auxillary Supplies Room <PX> * Eliminate 34 Brawlers {Bruisers - alternate name, not the boss) * Confirm purification at Student Center 1 | Auxillary Supplies Room Terminal Reward: Exp 5000, 4 Spiritual Spheres - Heading Outside the Campus Req: lvl 26 From: Student Director * Proceed to Main Entrance and activate the Entrance Terminal Reward: None. Duplicate {bugged} quest after EP 3 patch. <<BUGGED>> - Skill Testing System Req: lvl 26 From: Entrance Terminal; auto start after "Heading Outside the Campus" * Eliminate 10 Onslaughts within 40 minutes Reward: Exp 16000, Alm Stick [1D], Can Enter the Campus Holes and leave the Campus Notes: Requirement:Immortal [Complete the requirements/objectives within the stated time limit and Do Not Die during the test] - Guard's Request Req: lvl 27, able to leave school Campus, completed "Skill Testing System" From: Security Guard [Respective School School Hole] * Find Medical School Memorandum from Blood Drinker * Pass Short Notes to Guard Reward: Gold 1000, 4 Spiritual Spheres Trigger: Guard's Request - Guard's Request 2 Req: lvl 27, completed quest from Security Guard "Guard's Request" <MP> only From: Security Guard [Respective School Hole] * Collect 10 pieces each of small HP, med SP and med MP from Blood Drinker * Talk to Security Guard

* Deliver items to Campus Nurse Reward: Gold 9000, Small HP Recovery Potion [10] Trigger: Guard's 2nd Request - Guard's Request 3 Req: lvl 27, completed "Guard's Request 2" <MP> only From: Campus Nurse/autoquest after "Guard's Request 2" <MP | SG> | Security Guard <PX> * Get 10 Brandishment Daggers from Swordie Ardee * Deliver Daggers to Security Guard Reward: Exp 6000, Gold 5000 Notes: For MP students: Requirement:Immortal [Do Not Die during the test], Non redoable if failed. No such requirement for PX and SG. Trigger: Guard's 3rd Request - Purifying the Main Campus Entrance <MP> | Purifying the Auxillary Supplies Room (3rd Purification) <PX> | Purifying the Sports Field <SG> Req: lvl 27 From: autoquest * Eliminate 36 Renegades <MP|PX> | Crooks <SG> * Confirm purification at Student Center 1 Terminal <MP> | Auxillary Supplies Room Terminal <PX> | Science Classroom Terminal <SG> Reward: Exp 6500, Iron Gloves {B}, Hockey Stick - Collecting the Cards Req: lvl 28 From: autoquest * Collect 5 cards (Emer.Locker Lnk Crd) from Drunkard Reward: Emergency Locker Link Card [6][7D] (not for sale) - Bus Driver's Request Req: lvl 33 From: Bus Driver [Respective School] * Find respective Technical Teacher and request for Spare Parts * Pass Spare Parts to Bus Driver Reward: Exp 12000, Gold 1000, Can travel by bus and utilize Bus Info Terminal - Bus Driver's Request 2 Req: lvl 33, completed quest from Bus Driver "Bus Driver's Request" From: Bus Driver [Respective School] * Go to Construction Supervisor Reward: Gold 1000 Trigger: Bus Driver's 2nd Request Notes: New quest name? - Construction Supervisor's Request Req: lvl 33, completed quest from Bus Driver "Bus Driver's 2nd Request"

From: autoquest (after completing "Bus Driver's 2nd Request") [Respective School] * Finding the Technical Teacher [Respective School] * Searching for the Generator Parts [1] from Marionette [MP] | Fatty Bom-Bom [SG] | Cement Fatty [PX] * Deliver Generator Parts to Construction Supervisor [Respective School] Reward: Exp 12000, Aruhagen Ring [Lvl:30] - Cleaner's Request Req:lvl 33 From: Cleaner [MP] * Collect 20 Empty Bottles from Chicken & Stray Dogs * Deliver Empty Bottles to Cleaner [MP] Reward: Exp 4000, Gold 5000 Notes: Can trade 20 Empty Bottles w/ Cleaner [MP] for a Synthesizer Upgrade Set at any time after the completion of this quest. (U*) - Cleaner's Request Req: lvl 33 From: Cleaner [SG] * Collect 20 Empty Bottles from Miner Fatty * Deliver Empty Bottles to Cleaner [SG] Reward: Exp 4000, Gold 5000 Notes: Can trade 20 Empty Bottles w/ Cleaner [SG] for a Synthesizer Upgrade Set at any time after the completion of this quest. (U*) - Cleaner's Request Req: lvl 33 From: Cleaner [PX] * Recycling the Empty Bottles from Sanitizer * Delivering the Empty Bottles to Cleaner [PX] Reward: Exp 4000, Gold 5000 Notes: Can trade 20 Empty Bottles w/ Cleaner [PX] for a Synthesizer Upgrade Set at any time after the completion of this quest Trigger: Listen to the Cleaner's advice. (U*) - Physics Teacher's Call <<TYPO>> Req: lvl 39, completed "Construction Supervisor's Request" From: autoquest or Construction Supervisor [Respective School] * Finding the Physics Teacher [Respective School]; Check on the shouting Reward: Life Point 5, Skill Point 1, Med HP [5], Big MP [5], Big SP [5] Notes: Became an autoquest @ EP 3. Previously acquired from Construction Supervisor, making the quest "skippable". If this was skipped, you can try and check for the quest to be available from the Construction Supervisor after every 39 levels in Ch 0. For Phoenix Students, there's a typo in the dialogue - the Physics Teacher is found in the Phoenix Hole not in Phoenix Square. "Construction Supervisor's Request" quest is required for this quest's completion. At the completion of this quest, the next quest (w/ time limit)

"Physics Teacher's Test" will be auto-generated. Became acquirable via autoquest sometime EP 3 (possibly to prevent skipping this quest if the Physics Teacher's Test quest was already completed) You need to complete the prereq quest before this quest can be completed - Physics Teacher's Test Req: lvl 39 From: Physics Teacher [Respective School]; auto start after "Physics Teacher's Call" * The Permanent Skill Test; Eliminate 15 Barba <MP|PX> | 15 Cordy <SG> * The Confirmation of the Test Result; Talk to the Physics teacher within 40 minutes Reward: Exp 15000, Life Point 10, 5 Spiritual Spheres Notes: Requirement: Time Restriction : 40 Minutes; Immortal [Complete the requirements/objectives within the stated time limit and Do Not Die during the test] Trigger: Apply for the Examination - Unverified Currency Notes <MP> Req: lvl 39, completed "Physics Teacher's Test" From: Physics Teacher [MP] * Talk to Technical Teacher * Deliver Currency Notes to your Student Director [MP] * Talk to Student Director [PX] to request for Suggestion Form * Talk to Student Director [SG] to accept backup disk * Talk to Student Director [PX] to transfer backup disk * Deliver prospectus to your Student Director [MP] Reward: Exp 20000, Gold 2000, Life Point 5, Skill Point 1, Dark Ring [lvl:30] Notes: Use the Bus Stop @ the Market and access the Campuses through the buggies Trigger: Accept order (Currency Notes Verification) - Unverified Currency Notes <SG> Req: lvl 39, completed "Physics Teacher's Test" From: Physics Teacher [SG] * Talk to Technical Teacher * Deliver Currency Notes to your Student Director [SG] * Talk to Student Director [MP] to request for Suggestion Form * Talk to Student Director [PX] to accept backup disk * Talk to Student Director [MP] to transfer backup disk * Deliver prospectus to your Student Director [SG] Reward: Exp 20000, Gold 2000, Life Point 5, Skill Point 1, Dark Ring [lvl:30] Notes: Use the Bus Stop @ the Market and access the Campuses through the buggies - Unverified Currency Notes <PX> Req: lvl 39, completed "Physics Teacher's Test" From: autoquest after completing "Physics Teacher's Test (Physics Teacher [PX]) * Visit the Technical Teacher (Phoenix) * Delivering the Unverified Currency Notes to the Student Director [PX] * Proceed to the Sacred Gate Campus; Talk to the Student Director (SG) * Restoring the Computer Room; Talk to the Student Director (MP)

* Sending the Backup Disk; Talk to the Student Director (SG) * Delivering the Prospectus to the Student Director (Phoenix) Reward: Exp 20000, Gold 2000, Life Point 5, Skill Point 1, Dark Ring [lvl:30] Notes: Use the Bus Stop @ the Market and access the Campuses through the buggies For MP students, this is automatically generated after "Physics Teacher's Test". As this is a duplicate (bug), JUST IGNORE until it is removed by the tech team. - Issue the Order Books Req: lvl 39, completed "Unverified Currency Notes" From: Student Director [Respective School]; auto start after "Unverified Currency Notes" * Retrieving the Order Books from Security Guard [Respective School]; Get the Documents * Deliver the Order Books to the Technical Teacher; Pass the Order Document * Deliver the Memo to the Physics Teacher; Pass the Order Document Reward: Exp 12000, Life Point 5, Skill Point 1 Notes: Use the Bus Stops. The Bus Card [7D] is your friend - Recycling the Map Req: lvl 39, completed "Issue the Order Books" From: Physics Teacher [Respective School]; auto start after "Issue the Order Books" * Searching for the pieces of the Map from Clowns [7] * The Verification of the Map pieces; Talk to respective Physics Teacher * Combining the pieces of Map; Talk to Student Director [SG] - Recovery Instruction * Proceed to the Leonair Campus; Talk to Secret Agent at SG Hole Reward: Exp 20000, Life Point 5, Skill Point 1, Stat Point 1, 8 Spiritual Spheres, Azrael Rosary [lvl:30] Trigger: Ask about the location of Leonair Campus - Collecting the Cards 2 Req: lvl 40 From: autoquest * Collect 5 cards (St.point Pass) from Blood Hunter Reward: Start Point Pass [6][7D] (not for sale) - Recycling the Unverified Currency Notes Req: lvl 41, completed "Unverified Currency Notes" from SD From: Student Director [Respective School] * Recycling the Currency Notes; Collect 20 Notes from Hell Scissors or Construction Fatty <MP> | Car Engineer <PX> * Delivering the Currency Notes; Talk to Student Director Reward: Gold 10000, Life Point 1 Notes: This quest is no longer repeatable after EP3 Rebirth patch. (U*) Trigger: Notes Recycle Req: lvl 43? From: *

Reward: - Find the Missing Report Cards <SG | PX> Req: lvl 45 <SWORDSMAN | BRAWLER>, lvl 55 <ARCHER | SHAMAN> From: autoquest * Search Report Card from respective Campus 1F; Room 1-4 (4,16) <SG> | Room 1-1 (5,7) <PX> * Search Report Card from respective Campus 1F; Room 1-7 (25,16) <SG> | Room 1-2 (5,10) <PX> * Proceed to Test Server loc 4,1 (Admin Office) Reward: Gold 10000, Exp 8000 <SWORDSMAN | BRAWLER> | Gold 20000, Exp 10000 <ARCHER | SHAMAN> - Find the Missing Report Cards <MP> Req: lvl 45 <SWORDSMAN | BRAWLER>, lvl 55 <ARCHER | SHAMAN> From: autoquest * Search Report Card from MP_Campus1F, Room 1-8; Room 1-6 (24, 26) <SHAMAN> * Search Report Card from MP_Campus1F, Room 1-9 (23,9) Room 1-7 (25, 16) <SHAMAN> * Search Report Card from MP Campus1F, Room 1-10 (24,7) * Proceed to the Test Server loc 4,1 (Admin Office) Reward: Gold 10000, Exp 8000 <SWORDSMAN | BRAWLER> | Gold 20000, Exp 10000 <ARCHER | SHAMAN> - Nurse's Request Req: lvl 46 From: Nurse [Respective School Hole] * Getting the Medication from Nurse [SG Ring] * Delivering the Medication to Nurse [Respective School Hole] Reward: Exp 12000, Small HP Recovery Potion [10], Refine Pill [5] Notes: (U*) - Nurse's Request 2 Req: lvl 46 From: Nurse [SG Ring] * Collect medication from Physics Teacher [MP] * Deliver medication to Physics Teacher [PX] * Deliver proposal to Nurse [SG Ring] Reward: Exp 15000, 6 Spiritual Spheres - Technical Teacher's Test Req: lvl 46 [MP|PX] | lvl 43 [SG] From: Technical Teacher [Respective School Hole] * [MP] Eliminate 15 Chickens within 40 minutes * [SG] Eliminate 20 Uncle Potato within 20 minutes * [PX] Eliminate 20 Blood Hungers within 40 minutes * Confirm results to Technical Teacher Reward: Exp 15000, Life Point 10, Skill Point 1

Notes: Requirement:Immortal [Complete the requirements/objectives within the stated time limit and Do Not Die during the test] - Resident's Request <MP|PX|SG> Req: lvl 51 From: autoquest * Eliminate 5 Cordy * Eliminate 8 Drunkards * Report to Guard at: <MP> MP Hole (30,5) {Approach Security Guard} <PX> Phoenix Hole (66,21) {Approach Security Guard} <SG> Sacred Gate Hole (65,8) <<BUGGED>> {Wrong coordinates} Reward: Gold 20000, Exp 8500 Notes: <<SG QUEST IS BUGGED AND CANNOT BE COMPLETED!!>> - Eliminate the Hell Scissors <MP> | Car Engineer <PX> | Freezing Halogen <SG> Req: lvl 53 From: Physics Teacher * Eliminate 30 Hell Scissors | 30 Car Engineers | 25 Freezing Halogen * Talk to Physics Teacher Reward: Exp 20000? <SG> | 18000 <PX><MP>, Attribute 5, Life Point 5, Skill Point 1 Trigger: [PHX] Accept order (Purify Junk Car Yard) - Find the Missing Report Cards <ARCHER | SHAMAN> Req: lvl 55 See previous "Find the Missing Report Cards" Req lvl 45 - Collecting the Cards 3 Req: lvl 60 From: autoquest * Collect 5 cards (Bk. from Shadow Crow Reward: Back point Pass [6][7D] (not for sale) - Eliminate the Bomber Clown Req: lvl 62 From: Physics Teacher [SG] * Eliminating the Bomber Clown [30] * The Confirmation of the Test Result with Physics Teacher [SG] Reward: Exp 22000, Attribute 5, Life Point 5, Skill Point 1 - Special Agent's Test Req: lvl 63 From: Special Agent at SG Hole/Leonair Entrance * Special Agent's Test; Eliminate 20 Sacred Gate Defenders and report back to Agent within 40 min * The Confirmation of the Test Result with Secret Agent Reward: Can Enter Leonine Campus, Exp 25000, Attributes 10, Dark Ring [Lvl:30] Notes: Requirement:Immortal [Complete the requirements/objectives within

the stated time limit and Do Not Die during the test] Refine pills used to counter elemental effects (like elec/paralysis) can be bought from the Nurse [SG Ring]. The Agent does NOT stock Refine Pills. Trigger: Wish to get inside Leonair Campus. - Special Agent's Request Req: lvl 63, autoquest after Agent "Special Agent's Test" From: Special Agent * Investigate the Leonair Campus loc 53,60 * Collecting the bandages [20] from Mummy * Delivering the bandages to Secret Agent; Pass the bandages. Reward: Exp 20000, 1 Skill Point Trigger: Special Agent's Request (autostart) - Eliminate the Jackson Req: lvl 66 From: Physics Teacher [SG] * Eliminating the Jackson [1] * The Confirmation of the Test result with Physics Teacher (SG) Reward: Exp 20000, 7 Spiritual Spheres, Attribute 5, Life Points 5, Skill Point 1 Trigger: Accept Order (Purify Park) - Through the Tunnel Req: lvl 67 From: Police [SG] * Eliminate Corrupted Hound in Trading Hole Tunnel (SG HolePassage) within 40 minutes. Reward: Exp 30000, Can Enter Trading Hole {Commercial Area Entrance} Notes: Requirement:Immortal [Do Not Die during the test]. Doing the quest is the only way to access this Tunnel. You cannot go back inside the tunnel once the quest is successfully completed. - Collect the Food Req: lvl 67 From: Hotdog Hawker [TH] * Search for 10 Breads and 10 Meats from Skating Boy and Skating Master * Deliver ingredients to Hotdog Hawker Reward: Exp 10000, Gold 8000, Hotdog [10] Notes: To trigger the quest, click on the following chat options: >Ask about what's the problem >Accept Request - File Report On Found Objects Req: lvl 67 From: Prison Corpse near Tunnel 3 [TH] * Surrender Ore to Trading Hole Police Station for Safe-keeping; Keep Item Reward: Exp 80000 Notes: The quest "Reward for Prison Escapees" is obtained automatically from the Police [TH] after this. It can only be completed @ lvl 140.

The quest "Sacred Financial Group Private Jail" may also be triggered at this point and can only be completed @ lvl 130. To trigger the quest, click on the following chat options: >Confirm >Pass the Stone to the Police - Through Tunnel No.3 Req: lvl 67, completed "File Report On Found Objects, obtained quest "Sacred Financial Group Private Jail" from Police [TH] From: Prison Corpse near Tunnel 3 [TH] * Please go to the end of the Tunnel at Trading Hole No. 3 Tunnel [7,66] Reward: Exp 12000, Can Enter Prison Notes: This quest is completed without proceeding to the Prison proper. Walk to avoid being chased by the Hell Hounds and unequip your weapon midway to the end of the tunnel to avoid being shot by Red/Black Ninjas. To trigger the quest, click on the following chat options: >Confirmation of Shirt >Confirm Tunnel - Confiscating the Golf Clubs Req: lvl 67 From: Cleaner [TH] * Collect 20 gold rods from Golf Bomber * Talk to Cleaner Reward: Soul Rosary [lvl:80][+2], Silver Ring [lvl:80] Notes: To trigger the quest, click on the following chat options: >Ask whether everything is alright >Accept Request Previous requirement pre-EP 6-1: lvl 101, completed previous quest from Cleaner "Returning the Trash" - Collecting the Cards 4 Req: lvl 70 From: autoquest * Collect 5 Cards {Trans.Crd} from Tomb Raider Reward: Buddy Transmission Card [6][7D] (not tradeable) - Investigate the Leonair Campus Req: lvl 71, completed quest from Agent "Special Agent's Test" From: Special Agent * Finding the leaves of the Smallpox [5] * Delivering the Leaves to Special Agent; Special Agent's confirmation Reward: Exp 40000, 9 Spiritual Spheres, Vanish Ring [Lvl:80] Trigger: Investigate Leonair Campus - The Lessons of the Sword | Brawler | Archery | Shaman Agent <<TYPO>> Req: lvl 72 From: Respective Class Instructor [Agent] in Trading Hole * Collect GPS from Skating Boy or Skating Master * Follow GPS Location to find the capsule, location varies by class: ---------------Swordsman--------Brawler-------Archer--------Shaman GPS loc.1------121,89-----------71,105--------118,105-------118,105

[Police Station//Book Store/] GPS loc.2------119,113----------60,117--------133,117-------113,117 [Convenience Shop//Tunnel #4/] GPS loc.3------113,117----------96,143--------96,143--------96,143 [Tunnel #4//Combination Sports Center/] GPS loc.4------!105,165!--------116,170-------95,165--------113,180 [Find Buried Items in Nine Hall Club] * Deliver the Space and Time capsule to your Trainer/Agent Reward: Exp 25000 Notes: There is a typo for the final GPS location for Swordsmen. Instead of loc 116,170 go to the general area of 105,165/106,164 Trigger: Attend Class - Recycling the Letter Req: lvl 74 From: Police [TH] * Collect the Letter from Skating Master * Deliver the Letter to Police [TH] * Gather 6 pieces of letter from Skating Master * Deliver pieces to Police [TH] Reward: Gold 20000 Trigger: Listen to Request - Report to the Police Station Req: lvl 74 From: Class {Sword | Shaman | Brawler | Archery) Agent/Instructor [TH] * Talk to the Police in Trading Hole Police Station Reward: Synthesized Recovery Potion [3] - Investigate the Leonair Campus Main Center Req: lvl 75, completed "Investigate the Leonair Campus" From: Secret Agent * Investigate the Leonair Campus Main Center; Talk to the Leonair Student Director Ask about the situation Reward: Exp 4000 Notes: Find Banshee at entrance of Main Campus Center to obtain the quest for entry to Leo 1F. The Student Director [Leo] is in Leo 1F loc 8,0 Trigger: Investigate Leonair Main Centre. - Spirit's Request Req: lvl 75 From: Banshee [Leonine Campus] * Spirit's Request 1; Collect 2 Encyclopedias from Poison Ivy * Delivering the Encyclopedia to Spirit {Banshee} * Spirit's Request 2; Collect 8 Feathers from Shadow Crow * Delivering the Feathers to Spirit {Banshee} Reward: Can Enter Leo Main Center 1F and 2F, Gold 4000 Trigger: Ask about the Request

- Recover the Videotape Req: lvl 75, completed "Investigate the Leonair Campus Main Center" From: Student Director [Leo] * Getting the key; Find the Leonair Technical Teacher in Leo 2F and request for key * The Teacher's Request: Collect food [2] from Boney * Exchanging the Food for the key from Tech Teacher * Delivering the Key to Leo Student Director * Recovering the Key; Talk to Zopar at Leo 2F and request for key repair * Getting the Videotape from Leo Student Director; Retrieve the cassette Reward: Exp 10000, Surveillance Recorder [Leonair Campus] [a.k.a the Videotape} Notes: Janitors and Boneys|Vampire[F] are aggressive and deal a lot of damage. Be prepared to use pots while running. Trigger: Request for information - Request by Mr.No-Name Req: lvl 75 From: Mr.No-Name [Leo 1F] * Looking for Food; Collect 10 meats from Janitor * Delivering the Food to Mr.No-Name Reward: Med HP Recovery Potion [10], Big MP Recovery Potion [10], Big SP Recovery Potion [10] Trigger: Accept Request - The Zopar's request Req: lvl 75 From: Zopar [Leo 2F] * Zopar's Request 1; Find towel at the Locker Custodian area [Leo 1F] (around 18,3) * Delivering the Towel to Zopar * Zopar's Request 2; Find the glove at Welfare Society [Leo 1F] (around 10,3) * Delivering the Gloves to Zopar and get Red Bead * The Red Bead; Pass Red Bead to Student Director [Leo 1F] Reward: Exp 30000, 9 Spiritual Spheres Notes: Janitors and Boneys|Vampire[F] are aggressive and deal a lot of damage. Be prepared to use pots while running. The last chat option to Pass the bead to the SD has gibberish text below it. Clicking on it will complete the quest Trigger: Ask about is help needed - Transmitting the Videotape Req: lvl 75, completed quest from SD [Leo] "Recover the Videotape" From: Student Director [Leo] * Transmitting the Videotape; Talk to Special Agent at Leonair Campus Parking Bay Pass the Cassette> Ask about the condition of the Cassette. [Red Bead] Pass the Cassette [Burr] Reward: Exp 15000, Red Bead, 1 Burr (not indicated in Rewards list) Notes: There are 2 chat options to Pass the Cassette, the first will trade the cassette for the red bead, the second for the burr. Trigger: Ask about the Cassette

- Videotape Recovery Req: lvl 75, completed quest "Transmitting the Videotape", submitted Surveillance Recorder [Leonair Campus] (a.k.a the Videotape) to Special Agent From: Special Agent * Look for the Iimage Expert at Trading Hole Videotape Rental Shop and request for the cassettte recovery Reward: Exp 20000, Gold 10000 Notes: You may take the Bus Stop @ SG T-junction and debark @ TH>Police Station Trigger: Ask about the damaged Cassette. - Image Expert's Request Req: lvl 75, completed quest from Agent "Videotape Recovery" From: Image Expert * Gathering Information from the Police Station [TH]; Ask about the Spore Allergy * The Special Agent of the Sacred Financial Group; Talk to the Special Agent Reward: Enhanced Coat & Pants [C], all resistances [+9] (lvl 67,68) Notes: You may take the Bus Stop @ TH>Police Station and debark @ SG T-junction Trigger: Accept Request - Obtain the Leonair College ID Card Req: lvl 75, completed quest from Image Expert "Image Expert's Request" From: Special Agent * Find the Student Director of Sacred Gate Campus and Ask about Leonair College ID Card Reward: Gold 100000, Skill Point 1 Notes: You may use the bus at SG T-junction and select Campus Square>Entrance. This will take you the Market. Take the SG Buggy to get to the Campus [SG]. Trigger: Ask about special ID card - The Basement 2 of Leonair Campus Req: lvl 75, completed quest from Agent "Obtain the Leonair College ID Card" From: Student Director [SG] * Finding the Elevator to B2 at Leo 3F; approach 16/25 (from 1F->2F, cross the map to 3F) The elevator terminal in 3F is located at the top-middle of the map * The Secret Code; Go back down to Leo Student Director and ask about the secret code * Searching for the Secret Code by getting memo from IronMan28 in 3F (located at northern part of 3F) * Proceed to the Basement 2; Enter code and activate the elevator. Reward: Exp 20000, Can Enter Leo 3F and Leo B2. Notes: Use the bus in the market and select SG Hole>Sacred Gate T-junction. The entrance to B3 (@ 018 022) is at the far end corner of B2. You Can Enter B3 @ lvl 100. Trigger: ID Card Confirmation - Cleaning the Spores Req: lvl 75, completed quest from SD [SG] "The Basement 2 of Leonair Campus" From: Elevator [LeonineCampus 3F Elevator terminal to B2]t * Entering the Basement 2; Go to B2 1/18 * Cleaning the Basement 2: - Gather some Spores from the Trapper Plant [1] - Eliminate 1 Trapper Plant * Making the Medication; Talk to the Nurse [SG Ring] and show spores

Reward: Exp 40000, 10 Spiritual Spheres Notes: You may exit to B3 at level 100 (@ 18,22 - north east corner of B2). There's a little alcove @ 12,7 where you can hide from aggressives & target 1 TP. As with other retrieval quests, it may take more than 1 Plant to get spores. (Old Pre EP 6-3: To trigger the quest, click on the following chat option: >Carry on dialogue) Trigger: Read Information - Producing the Medications for the Allergy Req: lvl 75, completed "Cleaning the Spores" From: Nurse [SG Ring] * Collecting the Ingredients - Saliva from Cordy {Halogen}, Freezing Halogen & Werewolf and Shadow Crow Feather * Delivering the Ingredients to Nurse (Ring) [SG Ring]; Select "Trade Items" >Wait * Delivering the Ingredients to Image Expert; Pass the Medication Reward: Exp 20000, Gold 40000 Trigger: Request to produce Antibiotic Notes: Text bug - text to trade and submit the quest is inverted (Trade Items and Pass Medicine Materials) Can view Petrification and Confusion Abnormal Status - The Videotape Recovery Req: lvl 75, completed "Producing the Medications for the Allergy" From: Image Expert * Finding the Video Player; Request video player from Police [TH] * Delivering the Video Player to Image Expert; Pass the Equipment >Wait * Sending the Videotape to your respective Student Director * Bring the Tape to the Special Agent for investigation Reward: Exp 30000 Trigger: Request for cassette recovery again - Training Order Req: lvl 75, completed "The Videotape Recovery" from Image Expert From: Special Agent * Finding the Sword | Brawler | Archer |Shaman Agent' Talk to your respective Agent/Instructor in TH Reward: Synthesized Recovery Potion [10] Trigger: Accept order. - The Stolen Book Req: lvl 76, completed "Recycling the Letter" From: Master Zheng * Get book (Online Game Manual) from Cripple Guy * Deliver book to Master Zheng Reward: Enhanced Coat & Pants {B}[+2] (lvl 73-74) - The Police's Request Req: lvl 78, completed "Training Order" from respective Instructor [TH] From: Police [TH] * Finding the Image Expert * Visit the Cleaner [TH] and ask for news about the lost children * Visit the Hotdog Hawker and ask for news about the lost children

* Sending the Proposal to the Police [TH] * Getting the Back Up Disk from Student Director [MP]. * Delivering the Back Up Disk to the Police [TH] * Investigating the Loose Halogen [1] * Delivering the Recovered Things to the Police [TH] Reward: Exp 30000, Gold 15000, Skill Point 1 Trigger: Received Request - Investigate the Experimental Object Req: lvl 78, completed "The Police's Request" From: Police [TH]; auto start after completing "The Police's Request" * Visit the Student Director [SG] * Visit the Technical Teacher [SG] (near #4 Construction) * Visit the Physics Teacher [SG] (near Sacred Rotary/Ring) and ask about the experiments * Back to the Trading Hole Police Station Reward: Exp 10000, Stat Point 1 - (*) Cleaning the Streets Req: lvl 80 From: Cleaner [TH] * Collecting the Trash [10] from Skating Boy, Skating Master and Got Milk * Delivering the Trash to Cleaner [TH] Reward: Exp 100, Gold 2000 Notes: (To trigger the quest, click on the chat option "Ask for directions" old?). Trigger: Volunteer to collect the rubbish. - The Stolen Book 2 Req: lvl 83, completed "The Stolen Book 1" From: Master Zheng * Recovering the Book [1] (C++ for Games Developer) from Skating Master * Delivering the Book to Master Zheng Reward: Dynamic Coat & Pants [D]+4 (lvl 76-77) {Dynamic Shogun|Fighter|Hunter|Mage Coat & Pants [D]+4} Notes: To trigger the quest, click on the following chat options: >Ask about what happened >Next page >Accept Request - (*) Collecting Empty Bottles Req: lvl 85 From: Ice Cream Seller * Collect 10 Empty Bottles from Loose Halogen and Hodel * Talk to Ice Cream Seller Reward: Cherry Ice Cream [4], Almond Ice Cream [4], Chocolate Ice Cream [4] Notes: To trigger the quest, click on the following chat options: >Ask about the Ice Cream Stall >Next page >Next page >Next page >Accept Request to Collect - Finding the Warehouse Key Req: lvl 86 From: Cleaner [TH]

* Finding the Key of the Warehouse from Loose Halogen * Returning the Warehouse Key to Cleaner Reward: Can Enter Carpark [CP1 & CP2], Soul Recall Rosary [lvl:80], Jade Ring [lvl:80] Notes: To trigger the quest, click on the following chat options: >Ask whether everything is alright >Next page >Accept Request - Searching for the First Aid Kit From: autoquest Req: lvl 88 * Proceed to Leonair Campus B1 loc 0,19 * Elimate Head Nurse to obtain 10 Drugs Package {medicine kit} * Deliver the Drugs Package to the Nurse [Leo] at Leonair Campus 1F loc 6,3 Reward : Gold 50000, Fine Burr, Luxury Protection Potion Notes: Entrance to B1 is at the central northenmost part of Leo 2F. Head to loc 1,19 if the first step does not complete. You do not need to "talk" with the Nurse to deliver the package. Just approach. - The Stolen Book 3 <<TYPO>> Req: lvl 88, completed "The Stolen Book 2" From: Master Zheng * Get book (Special Influence Games Programming) from Hodel [NOT Skating Master (typo)] * Deliver book (Game Architecture) to Master Zheng Reward: Dynamic Coat & Pants [C][+3] (lvl 83,84) {Dynamic Vagrant|Brawler|Archer|Shaman Coat & Pants [C][+3]} Notes: To trigger the quest, click on the following chat options: >Ask about what happened >Accept Request The Dialogue mentions the book was "snatched by a friend call Hodel". The quest details however give the wrong Mob (Skating Master) as it retained the info from the previous Zheng quest. - (3)Find the Stolen Dry Ice Req: lvl 91 From: autoquest or Bus Stop [Prison] * Retrieve the stolen dry ice from Security Guard in Refrigeration Warehouse of Wharf {Bandit} * Deliver dry ice to Ice Cream Seller [TH] Reward: Exp 15000, Gold 20000, Upgraded Support Potion [30] Notes: New EP 3 quest. No.1 Freezing Warehouse = Ice Warehouse - Water Purification, found near Wharf Bus Stop. Quest previously unavailable if char level was 91+ after the EP 3.2 patch - fixed EP 6-1. Quest item drop rate may be low. Just keep killing Bandits in Wharf. - The Stolen Book 4 Req: lvl 92, completed "The Stolen Book 3" From: Master Zheng * Recover book (Programming RPG for DirectX) from Freezing Clown * Deliver book to Master Zheng

Reward: Dynamic Coat & Pants {B}[+2] (lvl 90-91) {Dynamic Vagrant|Brawler|Archer|Shaman Coat & Pants {B}[+2]} Notes: To trigger the quest, click on the following chat options: >Ask about what happened >Accept Request - Returning the Trash Req: lvl 95 From: Cleaner [TH] * Collecting the Trash [1] from Wrestler * Returning the Trash to Cleaner Reward: LoHan Rosary [Lvl:80], Vanish Ring [Lvl:80] Notes: To trigger the quest, click on the following chat options: >Take the Golf Stick >Accept Request Req: From: * Reward:

Posted by: skyhiker Jul 13 2008, 06:07 PM


CODE - (3)Collection of Old Book <<TYPO>> Req: lvl 103 From: autoquest or Mr.Zheng * Gather the old books from Wrestler * Gather the ancient books from Fiery Aunty [NOT Wrestler (typo)] * Meet Master Zheng Reward: Exp 15000, Attribute 5 Notes: New EP 3 quest. Quest previously unavailable if char level was 103+ after the EP 3.2 patch - fixed EP 6-1. - The Stolen Book 5 Req: lvl 106, completed "The Stolen Book 4" From: Master Zheng * Get book (Windows Game Programming Tricks) from Golf Player * Talk to Master Zheng Reward: Exp 10000, 11 Spiritual Spheres Notes: To trigger the quest, click on the following chat options: >Ask about what happened >Accept Request - (3)*Gathering the Upgrade Tool <<FIXED>> Req: lvl 106, From: Cleaner [TH]

* Retrieve 8 bottles of oil from Fisherman <<FIXED>> * Deliver oil bottles to the cleaner Reward: Exp 10000, Polishing Random Box Notes: New EP 3 quest. Quest is unavailable if char level is 106+ after the EP 3.2 patch. Tough luck, mamaw. Bugged quest fixed @ EP 6-2 patch. Previously, required 10 bottles which exceeds the quest inventory limit of 8. To trigger the quest, click on the following chat options: >Ask about the garbage >Accept [Volume of Demand:1-10000] - (3)Withdrawal of Security Guard ID Card <<TYPO>> Req: lvl 106 From: Police [TH] * Collect 8 keys from Security Guard w/ gun {Bandit} in Main Wharf (also from Storage Guard) [Typo from 10 ID Cards] * Deliver ID Cards to the Police [TH] Reward: Exp 10000 Notes: New EP 3 quest. Quest is unavailable if char level is 111+ after the EP 3.2 patch. Tough luck, mamaw. No.1 Freezing Warehouse = Ice Warehouse - Water Purification, found near Wharf Bus Stop. Clicking on the quest details reveals the correct target situations (8). To trigger the quest, click on the following chat options: >Ask if there is something I can help >Accept - Search for the Criminal Req: lvl 110 From: autoquest * Retrieving the Ancient Books [1] from Fisherman * Retrieving the Old Books from [1] Gas Technician * Retrieving the Encyclopedia [1] from Storage Guard * Returning the Items to Suspicious Folk; Approach 105,91 Reward: Fine Burr, Luxury Protection Potion - (3)Gathering Information Before the Incident <<TYPO>> Req: lvl 111 or Respective Class Agent in Trading Hole From: autoquest * Find the Time Capsules in TH 'holes', location may vary per class Swordsman:Capsule #1 right-most hole of first row ----------Capsule #2 middle hole of first row ----------Capsule #3 left-most hole of first row Brawler:--Capsule #4 !right-most! hole of second row (113,180) ----------Capsule #5 middle hole of second row ----------Capsule #6 !left-most! hole of second row Archer:---Find Time Capsule 1 right-most hole of 1st row (105,164) ----------Find Time Capsule 2 middle hole of 1st row (96,165) ----------Find Time Capsule 3 left-most hole of 1st row (85,164) Shaman:---Find Time Capsule 4 in the !right-most! hole of 2nd row (116,169)

----------Find Time Capsule 5 middle hole of second row (93,170) ----------Find Time Capsule 6 !left-most! hole of second row (83,175) * Deliver to Swordsman | brawler | Archery | Shaman class Agent Reward: Gold 30000, Synthesizer Upgrade Set Notes: New EP 3 quest. Quest previously unavailable if char level was 103+ after the EP 3.2 patch - fixed EP 6-1. The 'holes' are the golf holes with red flags in Ninehall Club [TH]. Approximate coordinates of the 9 holes (yes, nine holes): [E.g. Capsule #1 for Swordsman - right-most hole of first row = 105,164] 92,170-------102,178----112,179---------------<-- Third row 83,175-------93,170-------116,169------------<-- Second row 85,163-------96,164-------105,164--------------<-- First row 1st and 3rd Capsules for Brawlers and Shamans have typos. Just go to the opposite direction (right most instead of left most and vice versa) - Finding the Truck's Key Req: lvl 112 From: Truck Driver [Wharf] * Finding the Missing Key [1] from Loose Halogen * Return the Truck's key to Truck Driver (WharfPassage) Reward: Exp 13000 Notes: To trigger the quest, click on the following chat options: >Ask about what happened >Next Page >Help the Truck Driver recover the Key EP 6 update - "Accept Request" replaced - Recycling the Gasoline Req: lvl 112, completed "Finding the Truck's Key" From: Truck Driver [Wharf] * Finding the Gasoline Supplies [1] (Oil Bottle) from Fisherman * Delivering the Gasoline Supplies to Truck Driver (WharfPassage) Reward: Exp 32000 Notes: To trigger the quest, click on the following chat options: >Ask about the Truck >Next Page >Next Page >Accept Request - Repairing the Truck Req: lvl 112, completed "Recycling the Gasoline" From: Truck Driver [Wharf] * Finding the Accessories @ Ship deck at Wharf #1 [46,112] * Looking for the Components (lubricant oil) @ 43,107 * Looking for the Generator Parts @ 44,120 * Delivering the Components to Truck Driver Reward: Exp 37000 Notes: To trigger the quest, click on the following chat options: >Ask about the Truck >Accept Request - Visiting the Old Man Req: lvl 112, completed "Repairing the Truck" From: Truck Driver * Visit the Old Man; Talk to Suspicious Folk

Reward: Skill Points 3 Notes: It might be difficult to get this quest because of a text bug, but this is attainable - just try (hard!) to click on the text next to the very small text/white box. You can also disable "Texture Font" in the launcher to view the quest text, albeit with garbled characters. As of EP 6??, quest "Repairing the Truck" no longer required for shamans??? OR check again when texture font is OFF - Water Quality Check Req: lvl 112, completed "Visiting the Old Man" From: Suspicious Folk [Wharf] * Finding the Bottles at loc 103,74 * Delivering the Empty Bottle; Pass the Empty Bottle to the Suspicious Folk Reward: Exp 36000, Darkish Necklace [Lv:120][+2] Trigger: Ask about what happened - Repairing the Generator Req: lvl 112, completed "Water Quality Check" From: Suspicious Folk [Wharf] * Looking for the Generator Components in ship @ Wharf No. 2 [56,85] * LLooking for the Generator Components in ship @ Wharf No. 2 [49,86] * Looking for the Generator Components in ship @ Wharf No. 2 [65,86] * Replacing the Water Bottle and go to loc 103,74 (near No. 2 Freezing Warehouse) * Delivering the Components and pass the spare parts to the Suspicious Folk Reward: Exp 40000, Bone Rosary [Lvl:120][+2] Notes: Unequip your weapon to avoid being shot by Bandits while running. "The Videotape of Green Secret Headquarters" (lvl 125) may be triggered after this quest. Trigger: Ask about what happened - The Guard's Request Req: lvl 115 From: Saint Private Guard [Wharf] * Collect 8 batons from SGD [SG Hole] * Surrender batons to Saint Private Guard [Wharf] Reward: NPC {B}[+4] set (Lvl 111-114) Notes: You can use the bus stop @ Wharf near the Folk (#1 Freezing Warehouse) and drop off @ Sacred Gate T-Junction [SG Hole] and vice versa to finish this quicker. {NPC Drifter|Mercenary|Assassin|Ritual Coat, Pants, Gloves & Shoes +4} To trigger the quest, click on the following chat options: >Ask what is the problem >Next page >Next page >Next page >Next page >Next page >Next page >Accept Request - Resident's Request Req: lvl 116, completed quest "Confiscating the Golf Clubs" From: Cleaner [TH] * Eliminate the Hunk Baldies [20] * Confirm the safety of the Residents to Cleaner [TH]

Reward: 12 Spiritual Spheres, Exp 20000 Notes: To trigger the quest, click on the following chat options: >Ask what the problem is. >Next page >Next page >Aceppt Request (sic) - Confiscation of Smuggled Goods Req: lvl 117 From: Police [Wharf] * Finding the Smuggled Goods; Go to ship @ Wharf No. 4 loc 71,20 * Returning the Smuggled Goods; Talk to Police @ Wharf [96,37] Reward: Gold 25000 Notes: To trigger the quest, click on the following chat options: >Ask about what matter >Next page >Accept Request - Catching Smugglers <<typo>> Req: lvl 117, completed quest "Confiscation of Smuggled Goods" From: Police [Wharf] * Catching the Smugglers; Eliminate Violent Baldie [1] @ Wharf No.5 [not 4 (typo)] * Reporting the Smuggler's Location; Talk to Police [Wharf] Reward: Gold 35000 Notes: To trigger the quest, click on the following chat options: >Ask about smuggling >Next page >Next page >Accept Request - Investigating the Building Req: lvl 117, completed quest "Catching Smugglers" From: Police [Wharf] * Search for the Evidence @ loc 88,26 (lower left corner of building) * Search for the Evidence @ loc 90,40 (near Saint Private Guard) * Returning the Evidence to Police [Wharf] Reward: Lohan Rosary[+3][Lvl:120] def:0(+6) Notes: To trigger the quest, click on the following chat options: >Ask about building >Next page >Next page >Next page >Accept Request - Investigate the Green's Secret Headquarters Req: lvl 117, completed quest "Investigating the Building" From: Police [Wharf] * Getting the Identification Program from Trading Hole Police [TH] * Accessing the Building; Activate the Authentication Terminal at HO entrance [Wharf] Reward: Can Enter HO_1F Notes: You can use the bus stop @ Wharf near the Folk (#1 Freezing Warehouse) and drop off @ Police Station [TH] and vice versa to finish this quicker. Trigger: Ask about methods of entering building - To Achieve Mission Level 120 Req: lvl 119 From: autoquest * Achieve Mission Level 120 * Eliminating Violent Baldie [5]

* Eliminating Bandit [1] [Wharf] * Report to the Police [Wharf] (approach) Reward: Exp 30000 Notes: There are VBs @ Wharf No.5. - The "Green" Secret Foothold Req: lvl 120 From: Police [Wharf] * Searching for the Keys; Get 5 keys from Mobsters in HO_1F (Ice Tyrant, Violent Baldie, Violent Girl) * Repairing the Keys; Talk to Warehouse Keeper [Wharf] * Identify the Keys; Return to the Police [Wharf] Reward: Jade Ring [Lv:120][+1] def:0(+2) res:+5 def:+4 dex:+7, Can Enter HO_2F. Notes: To trigger the quest, click on the following chat options: >Ask about "Green" Secret Hideout >Next page >Next page >Next page >Accept Request - Searching for the Evidence Req: lvl 125 From: autoquest * Searching for the First Evidence information @ HO 1F_Ch1 loc 7,17 * Searching for the Second Eevidence info @ HO 1F_Ch1 loc 13,17 * Searching for the Third Evidence info @ HO 1F_Ch1 loc 11,14 * Collecting All the Evidences; Deliver evidence and approach Police [Wharf] loc 95,37 Reward: Exp 35000, Fine Burr Notes: Make sure you are in HO 1F_Ch1 when you do this quest. This means you HAVE to be in HangOut's First Floor, Channel 1 (first entrance to the left, NOT server channel). The locations are near the Ice Tyrant area. - The 2nd Floor of the "Green" Secret Foothold Req: lvl 125, previous quests from Police From: Police [Wharf] * Searching for the Keys; Get 5 keys from Death Reaper, Violent Baldie, Violent Girl or Ninja(M) @ HO_2F * Repairing the Keys; Talk to Warehouse keeper to repair the keys * Identify the Keys; Talk to Police to identify the keys Reward: Silver Ring [Lvl:120][+3], Can Enter HO_3F Notes: You don't have to kill all the mobs in the list. You can pick the easiest mob to kill to get the 5 keys. To trigger the quest, click on the following chat options: >Ask about 3rd Floor of "Green" Command Centre >Accept Request - The Videotape of Green Secret Headquarters Req: acquisition: lvl 112, completed "Repairing the Generator" completion: lvl 125 From: Suspicious Folk [Wharf] * Looking for the Surveillance Video from Bunny Girls, Ninja[F], Steel Heads @ 3F of Green Secret Base [HangOut 3F] * Returning the Surveillance Record; Pass Cassette to Suspicious Folk Reward: Exp 80000

Trigger: Ask about the situation - The Videotape Recovery Req: lvl 125, previous quests from Suspicious Folk [Wharf] "The Videotape of Green Secret Headquarters" From: Suspicious Folk [Wharf] * Finding the Image Expert [TH] * Searching for the Recovery Oil; Go to ship @ Wharf No.3 loc 50,56 * Searching for the Recovery Oil; Go to ship @ Wharf No.3 loc 49,58 * Searching for the Recovery Oil; Go to ship @ Wharf No.3 loc 59,58 * Returning the Oil; Talk to Image Expert [TH] and pass materials * Returning the Videotape; Talk to Suspicious Folk and pass the recovered cassette Reward: Exp 65000, Skill Points 3 Notes: The bus card is your friend. Make use of the bus stops @ Wharf Passage>Freezing Warehouse and Trading Hole>Police Station. Trigger: Ask about the Cassette - Finding the Scriptural Reqs: lvl 126 From: Suspicious Folk [Wharf] * Finding the Scriptural; Search Ancient books, Old books, Encyclopedia from Fisherman * Pass the item to the Suspicious Folk Reward: 13 Spiritual Spheres Notes: Disable "Texture Font" in the launcher options to be able to view/complete the quest. However, @ 127 you can view the text even without disabling the texture font. This is now fixed as of EP 6-3? and quest completion "Visiting the Old Man" from Truck Driver is no longer required. Trigger: Ask about document >Listen to the Request of the Old MAN - Sacred Financial Group Private Jail Req: acquisition: lvl 67, completed "File Report On Found Objects" completion: lvl 130 From: Police [TH] * Confirm the Ore at the Jail Mine. Proceed to Sacred Financial Group Private Jail loc 79,77 * Surrender the Ore to the Trading Hole Police Station Reward: Basic Upgrade Set [1 protection potion, 1 burr] Trigger: Ask about stone related >Next Page >Agree - Rescue Police Companion Req: lvl 130, completed quest to enter prison "Sacred Financial Group Private Jail" From: Jail Warden [Prison] * Rescue Police Officer's Companion trapped at central tower - Police Corpe (Colleague) 61,83 * Relay the Status of the Situation Reward: Exp 18000 Notes: Use the map to locate the central tower and move to the area. Unequip your weapon to avoid being shot by weapon aggressives (Black Ninja & Parak) Trigger: Ask what is happening. >Next Page >Next Page >Reply

- Unlock Security Device Req: lvl 130, completed previous quest "Rescue Police Companion" From: Jail Warden [Prison] * Look for the Keys [1] from Red Thief, Black Thief {Red or Black Ninja} & Machinary Thief {Corrupted Parak} * Look for the CD [1] from Red Thief, Black Thief {Red or Black Ninja} & Machinary Thief {Corrupted Parak} * Pass the Items to the Jail Warden Reward: Soul Rosary [Lvl:120] Notes: Can now TRADE ITEMS with Jail Warden after completion Trigger: Ask about the related Box >Promise - Request of the Police Req: lvl 130, completed "Rescue Police Companion" From: Police [TH] * Find the Suspect from within the Jail named "Soul(Prison)" 62,98 * Convey Status to Jail Warden Reward: Ring box, Grinds box Notes: Use the map to locate the NPC "Soul" in Prison (upper lvl near Room C). NPC typo previously "Soul (Middle Hole)" - Report Status of Jail Req: lvl 130, completed "Request of the Police" From: Jail Warden [Prison] * Convey Status of Jail to TH Police Reward: C lvl Steel Coat & Skirt/Pants [Lvl 155] Trigger: Ask about the related Jail - Report Violent Criminals Req: lvl 67 From: Police [TH] * Eliminate the 12 Panday Taba * Incident Report to TH Police Reward: none Notes: Previous requirement pre-EP 6-1: lvl 130, completed previous quest "Rescue Police Companion" Trigger: Start 'Report Violent Criminals' - Investigate the Jail Req: lvl 130, completed "Report Status of Jail" From: Police [TH] * Look for Jail Warden * Check central tower 58,82 * Check Underground Operation Center Entrance 61,106 * Report to Jail Warden Reward: Exp 18000, Red Bead [2] - Prepare the Final Report

Req: lvl 130, completed "Investigate the Jail" From: Jail Warden [Prison] * Investigate A Center near control Tower * Investigate B Center near control Tower 46,96 * Investigate C Center near control Tower 70,98 * Investigate D Center near control Tower 70,71 * Tell Jail Warden the outcome of the investigation * Submit Final Report to the TH Police Reward: Exp 24000 - Obtain List of Prisoners Req: lvl 130, completed "Report Violent Criminals" From: Police [TH] * Gathering Pieces of Information [7] from Big Boy Maso, Totoy Bato & Ringgy * Convey the Findings to TH Police Reward: Exp 18000 Trigger: obtain list ? Notes: Old mob names Prisoner-HammerMan, Prisoner-RockMan and Prisoner Ringgy. "Report on Prison Escapees" is auto-triggered after this quest - Report on Prison Escapees Req: lvl 130, autoquest after "Obtain List of Prisoners" From: Police [TH] * Arresting the Prisoners; Eliminate 12 Big Boy Maso * Reporting the Outcome to TH Police Reward: Exp 24000, Attribute 2 Notes: "Weapon Shop Owner" quest for lvl 140 is auto-triggered after this quest - The 3rd Floor of the "Green" Secret Foothold Req: lvl 132, completed prior Wharf Police/HO/Folk? quests "The 2nd Floor of the "Green" Secret Foothold" From: Police [Wharf] * Searching for the Documents; Collect 7 pieces of letter fragments from Ninja(M), SteelHead, Saint Gambler and Bunny Girl * Returning the Documents; Talk to Police [Wharf] Reward: Gold 40000, Aruhagen Ring [Lvl:120][+4] Trigger: Ask about "Green" >Next Page >Next Page >Next Page >Accept Request - Returning the Evidence Req: lvl 132, completed quest "The 3rd Floor of the "Green" Secret Foothold" From: Police [Wharf] * Delivering the Letter to Police [TH] * Identifying the Receiver of the Letter; Talk to AngBeeLan 129,139 [TH] Reward: Exp 80000 Trigger: Ask about mail - The First Test Req: lvl 132, completed all Wharf Police quests "Returning the Evidence" From: AngBeeLan [TH]

* Search for the Three Dogs' Saliva and the Shadow Crow's feather (Three types of dog saliva from Cordy, Freezing Halogen, Werewolf, Shadow Crow) * Identify the Collected Items; Report to AngBeeLan within 30 minutes Reward: Skill Point 2, Stat Point 1 Notes: Requirement:Time Restriction [Complete the requirements/objectives within the stated time limit] Trigger: Ask about mail >Next Page >Next Page >Accept Request - The Second Test Req: lvl 132, completed AngBeeLan's "The First Test" From: AngBeeLan [TH] * Collecting the Medicine Pills from Freezing Clowns [10] * Surrendering the Pills to AngBeeLan within 15 minutes Reward: Exp 50000, Skill Point 2 Notes: Requirement:Immortal [Complete the requirements/objectives within the stated time limit and Do Not Die during the test] Trigger: Ask about the situation >Next Page >Next Page >Next Page >Next Page >Accept 2nd Test - The Final Test Req: lvl 132, completed AngBeeLan's Second Test From: AngBeeLan [TH] * Eliminate 15 Hunk Baldies * Report to AngBeeLan within 10 minutes (she says 8 haha) Reward: Exp 90000, Spatial Rosary [Lvl:120][+7] Notes: Requirement:Immortal [Complete the requirements/objectives within the stated time limit and Do Not Die during the test] - (3)Delivery of Emergency Action guide Req: lvl 140 From: autoquest or Bus Stop [TH] * Meet Master Zheng [TH] * Meet Police [TH] * Meet Weapon Expert [MH] * Meet Nurse [MH] Reward: 5000 exp, Upgraded Support Potion [10] Notes: New EP 3 quest. Quest previously unavailable if char level was 103+ after the EP 3.2 patch - fixed EP 6-1. - Reward for Prison Escapees Req: acquisition: lvl 67 completion: lvl 140 From: Police [TH] * Arresting Jeproks [1] in Middle Hole Reward: Exp 19000, Attribute 2 Note: This quest is acquired in advance (from level 67), used to be called "RocknRoll" Trigger: Reward Catalog - Weapon Shop Owner Req: acquisition: lvl 130, completed "Report on Prison Escapees"

(12 Big Boy Maso); completion: lvl 140 From: Police [TH]; autoquest after completing "Report on Prison Escapees"; * Look for Weapon Shop Owner in Middle Hole Reward: Exp 12000 - Retrieve Scammed Weapons Req: lvl 140, completed "Weapon Shop Owner" from TH Police From: Weapon Shop Owner [MH] * Retrieve 10 pieces of weapons [M16] from Machinary Thief {Corrupted Parak} Reward: Exp 26000, Gold 40000 - Look for the Backpack Key Req: lvl 140, able to enter MH From: Nurse [MH] * Retrieve key from Cold Wolf {Nyebeng Lobo} * Pass the key to the Nurse @ MH Reward: Space Ring [Lvl:120][+6] - Look for Friends Req: lvl 140, completed "Retrieve Scammed Weapons" from Weapon Shop Owner From: Weapon Shop Owner [MH] * Find WSO's friend at MH loc 100,25 * Find WSO's friend at MH loc 97,20 * Find WSO's friend at MH loc 85,20 * Find WSO's friend at MH loc 84,26 * Pass news of whereabouts obtained to WSO Reward: C lvl Steel Gloves [Lvl 155][+5] - Check if the Weapon Shop Owner's Friend is Hurt Req: lvl 140, completed "Look for Friends" from WSO From: Weapon Shop Owner [MH] * Check vicinity of scene of incident @ 91,29 * Search vicinity of scene of incident @ 93,31 * Report to TH Police Station and report of Middle Hole situation Reward: Bone Rosary [Lvl:120][+4] - Collect Back Confidential Documents Req: lvl 140, completed "Check if the Weapon Shop Owner's Friend is Hurt" From: Police [TH] * Get back Confidential Documents from the Lard {Panday Taba} * Submit to TH Police Reward: Azrael Rosary [Lvl:120][+4] - Confirm Security of Middle Hole Req: lvl 140, completed previous quest "Weapon Shop Owner" from TH Police From: Police [TH] * Examine scene of accident 92,30 * Conduct search at 92,40

* Conduct search at 91,62 * Let the TH Police know the results of investigation Reward: Red Bead [5], Grinds Box - Investigate on the Case Req: lvl 140, completed previous quest "Confirm Security of Middle Hole" From: Police [TH] * Secure evidence by retrieving 6 spare parts from the vicinity of the blazing fires - Eliminate "Fire"s to get the spare parts * Present Evidence to TH Police Reward: Synthesizer Upgrade Set Notes: Location of some cars with "Fire"s - 92,30; 89,35; 95,38 - Repair Walkie Talkies Req: lvl 140, completed "Collect Back Confidential Documents" from TH Police From: Police [TH] * Request to Repair Walkie Talkie from Image Expert * Look for Spare Parts @ TH Multi Sports Center 98,159 * Request to have the Walkie Talkies Repaired from Image Expert Reward: Exp 12000 Trigger: Ask about the situation - Fixed Walkie Talkies Req: lvl 140, completed "Repair Walkie Talkies" from TH Police From: Image Expert [TH] * Go to TH Police Reward: Exp 6000 - (3)Issue of Security Improvement Req: lvl 141 From: autoquest or Jail Warden * Go to the prison and to the third gate [3rd Sentry Post 59,59] * Meet with weapon expert Reward: Gold 20000, Attribute 5, Upgraded Support Potion [30] Notes: New EP 3 quest. Quest previously unavailable if char level was 103+ after the EP 3.2 patch - fixed EP 6-1. - (3)Rescue the Civilian Req: lvl 144 From: autoquest or autoquest after completing "Collection of Old Books" from Mr.Zheng * Find a civilian [Ms.Choi in MH loc 86,51] * Meet Nurse in Trading Hole; approach 96/115 * Meet Hotdog Hawker in TH; approach 98/113 * Get the guide book; approach 121/89 * Deliver to the civilian Ms.Choi Reward: Gold 30000, Attribute 2, Rosary box, Grinds box, Ring box Notes: New EP 3 quest. Quest previousy unavailable if char level was 144+ after the EP 3.2 patch - fixed EP 6-1.

- Reward for Prison Escapees Req: lvl 144, completed previous "Reward for Prison Escapees"? From: autoquest * Eliminate 1 Riot Police - Machinary (sic) Thief {Corrupted Parak} Reward: Exp 16000, Attribute 2 - Collecting the Items Req: lvl 144 From: Jail Warden * Collecting Soul Spiritual Sphere [1] from Panday Taba * Collecting Green bead from Black Ninja * Collecting Green crystal from Corrupted Parak * Delivering the items to Jail Warden Reward: Skill Point 5, 14 Spiritual Spheres Trigger: Help in investigation - Look for the Missing Persons Req: lvl 147 From: autoquest * Look for Clues of the Missing Child at Middle Hole Square MH (103,102) * Look for other Clues of the Missing Child at MH (99,108) * Look for More Clues of the Missing Child at MH (102,108) * Pass the Result to Trading Hole Police Station Reward: Exp 17000, Attribute 2 - Look for the Suspect Req: lvl 147 From: Police Corpse [A] * Look for clues * Look for clues again * Look for more clues again * Look for the suspect * Arrest Prison Supervisor {Preso de Mayor} Reward: Exp 34000, Stat Point 1 Note: The Police Corpse [A] is located in the north side of the prison, at the Maso Spot area near the entrance to PTZ - Identify the Letter Pad Req: lvl 148 From: Jail Warden * Find the other 6 parts of the Letter from Prisoner Hammerman {Big Boy Maso} and Prisoner Rockman {Totoy Bato} * Show the 6 Pieces to the Jail Warden * Pass the Letter to the Trading Hole Police Station Reward: Skill Points 2 - (3)Investigation of the Dead Police

Req: lvl 151 From: autoquest or Bus Stop [Wharf] * Retrieve the security monitor video tape from Prisoner_Big {Ringgy} * Deliver tape to Police [TH] Reward: Gold 50000, Back Point Pass [3] Notes: New EP 3 quest. Quest previousy unavailable if char level was 144+ after the EP 3.2 patch - fixed EP 6-1. -? Req: lvl 153?? From: * Reward: Exp 19000, Attribute 2 ? - Reward for Prison Escapees Req: lvl 156 From: autoquest * Eliminate 1 HipHop Girl Reward: Exp 20000, Attribute 2 - Collect a Bead II Req: lvl 157 From: Weapon Shop Owner [Middle Hole] * Collect Soul Spiritual Sphere from Panday Taba * Collect Green Crystal from Cross Fatty * Give these beads to the Weapon Shop Owner Reward: 15 Spiritual Spheres - Collect Back Fake Certificate Req: lvl 158 From: autoquest * Collect 10 fake certificates from Verdugo and Sword Assassins Reward: Exp 20000, Attribute 2 - Collect Back Counterfeit Money Req: Lvl 160 From: autoquest * Collect 10 counterfeit money from Verdugo and Sword Assassins Reward: Exp 42000, Attribute 2 - Reward for Prison Escapees <<TYPO>> Req: lvl 161 From: autoquest * Eliminate 1 Spice Girl [NOT HipHop Girl (typo)] Reward: Exp 22000, Attribute 2 Notes: The quest text mentions eliminating the Spice Girl. It's only the detailed quest objective that has the typo. - Deliver the News

Req: lvl 162 From: autoquest * Look for the Student Director [own school] Reward: Exp 16000 Notes: Please PM a GM to manually insert the RH quest if this does not auto-trigger {for lvl 162+ server/school migrants) - Deliver Important Message Req: lvl 162, completed "Deliver the News" From: Student Director; autoquest after completing "Deliver the News" * Deliver the Message to the Trading Hole Police Station Reward: Exp 10000, Can Enter Root Hole [RH] Notes: Please PM a GM to manually insert the RH quest if this does not auto-trigger {for lvl 162+ server/school migrants) - Enter Root Hole Req: lvl 162, completed "Deliver Important Message" From: Police [TH]; autoquest after completing "Deliver Important Message" * Look for the Root Hole Police Reward: Exp 10000 - Assess the Root Hole Req: lvl 162, completed "Enter Root Hole" From: Police [RH]; autoquest after completing "Enter Root Hole" * Verify the Streets of Root Hole at (84,28) * Verify the Streets of Root Hole at (93,38) * Verify the Streets of Root Hole at (92,54) * Look for the Root Hole Police Reward: Exp 22000, Soul Ring [Lvl:120][+6] - Mysterious Sacred Financial Group Req: lvl 162 From: Old Man [RH] * Talk to Special Agent [SG Hole - Leo Entrance] Reward: Exp 60000, Gold 20000 Notes: To trigger the quest, click on the following chat options: >Ask the background of Sacred financial Group >Ask about the company achivement >Ask if he saw something - Community Service of Saint Financial Group Req: lvl 162, completed "Mysterious Sacred Financial Group" From: Special Agent [SG Hole - Leo Entrance]; autoquest after completing "Mysterious Sacred Financial Group" * Meet Construction Supervisor at Sacred Gate [SG Hole, No. 3 Construction Site] * Find 10 Golf Clubs (Gold Rods) from Golf Bomber [North TH] * Deliver Golf Clubs to Construction Supervisor [SG Hole] * Meet the Special Agent

Reward: Exp 60000, Emergency Locker Link Card [3] {Emergency link Locker Card[3P]} - Behind the truth of Saint Financial Group Req: lvl 162, completed "Community Service of Saint Financial Group" From: Special Agent; autoquest after completing "Community Service of Saint Financial Group" * Meet Physics Teacher [SG Ring] * Meet Nurse at Bridge [SG Ring] * Meet Banshee of Leonair Campus * Meet Student Director of Leonair Campus * Meet Weapon Expert in Middle Hole Reward: Exp 90000, Attribute 5, Grinds Box - Mysterious Melody Req: lvl 162, completed "Behind the truth of Saint Financial Group" From: Weapon Expert; autoquest after completing "Behind the truth of Saint Financial Group" * Find out about Head Office from the Old Man [RH] * Meet the Old Man {Suspicious Folk} at Wharf Passage * Retrieve the code from Trump Master {Bunny Girl/Violent Girl/DR} * Meet the Old Man {Suspicious Folk} at Wharf Passage * Meet the Image Expert [TH] * Meet the Old Man in front of Head Office [RH] Reward: Gold 50000, Attribute 5, Upgraded Support Potion [30] (50% HP MP SP Recovery), Can Enter Head.B 1F - Entrance of Saint Financial Group Head Office Req: acquisition: lvl 162, completed "Mysterious Melody"; completion: lvl 190 From: Old Man [RH]; autoquest after completing "Mysterious Melody" * Enter Head Office of Sacred Financial Group [Head.B 1F] Reward: Exp 50000 Note: Required level to enter Head.B 1F is 190 - Collect Back Counterfeit Money Req: lvl 163 From: autoquest * Collect 10 Counterfeit Money from the Long Necked Demonic Puppet {Nightmare Clown} Reward: Exp 46000, Attribute 3 - Withdrawal of fireworks Req: lvl 164 From: autoquest * Retrieve 30 fireworks from Crown Foky/Clown Pokys

in Root Hole {Nightmare Clown} * Meet Police in Root Hole Reward: Exp 20000 - Advance Physics Teacher's Test (Examination Test) Req: lvl 165 From: autoquest * Look for the Physics Teacher [Own School Hole] * Eliminate Ice Tyrant/Ice Master [HO_1F] * Obtain Verification Report from the Physics Teacher [Own School Hole] Reward: Exp 30000, Stat Point 2 Notes: This was originally only available to SG students as an autoquest. MP/PX autoquest patched 12/05/08, with the quest available from the Market Campus Representative Req: lvl 165? From: Police [TH]? * Reward: Stat Point 1? - Collecting Sphere III <<BUGGED>> for BRAWLERS Req: ? From: Police [RH] * Obtain the sphere from Bakulaw * Pass to Root Hole Police Reward: 16 Spiritual Spheres Notes: For brawlers, take a screenshot before the trade (showing the 16 spheres) and after, just in case the trade is bugged. If it is, file a helpdesk ticket. Better yet, don't trade the sphere (you can still finish the quest) until this is fixed. See GM's thread here for compensations:] - Reward for Prison Escapees Req: lvl 167 From: autoquest * Eliminate 1 Poisonous Demon Inducer {Poison Ninja} Reward: Exp 25000, Attribute 3 - Reward for Prison Escapees Req: lvl 169 From: autoquest * Eliminate 1 Light Demon Inducer {Light Inducer} Reward: Exp 26000, Attribute 3 - "Request Level Compensation Quest" <<RETIRED>> Req: lvl 170 30% exp and above From: College Representative [Market] * Complete the quest by talking to the College Representative [Campus] [100%]

* Kill a (red) mob to level up Reward: 100% EXP plus an additional level Notes: Level compensation quest is temporary [Sep 5 up 'til October 24 2007]. The EXP Table has since then been modified for these levels, which is the purpose for the compensation. - Action on Spell Defensive Mechanism Req: lvl 170 From: autoquest * Retrieve skill document from poison elemental sorcerer {Poison Ninja} * Retrieve skill document from light elemental sorcerer {Light Inducer} * Retrieve skill document from fire elemental sorcerer {Fire Ninja} * Retrieve skill document from ice elemental sorcerer {Ice Inducer} * Transmit the documents at any Bus Stop (except those found at the Campus Entrance in the school holes) Reward: Attribute 5, Red Bead [5] - Reward for Prison Escapees Req: lvl 173 From: autoquest * Eliminate 1 Bouncing King Boxer {Haring Braso} Reward: Exp 27000, Attribute 3 - (4)Finding Research Document Req: lvl 167?, possibly another quest (not Searching the Documents)? From: Monisha [Market] loc 30,40 * Please get back the Research Document from Spice Girl. * Please give it to Monisha {Pass the research information} Reward: Mesil Sphere Notes: Mesil Sphere can then be exchanged with Monisha for the new Transformation Skill Scroll. Trigger: Listen Conversation > Agree [Volume of Demand:200000] To Exchange w/ Monisha: Exchange Mesil Sphere > Accept "Aegis of {Haste (Brawler)|Precision (Swordie)|Agility (Archer)|Blessing (Shaman)}" Scroll - Collect Back Bullet Pellets Req: lvl 176 From: autoquest * Obtain 12 Spiritual Spheres from Pretty Veyah * Deliver the spheres to the Trading Hole Police Station Reward: Red Bead [7], Grinds Box - Obtain Weather Info <<TYPO>> Req: lvl 177 From: autoquest * Get weather info from cracked roads coordinates 100,111 [RH] * Get weather info from cracked roads coordinates 100,131 [RH] * Get weather info from cracked roads coordinates 69,127 [RH] * Talk to RH (Root Hole) Police [NOT Trading Hole Police (typo)]

Reward: Vanish Ring [Lvl:120][+4] HP:+25 poison resistance:[+5] - Verify Sacred Financial Group HQ Building Req: lvl 177, completed "Obtain Weather Info" From: autoquest, completed "Obtain Weather Info" * Look for the Sacred Financial Group HQ at Root Hole (85,147) Reward: Exp 29000 - Convince [Mystic Peak | Phoenix | Sacred Gate] Student Director Req: lvl 180 From: Old Man [RH] * Look for [MP/SG/PX] Student Director Reward: Exp 20000 - Verify Ang Bee Lan Req: lvl 180, completed "Convince [MP | SG | PX] Student Director" From: autoquest, completed previous quest * Find AngBeeLan in TH * Eliminate 1 Death Reaper (boss @ HangOut Second Floor [HO_2F]) * Look for AngBeeLan in TH Reward: Exp 45000 - Confirm with the Old Man Req: lvl 180, completed "Verify Ang Bee Lan" From: autoquest, completed previous quest * Find the Old Man at the Root Hole Reward: Exp 35000 - (6)Seek for the Seal Req: lvl 190 From: autoquest * Proceed to mysterious student - approach Chu Yin Xi [MarketPlace 26,33] Reward: Added character card (non-drop, non-trade, limited to inventory) Notes: Quest is unavailable if char level is 190+ after the EP 6-1 patch. Tough luck, mamaw. - Memory of the Document Req: lvl 190, completed "Entrance of Saint Financial Group Head Office" From: autoquest; auto start after completing previous quest * Find the Student Seung Hee Ji in 1F (23,32) Reward: Gold 20000, Attribute 5, Soul Retriever Ball [3], Grinds Box - Recovery of Document Req: lvl 190, completed previous quest, "Memory of the Document" From: autoquest; auto start after completing previous quest * Find the missing pieces of first document @ Head.B 1F (31,31) * Verify document at Information Terminal [Head.B 1F 14,10] Reward: Exp 50000, Basic Upgrade Set

- Find the Password Req: lvl 190, completed "Entrance of Saint Financial Group Head Office" From: Terminal (1F) [Head.B 1F 41,21] * Collect clues: oooooo @ HeadB.1F (32,12) * oDoooo @ 28,12 * oDooEo @ 18,12 * oDOoEo @ 14,30 * ADOoEo @ 27,30 * ADOoES @ 32,30 * Enter the Password at Terminal(1F) in front of 30F entrance gate Reward: Gold 100000, Can Enter Head.B 30F Notes: Just move around the map, starting from the bottom right corner, going to the left corner, upper left and then to the top right. - To Head Office 50F Req: lvl 190, completed "Find the Password" From: autoquest; auto start after completing previous quest * collect clues: oooooo @ HeadB.30F Administration Office 2 (28/9?) * Booooo @ Chemistry Laboratory A (22/9?) * BooAoo @ small square grey lobby along the bottom row (17/10?) * BooANo @ Microbe Laboratory (12/10?) * BooANN @ Research Library 3 (6/8?) * BoRANN @ Research Library 4 (7/27?) * BIRANN,oo @ Biology and Chemical Laboratory (13/27?) * BIRAN,Bo @ small square grey lobby along the top row (16/28), next "room" to Biology and Chemical Laboratory * Enter the password at Terminal(30F) (30,20) Reward: Exp 60000, Gold 100000 Note: Can Enter Head.B 50F Just move around the map, starting from the bottom right corner, going to the left corner, upper left and then to the top right. - Second Document Recovery Req: lvl 190, completed "Recovery of Document" From: Record Read Terminal (Information Terminal 14,10) * Find the 6 missing pieces of second document {Kill Head.B 30F Cannon or Black Cannon - lower chance?} * Activate the Information Terminal (Head.B 1F) Reward: Exp 40000, Attribute 5 - Third Document Recovery Req: lvl 190, completed "Second Document Recovery" From: Information Terminal (Head.B 1F) * Find the 6 missing pieces of third document {Kill Head.B 50,51,52F Black/Red? Rose} * Activate the Information Terminal (Head.B 1F) Reward: Exp 60000, Attribute 5 - To Head Office 90F

Req: lvl 190, completed "To Head Office 50F" From: autoquest; auto start after completing previous quest * collect clues: ooooooo @ 50F Security 1 (28/10?) * oAooooo @ DNA Laboratory (23/10?) * oARoooo @ small square grey lobby along the bottom row (16/11?) * oARoooU @ Biology Experiment Laboratory (14/12?) * oARAooU @ Library Administration Room (6/12?) * CARAooU @ Facility Administration Room (5/25?) * CARAoDU @ Laboratory Administration Room (13/23?) * CARANDU,o @ small square grey lobby along the top row (17/28?) * Enter the password at Terminal(50F) (34,20) Reward: Gold 100000, Can Enter Head.B 90F Note: Just move around the map, starting from the bottom right corner, going to the left corner, upper left and then to the top right. - Fourth Document Recovery Req: lvl 190, completed "Third Document Recovery" From: Information Terminal (Head.B 1F) * Find the 6 missing pieces of third document {Kill Head.B 90F Spin Edge/Spin Blade} * Activate the Information Terminal (Head.B 1F) Reward: Exp 70000, Attribute 5 Notes: Quest completion available after EP 3-2 patch. - Passing over 90F Req: lvl 190 From: Hong Ji Yoon [Head.B 90F] * Find a broken window (Head.B 90F 22,29, facing a "cracked" window) Reward: Gold 30000 Notes: To trigger the quest, click on the following chat option: >Listen the story >Ask how to go toilet The gate to Head.B Left Wall is @ Head.B 90 F 22,29 (upper right section "Electricity/Power Control Office"). - Where the time stops 1 Req: lvl 190, completed "Passing over 90F" From: autoquest; auto start after completing previous quest * Find the way to go to Toilet (Proceed to Head.B Left Wall 33,51) Reward: Gold 30000 Note: The gate to Head.B Left Wall is @ Head.B 90 F 22,29. Finishing the quest requires you to exit to the Director Room at the other end of the map (or have passed the end of Left Wall). You would not be able to return to the Left Wall (and revisit Time Cutter) once this quest is complete. - Investigation of Director Room Req: lvl 190, completed "Where the time stops 1" From: autoquest; auto start after completing previous quest * Find information that can be clue (Director Room 20,22) Reward: Exp 50000

****EPISODE 3-3+**** - Laboratory in Underground Req: lvl 190, completed "Investigation of Director Room" From: autoquest; auto start after completing previous quest * Go to 1F (enter Gate going to Head.B 1F from Director Room Map 20,22) * Find the entrance of Underground Laboratory (Head.B 1F 18,21) * Find the Password from copy spirit in 30F, 50F and 90F (Kill mobs at any floor) * Enter the password at Underground Terminal of Security Area (Head.B 1F 14,21) Reward: Exp 50000, Gold 100000, Attribute 5 - Investigation of Underground Req: lvl 190, completed "Laboratory in Underground" From: autoquest; auto start after completing previous quest * Find a trace by entering Head.B U-ground. Talk to Ji Il Chung (65,80) Reward: Exp 10000, Attributes 5 - Find Laboratory Req: lvl 190, completed "Investigation of Underground" From: autoquest; auto start after completing previous quest * Investigation of Information from Slicer in Underground * Confirm information to Ji Il Chung loc 65,80 [Head.B U-ground] Reward: Exp 36000, Red Bead [2] - Assemble of the Eight Signs of Divine Req: lvl 190, completed "Find Laboratory" From: autoquest; auto start after completing previous quest * Search 7 missing parts of eight signs of divine from Head.B U-ground mobs: Animal Trainer, Multilock, Poison Multilock, Poison Slicer, Twin head fire dog, 3-headed dog etc. * Check the parts with Ji Il Chung (65,80) * Find the user manual by talking to So Sung Il near the "Heart" Reward: Exp 80000, Attributes 5 - Secret of Freshmen Req: lvl 190, completed "Assemble of the Eight Signs of Divine" From: So Sung Il [Head.B U-ground] * Find the information of Saint List (kill any Head.B U-Ground mobs) * Meet Student Director {respective 1F Campus} * Meet Instructor {respective Instructor in 1F Campus} * Meet the Agent {respective Agent/instructor in TH} Reward: Exp 60000, Back Point Pass [10] - Completion of the Eight Signs of Divine Req: lvl 190, completed "Secret of Freshmen From: autoquest, Agent of Trading Hole

* Meet Image Expert [TH] * Find the mineral in prison; Retrieve from Prisoner_Big {Ringgy} * Meet the Old Man in front of Head Office [RH] * Go to Director Room {located at Head.B RightWall 33,51} Reward: Exp 70000, Gold 50000, Red Bead [5] - Where the Time Stops 2 Req: lvl 190, completed "Completion of the Eight Signs of Divine" From: autoquest; auto start after completing previous quest * Find a broken window {Head.B 90F 22,29} * Find another passage (Head.B RightWall at Head.B 90F 22,8} * Go to Director Room {gate at Head.B RightWall 33,51} Reward: Can Enter Director Room, Gold 50000 Note: You would not be able to return to the Right Wall (and revisit Eraser) once this quest is completed - Activation of the Eight Signs of Divine Req: lvl 190, completed "Where the Time Stops 2" From: autoquest; auto start after completing previous quest * Find the laboratory of Director {enter Director Room from Head.B RightWall 33,51 or at HeadB.1F} * Preparation of the eight signs of divine; Eliminate 10 Powered Mono Eye at Director Room) * Activation of the Eight Signs of Divine; Go to Director Room 36,22 Reward: Can Enter Another World South, Exp 70000, Gold 150000 Note: CAUTION: Area Boss Geomencer may be around the area, so be careful - To Another World Req: lvl 190, completed "Activation of the Eight Signs of Divine" From: autoquest; auto start after completing previous quest * Toward Another World (enter Another W South from Director Room) * Investigation of Another World (go to Another W Center 22/25?) * Conversation with Director (talk to Director NPC) Reward: Synthesizer Upgrade Set, Ring Box - Truth of Director and Ending Req: lvl 190, completed "To Another World" From: Director * Find the copy spirit of Director {go to Another W North 33/29?} * Speak with Director Reward: Exp 15000, Emergency link Locker Card [10] Note: CAUTION: Area Boss Reflector may be around the area, so be careful - Favor of Seung Hee Yeon Req: lvl 190, From: Seung Hee Yoon (NPC @ Head.B U-ground 66,15) * Meet Seung Hee Ji (NPC @ Head.B 1F 22,32)

* Meet Seung Hee Yoon (NPC @ Head.B U-ground 66,15) Reward: Exp 40000 Note: To trigger the quest, click on the following chat option: >Ask about Seung Hee Ji >Accept - Investigation of Artificial Heart Power Generator Req: lvl 190, completed "Favor of Seung Hee Yeon" From: Seung Hee Yoon (NPC @ Head.B U-ground 66,15) * Check the front side of Artificial Heart (Head.B U-ground 18,48) * Check the right side of Artificial Heart (Head.B U-ground 14,50) * Check the back side of Artificial Heart (Head.B U-ground 7,48) * Check the left side of Artificial Heart (Head.B U-ground 13,45) * Speak with Seung Hee Yoon (NPC @ Head.B U-ground 66,15) Reward: Soul Retriever Ball [3] - Test ability to execute Req: lvl 191 From: autoquest * Overthrow 8 Light Demon Inducers {Light Inducer} Reward: Stat Point 6 - Make Special Ring Req: lvl 193 From: autoquest * Gather Broken Bottle from Cement Weirdo {Bakulaw} * Gather Red Rosary from Light Demon Inducer {Light Inducer} * Gather Blood Dagger from Fire Demon Inducer {Fire Ninja} * Pass materials to the Old Man Reward: lvl 193 Janaohu Ganil {Ring} - atk: 5~5, def: 5, acc: 5, eva: 2, res: 5, pow, vit, int, dex: +5 - Test Ability to Execute II Req: lvl 195 From: autoquest * Overthrow 8 Fire Demon Inducer {Fire Ninja} Reward: Stat Point 9 - The Ring will be upgraded one step further Req: 197 From: Old Man [RH] * Talk to Old Man * Click on "The Ring will be upgraded one step further" * Click on "Agree" * The 193 Janaohu Ganil ring will be replaced by the lvl 197 Iron Fist Ganil ring. Reward: lvl 197 Iron Fist Ganil Ring - atk: 10~10, def: 7, acc: 7, eva: 7, lvl:197, res: 5, pow, vit, int, dex: +10 - Use of Special Ring

Req: lvl 197, completed "The Ring will be upgraded one step further"; with Iron Fist Ganil ring in inventory From: Old Man [RH] * Exchange the Janaohu Ganil ring with the Iron Fist Ganil lvl 197 ring. From: autoquest * Overthrow 3 Bouncing King Boxer {Haring Braso} Reward: Exp +5% @ lvl 197 (134,756,765) [+4% @ lvl 198] - Test ability to execute III Req: lvl 199 From: Old Man [RH] * Overthrow 8 Frozen Demons (Ice Inducer) Reward: Stat Point 12 - The Ring will be upgraded one step further? Req: 200, completed all Head.B quests? From: Old Man [RH] * Talk to Old Man * Click on "The Ring will be upgraded one step further"? * Click on "Agree"? * The 197 Iron Fist Ganil ring will be replaced by the lvl 200 Black Knife Ganil ring. Reward: lvl 200 Black Knife Ganil ring - atk: 20~20, def: 10, acc: 10, eva: 10, lvl:200, res: 10, pow, vit, int, dex: +20 - Use of Special Ring Req: lvl 200, completed "The Ring will be upgraded one step further";? with Black Knife Ganil ring in inventory From: Old Man [RH] ? * Overthrow Pretty Transvestite {Pretty Veyah} Reward: Exp +2.5-2.75%? * As of EP 6-1, there are no more quests from lvl 201-210 (cap) [to be patched/verified [TBD]:] lvl 10 - 200 = 32 new quests? - ? 'Favor of So Seung'? Req: lvl 202 From: So Sung Il? *? Reward: Exp +3% (108720137?) - ? 'Favor of So Seung 2'? Req: lvl 203, completed previous quest From: So Sung Il? *? Reward: Exp +5% (181200229?)

- ? 'origin research?' Req: lvl 203, completed previous quest From: Old Man [RH] or new npc? *? Reward: ? "lesser" Ring? - ? 'Use of Special Ring'? Req: lvl 207, completed previous quest From: Old Man [RH] or new npc? *? Reward: ? "intermediate" Ring? - ? 'Upgrade/Use of Special Ring?' Req: lvl 210, completed previous quest From: Old Man [RH] or new npc? *? Reward: ? "greater/advanced" Ring? +50 stats???

Posted by: skyhiker Jul 13 2008, 06:12 PM SPECIAL EVENTS QUESTS - (3)Battle Arena Stage | Extra Stage A,B,C & S [Episode 3]

CODE ExtraStage C Grade Event [Tuesday 7PM GMT+8] Req: lvl 100 & below From: Ami [Practising Yard] * Get quest from NPC Ami when she appears in Practising Yard. * Buy a Bus Card [1 gold] and enter N-Practising Yard via the Bus Terminal which will appear in the middle of the yard. * 1-hour potions [1 gold], arrows and talismans may be bought from Dorothy inside the Arena at certain intervals. * Survive 5 waves of suryun mobs. * Talk to NPC Citizen who will spawn after the last wave of mobs. * Wait for Ami to spawn and talk with her to finish the quest. * Players will be automatically transported back to the normal Practising Yard at the end of the Event Reward: Arena Random Box C (Possible Prot, Burr, Resistance Upgrade Set) ExtraStage B Grade Event [Saturday, 12PM?? (or 1?) GMT+8] Req: lvl 101-170 From: Ami [Practising Yard] * Get quest from NPC Ami when she appears in Practising Yard. * Buy a Bus Card [1 gold] and enter N-Practising Yard via the Bus Terminal which will appear in the middle of the yard.

* 1-hour potions [1 gold], arrows and talismans may be bought from Dorothy inside the Arena at certain intervals. * Survive 6 waves of suryun mobs. * Talk to NPC Citizen who will spawn after the last wave of mobs. * Wait for Ami to spawn and talk with her to finish the quest. * Players will be automatically transported back to the normal Practising Yard at the end of the Event Reward: Arena Random Box B ExtraStage A Grade Event [Sunday, 1PM GMT+8] Req: lvl 171+ From: Ami [Practising Yard] * Get quest from NPC Ami when she appears in Practising Yard. * Buy a Bus Card [1 gold] and enter N-Practising Yard via the Bus Terminal which will appear in the middle of the yard. * 1-hour potions [1 gold], arrows and talismans may be bought from Dorothy inside the Arena at certain intervals. * Survive 6 waves of suryun mobs. * Talk to NPC Citizen who will spawn after the last wave of mobs. * Wait for Ami to spawn and talk with her to finish the quest. * Players will be automatically transported back to the normal Practising Yard at the end of the Event Rewards: Arena Ticket [untradeable], Arena Random Box A (Possible Lux/Fburr Bundle, Resistance Upgrade Set, Basic Upgrade Set, Gold Coin [50,000]) ExtraStage S Grade Event [Sunday, 7PM GMT+8] Req: lvl 171+ with 5 Arena Tickets from Stage A From: Ami [Practising Yard] * Get quest from NPC Ami when she appears in Practising Yard. * Buy a Bus Card [1 gold] and enter N-Practising Yard via the Bus Terminal which will appear in the middle of the yard. * 1-hour potions [1 gold], arrows and talismans may be bought from Dorothy inside the Arena at certain intervals. * Survive 7 waves of suryun mobs. * Talk to NPC Citizen who will spawn after the last wave of mobs. * Wait for Ami to spawn and talk with her to finish the quest. * Players will be automatically transported back to the normal Practising Yard at the end of the Event Rewards: Arena Random Box S, Extra Costume [30D](This costume has no level requirements; box is untradeable; costume is also untradeable/non-droppable except if merged into armors)

Stage Notes: * Battle Arena is an auto-generated and auto-executed event. * Players will be unable to teleport/backpoint back to N-Practising Yard after the bus card has expired. * Mobs spawned are suryun-type mobs which may drop

gold/basic refines. Killing them are optional. * Players must survive until the last wave of mobs and wait for NPC Citizen to spawn to complete the quest given by Ami. * NPC Dorothy {Dolthy} will spawn at intervals during each Stage where players may replenish potions and arrows/talismans. * Expirable 50 HP/MP/SP potions are available at 1 gold each. * Mob level and strength increases after each wave. * Each wave lasts for around 10 minutes or less. * Only the Random Boxes have well, random contents. The Extra Costume is only available through the StageS Extra Costume box

- Dragon Boat Event [06/10/2008 - 10/15/2008] CODE Catch the Chonggie <<RETIRED>> From: Yuan (MarketPlace NPC 30,13) Req: lvl 1 * Catch the Chonggie Soldier [100/100] (From Fate Boxes) * Tell the result to Yuan Reward: Cutie Tiny Hamper [15D] Notes: Chonggie Solider also drops Dumpling [15D] (HP SP MP Recovery 50) Cutie Tiny Hamper [15D] may contain any of the following: Upgrade Support Potion(10) Beidas Ring [15D] Burr Special Cracker A Sorrow Tiger [7D] Synthesizer Upgrade Set

- Newbie Patch [07/09/2008 - sometime 2009, EP6-1?. Reinstated EP6-3/6-4? - TBD] CODE From: autoquest * Talk to Grocery Merchant to confirm each level achievement [s]<<possibly RETIRED or BUGGED>>[/s] Level 5 Achievement Req: acquisistion: lvl 1; completion: lvl 5 Reward: Newbie 5lv Box (10pc High Class Support Potion 30%) Level 10 Achievement Req: acquisistion: completed "Level 5 Achievement"; completion: lvl 10 Reward: Newbie 10lv Box (15pc High Class Support Potion 30%) Level 15 Achievement Req: acquisistion: completed "Level 10 Achievement";

completion: lvl 15 Reward: Newbie 15lv Box (20pc High Class Support Potion 30%) Level 20 Achievement Req: acquisistion: completed "Level 15 Achievement"; completion: lvl 20 Reward: Newbie 20lv Box (25pc High Class Support Potion 30%) Level 25 Achievement Req: acquisistion: completed "Level 20 Achievement"; completion: lvl 25 Reward: Newbie 25lv Box (30pc High Class Support Potion 30%)

Note: Quest completion (from lvl 5+) fixed as of EP 6-4? - Moon Bear Thanksgiving Event [10/22/2008 - 11/03/2008] CODE Moon Bear Thanksgiving Quest <<RETIRED>> From: (Lamps from Moon Bear, exchange with Market College Representative) Req: lvl 1 * Catch Dormant Moon Lamps from Moon Bear [20/20] (from Destiny Boxes) * Exchange 20 Dormant Moon Lamps for Moon Lamp headgear OR Exchange to 1 coupon (Moon Bear Leather Apparel) OR Exchange 5 coupons (Moon Bear Leather Apparel) for Moon Bear Costume from College Representative [Market] Reward: Moon Lamps (Headgear) def: 5, acc: 2, eva:-2, lvl:1, res:5, HP:+50 Moon Bear Costume [from 5 coupons for Moon Bear Leather Apparel from 100 Dormant Moon Lamps] Notes: Moon Lamp exchange text will only be available from the Rep if lamps are in complete stacks of 20s To trigger the Moon Lamp exchange, click on the chat option: >Exchange to Moon Lamps >Exchange to Moon Lamps To trigger the Moon Bear Leather Apparel exchange, click on: >Exchange to Moon Lamps >Exchange to Coupons for Moon Bear Leather Apparel

- Globe Quest (Kwento ni Mimiw at Bogart)[05/25/2009 - 07/12/2009] <<RETIRED>> * 4 - Chinese New Year Event[02/17/2010-TBD] * Collect Rice-Cake Soup [30/30] from Lvl 14+ Mobs

* Exchange the Rice-Cake Soup to a Lucky Pouch with College Representative [Market] Reward: Lucky Pouch (random box which may contain the following costume/refines: Tiger Costume Box (15D), Normal Random Box (1st), Fine Random Box (1st) at Normal Random Box (2nd)) Notes: Not a quest per se. Just an item exchange with the Market Rep. New Items: Rice-Cake Soup [50% HP+SP], Lucky Pouch, Tiger Costume Box (15D), Normal Random Box (1st), Fine Random Box (1st) at Normal Random Box (2nd)

back to Top of Section, Index Posted by: skyhiker Jul 13 2008, 06:14 PM

=============================================== Ordered Start->Finish Quests for Popular Rewards ===============================================

Level Reward Req

Quest Name [Complete quests for B2

From: Target

Entry to B3




Special Agent's Test

Special Agent: 20 SGD 40 min

Can Enter Leo


Through the Tunnel

Police [SG]: Tunnel quest to access TH

Can Enter TH (Image Expert)


Investigate the Leonair Campus Investigate the Leonair Campus Main Center Spirit's Request

Special Agent: 5 Small Pox leaves


Special Agent: Find Banshee


Banshee: Poison Ivy/Shadow Crow

Can Enter Leo 1F


Recover the Videotape

Student Director [Leo]: Tech Teacher[Leo], Zopar key quest - 2F


Transmitting the Videotape

Student Director [Leo]: Give tape to SA


Videotape Recovery

Special Agent: Give tape to Image Expert


Image Expert's Request Obtain the Leonair College ID Card

Image Expert: Talk to TH Police and SA


SA: Talk to Student Director [SG]

Can Enter Leo 3F


The Basement 2 of Leonair Campus

Student Director [SG]: Go to Leo 3F-> SD [Leo]>code from IronMan28

Activate B2 Elevator->Can Enter Leo B2


Can Enter Leo B3

10 spiritual spheres

[Complete quests for B2 75 access]


Cleaning the Spores

SD (cont'd): Trapper Plant AND Spore

Reward------------------Level----Quest Name----------From: Target ---------------------------------------------------------------Zheng Armors------------76-92----The Stolen Book 1-4 [Master Zheng]
CODE 76-----The Stolen Book 1---Lvl 73-74 Enhanced {B}[+2]--Cripple Guy 83-----The Stolen Book 2---Lvl 76-77 Dynamic [D][+4]---Skating Master 88-----The Stolen Book 3---Lvl 83-84 Dynamic [C][+3]---Hodel {NOT Skating Mstr} 92-----The Stolen Book 4---Lvl 90-91 Dynamic {B}[+2]---Freezing Clown

Useable Cards---------28-70----Collecting the Cards 1-4 [autoquest] [all cards are untradeable and can be used 6 times and will expire within 7 days]
CODE 28-----Collecting the Cards 40-----Collecting the Cards 2 60-----Collecting the Cards 3 70-----Collecting the Cards 4 5 Emer.Locker Lnk cards from Drunkard 5 Start Point Pass from Blood Hunter 5 Back Point Pass from Shadow Crow 5 Buddy Trans Card from Tomb Raider

+7 Spatial Rosary--------132-----[To get AngBeeLan's Tests]

CODE 112 112 112 117 117 117 117 120 125 125 132 132 132 132 132 Visit the Old Man Water Quality Check Repairing the Generator Catching Smugglers Investigating the Building The "Green" Secret Foothold Truck Driver: Talk to Suspicious Folk Folk: Find bottle {rwd:Darkish +2} Folk: Go to ship, wharf 2(rwd:Bone +2} Po [Wharf]: Eliminate 1 Violent Baldie Po [Wharf]: Evidence search {rwd:Lohan} Po [Wharf]: 5 keys-IT/VB/VG{Entr 2F}

Confiscation of Smuggled Goods Po [Wharf]: Go to ship @ wharf 4

Investigate the Green's Secret. Po [Wharf]: Got to Police [TH]{Entr 1F} The 2nd Floor of the "Green"... Po [Wharf]: 5 keys-DR/VB/VG/N[M]{En 3F} The Videotape Recovery Returning the Evidence The First Test The Second Test The Final Test Folk: Go to IE, ship wharf 3 {rwd:3 SP) Po [Wharf]: Delivery - Po[TH],AngBeeLan AngBeeLan: Cordy, FH, WW, SC -30min AngBeeLan: 10 pills-Freezing Clown-15m AngBeeLan: 15 Baldies-10m {+7 spatial}

The 3rd Floor of the "Green"... Po [Wharf]: 7-N[M]/SH/SG/BG{Aruhagen}

Reward: Spatial Rosary [Lvl:120][+7]

Posted by: skyhiker Jul 13 2008, 06:17 PM

=============================================== Repeatable Quests ===============================================


Lvl Reward 5 1200g 11 2800g 5 5 attri**

Quest Name Improvised Medicines Stolen Bandages Cleaning the Dormitory

From: Item - Target Nurse: 10 Cig Butts - Hooligans Nurse: 20 Bandages - Junkies SD: 20 Trashes Clnr[TH]: 10 Trashes - SB/SM/GMilk ICS: 10 bottles - Halogen/Hodel


80 2000g, 100 exp Cleaning the Streets 85 4 Ice Cream X3 Collecting Empty Bottles

** attributes are only added if the starting value is negative by doing this quest (e.g. -1 attri => +4). No attributes are added once this is 0/positive. Note: Recycling the Unverified Currency Notes quest is no longer repeatable after the Rebirth patch.

=============================================== Miscellaneous Tasks with Rewards ===============================================

These are not official "quests" per se, but these tasks can be repeated to gain rewards from various NPCs. The items may be acquired through mob drops, events, quest rewards, or can be purchased from other players. The items must be fully-stacked for the NPC to give a chat option wherein which you can claim the reward. E.g. 20 Empty Bottles to Cleaner [SG] - Deliver Recycled Trash CODE Task/Items NPC Cleaner Cleaner [TH] Cleaner [SG] Cleaner [SG] Cleaner [SG] Reward Synthesizer Upgrade Set Synthesized Recovery Potion [1] Any refining/upgrade item or 1 Green Bead 1 Green Crystal ????????????? ------------------------------------------------------------------*Collect 20 Empty Bottles *Collect 20 Empty Bottles Collect 5 Red Beads Collect 5 Green Beads Collect 5 Green Crystals

* Can only be rewarded after completing the initial quests "Cleaner's Request" from the respective Cleaners

Posted by: skyhiker Jul 13 2008, 06:21 PM


Location, Entrance Coordinates of Maps ===============================================

CODE Map Name(s) Entrance | Exit Coordinates [x,y] Descriptive Location/ Nearest Bus Stop ------------------------------------------------------------------MP Campus Main Centre 1F MP Campus SG Campus Main Centre 1F SG Campus PX Campus Main Centre 1F PX Campus Market Place {Campus Square} E-Room Front [MP|SG|PX|TH] Electrical Room Shibuya Wedding Hall Practising Yard N-Practising Yard MP Hole SG Hole PX Hole LeonineCampus (Leo Main Center) LeonineCampus1F {Leo 1F} Leo 2F Leo B1 Leo 3F Leo B2 Leo B3 SG HolePassage [TH Tunnel] Sacred Hole No.3 Passage Trading Hole Car Park (1) Car Park (2) WharfPassage HO 1F HO 2F HO 3F Prison Middle Hole Root Hole PrisonTestZone Laboratory7 |Underground Lab Head.B 1F Head.B 30F Head.B 50F Head.B 51F Commercial Area Entrance TH [77,138] | CP1 [29,30] TH [73,144] | CP2 [29,30]

Head.B 52F Head.B 90F Head.B U-ground Director Room Another W North Another W Centre Another W South ... ... ... Shibuya 2

N - North (top of map) E - East (right of map) S - South (bottom of map) W - West (left of map) NE - North East SE - South East SW - South West

back to Top of Section, Index

=============================================== Location/Coordinates of NPCs ===============================================

CODE NPC Name Map (x,y) Student Director Welfare Merchant Nurse [MP|SG|PX] Shaman Instructor Brawler Instructor Archer Instructor Locker Technician Coordinates Descriptive

Location/Nearest Bus Stop NE

------------------------------------------------------------------Admin Office at 1st Floor of the Main Center Campus 1F Campus 1F Campus 1F Campus 1F Campus 1F Campus 1F Campus 1F 71,14 101,111 60,9 Market N, in between lockers NW NE SE

Swordsman Instructor New Quest Helper [MP] New Quest Helper [PX] New Quest Helper [SG] Campus Representative Campus Coordinator Nurse [MP|SG|PX Hole] Bus Driver [MP|SG|PX]

Construction Sup. [MP] MP Hole

North of No.2 Twin City

Construction Sup. [PX] PX Hole Construction Sup. [SG] SG Hole Technical Teacher [MP] MP Hole Technical Teacher [PX] PX Hole Technical Teacher [SG] SG Hole Cleaner [MP] Cleaner [SG] Cleaner [PX] MP Hole SG Hole PX Hole MP Hole SG Hole PX Hole SG Hole SG Hole SG Hole Leo Campus Leo Main Center 1F Leo Main Center 1F Technical Teacher(Leonaire) Leo 2F Leo 3F Trading Hole Trading Hole Trading Hole Trading Hole Trading Hole Trading Hole Trading Hole Wharf Wharf Wharf Wharf Prison Prison Prison Middle Hole Prison Middle Hole Root Hole Root Hole Head.B 1F Head.B 1F Head.B 1F Head.B 30F Head.B 50F 129,139 (135,115) {Secret Agent} Sacred Rotary Near 4th Industrial Zone East of Small Square Near Lake Water

Physics Teacher [MP] Physics Teacher [SG] Physics Teacher [PX] Nurse [SG Ring] Police [SG Hole] Special Agent Banshee Nurse [Leo] Mr.No-Name Zopar [Leo] Elevator [B3] Nurse [TH] Cleaner [TH] Hot Dog Seller [TH] Master Zheng Image Expert Police [TH] AngBeeLan Truck Driver Suspicious Folk Sacred Gate Guard Police [Wharf] Jail Warden Soul (Middle Hole) Police Corpse [A] Weapon Shop Owner Nurse [MH] Old Man [RH] Police [RH] Seung Hee Ji Information Terminal Terminal (1F) Terminal (30F) Terminal (50F)

Student Director [Leo] Leo Main Center 1F

Technical Teacher [Leo] Leo 2F

Ice Cream Seller [TH] Trading Hole

Security Guard [Wharf] Wharf

Combat Police Corpse

Underground Passage Terminal Head.B 1F

Hong Ji Yoon Joon Sujung Zinu Jiny Brian Tammy Ms. Choi Ji Il Chung So Sung Il Seung Hee Yoon Director EP 6-1: Practising Yard Market 2

Head.B 90F MP Campus 1F MP Campus 1F SG Campus 1F SG Campus 1F PX Campus 1F PX Campus 1F Middle Hole Head.B U-ground Head.B U-ground Head.B U-ground Another W?

Ran Online PH EP3 Game Guide: back to Top of Section, Index

Posted by: skyhiker Jul 13 2008, 06:23 PM Note: Mobs will become "white" (no experience received when killed solo) when the player reaches more than 20 levels above the mob level.

=============================================== Mob List ===============================================

CODE Level Name {Alternate Name(s)} [Map(s) Found] ------------------------------------------------------------2 6 8 10 11 13 14 17 17 Little Hooligan Little Bandit Hooligan Chief Hooligan Bandit Bandit Leader Gangster Street Junkie Fencing Student [MP] [SG,PX] Aggressive to players 1-17 Aggressive Mob Boss Mob Boss Notes

18 19 22 22 24 25 28 31 31 32 33 35 36 36 38 39 39 39 ?? 42 44 47 48 50 50 50 52 52 53 53 53 54 55 56 56 56 56 56 56 59 59 59 59 62 62 62 64 66 68

Notorious Junkie Slugger Brute Punk Elite Fencer Master Fencer Slasher Jr. Bruiser Mauler Punk Brute Mauler Brawler Bruiser Crook Renegade Outlaw Onslaught Shocker Dark Swordsman Jr. Blood Drinker Swordee Ardee Drunkard Cement Worker Uncle Potato Welder Fiery Chef Welder Master Furious Chef Cordy Sanitizer Obasan Cement Fatty Blood Hunter Blood Robber Miner Fatty Blood Hunger Chicken Stray Dog Freezing Halogen Fatty Bom Bom Barba Marionette Death Flame Construction Fatty Car Engineer Hell Scisssors Freezing Halogen Werewolf Bomber Clown [PX Hole] [SG Hole] [SG Hole] [Leo] [MP Hole] [MP Hole] [SG Hole] [PX] Dargen Man {Varsity Jock} [MP] [MP]

Mob Boss Aggressive to players 1-22 Mob Boss Agressive Agressive

Mob Boss Agressive Mob Boss Agressive Agressive Agressive Agressive Agressive [SG,MP,PX & Holes] Area Boss

Aggressive (abnormal status) Aggressive to players 1-50

Mob Boss Mob Boss Aggressive (running) Aggressive [SG,PX Hole]

Aggressive Aggressive Aggressive (running) Aggressive Aggressive to players -47? Aggressive Aggressive Aggressive Aggressive (running) Aggressive (abnormal) Aggressive

[SG,PX Hole]

68 71 73 74 76 76 76 77 ?? ?? ?? 78 78 79 80 81 85 86 87 88 89 90 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 97 98 99 100 100 101 101 102 102 103 104 104 106 107 107 109 109 111 111

Shadow Crow Sacred Gate Defender Guard Captain Clown Flame Halogen Violent Girl Unknown Corpse Jackson Ethereal Fist Dark Swordsman Ninja Knife Tomb Raider Cripple Guy Corrupted Hound Mummy Cripple Guy Small Pox Skating Boy Poison Ivy Janitor Got Milk Spiritual Boy Wicked Girl Skating Master Mad Teacher Demented Nurse Loose Halogen Boney Hodel Vampire(M) Vampire(F) Wild Rat Head Nurse Freezing Clown Blood Mary Haunted Boy Haunted Girl Serial Killer Fiery Aunty Ali Wrestler Prison Guard Chain Keeper Golf Player {Golf Babe} Wrestling Master Golf Bomber IronMan28 Slayers Evil Ronin [CP]

[SG Hole, Leo] [SG Hole] [SG Hole] [SG Hole] [TH Tunnel] [TH Tunnel] [Leo] [SG Hole] [SG Hole] [SG Hole]

Aggressive Mob Boss

Aggressive (abnormal) Aggressive (running) Aggressive Aggressive (abnormal) Aggressive Area Boss Area Boss Aggressive Aggressive

[SG, MP, PX Holes] Area Boss

[TH Tunnel] [TH] [TH]


Aggressive Aggressive Aggressive (abnormal) Aggressive Aggressive Aggressive Aggressive (abnormal)


Aggressive Aggressive (abnormal) Aggressive

[CP] Aggressive Aggressive (abnormal) Aggressive Aggressive [B1] [CP] [Shibuya] [Leonair Campus Main Center, B1] [B1] [TH, CP] [TH, CP] [B1] [TH, CP] [Leo 3F] [Leo 3F] [TH, CP] [TH] [TH, CP] [Leo 3F] [B2] [Shibuya] Mob Boss Aggressive Aggressive Aggreesive (running) Aggressive Aggressive (abnormal) Aggressive Aggressive Aggressive (abnormal)

112 113 113 114 114 115 116 118 119 120 120 120 122 123 125 125 127 128 130 130 ??? ??? ??? 132 133 135 136 139 139 140 140 140 140 142 144 145 145 146 150 152 154 160 160 162 166 166 167 169 170

Hell Hound Fiery Ali Hunk Baldie Vengeful Spirit Violent Baldie Trapper Plant Fisherman Storage Guard Skater Hoodlum Gas Technician Baboy Lason Vicious Mummy Vicious Sailor Bandit Nameless Undead Knife Queen Violent Baldie Violent Girl Boy Kahoy Yazuka Master Ninja Knife [Big] Alien Archer Cruel Jupiter Ninja(M) Bunny Girl Askal Cross Fatty Ambush Girl Steel Head Ice Tyrant Boy Putol Leprous Girl Red Ninja {Red Thief} Toxic Killer Ninja(F)

[B2] [CP] [CP] [B3] [Wharf] [Wharf] [Shibuya] [Wharf] [B3] [B3] [Wharf] [Wharf] [B3] [Shibuya] [HO 1-3] [B3] [Shibuya] [Shibuya] [Shibuya]

Aggressive (running) Aggressive (weapon) (blueish) Aggressive Aggressive (abnormal) Aggressive (abnormal) Aggressive (abnormal) Aggressive (weapon) Aggressive (brownish) Mob Boss

[B2, Tunnel 3]

Aggressive Aggressive (weapon) Aggressive Aggressive

[Wharf, HO 1-3F]

Area Boss Area Boss Area Boss Aggressive Aggressive (running)

[Practising Yard] [HO 2,3F] [HO_3F] [B3]

[TH Tunnel 3, Prison, MH] [TH Tunnel 3] [HO_3F] [HO_1F] [B3] [B3] [TH Tunnel 3] Aggressive (weapon) Aggressive (weapon) Aggressive [CCP] Aggressive (weapon) M16 Aggressive Area Boss Aggressive

Panday Taba {Angry Supervisor/Lards}[Prison, MH]

Black Ninja {Black Thief} [Prison] [B3] [HO_3F]

Corrupted Parak {Machinary Thief}[Prison, MH] Preso de Mayor {Prison Supervisor}[Prison] Jeproks {RocknRoll} White Lady Death Reaper Hiphop Girl [MH] [B3] [HO2F] [MH]

Ringgy {Prisoner Ringgy, Prisoner_Big}[Prison] Aggressive elec guitar Aggressive (weapon) Area Boss, Aggressive(wep)

Niyebeng Lobo {Cold Wolf} [Tunnel 3, MH] Corrupted Bumbero {Fire Madness}[MH] Big Boy Maso {Prisoner-HammerMan}(Prison] Sword Assassin {Dbl Sword Assassin}[MH] Verdugo {Dbl Spear Assasin} [MH] Area Boss, Aggressive Aggressive Aggressive 2 swords Aggressive 2 smgs

170 171 172 172 174 177 191 179 180 180 180 180 181 182 185 188 182 ??? ??? 188 188 188 188 188 188 188 188 188 188 200 299 299

Purple devil {Purple Demon} [B3] (Purple Dark) Aggressive Spice Girl [MH] [MH] Area Boss Totoy Bato {Prisoner Rockman}[Prison] Spice Boy {Trendy Punk} Bakulaw Nightmare Clown {Crown Foky}[RH] <clown in a unicycle> [RH] <stony/speckled white-hair gorilla> Poison Ninja {Poisonous Demon Inducer}[RH] Light Inducer {Light Demon Inducer}[RH] Saint Gambler Dark Arts Master Guillotine Master Fire Ninja Ice Inducer Pretty Veyah Bilanggo Astral Swordsman Crimson Swordsman Deadly Gamu_Gamo Poisonous Gamu_Gamo Fiery Gamu_Gamo Silver Higad Bronze Higad Higad Mad Smasher Mad Driller Crazy Bomber Lead Miner Dark Arts Agent Ultimate Destroyer Giant Hawk [HO3F] [B3] Area Boss Area Boss, Aggressive

Guillotine Master {Escaped Prisoner}[Prison](1 cres.fury) Area Boss, Aggressive [MH, RH] (2 cres.fury) Area Boss, Aggressive [RH] <black ninja with red tattoo on forehead> [RH] [RH] [RH] Area Boss [RH] <purple hair> Area Boss [RH] <green hair> Area Boss [PTZ] <brown wasp> [PTZ] <green wasp> [PTZ] <orange wasp> [PTZ] <clear/red centipede> [PTZ] <reddish centipede> [PTZ] <clear centipede> [PTZ] <grey dude w/ shovel arm> [PTZ] <grey dude w/ rocket launcher arm> [PTZ] <radioactive guy> [PTZ] (orange guy with skull necklace) [RH] <w/ DSW> [PTZ] [Lab7] Area Boss Area Boss Area Boss

Haring Braso {bouncing king boxer}[RH]

********NEW EPISODE 3+ MOBS:******** 240 240 240 240 240 240 250 250 260 260 260 260 270 280 280 Cannon Black Cannon Sergeant Blue Sergeant Black Rose Red Rose Double Cannon Spin Blade Spin Edge Mono Eye Red Eye Cannon Gun Slicer Poison Slicer [Head.B 30F] <Triple rocket-launcher guy w/ white shirt> [Head.B 30F] <Triple rocket-launcher guy w/ red shirt> [Head.B 30F] <green/grey shell suit w/ red trim ninja> [Head.B 30F] <blue/grey shell suit w/ brown trim ninja> [Head.B 50-52F] <blonde lady w/ staff> [Head.B 50-52F] <red-head lady w/ staff> [Head.B 50-52F] <2 rocket launcher pink big guy>

Powered Double Cannon [Head.B 50-52F] <2 rocket launcher green big guy> [Head.B 90F] <green shell suit w/ red trim> [Head.B 90F] <blue shell suit w/ brown trim> [Head.B 90F] <blue cyclops w/blade> [Head.B 90F] <red cyclops w/rocket> [Head.B Left and Right Wall]<double sentry guns> [Head.B U-ground] <pot-bellied green> [Head.B U-ground] <pot-bellied pale, red-arm w/ sword>

290 290 300 300 310 310 310 320 330 330 330


[Head.B U-ground]<pale insect-humanoid> [Head.B U-ground]<2-head black doberman> [Head.B U-ground]<upside-down guy w/ blades at feet> [Head.B U-ground]<fat ugly bum w/ S on shirt>

Poison Multilock [Head.B U-ground]<green insect-humanoid> Two-head dog Reverser Cuniser Two-head firedog [Head.B U-ground]<2-head red doberman>

Animal Trainer [Head.B U-ground]<blue pants w/ red arm bandage, spiky collar> Powered Mono Eye [Director RoomB?] <red cyclops w/ rocket arm, straight blade> Powered Time Cutter [Director RoomB?] <lady in beige suit/skirt, gold trim> Secretary [Director RoomB?] <white-haired chick w/ machine gun> Powered Eraser [Director RoomB?] <red spiky haired ninja guy in shell suit>

Area Boss Episode 3+ 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1500 1500 Mr. Pet Revolver [Head.B 30F] <toxic-suit fat guy w/ radioactive cylinder on back> [Head.B 50-52F] <big lab tech in coat with test tube kit>

Ms. Chemical [Head.B 90F] <lady in skirt w/ red coat holding a skull> Time Cutter [Head.B Left Wall] <lady in beige suit/skirt and thin black curved blade> Eraser Sponge Reflector [Head.B Right Wall] <red spiky haired ninja guy in black shell suit> [Head.B U-ground] <obese fatty w/ green shorts, red flames> [Another W North]

Geomancer (Chairman)[Director RoomB] <blind, pony-tail, black w/gold trim overcoat>

********NEW EPISODE 6-1 MOBS:******** Mob Boss Football Captain Crazy Thunder Chicken Run Crazy Cantena Captain Sailor Laboratory Plant Ninja Crawler Crazy Poker

Suryun Mobs [Episode 3] Level 1 Bandit Leader Level 1 Notorious Junkie Level 1 Master Fencer Level 1 Bruiser Level 2 Furious Chef Level 2 Sanitizer Master Level 2 Blood Robber Level 2 Guard Captain Level 3 Golf Bomber Level 3 Storage Guard Level 3 Bandit

Level 3 Violent Baldie Level 4 Dark Swordsman {big} Level 4 Alien Archer Level 4 Iron Fist Level 4 Ninja Knife {big} Level 4 NutsNBolts Level 4 AlienKingKong Level 4 Kuting Level 5 Terrible Jupiter Level 5 Sultry Girl Level 5 Fiery Empress Level 5 Cruel Empress Level 6 Blade Trancer Level 6 ZetaJr Level 7 WindBoss Level 7 MasterBoss ??????? 190 191 191 192 193 193 194 195 196 198 ??_N0720 ??_G0128 ??_S0604 ?_N0112 ?_R1205 ?_S0604 1 2

* These are RAN PH Mobs listed with their equivalent RAN MALAYSIA (EN) names (yes I know this list is a mess, please bear with me ^_^)

Ran Online PH EP3 Game Guide: back to Top of Section, Index

Posted by: skyhiker Jul 13 2008, 06:28 PM

=============================================== MISCELLANY ===============================================

***Some additional info that might hopefully come in handy***

***Total Skill Points Acquired through Leveling + All Quests: CODE TOTAL SKILL POINTS GAINED FROM QUESTS UP TIL LVL 148 = 30 Starting Skill Point = 0 Skill Point per level = 1 Char SP(lvl) SP(quests) SP(New Quest = Total Number of Lvl 1 2 0 1 38 45 52 61 62 65 74 77 96 111 124 126 131 143 147 156 164 174 184 194 199 209 cumulative 1 2 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 13 16 19 19 23 28 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 0 0 14 18 20 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22+25 22+25 22+25 22+25 22+25 Helper) =1 =3 = 58 = 70 = 80 = 92 = 94 = 98 = 108 = 112 = 131 = 149 = 165 = 167 = 176 = 193 = 199 = 208 = 216 = 251 = 261 = 271 = 276 = 286 Skill Points -----------------------------------

39 46 53 62 63 66 75 78 97 112 125 127 132 144 148 157 165 175 185 195 200 210 -

Formula for total available skill points, assuming all quests are complete: Current Level - 1 + (sp quests) + (sp quest helper) + (sp quest helper ep 6-3) = Total # of Skill Points @ level 148+: Current Level - 1 + 30 + 22 = Total # of Skill Points @ level 167+: Current Level - 1 + 30 + 22 + 25 = Total # of Skill Points

Note: Shamans may have an "additional skill point" if they do not reset. This is because of learning Breath of Life for free as reward for the Student's Registration quest. Using oblivion potions will reset the skill points but will not give back the "free skill" (not technically a skill point) earned in this quest.

***Acquiring Scrolls Tips: CODE Spiritual Spheres gained from quests can be traded for their corresponding skill level scroll from your respective Campus Instructor. E.g. 9 Spiritual Spheres can be traded for the Level 9 skill Massive Haste a.k.a. "Team Agility" Scroll from the Shaman Instructor. There is a quest for each skill level scroll. Some like the 1,4 and 9 skills have 2 quests. The spheres are non-tradeable and cannot be put in your locker. They can either be traded for scrolls or be exchanged for gloves. Choose wisely. Scrolls for Skill Level 5,9,10,12 and 13 are in high demand because the quests are difficult or there are multiple scrolls available for that particular skill and only 1 quest available. Some (Lvl 9,10 & 13) scrolls are rarely dropped. For lvl 5 and 12 scrolls, it is advisable to trade in the sphere for the scroll that is harder to find in the market and then just purchase the scroll for one that that is easier to find. E.g. Exchange sphere for Revitalize and buy Gaia Dragon Strike from the Market. For Swordsmen, get Lightspeed from the sphere instead of the other 117 skill. Basic (lvl 1-3, some lvl 4) and most ETC skill scrolls are available directly from your respective Campus Instructors. Be wary of overpriced scrolls in the market. To save gold, do the Terminal authentication quests to get all the early-level scrolls as a newbie.

***Names of Scrolls According to Skill Level and Number of Spiritual Spheres: CODE Skill Level = Number of Spiritual Spheres Skill Char Scroll Names by Class Lvl 0 1 1 1 Lvl 10 4 7 (Swordsman; Brawler; Archer; Shaman) Concentration Breath of Life Regeneration; Revive Sword Stab, X Strike, Divine Shield, Ronin Slash, Blade Mastery; Heavy Punch, Weapon Mastery, Side Kick, Metal Head; Arrow Assault, Force Shot, Shockwave; Rapid Pierce, Incineration, Vampiric Attack 1 2 20 17 Blade Mastery; Fist Mastery; Range Mastery; Spear Mastery Meditation, Madness Blow; Raging Dragon Riser; Sacrifice, Light Pierce, Spirit Ball Strike; Drilling Strike, Scroll of Weakening, Sacrificial Ritual, Vibra Blast 3 27 Multi Slash, Dual Slash, Shogun Swing; Tokkan Punch, Spinning Kick, Elbow Crush; Kawasu, Bow Strike, Energy Arrow, Tri-Force; Spear Mastery, Inspire 3 30 Titan Will --------------------------------------------------------------


Sand Gale; Blunt Vortex; Eagle's Sight, Soul Gasher; Enhanced Drilling Strike, MP Regeneration, Fortify, Arcane Recovery, Soul Burn


Sword Mastery, Corkscrew Blade, Kick Slash, Blood Lust, Cyclone Slash; Mirage Punch, Concentration, Double Attack, Power Up; Arrow Storm, Cripple Shot, Armor Piercing Strike, Bow Mastery, Vampiric Arrow; Gaia Dragon Strike, Enhanced Vampiric Attack, Revitalize

6 7

57 67

Tranquility; Blood Lust; Earthquake Strike, Bow Slash; Amazon's Fury; Gift of Life, Dragon of Cold Icycle, Haste Lightning Slash, Jumping Slash, Arcane Punch; Kick-Punch Combo, Sonic Slash, Power Tackle, Evasion; Evasive Chant, Illusion Charge, Burst Fire; Frost Incantation, Heaven's Treatment


Critical Punch; Power Kick, Enhanced Force Shot, Soul Arrow; Radial Spear Strike, Serpent's Venom, Confusion Strike, Magma Explosion


Sword Explosion, Critical Slash, Kamikaze; Agility Boost, Elevate Kick, Chi Finger Blast; Arrow of Armaggedon; Spectral Pierce, Petrify, Team Agility {Massive Haste}



Sunken Strike, Hurricane Slash, Metal Body; Shintendouchi, Tornado Kick, Engulf; Triple Shot, Hunter's Snare, Gaia's Blessing; Shin-Ryu Attack, Dark Souls



Explosive Strike, Fury, Lightning Strike; Deadly Seven,

Makaze Kick, Dynamite Punch; Star Fall, Arrow Bombardment, Force of Gaia; Tremor, Vigor Explosion, Berserk Aura 12 117 Lightspeed; Thunder Strike, Vacuum Slash, Crescent Slash; Force Punch, Ankle Crush, Force Roar; Slow, Tiger's Rage, Force of Illusion; Flight of Crane, Enhanced Weakening, Resurrection 13 127 Inferno Attack, Tornado Slash, Blood Rain; Dance of the Warrior, Upper Jab, Force Push; Dance of Death, Wrath of Phoenix, Heaven's Judgment; Demon Spear Dance, Infernal Punishment, Spear Guardian's Wrath 14 147 Soul Sword, Bloody Divide, Sword Rings; Taichi, Rays Cyclone, Dragon Rising; Guardian Shot, Anger Shot, Dimension Illusion; Crescent Moon Raging Winds, Gravity, Paralyzed 15 157 Guardian Blade, Soul Reaver, Rising Edge; Tai Shi Wave, Dragon's Arc, Soul Destroyer; Illusion Chain, Blue Dragon Riser, Illusion Squall; Shadow Spear, Meteor Smash, Will o' Wisp 15 15 160 191 Light Armor; Sonic Craze; Chrono Shift; Magnetic Shaft Titan Force

***Scroll Mob Drops (FOR VERIFICATION): CODE Skill Char Lvl Lvl Mobs|Maps {Notes}


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15

7 17 27 37 47 57 67 77 87 97 107 117 127 147 157 PTZ Prison (SGW - retired); B3: White Lady, Purple Devil; RH?: Nightmare Clown, Bakulaw Campus: DargenMan Campus: DargenMan, Onslaught Holes (mid) Holes (end): Hell Scissors, Construction Fatty Holes (end): Hell Scissors TH: Skating Boy/Masters; Leo: Unknown Corpse, Tomb Raider, Mummy? Leo: Small Pox; Leo 1F: ? Leo B1: Haunted Boy, Haunted Girl (Ali discontinued?) Leo: Poison Ivy?; Leo 1F?: Leo B1: Ali; TH, CP : Hunk Baldie, Golf Player, Fiery Aunty, Wrestler?

***General Quest Tips: [under construction]

***Within the Campus quests: Once you have obtained the Force Field Authentication quest from the Student Director, do the Purification quests simultaneously. Both quests require you to eliminate mobs of the same type so maximize your time by doing both quests at the same time. (E.g. 3rd activation quest for the Force Field Authentication requires you to get 13 spiritual spheres from Bandit. The quest for Puriyfying the Study Classroom Center 2 Part II [MP] calls for 14 Bandits). Similarly, while doing the Nurse quest (Hooligan and Street Junkie), do the corresponding Purification quests simultaneously.

***Traversing through Maps: Use the Bus Stops. The Bus Card [7D] is your friend. Required quest to be able to utilize the Bus Stops is from the Bus Driver, "Bus Driver's Request" @ lvl 33. ***TH Tunnel Tips (lvl 63 quest, Entering TH): -To follow***Beating the Trapper Plant (lvl 97 quest, 10 spiritual spheres): -To follow***Quests Ordered by NPC (might put this in a new section if demand is high) [under construction] ***Free Healing: Nurse [Campus 1F]: lvl 1-15

Campus Representative: lvl 1-10

***Corresponding Armor Types by Class: CODE -------------------------------------------------------------CLASS Swordsman SET TYPE -------GLOVES JACKET SHOES Gloves Coat Shoes Gloves Robe Pants Shoes Gloves Suit Heels Mittens Cloth Shoes Brawler Archer Shaman/QG --------------------------------------------------------------


Skirt/Jeans Leggings

NPC Grade Armors ---------------Level [X] 31-33 Senior Set Armor Name Senior Set Judo Fighter Brawler Mercenary Senior Set Tight Hunter Archer Assassin Senior Set Mage Shaman Ritual C lvl Steel ---------------------------------------------------------------49-32 {B} Kendo 56-59 [D] Shogun 88-91 155 Vagrant 111-114 {B} Drifter Cleric

C lvl Steel C lvl Steel C lvl Steel

DYNAMIC Armors ---------------79-77 [D] Shogun 81-84 [C] 88-91 {B} Vagrant ENHANCED Armors ---------------65-68 [C] Shogun 71-74 {B} Shogun Fighter Fighter Hunter Hunter Mage Mage Brawler Archer Shaman Fighter Hunter Mage

[X] = Armor Grade Level (A -> D) Lowest Level Requirement -> Highest Level Requirement: Gloves->Shoes->Coat->Pants

Posted by: skyhiker Jul 13 2008, 06:30 PM ***New Episode 3+ Quests*** New quests available in Episode 3 onwards are marked with (3) in the Quest Details section. Similarly, new quests available in Ep 6 onwards are marked with (6).

Note: The following quests [except those marked (+)] are unacquirable if the character level exceeded that of the quest level when EP 3 was patched.

=============================================== New Episode 3 Quests ===============================================

CODE Level Quest Name 10 16 21 91 103 106 106 111 140 141 144 151 (+)Help for Freshman (+)Help for Freshman 2 (+)Help for Freshman 3 Find the Stolen Dry Ice Collection of Old Book Gathering the Upgrade Tool From: Target auto/NPC @ Campus1F 1-9 auto/NPC @ Campus1F 1-9 auto/NPC @ Campus1F 1-2 auto/Bus Stop[Prison]: Bandit auto/Mr.Zheng: Wrestler, Fiery Aunty Cleaner[TH]: 10 bottles Fisherman --------------------------------------------------------------

Withdrawal of Security Guard ID Card Police[TH]: 8 keys Bandit Gathering Information Before the ... auto/Agent[TH]: Holes in Ninehall Delivery of Emergency Action guide Issue of Security Improvement Rescue the Civilian Investigation of the Dead Police auto/Bus Stop[TH]: Meet NPCs auto/Jail Warden: Prison 3rd gate auto/Mr.Zheng: Ms.Choi auto/Bus Stop[Wharf]: Ringgy

***Acquiring NEW CCP* ETC and additional Skills: [*CCP = Character Combine Patch] For higher-level characters who cannot acquire the skill scrolls from mob drops, create new characters of the same class and re-do the basic quests to exchange the sphere for scrolls. Just follow the guide for Spiritual Sphere quests. Create characters in the same server. As long as your characters are in the same server and using the same account, they share the same locker. Level 2 scrolls: Create an SG character to take advantage of 2 quests for this school. (Purification of the History Center, Library, quest lvl 11 and 13 respectively. Otherwise lvl 12 only for MP/PX) - May no longer be available (EP 6) Level 4 scrolls: Create an MP or PX character to be able to do 2 quests. (Purification of Student Center <MP> or Science Center <PX> and the Guard's Request, quest lvl 25 and 27 respectively) For best results, BUY all the skills available from the NPC/market and save the level 2(ETC), 3(pow archer), 4(ETC), 5(dex sword), 6(pow archer) and 7(dex archer) spheres for the new scrolls

***Life Point Quests:

=============================================== Life Point Quests ===============================================

CODE Point Level Quest Name 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 3 2 2 5 2 1? 2 2 39 39 39 39 46 53 62 63 66 75 78 112 125 132 132 144 148 165? Student Director's Test Physics Teacher's Call Unverified Currency Notes Issue the Order Books Recycling the Map Technical Teacher's Test Eliminate the HS|CE|FH Eliminate the Bomber Clown Special Agent's Request Eliminate the Jackson The Police's Request Visit the Old Man The Videotape Recovery AngBeeLan's 1st Test AngBeeLan's 2nd Test Collecting the Items Identify the Letter Pad From: Target SD: 2 Butts from Little Hooligan auto: Find Physics Teacher SD: Talk to SDs SD: Talk to Hole NPCs PT: 7 Map pieces from Clown TT: 20 Blood Hunger|UP| PT: 30 Hells|Car Engineer|25 FH PT [SG]: 30 Bomber Clown Special Agent: 20 Mummy Bandages Physics Teacher [SG]: Jackson Police [TH]: Talk to TH NPCs - LH Truck Driver: Talk to Folk Folk: Search & pass items to IE AngBeeLan: Cordy, FH, WW, SC AngBeeLan: 10 pills; Freezing Clown Warden: Taba, B Ninja, Parak Warden: 6 letter pcs; Totoy Bato, Maso

-------------------------------------------------------------The Force Field Authentication SD: Activate Campus Terminals

Obtain the Leonair College ID Special Agent: Talk to SD [SG]

***Patch Content General Info***(for verification) CODE [date][lvl cap][patch name]: [maps][npc][other new stuff][other patch details] - [2006] [b]Revolutions [EP 2][/b]: Carpark 1&2, Prison - [2006] [b]Episode 2-?[/b]: Wedding Hall, Shibuya - [03/28/07][165?] [b]Episode 2-2: Lvl 147 Skills Chapter[/b]: Lvl 147 skills, [~1.5 MB] Leonair B3, Root Hole - lvl 160, 190 ETC skills - [05/2007]: Pet System - [07/2007]: Ultima Training Rosary, Phoenix Lottery Box, Protection Necklace - [2007][185?] [b]Episode 2-3: The Awakening[/b]: Prison Test Zone - [09/2007][190]: Exp Compensation Quest, New Exp Tables - [10/25/07] [b]Character Combine Patch[/b] V [70.5 MB] (pass: rn081803ipvg); V [4.16 MB]

- [01/31/08][190] [b]Character Combine[/b]: 157 skills, New Quest Helper V [~45 MB] (pass: ep3domination18) V <ranonlinepatch_EP_3_2_0_0_02052008> - [02/11/08] Valentine's Day V [13.4 MB] <ranonlinepatch_3_3_0_0_02112008> Valentine's Day closing patch <ranonlinepatch_3_0_2_1_038> - [02/26/08][193] [b]Episode 3[/b]: Head.B 1F, 30F, 50F, 51F, 52F V [10.2 MB] Joon, Sujung, Zinu, Jiny, Tammy, Brian, Ms. Choi - [04/16/08][195] [b]Episode 3-1: The Rebirth[/b]: Reflector, Alternate Gender classes V [19.3 MB] <ranonlinepatch_5_0_1_1_04162008> - [05/27/08][195] [b]Episode 3-2[/b] : Head.B 90F, Head.B.Left Wall {To be activated: V [18.6 MB] Director's Room} Bosses: Ms.Chemical, TimeCutter. <ranonlinepatch_5_0_1_1_05282008> Skip options (resu & destiny box) - [06/10/08][198] [b]Dragon Boat Patch[/b]: Raised cap [198], Dragon Boat Event, V (pass: ran081803ip) Hover Board (Sable) {To be activated: Pet Ranny Bear} <ranonlinepatch_5_0_1_1_06102008> - [06/18/]8]: Hover Board (Yoshinoya Sky Lock), Yoshinoya Hover Board accessories - [07/09/08]: Newbie Patch (Newbie Patchuie) <ranonlinepatch_5_0_1_1_07082008> - [07/11/08]: Migration from SMF to IPB Forums - [08/04/08]: Skylock Quad Hoverboard (Yoshinoya) from Yoshinoya Ran Meal - [09/03/08][200] [b]Episode 3-3[/b]: Maps: Head.B RightWall, Director Room, Head.B U-ground, V Another W(orld) South, Centre and North Bosses: Geomancer, Eraser, Sponge, Reflector Quests: lvl 190+ quests (13) - [10/22/08][b]Moon Bear Thanksgiving Event[/b] Patch <ranonlinepatch_5_0_1_1_10212008> - [10/28/08][b]Halloween Event[/b], Shibuya 2 and Special Map Patch: Maps: Shibuya 2 and Evil Zone <ranonlinepatch_5_0_1_1_10302008> NPC: - [11/03/08][b]Thanksgiving Closing Manual Patch[/b] <ranonlinepatch_5_0_1_1_11252008> [10MB] - [12/10/08][b]Modified Enchant Rate Patch[/b] - [01/07/09]: Evil Zone map and map card removed - Evil Zone map returned - Gold bug map fix - Bank bug fix - [03/25/09]Episode 6-1: Extreme Character class: New funny weapons, boss mobs, lvl 190 added char card quest, NPCs, updated resu rosas. - [04/29/09]: EP 661 and 662: Prison II and PTZ II, updated exp gain for PTZ, Head.B and Head.B Uground <ranonlinepatch_6_1_0_0_04282009> [12.1MB] [05/25/09][b]Dragon Boat Patch[/b]: Manual Patch 663 to 666, Guild Upgrade to S, +10 Upgrade System, Globe Quest (Kwento ni Mimiw at Bogart) => "Dragon Boat Event" [06/10/09] EPISODE 668-669: fix to Mimiw at Bogart Quest NPC ranonlinepatch_6_1_0_0_06022009.exe -> Ran Item Bank Fix.exe or game.exe Item Bank bug fix > EMERGENCY UPDATE FOR EPISODE 669, Regarding the Item Bank Full of Sticks - [08/26/09]Episode 6-2: Cube Map patch: Cube Map, Raised level cap of Extreme from 150 to 180, new Extreme 160, 175 skills <ranonlinepatch_5_0_1_3_09032008> NPCs: Director, So Sung II, Seung Hee Yeon, Ji Il Chung

- [10/21/09]Episode 6-3: 167 skills etc. - [11/04/09]patch fix for shibuya II box, bugged brawler 167 sphere/scroll exchange - [???] - [02/17/09]Episode 6-4: New transformation skills etc. Removal of Mimiw. New Cube Maps. Etc.

[shameless plug] ***Effects/status ailments of various skills [All Classes] [/shameless plug]

=============================================== KEY and Mob List ===============================================

CODE School: [SG] = Sacred Gate [PX] = Phoenix [MP] = Mystic Peak Leo = Leonine = Leonair NPC: SD = Student Director of own school unless stated [school] Common NPC Name [Location/Map] (e.g. Nurse [SG Ring]) Clnr = Cleaner CS = Construction Supervisor {Constr. Sup} G Merchant = Grocery Merchant ICS = Ice Cream Seller IE = Image Expert Folk = Suspicious Folk Guard [Wharf] = Saint Private Guard Pol = Po = Police PT = Physics Teacher SA = Special Agent {Secret Agent} Tech Teacher = TT = Technical Teacher Warden = Jail Warden Zheng = Master Zheng SPH = Skill Point Helper Mob {with Alternate Names}: Baldie = Hunk Baldie BG = Bunny Girl B/R Ninja = Black Ninja or Red Ninja {Black or Red Thief} Cons. Fatty = Construction Fatty DR = Death Reaper

FH = Freezing Halogen FN = Fire Ninja GMilk = Got Milk GT = Gas Technician Halogen = LH = Loose Halogen Hells = Hell Scissors Jeprox = Jeproks {RocknRoll} LI = Light Inducer Lobo = Niyebeng Lobo {Cold Wolf} Maso = Big Boy Maso N[F] = Ninja(F) N(M) = Ninja(M) Parak = Corrupted Parak {Machinary Thief} PC[A] = Police Corpse [A] Preso = Preso de Mayor (Prison Supervisor} SA = Sword Assassin SB = Skating Boy SG = Storage Guard SGD = Sacred Gate Defender SH = SteelHead SG = Saint Gambler SM = Skating Master Taba = Panday Taba {Angry Supervisor/Lards} UP = Uncle Potato VB = Violent Baldie VG = Violent Girl WW = Werewolf WSO = Weapon Shop Owner auto = autoquest [quest is automatically triggered] attr = attribute or bright point C1 = center 1 (Student Center 1) char = character cig = cigarette coords = coordinates ctr = center FBurr = Fine Burr g = gold loc = location LP = Life Point lux = Luxury Protection Potion lv = lvl = character level prot = Protection Potion qst = quest res = elemental resistance req = requirement rosa = rosary skill pt = skill = skill point S Cntr = Student Center

SS = Spiritual Sphere(s) Study Clsrm Cntr = Study Classroom Center Term = Terminal (*) = Repeatable quest ? = Unsure or unknown, for verification blank items are still in-progress/for verification

----------------NOTE---------------Quests may vary by school [MP|SG|PX] (most of the quests here are MP-based) and/or by class <SWORDSMAN|BRAWLER|ARCHER|SHAMAN>. Differences will be posted as soon as they are verified. If a quest name has a school name appended to it, the quest can only be acquired by students from that school. E.g. Purifying the Art Center <MP> -> quest for MP students The corresponding quests for Phoenix: Cleaning the Science Classroom <PX> Otherwise, all quests are common for all, except where there is a class difference. Different objectives per school for the same quest are indicated in the details. back to Index

Posted by: skyhiker Jul 13 2008, 06:34 PM

=============================================== CHANGELOG ===============================================

CODE 01/10/2007 07/27/2007 07/28/2007 07/31/2007 08/01/2007 08/02/2007 08/02/2007 08/03/2007 08/07/2007 08/11/2007 08/22/2007 08/29/2007 09/04/2007 v 0.01 First draft v.0.06 Added lvl 140, 150+ quest details v.0.07 Added quest details, miscellany, reorganized structure v.0.08 Added lvl 1-106 quest details v.0.09 Added more items in Miscellany, updated lvl 1-40 quests v.1.00 First Release; Fixed formatting for forum guide v.1.01 Fixed typos, made corrections submitted by ranphguide v.1.02 Added additional formatting/corrections for forum version v.1.03 Corrected quest details, reformatted Armor section v.1.04 More quest details, corrections/adds to all parts of guide from input from forumers, added school/class differences. ditto added/corrected more quest details, armor info v.1.05 Multiple quest corrections/verification c/o ranphguide, added new ETC skills + ordered quests, restructured info

09/15/2007 09/20/2007 09/27/2007 10/13/2007 10/18/2007 10/24/2007 10/25/2007 10/30/2007 11/17/2007 11/27/2007 12/06/2007 12/18/2007 01/27/2008 01/30/2008 02/06/2008 02/28/2008 03/04/2008 03/18/2008 03/31/2008 04/30/2008 05/06/2008 05/12/2008 05/26/2008 06/02/2008

v.1.06 Links now anchored, corrected/updated quest details and levels, updated mob list, added guide info Made several corrections, added lvl 147,148 quest details Added SG campus quest details + info from Evenstar v.1.07 Updated lvl 74 & Leo Campus quests, mob details Validated and corrected lvl 75, 76, 165 quests, added anchors v.1.08 Ep 3 release. Added initial list of ep 3 quests + 157. Added, modified quest details from GM input & from RAN-MY forums Updated new quests from helper, lvl 163,167,169 skills, mob list from RAN KR (ep 3) and other stuff I can't remember Updated lvl 1-30 quest requirements and other quest details Removed Shibuya lvl req, corrected lvl reqs in ordered list v.1.08 Corrected + added info from ranphguide (mob list), Evenstar (176 + 177 quests. Verified lvl 88 quests + added more detailed info v.1.09 160,161,191 update. New patch + lvl 165 quest fix lvl 193 reward from Evenstar lvl 144 quest, minor corrections/updates (renamed PHX to PX) v.1.10 EP 3 release + new maps & quests. New quests from Evenstar and ranphguide ditto Added new ep 3 151 and 141 quests. Updated 78,170 and others 17X quest updates from PrivateRyan some ep 3 new quest corrections ditto. Updated mob list, added Battle Arena Stage quests v.1.11 Rebirth patched 4/16. Updated mob list, lvl 91, 103, 195 quests, Bugged list, NPC list Updated Total # of skill points section Ditto. Updated mob,map,npc lists and misc Minor updates, moved key and mob list down v.1.12 Added new lvl 140 autoquest. Verified/updated lvl 160-162, minor updates/changes throughout the guide. Updated Patch Content General Info

06/03/2008 06/13/2008

Reupdated lvl 162 quests. Added in lvl 195/Head.B 90F, rephrased/restructured some quests, updated links v.1.13 Verified/updated/corrected lvl 1-47 quests. Added in Phoenix in-campus quests, updated Bugged List. Updated MP 1-46 quests. Purification quests are now autogenerated since the EP 3 patch.

07/03/2008 07/08/2008 07/13/2008 07/17/2008 09/03/2008

Verified lvl 95-106 quests, updated quest details and added in bugged and typo labels Updated/verified lvl 1-41 SG quests. Added Newbie Patch quests. Updated bugged list and misc v.2.00 Format overhaul. Began transition from SMF BB to IPB forum codes. Updated/verified lvl 45-53 SG quests. Verified and updated lvl 60-67 quests. Updated misc v.2.01 Verified lvl 91 quest. Re-verified & updated lvl 70-125 quests. Fixed typoes. Added add'l quest rewards (LP, attri) for lvl 66 quest and made corrections to a bunch of quests/sections. Added Head.B U-ground quests courtesy of glitch888/==SINHO== and Evenstar


v.2.02 Verified/updated lvl 163,164 quests. Added new ep 3-3 quests

courtesy of Shadowbleak & player feedback and updated events. 10/24/2008 11/11/2008 01/05/2009 02/19/2009 02/24/2009 04/03/2009 04/08/2009 04/16/2009 05/11/2009 05/11/2009 06/19/2009 08/02/2009 08/15/2009 09/11/2009 02/17/2010 03/01/2010 Added MsChoi quest, corrected & updated events & misc section Modified sg ss2 quest - for further verification Updated lvl 173,39,106,116 quests. v.2.05 Updated lvl 111, 147. Added fixed font formatting, corrected some bits in the Miscellany Updated 45/55, 144, 180 quests. v.2.10 Updated with EP 6-1 stuff v.2.11 Verified and updated lvl 190 quests. At long last. Made some corrections. Last 2 lvl 190 quests c/o BloodShaman Minor corrections (too lazy to state), updated lvl 199 quest. Added disclaimer-disclaimer following updates on forum guidelines Updated stat/skillpoints quest tables v.2.12 Cleaned up some sections of the guide, updated Events section etc. Thanks TGM Morpheus ^_^... Still have a long ways to go to improve Some updates and corrections Added 200+ quests (to be patched tho, and confirmed ^_^) v.2.13 EP 6-3 updates, courtesy of idol Evenstar v.2.14 EP 6-4 update, courtesy of idol Evenstar. Lagi! Updated Newbie Event bug fix and archer time capsule quest Clarified ExtraStage rewards

Posted by: skyhiker Jul 13 2008, 06:36 PM

=============================================== CREDITS ===============================================

**DISCLAIMER**: I have made all efforts to keep this guide as updated and as accurate as possible. However, under no circumstances including negligence, shall I be held liable for any incidental, special, consequential or any other damages that may result from the use or inability to use this document. The key in this guide was solely created to keep the guide as succint as possible and to prevent sidescrolling. It does not represent the actual terminologies used by RAN. **CREDITS**:

y y

Original quest list (lvl 80-162) from RAN EN [Malaysia] Forums Mob list, quests and other data from RAN Korea ( - now defunct)

y y y y y y

Updated mob list, maps, and a bunchload of extremely useful info ^_^ from Ran Online PH EP3 Game Guide by FM Janies [Ran PH Forums]. Ran PH servers [esp Fury] for allowing me to play through and document the quests ranphguide [from Ran PH Forums] for many quest corrections/additions, his steady supply of info and dedication in helping with this project ^_^ Evenstar [from Ran PH Forums] for his many, many contributions and continued unfailing support of this quest guide. Kudos to his kind and unselfish help Ran PH Quests Forum folks -ChriseF- ... basta, big thanks

*********** This guide can be used or reposted in part or in it's entirety and without permission in other sites/FAQ/guides/forums as long as it is properly credited and without alteration (this CREDITS section must be included), but only whole sections can be omitted for space. Exceptions can be made with permission. Notification will be appreciated, though ^_^ Please do not steal this guide! If you would like to use any information from this file into your own guide, I require that I be notified and credited. Most of the information in this guide came through pain-staking documenting as I progressed through the game. As a result, all quests cannot be personally verified and will be eventually added/updated. ****This guide is still a work in progress and will be continuously updated****. I will not be held responsible for inaccuracies or misinformation within the said guide as per my disclaimer above. Disclaimer to my disclaimer: Due to (Amendment 1005 v2.10-A), whatever is mentioned there overrides my disclaimer (-_-). Suggestions, comments, additions, and most importantly, corrections are very much welcome, greatly appreciated and will be credited accordingly. I can be contacted in the forums [name: skyhiker] and through email [jadeskyhiker at gmail dot com]. original link of guide as text file: [to be updated] **SOURCES**: Trading Hole & Leo Quest details: Allianz06 [from Ran PH Forums]

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lvl 150+ quests from Ran Korea (hicocoon) stat point quest (Investigating the Experimental...): edialyn [Ran PH Forums] skill and scroll names from RAN PH Skill section Forum posts - from SMF version of forums. Posts are now unavailable. additional quest details/corrections: ranphguide lvl 163 quest: strawbry_zpawn +4 vanish ring quest: Evenstar add'l mob drops: - blue skill pt quest: Evenstar lvl 144 quest: gynbelle general corrections, verification and add'l lvl 160-200 info: ranphguide +6 soul ring quest: HANDSOME_DEVIL lvl 160 quest, RH/PTZ mobs + levels: Evenstar corrections, SG quest info: FM Janies lvl 147,148 quests: Evenstar lvl 147 quest: gynbelle lvl 155-180 quests: Evenstar lvl 147 quest: boyHataw lvl 165 quest: Nonie a.k.a -=kNivEz=lvl 156 quest: PrivateRyan 157 scroll: Evenstar Thanks to Mr. Grim Reaper for reporting the lvl 165 SG-only quest bug to the GMs and Mojo`jojo for initially reporting Acquiring EP3 new skills/ETC: Miguel New Quest Helper quests: monique of Fury and Shadowbleak Uncle Potato: zero_archer Ep 3 mob/maps: Rakisha-account collector lvl 126 quest verification: ExOrCiSt0999 lvl 158 quest verification: PrivateRyan mob list update: ranphguide lvl 176,177 quests: Evenstar lvl 191 quest: Evenstar lvl 165 quest update <MP|PX>: Lionheart` lvl 160,161 confirmation: PrivateRyan lvl 193 ring: Evenstar EP 3 quests: Evenstar and ranphguide More EP 3 quests updates: Evenstar, ranphguide, xyk lvl 141 autoquest, Sec Guard ID update : Raptor lvl 170 autoquest: PrivateRyan Added elevate kick in scroll list: Sagato lvl 17X updates: PrivateRyan ep 3 quest updates: `ciNz

y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y

lvl 91, 103 quest updates lvl 195 quest update: Evenstar Freshmen quest triggers: Mr. Grim Reaper Mr No-Name quest update: KENlee meju more New 140 autoquest: whalesord 4th document: romulo bajuyo lvl 195/Head.B 90F: Evenstar and etucako lvl 190-195 quest verification: glitch888/==SINHO== Dragon Boat Event, 197 Iron Fist Ring: Evenstar lvl 197 quest: glitch888/==SINHO== lvl 144 new autoquest: _check_nyo_ Dry Ice quest rewards: venomouscheat Phoenix Teacher location typo: Head.B U-ground quests: glitch888/==SINHO== and Ep3-3 quests: and lvl 199 quest: lvl 200 quest verification: iceslasher09, ==SINHO== Moon Bear quest: Ms.Choi quest: MP`Honey Gathering information before the incident: Brawler correction/typo from _-DRUG-_/durugista SG ss2 quest reward update: jenson_ Withdrawal of Security Guard + Investigating the Building + Physics Teacher's Call quests update: lvl 111 autoquest archer update: Look for the suspect, lvl 144 quest correction & update: EP 6-1 funny weapons mob bosses: To Another World & Truth of Director and Ending rewards correction: Lvl 199 quest: mumu idol Evenstar Truck driver prereq quest: Lvl 200+ quests, Ran Korea website, EP 5 quests Resident's Request SG school bug, fixed EP 6/2?: EP 6-3 new quests: Idol Halimumu

y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y

y y y y y y

Gathering Upgrade Tool fix: and jenson_ Updated prereq for Weapon Shop Owner: New Transformation Skill Scroll quest: Idolness Chinese New Year Event: rank 10 scroll drop: rank 13 scroll drop:

*********** is copyright (IP E-Games), subsidiary of and is an official publisher of RAN Online. RAN Online is copyright, the developer based in Korea. This document was not made and is not supported by IP e-Games or Min Communications and is NOT an officially sanctioned guide. Thanks for reading (this far) and don't spam the forums!!! :D

=============================================== FIN ===============================================

Posted by: skyhiker Jul 13 2008, 06:39 PM To minimize clutter and spam, kindly refrain from posting comments that does not contribute to the construction, modification and maintenance of this guide. This includes positive and/or negative feedback that does not have any action items/pertinent points. For comments which does not warrant a discussion, please feel free to use the system. So, paki iwasan ang mga:

y y

Posts only containing: Nice guide! makakatulong eto... etc. Questions already answered by the guide: Ano po quest para sa Hurricane Slash?

Pero, pwede parin mag tanong, especially kung nahihirapan kayo mag hanap ng sagot, or kung yung sagot ay hindi talaga mahanap. We encourage everyone to read the guides, or at least skim through them, use the search functions (browser and/or forum) and make the most use of Indexes. Try as much as possible to find answers on your own before posting questions. Most of the time, it will be faster to find answers yourself than to wait for people to answer (correctly).

We also encourage everyone to contribute to the guide, especially for new/high-level/different-school quests. Any comments/suggestions on how to improve the guide are welcome.

Please be patient as I try to transition the guide to the new forum format. As such, there are no anchors, so quick links will be unavailable for now. At medyo magulo pa mga ibang parts - sa sobrang daming sections sobrang time-consuming mag re-edit. Pasensya na lang po ^_^

Thank you all for your support. Posted by: lllmclll Jul 14 2008, 11:57 AM SAN BA SASAKY NG BUS PARA DUN SA QST SA RH??? AMFEFE D KO ALAM KUNG SANG BUS YUN!

Posted by: skyhiker Jul 14 2008, 03:25 PM

The image cannot be displayed. Your computer may not have enough me

QUOTE (lllmclll @ Jul 14 2008, 08:07 PM)


kahit anong bus stop po


- Action on Spell Defensive Mechanism Req: lvl 170 From: autoquest * Retrieve skill document from poison elemental sorcerer (Poison Ninja) * Retrieve skill document from light elemental sorcerer (Light Inducer) * Retrieve skill document from fire elemental sorcerer (Fire Ninja) * Retrieve skill document from ice elemental sorcerer (Ice Inducer) * Transmit the documents (Any bus stop) Reward: Attribute 5, Red Bead [5]

closest sa RH, ay yung mga bus stops sa TH (tingin lang sa map kung san, closest galing MH entrance ay yun dun sa sports center) Pero, better off ka mag crc at mag bus stop dun sa market Posted by: lllmclll Jul 14 2008, 03:54 PM wao! thanks po ate ganda sky... ^_^ kahit sang bus pala pede yun... kelangan ko pa ba ng bus card?

Posted by: skyhiker Jul 14 2008, 03:58 PM ang alam ko di na dapat.... meron dapat option na mag transmit ng document pag click mo sa bus stop pa sabi nlng kung wala ^_^

Posted by: ~TS~HaNdSoMe Jul 26 2008, 05:24 PM - Report on Prison Escapees Req: lvl 130, completed "Obtain List of Prisoners" From: Police [TH] * Eliminate 12 Prisoner-HammerMan {Big Boy Maso} * Report outcome to TH Police Reward: Exp 24000, Attribute 2 Notes: "Weapon Shop Owner" quest for lvl 140 is auto-triggered after this quest ^ ^ ^ ^ is dis quest is bug?? i have no quest like dis...

Posted by: skyhiker Jul 27 2008, 09:20 PM ^ ^ ^ Have you finished the prereq quests? Obtain List of Prisoners (prereq for the maso quest) Report Violent Criminals (prereq for the above) Rescue Police Companion (ditto) Sacred Financial Group Private Jail (ditto)

Posted by: SkyKinGARIES Jul 28 2008, 06:17 AM ASK KO LANG KNG UN SA EXTRA COSTUME Eitheir Channel 1 or 0 pde e2 ma quest? at kng Sakali NAka2kuha n aq ni2 pde q bang ulitin un quest para kumuha uli ng costume?

Posted by: Evenstar Jul 28 2008, 08:48 PM

QUOTE (SkyKinGARIES @ Jul 28 2008, 06:17 AM)

ASK KO LANG KNG UN SA EXTRA COSTUME Eitheir Channel 1 or 0 pde e2 ma quest? at kng Sakali NAka2kuha n aq ni2 pde q bang ulitin un quest para kumuha uli ng costume?

Any channel will do. If you have 5 tickets then join the Sunday 7PM quest. You just have to talk to the NPC to exchange the tickets for a box. Open the box to enter the quest. When you finish it you will be rewarded a 30d winged costume box. Posted by: SkyKinGARIES Jul 31 2008, 06:48 PM pde ba ulitin 2ng Quest n 2?

Posted by: Evenstar Aug 1 2008, 05:39 AM Yes, you can do the quest again.

Posted by: lufeT_mO Aug 3 2008, 08:06 PM bkit po wlang RESIDENT REQUEST sa cleaner.. di ko p 2loy maquest ung 12 spiritsphere...
The image cannot be displayed. Your computer may not have enough me

Posted by: skyhiker Aug 4 2008, 11:13 PM

QUOTE (lufeT_mO @ Aug 3 2008, 12:06 PM)

bkit po wlang RESIDENT REQUEST sa cleaner.. di ko p 2loy maquest ung 12 spiritsphere...

Excellent, buti nag post ka ng screenshot. Need mo tapusin po yung quest: "Confiscating the Golf Clubs"

see mo quest details: - Resident's Request Req: lvl 116, previous quests from Cleaner [TH] "Confiscating the Golf Clubs"

From: Cleaner [TH] * Eliminate 20 Hunk Baldies Reward: 12 Spiritual Spheres, Exp 20000 Posted by: ReginusRex Aug 12 2008, 11:02 AM Hi SkyHiker... Puede po ba idagdag sa Quest Typo yung the 1st Physics Teacher Questl sa Phoenix... Kasi sabi sa dialogue look for Physics teacher in Phoenix Square... Namuti na mata ko kahahanap yun pala nasa Phoenix Hole siya Hay! TY sa uber guide na ini.. galing naman at naisip SkyHiker :)

QUOTE (skyhiker @ Jul 13 2008, 05:30 PM)

=============================================== !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!KNOWN BUGGED QUESTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ===============================================

**IGNORE THESE QUESTS FOR NOW AS THEY ARE BUGGED/DUPLICATES** All Quest Bugs are being compiled and forwarded to the developers in Korea. Bug fixes will ONLY be implemented WHEN they are received from Korea and patched into RAN PH QUESTS WHICH CANNOT BE COMPLETED: (Until fixed by the technical team, these will stay in the quest list) Cleaning the Dormitory: May be DUPLICATEd (force-acquiring from different SD (non-SG) or by re-equipping a broom). The dupe may be removed from the quest list by giving-up. Purifying the Student Center 1: DUPLICATE of MP quest. You have your own respective quest which can be completed as normal. [MP]Students Center 1; [PX]Auxillary Supplies Room; [SG] Science Classroom Heading Outside the Campus: DUPLICATE. New EP 3 bug. Resident's Request (Find/Report to Guard at SG Hole 80,79|65,8) <SG>: BUGGED Unverified Currency Notes [Phoenix Technical Teacher] <MP>: DUPLICATE. This quest is autogenerated after "Physics Teacher's Test". You have your own quest with the same title and rewards. Help for Freshman 2 & 3: BUGGED Gathering the Upgrade Tool: BUGGED, stuck at 8 items

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QUEST TYPOGRAPHICAL ERRORS (TYPOS): The Force Field Authentication [PX]: After acquiring the 3 spiritual spheres from Little Bandit, activate the Study Classroom Center 1 Terminal NOT Students Center 1. The Lessons of the Sword Agent, Buried Items quest [Swordsman Agent]: 4th and final correct GPS coordinates: 105,165 not 116,170 The Stolen Book 3 [Zheng]: Get book from HODEL, not Skating Master Collection of Old Book [Zheng]: Get ancient book from FIERY AUNTY, not Wrestler Reward for Prison Escapees [MH]: Eliminate SPICE GIRL not HipHop Girl Obtain Weather Info (Pass Weather Info) {+4 vanish ring quest} [auto]: Report to ROOT HOLE Police, not TH Police Withdrawal of Security Guard ID Card: Retrieve 8 keys only (not 10) from BANDIT.

y y y y y y y

QUESTS MISTAKENLY ASSUMED AS BUGGED: Searching for the Evidence {aka quest at the Ice Tyrant area} [auto]: If the quest does not respond even if you are in the right coordinates, double-check the HO channel. You MUST be in 1F_Ch1 (MAP name NOT server channel) Cannot acquire: "Obtain the Leonair College ID Card/The Basement 2 of Leonair Campus". You MUST complete the Image Expert's quest "Image Expert's Request" to obtain the quest from the Special Agent and subsequently from the Student Director [SG] NOT LEO to get the College ID AND the quest to go to 3F to activate the elevator to B2. Check the Entry to B3 sequence.

MISSING QUESTS: Some quests are exclusive to specific schools with no corresponding equivalents (fixed)

QUESTS WITH DISPLAY/FONT ISSUES: To follow, for the meantime, please refer to existing quest details QUESTS WHICH MAY BE INADVERTENTLY SKIPPED/MISSED: To follow, for the meantime, please refer to existing quest details Nurse's Request


Unable to Enter Root Hole even after lvl 162?: Fixed [March 2007] Talk to the Weapon Shop Owner in MH for the quest to enter RH.

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For lvl 162+ server migrants, please PM a GM to manually insert this quest if it is unavailable Obtain the Special Broom [Locker Technician]: To get the broom, select "Return Broom". To return the broom, select "Borrow Broom". Nice logic, eh.: Fixed [2008] Advance Physics Teacher's Test: Autoquest lvl 165 for SG students. Corresponding quest for MP and PX students has been patched (Dec 5, 2007). Quest is from the College Representative in the Marketplace. Physics Teacher's Call: It is possible to miss this quest and its rewards by completing the next quest "Physics Teacher's Test" before completing this one. Do the quests IN ORDER!: Fixed [EP 3-2]. This quest is now autogenerated, instead of acquiring it first from the Construction Supervisor. Find the Missing Report Cards: Missing for MP: MP autoquest (lvl 45) patched in EP 3. Resident's Request: Missing for MP: MP autoquest (lvl 51) patched in EP 3.

y y

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Posted by: AmRaMm`aMieL Aug 13 2008, 10:13 PM tNon kOuh Lan pOuh kung ilan Ung Rv if merOn man na reward sa Quest sa pRison at ano po lvl Nung mga reward na dmit paglvl 130 ka? kC lvl 130 pa Lan po me but ndi ko papo natatake ung quet na un sa lards pa lan akOuh eh ^^ Ung RV bah ng dmit eh randoM?? kpag mabilis magwa yung quest mas mataas rv??

Posted by: =IsIs-ViSiGoTh= Aug 20 2008, 04:03 AM

QUOTE (AmRaMm`aMieL @ Aug 13 2008, 03:13 PM)

tNon kOuh Lan pOuh kung ilan Ung Rv if merOn man na reward sa Quest sa pRison at ano po lvl Nung mga reward na dmit paglvl 130 ka? kC lvl 130 pa Lan po me but ndi ko papo natatake ung quet na un sa lards pa lan akOuh eh ^^ Ung RV bah ng dmit eh randoM?? kpag mabilis magwa yung quest mas mataas rv??

walang rv ung damit sa quest... fixed lng un... def at ung added value... walang random value...

^_^ Posted by: HyUugaPeNn Sep 1 2008, 02:26 AM

need help po . . . . hindi kasi nag auto-quest nun nag level 190 aq para mkapasok sa head b. ahhhhmm anu po b magandang gawin? thanks in advance sa mga mag rereply.
Posted by: skyhiker Sep 3 2008, 11:36 PM

QUOTE (ReginusRex @ Aug 12 2008, 02:02 AM)

Hi SkyHiker... Puede po ba idagdag sa Quest Typo yung the 1st Physics Teacher Questl sa Phoenix... Kasi sabi sa dialogue look for Physics teacher in Phoenix Square... Namuti na mata ko kahahanap yun pala nasa Phoenix Hole siya Hay!

Thanks po! Lalagay ko po eto sa guide... eto ba yung Physics Teacher's Call? Na remember ko to yung nilaro ko phx ko na char pero nakalimutan ko kung anong quest ...

QUOTE (AmRaMm`aMieL @ Aug 13 2008, 01:13 PM)

tNon kOuh Lan pOuh kung ilan Ung Rv if merOn man na reward sa Quest sa pRison at ano po lvl Nung mga reward na dmit paglvl 130 ka? kC lvl 130 pa Lan po me but ndi ko papo natatake ung quet na un sa lards pa lan akOuh eh ^^ Ung RV bah ng dmit eh randoM?? kpag mabilis magwa yung quest mas mataas rv??

QUOTE (=IsIs-ViSiGoTh= @ Aug 19 2008, 07:03 PM)

walang rv ung damit sa quest... fixed lng un... def at ung added value... walang random value... ^_^

Tama po yung advice sa taas, no rv po lahat ng gamit galing quest. Either dyna, enhanced or npc sila - no

rv. Defense and elem upgrades lang possibly meron

QUOTE (HyUugaPeNn @ Aug 31 2008, 05:26 PM)

need help po . . . . hindi kasi nag auto-quest nun nag level 190 aq para mkapasok sa head b. ahhhhmm anu po b magandang gawin? thanks in advance sa mga mag rereply.
Hindi po autoquest yung para sa Head B. Pwd makuha yung quest galing kay Old Man sa pinaka taas ng Root Hole. Pwd 'to makuha from lvl 162. Pa check po yung complete list ng quests sa first page, eto sila repost ko. Take note lahat ng quests ay required para sa susunod na quests: - Mysterious Sacred Financial Group Req: lvl 162 From: Old Man [RH] * Talk to Special Agent [SG Hole - Leo Entrance] Reward: Exp 60000, Gold 20000 Notes: To trigger the quest, click on the following chat options: >Ask the background of Sacred financial Group >Ask about the company achivement >Ask if he saw something - Community Service of Saint Financial Group Req: lvl 162, completed "Mysterious Sacred Financial Group" From: Special Agent [SG Hole - Leo Entrance]; autoquest after completing "Mysterious Sacred Financial Group" * Meet Construction Supervisor at Sacred Gate [SG Hole, No. 3 Construction Site] * Find 10 Golf Clubs (Gold Rods) from Golf Bomber [North TH] * Deliver Golf Clubs to Construction Supervisor [SG Hole] * Meet the Special Agent Reward: Exp 60000, Emergency Locker Link Card [3] {Emergency link Locker Card[3P]} - Behind the truth of Saint Financial Group Req: lvl 162, completed "Community Service of Saint Financial Group" From: Special Agent; autoquest after completing "Community Service of Saint Financial Group" * Meet Physics Teacher [SG Ring] * Meet Nurse at Bridge [SG Ring] * Meet Banshee of Leonair Campus

* Meet Student Director of Leonair Campus * Meet Weapon Expert in Middle Hole Reward: Exp 90000, Attribute 5, Grinds Box - Mysterious Melody Req: lvl 162, completed "Behind the truth of Saint Financial Group" From: Weapon Expert; autoquest after completing "Behind the truth of Saint Financial Group" * Find out about Head Office from the Old Man [RH] * Meet the Old Man {Suspicious Folk} at Wharf Passage * Retrieve the code from Trump Master {Bunny Girl/Violent Girl/DR} * Meet the Old Man {Suspicious Folk} at Wharf Passage * Meet the Image Expert [TH] * Meet the Old Man in front of Head Office [RH] Reward: Gold 50000, Attribute 5, Upgraded Support Potion [30] (50% HP MP SP Recovery), Can enter HeadB 1F? - Entrance of Saint Financial Group Head Office Req: acquisition: lvl 162, completed "Mysterious Melody"; completion: lvl 190 From: Old Man [RH]; autoquest after completing "Mysterious Melody" * Enter Head Office of Sacred Financial Group [HeadB 1F] Reward: Exp 50000 Note: Required level to enter HeadB 1F is 190 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Guys, will be updating the guide (sa wakas). Tapos ko na ksi plvl yung sg, px and mp chars.. so finally na verify na yung dry ice quest and bugged quests ng phoenix and sg ^_^ Updated yung guide with lvl 39-125 quests ulit. Also added in the HeadB underground quests courtesy of glitch888/==SINHO== So personally verified na all quests from lvl 1-162 (most many many times over ahahha and with different schools), w/ the exception of the new ep 3 144 quest kay Ms Choi. Next target is 163+ and kung may time, yung missing 144. Need ko parin update yung format ng guide. To be frank, pangit tlga na hindi preserved yung white spaces dito sa bagong forum so hirap mag adjust ng info naka table. Pasensya na lang, kulang pa talaga sa panahon hehe.

[edit]darn, meron rin pala bagong ep 3 lvl 151 quest. Hahayz haha[/edit]

Posted by: Evenstar Sep 4 2008, 04:07 AM - Second Document Recovery Req: completed "Recovery of Document" From: Record Read Terminal (Information Terminal 14,10) * Find the missing pieces of second document [6 pieces] (Kill Head.B 30F Mobs) * Activate the Information Terminal (Head.B 1F) Reward: Exp 40000, Attribute 5 - Third Document Recovery Req: completed "Second Document Recovery" From: Information Terminal (Head.B 1F) * Find the missing pieces of third document [6 pieces] (Kill Head.B 50F Mobs) * Activate the Information Terminal (Head.B 1F) Reward: Exp 60000, Attribute 5 - Fourth Document Recovery Req: completed "Third Document Recovery" From: Information Terminal (Head.B 1F) * Find the missing pieces of third document [6 pieces] (Kill Head.B 90F Mobs) * Activate the Information Terminal (Head.B 1F) Reward: Exp 70000, Attribute 5 - Investigation of Underground Req: completed "Laboratory in Underground" From: autoquest * Enter Head.B U-ground and submit to Ji Il Cung (NPC @ 65,80) Reward: Exp 10000, Attributes 5 - Find Laboratory Req: completed "Investigation of Underground" From: autoquest * Investigation of Information * Confirmation of Information (Talk to Ji Il Cung [NPC @ 65,80]) Reward: Exp 36000, Red bead (2 pieces) - Assemble of the Eight Signs of Divine (Haven't completed this one. Hard to kill mobs alone.) Req: completed "Find Laboratory" From: autoquest * Searching the parts of eight signs of divine (Retrieve 7 missing parts of eight signs of divine.) * Check the parts * Find the user manual Reward: Exp 80000, Attributes 5 - Favor of Seung Hee Yeon Req: ? From: Seung Hee Yoon (NPC @ Head.B U-ground 66,15)

* Meet Seung Hee Ji (NPC @ Head.B 1F 22,32) * Meet Seung Hee Yoon (NPC @ Head.B U-ground 66,15) Reward: Exp 40000 - Investigation of Artificial Heart Power Generator Req: completed "Favor of Seung Hee Yeon" From: Seung Hee Yoon (NPC @ Head.B U-ground 66,15) * Check the front side of Artificial Heart (Head.B U-ground 18,48) * Check the right side of Artificial Heart (Head.B U-ground 14,50) * Check the back side of Artificial Heart (Head.B U-ground 7,48) * Check the left side of Artificial Heart (Head.B U-ground 13,45) * Speak with Seung Hee Yoon (NPC @ Head.B U-ground 66,15) Reward: Soul Retriever Ball (3 pieces)

Posted by: -cOokie- Sep 4 2008, 11:22 AM di pa rin updated ung sa new map ~_~

Posted by: skyhiker Sep 4 2008, 10:04 PM yan na po, updated na - BIG THANKS (as usual ^_^) to halimumu idol Evenstar! kung wala ka, hay nako baka next next year ko pa ma verify and update yan mga quests ehhe

Posted by: ejaycarl Sep 5 2008, 02:04 AM ate pede ask?? hehehe anung lvl ba dapat para makuha yung winged costume?? tas san po ba mkukuha yung quest nun?! ty po^^

Posted by: ejaycarl Sep 5 2008, 02:13 AM

QUOTE (Evenstar @ Jul 28 2008, 08:48 PM)

Any channel will do. If you have 5 tickets then join the Sunday 7PM quest. You just have to talk to the NPC to exchange the tickets for a box. Open the box to enter the quest. When you finish it you will be rewarded a 30d winged costume box.

kuya anu ba dapt lvl para mkuha yung quest nun?? tas anung NPC dapat puntahan ko?! ty po^^ Posted by: dekai_27 Sep 5 2008, 06:13 AM LVL 171 PO EVERY SUNDAY PUNTA KA PO SA PRACTICING YARD

Posted by: PapaProffy Sep 5 2008, 10:35 AM

Where The Time Stops 2....any tips for this quest?

Posted by: -cOokie- Sep 5 2008, 11:59 AM ampepepe corny naman ng quest sa left wall pag tinapos mo di ka na makakapasok

Posted by: mike416 (VG4LyF^_^) Sep 6 2008, 10:13 AM waaaaaaaaaaaa... cnu ba pwede hel[p skin?? nsa d ko mtapos un 3rd document recovery.. nalibot ko na lahat ng room wala eh.. san ko ba mhahanap un docu sa 50f?? pahelp..
The image cannot be displayed. Your computer may not have enough me

Posted by: ChiChaY Sep 6 2008, 11:32 PM san makukuha where the time stops 2??kasi di ko nmn matapos ung investigation of director room kc di mkapasok..kelangan daw muna kumpletohin ung where the time stops 2 pra mkpasok eh..kea di ako mkapasok sa new maps gawa nun..pls answer ty..

Posted by: -andy-082 Sep 7 2008, 05:14 PM Pano yung secret of freshman na quest sa underground? Ndi ko ma tapos TT

Posted by: glitch_888 Sep 8 2008, 12:12 PM

QUOTE (ChiChaY @ Sep 6 2008, 04:32 PM)

san makukuha where the time stops 2??kasi di ko nmn matapos ung investigation of director room kc di mkapasok..kelangan daw muna kumpletohin ung where the time stops 2 pra mkpasok eh..kea di ako mkapasok sa new maps gawa nun..pls answer ty..

pasok k lang sa head b left wall ate.. tapos akyat ka lang.. pataas.. sa dulo.. may daanan dun papunta directors room.. dun matatapos quest.. makakpasok k n sa directors room after nun.. sana nkatulong akoh Posted by: ChiChaY Sep 8 2008, 08:26 PM

QUOTE (glitch_888 @ Sep 8 2008, 04:12 AM)

pasok k lang sa head b left wall ate.. tapos akyat ka lang.. pataas.. sa dulo.. may daanan dun papunta directors room.. dun matatapos quest.. makakpasok k n sa directors room after nun.. sana nkatulong akoh

hala pano un..dti ko p kc ntpus ung left wall eh..di n ako nkakapasok dun..di ko npnsin kc n may daanan dun..hala patay ako ..may iba bang way?? Posted by: AiksCli06 Sep 8 2008, 08:30 PM agree po ako jan
The image cannot be displayed. Your computer may not have enough me

Posted by: ChiChaY Sep 8 2008, 08:47 PM ask ko lng pano mkukuha ung Where The TIme stops 2?? ok n sa directors room..nkakapasok na me eh.. ntpus ko n knina... gs2 ko kc mkapasok sa right wall pra sa boss hunt eh!! ty sa mkakahelp...

Posted by: Shadowbleak Sep 11 2008, 03:38 PM Palagay ko po muna mga quest dito kasi wala sa quest guide ni skyhiker ngayon. Makatulong sana:

-Secret of Freshman Req: LVL 190, Completed the "Assemble of the Eight Signs of Divine" quest From: So Sung Il * Find the information of Saint List (kill any Head.B U-Ground mobs) * Meet Student Director (SG [Campus] Student Director if you're SG, etc.) * Meet Instructor (Sword Instructor if you're swordie, etc.) * Meet the Agent (Go to Sword Agent if you're swordie,etc. at [TH]) Reward: ??? (I forgot >.<) Screenshots: -Completion of the Eight Signs of Divine Req: Completed the "Secret of Freshman" quest From: autoquest * Meet Image Expert (at [TH]) * Find the mineral in Prison (kill Prisoner_Big (Ringgy) at the Prison)

* Meet the Old Man in front of Head office (at [RH], 85/145) * Go to Director Room (at Head.B 90F) Reward: ??? Screenshots: -Where the Time Stops 2 Req: Completed the "Completion of the Eight Signs of Divine" quest From: autoquest * (sorry di ko pa po tapos quest na 'to :p ) Screenshots:

Edit: Added the following: -Where the Time Stops 2 Req: Completed the "Completion of the Eight Signs of Divine" quest From: autoquest * Find a broken window (go to Head.B 90F 22/29) * Find another passage (go to Head.B RightWall at Head.B 90F 22/8) * Go to Director Room (located at Head.B RightWall 33/51) Reward: Access to Director Room (Toilet) at 1F, ??? Misc: Thanks to [nUrDreaMz] for helping me through this quest ^_^ -Activation of the Eight Signs of Divine Req: Completed the "Where the Time Stops 2" quest From: autoquest * Find the laboratory of Director (enter Director Room from Head.B RightWall 33/51 or at 1F) * Preparation of the eight signs of divine (Eliminate 10 Powered Mono Eye at Director Room) * Activation of the eight signs of divine (go to Director Room 36/22) Reward: Access to Another w South, ??? -To Another World Req: Completed the "Activation of the Eight Signs of Divine" quest From: autoquest * Toward Another World (enter Another W South from Director Room) * Investigation of Another World (go to Another W Center 22/25?) * Conversation with Director (talk to Director NPC) Reward: Emergency link Locker Card [10]

-Truth of Director and Ending Req: Completed the "To Another World" quest From: Director NPC * Find the copy spirit of Director (go to Another W North 33/29?) Caution: [BOSS]Reflector may be around the area, so be careful * Speak with Director (talk to Director NPC) Reward: Synthesizer Upgrade Set, ??? Screenshots: Nakalimutan ko pala isama rewards sa mga quest, pakipost na lang po kung sino may alam. P.S. Hindi sa 'kin character na yan sa screenie pilot lang ako :) .

Posted by: `Canopus20` Sep 11 2008, 06:02 PM nice guide po! thank you sa pag post for new quests from the levels 190 and above.

Posted by: ResLless Sep 19 2008, 12:29 PM lvl 147 na po ako,. ndi ko ma accest yung pang 147 quest yung "Look for suspect" sa prison?

Posted by: wEtPaKs12 Sep 19 2008, 06:11 PM ung quest po sa 199 na 12 stat points e kill ka po ng 8 na ICE DEMON INDUCER...

Posted by: =gwenylicious=

Sep 22 2008, 06:56 PM

QUOTE (Shadowbleak @ Sep 11 2008, 03:38 PM)

Palagay ko po muna mga quest dito kasi wala sa quest guide ni skyhiker ngayon. Makatulong sana:

-Secret of Freshman Req: LVL 190, Completed the "Assemble of the Eight Signs of Divine" quest From: So Sung Il * Find the information of Saint List (kill any Head.B U-Ground mobs) * Meet Student Director (SG [Campus] Student Director if you're SG, etc.) * Meet Instructor (Sword Instructor if you're swordie, etc.) * Meet the Agent (Go to Sword Agent if you're swordie,etc. at [TH]) Reward: ??? (I forgot >.<) Screenshots:

-Completion of the Eight Signs of Divine Req: Completed the "Secret of Freshman" quest From: autoquest * Meet Image Expert (at [TH]) * Find the mineral in Prison (kill Prisoner_Big (Ringgy) at the Prison) * Meet the Old Man in front of Head office (at [RH], 85/145) * Go to Director Room (at Head.B 90F) Reward: ??? Screenshots: -Where the Time Stops 2 Req: Completed the "Completion of the Eight Signs of Divine" quest From: autoquest * (sorry di ko pa po tapos quest na 'to :p ) Screenshots:

Edit: Added the following: -Where the Time Stops 2 Req: Completed the "Completion of the Eight Signs of Divine" quest From: autoquest * Find a broken window (go to Head.B 90F 22/29) * Find another passage (go to Head.B RightWall at Head.B 90F 22/8) * Go to Director Room (located at Head.B RightWall 33/51) Reward: Access to Director Room (Toilet) at 1F, ??? Misc: Thanks to [nUrDreaMz] for helping me through this quest ^_^ -Activation of the Eight Signs of Divine Req: Completed the "Where the Time Stops 2" quest From: autoquest * Find the laboratory of Director (enter Director Room from Head.B RightWall 33/51 or at 1F) * Preparation of the eight signs of divine (Eliminate 10 Powered Mono Eye at Director Room) * Activation of the eight signs of divine (go to Director Room 36/22) Reward: Access to Another w South, ??? -To Another World Req: Completed the "Activation of the Eight Signs of Divine" quest From: autoquest

* Toward Another World (enter Another W South from Director Room) * Investigation of Another World (go to Another W Center 22/25?) * Conversation with Director (talk to Director NPC) Reward: Emergency link Locker Card [10] -Truth of Director and Ending Req: Completed the "To Another World" quest From: Director NPC * Find the copy spirit of Director (go to Another W North 33/29?) Caution: [BOSS]Reflector may be around the area, so be careful * Speak with Director (talk to Director NPC) Reward: Synthesizer Upgrade Set, ??? Screenshots: Nakalimutan ko pala isama rewards sa mga quest, pakipost na lang po kung sino may alam. P.S. Hindi sa 'kin character na yan sa screenie pilot lang ako :) .

-Secret of Freshman Req: LVL 190, Completed the "Assemble of the Eight Signs of Divine" quest From: So Sung Il * Find the information of Saint List (kill any Head.B U-Ground mobs) * Meet Student Director (SG [Campus] Student Director if you're SG, etc.) * Meet Instructor (Sword Instructor if you're swordie, etc.) * Meet the Agent (Go to Sword Agent if you're swordie,etc. at [TH]) Reward: EXP: 60000, BACK POINT 10P

-Completion of the Eight Signs of Divine Req: Completed the "Secret of Freshman" quest From: autoquest * Meet Image Expert (at [TH]) * Find the mineral in Prison (kill Prisoner_Big (Ringgy) at the Prison) * Meet the Old Man in front of Head office (at [RH], 85/145) * Go to Director Room (at Head.B 90F) Reward: EXP: 70000, GOLD: 50000, 5 RED BEAD

-Where the Time Stops 2 Req: Completed the "Completion of the Eight Signs of Divine" quest From: autoquest * Find a broken window (go to Head.B 90F 22/29)

* Find another passage (go to Head.B RightWall at Head.B 90F 22/8) * Go to Director Room (located at Head.B RightWall 33/51) Reward: Access to Director Room (Toilet) at 1F, GOLD: 50000

-Activation of the Eight Signs of Divine Req: Completed the "Where the Time Stops 2" quest From: autoquest * Find the laboratory of Director (enter Director Room from Head.B RightWall 33/51 or at 1F) * Preparation of the eight signs of divine (Eliminate 10 Powered Mono Eye at Director Room) * Activation of the eight signs of divine (go to Director Room 36/22) Reward: Access to Another w South, EXP: 70000, GOLD: 150000

yan po yung mga reward :) Posted by: darkmetalBOSS Sep 23 2008, 05:57 AM

QUOTE (=gwenylicious=

@ Sep 22 2008, 10:56 AM)

-Secret of Freshman Req: LVL 190, Completed the "Assemble of the Eight Signs of Divine" quest From: So Sung Il * Find the information of Saint List (kill any Head.B U-Ground mobs) * Meet Student Director (SG [Campus] Student Director if you're SG, etc.) * Meet Instructor (Sword Instructor if you're swordie, etc.) * Meet the Agent (Go to Sword Agent if you're swordie,etc. at [TH]) Reward: EXP: 60000, BACK POINT 10P

-Completion of the Eight Signs of Divine Req: Completed the "Secret of Freshman" quest From: autoquest * Meet Image Expert (at [TH]) * Find the mineral in Prison (kill Prisoner_Big (Ringgy) at the Prison) * Meet the Old Man in front of Head office (at [RH], 85/145) * Go to Director Room (at Head.B 90F) Reward: EXP: 70000, GOLD: 50000, 5 RED BEAD

-Where the Time Stops 2 Req: Completed the "Completion of the Eight Signs of Divine" quest From: autoquest * Find a broken window (go to Head.B 90F 22/29) * Find another passage (go to Head.B RightWall at Head.B 90F 22/8)

* Go to Director Room (located at Head.B RightWall 33/51) Reward: Access to Director Room (Toilet) at 1F, GOLD: 50000

-Activation of the Eight Signs of Divine Req: Completed the "Where the Time Stops 2" quest From: autoquest * Find the laboratory of Director (enter Director Room from Head.B RightWall 33/51 or at 1F) * Preparation of the eight signs of divine (Eliminate 10 Powered Mono Eye at Director Room) * Activation of the eight signs of divine (go to Director Room 36/22) Reward: Access to Another w South, EXP: 70000, GOLD: 150000

yan po yung mga reward :)

nice and thank you po Posted by: HunneyVhanny Sep 28 2008, 07:04 AM

QUOTE (skyhiker @ Jul 13 2008, 05:07 AM)

- Sacred Financial Group Private Jail Req: acquisition: lvl 67, completed "File Report On Found Objects" completion: lvl 130 From: Police [TH] * Confirm the Ore at jail mine. Proceed to Sacred Financial Group Private Jail loc 79,77 * Surrender Ore to TH Police Station Reward: Basic Upgrade Set [1 protection potion, 1 burr], Can enter Prison Notes: To trigger the quest, click on the following chat options: >About the stone released >Next Page >Agree

ask po ako about this: ibig sabhin level 130 pa po sya pwede macomplete. Kasi meron na at level 90 tapos di sya mpuntahan un 79,77 sa loob ba yan ng sacred financial group private jail? sa tunnel or sa prison? Posted by: iCONS Sep 28 2008, 08:44 PM - Visit the Old Man Req: lvl 112, completed "Repairing the Truck" From: Truck Driver * Talk to Suspicious Folk

Reward: Skill Points 3 Notes: It might be difficult to get this quest because of a text bug, but this is attainable - just try (hard!) to click on the very small text/white box. You can also disable "Texture Font" in the launcher to view the quest text, albeit with garbled characters. lvl 118 na ako pero di ko parin i2o nakuha na quest... wala namn din ito sa completed test at kinausap ko na laht nang npc.. pero wala parin.. at ung note..paanu sundin... ty sa help

Posted by: HunneyVhanny Sep 29 2008, 05:49 AM ^ ^ kuya eto pong ask ko natapos mo na before ka mag 118? eto: - Sacred Financial Group Private Jail Req: acquisition: lvl 67, completed "File Report On Found Objects" completion: lvl 130 From: Police [TH] * Confirm the Ore at jail mine. Proceed to Sacred Financial Group Private Jail loc 79,77 * Surrender Ore to TH Police Station Reward: Basic Upgrade Set [1 protection potion, 1 burr], Can enter Prison Notes: To trigger the quest, click on the following chat options: >About the stone released >Next Page >Agree

Posted by: SkyKinGARIES Sep 29 2008, 06:17 PM Pa Elp Sa Quest ~> Invistigation Of UnderGround San pu2nta ~> Find a Trace in UnderGorund? Plz elp

Posted by: iCONS Sep 30 2008, 07:29 PM

QUOTE (HunneyVhanny @ Sep 29 2008, 05:49 AM)

^ ^ kuya eto pong ask ko natapos mo na before ka mag 118? eto: - Sacred Financial Group Private Jail Req: acquisition: lvl 67, completed "File Report On Found Objects" completion: lvl 130 From: Police [TH]

* Confirm the Ore at jail mine. Proceed to Sacred Financial Group Private Jail loc 79,77 * Surrender Ore to TH Police Station Reward: Basic Upgrade Set [1 protection potion, 1 burr], Can enter Prison Notes: To trigger the quest, click on the following chat options: >About the stone released >Next Page >Agree

Wala rin.. gusto ko kasi na un na quest kasi sa skill points!!!! nakaplanno nalahat.... kung wala un di ko ma master ang ibang skills kaya nid ko un na quest.. tanong lang anong quest ba yang inintroduce mo sakin??? Thank YOu talaga sa tulong ha.. bait nyu kahit sa weak ah.. hahahaha Posted by: SkyKinGARIES Oct 2 2008, 11:07 AM Searching The parts of 8 signs of divine san 2???? elp me mga mumu

Posted by: SkyKinGARIES Oct 2 2008, 11:25 AM Assemble of the Eight Signs of Divine (Haven't completed this one. Hard to kill mobs alone.) Req: completed "Find Laboratory" From: autoquest * Searching the parts of eight signs of divine (Retrieve 7 missing parts of eight signs of divine.) * Check the parts * Find the user manual Reward: Exp 80000, Attributes 5 anu kill d2??

Posted by: -Briggs- Oct 2 2008, 12:57 PM Is there another Ring Quest for LvL 200?

Posted by: =gwenylicious=

Oct 3 2008, 07:18 AM

QUOTE (SkyKinGARIES @ Oct 2 2008, 11:25 AM)

Assemble of the Eight Signs of Divine (Haven't completed this one. Hard to kill mobs alone.) Req: completed "Find Laboratory" From: autoquest * Searching the parts of eight signs of divine (Retrieve 7 missing parts of eight signs of divine.) * Check the parts * Find the user manual Reward: Exp 80000, Attributes 5 anu kill d2??

magkill klng po ng mobs sa UG.. medyo mtgal po ito.. tyaga klng po gang s mtpos ..^_^ Posted by: FM DarthDrifter Oct 4 2008, 04:26 AM

QUOTE (HunneyVhanny @ Sep 28 2008, 12:04 AM)

ask po ako about this: ibig sabhin level 130 pa po sya pwede macomplete. Kasi meron na at level 90 tapos di sya mpuntahan un 79,77 sa loob ba yan ng sacred financial group private jail? sa tunnel or sa prison?

Opo, so loob po ng prison yung coordinates. Completion tlga ng quest ay lvl 130.

QUOTE (iCONS @ Sep 28 2008, 01:44 PM)

- Visit the Old Man Req: lvl 112, completed "Repairing the Truck" From: Truck Driver * Talk to Suspicious Folk Reward: Skill Points 3 Notes: It might be difficult to get this quest because of a text bug, but this is attainable - just try (hard!) to click on the very small text/white box. You can also disable "Texture Font" in the launcher to view the quest text, albeit with garbled characters. lvl 118 na ako pero di ko parin i2o nakuha na quest... wala namn din ito sa completed test at kinausap ko na laht nang npc.. pero wala parin.. at ung note..paanu sundin... ty sa help

Need nyo tapusin lahat ng previous quests ng Truck Driver.. nasa completed na bayung "Repairing the Truck"? Acutally, need ko rin update yung guide, now sa EP 3.X, ok na yung text neto.. na fix na yung bug (to a point haha)

QUOTE (ResLless @ Sep 19 2008, 05:29 AM)

lvl 147 na po ako,. ndi ko ma accest yung pang 147 quest yung "Look for suspect" sa prison?

Ay, may prerequisites yan di naka indicate sa guide, my bad. Make sure tapos mo yung "Look for the Missing Persons" na autoquest. Kung ayaw parin, try mo tapusin lhat ng MH quests, especiually sa mga repair/investigation quests. One of these days I"ll try check ulit mga prereqs and i-lagay sa guide. Xnxa.. stop na ksi low-lvl quest char ko sa 132 haha.

About sa ibang quests... sorry tlga hindi pa updated yun guide, super busy pa. Yung sa 8 signs ng divine at Time stops 2, check nyo etong thread:

Appreciate ko yung mga tulong nyo dito.. pasensya kulang pa sa updates. Thanks Shadowbleak, qwenylicious, wetpaks12 at sa mga lahat ulit. Posted by: HunneyVhanny Oct 6 2008, 08:50 AM ganon ba.. sayang.. need ko n kasi skill pts.. nwei, thanks po..

Posted by: HunneyVhanny Oct 6 2008, 06:57 PM

QUOTE (-Briggs- @ Oct 1 2008, 10:57 PM)

Is there another Ring Quest for LvL 200?

sabi meron daw.. if 197 ring +10 stats yun 200 ring nman +20 stats daw.. dunno.. d p ako 200.. kaw po ba? Posted by: dekai_27 Oct 7 2008, 07:14 AM MERON PO NUNG RING NA YUN LVL 200 +20 SA STATS BLACK KNIFE GANIL

Posted by: -Briggs- Oct 7 2008, 10:22 AM

QUOTE (HunneyVhanny @ Oct 6 2008, 06:57 PM)

sabi meron daw.. if 197 ring +10 stats yun 200 ring nman +20 stats daw.. dunno.. d p ako 200.. kaw po ba?

yup nakuha ko na po.. kaya lang tapos ko na na reset ung shaman ko to pow-int vit bago ko nakuha ung quest.. kaya obli B me nalang mamaya.. para ma maximize ko ung aditional +20 stats sa Vit.. Posted by: SkyKinGARIES Oct 7 2008, 04:15 PM

QUOTE (dekai_27 @ Oct 7 2008, 08:14 AM)



Posted by: dekai_27 Oct 7 2008, 09:47 PM sorry double post

The image cannot be displayed. Your computer may not have enough me

Posted by: skyhiker Oct 8 2008, 05:34 AM thanks mumus dekai and briggs ^_^ one of these days update ko yung guide. sory tlga, bc pa TT (besides bad trip TT)

Posted by: Dusty Oct 8 2008, 10:02 AM

QUOTE (dekai_27 @ Oct 7 2008, 09:47 PM)


punta lang ako dun tapos papalitan?? or do i have to kill a particular monster to have my level 197 ring upgraded?? Posted by: SkyKinGARIES Oct 8 2008, 03:06 PM Tnx Sa pag elp may +5% EXP dn daw n quesr 200lvL?

Posted by: HunneyVhanny Oct 8 2008, 04:08 PM hayz... ang ganda nman ng ring na yan. Kakainis lang di ko maipa upgrade sa GM kahit +7 man lang. Ang bilis kasi ng deadline. Ano ba yun.. Buti pa sa 195 cap matagal deadline tapos mas mganda prize +9 beidas necklace +200hp. Ngaun +9 +7 ring lang +100 hp lang.. Tapos max cap pa... Wah di ako abot sobra layo. Mga mumu dekai at briggs ilan weeks po ba from 200 0% to 100%? Di ako abot 1 week na lang eh. Meron lang ako 200 ring huhuhu T__T

Posted by: Dusty Oct 8 2008, 04:39 PM

QUOTE (HunneyVhanny @ Oct 8 2008, 04:08 PM)

hayz... ang ganda nman ng ring na yan. Kakainis lang di ko maipa upgrade sa GM kahit +7 man lang. Ang bilis kasi ng deadline. Ano ba yun.. Buti pa sa 195 cap matagal deadline tapos mas mganda prize +9 beidas necklace +200hp. Ngaun +9 +7 ring lang +100 hp lang.. Tapos max cap pa... Wah di ako abot sobra layo. Mga mumu dekai at briggs ilan weeks po ba from 200 0% to 100%? Di ako abot 1 week na lang eh. Meron lang ako 200 ring huhuhu T__T

5-7% a day kapag level 200.. Posted by: Housenka Oct 9 2008, 01:17 PM meron bang lvl 200 ring??? kung meron anu po effects n2??? at mawawala po ba ung 197 ring q pagkinuha q ung lvl 200 ring quest??? tulad nung sa lvl 193 ring nawala na-upgrade sa lvl 197 ring ,,,

Posted by: SkyKinGARIES Oct 10 2008, 03:08 PM Quest 4 level 200 Use Of Special Ring : OverThrow Pretty Transvestite? Anu gagawin jan?

Posted by: SkyKinGARIES Oct 10 2008, 03:11 PM Quest 4 level 200 Use Of Special Ring : OverThrow Pretty Transvestite? Anu gagawin jan?

Posted by: -Briggs- Oct 10 2008, 07:34 PM

QUOTE (SkyKinGARIES @ Oct 10 2008, 03:08 PM)

Quest 4 level 200 Use Of Special Ring : OverThrow Pretty Transvestite? Anu gagawin jan?

Kill ka lang nga Pretty Transvestite a.k.a Pretty Veiya Posted by: SkyKinGARIES Oct 10 2008, 08:35 PM

QUOTE (-Briggs- @ Oct 10 2008, 08:34 PM)

Kill ka lang nga Pretty Transvestite a.k.a Pretty Veiya

idol ilan EXP b idagdag nun reward jan? Posted by: dalaga Oct 10 2008, 09:31 PM how can i upgrade my cloths into +7 for example ( A lvl mil shoes lvl 135 )

Posted by: =gwenylicious=

Oct 11 2008, 05:44 PM

QUOTE (SkyKinGARIES @ Oct 10 2008, 08:35 PM)

idol ilan EXP b idagdag nun reward jan?

nung ng quest po kao nyan 2%plus nadagdag s exp ko.... Posted by: dekai_27 Oct 11 2008, 10:30 PM

QUOTE (Housenka @ Oct 9 2008, 05:17 AM)

meron bang lvl 200 ring??? kung meron anu po effects n2??? at mawawala po ba ung 197 ring q pagkinuha q ung lvl 200 ring quest??? tulad nung sa lvl 193 ring nawala na-upgrade sa lvl 197 ring ,,,

ganun nga po ang mangyayari able upgraded po siya. magiging +20 po siya sa lahat ng stats Posted by: darkmetalBOSS Oct 11 2008, 11:28 PM

QUOTE (Dusty @ Oct 8 2008, 08:39 AM)

5-7% a day kapag level 200..


^ ^ ganun na nga po.. hirap noh? tpos ang prize +7 ring 100hp lng? samantalang sa 195 cap tagal ng deadline tpos +9 beidas 200hp lahat.. ala on or before this date.. so unfair >.<

Posted by: rebeljuzgames Oct 17 2008, 02:13 PM

QUOTE (skyhiker @ Jul 13 2008, 05:35 PM)

=============================================== Spiritual Sphere Quests ===============================================

Spirit Spheres

Char|Qst From: Target


Quest Name


<MP>Purifying the Study Cl C2

[MP]auto: 10 Hooligans

<PX>Purifying the Study Cl C2

[PX]auto: 10 Hooligans

<SG>Purifying the Study Cl C1

[SG]auto: 10 Hooligans


<MP>Purifying the Study Cl C2b

[MP]auto: 14 Bandits

<PX>Purifying the Study Cl C1

[PX]auto: 14 Bandits

<SG>Purifying the Study Cl C2

[SG]auto: 14 Bandits

17 |11

<SG>Purifying the History Cen

[SG]auto: 30 Fencing Students

17 |12

<MP>Purifying the Art Center

[MP]auto: 22 Junkies

17 |13 <PX>Purifying the Science Center

[PX]auto: 22 Junkies

17 |13

<SG>Purifying the Library

[SG]auto: 30 Junkies

27 |15

<SG>Purifying the Society Room

[SG]auto: 30 Elite Fencers

27 |18

<MP>Purifying the Library 2

[MP]auto: 27 Slashers

27 |18

<PX>Purifying the Laboratory

[PX]auto: 27 Slashers

37 |25

<MP>Purifying the Student C1b

[MP]auto: 34 Brawlers

37 |25

<PX>Purifying the Auxillary

[PX]auto: 34 Brawlers

37 |26

Guard's Request

Security Guard: memo - Blood Drinker

47 |39

Physics Teacher's Test

Physics Teacher: 15 Barba|Cordy

57 |46

Nurse's Request 2

Nurse [SG Ring]: Talk to PTs

67 |66

Eliminate the Jackson

Physics Teacher [SG]: Jackson

77 |39

Recycling the Map

PT: 7 Map pieces from Clown

87 |71

Investigate the Leonair Campus

Special Agent: 5 leaves - Small Pox

87 |75

The Zopar's Request

Zopar: Items retrieval


97 |75

Cleaning the Spores

SD [SG] cont'd.: Spore - Trapper Plant



The Stolen Book 5

Master Zheng: Book - Golf Player



Resident's Request

Cleaner [TH]: 20 Hunk Baldie



Finding the Scriptural

Suspicious Folk: Books - Fisherman



Collecting the Items

Warden: Taba, B Ninja, Parak



Collect a Bead II

WSO: Taba, Cross Fatty

Character Combine Patch new skills acquisition tips back to Top of Section, Index

ty kuya sky!! timing n tyming pra sakin yan guide n yan.... tnxs!!!!
The linked image cannot be displayed. The file may have been moved, renamed, o

Posted by: FM DarthDrifter Oct 21 2008, 02:39 AM Big thanks guys for your continued support, feedback and contributions. I've updated the guide with the new quests (sorry it took so long) and I know I still have lots to update and correct in addition to fixing the icky format. Hehe. I still need all of your help to keep the guide as updated and accurate as possible. If there's any missing info or credits missing, just say so ^_^

QUOTE (dalaga @ Oct 10 2008, 01:31 PM)

how can i upgrade my cloths into +7 for example ( A lvl mil shoes lvl 135 )

Hi dalaga, To upgrade any armor, you'll need the refining items that will upgrade the defence: protection potion (sure upgrade up to +4) luxury protection potion (upgrade to +5 to +9, with varying risks of failures, successes and item disappearance) These upgrades are not possible through quests, unless if the rewards already have upgrades. Kindly check this thread in Campus Classes for more information: Posted by: krayciekyle Oct 21 2008, 10:15 PM


Posted by: Dusty Oct 22 2008, 08:27 AM - The Ring will be upgraded one step further? Req: 200 From: Old Man [RH] * Talk to Old Man * Click on "The Ring will be upgraded one step further"? * Click on "Agree"? * The 197 Iron Fist Ganil ring will be replaced by the lvl 200 Black Knife Ganil ring. Reward: lvl 200 Black Knife Ganil ring - atk: 20~20, def: 10, acc: 10, eva: 10, lvl:200, res: 10, pow, vit, int, dex: +20 - Use of Special Ring Req: lvl 200, completed "The Ring will be upgraded one step further";? with Black Knife Ganil ring in inventory From: Old Man [RH] ? * Overthrow Pretty Transvestite {Pretty Veyah} Reward: Experience +5%? is dis accurate?? 5% ba talaga??

Posted by: SkyKinGARIES Oct 22 2008, 01:23 PM

QUOTE (Dusty @ Oct 22 2008, 09:27 AM)

- The Ring will be upgraded one step further? Req: 200 From: Old Man [RH] * Talk to Old Man * Click on "The Ring will be upgraded one step further"? * Click on "Agree"? * The 197 Iron Fist Ganil ring will be replaced by the lvl 200 Black Knife Ganil ring. Reward: lvl 200 Black Knife Ganil ring - atk: 20~20, def: 10, acc: 10, eva: 10, lvl:200, res: 10, pow, vit, int, dex: +20 - Use of Special Ring Req: lvl 200, completed "The Ring will be upgraded one step further";? with Black Knife Ganil ring in inventory From: Old Man [RH] ?

* Overthrow Pretty Transvestite {Pretty Veyah} Reward: Experience +5%? is dis accurate?? 5% ba talaga??

Nde po XA 5% add s EXP..... 2% 1/2 Hmm Yan uN... Posted by: Dusty Oct 22 2008, 01:28 PM

QUOTE (SkyKinGARIES @ Oct 22 2008, 01:23 PM)

Nde po XA 5% add s EXP..... 2% 1/2 Hmm Yan uN...

thanks so much.. naguguluhan kasi ako sa mga nabasa ko.. thanks again.. Posted by: SkyKinGARIES Oct 22 2008, 01:34 PM

QUOTE (Dusty @ Oct 22 2008, 02:28 PM)

thanks so much.. naguguluhan kasi ako sa mga nabasa ko.. thanks again..

Ur WelCome pre ^_^ Posted by: dekai_27 Oct 22 2008, 07:02 PM ung 5 % po yan po ung makukuha mo dun sa lvl 197 quest.. 2% + lang po pag level 200 na

Posted by: 19Rhap74 Oct 22 2008, 07:35 PM

pa help nman po ano po ba kill sa find user manual.. try ko n kill almost all kinds of mobs sa underground ayaw pa rin.. pa help po....

ty in advance

Posted by: FM DarthDrifter Oct 22 2008, 11:56 PM Ay, thanks guys.. parang feel ko ~2%ish yunp ero di sure.. 5% ksi dati sa original korea source... pero correct ko na sya ^^ at sorry rin accidentally nabura yung special events quests.. update ko na ulit dang.. lumang version lng meron ako d2. update ko ulit eto bukas Thanks ulit

QUOTE (19Rhap74 @ Oct 22 2008, 12:35 PM)

pa help nman po ano po ba kill sa find user manual.. try ko n kill almost all kinds of mobs sa underground ayaw pa rin.. pa help po....

ty in advance

try nyo po kausapin yung NPC dun sa may heart Posted by: xsmileyx09 Oct 23 2008, 10:04 AM

QUOTE (=gwenylicious=

@ Sep 22 2008, 07:56 PM)

-Secret of Freshman Req: LVL 190, Completed the "Assemble of the Eight Signs of Divine" quest From: So Sung Il * Find the information of Saint List (kill any Head.B U-Ground mobs) * Meet Student Director (SG [Campus] Student Director if you're SG, etc.) * Meet Instructor (Sword Instructor if you're swordie, etc.) * Meet the Agent (Go to Sword Agent if you're swordie,etc. at [TH]) Reward: EXP: 60000, BACK POINT 10P

-Completion of the Eight Signs of Divine Req: Completed the "Secret of Freshman" quest From: autoquest * Meet Image Expert (at [TH])

* Find the mineral in Prison (kill Prisoner_Big (Ringgy) at the Prison) * Meet the Old Man in front of Head office (at [RH], 85/145) * Go to Director Room (at Head.B 90F) Reward: EXP: 70000, GOLD: 50000, 5 RED BEAD

-Where the Time Stops 2 Req: Completed the "Completion of the Eight Signs of Divine" quest From: autoquest * Find a broken window (go to Head.B 90F 22/29) * Find another passage (go to Head.B RightWall at Head.B 90F 22/8) * Go to Director Room (located at Head.B RightWall 33/51) Reward: Access to Director Room (Toilet) at 1F, GOLD: 50000

-Activation of the Eight Signs of Divine Req: Completed the "Where the Time Stops 2" quest From: autoquest * Find the laboratory of Director (enter Director Room from Head.B RightWall 33/51 or at 1F) * Preparation of the eight signs of divine (Eliminate 10 Powered Mono Eye at Director Room) * Activation of the eight signs of divine (go to Director Room 36/22) Reward: Access to Another w South, EXP: 70000, GOLD: 150000

yan po yung mga reward :)

ganda nman po ng reward ask ko lang po kung panu po ba mkapasok sa directory room sa 1f? ang quet ko find a information that can be clue ano po ba gagawin dun ty po^^ Posted by: 19Rhap74 Oct 23 2008, 11:41 AM

QUOTE (FM DarthDrifter @ Oct 22 2008, 03:56 PM)

Ay, thanks guys.. parang feel ko ~2%ish yunp ero di sure.. 5% ksi dati sa original korea source... pero correct ko na sya ^^ at sorry rin accidentally nabura yung special events quests.. update ko na ulit dang.. lumang version lng meron ako d2. update ko ulit eto bukas Thanks ulit

try nyo po kausapin yung NPC dun sa may heart

ty po.... natapos ko na po... ty po ulit pa help po ulit d2... d ko kc tlga makita eh.... ty po ulit ng marami in advance... Posted by: FM DarthDrifter Oct 27 2008, 02:23 AM yung director room, try nyo po: Head.B RightWall 33,51

also, naupdate ko yung guide. may typo pala para sa brawlers yung capsule quests. Thanks kay durugista na tinulungan ko mag quest... typo pala yung capsule 4 and 6 haha

Posted by: 19Rhap74 Oct 28 2008, 05:45 PM

QUOTE (FM DarthDrifter @ Oct 26 2008, 06:23 PM)

yung director room, try nyo po: Head.B RightWall 33,51

also, naupdate ko yung guide. may typo pala para sa brawlers yung capsule quests. Thanks kay durugista na tinulungan ko mag quest... typo pala yung capsule 4 and 6 haha

TY po... check ko n alng po after ng insertion ng max cap reward... although nagadvise cla ng 99% - 100% is same prize lang bsta reach max cap before oct 19 mahirap n rin makipag sapalaran bka d lang 1 beses ma LD...

anyway... ty po ulit Posted by: Nov 8 2008, 09:27 AM

ung sa To Head Office 50F na quest.. panu ba hahanapin ung password at ID.. d ko kc maintindihan..

Posted by: krayciekyle Nov 10 2008, 02:33 PM pde po ba mag lagay kau ng guidelines or list ng mga quest mula head B1f hanggang saanother world pra may guide namn kami sa quest ang hirap kasi manghula Y_Y.... ty po

Posted by: jenson_ Nov 11 2008, 03:32 PM ung sa SG quest ng 2 spheres, clarify ko lng po d po cya totoo kakatry ko lng po isa lng ang may quest ng ganun ung sa society room wlang ganung reward nainis nga ako eh kaya ko pa nmn ginawa kc vibra blast ng shaman ko at ng kapatid ko clarification lng po^^

Posted by: jenson_ Nov 11 2008, 03:33 PM tsaka po ung finding the missing report cards, dalawa na po cya phoenix po ako at may new char, nagautoquest po saken dalawa 1st FMRC- sa phoenix campus 1F 2nd FMRC- sa sg campus 1F i completed both of these but i first thought the other one is bugged same rewards din po ty

Posted by: FM DarthDrifter Nov 12 2008, 02:14 AM


@ Nov 8 2008, 01:27 AM)

ung sa To Head Office 50F na quest.. panu ba hahanapin ung password at ID.. d ko kc maintindihan..

ikot ikot po kayo ata sa map...

QUOTE (krayciekyle @ Nov 10 2008, 06:33 AM)

pde po ba mag lagay kau ng guidelines or list ng mga quest mula head B1f hanggang saanother world pra may guide namn kami sa quest ang hirap kasi manghula Y_Y.... ty po

Hmm, check nyo po sa first page tapos search nyo "Find the Password" sa page para mapunta sa quest details. Yun lang di pa gaano completo yung quest details since di ko pa na veverify lahat... hopefully it'll serve a guide at least for now

QUOTE (jenson_ @ Nov 11 2008, 07:32 AM)

ung sa SG quest ng 2 spheres, clarify ko lng po d po cya totoo kakatry ko lng po isa lng ang may quest ng ganun ung sa society room wlang ganung reward nainis nga ako eh kaya ko pa nmn ginawa kc vibra blast ng shaman ko at ng kapatid ko clarification lng po^^

Awww... meron po yan na quest yung nag sg char ako some time ago.. Ginamit ko yan para makuha mga scroll ng archer and swordie ko. Yun lang, yung latest na sg char ko parang 1 lng quest para sa 2ss. Check ko eto ulit, pero thanks for reporting... Baka eto yung isa sa mga nag iba nung nag patch dati.

QUOTE (jenson_ @ Nov 11 2008, 07:33 AM)

tsaka po ung finding the missing report cards, dalawa na po cya phoenix po ako at may new char, nagautoquest po saken dalawa 1st FMRC- sa phoenix campus 1F 2nd FMRC- sa sg campus 1F i completed both of these but i first thought the other one is bugged same rewards din po ty

Thanks rin! ppupdate ko eto sa main guide soon.. so same po yung details and quest name? Posted by: jenson_ Nov 13 2008, 06:24 PM opo ate sky^^ beneficial po sa mga newbies kc may gold rewards po cla parehas o sa mga naguumpisa ty din po

Posted by:

Nov 15 2008, 12:46 PM

dun sa To Head Office 50F hindi ko mahanap ung BIRAN,Bo (Administration Office 1) can somebody give me an estimated coordinate?? tnx

Posted by: pichu01pichu01 Nov 16 2008, 08:32 PM

pa help po pano pumunta sa shibuya 2 hinanap ko dun sa maps sa front page kaso wala --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Posted by: FM DarthDrifter Nov 24 2008, 06:07 PM thanks jenson!


@ Nov 15 2008, 05:46 AM)

dun sa To Head Office 50F hindi ko mahanap ung BIRAN,Bo (Administration Office 1) can somebody give me an estimated coordinate?? tnx

Darn, nawala na ata yung thread na meron nag post ng screenshot ng approx locations sa map para sa quest na yan.. di ko rin na save or maremember kung sino nag post, sorry :( Na autoprune na ksi medyo luma na yung thread. sayang. Pero I think parang rectangular ata (roughly) yung path nya for the entire quest. It'll take a while before I can post a screenshot myself

QUOTE (pichu01pichu01 @ Nov 16 2008, 01:32 PM)

pa help po pano pumunta sa shibuya 2 hinanap ko dun sa maps sa front page kaso wala --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

sorry, di pa updated yung guide :(

Yung entrance ng Shibuya 2 ay nasa market. Sa phoenix side.. directly opposite ng orig Shibuya entrance. Kailangan ng sibuyaII card (sic) galing sa itemshop (40ep) or bilhin mo sa market nyo.

(sorry late replies huhu) Posted by: markpacatang Dec 4 2008, 02:01 PM wow.... very nice guide...

but need to be updated... kasi yung ibang quest ala na....

very nice

The linked image cannot be displayed. The file may have been moved, renamed, o

Posted by: markpacatang Dec 4 2008, 02:13 PM

QUOTE (pichu01pichu01 @ Nov 16 2008, 08:32 PM)

pa help po pano pumunta sa shibuya 2 hinanap ko dun sa maps sa front page kaso wala --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

i think only 150 lvls and below are allowed to enter shibuya 2... mobs there are lyk on prison... Posted by: RyanQuiT Dec 4 2008, 05:48 PM

QUOTE (Dusty @ Oct 22 2008, 08:27 AM)

- The Ring will be upgraded one step further? Req: 200 From: Old Man [RH] * Talk to Old Man

* Click on "The Ring will be upgraded one step further"? * Click on "Agree"? * The 197 Iron Fist Ganil ring will be replaced by the lvl 200 Black Knife Ganil ring. Reward: lvl 200 Black Knife Ganil ring - atk: 20~20, def: 10, acc: 10, eva: 10, lvl:200, res: 10, pow, vit, int, dex: +20 - Use of Special Ring Req: lvl 200, completed "The Ring will be upgraded one step further";? with Black Knife Ganil ring in inventory From: Old Man [RH] ? * Overthrow Pretty Transvestite {Pretty Veyah} Reward: Experience +5%? is dis accurate?? 5% ba talaga??

san umpisa ng quest ng Iron Fist Ganil ring d ko makita e... p2ro namn PO pls??/ Posted by: iCONS Dec 6 2008, 12:30 PM (3)Gathering Information Before the Incident <<TYPO>> Req: lvl 111 From: autoquest * Find the Time Capsules in TH 'holes', location may vary per class Swordsman:Capsule #1 right-most hole of first row ----------Capsule #2 middle hole of first row ----------Capsule #3 left-most hole of first row Brawler:--Capsule #4 leftright-most hole of second row ----------Capsule #5 middle hole of second row ----------Capsule #6 rightleft-most hole of second row Archer:---Capsule #? Shaman:---Capsule #? * Deliver the capsules to your respective class agent Reward: Gold 30000, Synthesizer Upgrade Set Notes: New EP 3 quest. Quest is unavailable if char level is 111+ after the EP 3.2 patch. Tough luck, mamaw. The 'holes' are the golf holes with red flags in Ninehall Club [TH]. Approximate coordinates of the 9 holes (yes, nine holes): [E.g. Capsule #1 for Swordsman - right-most hole of first row = 105,164] 115,170------92,170----------------------------------<-- Third row 82,177-------92,180-------102,179-------113,180<-- Second row 85,163-------96,164-------105,164-----------------<-- First row Capsules #4 & 6 for Brawlers have typos. For #4, go right and

for #6 go left instead. pwede pahnge nang coordian8s para sa shaman? di ko kc matapos tapos ito matagal na maxado sa quest list ko

Posted by: NoBuffN0HeaL Dec 18 2008, 03:54 PM Dear Fm. may new char po kc ako from SG. ask ko lng po kung pano pumasok sa new map. Require the completion of the mysterious melody to enter specified area. pano po b gagawin. i think bug yung char ko from transfering sa SG to MP. pls help po maraming salamat

Posted by: skyhiker Dec 18 2008, 08:53 PM

QUOTE (NoBuffN0HeaL @ Dec 18 2008, 07:54 AM)

Dear Fm. may new char po kc ako from SG. ask ko lng po kung pano pumasok sa new map. Require the completion of the mysterious melody to enter specified area. pano po b gagawin. i think bug yung char ko from transfering sa SG to MP. pls help po maraming salamat

Need nyo po tapusin yung quests galing sa Old Man, specifically yung "Mysterious Melody" - Mysterious Melody Req: lvl 162, completed "Behind the truth of Saint Financial Group" From: Weapon Expert; autoquest after completing "Behind the truth of Saint Financial Group" * Find out about Head Office from the Old Man [RH] * Meet the Old Man {Suspicious Folk} at Wharf Passage * Retrieve the code from Trump Master {Bunny Girl/Violent Girl/DR} * Meet the Old Man {Suspicious Folk} at Wharf Passage * Meet the Image Expert [TH] * Meet the Old Man in front of Head Office [RH]

Reward: Gold 50000, Attribute 5, Upgraded Support Potion [30] (50% HP MP SP Recovery), Can Enter Head.B 1F? Kung tapos nyo na yan dati (maraming quests dyan kay Old Man, acquirable @162), at di parin makapasok, pa sabi ^_^ Posted by: skyhiker Dec 18 2008, 08:55 PM sorry guys, late reply

QUOTE (RyanQuiT @ Dec 4 2008, 09:48 AM)

san umpisa ng quest ng Iron Fist Ganil ring d ko makita e... p2ro namn PO pls??/

tapos nyo na po ba eto? Basta lvl 197 ka na na meron yung 193 ring, pwd na ata kausapin yung Old Man para sa ring upgrade

QUOTE (iCONS @ Dec 6 2008, 04:30 AM)

(3)Gathering Information Before the Incident <<TYPO>> Req: lvl 111 From: autoquest * Find the Time Capsules in TH 'holes', location may vary per class Swordsman:Capsule #1 right-most hole of first row ----------Capsule #2 middle hole of first row ----------Capsule #3 left-most hole of first row Brawler:--Capsule #4 leftright-most hole of second row ----------Capsule #5 middle hole of second row ----------Capsule #6 rightleft-most hole of second row Archer:---Capsule #? Shaman:---Capsule #? * Deliver the capsules to your respective class agent Reward: Gold 30000, Synthesizer Upgrade Set Notes: New EP 3 quest. Quest is unavailable if char level is 111+ after the EP 3.2 patch. Tough luck, mamaw. The 'holes' are the golf holes with red flags in Ninehall Club [TH]. Approximate coordinates of the 9 holes (yes, nine holes): [E.g. Capsule #1 for Swordsman - right-most hole of first row = 105,164] 115,170------92,170----------------------------------<-- Third row 82,177-------92,180-------102,179-------113,180<-- Second row 85,163-------96,164-------105,164-----------------<-- First row

Capsules #4 & 6 for Brawlers have typos. For #4, go right and for #6 go left instead. pwede pahnge nang coordian8s para sa shaman? di ko kc matapos tapos ito matagal na maxado sa quest list ko

Sorry po, la coordinates pa.. layo pa low lvl shammy ko dito. Baka kung pwede nyo po post eithr yung screenshot ng quest details (or type nlng).. need lng ksi ano yung description... like kung anong hole ng anong row etc. Otherwise, try ko hanap ng shaman na hindi pa nakagawa netong quest, good luck sakin ^^ Posted by: NoBuffN0HeaL Dec 26 2008, 01:06 AM

QUOTE (skyhiker @ Dec 18 2008, 12:53 PM)

Need nyo po tapusin yung quests galing sa Old Man, specifically yung "Mysterious Melody" - Mysterious Melody Req: lvl 162, completed "Behind the truth of Saint Financial Group" From: Weapon Expert; autoquest after completing "Behind the truth of Saint Financial Group" * Find out about Head Office from the Old Man [RH] * Meet the Old Man {Suspicious Folk} at Wharf Passage * Retrieve the code from Trump Master {Bunny Girl/Violent Girl/DR} * Meet the Old Man {Suspicious Folk} at Wharf Passage * Meet the Image Expert [TH] * Meet the Old Man in front of Head Office [RH] Reward: Gold 50000, Attribute 5, Upgraded Support Potion [30] (50% HP MP SP Recovery), Can Enter Head.B 1F? Kung tapos nyo na yan dati (maraming quests dyan kay Old Man, acquirable @162), at di parin makapasok, pa sabi ^_^

i cant still enter the new map. bug character ko. Posted by: `Adi Dec 26 2008, 01:08 AM ^ ^ wawa naman ung idol ko,. go go go aji,. ^__^


Posted by: karlm Dec 26 2008, 03:37 AM guys panu 2?? "Assemble the eight signs of divine"

anu gagawin q???

GM pa help

Posted by: MsRoseLyn Dec 26 2008, 12:15 PM BTW some of the quest u put in here are not accurate
The image cannot be displayed. Your computer may not have enough me

co'z i've done it and i tried to

The image cannot be displayed. Your computer may not have enough me

follow ur quest guide when i reach 190 and some of it are not accurate
The image cannot be displayed. Your computer may not have enough me

Posted by: RickAstley Dec 27 2008, 06:32 PM

QUOTE (skyhiker @ Jul 13 2008, 06:39 PM)

To minimize clutter and spam, kindly refrain from posting comments that does not contribute to the construction, modification and maintenance of this guide. This includes positive and/or negative feedback that does not have any action items/pertinent points. For comments which does not warrant a discussion, please feel free to use the system. So, paki iwasan ang mga: Posts only containing: Nice guide! makakatulong eto... etc. Questions already answered by the guide: Ano po quest para sa Hurricane Slash?

y y

Pero, pwede parin mag tanong, especially kung nahihirapan kayo mag hanap ng sagot, or kung yung sagot ay hindi talaga mahanap.

We encourage everyone to read the guides, or at least skim through them, use the search functions (browser and/or forum) and make the most use of Indexes. Try as much as possible to find answers on your own before posting questions. Most of the time, it will be faster to find answers yourself than to wait for people to answer (correctly).

We also encourage everyone to contribute to the guide, especially for new/high-level/different-school quests. Any comments/suggestions on how to improve the guide are welcome.

Please be patient as I try to transition the guide to the new forum format. As such, there are no anchors, so quick links will be unavailable for now. At medyo magulo pa mga ibang parts - sa sobrang daming sections sobrang time-consuming mag re-edit. Pasensya na lang po ^_^

Thank you all for your support.

Posted by: azorite53 Dec 29 2008, 09:09 PM


(3)Withdrawal of Security Guard ID Card <<TYPO>> Req: 106 From: Police [TH] * Collect 8 keys from Security Guard w/ gun {Bandit} in Main Wharf [Typo from 10 ID Cards] * Deliver ID Cards to the Police [TH] Reward: Exp 10000 Notes: New EP 3 quest. Quest is unavailable if char level is 111+ after the EP 3.2 patch. Tough luck, mamaw. No.1 Freezing Warehouse = Ice Warehouse - Water Purification, found near Wharf Bus Stop. Clicking on the quest details reveals the correct target situations (8). To trigger the quest, click on the following chat options: >Ask if there is something I can help >Accept

Try also killing the Storage Guard with electric batons. I was informed by a friend (female DEX brawler krishaish & we're both from Havoc server) months ago. I got 1 key from the Storage Guard after I tried it. I did continue the quest yesterday & got 4 more keys from the said mob as well. News Flash! Just finished this quest. After the 5 keys I killed 2 Bandits & 1 Storage Guard as finale. Sorry if there's no screenshot, though.


Investigating the Building Req: lvl 117, completed quest "Catching Smugglers" From: Police [Wharf] * Search for evidence @ loc 88,26 (around building) * Search for evidence @ loc 90,40 (near SPG) * Pass evidence to Police [Wharf] Reward: Lohan Rosary [Lvl:120] Notes: To trigger the quest, click on the following chat options: >Ask about building >Next page >Next page >Next page >Accept Request

What I got for this quest is Lohan Rosary Level 120 [+3]. Defense is 0(+6)[+3]. Posted by: azorite53 Dec 30 2008, 09:54 PM I went to MP Hole earlier. I am referring to these quests:


Cleaner's Request Req:lvl 33 From: Cleaner [MP] * Collect 20 Empty Bottles from Chicken & Stray Dogs * Deliver Empty Bottles to Cleaner [MP] Reward: Exp 4000, Gold 5000 Notes: Can trade 20 Empty Bottles w/ Cleaner [MP] for a Synthesizer Upgrade Set at any time after the completion of this quest Cleaner's Request Req: lvl 33 From: Cleaner [SG] * Collect 20 Empty Bottles from Miner Fatty * Deliver Empty Bottles to Cleaner [SG] Reward: Exp 4000, Gold 5000 Notes: Can trade 20 Empty Bottles w/ Cleaner [SG] for a Synthesizer Upgrade Set at any time after the completion of this quest Cleaner's Request Req: lvl 33

From: Cleaner [PX] * Collect 20 Empty Bottles from Sanitizer * Deliver Empty Bottles to Cleaner [PX] Reward: Exp 4000, Gold 5000 Notes: Can trade 20 Empty Bottles w/ Cleaner [PX] for a Synthesizer Upgrade Set at any time after the completion of this quest

I already made the Cleaner's Request for SG, when I was low-level, since I belong to SG. Today, I checked the Cleaner at MP & I got the same quest like that of SG (I was figuring something on the SG bugged quest of Resident's Request, that's why). Pa-clarify po, I thought if it's MP quest then it's good for MP Students only? (Edit) Oh yeah, I tried also the Cleaner's Quest in PX this December 31. So does that mean we can trade as well 20 Empty Bottles for a Synthesizer Upgrade Set there? Screenshots below (MP only, PHX same results). Observations from other players po if they took the quest at other holes. Thanks...
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Posted by: sxyOTAKU Dec 31 2008, 09:52 PM uhm ate sky, r u sure n un mga ngreset na fs at arch ay mbbwsn ng 1 sp due to free breath of life and shockwave? sure k b na un free skill ay walang bawas sa skill points? kc po unfair nmn 1 sp still matters

Posted by: Gordie Jan 3 2009, 12:18 AM

QUOTE (skyhiker @ Jul 13 2008, 06:05 PM)

- Physics Teacher's Call <<TYPO>> Req: lvl 39 From: autoquest * Find respective Physics Teacher Reward: Life Point 1, Skill Point 1, Med HP [5], Big MP [5], Big SP [5] Notes: Became an autoquest @ EP 3. Previously acquired from Construction Supervisor, making the quest "skippable". If this was skipped, you can

try and check for the quest to reactivate after every 39 levels. For Phoenix Students, there's a typo in the dialogue - the Physics Teacher is found in the Phoenix Hole not in Phoenix Square

pasingit ng correction ^_^; 5 life points po ang reward sa quest n to tsaka pala pag level 39 at ndi mo makita ung completion ng quest na to sa physics teacher ibig sabihin ndi mo pa tapos ung Construction Supervisor's Request ung sa fatty bom-bom tapusin mo muna un tapos balikan mo ung physics teacher cgurado nandun n ung completion ng quest un nga lang, sakaling ndi mo pa nauumpisahan ung Physics Teacher Test, automatic ma aactivate ang Physics Teacher Test, un kill k ng 15 cordy within time limit Posted by: pinkykay Jan 14 2009, 02:00 AM
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gm.. ung "gatherng tools" di nbamaaus un? give up nlng ba?? reps nmn gm

huh?? tnx tnx dame.. :)

Posted by: GLGurdianAcE Feb 3 2009, 12:20 PM 5 19X? Fourth Document Recovery Inf Term - HeadB 90F mobs 5 195 Memory of the Document auto - Find NPC 5 19X? Investigation of Underground Inf Term - talk to Ji Il Cung 5 198? Assemble of the Eight Signs.. auto - HeadB Underground mobs

pahelp po ako jan anung mobs po kill sa fourth document Recovery? pls lang po

Posted by: jenson_ Feb 9 2009, 10:38 AM - (3)? Req: lvl 144 From: autoquest * [Ms.Choi] Reward: ? Notes: New EP 3 quest. Quest is unavailable if char level is 144+ after the EP 3.2 patch. Tough luck, mamaw.

^ ^

^ ate sky e2 po ung details nyan buti nahalukay ko pa^^

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yan po hope i helped^^

Posted by: Bytezzz Feb 11 2009, 11:07 PM Pwde bang mag inquire. kse kulang ata ung stat point q. 633 ang max stat point ng isang lvl 200 char. 632 lng ung akin-_natake q nman ung mga +stat quest. anu kea ung kulang

Posted by: SummeRomance Feb 15 2009, 06:20 PM

QUOTE (skyhiker @ Jul 13 2008, 07:39 PM)

Req: lvl 111 From: autoquest * Find the Time Capsules in TH 'holes', location may vary per class Swordsman:Capsule #1 right-most hole of first row ----------Capsule #2 middle hole of first row ----------Capsule #3 left-most hole of first row Brawler:--Capsule #4 leftright-most hole of second row ----------Capsule #5 middle hole of second row ----------Capsule #6 rightleft-most hole of second row Archer:---Capsule #? Shaman:---Capsule #? * Deliver the capsules to your respective class agent Reward: Gold 30000, Synthesizer Upgrade Set Notes: New EP 3 quest. Quest is unavailable if char level is 111+ after the EP 3.2 patch. Tough luck, mamaw. The 'holes' are the golf holes with red flags in Ninehall Club [TH]. Approximate coordinates of the 9 holes (yes, nine holes): [E.g. Capsule #1 for Swordsman - right-most hole of first row = 105,164] 115,170------92,170----------------------------------<-- Third row 82,177-------92,180-------102,179-------113,180<-- Second row 85,163-------96,164-------105,164-----------------<-- First row Capsules #4 & 6 for Brawlers have typos. For #4, go right and for #6 go left instead.

ate yun sa archer po ay 1st hole in the 1st row = 105,164 2nd hole in the 1st row = 96, 165 3rd hole or the left most hole in the 1st row = 85,164 help lang po. ^_^ Posted by: jenson_ Feb 18 2009, 12:15 PM - Look for the Suspect Req: lvl 147 From: Jail Warden * Look for clues * Look for clues again * Look for more clues again * Look for the suspect * Arrest Prison Supervisor {Preso de Mayor} Reward: Exp 34000, Stat Point 1

^ ^ ^ ^ yan pong pagkukunan ng quest n yan d po cya sa jail warden nakukuha sa prison corpse [A] ko po cya nakuha accidentaly when i dropped by sa spot to lure maso kla ko bugged pero un pla d pla tlga cya dun sa warden makukuha e2 po ss oh:
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Posted by: jenson_ Feb 23 2009, 11:56 AM cno b sa inyo jan brawler na nakatapos n ng quest na GATHER INFO BEFORE THE INCIDENT? d kc tlga matapos tapos, napuntahan ko na lahat ng holes bugged ba to? help nyo nmn ako isang taon n halos quest kong to d matapos tapos

Posted by: skyhiker Feb 23 2009, 09:09 PM

QUOTE (jenson_ @ Feb 23 2009, 02:56 AM)

cno b sa inyo jan brawler na nakatapos n ng quest na GATHER INFO BEFORE THE INCIDENT? d kc tlga matapos tapos, napuntahan ko na lahat ng holes

bugged ba to? help nyo nmn ako isang taon n halos quest kong to d matapos tapos

opo bug po yan, sa first try mo right-most hole ng second row (approx 113,180?), then yung last left-most hole ng same row. Basta go right to left ka ata.. ksi I think 4 yung holes ng second row, need ko pa i re-verify ulit pero na mention na dati sa guide na bug talaga yung text para sa brawlers ay, sa notes ko palang nalagay etong note... matagal ko na ksi di na update d2 yung guide. sorry sorry sorry

sorry late reply sa lahat - need ko pa balikan.. pero naupdate na medyo yung guide. thanks sa lahat pa extend nlng ng patience konti hehe Posted by: albertpalaotog Mar 6 2009, 09:20 AM

QUOTE (ChiChaY @ Sep 8 2008, 09:47 PM)

ask ko lng pano mkukuha ung Where The TIme stops 2?? ok n sa directors room..nkakapasok na me eh.. ntpus ko n knina... gs2 ko kc mkapasok sa right wall pra sa boss hunt eh!! ty sa mkakahelp...

ate d kana makapasok ulit sa right wall kac natapos munalahat mga quest mo ung mga nag quest lang dun pede makapasok sa right wall dba nakapasok kana dun??

dapat kac d mo tinapos ung quest mo tinigal mo lang sana dun ung quest mo para ulit ulit kang amkapasok sa right wall!!!
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Posted by: Nxanted Mar 10 2009, 10:42 AM mga idol san po nakukuha ung quest ng 5 spiritual sphere(lvl 47 skill), nakuha ko na po ung isa ung physics teacher test (kill 15 barba).. meron pabang isa?? kasi dalawa ang level skill ng dex swordsman (blade mastery at corkscrew blade).. help naman po kung san makukuha ung quest para sa isa pang 5 spiritual


Posted by: Laaaaaance Mar 11 2009, 09:08 AM guys how can i upgrade my ganil ring from +10 stats to +20 all stats?

Posted by: TheLastBlade Mar 11 2009, 09:56 AM pa level 200 ka tpos quest
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Posted by: Laaaaaance Mar 11 2009, 01:15 PM ^ salamat po...

Posted by: jenson_ Mar 25 2009, 11:25 PM @skyhiker glad to tell you, na-fixed an sa wakas ang bugged quests na help for freshmen 1 & 2, natapos ko na po hehe check ko lng yung ibng bugged quests ko kung nafixed na din update! update! ^^

Posted by: skyhiker Mar 26 2009, 09:27 PM Yup, napansin ko rin meron naayos sa mga quests. THanks sa pang confirm, balikan ko rin yung iba. Yung mga autoquests dati na di ma-attain na lumampas sa lvl, pwd na sila makuha sa mga npc or bus stops. Natapos ko na yung karamihan, nid ko nlng update yung guide kng naganahan ako.

I've also added a disclaimer at the top: =============== Please take note that quests supported under this guide are for the original, classic and rebirth characters. Quests exclusively for Extreme Class characters are not and will not be supported as they go beyond the scope of this guide ===============

Posted by: jenson_ Mar 27 2009, 11:32 AM

QUOTE (jenson_ @ Mar 25 2009, 04:25 PM)


glad to tell you, na-fixed an sa wakas ang bugged quests na help for freshmen 1 & 2, natapos ko na po hehe check ko lng yung ibng bugged quests ko kung nafixed na din update! update! ^^

^ ^ ^ correction: i meant HELP FOR FRESHMEN 2 & 3, NOT 1 & 2 hehe sorry Posted by: Ren666 Mar 29 2009, 09:37 AM request ln po^^ p upd8 nmn keo s xtreme clas qst..
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Posted by: jenson_ Mar 29 2009, 01:10 PM maa-update po yan once may extreme cla cahr na po TS or may mag-contribute pero alam ko isa lng quest para magkaextreme dba at pag nagkaron n ng extreme char, normal flow of quests n din un like ng sa mga normal class chars just w8 kc po magkakaron din nun @ate sky 195 na po ba kau? curious lng kc mas mapapadali pagupdate kung ikaw na po mismo magku-quest ng extreme dba? gets?^^

Posted by: =gwenylicious=

Mar 30 2009, 04:15 AM

Sa my mga extreme class jan n character ask lng po kung san mkikita yung petrol station naloloka nako kakahanap Y.Y

Posted by: MhielSixteen Mar 30 2009, 10:56 AM @ lance pnta ka lang sa Old Man mkkita mo na don

Posted by: skyhiker Mar 30 2009, 09:30 PM

QUOTE (Ren666 @ Mar 29 2009, 12:37 AM)

request ln po^^
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p upd8 nmn keo s xtreme clas qst..

sorry po, wala po sa scope ng guide eto yung extreme class quests, nilagay ko na rin ang disclaimer sa pinakataas ng guide. Marami reasons bakit hindi ko eto masupport, yung main ay di ko ma personally verify yung quests. Kulang rin ako sa supporters and kulang rin ksi ako sa panahon para ma completely verify and update yung normal quests, eto pa kaya. Wala akong pilots (kahit isa wala, ayaw ko rin mag hiram ng account - violation yun ng account privacy guidelines) and spread out yung gaming time ko sa multiple characters para lang maka verify ng quest details and bugs. Lastly, due to personal reasons, hindi ko rin supportado etong (premature, imho) release ng EP-6-1 sa daming tambak na pwd pa updates (skills, bug fixes, better game events, policing etc.) sa existing episode. Bitter ba ako, wahahaha

To help you guys out, Malaysia's official site, myrosso has a complete listing of all extreme class quests: Up to e-games na kung gusto nila lumabas ng similar guide para sa ran PH. <edit: nm>

QUOTE (jenson_ @ Mar 29 2009, 04:10 AM)

maa-update po yan once may extreme cla cahr na po TS or may mag-contribute pero alam ko isa lng quest para magkaextreme dba at pag nagkaron n ng extreme char, normal flow of quests n din un like ng sa mga normal class chars just w8 kc po magkakaron din nun @ate sky 195 na po ba kau? curious lng kc mas mapapadali pagupdate kung ikaw na po mismo magku-quest ng extreme dba? gets?^^

Marami po special quests restricted lang para sa extreme-class characters. Kaiba sila sa normal character quests.

@jenson nope, malayo pa ako sa lvl requirement, sa current leveling rate ko, lampas sa maraming buwan pa ako maatain yan. Wala akong pilot and kung papalevel ko pa yung extreme, naku po, mas matatagal rin ang updates. Di ko pa nga maayos yung quests sa HeadB onwards kaya normal characters lang talaga pwede ko ma-support.

QUOTE (=gwenylicious= @ Mar 29 2009, 07:15 PM)

Sa my mga extreme class jan n character ask lng po kung san mkikita yung petrol station naloloka nako kakahanap Y.Y

Most likely sa Petrol Station yan sa TH. Dun sa upper left part ng map. Kung hindi dun, pa reply nlng d2 ulit, meron ako mga kilala na pwede mag verify. Posted by: Laaaaaance Mar 31 2009, 10:25 AM

QUOTE (MhielSixteen @ Mar 30 2009, 10:56 AM)

@ lance pnta ka lang sa Old Man mkkita mo na don

salamat! Posted by: BloodShaman Apr 2 2009, 10:12 PM Meron po new quest.. pero di ko alam level req nya... basta nkita ko nlng sa prison warden... Issue of Security Improvement -Go to Prison(3rd Gate) -Go to weapon expert
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The image cannot be displayed. Your computer may not have enough me

Posted by: skyhiker Apr 3 2009, 05:37 PM

QUOTE (BloodShaman @ Apr 2 2009, 01:12 PM)

Meron po new quest.. pero di ko alam level req nya... basta nkita ko nlng sa prison warden... Issue of Security Improvement -Go to Prison(3rd Gate) -Go to weapon expert

ep 3 quest po eto, autoquest for lvl 141 (di pwede dati makuha kng lampas sa level). Nung nag patch ng EP6, almost lahat ng dating new EP 3 autoquest, acquirable na para sa mga lampas sa level dati. Pwede makuha na at various npcs/bus stops.

Eto yung list ata, yung autoquest lvl, at yung NPC na pwede kunan kung lampas na sa autoquest lvl: (3)Find the Stolen Dry Ice - Lvl 91 or Bus Stop [Prison] (3)Collection of Old Book - Lvl 103 or Mr.Zheng (3)Gathering Information Before the Incident - Lvl 111 or Shaman Agent [TH] (3)Delivery of Emergency Action guide - Lvl 140 or Bus Stop [TH] (3)Issue of Security Improvement - Lvl 141 or Jail Warden (3)Rescue the Civilian - Lvl 144 or Mr.Zheng after completing "Collection of Old Book" Ang hindi ko pa alam kng meron available ay: (3)*Gathering the Upgrade Tool <<BUGGED>> - Lvl 106 (3)Withdrawal of Security Guard ID Card - Lvl 106 (3)Investigation of the Dead Police - Lvl 151

Fixed bugs: (3)Help for Freshman 2 <MP|PX|SG> (3)Help for Freshman 3 <MP|PX|SG> Posted by: MaamGeee Apr 15 2009, 08:10 PM guy pwde hinge ng direct link yung quest sa Bus Stop na "Find the Stolen Dry Ice"

Posted by: skyhiker Apr 15 2009, 08:38 PM di pwed direct link ksi need pa mag scroll parin, pero eto, ctrl-f mo lng quest name sa 1st page: - (3)Find the Stolen Dry Ice Req: lvl 91 From: autoquest or Bus Stop [Prison] * Retrieve the stolen dry ice from Security Guard in Refrigeration Warehouse of Wharf {Bandit}

* Deliver dry ice to Ice Cream Seller [TH] Reward: Exp 15000, Gold 20000, Upgraded Support Potion [30] Notes: New EP 3 quest. No.1 Freezing Warehouse = Ice Warehouse - Water Purification, found near Wharf Bus Stop. Quest previously unavailable if char level was 91+ after the EP 3.2 patch - fixed EP 6-1. Quest item drop rate may be low. Just keep killing Bandits in Wharf.

Posted by: BloodShaman Apr 16 2009, 05:24 PM pede po ba correction? dun po sa quest na "To another world" ung reward po nya is ung Synthesizer Upgrade Set at Ring Box... ung sa quest naman na "Truth of Director and Ending" ang reward nya po is Emergency link Locker Card[10P] at 15000 EXP i2 po ung SS ng char ko after ma complete ung "To another world" at naka display ung rewards ng "Truth of Director and Ending"
The image cannot be displayed. Your computer may not have enough me

Posted by: skyhiker Apr 16 2009, 09:11 PM

QUOTE (BloodShaman @ Apr 16 2009, 08:24 AM)

pede po ba correction? dun po sa quest na "To another world" ung reward po nya is ung Synthesizer Upgrade Set at Ring Box... ung sa quest naman na "Truth of Director and Ending" ang reward nya po is Emergency link Locker Card[10P] at 15000 EXP i2 po ung SS ng char ko after ma complete ung "To another world" at naka display ung rewards ng "Truth of Director and Ending"

Yessss.. thank you thank you thank you.. tagal na naka "?" yung rewards hehe. Yung ginawa ako eto kalimutan ko itake note yung rewards kasi namamadali :( very welcome po mga corrections, updates or additions - hirap talga mag isa lng mag maintain netong guide :( thanks po ha, update ko yung quest details + credit Posted by: Gordie Apr 27 2009, 12:40 AM (3)Investigation of the Dead Police Req: lvl 151 From: autoquest * Retrieve the security monitor video tape from Prisoner_Big {Ringgy} * Deliver tape to Police [TH] Reward: Gold 50000, Back Point Pass [3]

Notes: New EP 3 quest. Quest is unavailable if char level is 151+ after the EP 3.2 patch. Tough luck, mamaw.

pwd po tong makuha sa bus stop sa tabi ng suspicious folk sa warp.. kung saan makukuha ung spirit sphere 13.... kahit lagpas n level mo. kuha ko to level 165 lang me ^_^;

Posted by: BLICO Apr 27 2009, 04:13 PM sana padagdag din ng EXP map from Level 1 to 210 sa guide kahit medyo erratic ang mga patches nila. Willing ako mag-share ng EXP maps from 162 to 195. Also, I vote for skyhiker to be the Official RAN Online Game Guide Editor-In-Chief... ^_^v

Posted by: MhielSixteen Apr 27 2009, 06:58 PM bkt ganon ? ung Extreme ko ayaw lumabas .. 0 card na pero 1 palang nandon -_-

Hirap ng quest sa TC d ko magawa

Posted by: Laaaaaance Apr 28 2009, 12:03 PM ^ nid mo po ng katulong dun...

Posted by: feinrir03 Apr 28 2009, 12:19 PM

QUOTE (skyhiker @ Jul 13 2008, 07:07 PM)

- Where the time stops 1 Req: lvl 190, completed "Passing over 90F" From: autoquest; auto start after completing previous quest * Find the way to go to Toilet (Gate at end of the Map/Upper Left Wall) Reward: Gold 30000 Note: You would not be able to return to the Left Wall once this quest is complete

dko poh matapos tapos ang quest na ito.. i can't seem to "find my way to go to Toilet". kindly check the following screenies...

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The image cannot be displayed. Your computer may not have enough me

san po ba papasok? kc dpo ako mkapasok maski saan eh..>.< please help. thanks.. Posted by: skyhiker Apr 29 2009, 12:50 AM

QUOTE (Gordie @ Apr 26 2009, 04:40 PM)

(3)Investigation of the Dead Police Req: lvl 151 From: autoquest * Retrieve the security monitor video tape from Prisoner_Big {Ringgy} * Deliver tape to Police [TH] Reward: Gold 50000, Back Point Pass [3] Notes: New EP 3 quest. Quest is unavailable if char level is 151+ after the EP 3.2 patch. Tough luck, mamaw.

pwd po tong makuha sa bus stop sa tabi ng suspicious folk sa warp.. kung saan makukuha ung spirit sphere 13.... kahit lagpas n level mo. kuha ko to level 165 lang me ^_^;

Thanks! Weird, na try ko rin yun bus stop sa may folk dati pero wala nakuha.. Try ko ulit next time para verify.

QUOTE (BLICO @ Apr 27 2009, 08:13 AM)

sana padagdag din ng EXP map from Level 1 to 210 sa guide kahit medyo erratic ang mga patches nila. Willing ako mag-share ng EXP maps from 162 to 195.

Wa, iibahin nnaman ang exp sa ibang maps next patch.. At medyo nakailan na rin updates sila. Meron ako changelog sa baba dati pero di ksma EXP. Mobs and mob levels lng. Di ko pa tapos ayusin yung miscellaneous items ng guide, pero if willing ka mag contribute, pwd eto singitin. Yun lang, di ko rin eto maveverify kasi kulang ako sa oras.

QUOTE (MhielSixteen @ Apr 27 2009, 10:58 AM)

bkt ganon ? ung Extreme ko ayaw lumabas .. 0 card na pero 1 palang nandon -_-

Hirap ng quest sa TC d ko magawa

Nagawa nyo po ba yung 190 autoquest (di available kung lampas ka nung nag patch) para sa extra card? Kung nag delete ka ata ng char need mo parin buy ng extra char card para makacreate. Noob ako.. ano yung "TC"?

QUOTE (feinrir03 @ Apr 28 2009, 04:19 AM)

dko poh matapos tapos ang quest na ito.. i can't seem to "find my way to go to Toilet". kindly check the following screenies...

san po ba papasok? kc dpo ako mkapasok maski saan eh..>.< please help. thanks.. ^_^ Posted by: Gordie Apr 29 2009, 11:41 AM

QUOTE (skyhiker @ Apr 29 2009, 12:50 AM)

QUOTE (Gordie @ Apr 27 2009, 12:40 AM)

(3)Investigation of the Dead Police Req: lvl 151 From: autoquest * Retrieve the security monitor video tape from Prisoner_Big {Ringgy}

* Deliver tape to Police [TH] Reward: Gold 50000, Back Point Pass [3] Notes: New EP 3 quest. Quest is unavailable if char level is 151+ after the EP 3.2 patch. Tough luck, mamaw.

pwd po tong makuha sa bus stop sa tabi ng suspicious folk sa warp.. kung saan makukuha ung spirit sphere 13.... kahit lagpas n level mo. kuha ko to level 165 lang me ^_^;

Thanks! Weird, na try ko rin yun bus stop sa may folk dati pero wala nakuha.. Try ko ulit next time para verify.

hmmm... baka may prereq.... kasi dun sa list mo ng new quest ng episode 3 nagawa ko n lahat ung mga quest except ung dalawang 106, then punta ako ng warf para dun sa ice tyrant quest, un nakita ko n lang n may quest dun sa bus stop at un nga ung 151 investigation ng dead police.... eh d ba last yan sa mga new quest.... or baka nasa char or school yan (hopefully not ^_^;), 165 Shaman SG me, orig char, non-server migrant, non-school migrant, non-rebirth, chicsilog hehehe Posted by: skyhiker Apr 30 2009, 05:34 PM ay, nagawa ko na pala eto haha, di ko lang na update sa guide nakita ko completed rin eto sa quest list T_T naoverlook haha, thanks sa update

Posted by: MhielSixteen May 1 2009, 07:30 PM @ skyhiker TC - time cutter ngttry ako burahin pero d naman xa mabura , knbukasan wala na xtreme .. -_ask ko lng ano ung quest sa left wall d kc ako makapasok don ..

Posted by: Evenstar May 3 2009, 03:18 AM

Wala pa yata nito... Just saw this as one of my quests. I guess automatic siya at a certain level. Thanks! Test ability to execute III - Overthrow 8 Frozen Demons (Ice Inducer) Reward: Stat Point 12

Posted by: MhielSixteen May 3 2009, 02:24 PM ^ ^ ntapos ko na po yang quest na yan sa head b quest yan eh . ksunod nyan execute mo ung Fire Inducer , stat point din ung reward :)

Posted by: XiaoChen May 3 2009, 03:20 PM

Just wanna drop by ^^, oye!

Posted by: Othinan May 3 2009, 08:29 PM Hi to all.. bakit hindi ako makapasok sa 50F at head5 eh 197 na char ko.. may tinatanong kasi dun kung papasok ako na "complete quest for melody" dapat daw tapsuin.. san makikita ang melody na quest na yan? d po kasi lumalabas sa quest ko... tnx sa mga tumutulong^^

QUOTE (skyhiker @ Jul 13 2008, 06:34 PM)

=============================================== CHANGELOG ===============================================

CODE 01/10/2007 07/27/2007 07/28/2007 07/31/2007 08/01/2007 08/02/2007 08/02/2007 08/03/2007 08/07/2007 08/11/2007 08/22/2007 08/29/2007 09/04/2007 09/15/2007 09/20/2007 09/27/2007 10/13/2007 10/18/2007 10/24/2007 10/25/2007 10/30/2007 11/17/2007 11/27/2007 12/06/2007 12/18/2007 01/27/2008 01/30/2008 02/06/2008 02/28/2008 03/04/2008 03/18/2008 03/31/2008 04/30/2008 v 0.01 v.0.06 v.0.07 v.0.08 v.0.09 v.1.00 v.1.01 v.1.02 v.1.03 v.1.04 ditto added/corrected more quest details, armor info v.1.05 v.1.06 Multiple quest corrections/verification c/o ranphguide, Links now anchored, corrected/updated quest details and First draft Added lvl 140, 150+ quest details Added quest details, miscellany, reorganized structure Added lvl 1-106 quest details Added more items in Miscellany, updated lvl 1-40 quests First Release; Fixed formatting for forum guide Fixed typos, made corrections submitted by ranphguide Added additional formatting/corrections for forum version Corrected quest details, reformatted Armor section More quest details, corrections/adds to all parts of guide

from input from forumers, added school/class differences.

added new ETC skills + ordered quests, restructured info levels, updated mob list, added guide info Made several corrections, added lvl 147,148 quest details Added SG campus quest details + info from Evenstar v.1.07 v.1.08 Updated lvl 74 & Leo Campus quests, mob details Ep 3 release. Added initial list of ep 3 quests + 157. Validated and corrected lvl 75, 76, 165 quests, added anchors

Added, modified quest details from GM input & from RAN-MY forums Updated new quests from helper, lvl 163,167,169 skills, mob list Updated lvl 1-30 quest requirements and other quest details Removed Shibuya lvl req, corrected lvl reqs in ordered list v.1.08 v.1.09 Corrected + added info from ranphguide (mob list), Evenstar (176 160,161,191 update. New patch + lvl 165 quest fix from RAN KR (ep 3) and other stuff I can't remember

+ 177 quests. Verified lvl 88 quests + added more detailed info lvl 193 reward from Evenstar lvl 144 quest, minor corrections/updates (renamed PHX to PX) v.1.10 ditto Added new ep 3 151 and 141 quests. Updated 78,170 and others 17X quest updates from PrivateRyan some ep 3 new quest corrections ditto. Updated mob list, added Battle Arena Stage quests v.1.11 Rebirth patched 4/16. Updated mob list, lvl 91, 103, 195 quests, EP 3 release + new maps & quests. New quests from Evenstar

and ranphguide

Bugged list, NPC list

05/06/2008 05/12/2008 05/26/2008 06/02/2008

Updated Total # of skill points section Ditto. Updated mob,map,npc lists and misc Minor updates, moved key and mob list down v.1.12 Added new lvl 140 autoquest. Verified/updated lvl 160-162,

minor updates/changes throughout the guide. Updated Patch Content General Info 06/03/2008 06/13/2008 Reupdated lvl 162 quests. Added in lvl 195/Head.B 90F, v.1.13 Verified/updated/corrected lvl 1-47 quests. Added in Phoenix rephrased/restructured some quests, updated links in-campus quests, updated Bugged List. Updated MP 1-46 quests. Purification quests are now autogenerated since the EP 3 patch. 07/03/2008 07/08/2008 07/13/2008 07/17/2008 09/03/2008 Verified lvl 95-106 quests, updated quest details and added in Updated/verified lvl 1-41 SG quests. Added Newbie Patch quests. v.2.00 Format overhaul. Began transition from SMF BB to IPB forum bugged and typo labels Updated bugged list and misc codes. Updated/verified lvl 45-53 SG quests. Verified and updated lvl 60-67 quests. Updated misc v.2.01 Verified lvl 91 quest. Re-verified & updated lvl 70-125 quests.

Fixed typoes. Added add'l quest rewards (LP, attri) for lvl 66 quest and made corrections to a bunch of quests/sections. Added Head.B U-ground quests courtesy of glitch888/==SINHO== and Evenstar 10/20/2008 10/24/2008 11/11/2008 01/05/2009 02/19/2009 02/24/2009 04/03/2009 04/08/2009 04/16/2009 v.2.02 Verified/updated lvl 163,164 quests. Added new ep 3-3 quests courtesy of Shadowbleak & player feedback and updated events. Added MsChoi quest, corrected & updated events & misc section Modified sg ss2 quest - for further verification Updated lvl 173,39,106,116 quests. v.2.05 Updated lvl 111, 147. Added fixed font formatting, corrected

some bits in the Miscellany Updated 45/55, 144, 180 quests. v.2.10 v.2.11 Updated with EP 6-1 stuff Verified and updated lvl 190 quests. At long last. Made some corrections. Last 2 lvl 190 quests c/o BloodShaman

back to Top of Section, Index

Posted by: iCONS May 5 2009, 10:10 PM

QUOTE (iCONS @ May 1 2009, 11:08 AM)

TS ito ba yan na quest?? Di ko rin kc matapos tapos ehh ^_^

The image cannot be displayed. Your computer may not have enough me

pehelp pooooo thnx.. sayang rin reward hehehe Posted by: skyhiker May 11 2009, 03:41 AM

QUOTE (MhielSixteen @ May 1 2009, 10:30 AM)

@ skyhiker TC - time cutter ngttry ako burahin pero d naman xa mabura , knbukasan wala na xtreme .. -_ask ko lng ano ung quest sa left wall d kc ako makapasok don ..

need nyo ata tlga extra char card kung ang bura kayo para makacreate ulit ng extreme kng di pa po kayo tapos sa left wall, eto po meron ss ako dito:

QUOTE (Evenstar @ May 2 2009, 06:18 PM)

Wala pa yata nito... Just saw this as one of my quests. I guess automatic siya at a certain level. Thanks! Test ability to execute III - Overthrow 8 Frozen Demons (Ice Inducer) Reward: Stat Point 12

whee, hi idol mumu! meron na eto dati, di lng updated. thanks a gazilllion! - Test ability to execute Req: lvl 199 From: Old Man [RH] * Overthrow 8 Ice Demon Inducer (Ice Inducer) Reward: Stat Point 12 iba name ng mob. Pansin ko rin di ko vinerify name ng mob sa quest nung previous tests T_T huhu

QUOTE (Othinan @ May 3 2009, 11:29 AM)

Hi to all.. bakit hindi ako makapasok sa 50F at head5 eh 197 na char ko.. may tinatanong kasi dun kung papasok ako na "complete quest for melody" dapat daw tapsuin.. san makikita ang melody na quest na yan? d po kasi lumalabas sa quest ko... tnx sa mga tumutulong^^

Mysterious Melody po name ng quest, yung previous quests nyan galing sa Old Man. Strange, nkkpasok ka na sa 1F @ 30F pero di pa tapos yung quest na yan? School transferee ba kayo? Kung ganun, pm po kayo TGM insert ng quest, or file ng ticket

QUOTE (iCONS @ May 5 2009, 01:10 PM)

pehelp pooooo thnx.. sayang rin reward hehehe

- (3)Gathering Information Before the Incident <<TYPO>> Req: lvl 111 or Respective Class Agent in Trading Hole From: autoquest * Find the Time Capsules in TH 'holes', location may vary per class Swordsman:Capsule #1 right-most hole of first row ----------Capsule #2 middle hole of first row ----------Capsule #3 left-most hole of first row Brawler:--Capsule #4 !right-most! hole of second row (113,180) ----------Capsule #5 middle hole of second row ----------Capsule #6 !left-most! hole of second row Archer:---Capsule #? 1st hole of 1st row (105,164) ----------Capsule #? 2nd hole of 1st row (96,165) ----------Capsule #? left-most hole of 1st row (85,164) ----------Capsule #? middle hole of second row Shaman:---Capsule #4 !right-most! hole of 2nd row (116,170) ----------Capsule #5 middle hole of second row (92,170) ----------Capsule #6 !left-most! hole of second row (83,176) * Deliver the capsules to your respective class agent Reward: Gold 30000, Synthesizer Upgrade Set Notes: New EP 3 quest. Quest previously unavailable if char level was 103+ after the EP 3.2 patch - fixed EP 6-1. The 'holes' are the golf holes with red flags in Ninehall Club [TH]. Approximate coordinates of the 9 holes (yes, nine holes): [E.g. Capsule #1 for Swordsman - right-most hole of first row = 105,164] 115,170------92,170----------------------------<-- Third row 82,177-------92,180-------102,179-------113,180<-- Second row

85,163-------96,164-------105,164--------------<-- First row 1st and 3rd Capsules for Brawlers and Shamans have typos. Just go to the opposite direction (right most instead of left most and vice versa) Posted by: howwhyam May 14 2009, 02:04 PM SD [SG] cont'd.: Spore - Trapper Plant ---->>> pano po ba ito mahanap kakalito kasi ang daming gagawin na hindi ko alam... san po ba makikita to? ty po
The linked image cannot be displayed. The file may have been moved, renamed, o The linked image cannot be displayed. The file may have been moved, renamed, o The linked image cannot be displayed. The file may have been moved, renamed, o

Posted by: skyhiker May 15 2009, 05:28 PM SD [SG] = Student Director ng Sacred Gate School lahat ng mga acronyms/abbreviations meron lookup sa first page ano po yung hinahanap nyo? best way is sundin yung quests sa order nakalagay sa detailed quest list.. naka order yun

Posted by: Clerish1506 May 16 2009, 12:13 PM


- Report to the Police Station Req: lvl 74 From: Class {Sword | Shaman | Brawler | Archery) Agent/Instructor [TH] * Talk to the Police in Trading Hole Police Station Reward: Synthesized Recovery Potion [3]

help.. I can't do the quest.. I can't see the quest acceptance from the NPC (Archery agent) Posted by: janica22 May 18 2009, 08:25 PM Pwede po ba mag post kayo ng ITEM DROPS ng mga MOBS.? I mean. Where can we hunt specific items. atleast madadalian na ung ibang players RIGHT? .. .thanks

Posted by: BLICO May 19 2009, 05:10 PM Pahelp naman regarding sa Extreme Quest... Level 47 - Defeat the Cement Fatty - Get book from Cement Fatty - Hide Book in Library

- Talk to Chu Xin Yi Already got the book, next task is hide it in the library... nalibot ko na in and out ng library, wala pa rin.

Posted by: skyhiker May 19 2009, 05:48 PM

QUOTE (Clerish1506 @ May 16 2009, 03:13 AM)

help.. I can't do the quest.. I can't see the quest acceptance from the NPC (Archery agent)

Make sure wala po kayo pending quests both from Police and the Agent. Pwede po pa post ng T tab mo (yung main and yung details)?

QUOTE (janica22 @ May 18 2009, 11:25 AM)

Pwede po ba mag post kayo ng ITEM DROPS ng mga MOBS.? I mean. Where can we hunt specific items. atleast madadalian na ung ibang players RIGHT? .. .thanks

May list ata sa campus classes pero puro low lvl mobs lng ata dun.. Medyo mahirap po kumuha ng comprehensive list ng mob drops ksi kelangan ng multiple user input para mabuo eto (just like this guide). Wala kasi official drop list eh, rely nlng tayo sa mga kapwa players.

QUOTE (BLICO @ May 19 2009, 08:10 AM)

Pahelp naman regarding sa Extreme Quest... Level 47 - Defeat the Cement Fatty - Get book from Cement Fatty - Hide Book in Library - Talk to Chu Xin Yi Already got the book, next task is hide it in the library... nalibot ko na in and out ng library, wala pa rin.

Pasok ka lang po sa school nyo galing market, mag auto ata dun. Need ko pa halukay ss ko pero yun ata yung ginawa ko para macomplete sya. Posted by: BLICO May 21 2009, 04:35 PM

QUOTE (skyhiker @ May 19 2009, 10:48 AM)

Pasok ka lang po sa school nyo galing market, mag auto ata dun. Need ko pa halukay ss ko pero yun ata yung ginawa ko para macomplete sya.

ginawa ko na un, Master, kasyo wala p rin e... perfectionist pa naman ako... priority quest before palevel... Posted by: skyhiker May 21 2009, 05:04 PM awts tumagal rin ata ako dyan.. halukay ko nlng ss basta either gala from market to school or bus from sa labas to market... sa mismong campus ata mag complete sya. ako rin quest habang plvl... more like vice versa ^_^


eto na po.
The image cannot be displayed. Your computer may not have enough me

since phoenix ako, bumalik lng sa campus via market tapos around 102/10 dun nag auto complete yung phase.
The image cannot be displayed. Your computer may not have enough me

The image cannot be displayed. Your computer may not have enough me

Kung ibang school.. I'm betting na libot ka lang malapit ng entrance ng 1F nyo... Mga tao tinanong ko di rin maalaala ano ginawa eh T_T Before that, na try ko na rin punta sa library (MP campus haha) at pinasukan yung 1F.. wa epek

Posted by: dekai_27 May 22 2009, 06:07 AM ikot ikot ka po sa harap ng campus malapit sa may buggy papuntang market dun po mag aactivate na yan..

Posted by: LUBESandGREASES May 23 2009, 03:12 PM


Posted by: BLICO May 26 2009, 02:35 PM

QUOTE (dekai_27 @ May 21 2009, 10:07 PM)

ikot ikot ka po sa harap ng campus malapit sa may buggy papuntang market dun po mag aactivate na yan..

thanks, I finally got it. What I did was, galing ako sa locker sa loob ng campus, then lumabas ako. Pagkalabas ko campus, sa me bandang MP circle, punta ako kaliwa lagpas konti sa New Skillpoints Helper para gamitin ung skills ko sa Hooligan[ung usual "trip" ng mga tao]. Then on the way papunta market, bigla sya nag-activate. So partly combination nung ke skyhiker at nung sayo. I've been coming out of the campus directly to market. Wa epek. Pag galing ako sa market, ikot-ikot din ako s harap ng campus, wala rin. So it's actually pagkalabas pala ng campus, then lagpas ka s New Skillpoints Helper, then ikot k pabalik [kabilang bakod] papuntang market. thanks. Posted by: batangGAHI Jun 8 2009, 10:18 AM help naman sa mkukuha kwes para sa Confusion Strike Auto Quest ba yun? bat wala sa current Quests ko?

Posted by: skyhiker Jun 8 2009, 11:10 PM most likely natapos mo na yan, low lvl ka pa lang. Rank 8 scroll yan so: - Recycling the Map Req: lvl 39, From: Physics Teacher; auto start after "Issue the Order Books" * Search for 7 pieces of Map from Clowns * Talk to respective Physics Teacher to verify Map pieces * Talk to Student Director [SG] to combine pieces of the Map * Talk to Secret Agent at SG Hole to confirm location of Leonair Campus Reward: Exp 20000, Life Point 5, Skill Point 1, Stat Point 1, 8 Spiritual Spheres, Azrael Rosary [lvl:30] May magma explosion ko ba? Kung meron, need mo buy or hunt yung extra scroll. 1 quest lng ksi para sa rank 8 sphere/scroll.

sa clowns (or upper sg hole) yung normal drop ng rank 8 scrolls ata

Posted by: Rhapsados Jun 14 2009, 03:02 AM

QUOTE (skyhiker @ Jul 13 2008, 06:30 PM)

=============================================== !!!!!!!!!!!KNOWN BUGGED QUESTS!!!!!!!!!! ===============================================

**IGNORE THESE QUESTS FOR NOW AS THEY ARE BUGGED/DUPLICATES** All Quest Bugs are being compiled and forwarded to the developers in Korea. Bug fixes will ONLY be implemented WHEN they are received from Korea and patched into RAN PH QUESTS WHICH CANNOT BE COMPLETED: (Until fixed by the technical team, these will stay in the quest list) Cleaning the Dormitory: May be DUPLICATEd (force-acquiring from different SD (non-SG) or by re-equipping a broom). The dupe may be removed from the quest list by giving-up. Purifying the Student Center 1: DUPLICATE of MP quest. You have your own respective quest which can be completed as normal. [MP]Students Center 1; [PX]Auxillary Supplies Room; [SG] Science Classroom Heading Outside the Campus: DUPLICATE. New EP 3 bug. Resident's Request (Find/Report to Guard at SG Hole 80,79|65,8) <SG>: BUGGED Unverified Currency Notes [Phoenix Technical Teacher] <MP>: DUPLICATE. This quest is autogenerated after "Physics Teacher's Test". You have your own quest with the same title and rewards. Gathering the Upgrade Tool: BUGGED, stuck at 8 items

y y

y y y

QUEST TYPOGRAPHICAL ERRORS (TYPOS): The Force Field Authentication [PX]: After acquiring the 3 spiritual spheres from Little Bandit, activate the Study Classroom Center 1 Terminal NOT Students Center 1. Physics Teacher's Call <PX>: For Phoenix Students, there's a typo in the dialogue - the Physics Teacher is found in the Phoenix Hole not in Phoenix Square in PX_Campus The Lessons of the Sword Agent, Buried Items quest [Swordsman Agent]: 4th and final correct GPS coordinates: 105,165 not 116,170 The Stolen Book 3 [Zheng]: Get book from HODEL, not Skating Master Collection of Old Book [Zheng]: Get ancient book from FIERY AUNTY, not Wrestler

y y y y y

Gathering Information Before the Incident [auto]: For Brawlers, there's a typo for capsule #4 and #6. For #4, search the RIGHT-most hole not the left-most hole and for #6, search the LEFT-most hole, not the right-most hole of the middle row. Same with Shamans. Go the other way ^_^ Reward for Prison Escapees [MH]: Eliminate SPICE GIRL not HipHop Girl Obtain Weather Info (Pass Weather Info) {+4 vanish ring quest} [auto]: Report to ROOT HOLE Police, not TH Police Withdrawal of Security Guard ID Card: Retrieve 8 keys only (not 10) from BANDIT.

y y y

QUESTS MISTAKENLY ASSUMED AS BUGGED: Searching for the Evidence {aka quest at the Ice Tyrant area} [auto]: If the quest does not respond even if you are in the right coordinates, double-check the HO channel. You MUST be in 1F_Ch1 (MAP name NOT server channel) Cannot acquire: "Obtain the Leonair College ID Card/The Basement 2 of Leonair Campus". You MUST complete the Image Expert's quest "Image Expert's Request" to obtain the quest from the Special Agent and subsequently from the Student Director [SG] NOT LEO to get the College ID AND the quest to go to 3F to activate the elevator to B2. Check the Entry to B3 sequence.

MISSING QUESTS: Some quests are exclusive to specific schools with no corresponding equivalents (fixed)

QUESTS WITH DISPLAY/FONT ISSUES: To follow, for the meantime, please refer to existing quest details QUESTS WHICH MAY BE INADVERTENTLY SKIPPED/MISSED: To follow, for the meantime, please refer to existing quest details Nurse's Request

FIXED BUGS: Unable to Enter Root Hole even after lvl 162?: Fixed [March 2007] Talk to the Weapon Shop Owner in MH for the quest to enter RH. For lvl 162+ server migrants, please PM a GM with the quest name "Deliver the News" with your character name and server name to manually insert this quest if it is unavailable Obtain the Special Broom [Locker Technician]: To get the broom, select "Return Broom". To return the broom, select "Borrow Broom". Nice logic, eh.: Fixed [2008]

Advance Physics Teacher's Test: Autoquest lvl 165 for SG students. Corresponding quest for MP and PX students has been patched (Dec 5, 2007). Quest may be taken from the College Representative in the Marketplace. Physics Teacher's Call: It is possible to miss this quest and its rewards by completing the next quest "Physics Teacher's Test" before completing this one. Do the quests IN ORDER!: Fixed [EP 3-2]. This quest is now autogenerated, instead of acquiring it first from the Construction Supervisor. Find the Missing Report Cards: Missing for MP: MP autoquest (lvl 45) patched in EP 3. Resident's Request: Missing for MP: MP autoquest (lvl 51) patched in EP 3. Help for Freshman 2 & 3: Missing instructor chat option. Fixed EP 6-1 patch

y y y

back to Top of Section, Index

elow po amm ask q lng po BUG po ba ung COLLECTION OF OLD BOOK? UNG sa WRESTLER PO kc po nd q matapos tapos e tgal q na po kc nd ma tapos 2 e Posted by: Scentedative Jun 14 2009, 11:16 AM I really love to visit this thread. It really helped me alot doing my quest! Thanks to the TS!

Posted by: sgvfrix24 Jun 18 2009, 03:17 PM

QUOTE (skyhiker @ Jul 13 2008, 12:30 AM)

=============================================== !!!!!!!!!!!KNOWN BUGGED QUESTS!!!!!!!!!! ===============================================

**IGNORE THESE QUESTS FOR NOW AS THEY ARE BUGGED/DUPLICATES** All Quest Bugs are being compiled and forwarded to the developers in Korea. Bug fixes will ONLY be implemented WHEN they are received from Korea and patched into RAN PH QUESTS WHICH CANNOT BE COMPLETED: (Until fixed by the technical team, these will stay in the quest list) Cleaning the Dormitory: May be DUPLICATEd (force-acquiring from different SD (non-SG) or by re-equipping a broom). The dupe may be removed from the quest list by giving-up.

Purifying the Student Center 1: DUPLICATE of MP quest. You have your own respective quest which can be completed as normal. [MP]Students Center 1; [PX]Auxillary Supplies Room; [SG] Science Classroom Heading Outside the Campus: DUPLICATE. New EP 3 bug. Resident's Request (Find/Report to Guard at SG Hole 80,79|65,8) <SG>: BUGGED Unverified Currency Notes [Phoenix Technical Teacher] <MP>: DUPLICATE. This quest is autogenerated after "Physics Teacher's Test". You have your own quest with the same title and rewards. Gathering the Upgrade Tool: BUGGED, stuck at 8 items

y y y

QUEST TYPOGRAPHICAL ERRORS (TYPOS): The Force Field Authentication [PX]: After acquiring the 3 spiritual spheres from Little Bandit, activate the Study Classroom Center 1 Terminal NOT Students Center 1. Physics Teacher's Call <PX>: For Phoenix Students, there's a typo in the dialogue - the Physics Teacher is found in the Phoenix Hole not in Phoenix Square in PX_Campus The Lessons of the Sword Agent, Buried Items quest [Swordsman Agent]: 4th and final correct GPS coordinates: 105,165 not 116,170 The Stolen Book 3 [Zheng]: Get book from HODEL, not Skating Master Collection of Old Book [Zheng]: Get ancient book from FIERY AUNTY, not Wrestler Gathering Information Before the Incident [auto]: For Brawlers, there's a typo for capsule #4 and #6. For #4, search the RIGHT-most hole not the left-most hole and for #6, search the LEFT-most hole, not the right-most hole of the middle row. Same with Shamans. Go the other way ^_^ Reward for Prison Escapees [MH]: Eliminate SPICE GIRL not HipHop Girl Obtain Weather Info (Pass Weather Info) {+4 vanish ring quest} [auto]: Report to ROOT HOLE Police, not TH Police Withdrawal of Security Guard ID Card: Retrieve 8 keys only (not 10) from BANDIT.

y y y y y y

y y y

QUESTS MISTAKENLY ASSUMED AS BUGGED: Searching for the Evidence {aka quest at the Ice Tyrant area} [auto]: If the quest does not respond even if you are in the right coordinates, double-check the HO channel. You MUST be in 1F_Ch1 (MAP name NOT server channel) Cannot acquire: "Obtain the Leonair College ID Card/The Basement 2 of Leonair Campus". You MUST complete the Image Expert's quest "Image Expert's Request" to obtain the quest from the Special Agent and subsequently from the Student Director [SG] NOT LEO to get the College ID AND the quest to go to 3F to activate the elevator to B2. Check the Entry to B3 sequence.

MISSING QUESTS: Some quests are exclusive to specific schools with no corresponding equivalents


QUESTS WITH DISPLAY/FONT ISSUES: To follow, for the meantime, please refer to existing quest details QUESTS WHICH MAY BE INADVERTENTLY SKIPPED/MISSED: To follow, for the meantime, please refer to existing quest details Nurse's Request

FIXED BUGS: Unable to Enter Root Hole even after lvl 162?: Fixed [March 2007] Talk to the Weapon Shop Owner in MH for the quest to enter RH. For lvl 162+ server migrants, please PM a GM with the quest name "Deliver the News" with your character name and server name to manually insert this quest if it is unavailable Obtain the Special Broom [Locker Technician]: To get the broom, select "Return Broom". To return the broom, select "Borrow Broom". Nice logic, eh.: Fixed [2008] Advance Physics Teacher's Test: Autoquest lvl 165 for SG students. Corresponding quest for MP and PX students has been patched (Dec 5, 2007). Quest may be taken from the College Representative in the Marketplace. Physics Teacher's Call: It is possible to miss this quest and its rewards by completing the next quest "Physics Teacher's Test" before completing this one. Do the quests IN ORDER!: Fixed [EP 3-2]. This quest is now autogenerated, instead of acquiring it first from the Construction Supervisor. Find the Missing Report Cards: Missing for MP: MP autoquest (lvl 45) patched in EP 3. Resident's Request: Missing for MP: MP autoquest (lvl 51) patched in EP 3. Help for Freshman 2 & 3: Missing instructor chat option. Fixed EP 6-1 patch

y y

y y y

back to Top of Section, Index

d po ako mkpasok ng RH nid daw ma i pass ung special massage e wala nmn na sa quest ko at ala n din sa S.D..!pahelp nmn po..!ag pangit nmn dba kung 1 map dd mo pde pasukan e ok k nmn na sa level 175 na ako..lSGl`V-frix24 ng alamat Posted by: skyhiker Jun 19 2009, 01:28 AM

QUOTE (Rhapsados @ Jun 13 2009, 06:02 PM)

elow po amm ask q lng po BUG po ba ung COLLECTION OF OLD BOOK? UNG sa WRESTLER PO kc po nd q matapos tapos e tgal q na po kc nd ma tapos 2 e

Opo bug parin, Fiery Aunty po dapat

QUOTE (Scentedative @ Jun 14 2009, 02:16 AM)

I really love to visit this thread. It really helped me alot doing my quest! Thanks to the TS!

Thanks! Many thanks rin to all the contributors ^___^

QUOTE (sgvfrix24 @ Jun 18 2009, 06:17 AM)

d po ako mkpasok ng RH nid daw ma i pass ung special massage e wala nmn na sa quest ko at ala n din sa S.D..!pahelp nmn po..!ag pangit nmn dba kung 1 map dd mo pde pasukan e ok k nmn na sa level 175 na ako..lSGl`V-frix24 ng alamat

School transferee ba po kayo? Pwd pa ss ng exact message lumalabas kung try mo pumasok sa RH? Or pa type nlng yung error message Posted by: EtherialFist Jun 24 2009, 02:58 PM

QUOTE (skyhiker @ Jul 13 2008, 06:07 PM)


CODE - Reward for Prison Escapees Req: acquisition: lvl 67 completion: lvl 140 From: Police [TH] * Eliminate RocknRoll {Jeproks} in Middle Hole Reward: Exp 19000, Attribute 2 Note: This quest is acquired in advance (from level 67) - Weapon Shop Owner Req: acquisition: lvl 130, completed "Report on Prison Escapees"; completion: lvl 140

From: Police [TH]; autoquest after completing "Report on Prison Escapees"; * Look for Weapon Shop Owner in Middle Hole Reward: Exp 12000 - Retrieve Scammed Weapons Req: lvl 140, completed "Weapon Shop Owner" from TH Police From: Weapon Shop Owner [MH] * Retrieve 10 pieces of weapons [M16] from Machinary Thief {Corrupted Parak} Reward: Exp 26000, Gold 40000 - Look for the Backpack Key Req: lvl 140, able to enter MH From: Nurse [MH] * Retrieve key from Cold Wolf {Nyebeng Lobo} * Pass the key to the Nurse @ MH Reward: Space Ring [Lvl:120][+6] - Look for Friends Req: lvl 140, completed "Retrieve Scammed Weapons" from Weapon Shop Owner From: Weapon Shop Owner [MH] * Find WSO's friend at MH loc 100,25 * Find WSO's friend at MH loc 97,20 * Find WSO's friend at MH loc 85,20 * Find WSO's friend at MH loc 84,26 * Pass news of whereabouts obtained to WSO Reward: C lvl Steel Gloves [Lvl 155][+5]

uhh regarding po sa quests na to, d ko makuha ung quest na "Weapon Shop Owner" tapos ko nmn ung reward for prison escapes ung papatayin jeproks may quest pa ba na tatapusin pra masimulan ko na kgd ung mga quests pra matapos ko na ung "Look for Friends"? Posted by: EtherialFist Jun 25 2009, 10:07 AM ay wg nlng REPORT on prison escapes pla hnd REWARD on prison escapes

Posted by: Simple_Zen Jul 9 2009, 07:50 AM Please finish this guide up to level 210. This will help me a lot building a new calculator. Tnx. ^^

Posted by: skyhiker Jul 9 2009, 09:56 PM there are no quests above 200 - yet

Posted by: Simple_Zen Jul 12 2009, 08:07 AM

QUOTE (skyhiker @ Jul 9 2009, 01:56 PM)

there are no quests above 200 - yet

Thanks! But can I ask SS for inventory that must be empty for extreme class. No armors, necklace n rings
The linked image cannot be displayed. The file may have been moved, renamed, o

attached. And SS for skill tabs. If u can provide me that then a lot of thanks to you! Posted by: Lei18 Jul 16 2009, 11:44 PM [size="4"][/size]


The linked image cannot be displayed. The file may have been moved, renamed, o

Posted by: haragan2 Jul 17 2009, 01:49 PM last time na nag login ako 147 skill pa lng..right now im trying to get 157 quest pero wlang nag aapear sa WSO sa middle hole na quest.. any insight po thanks

The linked image cannot be displayed. The file may have been moved, renamed, o

Posted by: skyhiker Jul 20 2009, 07:08 PM

QUOTE (Lei18 @ Jul 16 2009, 02:44 PM)

The linked image cannot be displayed. The file may have been moved, renamed, o


waaa sori po, now lng ulit nag browse ng quests T_T Kung ito: - Secret of Freshmen Req: lvl 190, completed "Assemble of the Eight Signs of Divine" From: So Sung Il [Head.B U-ground] * Find the information of Saint List (kill any Head.B U-Ground mobs) * Meet Student Director {respective 1F Campus} * Meet Instructor {respective Instructor in 1F Campus} * Meet the Agent {respective Agent/instructor in TH}

Reward: Exp 60000, Back Point Pass [10] Any U-ground mobs po mumu. Slicer/Poison Slicer and Multilock/Poison Multilock ang pinaka madali i-kill para matapos ang quest. Yan ksi gawa ko ^_^

QUOTE (haragan2 @ Jul 17 2009, 04:49 AM)

last time na nag login ako 147 skill pa lng..right now im trying to get 157 quest pero wlang nag aapear sa WSO sa middle hole na quest.. any insight po thanks

Hmm, baka meron pre-req quest kelangan... pa tapos yung ibang quests dun sa warden tapos check mo ulit dun sa WSO. - Collecting the Items <-- tapos mo na eto db? Pa tapos rin mga quests galing sa WSO: - Retrieve Scammed Weapons - Look for Friends etc.. at sa Warden at police TH kung wala tlga :( in the process of re-verifying ko pa mga eto.. especially sa mga prereq.. lvl 144 na ksi yung isa kong char. Pa sulat nlng ano yung quest na ginawa mo para sumulpot yung quest galing sa WSO. Try ko rin sa side ko pero sa weekend pa ako pwd plvl ulit :( Posted by: TerraBytez Jul 23 2009, 07:21 PM ASK KO LNG PO SA BUS... natapos ko na po ung 2 quest + ung kukuha ng parts .. ung reward na ring .. ano na po next gagawin ko po ?? di ko parin po magamit ung bus ehh.. then ask ko rin kung saan ko po makukuha ung quest ng archer int lvl 42++ pataas ... thx po ..

Posted by: TerraBytez Jul 23 2009, 07:22 PM ASK KO LNG PO SA BUS... natapos ko na po ung 2 quest + ung kukuha ng parts .. ung reward na ring .. ano na po next gagawin ko po ?? di ko parin po magamit ung bus ehh.. then ask ko rin kung saan ko po makukuha ung quest ng archer int lvl 42++ pataas ... thx po ..

Posted by: witchcraftpanda Jul 24 2009, 05:52 PM - Use of Special Ring Req: lvl 200, completed "The Ring will be upgraded one step further";? with Black Knife Ganil ring in inventory From: Old Man [RH] ? * Overthrow Pretty Transvestite {Pretty Veyah} Reward: Experience +2.5-2.75%? * As of EP 6, there are no more quests from lvl 201-210 (cap) di pa po ba need ng new quest para may bagong gamit at skills suggestion lang po mataas po ang xp ok po yun wala po ba extra skills?

Posted by: skyhiker Jul 27 2009, 07:23 PM

QUOTE (TerraBytez @ Jul 23 2009, 10:22 AM)

ASK KO LNG PO SA BUS... natapos ko na po ung 2 quest + ung kukuha ng parts .. ung reward na ring .. ano na po next gagawin ko po ?? di ko parin po magamit ung bus ehh.. then ask ko rin kung saan ko po makukuha ung quest ng archer int lvl 42++ pataas ... thx po ..

Eto ba yung tapos mo? - Bus Driver's Request - Bus Driver's 2nd Request - Construction Supervisor's Request Need mo Bus Card para magamit yung Bus Stops. Kung ayaw parin kahit meron ka Bus Card sa inventory, pa reply nlng. Para sa quests lvl 42+, lahat ng classes almost similar ang quests and covered dapat sa guide. Pwede mo sila sundin habang nag pplvl ka.

QUOTE (witchcraftpanda @ Jul 24 2009, 08:52 AM)

- Use of Special Ring Req: lvl 200, completed "The Ring will be upgraded one step further";? with Black Knife Ganil ring in inventory From: Old Man [RH] ? * Overthrow Pretty Transvestite {Pretty Veyah}

Reward: Experience +2.5-2.75%? * As of EP 6, there are no more quests from lvl 201-210 (cap) di pa po ba need ng new quest para may bagong gamit at skills suggestion lang po mataas po ang xp ok po yun wala po ba extra skills?

Wala pa pong need ng new quests kasi wala pa new skills. Wala pa kasi na papatch pa.. medyo matagal pa ata, dpende na sa diskarte ng e-games. Posted by: MhielSixteen Jul 27 2009, 10:57 PM paano po ako makakapsok sa TOILET ? anong name ng quest po un ?? :) Ty po :)

Posted by: skyhiker Jul 27 2009, 11:04 PM

QUOTE (MhielSixteen @ Jul 27 2009, 01:57 PM)

paano po ako makakapsok sa TOILET ? anong name ng quest po un ?? :) Ty po :)

Super sayang, na close na yung thread na sinasagot neto for no reason, sa age lng ata... hayz.. di ma centralize yung useful info para ma archive. *gripe* eto po quest name: - Where the time stops 1 Req: lvl 190, completed "Passing over 90F" From: autoquest; auto start after completing previous quest * Find the way to go to Toilet (Proceed to Head.B Left Wall 33,51) Reward: Gold 30000 Note: The gate to Head.B Left Wall is @ Head.B 90 F 22,29. Finishing the quest requires you to exit to the Director Room at the other end of the map (or have passed the end of Left Wall). You would not be able to return to the Left Wall (and revisit Time Cutter) once this quest is complete.

eto visuals, repost ko nalang for posterity... parang cross-posting rin hayz:

QUOTE (skyhiker @ Apr 28 2009, 11:56 AM)

Eto na po: Go to 22,29 sa 90F, pasok sa Head.B Left Wall (sa harap ng char ko yung "broken window").
The image cannot be displayed. Your computer may not have enough me

Once inside the Left Wall, tapusin ang quest - punta ka lang sa kabilang dulo. Auto complete yan once sa Left Wall 33,51 ka na.
The image cannot be displayed. Your computer may not have enough me

The image cannot be displayed. Your computer may not have enough me

Warning rin, di ka na mkkablik sa Left Wall (at mag hunt ng Time Cutter), kung tapos na etong quest. Kung gusto mo bumalik, wak ka lumampas dun sa may dulo banda na may mga windows ata...

Posted by: MhielSixteen Jul 27 2009, 11:07 PM d na ako makapasok sa Left Wall kc lumagpas na ako .. dun sa Where the Time Stops 1 tpos na din ako don -__-

Posted by: skyhiker Jul 27 2009, 11:11 PM ano last quest mo? see mo rin eto:

Posted by: MhielSixteen Jul 27 2009, 11:15 PM Investigation of Underground ung last quest ko d2 .. need ko bang tpusin yan bago lumabas ung quest puntang toilet? :)

Posted by: skyhiker Jul 27 2009, 11:25 PM sori, naguguluhan ako.. ano quest need mo tapusin? ano current quests na pending? Toilet = Lavatory, nag typo sa translation or whatever = Laboratory basta, sundin nyo po yung order ng quests dun sa guide. need mo tapusin Investigation of Underground para sa next quest "Find Laboratory"

yung quest na alam ko na kelangan punta sa toilet ay tapos mo na e: - Passing over 90F - Where the time stops 1 - Investigation of Director Room or Where the time stops 2 ba mean mo?

Posted by: MhielSixteen Jul 27 2009, 11:36 PM ndi ung sa toilet po d kc ako makapasok so im asking qng wat quest ung need para makapasok don saka ung pending quest ko ung Investigation of Underground.. getz nyo na po ba? :)

Posted by: skyhiker Jul 27 2009, 11:37 PM why nyo po need pumasok sa toilet, ksi tapos na ata quest dun? ano yung current quest na nag sasabi need mo pumasok sa toilet? or left wall/right wall or director room ba mean mo sa "toilet"?

na read nyo po yung guide for clues?

Posted by: MhielSixteen Jul 27 2009, 11:48 PM para makapasok sa Another world , aun ! d pa kc ako makapasok sa Director Room .. need pa ung Where the Time Stops 2 , anu ung quest before mo makuha ung Where the Time Stops 2?

Posted by: MhielSixteen Jul 27 2009, 11:50 PM hihi xnxa na qng magulo ako :)

Posted by: skyhiker Jul 27 2009, 11:52 PM need nyo lang po tapusin yung current quest mo... Investigation of Underground until sa dulo ^_^: - Investigation of Underground Req: lvl 190, completed "Laboratory in Underground" From: autoquest; auto start after completing previous quest * Find a trace by entering Head.B U-ground. Talk to Ji Il Chung (65,80) Reward: Exp 10000, Attributes 5 - Find Laboratory Req: lvl 190, completed "Investigation of Underground" From: autoquest; auto start after completing previous quest * Investigation of Information from Slicer in Underground * Confirm information to Ji Il Chung loc 65,80 [Head.B U-ground]

Reward: Exp 36000, Red Bead [2] - Assemble of the Eight Signs of Divine Req: lvl 190, completed "Find Laboratory" From: autoquest; auto start after completing previous quest * Search 7 missing parts of eight signs of divine from Head.B U-ground mobs: Animal Trainer, Multilock, Poison Multilock, Poison Slicer, Twin head fire dog, 3-headed dog etc. * Check the parts with Ji Il Chung (65,80) * Find the user manual by talking to So Sung Il near the "Heart" Reward: Exp 80000, Attributes 5 - Secret of Freshmen Req: lvl 190, completed "Assemble of the Eight Signs of Divine" From: So Sung Il [Head.B U-ground] * Find the information of Saint List (kill any Head.B U-Ground mobs) * Meet Student Director {respective 1F Campus} * Meet Instructor {respective Instructor in 1F Campus} * Meet the Agent {respective Agent/instructor in TH} Reward: Exp 60000, Back Point Pass [10] - Completion of the Eight Signs of Divine Req: lvl 190, completed "Secret of Freshmen From: autoquest, Agent of Trading Hole * Meet Image Expert [TH] * Find the mineral in prison; Retrieve from Prisoner_Big {Ringgy} * Meet the Old Man in front of Head Office [RH] * Go to Director Room {located at Head.B RightWall 33,51} Reward: Exp 70000, Gold 50000, Red Bead [5] - Where the Time Stops 2 Req: lvl 190, completed "Completion of the Eight Signs of Divine" From: autoquest; auto start after completing previous quest * Find a broken window {Head.B 90F 22,29} * Find another passage (Head.B RightWall at Head.B 90F 22,8} * Go to Director Room {gate at Head.B RightWall 33,51} Reward: Can Enter Director Room, Gold 50000 Note: You would not be able to return to the Right Wall (and revisit Eraser) once this quest is completed - Activation of the Eight Signs of Divine Req: lvl 190, completed "Where the Time Stops 2" From: autoquest; auto start after completing previous quest * Find the laboratory of Director {enter Director Room from Head.B RightWall 33,51 or at HeadB.1F} * Preparation of the eight signs of divine; Eliminate 10 Powered Mono Eye

at Director Room) * Activation of the Eight Signs of Divine; Go to Director Room 36,22 Reward: Can Enter Another World South, Exp 70000, Gold 150000 Note: CAUTION: Area Boss Geomencer may be around the area, so be careful - To Another World Req: lvl 190, completed "Activation of the Eight Signs of Divine" From: autoquest; auto start after completing previous quest * Toward Another World (enter Another W South from Director Room) * Investigation of Another World (go to Another W Center 22/25?) * Conversation with Director (talk to Director NPC) Reward: Synthesizer Upgrade Set, Ring Box

Posted by: MhielSixteen Jul 28 2009, 12:00 AM tnx po sa guide .. xnxa na qng magulo ako :) more powers & goodluck

Posted by: DaKiD Jul 28 2009, 09:14 AM DEAR FORUMERS, regarding po dun sa quest sa left wall., natapos ko na cia pero d pa rin ako makapasok sa director room., hmmp., klangan ba mag exit ka dun sa dulo ng left wall pra makapasok sa director room.,???? narating ko na kc ung dulo ng left wall, tpos un, bigla na naAUTOCOMPLETE ung quest ko., sa ksamaang palad, napatay ako ng timecutter., habang d pa ako nakakalusot sa director room., at ayun, napabalik nlang ako dun sa aking save point at ngaun d na ako makapsok sa left wall at kahit sa director room., is there any way para makapasok ako sa director room or sa left wall.,. help nman pls., nababagabag ako., ty.,

Posted by: skyhiker Jul 29 2009, 06:06 PM Pa see po ito: either hanap ka ng way papuntang Director ROom galing sa 90F or pa tele ka sa friend na hindi parin tapos

sa quest Need kasi talaga pumunta ng Director Room galing sa left wall, part ng quest kasi yan. Di na pwede bumalik sa Left Wall, hanggang director room lang ka pwede bumalik. One of these days, try ko talaga find ng way makapasok ulit (besides tele-ing).. lalagyan ko rin note sa guide

<edit> Eto na po, gate papuntang Director ROom galing 90F 24/9
The image cannot be displayed. Your computer may not have enough me

sa right side ng char ko yung gate/portal papuntang Right Wall

Posted by: skyhiker Aug 2 2009, 03:06 PM Eto na guys, na gawa na sa wakas, due to underwhelming, not-so-popular demand:

Whaddya guys think? Sundin ko kaya yung display format nun para dito? Pangit talaga kasi etong lumang guide eh, hirap i-adjust galing sa dating forums na prinepreserve yung spaces. feedback feedback feedback please ^_^

Also, nag iisip pa ako akong way pano integrate yung info dun para lagay dito. Kung may suggestions kayo, pa sabi agad hehe

Posted by: DaKiD Aug 2 2009, 07:14 PM ty po kua., nakapasok na ako., nakatulong ung link., ahihihi., meron pala entrance dun sa katabi ng left wall papunta director room.,

Posted by: skyhiker Aug 15 2009, 02:29 AM thanks too, kuya DaKiD (sori late ^_^)... at girl po ako :p

Anyway, guys... medyo tahimik dito,, medyo tutok ksi sa extreme quest guide pero nakita ko na yung EP 5 quests na hindi pa napapatch d2 sa Ran PH.

Since may balita medyo malapit na yung next patch (bukod sa EP 6-2), hunch ko lang ay 167 skills na eto + new quests and whatever na filler sa missing patches ng PH from EP 5 (based from Korea's EP 5) Guide updated with the following.. to be confirmed/updated later pag nakataon na talaga na patch na dito and meron mag tulong saking mag update/verify: * As of EP 6-1, there are no more quests from lvl 201-210 (cap) [to be patched/verified:] lvl 10 - 200 = 32 new quests? - ? 'Favor of So Seung'? Req: lvl 202 From: Seung Hee Yoon or So Sung Il? *? Reward: Exp +3% (108720137?) - ? 'Favor of So Seung 2'? Req: lvl 203, completed previous quest From: Seung Hee Yoon or So Sung Il? *? Reward: Exp +5% (181200229?) - ? 'origin research?' Req: lvl 203, completed previous quest From: Old Man [RH] ? *? Reward: ? "lesser" Ring? - ? 'Use of Special Ring'? Req: lvl 207, completed previous quest From: Old Man [RH] ? *? Reward: ? "intermediate" Ring? - ? 'Upgrade/Use of Special Ring?' Req: lvl 210, completed previous quest From: Old Man [RH] ? *? Reward: ? "greater/advanced" Ring? +50 stats?

Also, i'll work on reformatting this entire guide to match teh extreme guide format if no one objects. Kung

may suggestions kayo, please naman pa sabi T_T

Posted by: peeteeman Aug 19 2009, 08:33 AM hello good day to you guys ask ko lang kung paano maactivate ung quest for 127 skill?

Posted by: peeteeman Aug 19 2009, 08:41 AM hello good day to you guys ask ko lang kung paano maactivate ung quest for 127 skill? db sa suspicious folk yun? ang problem ko kxe walng lumlabas na quest for that matter.. nakabili nko sa market ng demon spear dance for 15m YY..Nanghihinayang ao sa nagastos ko weh bug ba yung quest or what?wla kxe tlga eh.. item cannot be trade dw kxe wla nmn ako ittrade eh wla nmn kxeng quest..emf?[size="3"][/size]

Posted by: skyhiker Aug 19 2009, 04:36 PM

QUOTE (peeteeman @ Aug 19 2009, 08:41 AM)

hello good day to you guys ask ko lang kung paano maactivate ung quest for 127 skill? db sa suspicious folk yun? ang problem ko kxe walng lumlabas na quest for that matter.. nakabili nko sa market ng demon spear dance for 15m YY..Nanghihinayang ao sa nagastos ko weh bug ba yung quest or what?wla kxe tlga eh.. item cannot be trade dw kxe wla nmn ako ittrade eh wla nmn kxeng quest..emf?[size="3"][/size]

Hi kuya peeteeman, Yung 127 skill, opo available sa suspicious folk, requirement nya lvl 126 before sya lalabas. Kung wala pa yun quest option na yan at 126 ka na, need mo tapusin lahat ng quests galing sa Truck Driver muna - Finding the Scriptural Reqs: lvl 126, completed "Visit the Old Man" from Truck Driver From: Suspicious Folk [Wharf] * Elminate Fisherman to get books * Pass books to Folk Reward: 13 Spiritual Spheres Notes: Disable "Texture Font" in the launcher options to be able to view/complete the quest. However, @ 127 you can view the text even without disabling the texture font. sa first page ang listing naka order yung quests na galing sa Truck Driver. Yung sa trade, kung wala kang blue 13 spiritual spheres, wala talaga sya ma-iitrade sayo kasi, wala nga pang trade :p

So, pacheck muna kung na meet ang requirements. Kung may ibang error pa, pa sabi na lang para ma tingan natin ^_^ Posted by: `Canopus20` Aug 26 2009, 07:29 PM guys naka-fix na pala yung quest about "Resident's Request". Coordinates niyo nalang po sa SG hole entrance.

@skyhiker paki-update nalang po ito. Thanks!

Posted by: CaRLJaspHer Sep 2 2009, 07:13 AM kuya kailangan po ba attain po muna ung lvl bago makuha ung quest like, pag lvl 97 po ung quest tpos 92 plng po ung char lvl hindi po ba maactivate un???

Posted by: VhouDiccah Sep 13 2009, 01:20 PM Ask lang po Ms. Skyhiker, di pa rin po ba nag-a-activate ang autoquest for lvl 162 para sa mga school transfers sa bagong patch? Dati po kasi akong MP and then transferred to Phoenix school. Nabasa ko po sa comprenhensive quest guide (many thanks pala sa guide, laking tulong talaga, sobra!), na need pang mag PM sa GM para lang lumabas yun quest for character level 162 para makapasok ng RH? pano p-pm ang GM, in-game ba kasi di naman sila na-p-pm doon? (eto po excerpt from the quest guide) - Deliver the News Req: lvl 162 From: autoquest * Look for the Student Director [own school] Reward: Exp 16000 Notes: Please PM a GM to manually insert the RH quest if this does not auto-trigger {for lvl 162+ server/school migrants) Please paki-clarify lang ate, need ba to i-file ng ticket - gaano naman kaya kahaba duration para maghintay lang lumabas ang quest, or is it instant na ngayon gaya ng hindi nag-transfer? Salamat in advance, na-tanong ko na kasi to sa ibang section ng forum since aug. 21st pa pero di nasagot at natabunan na lang.

Posted by: Jeyh Sep 13 2009, 08:15 PM

QUOTE (Dusty @ Oct 8 2008, 05:19 PM)

5-7% a day kapag level 200..

kua anu po e2ng Laboratory in UnderGround quest??.. anu po kill na Mobs d2??... Ung pong Find the passwords from Copy Spirit..?? pa reply po tnx...

ASAP reply me Posted by: TEAM`LUCENA`CITY Sep 21 2009, 04:32 PM

QUOTE (`Canopus20` @ Aug 26 2009, 08:09 PM)

guys naka-fix na pala yung quest about "Resident's Request". Coordinates niyo nalang po sa SG hole entrance.

@skyhiker paki-update nalang po ito. Thanks!

^ parehas tau :D FS din akin, siguro sa FS pa lng nagana? try ko sa ibang ka-shop ko dito Posted by: celtinmlein Sep 24 2009, 02:06 AM embrigerifoksteron

Posted by: renzvictor22 Sep 26 2009, 08:36 AM

san po mkukuha un pang 157 spiritual sphere???? at anu po un WSO?? tnx. :D

Posted by: princessanemone Sep 29 2009, 03:04 AM

QUOTE (skyhiker @ Jul 13 2008, 07:07 PM)

last update: 08/15/2009

IMPORTANT NOTE: This guide is still under construction and will be constantly updated. Please bear with me as I transition the guide to the new forum format. Kindly read the disclaimer before using this guide. Corrections/modifications/suggestions/additions will be greatly appreciated. Please take note that quests supported under this guide are for the original, classic/veteran and rebirth characters. Quests exclusively for Extreme Class characters are available in the Please use your browser's FIND function (Ctrl-F) on this page to search for keywords. Don't forget to skim through the Index to find/go to the section which can help you most. Alternately, you may start browsing through the Ordered Quests from 1-200 HERE

==================================================== ******RAN ONLINE PH Comprehensive Quest Guide******* ====================(unofficial)==================== *********************v.2.12************************* ************** compiled by: skyhiker *************** ====================================================

INDEX: I-------KNOWN BUGGED QUESTS AND TYPOS --------------Quests which cannot be completed --------------Quest typographical errors --------------Quests mistakenly assumed as bugged --------------Missing quests --------------Quests with display/font issues --------------Quests which may be inadvertently skipped/missed --------------Fixed bugs II------Level/Quest Requirements for Maps

III-----Spiritual Sphere Quests [tradeable to corresponding SKILL SCROLLS] IV------Skill Point Quests --------------Character Combine Patch New Quest Helper Skill Point Quests V-------Stat Point and Attribute|Bright Point Quests VI------Quests for Specific Rewards: --------------A. Armors and Costumes --------------B. Accessories (Necklaces/Rings/Rosaries) --------------C. Refines, Enhancements and Random Boxes VII-----****(In)Complete Quest Summary**** VIII----****COMPLETE QUEST DETAILS (lvl 1-100)**** --------****COMPLETE QUEST DETAILS (lvl 101-200)**** --------------Special Events Quests --------------Battle Arena Stage A,B,C & S --------------Dragon Boat Event --------------Newbie Patch IX------Ordered Start->Finish Quests for Popular Rewards --------------Entry to B3 --------------Zheng Armors --------------+7 Spatial Rosary (AngBeeLan) X-------Repeatable Quests and Miscellaneous Tasks with Rewards XI------Location, Entrance Coordinates of Maps and NPCs XII-----Mob List XIII----Miscellany (some hopefully helpful quest/general tips and info) -----------i.-Total Skill Points Acquired through Leveling + All Quests --------------Acquiring Scrolls Tips --------------Names of Scrolls by Skill/Rank Level & Spiritual Spheres --------------Scroll Mob Drops --------------General Quest Tips --------------Within the Campus quests --------------Traversing through Maps

--------------Free Healing --------------Corresponding Armor Types by Class -----------ii.New Episode 3+ Quests --------------Acquiring Scrolls Tips --------------Patch Content General Info --------------KEY and Mob List XIV-----Changelog XV------Credits

^ ^ ^ ^ kuya ano quest papunta head b underground?? nakakalito >.< Posted by: MhielSixteen Sep 30 2009, 11:32 AM

QUOTE (renzvictor22 @ Sep 26 2009, 09:16 AM)

san po mkukuha un pang 157 spiritual sphere???? at anu po un WSO?? tnx. :D

MH po. Sa Weapon Shop Owner dun mo kunin quest. :) Posted by: iZky Oct 3 2009, 06:29 PM Tungkol po dun sa level 116 na quest sa Cleaner [TH] bkit po nung knausap ko sya di lumalabas ung quest O_O


Posted by: skyhiker Oct 8 2009, 06:20 PM

QUOTE (princessanemone @ Sep 29 2009, 03:50 AM)

kuya ano quest papunta head b underground??

dun sa link sa Level/Quest Requirements for Maps: Head.B U-ground - Required Quest - Laboratory in Underground Then search mo lng yung quest name sa baba ng guide

QUOTE (iZky @ Oct 3 2009, 07:15 PM)

Tungkol po dun sa level 116 na quest sa Cleaner [TH] bkit po nung knausap ko sya di lumalabas ung quest O_O

Meron po prerequisiste quests na need tapusin before lumitaw. Yung para dito, - Resident's Request Req: lvl 116, completed quest "Confiscating the Golf Clubs" From: Cleaner [TH] Tapusin nyo po muna yun "Confiscating the Golf Clubs". Pwd mo rin search yung quest name na yan just in case meron pa prior prerequisites rin

QUOTE (MaRy01kAyz1E @ Oct 6 2009, 09:18 PM)


Yes Yung naka link dito: Ordered Start->Finish Quests for Popular Rewards +7 Spatial Rosary (AngBeeLan)

+7 Spatial Rosary--------132-----[To get AngBeeLan's Tests]

CODE 112 112 112 117 117 117 117 120 Visit the Old Man Water Quality Check Repairing the Generator Catching Smugglers Investigating the Building The "Green" Secret Foothold Truck Driver: Talk to Suspicious Folk Folk: Find bottle {rwd:Darkish +2} Folk: Go to ship, wharf 2(rwd:Bone +2} Po [Wharf]: Eliminate 1 Violent Baldie Po [Wharf]: Evidence search {rwd:Lohan} Po [Wharf]: 5 keys-IT/VB/VG{Entr 2F}

Confiscation of Smuggled Goods Po [Wharf]: Go to ship @ wharf 4

Investigate the Green's Secret. Po [Wharf]: Got to Police [TH]{Entr 1F}

125 125 125 132 132 132 132 132

The 2nd Floor of the "Green"... Po [Wharf]: 5 keys-DR/VB/VG/N[M]{En 3F} The Videotape of Green Secret.. Folk: Get video - BG/N[F]/Steel Heads The Videotape Recovery Returning the Evidence The First Test The Second Test The Final Test Folk: Go to IE, ship wharf 3 {rwd:3 SP) Po [Wharf]: Delivery - Po[TH],AngBeeLan AngBeeLan: Cordy, FH, WW, SC -30min AngBeeLan: 10 pills-Freezing Clown-15m AngBeeLan: 15 Baldies-10m {+7 spatial} The 3rd Floor of the "Green"... Po [Wharf]: 7-N[M]/SH/SG/BG{Aruhagen}

Reward: Spatial Rosary [Lvl:120][+7]

Lahat ng mga abbreviations, meron key sa first page. Ctrl-F nlng para mahanap ang equivalent

Thanks rin pala canopus and others sa update tungkol sa resident's request. Posted by: angel_fire Oct 18 2009, 08:10 AM pa help po please san po ba yung quest ng mysterious melody para ma ka pasok sa head B

Posted by: skyhiker Oct 18 2009, 11:12 PM ctrl-f mo po yung quest name sa first page makikita nyo po san galing ang quest maraming prerequisite quests sya kaya mas ok isearch mo nlng first quest na lalabas ay yung: Mysterious Sacred Financial Group galing sa Old Man sa RH. need mo tapusin yun + mga succeeding quests until maabot yung Mysterious Melody

EDIT: bwisit ni lock ang thread na hindi pa tapos ang sagot tungkol sa cleaning the spores may incentive ba kayo per locked thread????? nakikita na ipopost pa yung screenshot, papano ma post eh kung locked baka better off locked nlng etong pinned guide, andito naman lahat ng sagot sa quests. Lock nyo nalang!!! Wala na akong pake! Sometimes sobrang pikon na ako sarap burahin nlng mga ginagawa ko, baka puro pm pm nlng gusto nyo. Nag forums pa. Dapat bumalik nlng kayo sa mga email groups kung puro PM and PREVENTING-SPAM

USELESS EXCUSE gusto nyo. Mga wala ba kayo exposure sa international forums or etong e-games lang???? Wala ba kayo boses sa management or sa mga tao nag implement ng policies para sabihin mga ginagawa nyo FRANKLY SUCKS? Hay nako, kayo na mag sagot at mag lock agad ng mga thread kahit hindi tama, di completo at wala pa ibang feedback sa ibang gamers na pang DISCUSSION ANG krffin POINT. Sobrang marunong nmn kayo alam lahat na tapos na ang sagot. Sobrang marunong hindi na need mag validate. Galing nyo. Saludo ako. rant over. sarap i-lagay eto sa front pages ng guides. kthxbye

Posted by: Evenstar Oct 21 2009, 12:38 PM Collecting Sphere III Reqs: ? From: RH Police * Obtain the sphere from Bakulaw * Pass to Root Hole Police Reward: 16 Spiritual Spheres

miss doing this :)

Posted by: LeperMessiah Oct 21 2009, 12:57 PM

QUOTE (Evenstar @ Oct 21 2009, 01:24 PM)

Collecting Sphere III Reqs: ? From: RH Police * Obtain the sphere from Bakulaw * Pass to Root Hole Police Reward: 16 Spiritual Spheres

miss doing this :)

sir yong qst para sa obli e po...pano at san po makukuha? tnx po Posted by: Evenstar Oct 21 2009, 01:09 PM
The image cannot be displayed. Your computer may not have enough me

Posted by: Evenstar Oct 21 2009, 01:20 PM

From: New Quest Helper Starting Battle Abilities Verification I - Kill 3 Fire Ninja - Pass to New Quest Helper Reward: Skills: 3 Starting Battle Abilities Verification II - Kill 4 Light Inducer - Pass to New Quest Helper Reward: Skills: 4 Starting Battle Abilities Verification III - Kill 2 Poison Ninja - Kill 3 Ice Inducer - Pass to New Quest Helper Reward: Skills: 5 Starting Battle Abilities Verification IV - Kill 6 Haring Braso - Pass to New Quest Helper Reward: Skills: 6 Starting Battle Abilities Verification V - Kill 7 Pretty Veyah - Pass to New Quest Helper Reward: Skills: 7 Oblivion E Event - Collect items to make Oblivion E item (kill Dormitory trash!) - Check the items to the New Quest Helper Reward: Oblivion E

Posted by: Ren666 Oct 21 2009, 01:24 PM bkt sa extrme un rank 17 un 167 skil pero bngay sakn nun qst sa rh rank 16 na sphere ndi q 2loy mapalit ;(

Posted by: Edogawa Oct 21 2009, 01:29 PM ^ ^ nice. andali ng obli E quest. hahaha! pano ka nga pala nakapasok sa ran?

Posted by: KeLvinZ Oct 21 2009, 01:35 PM


nabug ung 167 skill q... huhu... nung pinalit q na ung sphere e2 ung lumabas..

Spoiler for 'bug 167 scroll':

Posted by: Evenstar Oct 21 2009, 01:40 PM For 167 scroll exchange bugs please file a Helpdesk ticket daw po so that it is properly documented and hopefully your item will be replaced:

Posted by: PrettyChara Oct 21 2009, 01:55 PM awch.. merong bug>??? :(

Posted by: KeLvinZ Oct 21 2009, 02:45 PM

haixt... nagfile nq sa helpdesk... nga pala... para sa info ng iba sa mga brawler... BUG scroll ng 167... ung mga top players ng brawler sa strife ganun din prob,

Posted by: Nike2 Oct 21 2009, 03:00 PM guys.... naka pasok na kau??? pano ba maka pasok???? ako DL ako nang DL ayaw ehh d maka pasok... humihinto help naman jan...

Posted by: KirbyBoi Oct 21 2009, 03:10 PM

QUOTE (Nike2 @ Oct 21 2009, 03:46 PM)

guys.... naka pasok na kau??? pano ba maka pasok???? ako DL ako nang DL ayaw ehh d maka pasok... humihinto help naman jan...

try try lang kuya.. irestart mp PC moh..or check yung connections might be slow connection ka kea di mo maDL ng maayos..sometimes congested ang server,kumbaga marami nag dodownload lage kea yung mga slow connection ang net ang nag susufer, di ma DL kagad..but agen try and try lang po ang pag DL..
The linked image cannot be displayed. The file may have been moved, renamed, o The linked image cannot be displayed. The file may have been moved, renamed, o The linked image cannot be displayed. The file may have been moved, renamed, o

Posted by: skyhiker Oct 21 2009, 03:08 PM guide updated I dont' have time to revalidate, check or investigate further so many thanks idol Evenstar. Thanks for still being here for us.

Posted by: lxlSniperJaNlxl Oct 21 2009, 07:28 PM .ask ku po.. .bout sa bagung patch.. .kelangan po ba manually mo i download or automatic na sa launcher??.. .thansk sa sasagot!!.. .xDD..

Posted by: xai28 Oct 21 2009, 08:07 PM BUG QUEST: ayan po ung SS!! paki aus ung quest sayang kc skill points/ stat points nag punta na ko physics teacher (SG at PNX) pero wala pa ren!! paki aus nman po!! yan po un after kausapin physics teacher eliminate ice tyrant!! tnx po sana po maaus!

Posted by: heartless5586 Oct 21 2009, 10:05 PM Gathering Upgrade Tool is already fixed. There are 8 quest items required instead of 10


Posted by: jinsatoh Oct 22 2009, 06:49 AM

QUOTE (Evenstar @ Oct 21 2009, 02:26 PM)

For 167 scroll exchange bugs please file a Helpdesk ticket daw po so that it is properly documented and hopefully your item will be replaced.

I have not logged in my brawler yet. Antayin ko na lang muna bug fix nila. Kung sa HelplessDesk kasi, malamang matatagalan pa yan. Posted by: xai28 Oct 22 2009, 11:55 AM Advance Physics Teacher's Test (Examination Test) Req: lvl 165 From: autoquest * Look for the Physics Teacher [Own School Hole] * Eliminate Ice Tyrant/Ice Master [HO_1F] * Obtain Verification Report from the Physics Teacher [Own School Hole] Reward: Exp 30000, Stat Point 2 Notes: This was originally only available to SG students as an autoquest. MP/PX autoquest patched 12/05/08, with the quest available from the Market Campus Representative


Posted by: heartless5586 Oct 22 2009, 05:16 PM @TS - Can I ask something? About the quest "Physics Teacher's Call". Since can be acquirable every 39 levels in channel 0, it means level 195 is the last level that I can obtain that quest. Because I am currently level 200, is it still possible for me to obtain that quest?

Posted by: johnrehtsel Oct 23 2009, 10:40 AM SAN PO MY DROP NA 97 SROLL SINO PO MY ALAM? HELP NMN PO TNX

Posted by: skyhiker Oct 23 2009, 03:19 PM

QUOTE (heartless5586 @ Oct 22 2009, 06:02 PM)

@TS - Can I ask something? About the quest "Physics Teacher's Call". Since can be acquirable every 39 levels in channel 0, it means level 195 is the last level that I can obtain that quest. Because I am currently level 200, is it still possible for me to obtain that quest?

Hmm, di ako 100% sure sa every 39 levels, pero kung di pa talaga available yung quest @ CH 0 sa current level mo, try mo file ng ticket. Inayos na kasi ang quest na ginawang autoquest para hindi malampasan - since EP 6-1 ata or prior, kalimutan ko. Try mo nalang file ticket sabihin pa insert (or reactivate) yung Missing quest. Need mo rin sabihin na di mo pa yun na gawa etc. etc. (para hindi mag double quest)

QUOTE (johnrehtsel @ Oct 23 2009, 11:26 AM)


Sa Leo po. Dati madalas sa B1 pero since yung nag EP 6, wala na dun. Medyo nachahambahan siya sa Leo mismo or baka sa Leo 1 to 2F. Balikan ko eto kung san talaga. I think sa Poison Ivy meron chance eto mag drop pero kalimut ko na ^^ Posted by: jenson_ Oct 24 2009, 11:27 AM ung GATHERING THE UPGRADE TOOL 8 n nga now hinahanap, d nmn ma-submit ung 8 na nakuha na ayaw mag-'deliver the oil' kahit 8/8 n cya T_T

Posted by: skyhiker Oct 26 2009, 05:19 AM thanks mumu jenson, balik ko nlng muna na bugged eto di ko pa ma verify ksi wala pang time T_T

Posted by: 2per30 Oct 26 2009, 09:09 AM kuya dapat ba lvl 167+ ba ung char mo sa SKill poits quest?

Posted by: BataNg2LiSaN Oct 28 2009, 12:12 AM

QUOTE (2per30 @ Oct 26 2009, 09:55 AM)

kuya dapat ba lvl 167+ ba ung char mo sa SKill poits quest?

ran online hayzzzzzzzzzzz

de pa ba kayo sanay new patch new bug xempre Posted by: 2per30 Oct 28 2009, 09:00 AM so bug po ba yun?


From: New Quest Helper Starting Battle Abilities Verification I - Kill 3 Fire Ninja - Pass to New Quest Helper Reward: Skills: 3 Starting Battle Abilities Verification II - Kill 4 Light Inducer - Pass to New Quest Helper Reward: Skills: 4 Starting Battle Abilities Verification III - Kill 2 Poison Ninja - Kill 3 Ice Inducer - Pass to New Quest Helper Reward: Skills: 5 Starting Battle Abilities Verification IV - Kill 6 Haring Braso - Pass to New Quest Helper Reward: Skills: 6 Starting Battle Abilities Verification V - Kill 7 Pretty Veyah - Pass to New Quest Helper Reward: Skills: 7 Oblivion E Event - Collect items to make Oblivion E item (kill Dormitory trash!) - Check the items to the New Quest Helper Reward: Oblivion E

wala lumalabas kasin skill point quest.. lvl 150+ me or dapat 167?..answer naman jan!..bug po ba? Posted by: skyhiker Oct 28 2009, 01:35 PM well, firstly sa RH mga mobs need kill sa new quests so malamang need 162+ eto para makuha na check ko sa lowbie chars at di pa pwede makuha try nyo nalang ulit pag 162 ka na and above kahit makuha mo rin yan as low level di rin matapos until makapasok sa RH @ 162

Posted by: feinrir03 Oct 28 2009, 03:50 PM ^ ^ i think so too... ung archer ko kc 150+ plang and cnubukan ko din kunin ung quest kaso wala ding binigay. tingin ko din 162 and up ang level requirement non... kc RH nga ang mobs na i ki-kill... ^__~V.

Posted by: MhielSixteen Oct 29 2009, 03:00 AM ^ ung xtreme ko po nquest ko xa ng Obli E kahit level 156 pa lang xa ^_^

Posted by: skyhiker Oct 29 2009, 01:25 PM Iba po ang quest sa Obli E sa bagong Skill point quests Yung sa Obli E, lvl 30+ ata pwde kunin kasi sa dorm lang naman ang quest Mga lowbie chars ko under 100, available etong quest Chcheck ko eto sometime kung sacto 30 nga lang

Posted by: shernankaos Nov 1 2009, 12:17 AM

QUOTE (skyhiker @ Jul 13 2008, 10:53 AM)



- To Head Office 50F Req: lvl 190, completed "Find the Password" From: autoquest; auto start after completing previous quest * collect clues: oooooo @ HeadB.30F Administration Office 2 (28/9?) * Booooo @ Chemistry Laboratory A (22/9?) * BooAoo @ small square grey lobby along the bottom row (17/10?) * BooANo @ Microbe Laboratory (12/10?) * BooANN @ Research Library 3 (6/8?) * BoRANN @ Research Library 4 (7/27?) * BIRANN,oo @ Biology and Chemical Laboratory (13/27?) * BIRAN,Bo @ small square grey lobby along the top row (26/28?) * Enter the password at Terminal(30F) (30,20) Reward: Exp 60000, Gold 100000 Note: Can Enter Head.B 50F Just move around the map, starting from the bottom right corner, going to the left corner, upper left and then to the top right.

update lang pO! yung sa BIRAN. BO po... 16/28 not 26/28 sumakit ulo ko jan ~_~ Posted by: skyhiker Nov 1 2009, 08:59 AM yay! sa wakas, sabi na nga ba eh, mali yun.. dun ko nilagay sa ss thread ni black na yan ang coords di ko tlga sure ty sa correction, update ko na ^_^

edit: figured it out, kk check ko lng wala pala ako coords nun. pero the description is correct (grey lobby). so medyo tama ang description pero mali yung corrds. yung lumang coords, para sa next room Chemistry Laboratory B. need ko parin balikan eto ksi once ko lng nagawa T_T pero thanks ulit

Posted by: WonderwomanStyle Nov 2 2009, 06:39 AM out topic: grabe idol ate skyhiker tyaga mo sa post dami nun ah binasa ko lahaT ^_^ @topic ask lng kau lagi reply yan nyahahah... galing

Posted by: xXLaPuLaPuXx Nov 4 2009, 01:22 AM ^ ^ ^ ^ magtanong kau jan!! bwhahah.. padaan lang..

Posted by: Kuki Nov 7 2009, 01:48 AM yung fisherman's oil po bug pa rin po ba? kasi sabi ng iba hindi na. sayang naman ang quest na yan.

Posted by: skyhiker Nov 9 2009, 01:30 AM feeling ko hindi na yan bugged sa mga bagong kuha ng quest, pero hindi ko pa na check pero sa nakakuha na dati pa... baka hindi parin matapos ksi hindi recursive ang fix may give up ata yung quest.. one of these days try ko

Posted by: mclao11 Nov 21 2009, 01:07 PM

QUOTE (skyhiker @ Nov 9 2009, 01:30 AM)

feeling ko hindi na yan bugged sa mga bagong kuha ng quest, pero hindi ko pa na check pero sa nakakuha na dati pa... baka hindi parin matapos ksi hindi recursive ang fix may give up ata yung quest.. one of these days try ko

im not sure how it happened. pro nakuha ko oil when i was finishing my quest sa UG.. Nagkil ako mobs sa UG den lumabas n lang un oil.. Posted by: jenson_ Nov 28 2009, 02:57 PM bugged pa dn ung time capsule sa brawler ko anu ba yan 2 yrs ko ng quest d matapos tapos T_T wla na pag-asa mawala sa quest window kuh

Posted by: jenson_ Nov 28 2009, 02:59 PM

pa ti ung s fisherman kala ko d na bugged, complete na ko sa 8 oil bottles ayaw lumabas approval sa cleaner pag ginive up ba pede uli makuha?

Posted by: skyhiker Dec 7 2009, 05:15 PM

QUOTE (mclao11 @ Nov 21 2009, 01:07 PM)

im not sure how it happened. pro nakuha ko oil when i was finishing my quest sa UG.. Nagkil ako mobs sa UG den lumabas n lang un oil..

wait, so meron ka na 8 bottles dati pa para sa quest tapos nag finish yung quest sa HeadB UG? Eto yung Gathering the Upgrade Tool db? Di ko pa kasi nababalikan etong quest since busy ako mag lvl ng chars ehehe

QUOTE (jenson_ @ Nov 28 2009, 02:57 PM)

bugged pa dn ung time capsule sa brawler ko anu ba yan 2 yrs ko ng quest d matapos tapos T_T wla na pag-asa mawala sa quest window kuh

matagal na eto na report as a typo bug sa guide, di ba gumana sayo? QUEST TYPOGRAPHICAL ERRORS (TYPOS): Gathering Information Before the Incident [auto] [Brawler | Shaman Agent]: For Brawlers, there's a typo for capsule #4 and #6. For #4, search the RIGHT-most hole not the left-most hole and for #6, search the LEFT-most hole, not the right-most hole of the middle row. Same with Shamans. Go the other way ^_^

QUOTE (jenson_ @ Nov 28 2009, 02:59 PM)

pa ti ung s fisherman kala ko d na bugged, complete na ko sa 8 oil bottles ayaw lumabas approval sa cleaner pag ginive up ba pede uli makuha?

di ko pa natry pero try ko next time may time ako

kasi yung nag change school ako, yung 3 ko na quests na hindi ko pa pwede tapusin (lvl 100 yun, yung quests na hindi pwede tapusin ay yung para sa prison and MH) ay nawala. Kala ko need ko pa mag file ng ticket para ireinsert yung quests nawala pero andun sila ulit sa mga NPC. basta hindi autoquest na walang npc pwede kuhain ang quest pwede ulitin ulit exception lang so far ay kung MP ka at na fail yung guard's request 2 & 3. MP lang ang pwede mag fail at hindi pwede ulitin kasi hindi available yung quest sa guard ulit. Saklap.

@guide I've started to update the guide with the exact Quest Names and initial objectives to faciliate searches. Ginagaya ko na ang update ginawa ko sa Extreme Quest guide. Hindi pa tapos, kasi sobrang tambak na ang quests ng mga chars ko - busy kasi sa palevel at other stuff. Posted by: Arnhell Dec 21 2009, 07:53 PM Ask po ako San po nkukuhang Quest ung Pang Create ng 3rd Character.............

Posted by: skyhiker Dec 23 2009, 12:30 AM wala po quest kelangan para mag create kahit na anong character need lang ng extra character card - either galing sa item shop (35something ep ata), or libreng isa galing sa lvl 190 quest pang normal class na "Seek for the Seal"

Posted by: Arnhell Dec 23 2009, 12:06 PM

QUOTE (skyhiker @ Dec 23 2009, 12:30 AM)

wala po quest kelangan para mag create kahit na anong character need lang ng extra character card - either galing sa item shop (35something ep ata), or libreng isa galing sa lvl 190 quest pang normal class na "Seek for the Seal"

ung nga kua ung quest n 1 card san po quest un.............."Seek of the Seal" kanino po nkukuha un... Posted by: skyhiker Dec 23 2009, 08:18 PM aw, ate po ako

dun po sa first page, search mo "Seek for the Seal" eto: - (6)Seek for the Seal Req: lvl 190 From: autoquest * Proceed to mysterious student - approach Chu Yin Xi [MarketPlace 26,33] Reward: Added character card (non-drop, non-trade, limited to inventory) Notes: Quest is unavailable if char level is 190+ after the EP 6-1 patch. Tough luck, mamaw. autoquest po yan... so pag reach ng 190, lalabas yan. Pag lampas ka ng 190 nung nag patch ang EP6-1, di na pwede kunin.

Posted by: eyepad Dec 30 2009, 01:41 AM ask ko lang ah..dati may nakuha ako quest sa truck driver sa wharf..bug sya dahil hindi mo talaga mababasa..blank lang sya pero pag naitapat mo ng tama ang arrow mo sa mouse meron magpop na reward skill points ata or stat.. meron pa ba nun??

Posted by: skyhiker Dec 30 2009, 02:48 AM opo Visiting the Old Man po name ng quest ^_^ turn off nyo po texture font para mas makita ata ang text (garbage chars parin ata)

Posted by: skyhiker Jan 7 2010, 09:40 PM eto po yung ss kung naka off yung texture font:
The image cannot be displayed. Your computer may not have enough me

kng naka on, di ata nakikita yung garbled text.. pero yung maliit na white na box nakikita

Posted by: xai28 Jan 18 2010, 01:13 AM PA HELP PO WITH DIS TNX hindi po ma complete ehh SS:
The image cannot be displayed. Your computer may not have enough me

The image cannot be displayed. Your computer may not have enough me

Posted by: xai28 Jan 18 2010, 01:42 AM @TS ung heading outside the campus maalis mo po ung quest na un sa list activate lang po ung mga terminals sa palabas ng campus ( PNX MP SG HOLES ) ^___^ tnx to vhoudicca xa nag2ro ^__^

Posted by: jenson_ Jan 18 2010, 10:31 PM


matagal na eto na report as a typo bug sa guide, di ba gumana sayo? QUEST TYPOGRAPHICAL ERRORS (TYPOS): Gathering Information Before the Incident [auto] [Brawler | Shaman Agent]: For Brawlers, there's a typo for capsule #4 and #6. For #4, search the RIGHT-most hole not the left-most hole and for #6, search the LEFT-most hole, not the right-most hole of the middle row. Same with Shamans. Go the other way ^_^

ayaw tlga matyaga nmn ako, kaya lng d tlga gumagana pag d na cra print screen ko pakita ko SS T_T

Posted by: jenson_ Jan 18 2010, 10:35 PM update: HEading outside the campus sa mga chars created after ng 'auto-quest patch' [or whatever] ung duplicate nun pede na matapos, activate lng ung terminals sa may gates na try ko na, gumana na^^ tsaka ung mga attain-level-blah-blah na mula 5 to 25 pede na din uli matapos, newbie patch ata un? kaya kunin nyo na mga libre nyong 100 ep pots lol^^

Posted by: Brokalempay Jan 19 2010, 06:04 PM


Posted by: xai28 Jan 20 2010, 01:55 PM

^ ^ ^ 534 INT master na RC mo


Posted by: skyhiker Jan 20 2010, 06:04 PM

QUOTE (xai28 @ Jan 18 2010, 01:42 AM)

@TS ung heading outside the campus maalis mo po ung quest na un sa list activate lang po ung mga terminals sa palabas ng campus ( PNX MP SG HOLES )

QUOTE (jenson_ @ Jan 18 2010, 10:35 PM)

update: HEading outside the campus sa mga chars created after ng 'auto-quest patch' [or whatever] ung duplicate nun pede na matapos, activate lng ung terminals sa may gates

na try ko na, gumana na^^ tsaka ung mga attain-level-blah-blah na mula 5 to 25 pede na din uli matapos, newbie patch ata un? kaya kunin nyo na mga libre nyong 100 ep pots lol^^

yay, thanks sa info guys... check ko na rin sa mga chars ko. waw, yung newbie patch, pwede ulit? nice. kelan na implement? Nung last nag patch? cge try ko ulit.

QUOTE (jenson_ @ Jan 18 2010, 10:31 PM)

ayaw tlga matyaga nmn ako, kaya lng d tlga gumagana pag d na cra print screen ko pakita ko SS T_T

Aw. Kasi yung nag bigay ng info sakin, ksma ko sya gumawa. So hindi first hand. Nasa lvl 56 plng ata brawler ko eh, kaya di ko pa ma verify. Inupdate ko pala dati yung coordinates para mas tama, pero estimates lang sya. Na try mo ikutin lahat ng holes dun sa Ninehall club? Ganun rin ata ginawa ng tinulungan ko. Otherwise, need ko pa plvl brawler ko eh eto nlng natira sa MP, wala taga boost sa shib2 kaya baka tumagal :(

QUOTE (Brokalempay @ Jan 19 2010, 06:04 PM)


Enter ng TH? Isang quest lang po yun, yung sa SG tunnel. Technique lang dun is mag unequip ng weapon tapos lumakad until meron na tumatama sayo then takbo na sa dulo until makita ang corrupted hound. Either server list tapos hintay konti or mag sp|crc then bp. Lure lang ng isang hound sa tabi - kung marami mobs, either server list or sp|crc bp ulit until mag isa nlng kayo ng aso. Other than that, maraming pwede gamitin like mga speed up boxes or pu para mas madali ang buhay. Or

wait until kaya mo na hit ang mobs or mag sama ng shammy or mga kasama ^_^ Meron mga "freezing" gas at "healing" gas at various points sa map. Kung low ka sa health, daanan mo lng yung healing gas.

Yung mga snake... wala lang.. default mobs rin yan galing oh no! box galing sa RH and ptz dati pa. Pero lately, ksma ng isang event "Globe Quest (Kwento ni Mimiw at Bogart)", ginagamit yung snake gall bladders para maka exchange ng 15d exo ring. Dati may exp sila, now... wala ^_^



Iba po mobs nila Shibuya 1 - pang lvl 80-130 ang mobs... parang mobs similar sa CP pero mas malakas (skating, violent baldie etc.) Shibuya 2 - pang lvl 130-170 ang mobs kasi prison mobs sila. Totoy Bato, Preso de Mayor, Ringgy at Big Boy Maso. Mas malaki bigay na exp dun kesa sa prison, mas makunat ang mobs at aggre lahat (pati Preso). Posted by: Brokalempay Jan 21 2010, 06:19 PM ^ ^ ^ ^ IDOL SAAN PO PDE IEXCHANGE ANG SNAKE GALLBLADDER PRA S 15D EXOR RING??? TNX IN ADVANCE...
The linked image cannot be displayed. The file may have been moved, renamed, o The linked image cannot be displayed. The file may have been moved, renamed, o The linked image cannot be displayed. The file may have been moved, renamed, o

Posted by: skyhiker Jan 21 2010, 06:33 PM

QUOTE (Brokalempay @ Jan 21 2010, 06:19 PM)

The linked image cannot be displayed. The file may have been moved, renamed, o The linked image cannot be displayed. The file may have been moved, renamed, o The linked image cannot be displayed. The file may have been moved, renamed, o

basta completo ka ng 200/200 (naka bunch), trade nyo po kay Mimiw sa market Posted by: Brokalempay Jan 21 2010, 06:52 PM ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ IDOL DUN S BUNCH N SNABI MO N 200/200 ILAN EXOR RING ANG KPALIT??? 1 OR 2??? TNX IN ADVANCE...

Posted by: skyhiker Jan 21 2010, 09:36 PM 1 lang po

and np :)

thanks sa tanong, now alam ko dapat iupdate ko narin part na yan sa guide hehee

Posted by: JENSONv712 Jan 24 2010, 02:02 PM

QUOTE (skyhiker @ Jan 20 2010, 11:04 AM)

Na try mo ikutin lahat ng holes dun sa Ninehall club? Ganun rin ata ginawa ng tinulungan ko. Otherwise, need ko pa plvl brawler ko eh eto nlng natira sa MP, wala taga boost sa shib2 kaya baka tumagal :(

basta kada may patch na dumadating, iniisa-isa ko po ung mga holes pero wla pa dn tlga T_T Posted by: Brokalempay Jan 24 2010, 06:43 PM IDOL skyhiker MERON PO B KAU SS NG QS, DSW,155-200 SHAMMY SET KUNG MERON PAPOST NMAN PO NDI P PO KSI AQ NKAKAKITA NUN EHHH... TNX IN ADVANCE
The linked image cannot be displayed. The file may have been moved, renamed, o The linked image cannot be displayed. The file may have been moved, renamed, o The linked image cannot be displayed. The file may have been moved, renamed, o


The linked image cannot be displayed. The file may have been moved, renamed, o The linked image cannot be displayed. The file may have been moved, renamed, o The linked image cannot be displayed. The file may have been moved, renamed, o

Posted by: skyhiker Jan 26 2010, 11:11 PM

QUOTE (JENSONv712 @ Jan 24 2010, 02:02 PM)

basta kada may patch na dumadating, iniisa-isa ko po ung mga holes pero wla pa dn tlga T_T

aw, ano school brawler mo po? Na try mo na mag file ng ticket? Yung dun sa holes, kasi hindi sakto sa mismong holes, pero dun sa area na meron darker green ata... try nyo po libutin ulit... sa ch 0 ^_^ matagal ko pa ksi plvl brawler ko :(

QUOTE (Brokalempay @ Jan 24 2010, 06:43 PM)


wa, anong klaseng ss, yung stats? Yung sa DSW, may elem or wala? May ups? Sa sets, ano rv or ok lng kahit anong rv.. hirap ksi hanap kng puro max or something. Stats ba or pic lng nakasuot sa tao?

QUOTE (Brokalempay @ Jan 25 2010, 09:22 PM)


nakita mo na ata yung threads dun sa qigong forum, meron dun tungkol sa builds ^_^ Yung lvl 1 resu po mastered na agad ^_^ wala na need iups. 12 skill points mo lang need para makuha at di mo need iupgrade.

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