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Assessment Subjective: Verbalization of pain with a scale of 6/10 on the abdominal are Objective: Patient manifested: Hyperactive bowel

sounds Audible borborygmi Passage of loose liquid watery stools for more than 3 times Patient may Manifest: Poor skin turgor Dehydration Dr y lips and oral mucosa Altered LOC

Nursing Diagnosis Diarrhea related to increased intestinal motility

Planning Short Term: After 2-3 hours of nursing interventions, the patient will verbalize understanding of causative factors and rationale for treatment regimen. Long Term: After 1-2 days of nursing interventions, the patient will reestablish and maintain normal pattern of bowel functioning AEB passage of semi-solid stools

Interventions 1.Establish rapport 2.Assess general condition and vital signs 3.Auscultate abdomen 4.Discuss the different causative factors and rationale for treatment regimen 5.Restrict solid food intake 6.Provide for changes in dietary intake 7.Limit caffeine and high fiber foods and so as fatty foods 8.Promote use of relaxation technique 9.Encourage oral fluid intake of fluids containing electrolyte 10.Recommend products like yogurt and cultured milk

Rationale 1.To gain patients trust 2.For baseline data 3.For presence, location, and characteristics of bowel sounds 4.For patient education 5.To allow for bowel rest and reduce intestinal workload 6.To allow foods/substances that precipitate diarrhea 7.To prevent gastric irritation 8.To decrease stress and anxiety 9.For fluid replacement 10.To restore normal flora

Evaluation Short Term: After 2-3hours of nursing interventions, the patient shall have verbalized understanding of causative factors and rationale for treatment regimen. Long Term: After 1-2 days of nursing interventions, the patient shall have reestablished and maintained normal pattern of bowel functioning AEB passage of semisolid stools

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