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_______ R RAPERE Rape. To seize with violence and to have carnal knowledge of a woman by a man against her will.

( Cited in People v. Padre-e, 249 SCRA 422) RAPTOR One who seizes by force, a robber, abductor. ( Cited in U. S. v. Alvarez, 1 Phil. 351 ) RATIHABITIO AEQUIPARATUR MANDATO Ratification is equivalent to a mandate. ( Cited in Government of P.I. v. Standard Oil Co. of New York, 20 Phil. 30 ) RATIOCINATIO An exercise of the reasoning power, calm reasoning. RATIO DECIDENDI Rationale of reaching a decision. The reasoning which explains the principle of law articulated in a case. The ground of decision, the point in a case which determines the judgment. The reason for deciding. There are two steps in ascertaining the ratio decidendi: 1.

It is necessary to determine all the facts of the case as seen by the judge. It is necessary to discover which of those facts were treated as material by the judge. ( Cited in: U.S. v. Pico, 18 Phil. 386, Director of Prisons v. Judge of First Instance of Cavite, 29 Phil. 265, Sision v. Yap Tico, 37 Phil. 584, Rubi v. Provincial Board of Mindoro, 39 Phil.660, J. Northcott & Co. v. Villa-Abrille, 41 Phil. 462, People v. Moran, 44 Phil. 387, Costas v. Aldanese, 45 Phil. 345, Asia Banking Corporation v. Herridge, 45 Phil. 580, Central Azucarera de Tarlac v. De Leon, 56 Phil. 169, Kare v. Locsin, 61 Phil. 541, Cecilio v. Tomacruz, 62 Phil. 689, Santos v. Castillo, 64 Phil. 211, People v. Vera, 65 Phil. 56, Campomanes v. Municipal Council of Sariaya, 65 Phil. 158, Zandueta v. De la Costa, 66 Phil. 615, Manila Gas Corporation v. Collector of Internal Revenue, 71 Phil. 513, The Texas Company (Phil) v. Alonzo, 73 Phil. 330, Lu v. Fauco, 74 Phil. 287, People

v. Jose, 75 Phil. 612, Vera v. Avelino, 77 Phil. 365, Mabanag v. Vito, 78 Phil. 1, Krivenko v. Register of Deeds, 79 Phil. 461, Lim Toco v. Fay, 80 Phil. 166, Coronel v. Tan, 82 Phil. 81, Abriol v. Homeres, 84 Phil. 525, Pardo v. Republic, 85 Phil. 323, Perfecto v. Meer, 85 Phil. 552, People v. Del Rosario, 86 Phil. 163, Mejoff v. Director of Prisons, 90 Phil. 70, Lacson v. Roque, 92 Phil. 456, Garcia v. De los Santos, 93 Phil. 683, University of the East v. City of Manila and Aquino, 96 Phil. 316, People v. Liggayu, 97 Phil. 865, Edwards v. Arce, 98 Phil. 688, Sison v. Teodoro, 100 Phil. 1055, Gorospe v. Penaflorida, 101 Phil. 886, People v. Lingad, 103 Phil. 980, Millare v. Millare, 106 Phil. 293, Segarra v. Maronilla, Jr., 108 Phil. 1086, Chambers of Agriculture and Natural Resources of the Philippines v. Central Bank of the Philippines, 14 SCRA 630, Buenaventura v. Court of Appeals, 22 SCRA 462, Teresa Realty Inc. v. Potenciano, 5 SCRA 211, In re: Gutierrez, 5 SCRA 661, Register of Deeds v. Philippine National Bank, 13 SCRA 46, Lagumbay v. Commission on Elections, 16 SCRA 175, De las Alas v. Court of Appeals, G.R. No. L-38006, May 16, 1978, Aguinaldo v. Commission on Elections, 102 SCRA 1, Del Rosario v. CAR, 205 Phil. 352, Rabuco v. Villegas, 55 SCRA 656, Heirs of Juan Presto v. Galang, 78 SCRA 534, Centerio v. Court of Appeals, 79 SCRA 264, Villegas v. Commission on Elections, 99 SCRA 582, Singco v. Commission on Elections, 101 SCRA 420, Arcenas v. Commission on Elections, 101 SCRA 437, Philippine National Bank v. Philippine National Bank Employees Association (PEMA), 115 SCRA 507, Pelejo v. Court of Appeals, 116 SCRA 406, Febular v. Court of Appeals, 119 SCRA 329, Director of Lands v. Intermediate Appellate Court, 146 SCRA 409, Budget Investment & Financing Inc. v. Mangoma, 153 SCRA 630, Mutual Security Insurance Corp. v. Court of Appeals, 153 SCRA 678, Tropical Homes, Inc. v. Fortun, 169 SCRA 81, International School Inc. v. Minister of Labor and Employment, 175 SCRA 450, Philippine National Bank v. De los Reyes, 179 SCRA 619, People v. Monteiro, 192 SCRA 548, Wong v. Intermediate Appellate Court, 200 SCRA 792, People v. Ong, 204 SCRA 927, Tayag v. Court of Appeals, 209 SCRA 665, People v. Lovendino, 211 SCRA 36, Ola v. Court of Appeals, 213 SCRA 329, Cruz, Jr. v. People, 233 SCRA 439, Aniag, Jr. v. Commission on Elections, 237 SCRA 424, International School of Speech v. National Labor Relations Commission, 242 SCRA 382, Olivarez v. Sandiganbayan, 248 SCRA 700, Equatorial Realty Dev. Inc. v. Mayfair Theater, Inc., 264 SCRA 483, Suntay v. Cojuangco, 300 SCRA 1, Presidential Ad Hoc Fact-Finding Committee on Behest Loans v. Desierto, 317 SCRA 272, Militante v. Court of Appeals, 330 SCRA 318, Lagon v. Hooven Comalco Industries Inc., 349 SCRA 363, Estrada v. Sandiganbayan, 377 SCRA 539, Mercado v. People, 392 SCRA 687, Chavez v. Public Estates Authority, 403 SCRA 1, People v. Geral, 405 SCRA 104, Heirs of Timoteo Moreno & Maria Rotea v. Mactan-Cebu International Airport Authority, 413 SCRA 502, Romualdez v. Sandiganbayan, 435 SCRA 371, Abellana v. Ponce, 437 SCRA 531, Nava v. NBI, Regional Office No.

VI, Davao City, 455 SCRA 377, R. N. Symaco Trading Corporation v. Santos, 467 SCRA 312) RATIO EST LEGIS ANIMA; MUTATA LEGIS RATIONE MUTATUR EX LEX Reason is the soul of law; the reason of law being changed, the law is also changed. RATIO EST RADIUS DIVINI LUMINIS Reason is a ray of the divine light. RATIO ET AUTOCRITAS DUO CLARISSIMA MUNDI LUMINA Reason and authority are the two brightest lights in the world. RATIONE CESSANTE, CESSAT IPSA LEX When the reason for the law ceases, the law itself ceases. ( Cited in: U.S. v. Sarmiento, 11 Phil. 474, Icard v. Masigan, 71 Phil. 419, C & C Commercial Corporation v. Committee on Awards, 62 O.G. 8660, Lonaria v. De Guzman, 21 SCRA 349, Yao v. Commissioner of Immigration, 41 SCRA 292, People v. Plateros, 83 SCRA 401, Llorin v. Court of Appeals, G.R. No. 103592, February 4, 1993, Griffith v. Court of Appeals, 379 SCRA 94, Abarquez v. Court of Appeals, 408 SCRA 500 ) RATIONE IMPOTENTIAE On account of inability. RATIO LEGIS EST ANIMA The reason of the law is its soul. ( Cited in City Government of Makati v. Civil Service Commission, 376 SCRA 248, Commissioner of Internal Revenue v. Seagate Tech (Phils.), 451 SCRA 132) RATIONE MATERIAE By reason of the subject matter involved. ( Cited in Seivert v. Court of Appeals, 168 SCRA 692, Gascon v. Arroyo, 178 SCRA 582 ) RATIONE PERSONAE By reason of the person concerned; from the character of the person. ( Cited in Reinsurance Company of the Orient v. Court of Appeals, 198 SCRA 19 ) RATIO LEGIS

The reason or occasion of the law. ( Cited in: Belen v. Bank of the Philippine Islands, 109 Phil. 1008, Uy v. Palomar, 27 SCRA 287 ) RATIONE SOLI By reason of the land. A concept in property law by which ferae naturae (wild animals) belong to the person who owns the land upon which they (the animals) live. This is the basis for a property right in bees. RATIO POTEST ALLEGARI DEFICIENTE LEGE; SED RATIO VERA ET LEGALISET NON APPARENS Where the law is deficient, the reason can be alleged, but it must be true and lawful and not merely apparent. REBELLATIO A renewal of hostilities, revolt, rebellion. REBUS SIC STANTIBUS At this point of affairs; in these circumstances. This maxim is the basis of Article 1267 of the New Civil Code. ( Cited in: De Villaruel v. Manila Motor Co., 104 Phil. 926, Santos III v. Northwest Orient Airlines, 210 SCRA 256, Naga Telephone Company, Inc. v. Tensuan, 230 SCRA 351, Philippine National Construction Corporation v. Court of Appeals, 272 SCRA 183, Singson v. Caltex (Phils.) Inc., 342 SCRA 91 ) RECLAMATIO A cry of opposition or disapprobation. RE-CLAMO To cry out against, exclaim against. RE-CONCILIO To bring together again, re-unite, reconcile. RECORDA SUNT VESTIGIA VETUSTATIS ET VERITATIS Records are the vestiges of antiquity and truth. RECTUS IN CURIA Upright in court; one who has an honest case.

RECURRENDUM EST AD EXTRAORDINARIUM QUANDO NON VALET ORDINARIUM Resort must be made to the extraordinary when the ordinary does not succeed. RECUSATIO TESTIS Rejection of a witness on the ground of incompetency. REDENDO SINGULA SINGULIS Referring each to each; referring each phrase or expression to its appropriate object, or let each be put in its proper place, that is, the words should be taken distributively. ( Cited in: People v. Vera, 65 Phil. 56, People v. Lopez, 78 Phil. 286, King v. Hernaez, 4 SCRA 792, People v. Tamani, 55 SCRA 153, Amadora v. Court of Appeals, 160 SCRA 315, Fortich v. Corona, 312 SCRA 751, Francisco, Jr. v. Nagmamalasakit na mga Manananggol ng Manggagawang Pilipino, Inc., 415 SCRA 44) REDDENDUM The technical name of that clause in a conveyance by which the grantor creates or reserves some new thing to himself, out of what he had before granted. ( Cited in Alejandro v. Geraldez, 78 SCRA 245 ) REDUCTIO AD ABSURDUM A leading-back to absurdity. A phrase from the discipline of logic indicating that an argument is so structured as to lead to a logically inconsistent or absurd result. In logic, the method of disapproving an argument by showing that it leads to an absurd consequence. ( Cited in: U.S. v. Tan Teng, 23 Phil. 145, Juganap v. Commission on Elections, G.R. Nos. L-53062-53345, April 24, 1981, People v. Pano, G.R. No. 97471, February 17, 1993, People v. Mendoza, 254 SCRA 61, People v. Laurente, G.R. No. 16734, March 29, 1996, Umil v. Ramos, 202 SCRA 251, People v. Puno, 219 SCRA 85, People v. Ignacio, 233 SCRA 1, People v. Laurente, 255 SCRA 543, Development Bank of the Philippines v. Commission on Audit, 373 SCRA 356 ) REDUCTIO AD IMPOSSIBLE Reduction to the impossible; a method of establishing a proposition by showing that its contradictory involves impossible consequences; disproving a proposition by showing that its consequences are absurd. REDUNDANTER Redundantly, superfluously.

REGULA EST, JURIS QUIDEM IGNORATIAM CUIQUE NOCERE, FACTI VERO IGNORANTIAM NON NOCERE The rule is that a persons ignorance of the law may prejudice him, but that his ignorance of fact will not. REGULA FIDEI Rule of faith. REI PUBLICAE In matters of the state. REI TURPIS NULLUM MANDATUM EST The mandate of an immoral thing is void. RELICTA VERIFICATIONE A confession of judgment after defendant has entered his plea or made his defense against the complaint. ( Cited in Philippine National Bank v. Manila Oil Refining & ByProducts Co., 43 Phil. 444 ) RELIQUIAE Remains. REMITTITUR The returning or sending back by a court of appeal of the record and proceedings in a cause, after its decision thereon, to the court from whence the appeal came, in order that the case may be tried anew or that the judgment may be entered in accordance with the decision on appeal, or execution be issued, or any other necessary action to be taken in the court below. ( Blacks Law Dictionary, 6th Ed., cited in Heirs of Clemente Celestino v. Court of Appeals, 67 SCRA 22, B. R.. Sebastian Enterprises, Inc. v. Court of Appeals, 206 SCRA 28, Ocampo v. Cabangis, 15 Phil. 626, Blossom & Co. v. Manila Gas Corporation, 47 Phil. 670, Cuyugan v. Baron, 63 Phil. 827) RENUNTIATIO NON PRESUMITUR They are deemed not to have waived any of their rights. ( Cited in: Mota v. Serra, 47 Phil. 464, Delgado Brothers, Inc. v. Court of Appeals, 110 Phil. 511, Carino v. Agricultural Credit and Cooperative Financing Administration, 18 SCRA 183, Chavez v. Court of Appeals, 24 SCRA 663, Polytrade Corporation v. Blanco, 30 SCRA 187, Mercury Drug Company, Inc. v. Court of Industrial Relations, G.R. No. L-23357, April

30, 1974, Nicolas v. Reparations Commission, G.R. No. L-28649, May 21, 1975, AFP Mutual Benefit Association Inc. v. AAFP-MBAI-EV, G.R. Nos. L-39140 & 39145, May 17, 1980, Dosch v. National Labor Relations Commission, 208 Phil. 259, Philippine Banking Corporation v. Tensuan, 230 SCRA 413, Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation v. Sherman, 176 SCRA 331, Lopez Sugar Corp. v. Federation of Free Workers, 189 SCRA 179, Marcos v. National Labor Relations Commission, 248 SCRA 146, Supena v. De la Rosa, 267 SCRA 1, Anino v. National Labor Relations Commission, 290 SCRA 489, Babst v. Court of Appeals, 350 SCRA 341, JMM Promotions & Management, Inc. v. Court of Appeals, 390 SCRA 223, ACD Investigation Security Agency, Inc. v. Daquera, 426 SCRA 494, Great Southern Maritime Services Corporation v. Acuna, 452 SCRA 422 ) REPETUNDARUM CRIMEN Bribery; the crime of bribery or extortion committed by a public officer. REPUBLICAE UT SIT FINIS LITIUM It is to the interest of the state that there should be an end to litigation. ( Cited in: Henson v. Director of Lands, 37 Phil. 912, Government of the Philippines v. Del Rosario, 54 Phil. 138, Perkins v. Benguet Consolidated Mining Co., 93 Phil. 1034, Yusingco v. Ong Hing Lian, 42 SCRA 589, De la Cruz v. Paras, 69 SCRA 556, Carandang v. Venturanza, G.R. No. L- 41940, November 21, 1984, Ibaao v. Intermediate Appellate Court, G.R. No. L-74848, May 20, 1987, Vencilao v. Vano, G.R. No. L-25660, February 23, 1990, De Ramos v. Court of Appeals, 213 SCRA 207, Allied Banking Corporation v. Court of Appeals, 229 SCRA 252, Mesina v. Meer, 383 SCRA 625 ) REPUDIUM Breaking of marriage contract. REPUGNANTIA A resistance, opposition. REQUIESCANT IN PACE May they rest in peace. RES Object. ( Cited in: Chuidian v. Enriquez, 29 Phil. 31, Lopez v. Director of Lands, 47 Phil. 23, The Asiatic Petroleum (P.I.) Ltd. v. Quico, 69 Phil. 433, Johnlo Trading Co. v. Zulueta, 88 Phil. 750, Republic v. Venturanza, 17 SCRA 322, Rayray v. Chae Kyung Lee, 18 SCRA 450, Talosig v. Vda. De Nieba, 43 SCRA 472, Sahagun v. Court of Appeals, 198 SCRA 44 )

RES ACCEDENT LUMINA REBUS One thing throws light upon others. RES ACCESSORIA SEQUITUR REM PRINCIPALEM The accessory follows the principal. RES CONTROVERSA Matter of controversy; thing in question. RES EST INGENIOSA DARE It is a noble thing to give; it is better to give than to receive. RES EST MISERA UBI JUS ESWT VAGUM ET INCERTUM It is a sorry state of affairs when law is vague and mutable. RES EXTINCTA The subject matter of an agreement which is, in fact, non-existent. RES GESTAE Things that have been done. Courts have used this term to refer to certain types of statements that are either exceptions to hearsay or not hearsay at all. The phrase res gestae today is mostly of historical interest. Modern rules of evidence characterize the types of statements that used to be called res gestae as present sense impressions, statements concerning the declarants physical condition, excited utterances, or statements regarding present mental or emotional state. The term res gestae comprehends a situation which presents a startling or unusual occurrence sufficient to produce a spontaneous and instinctive reaction, during which interval, certain statements are made under such circumstances as to show lack of forethought or deliberate design in the formulation of their content. Whether a declaration is a part of the res gestae depends upon whether the declaration was the facts talking through the party or the party talking about the facts. While as a general rule, the declaration sought to be proved as part of the res gestae must be contemporaneous with the events established as to the principal act, no fixed time from the main occurrence can be arbitrarily set in order to determine what shall be part of the res gestae. The factual situation in each instance will set its own pattern of time in their respect. The marked trend of decisions is to extend rather than narrow the scope of the doctrine admitting declarations as part of the res gestae. Whether specific statements are admissible as part

of the res gestae is a matter within the sound discretion of the court, the determination of which is ordinarily conclusive upon appeal in the absence of a clear abuse of discretion. ( Cited in: Pastro v. Gaspar, 2 Phil. 592, U.S. v. David, 3 Phil. 128, U.S. v. Balmori, 18 Phil. 578, Topacio v. Paredes, 23 Phil. 238, Hu v. McCoy, 24 Phil. 151, U.S. v. Macuti, 26 Phil. 170, Javier v. Nadres, 36 Phil. 226, Dusepec v. Torres, 39 Phil. 760, U.S. v. Baluyot, 40 Phil. 89, People v. Portento, 48 Phil. 971, People v. Palamos, 49 Phil. 601, People v. Toledo, 51 Phil. 825, People v. Reyes, 52 Phil. 538, People v. Nakpil, 52 Phil. 985, People v. Durante, 53 Phil. 363, People v. De la Pena, 54 Phil. 818, People v. Sotelo, 55 Phil. 396, People v. De Linao, 58 Phil. 116, People v. Diokno, 63 Phil. 601, People v. Gonzales, 69 Phil. 66, People v. Nartea, 74 Phil. 8, People v. Cornel, 78 Phil. 204, Board of Election Inspectors v. Piccio, 81 Phil. 577, El Pueblo de Filipinas v. Alfaro, 83 Phil. 85, People v. Perez, 83 Phil. 314, People v. Tamiana, 90 Phil. 150, People v. Villapa, 91 Phil. 189, People v. Avila, 92 Phil. 805, Manigbas v. Luna, 98 Phil. 466, People v. Ruzol, 100 Phil. 537, Vda de Gregorio v. Bing, 102 Phil. 556, People v. Ramirez, 104 Phil. 720, People v. Macabenta, 106 Phil. 77, People v. Naranja, 108 Phil. 781, People v. Alban, 1 SCRA 931, People v. Sampang, 16 SCRA 531, People v. De Gracia, 18 SCRA 197, People v. Diva, 23 SCRA 332, People v. Ricaplaza, 23 SCRA 374, People v. Ner, 28 SCRA 1151, People v. Gondayao, 30 SCRA 226, People v. Antonio, 34 SCRA 401, People v. Jose, 37 SCRA 450, People v. Devaras, 37 SCRA 697, People v. Tiongson, 47 SCRA 279, People v. Abboc, 53 SCRA 54, People v. Tumalip, 60 SCRA 303, People v. Berame, 72 SCRA 184, People v. Monleon, 74 SCRA 263, People v. Valero, 112 SCRA 661, People v. Quinlob, 119 SCRA 130, People v. Tulagan, 143 SCRA 107, People v. Aguirre, 143 SCRA 572, People v. Magallanes, 147 SCRA 92, People v. Ornoza, 151 SCRA 495, Olondriz, Jr. v. People, 152 SCRA 65, People v. Masangkay, 157 SCRA 320, People v. Reunir, 157 SCRA 686, People v. Lungayan, 162 SCRA 100, People v. Roca, 162 SCRA 696, Medios v. Court of Appeals, 169 SCRA 838, People v. Vda de Cabangahan, 175 SCRA 160, Ilocos Norte Electric Company v. Court of Appeals, 179 SCRA 5, David v. Court of Appeals, 182 SCRA 675, People v. Bocatcat, Sr., 188 SCRA 175, People v. Salangoste, 188 SCRA 422, People v. Talingdan, 191 SCRA 333, People v. Goles, 192 SCRA 663, People v. Alitao, 194 SCRA 120, People v. Baguio, 196 SCRA 459, People v. Tiozon, 198 SCRA 368, People v. Lazarte, 200 SCRA 361, People v. Hernandez, 205 SCRA 313, People v. Agripa, 208 SCRA 589, People v. Sanchez, 213 SCRA 70, People v. Pajarit, 214 SCRA 678, People v. Antud, 215 SCRA 190, People v. Caludio, 216 SCRA 647, People v. Tolentino, 218 SCRA 337, People v. Taneo, 218 SCRA 494, People v. Hubilo, 220 SCRA 389, People v. Villagracia, 221 SCRA 136, Pantranco North Express, Inc. v. Court of Appeals, 224 SCRA 477, People v. Ducay, 225 SCRA 1, People v. Tidong, 225 SCRA 324, People v. Bravo, 227 SCRA 285, Hernandez v. Court of Appeals, 228 SCRA 429, Anciro v. People, 228 SCRA 629, People v. Israel, 231 SCRA 155, People v. Marra, 236 SCRA 565, People v. Peralta, 237 SCRA 218, People v. Maguikay, 237 SCRA 587, People v. Nuestro, 240 SCRA 221, People v. Silvestre, 244 SCRA 479, People v. Esquilona, 248 SCRA 139, People v. Cloud, 265 SCRA 472, People v. Santos, 270 SCRA 650, People v. Diaz, 271 SCRA 504, People v. Garma, 271 SCRA 517, People v. Pagal, 272 SCRA 443, People v. Mendoza, 284 SCRA 705, People v. Bergante, 286 SCRA 629, People v. Manhuyod, Jr., 290 SCRA 257, People v. Ebrada, 296 SCRA 353, People v. Dianos, 297 SCRA 191, People v. Navarro, 297 SCRA 351, People v. Gado, 298 SCRA 466, People v. Bautista,

312 SCRA 214, People v. Francisco, 315 SCRA 114, People v. Valla, 323 SCRA 74, People v. Palmones, 336 SCRA 80, People v. Gonzales, 338 SCRA 371, Vda. De San Agustin v. Commissioner of Internal Revenue, 364 SCRA 802, People v. Bituon, 365 SCRA 238, People v. Anondrin, 366 SCRA 98, People v. Quimson, 366 SCRA 581, People v. Morende, 371 SCRA 446, People v. Bulan, 374 SCRA 618, People v. Pena, 376 SCRA 639, People v. Castillo, 377 SCRA 99, People v. Lobrigas, 394 SCRA 170, People v. Cabrera, 402 SCRA 299, People v. Jorolan, 404 SCRA 564, People v. Soriano, 407 SCRA 367, People v. Iguas, 412 SCRA 311, People v. De la Cruz, 412 SCRA 503, People v. Guillermo, 420 SCRA 326, People v. Latayada, 423 SCRA 237 ) RES INTEGRA/RES NOVA An undecided question. RES INTER ACTOS ALIA, ALIIS NEQUE NOCERE NEQUE PRODESSEE POTEST A thing done between some is neither able to injure nor benefit others. This maxim expresses the central precept of res judicata. RES INTER ALIOS ACTA, ALIIS NON NOCET The acts and declarations of third parties cannot harm others. ( Cited in: Compana General de Tabacos v. Ganson, 13 Phil. 477, Macondray & Co. Inc. v. Pinon, G.R. No. L-13817, August 31, 1961, National Power Corporation v. National Labor Relations Commission, 272 SCRA 704, People v. Janson, 400 SCRA 584 ) RES INTER ALIOS ACTA ALTERI NOCERE NON DEBET Statements made or matters accomplished between two parties cannot prejudice a third party ( Cited in Blanza v. Arcangel, 21 SCRA 179 ). A thing done between others, or between third parties or strangers, ought not to injure those who are not parties to them. ( See also Alzua v. Johnson, 21 Phil. 308. Also cited in: Aldecoa & Co. v. Warner, Barnes & Co., 30 Phil. 153, U.S. v. Pineda, 37 Phil. 456, People v. Samaniego, 95 Phil. 218, Seng v. Fernandez, 98 Phil. 197, Macondray & Co. Inc. v. Pinon, 2 SCRA 1109, Esteniel v. Commission on Elections, 42 SCRA 436, Bolinao Electronics Corporation v. Valencia, 11 SCRA 486, Blanza v. Arcangel, 21 SCRA 1, People v. Ragas, 44 SCRA 152, C.N. Hodges v. Espayos, 52 SCRA 432, People v. Garillo, 84 SCRA 537, People v. Tulagan, 143 SCRA 107, People v. Caparas, 158 SCRA 524, Belvis III v. Court of Appeals, 167 SCRA 324, People v. Garcia, 172 SCRA 262, People v. Mateo, Jr., 179 SCRA 303, Taer v. Court of Appeals, 186 SCRA 598, Genato v. Intermediate Appellate Court, 189 SCRA 201, Mellon Bank, N.A. v. Mapino, 190 SCRA 633, People v. Cavite, 203 SCRA 383, People v. Jimenez, 204 SCRA 719, People v. Alvarez, 213 SCRA 722, Pilipinas Bank v. National Labor Relations Commission, 215 SCRA 750, Deloso v. Sandiganbayan, 217 SCRA 49, People v. Tolentino, 218 SCRA 337, Banzagales v. Galman, 222 SCRA 350, Geraldez v. Court of Appeals, 230 SCRA 320, People v. Melosantos, 245 SCRA 569,

People v. Silan, 254 SCRA 491, People v. Camat, 256 SCRA 52, People v. Racquel, 265 SCRA 248, People v. Bautista, 290 SCRA 58, Cruz v. Court of Appeals, 293 SCRA 239, People v. Sabalones, 294 SCRA 751, People v. Gallardo, 323 SCRA 218, Fernandez v. People, 341 SCRA 277, People v. Palijon, 343 SCRA 486, People v. Moral, 363 SCRA 96, People v. Tizon, Jr., 385 SCRA 364, FGU Insurance Corporation v. G.P. Sarmiento Trucking Corporation, 386 SCRA 312, Globe Telecom, Inc. v. Florendo-Flores, 390 SCRA 201, Taganas v. Enuslan, 410 SCRA 237, Asuncion v. Court of Appeals, 414 SCRA 164, Bon v. People, 419 SCRA 101, People v. Gaudia, 423 SCRA 520, People v. Camiling, 424 SCRA 698, Medrano v. Court of Appeals, 452 SCRA 577) RES INTER FACIUNT ALIOS JUDICATAE NULLUM ALIIS PRAEJUDICIAUM

Matters adjudged in a cause do not prejudice those who were not parties to it. ( Cited in Islamic Directorate of the Philippines v. Court of Appeals, 272 SCRA 454 ) RES IPSA LOQUITUR The thing speaks for itself. There is no need for further evidentiary hearings. ( Cited in: Martinez v. Buskirk, 18 Phil. 79, U.S. v. Constantino, 39 Phil. 552, People v. De Linao, 58 Phil. 116, Richards v. Asoy, A. C. No. 26551, June 9, 1987, Lagumbay v. Commission on Elections, 16 SCRA 175, Africa v. Caltex (Phils.) Inc., 16 SCRA 448, Roque v. Buan, 21 SCRA 642, Prudential Bank v. Castro, 155 SCRA 604, Manila Prince Hotel v. Government Service Insurance System, 267 SCRA 408, People v. Valenzuela, 135 SCRA 712, Radio Communications of the Philippines, Inc. v. Court of Appeals, 143 SCRA 657, Galman v. Sandiganbayan, 144 SCRA 43, In re: Wenceslao Laureta, 149 SCRA 570, Richards v. Asoy, 152 SCRA 45, Prudential Bank v. Castro, 155 SCRA 604, Padilla v. Dizon, 158 SCRA 127, Limpin, Jr. v. Intermediate Appellate Court, 161 SCRA 83, F. F. Cruz & Co. Inc. v. Court of Appeals, 164 SCRA 731, Layuhan v. Intermediate Appellate Court, 167 SCRA 363, People v. Tejada, 170 SCRA 497, Commodities Sales Corporation v. La Suerte Bus Co. Inc., 171 SCRA 509, In re: Petition for the Dismissal from Service and/or Disbarment of Judge Baltazar R. Dizon, 173 SCRA 719, Babida v. People, 178 SCRA 204, Acting Registrars of Land Titles & Deeds of Pasay City, Pasig and Makati v. RTC, Branch 57, Makati, Metro Manila, 184 SCRA 622, Pilipinas Bank v. Tirona-Liwag, 190 SCRA 834, Ruiz v. Court of Appeals, 201 SCRA 577, Louis Vuitton S.A. v. Villanueva, 216 SCRA 121, Office of the Court Administrator v. Gines, 224 SCRA 261, Lazo v. Civil Service Commission, 236 SCRA 469, Estoya v. Abraham-Singson, 237 SCRA 1, Defensor-Santiago v. Ramos, 253 SCRA 559, Batiquin v. Court of Appeals, 258 SCRA 334, FGU Insurance Corp. v. G. P. Sarmiento Trucking Corporation, 386 SCRA 312, Sarmiento v. Cabrido, 401 SCRA 122 ). It can only be invoked when and only when, under the circumstances involved, direct evidence is absent or nor readily available. ( Rodriguez v. Court of Appeals, 273 SCRA 607. See also Garcia-Rueda v. Pascasio, 278 SCRA 769, Rosewood Processing, Inc. v. National Labor Relations Commission, 290 SCRA 408, Re: Leave of Absence without approval of Judge Eric T. Calderon, MTC, Calumpit, Bulacan, 302 SCRA 92, Cebu Shipyard & Eng. Works, Inc. v. William Lines, Inc., 306 SCRA 762, First Nationwide Assurance Corporation v. Court of

Appeals, 318 SCRA 589, Loyola v. Gabo, Jr., 323 SCRA 348, Reyes v. Sisters of Mercy Hospital, 341 SCRA 760, Wildvalley Shipping Co. Ltd. v. Court of Appeals, 342 SCRA 312, People v. De Villa, 351 SCRA 25, Poso v. Mijares, 387 SCRA 485, Emiliano Townhouses Homeowners Assn. v. Dioneda, 399 SCRA 296, De los Santos v. Mangino, 405 SCRA 521, People v. Ferrer, 406 SCRA 658, Beltran, Jr. v. Paderanga, 407 SCRA 475, Fernandez v. Verzola, 436 SCRA 369, Permanent Savings & Loan Bank v. Velarde, 439 SCRA 1, National Power Corporation v. Court of Appeals, 453 SCRA 47) RES JUDICATA A thing which has been decided. When one competent court has already ruled on a specific issue or claim, another court (other than an appropriate appeals court) cannot decide the same claim or issue a second time if: (1) the issue or claim in the prior adjudication was identical with the one presented in the action in question; (2) the first court issued a final judgment on the merits; and (3) the party against whom the plea is asserted is a party or in privity with a party to the prior adjudication. A matter adjudged; A thing judicially acted upon or decided, a thing or matter settled by judgment; rule that final judgment or decree on merits by court of competent jurisdiction is conclusive of rights of parties or their privies in all later suits points and matters determined in a former suit. ( Cited in: Lanuza v. Gonzales, 17 Phil. 413, Andres v. Pimentel, 21 Phil. 429, Penalosa v. Tuazon, 22 Phil. 303, Zook v. Coker, 24 Phil. 434, Del Val v. Del Val, 29 Phil. 534, Compagne-Franco-Indochinese v. DeutchAustralische, Dampschiffs Geselschaft, 34 Phil. 587, Bayot v. Zurbito, 39 Phil. 650, Robiso v. Rivera, 41 Phil. 39, Wise & Co. v. Larion, 45 Phil. 314, Cruz v. Lee, 54 Phil. 10, Lavarro v. Labitoria, 54 Phil. 788, Baguingito v. Rivera, 56 Phil. 423, Sarabia v. Secretary of Agriculture and Natural Resources, 2 SCRA 54, Pichay v. Kairuz, 5 SCRA 29, Gibbs v. Commissioner of Internal Revenue, 6 SCRA 469, Franco v. Monte de Piedad and Savings Bank, 7 SCRA 660, Santiago v. Ramirez, 8 SCRA 157, Ipekdjian Merchandising Co. Inc. v. Court of Tax Appeals, 9 SCRA 72, Bumanglag v. Baraoidan, 10 SCRA 480, Vda. De Rivas v. Alas, 11 SCRA 578, Villanueva v. Misamis Lumber Co. Inc., 12 SCRA 424, Macasantos v. Maginoo, 13 SCRA 685, Romero v. De los Reyes, 14 SCRA 115, Tingo v. Pingol, 15 SCRA 19, Casenas v. Rosales, 19 SCRA 462, Sumerariz v. Development Bank of the Philippines, 21 SCRA 1374, Republic Bank v. Court of Industrial Relations, 25 SCRA 55, Santos v. Mojica, 26 SCRA 703, Malig v. Bush, 28 SCRA 449, Cabungcal v. Cordova, 29 SCRA 638, Sta. Ana v. Narrades, 30 SCRA 454, Havana v. Vamenta, 33 SCRA 569, Republic v. Reyes, 34 SCRA 396, Dy Pac Pakaiao Workers Union v. Dy Pac & Co. Inc., 38 SCRA 263, Yusingco v. Ong Hing Lian, 42 SCRA 589, Varsity Hills, Inc. v. Navarro, 43 SCRA 503, Manio v. Gaddi, 44 SCRA 198, Santos v. Gabriel, 45 SCRA 288, Vda. De Luna v. Valle, 48 SCRA 361, Tiongson v. Court of Appeals, 49 SCRA 429, Filipino Legion Corporation v. Court of Appeals, 56 SCRA 674, Philippine Commercial and Industrial Bank v. Pfleider, 65 SCRA 13, Tan v. Valdehueza, 66 SCRA 61, Comilang v. Court of Appeals, 65 SCRA 69, Senoro v. Lobo, 67 SCRA 248, Manalo v. Mariano, 69 SCRA 80, De la Cruz v. Paras, 69 SCRA 556, People v. Consulta, 70 SCRA 272, Rejuso v. Estipona, 72 SCRA 509, Municipality of

Hagonoy, Bulacan v. Secretary of Agriculture and Natural Resources, 73 SCRA 507, Ramos v. Potenciano, 74 SCRA 345, Lopez v. Reyes, 76 SCRA 179, Mapa III v. Guanzon, 77 SCRA 387, Vergara v. Ruque, 78 SCRA 312, Ramos v. Pangasinan Transportation Company, Inc., 79 SCRA 170, Dacasin v. Court of Appeals, 80 SCRA 89, Denore v. Castano, 103 SCRA 377, Mallari v. Court of Appeals, 105 SCRA 430, Ramirez v. Bleza, 106 SCRA 187, Director of Lands v. Court of Apeals, 106 SCRA 426, Gamboa v. Court of Appeals, 108 SCRA 1, Festin v. Paderanga, 111 SCRA 1, Carreon v. Carreon, 112 SCRA 257, Republic v. Guy, 115 SCRA 244, Geralde v. Subido, 115 SCRA 839, Gonzales v. Secretary of Labor, 116 SCRA 573, Valera v. Banez, 116 SCRA 648, Pulido v. Pablo, 117 SCRA 16, Dominguez, Jr. v. Filipinas Integrated Services Corporation, 117 SCRA 588, Asian Steel and Insurance Co. Inc. v. Island Steel, Inc., 118 SCRA 233, Vda. De Sta. Romana v. Philippine Commercial and Industrial Bank, 118 SCRA 330, Calimlim v. Ramirez, 118 SCRA 399, Marapao v. Mendoza, 119 SCRA 97, Republic v. Aquino, 120 SCRA 186, Republic v. Estenzo, 120 SCRA 220, Jardiel v. Commision on Elections, 124 SCRA 650, North Express, Inc. v. National Labor Relations Commission, 126 SCRA 526, Commissioner of Customs v. Court of Tax Appeals, 129 SCRA 70, M & M Management Aids, Inc. v. Court of Appeals, 130 SCRA 225, Cabral v. Court of Appeals, 130 SCRA 498, Filinvest Credit Corporation v. Salas, 131 SCRA 160, Gula v. Dianala, 132 SCRA 245, Sy Kao v. Court of Appeals, 132 SCRA 302, Paredes v. Court of Appeals, 132 SCRA 501, Carandang v. Venturanza, 133 SCRA 344, Municipality of Antipolo v. Zapanta, 133 SCRA 820, Laroza v. Guia, 134 SCRA 341, Zansibarian Residents Association v. Municipality of Makati, 135 SCRA 235, Government Service Insurance System v. National Labor Relations Commission, 135 SCRA 225, Compania Martima v. Court of Appeals, 135 SCRA 593, Arguson v. Miclat, 135 SCRA 678, Masagana Telamart, Inc. v. Intermediate Appellate Court, 136 SCRA 694, Tac-An Dano v. Cour to fAppeals, 137 SCRA 803, Martinez v. Court ofAppeals, 139 SCRA 558, Cuano v. Court of Appeals, 143 SCRA 417, Koh v. Intermediate Appellate Court, 144 SCRA 259, Bringas v. Hernando, 144 SCRA 346, Angela Estate, Inc. v. Bacolod-Murcia Milling Co. Inc., 144 SCRA 482, Santos v. Intermediate Appellate Court, 145 SCRA 238, Immaculata v. Navarro, 146 SCRA 5, Ramos v. Pablo, 146 SCRA 24, Bayang v. Court of Appeals, 148 SCRA 9, Re: Atty. Wenceslao Laureta, 148 SCRA 383, Ogan v. Ogan-Occena, 148 SCRA 677, David v. Bandin, 149 SCRA 140, Drilon v. Guarana, 149 SCRA 342, Ibabao v. Intermediate Appellate Court, 150 SCRA 76, BF Northwest Homeowenrs Association, Inc. v. Intermediate Appellate Court, 150 SCRA 543, Sangalang v. Caparas, 151 SCRA 53, Sy v. Tuvera, 152 SCRA 103, Golden Gate Relaty Corporation v. Intermediate Appellate Court, 152 SCRA 684, FEU-Dr. Nicanor Reyes Medical Foundation, Inc. v. Trajano, 152 SCRA 725, Ocampo v. Arboleda, 153 SCRA 374, Deang v. Intermediate Appellate Court, 154 SCRA 250, Mayuga v. Court of Appeals, 154 SCRA 309, Lorenzana v. Macagba, 154 SCRA 723, Vlasons Enterprises Corporation v. Court of Appeals, 155 SCRA 186, Vda de Buncio v. Estate of the late Anita de Leon, 156 SCRA 352, Vda. de Barroga v. Albano, 157 SCRA 131, People v. Grospe, 157 SCRA 154, Pulido v. Lazaro, 158 SCRA 107, Salamanca v. Ramos, 158 SCRA 152, Legarda v. Savellanao, 158 SCRA 194, Bringas v. Hernando, 158 SCRA 345, Alvarez, Jr. v. Court of Appeals, 158 SCRA 345, Testate Estate of Adriana Maloto v. Court of Appeals, 158 SCRA 451, Heirs of Luisa Valdez v. Intermediate Appellate Court, 159 SCRA 308, Llorana v. Leonidas, 159 SCRA 332, B.F.

Goodrich Philipines, Inc. v. Workmens Compensation Commission, 159 SCRA 355, Japan Airlines, Inc. v. Minister of Labor and Employment, 160 SCRA 666, MOntilla v. Court of Appeals, 161 SCRA 167, Tiburcio v. Castro, 161 SCRA 583, Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation v. Pauli, 161 SCRA 634, Investors Finance Corporation v. Ebarle, 163 SCRA 60, Varsity JHills, Inc. v. Mariano, 163 SCRA 132, Estate of George Liton v. Mendoza, 163 SCRA 246, Republic v. Lat, 163 SCRA 286, Vda. De Denoso v. Court of Appeals, 163 SCRA 683, Segura v. Segura, 165 SCRA 386, Eternal Gardens Memorial Parks Corporation v. Intermediate Appellate Court, 165 SCRA 439, Bautista v. Court of Appeals, 165 SCRA 507, Catholic Vicar of the Mr. Province v. Courtof Appeals, 165 SCRA 515, Republic Planters Bank v. Molina, 166 SCRA 39, Republic v. Sebastian, 166 SCRA 140, Wee Sit v. Amin, 166 SCRA 714, De Villa v. Jacob, 167 SCRA 303, Pacific Banking Corporation v. Mendoza, 168 SCRA 709, Commercial Credit Corporation of Cagayan De Oro v. Court of Appeals, 169 SCRA 1, Boiser v. National Telecommunications Commission, 169 SCRA 198, Macaraeg v. Court of Appeals, 169 SCRA 259, Wolverine Worldwide, Inc. v. Court of Appeals, 169 SCRA 627, Arica v. National Labor Relations Commission, 170 SCRA 776, Suson v. Court of Appeals, 172 SCRA 70, Obana v. Court of Appeals, 172 SCRA 867, Vallangca v. Court of Appeals, 173 SCRA 42, Vda. de Cruzo v. Carriaga, Jr., 174 SCRA 330, Santiago Syjuco, Inc. v. Castro, 175 SCRA 171, Maglalang v. Court of Appeals, 175 SCRA 808, Labo. Jr. v. Commission on Elections, 176 SCRA 1, Bugnay Construction and Development Corporation v. Laron, 176 SCRA 240, Nasipit Lumber Co. Inc. v. National Labor Relations Commission, 177 SCRA 93, Filipinas Investment & Finance Corp. v. Intermediate Appellate Court, 179 SCRA 728, United Housing Corporation v. Dayrit, 181 SCRA 285, Ramos v. Ebarle, 182 SCRA 245, Vancilao v. Vano, 182 SCRA 491, Stasa, Inc. v. Court of Appeals, 182 SCRA 879, Go v. Intermediate Appellate Court, 183 SCRA 82, Apostolic of the Mountain Province v. Court of Appeals, 183 SCRA 639, Heirs of the Late Santiago Maningo v. Intermediate Appellate court, 183 SCRA 691, Valencia v. RTC, Quezon City, Branch 90, 184 SCRA 80, Ponce-Enrile v. Capulong, 185 SCRA 504, Reyes v. Court of Appeals, 185 SCRA 642, De la Cruz v. Court of Appeals, 187 SCRA 165, Puma Sportschufabriken Rudolf Dassler, K.G. v. Madayag, 187 SCRA 592, Monica Industrial and Development corporation v. Court of Appeals, 189 SCRA 792, Smith Bell & Co. Inc. v. Court of Appeals, 190 SCRA 362, Ysmael, Jr. & Co. Inc. v. Deputy Executive Secretary, 190 SCRA 673, Lao Lim v. Courtof Appeals, 191 SCRA 150, Escarte, Jr. v. Office of the President, 192 SCRA 1, Delfin v. Inciong, 192 SCRA 151, World machine Enterprises v. Intermediate Appellate Court, 192 SCRA 459, National Association of Free Trade Union v. Mainit Lumber Development Company Workers Union-United Lumber and General Workers of the Philippines, 192 SCRA 598, Gerardo v. De la Pena, 192 SCRA 649, Suarez v. Court of Appeals, 193 SCRA 183, Gutierrez v. Court of Appeals, 193 SCRA 437, Nabus v. Court of Appeals, 193 SCRA 732, White Plains Association, Inc. v. Legaspi, 193 SCRA 765, Amberti v. Court of Appeals, 195 SCRA 659, Cachero v. Marzan, 196 SCRA 601, Smith Bell and Company (Phils.) Inc. v. Court of Appeals, 197 SCRA 201, American Inter-Fashion Corporation v. Office of the Presdient, 197 SCRA 409, Board of Commissioners v. De la Rosa, 197 SCRA 853, MOntelibano v. Court of Appeals, 198 SCRA 811, Filcon Manufacturing Coproration v. Naitonal Labor Relations Commission, 199 SCRA 814, Mendoza v. Court of Appeals, 201 SCRA 343, Ramos v. Peralta, 203 SCRA 412, Africa v. Presidential Commission on

Good Government, 205 SCRA 39, Filinvest Credit Corporation v. Intermediate Appellate Court, 207 SCRA 59, Vda. De Kilayko v. Tengco, 207 SCRA 600, Calalang v. Register of Deeds of Quezon City, 208 SCRA 215, Villa v. Sandiganbayan, 208 SCRA 283, Blue Bar Coconut Phils., Inc. v. National LaborRelations Commission, 208 SCRA 371, Director of Lands v. Court of Appeals, 209 SCRA 457, De la Rosa v. Mercado, 211 SCRA 236, Contech Construction Technology & Development Corporation v. Court of Appeals, 211 SCRA 692, Swan v. Court of Appeals, 211 SCRA 114, De Ramos v. Court of Appeals, 213 SCRA 207, Tobias v. Diaz, 213 SCRA 253, Republic v. Neri, 213 SCRA 812, Baguioro v. Basa, Jr., 214 SCRA 437, Sumaoang v. Regional Trial Court, Branch XXXI, Guimba, Nueva Ecija, 215 SCRA 136, Antonio v. Intermediate Appellate Court, 216 SCRA 214, Meliton v. Court of Apeals, 216 SCRA 485, Victrionics Computers, Inc. v. RTC, Branch 63, Makati, 217 SCRA 517, Development Bank of the Philippines v. Pundogar, 218 SCRA 118, Government Service Insurance System v. Court of Appeals, 218 SCRA 233, Villa Esperanza Development Corporation v. Court of Appeals, 218 SCRA 401, Dulay v. Minister of Natural Resources, 218 SCRA 562, University of the Philippines v. Court of Appeals, 218 SCRA 718, Sanpiro Finance Corporation v. Intermediate Appellate Court, 220 SCRA 517, Lelnares v. Court of Appeals, 222 SCRA 10, Philippine American General Insurance Company, Inc. v. Court of Appeals, 222 SCRA 155, Roa v. PH Credit Corporation, 223 SCRA 371, Abalos v. Court of Appeals, 223 SCRA 551, Javier v. Court of Appeals, 224 SCRA 704, Republic v. Sandiganbayan, 226 SCRA 314, Santos v. Court of Appeals, 226 SCRA 630, Enriquez v. Boyles, 226 SCRA 666, R. Transport Corporaton v. Laguesma, 227 SCRA 826, Ilasco, Jr. v. Court of appeals, 228 SCRA 413, VDA Fish Broker v. National Labor Relations Commission, 228 SCRA 681, Allied Banking Corporation v. Court of Appeals, 229 SCRA 252, Calalang v. Register of Deeds of Quezon City, 231 SCRA 88, Salud v. Court of Appeals, 233 SCRA 384, Mesina v. Court of Appeals, 234 SCRA 103, Lucero v. Commission on Elections, 234 SCRA 208, Diwa v. Donato, 234 SCRA 608, Buan v. Court of Appeals, 235 SCRA 424, Sunflower Umbrella Manufacturing Co. Inc. v. De Leon, 237 SCRA 153, Manila Golf &Country Club, Inc. v. Intermedaite Appellate Court, 237 SCRA 207, Heirs of George Bofill v. Court of Appeals, 237 SCRA 451, Javier v. Veridiano II, 237 SCRA 565, Caina v. Court of Appeals, 239 SCRA 252, Mangoma v. Court of Appeals, 241 SCRA 21, People v. Godoy, 243 SCRA 64, Militante v. National Labor Relations commission, 246 SCRA 365, Kilosbayan, Inc. v. Morato, 246 SCRA 540, Guevarra v. Benito, 247 SCRA 570, Del Rosario v. Madayag, 247 SCRA 767, Gabuya v. Layug, 250 SCRA 218, First Philippine International Bank v. Court of Apeals, 252 SCRA 259, Ybanez v. Court of Appeals, 253 SCRA 540, Zaldarriaga v. Court of Appeals, 255 SCRA 254, Remirez v. Court of Appeals, 256 SCRA 217, Mendiola v. Court of Appeals, 258 SCRA 492, Allied Banking Corporation v. Court of Appeals, 259 SCRA 371, Cokaliong Shipping Lines, Inc. v. Amin, 260 SCRA 122, Veloso, Jr. v. Court of Appeals, 261 SCRA 196, Valencia v. Court of Appeals, 263SCRA 275, Philippine Airlines, Inc. v. National Labor Relations Commission, 263 SCRA 638, Rosete v. Court of Appeals, 264 SCRA 147, Dinsay v. Cioco, 264 SCRA 703, Javelosa v. Court of Appeals, 265 SCRA 493, Andresons, Inc. v. Court of Apeals, 266 SCRA 423, Esguerra v. Court of Appeals, 267 SCRA 380, Eriks, Pte., Ltd. v. Court of Appeals, 267 SCRA 567, Concepcion v. Agana, 268 SCRA 307, Nacuray v. National Labor Relations Commission, 270 SCRA 9, Sold Homes, Inc. v. Court of Appeals, 271 SCRA 157, Islamic Directorate of the Philippines v. Court of

Appeals, 271 SCRA 157, Traders Royal Bank v. Intermediate Appellate Court, 273 SCRA 521, Philsec Investment Corporation v. Court of Appeals, 274 SCRA 102, Carlet v. Court of Appeals, 275 SCRA 97, Cacho v. Court of Apeals, 276 SCRA 420, National Power Coproration v. Court of Appeals, 279 SCRA 506, Mjunicipality of San Juan, Metro Manila v. Court of Appeals, 279 SCRA 711, Santos v. Dames, II, 280 SCRA 13, National Elecrification Administration v. Court of Appeals, 280 SCRA 199, A.G. Development Corporation v. Court of Appeals, 281 SCRA 155, Pro Line Sports Center, Inc. v. Court of Apeals, 281 SCRA 162, Sempio v. Court of Appeals, 284 SCRA 580, Casil v. Court of Appeals, 285 SCRA 264, United Pepsi-Cola Supervisory Union (UPSU) v. Laguesma, 288 SCRA 15, De Knetch v. Court of Appeals, 290 SCRA 223, Linzag v. Court of Apeals, 291 SCRA 304, Municipality of Paranque v. V.M. Realty Corporation, 292 SCRA 678, Cruz v. Court of appeals, 293 SCRA 239, Alejandrino v. Court of Appeals, 295 SCRA 536, Bachrach Corporation v. Court of Appeals, 296 SCRA 487, Serdoncillo v. Benolirao, 297 SCRA 448, Aldovino v. National Labor Relations Commission, 298 SCRA 526, Assset Privatization Trust v. Court of Appeals, 300 SCRA 579, Progressive Development Corporation, Inc. v. Court of Appeals, 301 SCRA 637, Toledo-Banaga v. Court of Appeals, 302 SCRA 331, De Asis v. Court of Appeals, 303 SCRA 176, Cruz v. Court of Appeals, 309 SCRA 714, Herras v. Canlas, 310 SCRA 318, Camara v. Canlas, 310 SCRA 608, Saura v. Saura, Jr., 313 SCRA 465, Firestone Ceramics, Inc. v. Court of Appeals, 313 SCRA 522, Perez v. Court of Appeals, 316 SCRA 43, Cebu INternaitonal Finance Corporation v. Court of Apeals, 316 SCRA 488, Stilianopulos v. City of Legaspi, 316 SCRA 523, Mata v. Court of Appeals, 318 SCRA 416, Mirpuri v. Court of Appeals, 318 SCRA 516, Cagayan de Oro Coliseum, Inc. v. Court of Appeals, 320 SCRA 731, Golden Donuts, Inc. v. National Labor Relations Commission, 322 SCRA 294, Republic v. Court of Appeals, 324 SCRA 560, Barretto v. Court of Appeals, 324 SCRA 581, Madarieta v. RTC, Br. 28, Mambajao, Camiguin, 326 SCRA 479, Siapian v. Court of appeals, 327 SCRA 11, Orosa v. Court of Apeals, 329 SCRA 652, Calalas v. Court of Appeals, 332 SCRA 356, Cruz v. Court of Appeals, 332 SCRA 747, Calusin v. Court of Appeals, 334 SCRA 172, Vda. De Salanga v. Alagar, 335 SCRA 728, Rizla Surety & Insurance Company v. Court of Appeals, 336 SCRA 12, Valles v. Commission on Elections, 337 SCRA 543, Nery v. Leyson, 339 SCRA 232, Quinsay v. Court of Appeals, 339 SCRA 429, Esperas v. Court of Appeals, 341 SCRA 583, Salvador v. Ortoll, 343 SCRA 658, Macahilig v. Jeirs of Grace M. Magalit, 344 SCRA 838, Ocho v. Calos, 345 SCRA 478, Arenas v. Court of Appeals, 345 SCRA 617, Gallardo-Corro v. Galardo, 350 SCRA 568, Vda. De Villanueva v. Court of Appeals, 351 SCRA 12, Avisado v. Rambaua, 354 SCRA 245, Manalo v. Court of Appeals, 357 SCRA 112, Development Bank of the Philippines v. Court of Appeals, 357 SCRA 626, Antiporda, Jr. v. Sandiganbayan, 358 SCRA 335, Sta. Lucia Realty and Development, Inc. v. Cabrigos, 358 SCRA 715, Sandoval Shipyards, Inc. v. Pepito, 359 SCRA 555, Bangko Silangan Development Bank v. Court of Appeals, 360 SCRA 322, Sendon v. Ruiz, 363 SCRA 155, Roxas v. Court of Appeals, 363 SCRA 207, So v. Court of Appeals, 363 SCRA 473, Valenzuela v. Court of Appeals, 363 SCRA 779, J.C. Lopez & Associates, Inc. v. Commission on Audit, 364 SCRA 472, Manalo v. Court of Appeals, 366 SCRA 752,Tirona v. Alejo, 367 SCRA 17, Quezon Province v. Marte, 368 SCRA 145, Espiritu v. Severina realty Corporation, 368 SCRA 400, Thrmphil, Inc. v. Court of Appeals, 369 SCRA 682, Equatorial Realty Development, Inc. v. Mayfair Theater, Inc., 370 SCRA 56, Padillo v. Court of appeals,

371 SCRA 27, Compania General de Tabacos de Filipinas v. Court of Appeals, 371 SCRA 413, San Antonio v. Court of Appeals, 371 SCRA 536, Manila Electric Company v. Philippine Consumers Foundation, Inc., 374 SCRA 262, Serrano v. Court of Appeals, 376 SCRA 172, Republic v. Carmel Development, Inc., 377 SCRA 459, Pagkatipunan v. Court of Appeals, 379 SCRA 621, Tala Realty Services Corporation v. Banco Filipino Savings and Mortgage Bank, 380 SCRA 315, Cooperative Development Authoirty v. Dolefil Agrarian Reform Beneficiaries Cooperative, Inc., 382 SCRA 552, Republic v. Court of Appeals, 387 SCRA 549, London v. Baguio Country Club Corporation, 390 SCRA 618, Rovels Enterprises, Inc. v. Ocampo, 391 SCRA 176, Cancio, Jr. v. Isip, 391 SCRA 393, Cancio, Jr. v. Isip, 391 SCRA 393, Oropeza Marketing Corporation v. Allied Banking Corporation, 393 SCRA 278, Tboli Agro-Industrial Development, Inc. ( TADI) v. Solilapsi, 394 SCRA 269, Lucente v. Evangelista, Jr., 396 SCRA 627, Philippine Nails and Wires Corporaiton v. Malayan Insurance Company, Inc., 397 SCRA 431, Young v. Keng Seng, 398 SCRA 629, State Investment Trust Inc. v. Delta Motors Corporation, 400 SCRA 509, De la Rama v. Mendiola, 401 SCRA 704, Bardillon v. Barangay Masili of Calamba, Laguna, 402 SCRA 440, INtramuros Administration v. Contacto, 402 SCRA 581, Chavez v. Public Estates Authority, 403 SCRA 1, Roehr v. Rodriguez, 404 SCRA 495, Tan v. Kaakbay Finance Corporation, 404 SCRA 518, Montemayor v. Bundalian, 405 SCRA 264, Genova v. De Castro, 407 SCRA 165, Taganas v. Emuslan, 410 SCRA 237, Philippine Blooming Mills, Inc. v. Court of Appeals, 413 SCRA 445, Heirs of Antonio Pael v. Court of Appeals, 415 SCRA 451, Tolentino v. Natawaran, 416 SCRA 273, Land Car, Inc. v. Bachelor Express, Inc., 417 SCRA 307, Velarde v. Lopez, Jr., 419 SCRA 422, Malayang Samahan ng Manggagawa sa Balanced Food v. Pinakamasarap Corporation, 420 SCRA 84, Heirs of Trinidad De Leon Vda. De Roxas v. Court of Appeals, 422 SCRA 101, Concept Placement Resources, Inc. v. Funk, 422 SCRA 317, Macarrubo v. Macarrubo, 424 SCRA 42, Romero v. Tan, 424 SCRA 108, Paradero v. Abragan, 424 SCRA 155, Heirs of Juana Gaudianne v. Court of Appeals, 425 SCRA 295, Cayana v. Court of Appeals, 426 SCRA 10, Velasquez, Jr. v. Court of Appeals, 426 SCRA 309, Agilent Technologies Singapore (Pte.) Ltd. v. Integrated Silicon Philippines Corporation, 427 SCRA 593, TF Ventures, Inc. v. Matsuura, 431 SCRA 526, Marcopper Mining Corporation v. Solidbank Corporation, 432 SCRA 360, Martillano v. Court of Appeals, 433 SCA 195, Custodio v. Corrado, 435 SCRA 500, National Housing Authority v. Baello, 437 SCRA 86, Barbacina v. Court of Appeals, 437 SCRA 300, Canero v. University of the Philippines, 437 SCRA 630, Dapar v. Biascan, 439 SCRA 179, Santos Ventura Hocorma Foundation, Inc. v. Santos, 441 SCRA 472, Page-Tenorio v. Tenorio, 443 SCRA 560, Basilla v. Becamon, 446 SCRA 264, Delgado v. Court of Appeals, 447 SCRA 402, National Commercial Bank of Saudi Arabia v. Court of Appeals, 448 SCRA 340, Lanuza v. Court of Appeals, 454 SCRA 54, Lanuza, Jr. v. Yuchengco, 454 SCRA 130, Gocotano v. Gocotano, 469 SCRA 328 ) RES NULLIUS A thing of no one. This term refers to things which have never before been owned by anyone (e.g., wild animals, fish, jewels which have never before excavated). The ancient Roman concept, occupatio, provides that a person acquires ownership of a res nullius by taking possession and by intending to retain its possession.

The property of nobody. A thing which has no owner, either because a former owner has finally abandoned it, or because it has never been appropriated by any person, or because it is not susceptible of private ownership. ( Cited in: Yu v. De Lara, 6 SCRA 785, Commercial Union Assurance Co. Ltd. v. Lepanto Consolidated Mining, 113 SCRA 752, Yu v. Lara, 6 SCRA 785, Republic v. Guzman, 326 SCRA 90 ) RES PERIT DOMINO The loss of property falls upon its owner. ( Cited in: Lizares v. Hernaez, 40 Phil. 981, U.S. v. Gayte, 43 Phil. 1000, Obejera v. Sy, 76 Phil. 580, De Leon v. Soriano, 87 Phil. 193, Warner Barnes & Co. Ltd. v. Flores, 1 SCRA 881, Bachrach v. Phil. Trust Co. Inc., 1 SCRA 1018, Yuchengco, Inc. v. Velayo, G.R. No. L-55684, July 30, 1982, Chrysler Phils. Corporation v. Court of Appeals, G.R. No. L-55684, December 19, 1994, Norkis Distributors, Inc. v. Court of Appeals, 193 SCRA 694, Sia v. Court of Appeals, G.R. No. 102970, May 13, 1993 ) RES PERIT DOMINO SUO The loss of property must be borne by its owner. ( Cited in: De Leon v. Soriano, 87 Phil. 193, U.S. v. Gayte, 43 Phil. 1000, Obejera v. Sy, 76 Phil. 580, Bachrach v. Philippine Trust Co., 1 SCRA 1018, Warnes Barnes & Co., Ltd. v. Flores, 1 SCRA 881, Yacapin v. Court of First Instance of Misamis Oriental, 67 SCRA 18 ) RESPONDEAT RAPTOR, QUI IGNORARE NON POTUIT QUOD PUPILLUM ALIENUM ABDUXIT Let the ravisher answer, he who could not be ignorant of the fact that he has traduced the word of another. RES UBICUMQUE SIT PRO DOMINO SUO CLAMANT A thing wherever it is, clamors for its owner. The owner of a chattel may recover it from the person in whose possession it may be. ( Cited in: Cordovero, v. Villaruz, 46 Phil. 473, People v. Alejano, 54 Phil. 987, U.S. v. De los Reyes, G.R. No. 504, September 16, 1902 ) RESOLUTO JURE DANTIS RESOLVITUR JUS ACCIPIENTIS The right of the grantor being extinguished, the right granted is extinguished. ( Cited in: Saul v. Hawkins, 1 Phil. 275, In the matter of the proceedings against M. Aguas for Contempt in the CFI, Pampanga, G. R. No. 12, August 8, 1901 )

RESPONDEAT SUPERIOR Let the one above reply. (The tort law doctrine which holds an employer responsible for the torts committed by its employee, when the employee was acting within the scope of his/her employment.) Let the superior make answer. The doctrine holding an employer or principal liable for the employees or agents wrongful acts committed within the scope of the employment or agency. ( Cf. Macaraeg v. Bermudez, 106 SCRA 658. Also cited in: Aberca v. Ver, 160 SCRA 590, Mendoza v. De Leon, 33 Phil. 508, Cuison v. Norton & Harrison Co., 55 Phil. 18, Ramos v. Pepsi Cola Bottling Co. of the Philippine Islands, 19 SCRA 289, Torio vs. Fontanilla, 85 SCRA 599, Amadora v. Court of Appeals, 160 SCRA 315, Santos v. Arlegui-Hernandez, 377 SCRA 516, Reyes v. Rural Bank of San Miguel, Bulacan, Inc., 424 SCRA 135 ) RESPON-SUM An answer, reply, response. RES SUA Ones own goods. ( Cited in Cortes v. Yu-tibo, 2 Phil. 24 ) RE-STIPULOR To stipulate, promise or engage in return. RESTITUTIO IN INTEGRUM Restoration to the original position. ( Cited in Alejandra v. Court of First Instance of Pangasinan, 34 Phil. 404 ) REUS CRIMINIS MAJESTATIS, ET PEREAT UNUS NE PEREANT OMNES One person guilty of treason shall die, lest all may perish. REVOCATUR It is recalled; set aside; annulled. RIDICULUS That excites laughter, laughable, funny, amusing. RIGOR JURIS Strictness of law.

RIGOR MORTIS Stiffness of death; rigidity of a corpse; stiffening of a muscular tissue and joints setting in a few hours after death. ( Cited in: People v. Bandali, 96 Phil. 812, People v. Guialil, 100 Phil. 419, People v. De la Cruz, 100 Phil. 624, People v. Del Rosario, 105 Phil. 591, People v. Zapata, 107 Phil. 1122, People v. Fraga, 109 Phil,, 241, People v. Balili, 17 SCRA 892, People v. Brioso, 155 SCRA 463, People v. Colinares, 163 SCRA 313, People v. Taruc, 171 SCRA 75, People v. Lardizabal, 204 SCRA 320, People v. Devaras, 205 SCRA 676, People v. Dulay, 217 SCRA 132, People v. Acuna, 248 SCRA 668, People v. Gerolaqa, 263 SCRA 143, People v. Zuela, 323 SCRA 589, People v. Gelin, 379 SCRA 717, People v. Silva, 387 SCRA 77, People v. Masinag Vda. de Ramos, 403 SCRA 167, People v. Yatar, 428 SCRA 504) RISOS ABUNDANT IN ORE STULTORUM Too much hilarity means foolishness. ROGATOR One who proposes a law to the people, the proposer of a law, presenter of a bill. RUMOR The talk of the many, common talk, hearsay, rumor. ( Cited in Villavicencio v. Nonato, 29 Phil. 328, Kiel v. Estate of P.S. Sabert, 46 Phil. 193, People v. Rubio, 57 Phil. 384, Manila Trading Supply Co. v. Philippine Labor Union, 71 Phil. 124 ) _______ S SACRAMENTUM Oath. SACRAMENTUM HABET IN SE TRES COMITES-VERITATEM, JUSTITIAM ET JUDICIUM; VERITAS HABENDA EST IN JURATO; JUSTITITA ET JUSTICIUM IN JUDICE An oath has in it three components truth, justice and judgment; truth in the party swearing; justice and judgment in the judge administering the oath. SACRAMENTUM SI FATUUM FUERIT, LICET FALSUM, TAMEN NON COMMITTIT PERJURIAM

A foolish oath, although false, does not give rise to perjury. SACRILEGIUM Theft of sacred things. SAEPE CONSTITUTUM EST, RES INTER ALIOS JURIDICATAS ALLIS NON PRAEJUDICARE It has often been decided that matters adjudged between others ought not to prejudice those who are not parties. SALARIUM Compensation for services rendered. ( Cited in: Songco v. National Labor Relations Commission, G.R. No. 50999, March 23, 1990, Phil. Duplicators, Inc. v. National Labor Relations Commission, 227 SCRA 747 ) SALUS POPULI EST SUPREMA LEX The welfare of the people is the supreme law. ( Cited in: Fabie v. City of Manila, 21 Phil. 486, U. S. v. Salaveria, 39 Phil. 102, Tan Chat v. Municipality of Iloilo, 60 Phil. 465, People v. Cayat, 68 Phil. 12, Calalang v. Williams, 70 Phil. 726, Herras v. Director of Prisons, 76 Phil. 756, Santos v. De Alvarez, 78 Phil. 503, People v. De Guzman, 90 Phil. 132, Agricultural Credit and Cooperative Financing Administration v. Confederation of Unions in Government Corporation and Offices, 30 SCRA 649, Alfanta v. Noe, 53 SCRA 76, In re: Marcial Edillon, 84 SCRA 554, Villacorta v. Bernardo, 143 SCRA 480, Bataan Shipyard & Eng. Co. Inc. v. Presidential Commission on Good Government, 150 SCRA 181, Presidential Commission on Good Government v. Pena, 159 SCRA 566, Oro Enterprises, Inc. v. National Labor Relations Commission, 238 SCRA 77, Lim v. Pacquing, 240 SCRA 649, JMM Promotion & Management Inc. v. Court of Appeals, 260 SCRA 319, Bautista v. Commission on Elections, 414 SCRA 299, Francisco, Jr. v. Nagmamalasakit na mga Manananggol ng mga Manggagawa ng Pilipinas, Inc., 415 SCRA 44) SALVA VERITATE Saving the truth. SALVE Hail! Welcome!

SALVO PUDORE Without offense to modesty. SANCTIO An establishing, ordaining or decreeing as inviolable under penalty, decree, ordinance, sanction. SAPIENTIA LEGIS NUMMARIO PRETIO NON EST AESTIMANDA The wisdom of the law cannot be computed in money value. SATIS SUPERQUE Enough and too much; more than enough. SATISDATIO The satisfaction of a creditor, giving of security. SCHOLA Leisure given to learning, a learned conversation, debate, disputation, dissertation. SCIENTER Knowingly, consciously. Most crimes and many civil wrongs entail a mental element. In many circumstances the law will require that a person have knowledge of certain facts before legal sanctions follow. Statutes and common law formulations often refer to the knowledge requirement as scienter, therefore he is not liable. A degree of knowledge that makes a person legally responsible for the consequences of his or her act or omission: The fact of an act having been done knowingly, especially as a ground for civil damages or criminal punishment. So also the commission of acts similar to that involved may be relevant as bearing on the probability of the act in issue having been committed. In actions based on fraud and deceit, where it is necessary to prove scienter, fraudulent acts similar to those charged and done at or near the same time, may be shown. ( Cited in: U. S. v. Pineda, 37 Phil. 456, People vs. Cu Unjieng, 61 Phil. 236, People v. Aranda, 226 SCRA 562, People v. Jumao-as, 230 SCRA 70, People v. Carillo, 236 SCRA 22, Estrada v. Sandiganbayan, 369 SCRA 394 ) SCIENTIA INTUITIVA Intuitive knowledge.

SCIENTIA SCIOLORUM EXT MIXTA IGNORANTIA The knowledge of superficial persons is scrambled ignorance. SCIENTI ET VOLENTI NULA FIT INJURIA NEQUE DOLOS A person who by an act or omission causes damage to another where there is fault or negligence shall be obliged to repair the damage so done, for the plaintiff voluntarily participated in the act. ( Cited in: Batarra v. Marcos, 7 Phil. 156, Sy v. Central Bank of the Philippines, 70 SCRA 570, Servicewide Specialists, Inc. v. Intermediate Appellate Court, 174 SCRA 80, Ilocos Norte Electric Co. v. Court of Appeals, 179 SCRA 5, Garciano v. Court of Appeals, 212 SCRA 436 ) SCILICET That is to say; to wit: ( Cited in Duran v. Abad Santos, 75 Phil. 410 ) SCINTILLA A particle of fire, spark. Judges and lawyers occasionally say that there is not a scintilla of evidence to show something. In other words, not even a tiny spark to shed light on the issue. ( Cited in: People v. Cildo, G.R. No. L-2189, March 31, 1950, Fianza v. Reavis, 7 Phil. 610, U.S. v. Garcia, 9 Phil. 434, U.S. v. Boquilon, 10 Phil. 4, U.S. v. Bustos, 13 Phil. 690, Co v. Rafferty, 14 Phil. 235, U.S. v. Raymundo, 14 Phil. 416, Ziguenza v. Municipality of Hinigaran, 14 Phil. 495, U.S. v. Williams, 18 Phil. 291, Caguioa v. Calderon, 20 Phil. 400, Worcester v. Ocampo, 22 Phil. 42, U.S. v. Rivera, 23 Phil. 383, Martinez v. Cavives, 25 Phil. 581, U.S. v. Santiago, 29 Phil. 374, U.S. v. Crame, 30 Phil. 1, U.S. v. De Guzman, 30 Phil. 416, Tuazon v. Municipality of Mariquina, 32 Phil. 138, Ching v. Insular Collector of Customs, 33 Phil. 186, Mendoza v. De Leon, 33 Phil. 508, U. S. v. Zapanta, 33 Phil. 567, Allen v. Province of Albay, 35 Phil. 826, U.S. v. Mananquil, 42 Phil. 90, Tow v. Aldanese, 42 Phil. 217, Borja v. Addison, 44 Phil. 895, Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corp. v. Aldanese, 46 Phil. 713, Cabigao v. Lim, 50 Phil. 844, People v. Babiera, 52 Phil. 97, Chay v. Paulino, 54 Phil. 144, Mandac v. Samonte, 54 Phil. 706, People v. Burgos, 59 Phil. 375, Jacinto v. Fajardo, 59 Phil. 514, Sui v. The Insular Collector of Customs, 62 Phil. 218, Medina v. Rivera, 66 Phil. 151, Ang Tibay v. Court of Industrial Relations, 69 Phil. 635, Manila Trading and Supply Co. v. Philippine Labor Union, 70 Phil. 539, Duran v. Abad Santos, 75 Phil. 410, People v. Hernane, 75 Phil. 554, Vera v. Avelino, 77 Phil. 365, People v. Manayao, 78 Phil. 721, People v. Cauilan, 79 Phil. 272, People v. Kalim, 81 Phil. 107, In re: Vicente Sotto, 82 Phil. 595, People v. Delgado, 83 Phil. 9, People v. Cildo, 85 Phil. 845, Joaquin v. Navarro, 93 Phil. 257, Carreon v. Province of Pampanga, 99 Phil. 808, Roa v. De la Cruz, 103 Phil. 116, People v. Olmedillo, 201 Phil. 661, Ormoc Sugar Co. Inc. v. Osco Workers Fraternity Labor Union, 1 SCRA 21, People v. Gongora, 8 SCRA 472, Tan v. Peralta, 19 SCRA 784, Mateo v. Moreno, 28 SCRA 796, Lansang v. Garcia, 42 SCRA 448, Garay v. Paredes, 56 SCRA 597, Salao v. Salao, 70 SCRA 65, Maria Cristina

Fertilizer Plant Employees v. Tandayag, 83 SCRA 56, Omar v. Commission on Elections, 102 SCRA 611, Berenguer v. Court of Appeals, 164 SCRA 431, Santos v. Lumang, 177 SCRA 435, Castillo v. Court of Appeals, 205 SCRA 529, People v. Literado, 209 SCRA 319, People v. Juma, 220 SCRA 432, People v. Tayag, 227 SCRA 227 SCRA 169, COCOFED v. Trajano, 241 SCRA 362, Ynson v. Court of Appeals, 257 SCRA 411 ) SCINTILLA JURIS A spark of right or interest. SCITUM An ordinance, stature, decree. SCRIPTUM Something written; a written document. SCIRE FACIAS May you bring [it] about to know. This is the name of a writ at common law that directs the person to whom it is directed to explain (i. e., cause to know) why the moving party should not prevail. You are to make know, show cause A writ requiring a person against whom it is issued to appear and show cause why some matter of record should not be annulled or vacated, or why a dormant judgment against that person should not be revised. ( Cited in: Compania General de Tabacos de Filipinas v. Martinez, 29 Phil. 515, Aldeguere v. Gemelo, 68 Phil. 421, Reyes v. Crisologo, 75 Phil. 225, Manila Railroad Co. v. Court of Industrial Relations, G.R. No. L-18389, January 31, 1963, Ramos v. Garciano, 27 SCRA 1190, Bien, v. Sunga, 202 Phil. 565, Republic v. Court of Appeals, G.R. No. L-43179, June 27, 1989, De la Rosa v. Fernandez, G.R. No. 46127, April 18, 1989, Geeslin v. Navarro, A.C. No. 2033, May 9, 1990, Periquet v. National Labor Relations Commission, G.R. No. 91298, June 22, 1990, National Power Corporation v. Court of Appeals, 213 SCRA 133 ) SCIRE LEGES NON HOC EST VERBA EARUM TENERE, SED VIM AC POTESTATEM To know the laws is not to observe their words alone, but their force and power. SCRUTINIUM A search, inquiry, investigation, scrutiny. SECTA QUAE SCRIPTO NITITUR A SCRIPTO VARIARI NON DEBET A suit which is based upon a writing ought not to vary from the writing.

SECRETUM Something secret, secret conversation, a mystery. SECUNDUM AEQUUM ET BONUM According to what is just and right. SECUNDUM ALLEGATA ET PROBATA In conformity with the pleadings and the proof ( Cited in: Guevarra v. Castillo, 32005-R, November 4, 1971 ). According to what is alleged and proved. ( Cf. Salvante v. Cruz, 88 Phil. 236, Ramon v. Ortuzar, 89 Phil. 730, Belandez v. Lopez Sugar Central Mill Co. Inc., 97 Phil. 100, Federation of Free Farmers v. Court of Appeals, 107 SCRA 352, Republic v. De los Angeles, 41 SCRA 422, Hayco v. Court of Appeals, 138 SCRA 227 ) SECUNDUM BONOS MORES According to good usages; according to established custom. SECUNDUM RATIONEM According to reason. ( Cited in: Del Mar Domestic Enterprises v. National Labor Relations Commission, 282 SCRA 602, Associated Labor Unions-TUCP v. National Labor Relations Commission, 302 SCRA 708 ) SEDENTE ANIMO With settled purpose. SED QUAERE But inquire; examine this further. SEDITIO An insurrectionary separation, dissention, civil discord, insurrection, mutiny, sedition. SEDUCTIO A leading or drawing aside, seduction. SEMEL MALUS SEMPER PREASUMITUR ESSE MALUS IN EODEM GENERE Whoever is once bad is presumed to be so always in the same kind of affairs.

SEMPER ET UBIQUE Always and everywhere. ( Cited in: Manila Public School Teachers Association v. Laguioro, 200 SCRA 323, Padilla v. Sto. Tomas, 243 SCRA 155 ) SEMPER FIDELIS Always faithful. SEMPER IDEM Always the same. SEMPER NECESSITATAS PROBANDI INCUMBIT ILLI QUI AGIT Each party must prove his own affirmative allegation. ( Cited in: Villanueva v. Tioco, 8 Phil. 693, U.S. v. De la Torre, 42 Phil. 62 ) SEMPER PARATUS Always prepared. SEMPER PRAESUMITUR PRO MATRIMONIO A presumption always exists in favor of the validity of marriage. ( Cited in: Sy Joc Lieng v. Sy Quia, 16 Phil. 197, In re: Of Mora Adong v. Cheong Seng Gee, 43 Phil. 43, Perido v. Perido, 63 SCRA 97, Fule v. Court of Appeals, 74 SCRA 189, Corpus v. Corpus, 85 SCRA 567, People v. Mawallil, 129 SCRA 594, Alavado v. City Government of Tacloban, 139 SCRA 230, Corpuz v. Administrator, 85 SCRA 567, People v. Malabago, 265 SCRA 198, People v. Florendo, 413 SCRA 132 ) SEMPER SPECIALIA GENERALIBUS INSUNT Special expressions or provisions are always included in general ones. SEMPITERNUS Everlasting, perpetual, eternal. SENSIBILIS That can be perceived by the senses, sensible. SENTENTIA A way of thinking, opinion, judgment, decisio0n.

SENSU LATO In the broad sense; broadly speaking. SENSUS VERBORUM EST ANIMA LEGIS The meaning of words is the spirit of the law. SENTENCIA FACIT JUS Judgment creates right. SEQUESTRATIO A depositing in the hands of a third party, a sequestration. SEQUETAS NUNQUAM CONTRAVENIT LEGIS Equity must never be against the law. ( Cited in: Chavez v. Bonto Perez, 242 SCRA 81, Mendoza v. National Labor Relations Commission, 289 SCRA 51 ) SERIATIM In series; successively; one by one; severally, separately, individually ( Cited in: Kuttner v. Insular Collector of Customs, 18 Phil. 461, Robles v. Hermanos, 50 Phil. 387, Moya v. Del Fierro, 69 Phil. 199, Sumulong v. Commission on Elections, 70 Phil. 703, Bishop of Nueva Caceres v. Santos, 72 Phil. 230, Ornum, v. Lasala, 74 Phil. 242, Demafiles v. Commission on Elections, 21 SCRA 1465, People v. Talaboc, 256 SCRA 441, People v. Rubio, 257 SCRA 528, Tumalad v. Vicencio, 41 SCRA 143 ) SERMO INDEX ANIMO Speech is the index of the mind. SERVITUS SERVITUTIS ESSE NON POTEST There cannot be an easement upon an easement. SI A JURE DISCEDAS, VAGUS ERIS, ET ERUNT OMNIA OMNIBUS INCERTA If you depart from the law, you will go astray and everything will be in a state of uncertainty to everyone. SI ALIQUID EX SOLEMNIBUS DEFICIAT, UM AEQUITAS POSCIT SUBVENIENDUM EST

If anything is deficient in formal requisites, when equity requires it, it should be applied. SI JUDICAS, COGNOSCE If you judge, first understand. SI VIS AMARI, AMA If you wish to be loved, love! SIC Thus; so; in such manner. ( Cited in: Salonga v. Concepcion, 3 Phil. 563, U. S. v. Zafra, 4 Phil. 71, Araneta v. Montelibano, 14 Phil. 117, Evangelista v. Nicolas, 20 Phil. 213, Albano v. Agtarap, 22 Phil. 345, Juda v. Clayton, 28 Phil. 579, Director of Lands v. Court of Appeals, 24 SCRA 288, Matute v. Court of Appeals, 26 SCRA 768, People v. Sanahon, 369 SCRA 343, People v. Dumalahay, 380 SCRA 37, Office of the Court Administrator v. Besa, 388 SCRA 558, Delfin v. Municipal Rural Bank of Libmanan (CS) Inc., 398 SCRA 9, Isip, Jr. v. Nogoy, 400 SCRA 181, Aquino v. Manese, 400 SCRA 458, Estrada v. Escritor, 408 SCRA 1, Development Bank of the Philippines v. Union Bank of the Philippines, 419 SCRA 131, Domingo v.l Scheer, 421 SCRA 468, People v. Sumarago, 422 SCRA 324, Heirs of Juana Gaudiane v. Court of Appeals, 425 SCRA 295, Arafiles v. Philippine Journalists, Inc., 426 SCRA 336, People v. Lalica, 427 SCRA 336, People v. Ortillas, 428 SCRA 659, People v. Tira, 430 SCRA 130, Alonzo v. Concepcion, 448 SCRA 329, Portugal v. Portugal-Beltran, 467 SCRA 184, Ros v. Department of Agrarian Reform, 468 SCRA 471 ) SICARIUS An assassin, murderer. SIC UTERE TUO UT ALIENUM NON LAEDAS Use your own [property] in such a way that you do not harm another. A maxim of property law which holds that a person is free to use his or her property in any way she or he sees fit so long as s/he does not harm others (or the property of others). Various comments have been made on this. It is a mere begging of the question; it assumes the very point in controversy. ( Cited in: Case v. La Junta de Sanidad de Manila, 24 Phil. 250, Chat v. Iloilo, 60 Phil. 465, Santos v. Alvarez, 78 Phil. 503, Ynot v. Intermediate Appellate Court, G.R. No. 74457, March 20, 1987, Andamo v. Intermediate Appellate Court, 191 SCRA 195, Binay v. Domingo, 201 SCRA 508, Lim v. Pacquing, 240 SCRA 649, Case v. La Junta De Sanidad De Manila, G. R. No. 7595, February 4, 1913, JMM Promotion & Management Inc. v. Court of Appeals, 260 SCRA 319, The Executive Secretary v. Court of Appeals, 429 SCRA 81 )

SILENT LEGES INTER ARMA Laws are silent amidst arms. ( Cited in: U.S. v. Luzon, 2 Phil. 380, Raquiza v. Bradford, 75 Phil. 50 ). The power of law is suspended during the war. SIMPLICITA EST LEGIBUS AMICA; ET NIMIA SUBLITAS IN JURE REPROBATUR Simplicity is favorable to the laws and too much subtlety in law is to be reprobated. SIMPLICITER Simply, without ceremony, in a summary manner. ( Cited in: Republic v. Peralta, 150 SCRA 37, Republic v. Sandiganbayan, 407 SCRA 10 ) SIMPLEX COMMENDATIO NON OBLIGAT A mere recommendation is not binding. SIMULACRUM Likeness; image; copy of an original. SINE ACTIONE AGIS Without bringing any action. ( Cited in Chinese Chamber of Commerce v. Pua Te Ching, 16 Phil. 409 ) SINE ANIMO REVERTENDI Without the intention of returning. SINE CURA Without charge; without care. SINE DAMNO Without damage. SINE DIE Without a day. This phrase is used when courts or legislative bodies adjourn their proceedings without designating a specific time to reconvene (i.e., without a day designated to meet again). Without assigning a day for further meeting or hearing.

Hence, a final adjournment; final dismissal of cause. Quod eat sine die, that he go without a day, the old form of a judgment for the defendant, i.e. a judgment discharging the defendant from any further appearance in court. ( Cited in: Aytona v. Castillo, 4 SCRA 358, Altajeros v. Molo, 25 SCRA 550, Conwi-Omega v. Samson, 9 SCRA 493, Tolentino v. Commission on Elections, 41 SCRA 702, Perez v. Provincial Board of Nueva Ecija, 113 SCRA 187, U.S. v. Pons, G.R. No. 11530, Aug. 12, 1916, Barretto v. Marina, 37 Phil. 518, Lopez v. De los Reyes, 55 Phil. 170, Bautista, v. Fuguso, 60 Phil. 383, Tolentino v. Secretary of Finance, 235 SCRA 630 ) SINE DUBIO Without doubt. (Cited in Cortez-Estrada v. Heirs of Domingo Samut, 451 SCRA 275) SINE MORA Without delay. SINE NUMERO Without number or limit. SINE ODIO Without hatred. SINE POSSESSIONE USUCAPIO, PROCEDERE NON POTEST Prescription cannot exist without possession. SINE PROLE Without issue. When a person dies without having had any children (and without any children having been conceived prior to death), the decedent is said to have died sine prole. SINE QUA NON Not without which. Legal writers often use this phrase to denote the crucial component part without which a whole would not exist. One might say, for example, that consideration is the sine qua non of every enforceable contract. An indispensable requisite or condition. ( Cited in: Lim v. Continental Cement Corporation, G.R. No. L41818, February 18, 1976, Uy Tam, v. Leonard, 30 Phil. 471, Borlazas v. Polistico, 47 Phil. 345, Urbana v. Bernardo, 62 Phil. 790, Feliciano v. Cabrera, 72 Phil. 752, Dirije v. Biranya, 17 SCRA 840, Philippine Rabbit Bus Lines, Inc. v. Gabatin, 24 SCRA 411, Matute v. Court of Appeals, 26 SCRA 768, Gonzalo Puyat & Sons, Inc. v. City of Manila, 7 SCRA 970, Chingan v. La Guardia, 17 SCRA 540, Jose v. Gella, 19 SCRA 691,

Salunga v. Court of Industrial Relations, 21 SCRA 216, Cobb-Perez v. Lantin, 23 SCRA 637, Consolidated Workers Union v. Court of Industrial Relations, 27 SCRA 439, Collector of Internal Revenue v. Campos Rueda, 42 SCRA 23, Tiglao v. Commission on Elections, 43 SCRA 535, Pimentel v. De los Angeles, 45 SCRA 396, Luzon Rubber & Manufacturing Co. v. Estaris, 52 SCRA 391, Bagatsing v. Ramirez, 74 SCRA 306, Soliven v. Workmens Compensation Commission, 79 SCRA 649, Villanueva v. Workmens Compensation Commission, 84 SCRA 423, Ramie Textiles, Inc. v. Mathay, Sr., 89 SCRA 586, Agbayani v. Sayo, 89 SCRA 699, Director of Lands v. Court of Appeals, 93 SCRA 238, Occena v. Commission on Elections, 95 SCRA 755, Pharma Industries, Inc. v. Pajarillaga, 100 SCRA 339, Maquinay v. Bleza, 100 SCRA 702, Sunset View Condominium Corporation v. Campos, Jr., 104 SCRA 295, Continental Cement Corporation v. Court of Appeals, 110 SCRA 259, People v. Villanueva, 100 SCRA 465, Leviton Ind. v. Salvador, 199 Phil. 591, Tanada v. Tuvera, 136 SCRA 196, Gonzales v. Kalaw Katigbak, 137 SCRA 717, Besa v. Trajano, 146 SCRA 501, Tancinco v. Ferrer, 157 SCRA 203, Moles v. Intermediate Appellate Court, 169 SCRA 777, Rodis, Sr. v. Sandiganbayan, 166 SCRA 618, Torno v. Intermediate Appellate Court, 166 SCRA 742, Escudero v. Office of the President of the Philippines, 172 SCRA 783, Re: Application for Retirement under R.A. 910 of Associate Justice Ramon B. Britanico of the Intermediate Appellate Court, 173 SCRA 421, Natalia Realty Corporation v. Vallez, 173 SCRA 534, Animos v. PVAO, 174 SCRA 214, People v. Bayocot, 174 SCRA 285, Danville Maritime, Inc. v. Commission on Audit, 175 SCRA 701, Franco v. Intermediate Appellate Court, 178 SCRA 331, Cagayan Valley Enterprises Inc. v. Court of Appeals, 179 SCRA 218, Sy v. Discaya, 181 SCRA 378, Brent School, Inc. v. Zamora, 181 SCRA 702, Standard Mineral Products, Inc. v. Court of Appeals, 184 SCRA 571, Heirs of Pedro Pinote v. Dulay, 187 SCRA 12, Supangan, Jr. v. Santos, 189 SCRA 58, Madrigal v. Lecaroz, 191 SCRA 20, Singer Sewing Machine Co. v. Drilon, 193 SCRA 270, San Juan v. Civil Service Commission, 196 SCRA 69, People v. Puloc, 202 SCRA 179, Soliman, Jr. v. Tuazon, 209 SCRA 47, People v. Gutierrez, 209 SCRA 105, Del Bros Hotel Corporation v. Court of Appeals, 210 SCRA 33, People v. Paciente, 210 SCRA 86, Escareal v. National Labor Relations Commission, 213 SCRA 472, People v. Florida, 214 SCRA 227, Salas v. Castro, 216 SCRA 198, Prudential Bank v. Intermediate Appellate Court, 216 SCRA 257, People v. Boniao, 217 SCRA 653, Office of the Court Administrator v. Enriquez, 218 SCRA 1, People v. Pineda, 219 SCRA 1, Home Insurance & Guaranty Corp. (HIGC) v. Civil Service Commission, 220 SCRA 148, United Paracale Mining Co. Inc. v. De la Rosa, 221 SCRA 108, People v. Bondoy, 222 SCRA 196, People v. Ramos, 222 SCRA 557, Nakpil v. Intermediate Appellate Court, 225 SCRA 456, Garcia v. Commission on Elections, 227 SCRA 100, Montilla v. National Labor Relations Commission, 228 SCRA 538, People v. Gementiza, 230 SCRA 146, People v. Agravante, 236 SCRA 300, Eugenio v. Court of Appeals, 239 SCRA 207, Dulay v. Court of Appeals, 243 SCRA 220, The Conference of Maritime Manning Agencies, Inc. v. Phil. Overseas Employment Administration, 243 SCRA 666, Revidad v. National Labor Relations Commission, 245 SCRA 356, Mercado v. Court of Appeals, 245 SCRA 594, People v. Agustin, 246 SCRA 673, Republic v. Court of Appeals, 247 SCRA 183, Nitto Enterprises v. National Labor Relations Commission, 248 SCRA 654, San Antonio v. National Labor Relations Commission, 250 SCRA 359, Lee Chuy Realty Corporation v. Court of Appeals, 250 SCRA 596, Stellar Industrial Services, Inc. v. National Labor

Relations Commission, 252 SCRA 323, Republic v. Hernandez, 253 SCRA 509, People v. Basadre, 253 SCRA 573, Lim v. National Labor Relations Commission, 255 SCRA 485, Farinas v. Barba, 256 SCRA 396, Litton Mills, Inc. v. Court of Appeals, 256 SCRA 696, Quimen v. Court of Appeals, 257 SCRA 163, People v. Bracamonte, 257 SCRA 380, People v. Reyes, 261 SCRA 436, People v. Balamban, 264 SCRA 619, Benitez v. Court of Appeals, 266 SCRA 242, Estonia v. Court of Appeals, 266 SCRA 627, Luna v. National Labor Relations Commission, 270 SCRA 227, Francisco v. Court of Appeals, 299 SCRA 188, Echegaray v. Secretary of Justice, 301 SCRA 96, People v. Real, 308 SCRA 215, Austria v. National Labor Relations Commission, 312 SCRA 410, Uy v. Sandiganbayan, 312 SCRA 77, Vda. De Jacob v. Court of Appeals, 312 SCRA 772, Lucena v. Court of Appeals, 313 SCRA 47, Masagana Concrete Products v. National Labor Relations Commission, 313 SCRA 576, Galang v. Court of Appeals, 324 SCRA 139, People v. Lumacang, 324 SCRA 254, People v. Enfectana, 381 SCRA 359, Cruz v. Court of Appeals, 332 SCRA 747, San Miguel Corporation v. Sandiganbayan, 340 SCRA 289, Marcos v. Marcos, 343 SCRA 755, People v. Rabanal, 349 SCRA 655, People v. Peralta, 350 SCRA 198, Estrada v. Desierto, 353 SCRA 452, EPG Construction Company v. Vigilar, 354 SCRA 566, Mollaneda v. Umacob, 358 SCRA 537, People v. Chavez, 358 SCRA 810, Metropolitan Bank and Trust Co. v. Wong, 359 SCRA 608, Fabia v. Court of Appeals, 363 SCRA 427, People v. Reapor, 366 SCRA 604, People v. Mamalayan, 369 SCRA 79, Bodallo v. Professional Regulations Commission, 369 SCRA 386, Tangan v. People 373 SCRA 119, Republic v. Express Telecommunication Co. Inc., 373 SCRA 316, Paddayuman v. People, 374 SCRA 278, People v. Adlawan, 375 SCRA 188, Barba v. Court of Appeals, 376 SCRA 210, People v. Javier, 377 SCRA 300, Yau v. Manila Banking Corporation, 384 SCRA 340, People v. Guerrero, Jr., 389 SCRA 389, Government of the United States of America v. Purganan, 389 SCRA 623, Tapdasan, Jr. v. People, 392 SCRA 335, Choa v. Choa, 392 SCRA 641, People v. Piedad, 393 SCRA 488, People v. Ansowas, 394 SCRA 227, People v. Montemayor, 396 SCRA 159, Philippine Retirement Authority v. Bunag, 397 SCRA 27, Chas Realty & Devevelopment Corporation v. Talavera, 397 SCRA 84, People v. De la Cruz, 398 SCRA 415, People v. Loreto, 398 SCRA 448, People v. Rubiso, G.R. No. 128871, March 18, 2003, People v. Lacson, 400 SCRA 267, Balanuevo v. Court of Appeals, 401 SCRA 76, People v. Simbahon, 401 SCRA 94, Ruiz v. Court of Appeals, 401 SCRA 410, Santos v. Velarde, 402 SCRA 321, Agan, Jr. v. Philippine International Air Terminal Co. Inc., 402 SCRA 612, People v. Esponilla, 404 SCRA 421, People v. De la Cruz, 405 SCRA 112, Mendoza v. Lacsina, Jr., 406 SCRA 156, People v. Servano, 406 SCRA 508, People v. Navarro, Jr., 407 SCRA 221, Lazaro v. Rural Bank of Francisco Balagtas (Bulacan), Inc., 409 SCRA 186, People v. Escarlos, 410 SCRA 463, Phil. International Trading Commission v. Commission on Audit, 416 SCRA 245, Rimano v. People, 416 SCRA 569, People v. Almeida, 418 SCRA 254, Enemecio v. Office of the Ombudsman ( Visayas), 419 SCRA 82, Provident Insurance Corporation v. Court of Appeals, 419 SCRA 480, Del Rosario v. Manuel, 420 SCRA 128, Insular Life Assurance Co. Ltd. v. Asset Builder Corporation, 422 SCRA 148, Development Bank of the Philippines v. Commission on Audit, 422 SCRA 459, People v. Catbagan, 423 SCRA 535, People v. Sevillano, 425 SCRA 247, People v. Se, 425 SCRA 725, People v. Kimura, 428 SCRA 52, Navarro v. Metropolitan Bank and Trust Company, 429 SCRA 439, People v. Delmindo, 429 SCRA 546, Pajuyo v. Court of Appeals, 430 SCRA 492, Brillantes, Jr. v. Commission on Elections, 432 SCRA 269,

D.M. Wenceslao & Associates, Inc. v. Readycon Trading & Construction Corporation, 433 SCRA 251, Reyes v. Court of Appeals, 434 SCRA 365, Eastern Telecommunications Phils. Inc. v. International Communications Corporation, 435 SCRA 55, Corpus v. Ochotorena, 435 SCRA 446, Toledo v. People, 439 SCRA 94, Social Security Commission v. Court of Appeals, 439 SCRA 239, Lee v. People, 440 SCRA 662, Chua v. Court of Appeals, 443 SCRA 259, Cayago v. Lina, 449 SCRA 29, Sepulveda, Sr. v. Pelaez, 450 SCRA 302, Flores v. Sangguniang Panlalawigan ng Pampanga, 452 SCRA 278, Meatmasters International Corporation v. Lelis Integrated Development Corporation, 452 SCRA 626, Acance v. Court of Appeals, 453 SCRA 548, Lanuza v. Court of Appeals, 454 SCRA 54, Commissioner of Internal Revenue v. Hantex Trading Co. Inc., 454 SCRA 301, Barriga v. Sandiganbayan, 457 SCRA 301, Mary Abigails Food Services, Inc. v. Court of Appeals, 458 SCRA 265, Borja v. Estate of Ballad, 459 SCRA 657, Republic v. Sandiganbayan, 460 SCRA 146, Information Technology Foundation of the Philippines v. Commission on Elections, 460 SCRA 291, Estate of Salvador Serra v. Heirs of Primitivo Hernaez, 466 SCRA 120, Cruz v. Sandiganbayan, 467 SCRA 52, Enriquez v. Enriquez, 468 SCRA 77, Cadungog v. Yap, 469 SCRA 561) SINE QUIBIS NON Those without which; indispensable conditions. ( Cited in: U.S. v. Bustos, 37 Phil. 739, People v. Borja, 43 Phil. 618, Primicias v. Fugoso, 81 Phil. 71, Osmena v. Commission on Elections, 288 SCRA 447 ) SINE RE Without the thing. ( Cited in: Veloso v. Naguit, 3 Phil. 604, Edroso v. Sablan, 25 Phil. 295, Lunsod v. Ortega, 46 Phil. 664 ) SINE STIPULATIO Without stipulation. ( Cited in Lacoste v. Court of Appeals, 286 SCRA 24 ) SI QUIS CUSTOS FRAUDEM PUPILLO FECERIT, A TUTELA REMOVENDUS EST If any guardian commits a fraud against his ward, he should be removed from his guardianship. SITUS The particular position occupied by a thing. Lawyers often refer to the situs of property or the situs of a contract. Often the principles of conflict of laws must determine the situs property or agreements. Generally, personal property has its taxable situs in that state where owner of it is domiciled. Situs of trust mean place of performance of active duties of trustee. It can also refer to the situs of a crime. ( Cited in: Villa Rey Transit, Inc. v. Ferrer, 25 SCRA 845, People v. Ortega, 360 SCRA 159, Guan v. Samahang

Magsasaka, Inc., G.R. No. 42091, November 2, 1935, U.S. v. Laxa, 36 Phil. 670, Bank of the Philippine Islands v. Posadas, 56 Phil. 215, Manila Gas Corporation v. Collector of Internal Revenue, 62 Phil. 895, Paculan v Rodas, 78 Phil. 855, Leon v. Manufacturers Life Insurance Company, 90 Phil. 459, People v. Dayrit, 108 Phil. 100, People v. Pigon, 173 SCRA 607, People v. Bustarde, 182 SCRA 554, People v. Cantre, 186 SCRA 76, People v. Maestro, 222 SCRA 538, People v. Ocampo, 226 SCRA 1, People v. Remollo, 227 SCRA 375, Tan v. Del Rosario, Jr., 237 SCRA 324, People v. Murillo, 352 SCRA 105, Filoteo v. Sandiganbayan, 263 SCRA 222, People v. Pamilar, 368 SCRA 53, People v. Caballero, 400 SCRA 424, People v. Pagalasan, 404 SCRA 275, People v. Sumarago, 422 SCRA 324, People v. Vasquez, 430 SCRA 52, Perez v. Perez, 454 SCRA 72) SITUS CRIMINIS Location of the crime. ( Cited in: People v. Sanchez, 298 SCRA 48, Tapdasan, Jr. v. People, 392 SCRA 335, People v. Visperas, Jr., 395 SCRA 128, People v. Luna, 395 SCRA 647, People v. Delim, 396 SCRA 386, People v. De la Cruz, 398 SCRA 415, People v. Ostia, 398 SCRA 132, People v. Castillano, 400 SCRA 401, People v. Caballero, 400 SCRA 424, People v. Abut, 401 SCRA 498, People v. Grefaldia, 402 SCRA 153, People v. Esponilla, 404 SCRA 421, People v. De la Cruz, 406 SCRA 439, People v. Prieto, 406 SCRA 620, People v. Ilagan, 408 SCRA 442, People v. Caabay, 409 SCRA 486, People v. Aquinde, 410 SCRA 162, People v. Bocalan, 410 SCRA 373, People v. Iluis, 416 SCRA 368, People v. Flores, 416 SCRA 612, People v. Cea, 419 SCRA 326, People v. Allawan, 422 SCRA 661, People v. Alicnas, 425 SCRA 627, People v. Almazan, 426 SCRA 108, People v. Moriles, Jr., 426 SCRA 358, People v. Buntag, 427 SCRA 180, People v. Sabardan, 429 SCRA 9, People v. Ejandra, 429 SCRA 364, People v. Dagpin, 431 SCRA 643, People v. Hernandez, 432 SCRA 104, People v. Parreno, 433 SCRA 591 ) SI VIS PACEM, PARA BELLUM If you want peace, be prepared for war. SOCORDIA Weak-mindedness, silliness, stupidity. SOIT FAIT COMURE IT EST DESIRE Let it be as it is desired. SOLA AC PER SE SENECTUS DONATIONEM TESTAMENTUM AUT TRANSACTIONEM NON NITIAT Old age does not alone and of itself vitiate a will.

SOLEMNITAS JURIS SUNT OBSERVANDE The formalities of the law should be observed. SOLITUDO Being alone, solitary, loneliness, solitude. SOLUTIO INDEBITI A quasi-contract whereby, if something is received when there is no right to demand it, and it was unduly delivered through mistake, or if payment is made by reason of a mistake in the construction or application of a doubtful or difficult question of law, an obligation to return the thing arises. ( Arts. 2154 and 2155, New Civil Code). Requisites under Art. 2154 of the New Civil Code: 1) that he who paid or delivered was not under obligation to do so; and 2) that the payment or delivery was made by reason of an essential mistake of fact. When one has erroneously given or performed something to or for another, for which he was in no wise bound, he may redemand it, as if he had lent it. The term solutio indebiti is here used in very wide senses and includes also the case where one performed labor for another or assumed to pay a debt for which he was not bound, or relinquished a right or released a debt, under the impression that he was legally bound to do so. ( Cited in: Velez v. Balzarza, 73 Phil 630, In re: Concepcion Paterno Vda. De Padilla v. De Padilla, 74 Phil. 377, De Leon v. Syjuco, 90 Phil. 311, Serrano v. Cabrera, 93 Phil. 774, Francisco v. Garcia, 105 Phil. 553, Manila Surety and Fidelity Company v. Lim, 106 Phil. 771, Belman Compania Incorporada v. Central Bank of the Philippines, 108 Phil. 478, City of Cebu v. Piccio, 110 Phiol. 558, Republic v. Pasicolan, 2 SCRA 626, Gonzalo Puyat & Sons, Inc. v. City of Manila, 7 SCRA 970, National Shipyards & Steel Corporation v. CIR, G.R. No. L-17874, August 31, 1963, Olizon v. Central Bank, G.R. No. L-116524, June 30, 1964, Victorias Milling Co. Inc. v. Central Bank, G.R. No. L17798, March 31, 1965, Soriano v. Compania General de Tabacos de Filipinas, G.R. No. L-17392, December 17, 1966, Hawaiian Phil. Co. v. Auditor General of the Philippines, G. R. No. L- 18440, October 25, 1967, Municipality of Opon v. Caltex (Phils.) Inc., G.R. No. L-21853, February 26, 1968, National Waterworks & Sewerage Authority v. Quezon City, 23 SCRA 286, Ramie Textiles, Inc. v. Mathay, Sr., G.R. No. L-32364, April 30, 1979, Andres v. Manufacturers Hanover Trust Corp., 177 SCRA 618, National Development Co. v. Cebu City, G.R. No. 51593, November 5, 1992, Philippine National Bank v. Court of Appeals, 217 SCRA 347, Davao Fruits Corporation v. Associated Labor Unions, 225 SCRA 562, Nestle Philippines, Inc. v. Court of Appeals, 360 SCRA 575, Power Commercial and Industrial Corporation v. Court of Appeals, 274 SCRA 597, Genova v. De Castro, 407 SCRA 165, Commissioner of Customs v. Philippine Phosphate Fertilizer Corporation, 437 SCRA 452, Air Philippines Corporation v. International Business Aviation Services Philippines, Inc., 438 SCRA 51 )

SOLUTUS Freed from confinement; set at liberty. SOLVITUR AMBULANDO It is proved as one goes along. SONTICUS Dangerous, critical, serious. SPECIALIA GENERALIBUS DEROGANT Specific or special provisions limit general ones. ( Cited in: Barretto v. Tuason, 50 Phil. 888, Bernas v. Court of Appeals, 225 SCRA 119 ) SPECTEMUR AGENDO Let us be judged by our deeds. SPECULATOR An explorer, looker-out SPECULUM VITAE Mirror of life. SPERNAX Despising, showing contempt, contemptuous. SPES ACCRESCENDI Hope of surviving. SPES EST VIGILANTIS SOMNIUM Hope is the dream of the vigilant. SPES HOMINIS Hope of man, such as the foetus ( Cited in Geluz v. Court of Appeals, 2 SCRA 804 ). SPES RECUPERANDI

Hope or expectation of recovery or recapture ( Cited in: U.S. v. Rey, 8 Phil. 500, Erlanger & Galinger v. Swedish East Asiatic, Co., 34 Phil. 178 ). Property cannot be considered abandoned under the law and the possessions left vacant for the finder until the spes recuperandi is gone. SPES SIBI QUISQUE Each man must rely upon himself. SPOLIATUS DEBET ANTE OMNIA RESTITUI A party despoiled ought first of all to be restored. ( Cited in Falcon v. Barretto, 26 Phil. 72 ) SPONDEO To promise solemnly, to bind, engage or pledge ones self. STABIT PREASUMPTIO DONEC PROBETUR IN CONTRARIUM A presumption will stand good till the contrary is proved. STARE DECISIS To stand firmly by things that have been decided (and not to rouse/disturb/move things at rest). This is the complete maxim from which the shortened phrase stare decisis comes. Under this principle of common law, courts resolve the cases presently before them in the same way that cases with similar facts have been resolved in the past. The doctrine that, when the court has once laid down a principle of law as applicable to a certain state of facts, it will adhere to that principle and apply it to all future cases where the facts are substantially the same. To hold otherwise is to infringe the deeply rooted legal principle of stare decisis. ( Cited in: U.S. v. Lerma, 2 Phil. 254, Dougherty v. Evangelista, 7 Phil. 37, Llorente v. Rodriguez, 10 Phil. 585, McMicking v. Kimura, 12 Phil. 98, Pascual v. Orozco, 28 Phil. 521, Aquino v. Director of Lands, 39 Phil. 850, Villaflor v. Summers, 41 Phil. 62, In re: Max Shoop, 41 Phil. 213, People v. Perfecto, 43 Phil. 887, People v. Takonaka, 45 Phil. 89, Viola v. Court of First Instance of Camarines Sur, 47 Phil. 849, Ynchausti & Co. v. Wright, 47 Phil. 866, Philippine Shipowners Association v. Cui, 48 Phil. 377, Lichauco v. Pho, 51 Phil. 812, Del Rosario v. Mallari, 58 Phil. 165, Phil. Trust Co. v. Michell, 59 Phil. 30, Frank v. Kosuyama, 59 Phil. 206, Barretto v. De la Paz, 59 Phil. 845, People v. Moreno, 60 Phil. 674, Torres v. Chim, 69 Phil. 518, People v. Gonzales, 73 Phil. 549, People v. Fortuno, 73 Phil. 597, Erana v. Vera, 74 Phil. 272, Tiamco v. Diaz, 75 Phil. 672, Koppel v. Yatco, 77 Phil. 517, Mabanag v. Vito, 78 Phil. 1, Santiago v. Valenzuela, 78 Phil. 397, Chong v. Secretary of Labor, 79 Phil. 249, Moncada v. El Tribunal del Pueblo, 80 Phil. 1, People v. Vilo, 82

Phil. 524, Querubin v. Court of Appeals, 82 Phil. 226, Melo v. People, 85 Phil. 766, Felipe v. Leuterio, 91 Phil. 482, Visarra v. Miraflor, G.R. No. L-20508, May 16, 1963, Boya v. Collector of Internal Revenue, 3 SCRA 590, Nielson & Co. Inc. v. Lepanto Consolidated Mining Co., G.R. No. L-21601, December 17, 1966, Gan Tsitung v. Republic, 19 SCRA 401, People v. Licera, G.R. No. L-39990, July 2, 1975, Reyes v. Subido, G.R. No. L-27916, August 21, 1975, Commissioner of Customs v. ESSO Standard Eastern, Inc. G.R. No. L-29078, January 9, 1976, J. M. Tuazon & Co. Inc. v. Mariano, G.R. No. L-33140, October 23, 1978, Dioquino v. Cruz, Jr., 202 Phil. 35, Reyes v. Court of Appeals, 211 Phil. 127, Benin v. Tuazon, 57 SCRA 531, Philippine National Bank v. Court of Appeals, G.R. No. L-57757, August 31, 1987, Luzon Brokerage Company, Inc. v. Maritime Building Company, Inc., 86 SCRA 305, Olaguer v. Military Commission No. 34, 150 SCRA 144, Lepanto Consolidated Mining Co. v. Olegario, 162 SCRA 512, Torillo v. Leogardo, Jr. 197 SCRA 471, Commissioner of Internal Revenue v. Procter & Gamble Philippines Manufacturing Corporation, 204 SCRA 377, People v. Pineda, 219 SCRA 1, Lyceum of the Philippines, Inc. v. Court of Appeals, 219 SCRA 610, Pines City Educational Center v. National Labor Relations Commission, 227 SCRA 655, Development Bank of the Philippines v. National Labor Relations Commission, 242 SCRA 59, Kilosbayan, Inc. v. Morato, 246 SCRA 540, People v. Quijada, 259 SCRA 191, People v. Esparas, 260 SCRA 539, Abad v. National Labor Relations Commission, 286 SCRA 355, Rodriguez v. Commission on Elections, 259 SCRA 296, National Power Corporation v. Province of Lanao del Sur, 264 SCRA 271, Osmena v. Commission on Elections, 288 SCRA 447, Sanchez v. Court of Appeals, 289 SCRA 647, Tala Realty Services Corporation v. Banco Filipino Savings and Mortgage Bank, 334 SCRA 114, Acosta v. Court of Appeals, 334 SCRA 486, Tung Chin Hui v. Rodriguez, 340 SCRA 765, Secretary of Education, Culture and Sports v. Court of Appeals, 342 SCRA 40, Ayala Corporation v. Rosa-Diana Realty & Dev. Corp., 346 SCRA 663, People v. Aquino, 366 SCRA 266, Equatorial Realty Development, Inc. v. Mayfair Theater, Inc., 370 SCRA 56, People v. Daganio, 374 SCRA 365, Alonzo v. Cebu Country Club, Inc., 375 SCRA 390, Castillo v. Sandiganbayan, 377 SCRA 509, Republic v. Manila Electric Co., 391 SCRA 700, People v. Canton, 394 SCRA 478, Pinlac v. Court of Appeals, 410 SCRA 419, Villa v. Chavez, 415 SCRA 533, Tala Realty Services Corporation v. Banco Filipino Savings & Mortgage Bank, 421 SCRA 415, Tecson v. Commission on Elections, 424 SCRA 277, Honasan v. The Panel of Investigating Prosecutors of the DOJ, 427 SCRA 46, Gabatin v. Land Bank, 444 SCRA 176, Estrada v. Desierto, 445 SCRA 655, Brugada v. Secretary of Education, Culture and Sports, 450 SCRA 224, Hacienda Bino/Hortencia Starke, Inc. v. Cuenca, 456 SCRA 300, De Mesa v. Pepsi Cola Products Phils. Inc., 467 SCRA 433 ) STAT PRO RATIONE VOLUNTAS POPULI The will of the people takes the place of reason. STATUA An image, statue. STATUS QUO

Standing at which. A phrase to explain that matters will remain as before. Existing condition. ( Cited in: A.S. Watson & Co. Ltd. v. Enriquez, 1 Phil. 480, Hernandez v. Padua, 14 Phil. 194, Forbes v. Tiaco, 16 Phil. 534, Molina v. Samonte, 24 Phil. 49, Vales v. Villa, 35 Phil. 769, In re: McCulloch Dick, 38 Phil. 211, Gordillo v. Rosario, 39 Phil. 829, Martinez v. Concepcion, 52 Phil. 633, Cabuhat v. Montemayor, 63 Phil. 460, Ligaya v. Labrador, 66 Phil. 659, Manila Trading & Supply Co. v. Phil. Labor Union, 71 Phil. 124, Rodolfa v. Alfonso, 76 Phil. 225, Calo v. Roldan, 76 Phil. 445, Gonzales v. Isip, 77 Phil. 664, Talabon v. Iloilo Provincial Warden, 78 Phil. 599, De Garcia v. Santos, 79 Phil. 365, Naredo v. Yatco, 80 Phil. 220, Harden v. Director of Prisons, 81 Phil. 741, Coingco v. Flores, 82 Phil. 284, Ramirez v. Ibanez, 83 Phil. 97, Celis v. Cafuin, 86 Phil. 554, Gonzales v. Gonzales, 87 Phil. 508, Guantia v. Tatoy, 88 Phil. 329, Villanueva v. Pelayo, 110 Phil. 602, Young Men Labor Union Stevedores v. Court of Industrial Relations, 13 SCRA 285, Pacis v. Commission on Elections, 22 SCRA 539, Borre v. Moya, 100 SCRA 314, Baltazar v. Court of Appeals, 104 SCRA 619, Phil. Inter Fashion Inc. v. National Labor Relations Commission, 203 Phil. 23, Quesada v. Court of Appeals, 137 SCRA 590, Consolidated Bank and Trust Company v. Capistrano, 159 SCRA 47, Ramos v. Court of Appeals, 163 SCRA 583, Rivas v. Securities and Exchange Commission, 190 SCRA 295, Lizares v. Kintanar, 190 SCRA 585, Brett v. Intermediate Appellate Court, 191 SCRA 687, Manila Public School Teachers Association v. Laguio, Jr., 200 SCRA 323, Prado v. Veridiano, II, 204 SCRA 429, Africa v. Presidential Commission on Good Government, 205 SCRA 38, Rava Development Corp. v. Court of Appeals, 211 SCRA 144, Johannesburg Packaging Corporation v. Court of Appeals, 216 SCRA 439, Ong, Jr. v. Commission on Elections, 216 SCRA 806, Unciano Paramedical College, Inc. v. Court of Appeals, 221 SCRA 285, Ateneo de Manila University v. Capulong, 222 SCRA 644, Federation of Land Reform Farmers of the Philippines v. Court of Appeals, 246 SCRA 175, Versoza v. Court of Appeals, 299 SCRA 100, Tiu v. Court of Appeals, 301 SCRA 278, ABS-CBN Broadcasting Corp. v. Court of Appeals, 301 SCRA 572, Republic Telecommunications Holdings, Inc. v. Court of Appeals, 302 SCRA 403, Malonzo v. Zamora, 311 SCRA 224, De Guzman v. National Labor Relations Commission, 312 SCRA 266, Garcia v. Mojica, 314 SCRA 207, Los Banos Rural Bank, Inc. v. Africa, 384 SCRA 535, Lim v. Court of Appeals, 387 SCRA 149, Lee v. Commission on Elections, 405 SCRA 363, Samson, Jr. v. Bank of the Philippine Islands, 405 SCRA 607, Mendoza v. Laxina, Jr., 406 SCRA 156, Dungog v. Court of Appeals, 408 SCRA 267, Reyes v. Lim, 408 SCRA 560, Sunflower Neighborhood Association v. Court of Appeals, 410 SCRA 318, Francisco, Jr. v. Nagmamalasakit na mga Manananggol ng mga Manggagawa ng Pilipinas, Inc., 415 SCRA 44, Pastor v. Philippine National Bank, 416 SCRA 283, Mendoza v. Ubiadas, 417 SCRA 183, Lorenzo v. Commission on Elections, 418 SCRA 448, De la Cruz v. Department of Education, Culture and Sports, Cordillera Administrative Region, 420 SCRA 113, Dee v. Court of Appeals, 421 SCRA 397, General Milling Corporation v. Court of Appeals, 422 SCRA 514, Estate of the Heirs of the Late Ex-Justice Jose B.L. Reyes v. City of Manila, 422 SCRA 551, Bandala v. Commission on Elections, 424 SCRA 267, Estrella v. Commission on Elections, 428 SCRA 325, The Executive Secretary v. Court of Appeals, 429 SCRA 81, Pasong Bayabas Farmers Association, Inc. v. Court of Appeals, 429 SCRA 109, Pleyto v.

Lomboy, 432 SCRA 329, Carlos A. Gothong Lines, Inc. v. Court of Appeals, 433 SCRA 348, Calingin v. Court of Appeals, 434 SCRA 173, Filcon Manufacturing Corporation v. Lakas Manggagawa sa Filcon-Lakas Manggagawa Labor Center, 435 SCRA 209, Borbajo v. Hidden View Homeowners, Inc., 450 SCRA 315, Cortez-Estrada v. Heirs of Domingo Samut, 451 SCRA 275, Office of the Ombudsman v. Court of Appeals, 452 SCRA 714, Philippine Savings Bank v. Manalac, Jr., 457 SCRA 203, Quezon City Government v. Dacara, 460 SCRA 243, Levi Strauss (Phils.) Inc. v. Vogue Traders Clothing Co., 462 SCRA 52, Fil Metals Corporation v. Secretary, DTI, 463 SCRA 616, Joson v. Mendoza, 468 SCRA 95, Roces v. House Representatives Electoral Tribunal, 469 SCRA 681 ) STATUS QUO ANTE BELLUM The state of things before the war. ( Cited in: Acting Registrars of Land Titles & Deeds of Pasay City, Pasig and Makati v. RTC, Branch 57, Makati, Metro Manila, 184 SCRA 622 Grand Boulevard Hotel v. Genuine Labor Organizaiton of Workers in Hotel, Restaurant and Allied Industries (GLOWHRAIN), 406 SCRA 688, Tugade, Sr. v. Court of Appeals, 407 SCRA 497) STATUTA PRO PUBLICO COMMODO LATE INTERPRETANTUR Statutes are made for the public good ought to be liberally construed. STIPULATIO Verbal contract. It was the most solemn and formal of all the contracts in Roman law. It was entered into by question and corresponding answer thereto, by the parties both being present at the same time and usually by such words as spondes, spondeo, promitis, promitto, and the like. ( Cited in Uy Tam and Uy Yet v. Leonard, 30 Phil. 471 ) STIPULATION POUR AUTRUI A stipulation in favor of or for the benefit of a third person. It may be divided into two classes: where the stipulation is intended for the sole benefit of such person, and where an obligation is due from the promisee to the third person which the former seeks to discharge by means of such stipulation. ( Cited in: Uy Tam v. Leonard, 30 Phil. 471, Kaufman v. PNB, 42 Phil. 182, Bank of the Philippine Islands v. Hijos, 53 Phil. 806, Sesbreno v. Court of Appeals, 222 SCRA 466, Villa v. Court of Appeals, G.R. No. 119850, June 20, 1996 ). A provision in a contract in favor of a third person not a party thereto. ( Cited in: Dilag v. Resurreccion, 76 Phil. 650, Northern Motors Inc. v. Prince Line, 107 Phil. 253, Bonifacio Bros. Inc. v. Mora, 20 SCRA 266 ) STREPITUS JUDICIALIS

Turbulent conduct in a court of justice. STRICTI JURIS Of strict right or law; according to strict law. ( Cited in Duran v. Court of Appeals, 84 SCRA 61 ) STRICTISSIMI JURIS Of strictest right. ( Cited in: McCullough & Co. v. Taylor, 25 Phil. 113, Cebu Mutual Bldg. & Loan Association v. Posadas, 58 Phil. 792, Icard v. City Council of Baguio, 83 Phil. 870, Lacson v. Roque, 92 Phil. 456, Yu v. City of Lipa, 99 Phil. 975, Pacific Tobacco Corporation v. Lorenzana, 102 Phil. 234, Philippine Surety & Insurance Company v. Royal Oil Products, 102 Phil. 326, Santos Lumber Company v. City of Cebu, 102 Phil. 870, Saldana v. City of Iloilo, 104 Phil. 28, Atkins, Kroll & Co. Inc. v. Reyes, 105 Phil. 640, Tan Kim Kee v. Court of Tax Appeals, 7 SCRA 670, Everett Steamship Corporation v. Municipality of Medina, 16 SCRA 978, Esso Standard Eastern, Inc. v. Acting Commissioner of Customs, 18 SCRA 488, Commissioner of Internal Revenue v. Guerrero, 21 SCRA 180, Republic v. Umali, 22 SCRA 922, Commissioner of Internal Revenue v. Visayan Electric Company, 23 SCRA 715, Asturias Sugar Central, Inc. v. Commissioner of Customs, 29 SCRA 617, Republic Flour Mills, Inc. v. Commissioner of Internal Revenue, 31 SCRA 520, Tuazon, Jr. v. Lingad, 58 SCRA 170, Acting Commissioner of Customs v. Manila Electric Company, 77 SCRA 469, Traders Royal Bank v. Intermediate Appellate Court, 192 SCRA 305, Republic v. Intermediate Appellate Court, 196 SCRA 335, Maceda v. Macaraeg, Jr., 197 SCRA 771, Philippine Petroleum Corp. v. Municipality of Pililla, Rizal, 198 SCRA 82, Commissioner of Internal Revenue v. Procter & Gamble Phil. Manufacturing Corporation, 204 SCRA 377, Province of Tarlac v. Alcantara, 216 SCRA 790, Greater Balanga Development Corporation v. Municipality of Balanga, Bataan, 239 SCRA 436, Mactan Cebu International Airport Authority v. Marcos, 261 SCRA 667). This is especially applicable in the enforcement and collection of taxes and license fees. ( See also: National Marketing Corporation v. Marquez, 26 SCRA 722, Resins, Inc. v. Auditor General, 25 SCRA 754, Commissioner of Internal Revenue v. Mitsubishi Metal Corporation, 181 SCRA 214, Maceda v. Macaraig, 197 SCRA 771, Commissioner of Internal Revenue v. Tokyo Shipping Co. Ltd., 244 SCRA 332, Palmares v. Court of Appeals, 288 SCRA 422, Commissioner of Internal Revenue v. Court of Appeals, 301 SCRA 152, Commissioner of Internal Revenue v. Court of Appeals, 302 SCRA 442, Commissioner of Internal Revenue v. S.C. Johnson & Sons, Inc., 309 SCRA 87, Cyanamid Phils. Inc. v. Court of Appeals, 322 SCRA 639, Nestle Philippines, Inc. v. Court of Appeals, 360 SCRA 575, Philippine Long Distance Telephone Company v. City of Davao, 399 SCRA 442, Collector of Internal Revenue v. General Foods (Phils.) Inc., 401 SCRA 545, Toh v. Solid Bank Corporation, 408 SCRA 544, Commissioner of Internal Revenue v. Solid Bank Corporation, 416 SCRA 436, Paseo Realty & Development Corporation v. Court of Appeals, 440 SCRA 235, Commissioner of Internal Revenue v. Seagate Tech (Phils.), Inc., 451 SCRA 132, City of Manila v. Laguio, Jr., 455 SCRA 308, Calamba Steel Center, Inc. v. Commissioner of Internal Revenue, 457 SCRA 482, Philippine Long Distance Telephone Company v. City of Bacolod, 463 SCRA 528, Philippine Long Distance Telephone Company v. Province of

Laguna, 467 SCRA 93, Commissioner of Internal Revenue v. Manila Mining Corporation, 468 SCRA 571 ) STRICTO SENSU In the strict sense. STUPOR Numbness, dullness, insensibility. ( Cited in Tua v. Kuan, 27 Phil. 579, People v. Cu Unjieng, 61 Phil. 906 ) SUA CUIQUE CULPA NOCET A persons own fault does harm to himself. ( Cited in Rakes v. Atlantic Gulf & Pacific Co., 7 Phil. 359 ) SUB COLORE OFICII Under color of office. ( Cited in Lamb v. Phipps, 22 Phil. 456 ) SUB CUSTODIA LEGIS Under the custody of the law. ( Cited in Gustilo v. Matti, 11 Phil. 616 ) SUBLATA VENERACIONE MAGISTRATUM, RESPUBLICA RUIT The state is ruined by the loss of respect for magistrates. SUB LITE In dispute. SUB SILENTIO Under silence; without any notice being taken. ( Cited in: Felipe v. Director of Prisons, 24 Phil. 121, McGirr v. Hamilton, 30 Phil. 563, U.S. v. Noriega, 31 Phil. 310, Agcaoili v. Suguitan, 48 Phil. 676, Government of the Phil. v. Springer, 50 Phil. 259, People v. Ponferrada, 54 Phil. 68, Filipino Bus Co. v. Philippine Railway Co., 57 Phil. 860, Molo v. Molo, 90 Phil. 37, Rodriguez v. Tan, 91 Phil. 724, Rodriguez v. Reyes, 97 Phil. 659, Hebron v. Reyes, 104 Phil. 175, Pua v. Lapitan, 107 Phil. 95, In re: Procopy Moscal v. Republic, 110 Phil. 99, Camus v. Civil Service Board of Appeals, 2 SCRA 370, Corda v. Maglinti, 3 SCRA 637, Quimson v. De Guzman, 7 SCRA 158, Itogon Suyoc Mines, Inc. v. Sangilo-Itogon Workers Union, 24 SCRA 873, Aragones v. Subido, 25 SCRA 95, Bilbao v. Republic, 80 SCRA 177, Pamil v. Teleron, 86 SCRA 413, Vda. De Los Santos v. Workmens Compensation Commission, 88 SCRA 134, Biscarra v. Republic, 95 SCRA 248, Vda. de Eustaquio v. Workmens Compensation Commission, 96 SCRA 45, De la

Santa v. Court of Appeals, 140 SCRA 44, Ganzon v. Court of Appeals, 200 SCRA 271, McKee v. Intermediate Appellate Court, 211 SCRA 517, Divine Word University of Tacloban v. Secretary of Labor and Employment, 213 SCRA 759, People v. Padica, 221 SCRA 362, Claravall v. Tierra, 222 SCRA 865, People v. Codilla, 224 SCRA 104, Tolentino v. Secretary of Finance, 235 SCRA 630, Araneta III v. Sandiganbayan ( Second Division), 242 SCRA 482, Phil. Merchant Marine School, Inc. v. Court of Appeals, 244 SCRA 770, American Home Assurance Co. v. National Labor Relations Commission, 259 SCRA 280, People v. Guzman, 288 SCRA 296, Dacoy v. Abesia, 298 SCRA 839 ) SUB SPE RECONCILIATIONIS In the hope of reconciliation. SUA SPONTE Of ones own volition, of his/her/its/their own volition, voluntarily. For example, courts often decide to review the question of jurisdiction sua sponte, without a party raising the issue. ( Cited in: People v. Cabero, 61 Phil. 121, People v. Gomez, G.R. No. L-22345, May 29, 1967, People v. Cornelio, G. R. No. L- 1289, June 10, 1971, FEATI University Faculty Club v. FEATI University, G.R. No. L-31503, August 15, 1974, Villasenor v. Abano, 21 SCRA 312, Insurance Co. of North America v. Osaka Shosen Kaisha, 27 SCRA 780, Republic v. CFI Lanao del Norte, Branch II, 53 SCRA 317, Insular Veneer, Inc. v. Plan, 73 SCRA 1, Santiago v. Vazquez, 217 SCRA 633, State Prosecutors v. Muro, A.M. No. TRJ-92-876, December 11, 1975, Baja v. Macandog, 158 SCRA 391, Fabian v. Desierto, 295 SCRA 49 ) SUBTER-FUGIO To flee secretly or by stealth, to get off. SUB TITULO Under the title of.. SUAVITER IN MODO, FORTITER IN RE Gentle in manner, firm in matters; with iron hand in velvet glove. SUB JUDICE Under the authority of a judge. Lawyers use the phrase sub judice to refer to the case that they are currently litigating. Under consideration. As such, a case which is sub judice should not be discussed so as not to pre-empt the decision of the court. ( Cited in: Jamias v. Rodriguez, 81 Phil. 303, Luzon Marine Department Union v. Roldan, 86 Phil. 507, Legarda v. Mialhe, 88 Phil. 637, Scottish Union & National Insurance Co. v.

Macadaeg, 91 Phil. 891, De los Angeles v. Victoriano, 109 Phil. 12, Republic v. Assad, 96 Phil. 398, Merced v. Diez, 109 Phil. 155, Commissioner of Customs v. Cloribel, G.R. No. L-20266, January 31, 1967, Secretary of Justice v. Maglanoc, G.R. No. L- 19600, July 19, 1967, Valenzuela v. Magsanoc, G.R. No. L-30052, April 18, 1969, Banzon v. Cruz, G.R. No. L-31789, June 29, 1972, Basuan v. Baes, A. C. No. 584-CAR, December 26, 1974, Noblejas v. Salas, G.R. Nos. L-31788 & 31792, September 15, 1975, Penera v. Dalocanog, A. M. No. 413-MJ, April 22, 1981, National Development Company v. Hervilla, 151 SCRA 520, People v. Songcuan, 176 SCRA 354, Roberto v. Court of Appeals, G.R. No. 113930, March 5, 1996, National Press Club v. Commission on Elections, 207 SCRA 1, Villa Esperanza Development Corporation v. Court of Appeals, 218 SCRA 401, People v. Flores, 239 SCRA 83, Cui v. Madayag, 245 SCRA 1, Mercado v. Court of Appeals, 245 SCRA 594, PDCP Development Bank v. Vestil, 264 SCRA 467, Request for Live Radio-TV Coverage of the Trial in the Sandiganbayan of the Plunder Cases Against former President Joseph Ejercito Estrada, 365 SCRA 62, The Senate Blue Ribbon Committee v. Majaducon, 407 SCRA 356, Malecdan v. Pekas, 421 SCRA 7, Fernandez v. Verzola, 436 SCRA 369, Community Rural Bank of Guimba (N.E.), Inc. v. Talavera, 455 SCRA 34 ) SUB NOMINE Under the name. Occasionally the name of a case changes as the parties positions in litigation change (e.g., Santos v. Jovines will become Jovines v. Santos on appeal if Santos wins the trial court level). SUB SILENTIO Under shelter of silence. A thing is done sub silentio when it is done without expressly indicating that it has been done. For example, a court might overrule a previous case sub silentio, i.e., without expressly stating that it was overruling the precedent. ( See McGin v. Hamilton, 30 Phil. 563. Also cited in: U.S. v. Noriega, 31 Phil. 310, Agcaoili v. Suguitan, 48 Phil. 676, Government of the Philippines v. Springer, 50 Phil. 259, Nolo v. Nolo, 90 Phil. 37, Rodriguez v. Tan, 91 Phil. 724, Moscal v. Republic, 110 Phil. 99, Aragones v. Subido, G.R. No. L-24303, September 23, 1968, People v. Dionesa, 49 SCRA 281, Maquil v. Court of Appeals, G.R. No. L-41609, February 24, 1976, Bilbao v. Republic, G.R. No. L-25698, October 28, 1977, Aboitiz & Co. Inc. v. Workmens Compensation Commission, 70 SCRA 611, Mintu v. Court of Appeals, G.R. No. L25698, October 23, 1980, People v. De la Cruz, G.R. No. L-45214, January 29, 1987, Macias v. Malig, 157 SCRA 762, People v. Salamat, G.R. No. 103295, August 20, 1993, Heirs of the late Justice Jose B. L. Reyes v. Court of Appeals, 338 SCRA 282, De Castro v. Court of Appeals, 384 SCRA 607, Office of the Court Administrtor v. Morante, 428 SCRA 1) SUBLATA CAUSA TOLLITUR EFFECTUS

By doing away with the cause, the effect is removed. ( Cited in Nava v. Gatmaitan, 90 Phil. 172, Caram v. Court of Appeals, 101 Phil. 315 ) SUBPOENA Under penalty. A subpoena is a document which commands a person to appear (usually to testify as a witness) at trial. If a person who has been subpoenaed does not comply with the terms of the subpoena, s/he is subject to sanctions by the court. Order of a court in criminal case for one to appear to testify. Such contempt is not committed in the presence of the court even though, upon appearance of the witness, the court should make a verbal order commanding him to comply with the terms of a subpoena ( Cited in: Salazar v. Salazar, 8 Phil. 183, Jowe v. Harding, 9 Phil. 279, U.S. v. Escalona, 12 Phil. 54, U.S. v. Concepcion, 13 Phil. 424, U.S. v. Manalo, 16 Phil. 654, Narcida v. Bowen, 22 Phil. 365, U.S. v. Jaca, 26 Phil. 100, U.S. v. Gabriel, 31 Phil. 632, U.S. v. Baluyot, 40 Phil. 385, People v. Abaya, 43 Phil. 247, Everette v. Asia Banking Corporation, 49 Phil. 512, Fortun v. Labang, G.R. No. L-38383, May 27, 1981, Lorenzo v. Marquez, 162 SCRA 546, People v. Ayson, 175 SCRA 216, People v. Tablizo, 182 SCRA 739, Cojuangco v. Presidential Commission on Good Government, 190 SCRA 226, Office of the Court Administrator v. Villar-Noor, 220 SCRA 208 ). Be it noted that prosecutors are not authorized by law to issue subpoena if a criminal cases is pending in court. ( Cited in: Concepcion, Jr. v. Gonzales, IV, 4 SCRA 1124, Cruz v. Sison, 12 SCRA 544, Evangelista v. Jarencio, 68 SCRA 99 ) SUBPOENA DUCES TECUM Under penalty, you will bring with you. A subpoena duces tecum commands the person to whom it is directed to produce books, papers, documents, or other tangible things. A writ by which a person is required to produce documents in evidence. A witness who fails or refuses to comply with a subpoena duces tecum is guilty of contempt. ( Cited in: Finicle v. Paterson, 6 Phil. 172, Jones v. Harding, 9 Phil. 279, Chanco v. Madrilejos, 9 Phil. 356, U.S. v. Rafael, 23 Phil. 184, Galang v. Miranda, 36 Phil. 316, Liebenow v. Philippine Vegetable Oil Co., 39 Phil. 60, Chico v. Concepcion, 43 Phil. 141, Ayo v. Flordeliza, 48 Phil. 199, Lime Corporation of the Philippines v. Moran, 59 Phil. 175, Chuy v. Reyes, 59 Phil. 244, Arnaldo v. Locsin, 69 Phil. 113, Securities and Exchange Commission v. Pimentel, 90 Phil. 701, Castillo v. Bayona, 106 Phil. 1121, Dauz v. Fontanosa, A.C. No. 408, September 30, 1963, Abaya v. Villegas, G.R. No. L-25641, December 17, 1966, Caltex (Phils) Inc. v. Caltex Dealers Association of the Philippines Inc., G.R. No. L-25883, April 29, 1969, Vera v. Cusi, Jr., G.R. No. L-33115, June 29, 1979, Villasis v. Palattao, A. M. No. 1513 MJ, June 29, 1982, PSBA v. Leano, 212 Phil. 716, Universal Rubber Products, Inc. v. Court of Appeals, G.R. No. L-30266, June 29, 1984, Herrera v. Borromeo, G.R. No. L-41171, July 23, 1987, Serrano v. Court of Appeals, 196 SCRA 107, Africa v. Presidential Commission on Good Government, G.R.

No. 83831, January 9, 1992, Almonte v. Vasquez, G.R. No. 95367, May 23, 1995, Magdaya v. People, 436 SCRA 677, Caballes v. Court of Appeals, 452 SCRA 312 ) SUB ROSA Under cover; in confidence; in secret. ( Cited in: Lodovica v. Court of Appeals, 65 SCRA 154, Adille v. Court of Appeals, 157 SCRA 455, Borjal v. Court of Appeals, 301 SCRA 1 ) SUB VERBO Under the word. SUCCESSEO To be inflamed by anger, to be angry, irritated, enraged. SUCCURRITUR MINORI FACILIS EST LAPSUS JUVENTIS A minor is to be favored; youth errs easily. SUGGESTIO FALSI EST SUPPRESSIO VERI A suggestion or hint of falsehood. ( Cited in: Teal Motor Co. v. Orient Insurance Co., 59 Phil. 817, Firestone Filipinas Employees Association v. Firestone Tire and Rubber Co., 61 SCRA 340, Philippine Association of Free Labor Unions (PAFLU) v. Bureau of Labor Relations, 69 SCRA 132, Iglesia ni Cristo v. Gironella, 106 SCRA 1 ) SUI GENERIS Of its own kind or class. Cases with unusual or unique facts. (one of a kind in our idiom) are said to be sui generis. ( Cited in: Pascual v. Orozco, 19 Phil. 82, Jose v. Jose, 41 Phil. 713, Dimayuga v. Fernandez, 43 Phil. 304, Harding v. San Miguel Corporation, 43 Phil. 522, La Insular v. Ojo, 47 Phil. 75, Gonzales v. Philippine National Bank, 48 Phil. 824, Castro v. Olondriz, 50 Phil. 725, Tong v. Santamaria, 54 Phil. 371, Villamil v. Cuadra, 55 Phil. 67, Lopez v. de los Reyes, 55 Phil. 170, Constantino v. Asia Life Insurance Co., 87 Phil. 248, National Leather Co., Inc. v. United States Life Insurance Co., 87 Phil. 410, Mercado v. Elizalde & Co. Inc., 2 SCRA 319, Quimson v. Philippine National Bank, 36 SCRA 26, Aquino, Jr. v. Enrile, 59 SCRA 183, Mafinco Trading Corporation v. Ople, 70 SCRA 139, Nunez v. Sandiganbayan, G.R. Nos. L-50581-50617, January 30, 1982, Baylosis v. Chavez, Jr., 202 SCRA 405, Beltran v. PAIC Finance Corporation, G.R. No. L-83113, May 19, 1992, Negros Oriental II Electric Cooperative, Inc. v. Sangguniang Panlunsod of Dumaguete, 155 SCRA 421, Cadalin v. POEAs Administrator, 238 SCRA 721, People v. Godoy, 243 SCRA 64, Concepcion v. Fandino, Jr., 334 SCRA 136, Secretary of Justice v. Lantion, 343 SCRA 377 Esquivias v. Court of Appeals, 272 SCRA 803, San Luis v. Court of Appeals, 365 SCRA 279, Chavez v. Public Estates Authority, 384 SCRA 152, Government of the United States of America v.

Purganan, 389 SCRA 623, People v. Lacson, 400 SCRA 267, Republic v. Sandiganbayan, 402 SCRA 84, Cebu Contractors Consortium Company v. Court of Appeals, 407 SCRA 154, Berbano v. Barcelona, 410 SCRA 258, Francisco, Jr. v. Nagmamalasakit na mga Manananggol ng mga Manggagawang Pilipino, Inc., 415 SCRA 44, Heck v. Santos, 423 SCRA 329, Sevilla v. Barreta, 434 SCRA 297, Igot v. Court of Appeals, 436 SCRA 668, Cojuangco, Jr. v. Palma, 438 SCRA 306, Arienda v. Aguila, 455 SCRA 282, Meja v. Gabayan, 455 SCRA 499, Lee v. RTC, Quezon City, Branch 85, 456 SCRA 538, L & L Lawrence Footwear, Inc. v. PCI Leasing & Finance Corporation, 468 SCRA 393) SUI JURIS In his own right; capable of entering into legal relations. Qualified to understand and appreciate the necessity for the exercise of that degree of caution which would have avoided the injury which resulted from a deliberate act ( Taylor v. Manila Electric Railroad & Light Co., 16 Phil. 26 ). The Civil Code provides that persons sui juris cannot avail themselves of the incapacity of those with whom they contracted. (Cited in: Dominguez v. Tama, 41 Phil. 458, Jian v. Say, 43 Phil. 562, People v. Pomar, 46 Phil. 440, Ynchausti & Co. v. Wright, 47 Phil. 866, Barretto v. Tuazon, 50 Phil. 888, Lopez v. de Los Reyes, 55 Phil. 170, Haw v. Insular Collector of Customs, 59 Phil. 612, Gotauco & Co. v. Register of Deeds of Tayabas, 59 Phil. 756, Tagarao v. Garcia, 61 Phil. 5, Lu Chu Sing v. Gui, 76 Phil. 669, Cruz v. Ilagan, 81 Phil. 554, Gallego v. Kapisanan Timbulan ng mga Manggagawa, 83 Phil. 124, Tolentino v. Board of Accountancy, 90 Phil. 83, Dinglasan v. Ting, 99 Phil. 427, Luzon Stevedoring Company v. De Leon, 106 Phil. 562, Pahang v. Sotto, 24 SCRA 33, Central Bank v. Court of Appeals, G.R. No. 33022, April 22, 1975, Adame v. Court of Industrial Relations, 63 SCRA 469, Godinez v. Luen, 205 Phil. 176, International Hardwood & Veneer Co. of the Philippines v. University of the Philippines, 200 SCRA 554, Home Development Mutual Fund v. Court of Appeals, 288 SCRA 617 ) SUMMA CARITAS EST FACERE JUSTITIAM SINGULIS, ET OMNI TEMPORE QUANDO NACERE FUERIT. The greatest charity is to do justice to every one, and at any time whenever it may be necessary. SUMMA CUM LAUDE With highest distinction. ( Cited in Valdez v. Director of Lands, 62 Phil. 362) SUMMA SUMMARUM Sum total. SUM-MOLESTUS

Somewhat troublesome or vexatious. SUMMUM JUS Strict right; rigor of the law. SUMMUM JUS, SUMMA INJURIA Greatest right, greatest wrong; extreme enforcement of law may lead to injustice. ( Cited in Berico v. Court of Appeals, 225 SCRA 562 ) SUPRA. Above. Legal writers use the word supra to indicate that reference to which they just alluded appears above or earlier in their text. ( See: De Guzman v. Fabie, 1 Phil. 140, In re: Allen, 2 Phil. 630, U.S. v. Celis, 8 Phil. 408, U.S. v. Dionisio, 12 Phil. 283, International Banking Corporation v. Corrales, 14 Phil. 360, U.S. v. Tao, 15 Phil. 592, Forbes v. Tiaco, 10 Phil. 534, Columbian Rope Co. of the Philippines. v. Tacloban Assn. of Laborers and Employees, 6 SCRA 425, Alfredo v. Borras, 404 SCRA 30, Balibag v. Monica, 410 SCRA 30, Mitsubishi Motor Phils. Corp. v. Chrysler Philippines Labor Union, 433 SCRA 206 ) SUPRA LEGEM Above the law. ( Cited in Francisco, Jr. v. Nagmamalasakit na mga Manananggol ng mga Manggagawa ng Pilipinas, Inc., 415 SCRA 44) SUPER ALTUM MARE Upon the high sea. SUPERBUS Proud, arrogant, insolent, discourteous, uncivil, rude. SUPEREXACTIO An excessive demand, a demanding over and above. SUPRA DICTUS As stated above. SUPRESSIO VERI

A suppression or concealment of truth. ( Cited in Teal Motor Co. v. Orient Insurance Co., 59 Phil. 809 ) SUPLUSAGIUM NO NOCEAT Surplusage does not vitiate a statute. SUR-ROGO To cause to be chosen in place of another, to put in anothers place, to substitute. SUUM CUIQUE To each one his own. SUUM JUS SUMMA INJURIA The abuse of a right is the greatest possible wrong. ( Cited in Arlegui v. Court of Appeals, 378 SCRA 322 ) SUUM QUIQUE TRIBUERE To render to every man his due. SYMPOSIUM Banquet; collection of opinions of learned men. ______ T TABELLO One who draws up written instruments, such as contracts, wills, etc. TABULA RASA Blank tablet. Figuratively, a tabula rasa is any person who is unlearned and hence, can be taught. TACITA Things unexpressed. TACTILIS

That may be touched, tangible. TALLIA Tax; tribute; share of income or property. TALIO A punishment similar and equal to the injury sustained, a retaliation in kind. TARDO To make slow, delay, impede. TAMERE By chance, by accident, without design, intent or purpose. TEMPESTIVUS Of or belonging to the right time, seasonable, timely, opportune, suitable. TEMPORALIS Temporal, temporary. TEMPORA MUTANTUR ET LEGES MUTANTUR IN ILLIS Times change and laws change with them. TEMPORA MUTANTUR, ET NOS IN ILLIS (MUTAMUR) All things change and we also change with them. ( Cited in: Mangahas v. Board of Regents of the University of the Philippines, 60 Phil. 521 ) TEMPUS, EDAX RERUM Time, consumer of things. TEMPUS ENIM MODUS TOLLENDI OBLIGATIONES ET ACITONES QUIA TEMPUS CURRIT CONTRRA DESIDES ET SUI JURIS CONTEMPTORES For time is a means of dissipating obligations and actions, because time runs against the slothful and careless of their own rights. ( Cited in Pangilinan v. Court of Appeals, 279 SCRA 590, Leonardo v. Maravilla, 393 SCRA 156 )

TEMPUS FUGIT Time flies. ( Cited in Medina v. Yan, 60 SCRA 72 ) TEMPUS OMNIA REVELAT Time reveals all. TEMULENTIA Drunkenness, intoxication. TENACITER Tenaciously, tightly, strongly. TERRA FIRMA Firm land or ground. ( Cited in: Padilla v. Court of Appeals, 269 SCRA 402, People v. De la Cruz, 398 SCRA 415, Superlines Transportation Company Inc. v. ICC Leasing & Financing Corporation, 398 SCRA 508, Sumaway v. De Guzman, 437 SCRA 622) TERRIFICO To frighten, terrify. TERROR Great fear, dread, alarm, terror. TERTII GANDENTES The happy onlookers. ( Cited in Pamil v. Teleron, 86 SCRA 413 ) TERTIUS GAUDENS Third party who profits by the disagreement of two others. TESTAMEN Evidence, proof, testimony. TESTAMENTUM OMNE MORTE CONSUMMATUR A will is reckoned up/brought to maturity entirely by death. In modern estates practice lawyers say that a will speaks from the time of death. Every will is perfected by death

TESTATOR/TESTATRIX One who makes a will. From the Latin verb testari, to bear witness to, to declare, to call to witness. Since property law necessarily involves the study of property transfers, law students often meet the terms testator (male) and testatrix (female). ( Cited in: Hernaez v. Hernaez, 1 Phil. 689, Belasco v. Lopez, 1 Phil. 720, Mijares v. Nery, 3 Phil. 195, Ex Parte Pedro Arcenas, 4 Phil. 700, Jaboneta v. Gustilo, 5 Phil. 541, Calvo v. Olives, 6 Phil. 88, Sahagun v. Gorostiza, 7 Phil. 347, In re: Butalid, 10 Phil. 27, Benedicto v. Javellana, 10 Phil. 197, Matias v. Alvarez, 10 Phil. 398, Escubin v. Escuin, 11 Phil. 332, Gillesania v. Menasalvas, 13 Phil. 116, Postigo v. Borjal, 13 Phil. 240, Buganao v. Ubag, 14 Phil. 163, Medel v. Avecilla, 15 Phil. 465, Nera v. Rimando, 18 Phil. 450, Marin v. Nacianceno, 19 Phil. 238, Amancio v. Pardo, 20 Phil. 313, Barut v. Cabacungan, 21 Phil. 461, Bagtas v. Paguio, 22 Phil. 227, Galvez v. Galvez, 26 Phil. 243, Santos v. Manarang, 27 Phil. 209, Caluya v. Domingo, 27 Phil. 330, Perry v. Elio, 29 Phil. 134, Cabang v. Delfinado, 34 Phil. 291, Natividad v. Gabino, 36 Phil. 663, Bona v. Briones, 38 Phil. 276, In re: Jose Riosa, 39 Phil. 23, In re: Emil Johnson, 39 Phil. 156, Abangan v. Abangan, 40 Phil. 476, Avera v. Garcia, 42 Phil. 145, Coso v. Deza, 42 Phil. 596, In re: Sioca, 43 Phil. 405, Pecson v. Coronel, 45 Phil. 216, In re: Dioco, 45 Phil. 807, Jocson v. Jocson, 46 Phil. 701, Fernandez v. Vergel de Dios, 46 Phil. 922, Nayve v. Aguilar, 47 Phil. 152, Amata v. Tablizo, 48 Phil. 485, Torres v. Lopez, 48 Phil. 772, Gago v. Mamuyac, 49 Phil. 902, Gumban v. Gorecho, 50 Phil. 30, Gabriel v. Mateo, 51 Phil. 216, Templeton v. Bobcock, 52 Phil. 130, Barrios v. Enriquez, 52 Phil. 509, Legasto v. Versoza, 54 Phil. 766, Rodriguez v. Alcala, 55 Phil. 150, Tolentino v. Francisco, 57 Phil. 742, Cuyugan v. Baron, 62 Phil. 859, Santos v. Castillo, 64 Phil. 211, Echevarria v. Sarmiento, 66 Phil. 611, Leynes v. Leynes, 68 Phil. 745, Martir v. Martir, 70 Phil. 89, Neri v. Akutin, 72 Phil. 322, Sabado v. Fernandez, 72 Phil. 531, Yangco v. Yangco, 73 Phil. 527, Neri v. Akutin, 74 Phil. 185, Guevarra v. Guevarra, 74 Phil. 479, Roxas v. Roxas, 87 Phil. 692, De Claudio v. Aragon, 88 Phil. 107, Gil v. Murciano, 88 Phil. 260, Cuevas v. Achacoso, 88 Phil. 730, Dia v. Zuniga, 89 Phil. 129, Molo v. Molo, 90 Phil. 37, Garcia v. Lacuesta, 90 Phil. 489, Ozaeta v. Pecson, 93 Phil. 416, Vano v. De Garces, 95 Phil. 333, Suntay v. Suntay, 95 Phil. 500, Enriquez v. Abadia, 95 Phil. 627, Guevarra v. Guevarra, 98 Phil. 249, De Castro v. De Castro, 100 Phil. 239, Romero v. Villamor, 102 Phil. 641, Gan v. Yap, 104 Phil. 509, Bohanan v. Bohanan, 106 Phil 997, Javellana v. Javellana, 106 Phil. 1073, Robles v. Santiago, 109 Phil. 218, Belen v. Bank of the Philippine Islands, 109 Phil. 1008, Blas v. Santos, 1 SCRA 899, Yambao v. Gonzales, 1 SCRA 1157, Soliman v. Icdang, 2 SCRA 515, Crosologo v. Consolacion de Florentino, 4 SCRA 491, Butte v. Uy, 4 SCRA 526, Tabotabo v. Tabotabo, 4 SCRA 1250, Perez v. Araneta, 5 SCRA 333, Aznar v. Garcia, 7 SCRA 93, Bernardo v. Court of Appeals, 7 SCRA 367, Martinez v. Banogan, 7 SCRA 913, Habana v. Imbo, 10 SCRA 471, Icasiano v. Icasiano, 11 SCRA 423, De la Cerna v. Rebaca-Potot, 12 SCRA 576, Teotico v. del Val, 12 SCRA 406, Santillon v. Miranda, 14 SCRA 563, Puig v. Penaflorida, 15 SCRA 276, Policarpio v. Salamat, 16 SCRA 154, Aznar v. Duncan, 17 SCRA 590, Santos v. Buenaventura, 18 SCRA 47, Reyes v. Barreto-Datu, 19 SCRA 85, Junquera v. Borromeo, 19 SCRA 656, Maninang v. Court of Appeals, 199 Phil. 640, In re: Apolonio Taboada v. Rosal, 203 Phil. 572, In re: Bonilla v. Aranza, 204 Phil. 402, Baguio Citizens Action, Inc.

v. City Council, 206 Phil. 296, Pastor v. Court of Appeals, 207 Phil. 758, Syquia v. Court of Appeals, 211 Phil. 171, Solano v. Court of Appeals, 211 Phil. 307) TESTES PONDERANTUR, NON NUMERANTUR Witnesses are weighed, not counted. That is, in case of conflict of evidence, the truth is to be sought by weighing the credibility of the respective witnesses not by the mere numerical preponderance on one side or the other. TESTIMONIA PONDERANDA SUNT, NON NUMERANDA Testimony is to be weighed, not counted by the number of witnesses. TESTIMONIUM Testimony. TESTIS DE VISU PRAEPONDERAT ALIIS An eyewitness is preferred to others. TERMINUS A QUO Departure point. TERMINUS AD QUEM Destination. TESTE MEIPSO Witness myself. TESTIS One who attests orally or in writing; a witness. TIMENDI CAUSA EST NESCIRE Ignorance is the cause of fear. TIROCINIUM Recruit; novice; apprenticeship. TITULO

To give a title to, to call, name, entitle. TORTO Torture, torment. TORTURA LEGUM PESSIMA The torture or wrestling of the law is the worst kind of torture. TOTIDEM VERBIS In so many words. ( Cited in Hontiveros v. Altavas, 24 Phil. 632 ) TOTIES QUOTIES As often as occasion shall arise. TOTIS VIRIBUS With all ones might. TOTO CAELO By the whole sky; indicative of a wide difference of opinion; diametrically opposed. TOUT ES QUE LA LOL NE DEFEND PAS EST PERMIS Everything which the law does not forbid is permitted. TRACTUM SUCCESSIVUM Reciprocal and repetitive prestation ( Cited in Villaruel v. Manila Motor Co., 104 Phil. 926 ). TRADITIO LOQUI FACIT CHARTAM Delivery gives voice to a deed. TRANSIGERE EST ALIENARE To come to an agreement or to reach an understanding (such as compromise) is equivalent to alienation. ( Cited in Visaya v. Suguitan, L-8300, November 13, 1955, People v. Verano, 1 SCRA 705, Lindain v. Court of Appeals, 212 SCRA 725 ) TRANQUILLO

To make calm or still, tranquil. TRANSCRIBO To transfer in writing, transcribe. TRAVAUX PREPARATOIRES Background of legislation. TREPIDATIO A state of confused hurry or alarm, consternation, trepidation. TRIPARTITUS Tripartite, threefold, divided or divisible into three parts. TRISTIS Sad, sorrowful, mournful, dejected, melancholy. TROPAEUM Trophy, a sign or memorial of victory. TRUCIDO To cut to pieces, to slay or kill cruelly, to butcher, massacre. TRUNCUS Mutilated, mangled, dismembered, disfigured, deprived of some of its parts. TUMULTUATIO Tumult, confusion. TURBO Agitate, to throw into disorder or confusion. TURPO To make ugly or unsightly, to defile, to deform.

TUSSIS Cough. ( Cited in Etepha, A.G. v. Director of Patents,16 SCRA 495 ) TUTIUS ERRATUR EX PARTE MITIORE It is safer to err on the gentler side. TUTIUS SEMPER EST ERRARE ACQUIETANDO QUAM IN PUNIENDO It is always safer to err in acquitting than in punishing. ( Cited in People v. Lizada, 225 SCRA 708 ) TUTOR A watcher, protector, defender. _______ U UBERRIMAE FIDEI Of the highest degree of good faith. ( Cited in: Qua Chee Gan v. Law Union and Rock Inc. Co., 98 Phil. 85, Philippine Manufacturing Company v. Go Jocco, 48 Phil. 631 ) Most abundant good faith; absolute and perfect candor or openness and honesty; the absence of any concealment or deception, however slight. Contracts of insurance are traditionally contracts uberrimae fidei. ( Cited in: Philippine Manufacturing v. Go Jocco, 48 Phil. 621, Aranilla v. Insular Life Insurance Co., 37430-R, December, 22 1971, Fieldmens Insurance Co. Inc. v. Vda. De Songco, 25 SCRA 70, Tang v. Court of Appeals, 90 SCRA 236, Camporedondo v. National Labor Relations Commission, 312 SCRA 47, Secretary of Justice v. Lantion, 322 SCRA 331, Benguet Exploration, Inc. v. Court of Appeals, 351 SCRA 445, Soriano v. Court of Appeals, 363 SCRA 725 ) UBI EADEM RATIO, IBI EADEM LEGIS DISPOSITIO Where there is the same reason, there is the same legal disposition. ( Cited in Edroso v. Sablan, 25 Phil. 296) Where the same reason exist, there the same law prevails, and of things similar, judgment is similar. ( Cited in: Osorio v. Osorio, 41 Phil. 531, Barretto v. Tuazon, 50 Phil. 888, Nacionalista Party v. Municipal Board of Manila, 52 Phil. 962, Barretto v. Mapa, 65 Phil. 20, People v. Macbul, 74 Phil. 82, Marcos v. Chief of Staff, 89 Phil. 246, Liboro v. Court of Appeals, 218 SCRA 193 ) UBI CESSAT REMEDIUM EXTRAORDINARIUM ORDINARIUM, IBI DECURRITUR AD

Where the ordinary remedy fails, recourse must be had to an extraordinary one. UBI DUBIUM IBI LIBERTAS Where there is doubt, there is freedom. UBI EADEM RATIO, IBI IDEM JUS; ET DE SIMILIBUS IDEM EST JUDICIUM Where the re is the same reason, there is the same law, and where there are similar situations, the judgment is the same. UBI FACTUM NULLUM, IBI FORTIA NULLA Where there is no act, there can be no force. UBI JUS IBI REMEDIUM Where (there is) a right there is a remedy. This Latin maxim expresses the notion that if a person possesses a right, the violation of that right by another necessarily gives rise to a legal or equitable remedy. ( Cited in: Apundar v. Andrin, 42 Phil. 356, Barredo v. Garcia, 73 Phil. 607, Mercado v. Go Bio, 78 Phil. 278, Primicias v. Ocampo, 93 Phil. 446, Manila Prince Hotel v. Government Service Insurance System, 267 SCRA 408, Acting Collector of Customs v. Court of Tax Appeals, 102 Phil. 244, Philippine Nut Industry, Inc. v. Standard Brands, Inc., 65 SCRA 575, People v. Valenzuela, 135 SCRA 712, Gabila v. Perez, 169 SCRA 517 ) UBI JUS INCERTUM, IBI JUS NULLUM Where the law is uncertain, there is no law. UBI LEX ALIQUEM COGIT OSTENDERE CAUSAM, NECESSE EST QUOD CAUSA SIT JUSTA ET LEGITIMA Where the law compels a man to show cause, it is necessary that the cause be just and legal. UBI LEX EST SPECIALIS, ET RATIO EJUS GENERALIS, GENERALITER ACCIPIENDA EST Where the law is special, and the reason of it general, it ought to be construed generally. UBI LEX NON DISTINGUIT, NEC NOS DISTINGUERE DEBEMUS Where the law does not distinguish, we should not distinguish. ( Cited in: Dominado v. Derayunan, 49 Phil. 45, Daes v. We Ko, 74 Phil. 82, Lacson v. Roque, 92 Phil. 456,

Ykalina v. Oricio, 93 Phil. 1076, Colgate Palmolive Phils. Inc. v. Gimenez, 1 SCRA 267, Demafiles v. Commission on Elections, 21 SCRA 1462, Libudan v. Gil, 45 SCRA 17, Diaz v. Intermediate Appellate Court, 82 SCRA 427, Magtoto v. Manguerra, 63 SCRA 4, Olfato v. Commission on Elections, 103 SCRA 741, Commissioner of Internal Revenue v. Robertson, 143 SCRA 397, Philippine British Assurance Co. v. Intermediate Appellate Court, 150 SCRA 520, Banco de Oro Savings & Mortgage Bank v. Equitable Banking Corporation, 157 SCRA 188, Salenillas v. Court of Appeals, 169 SCRA 829, Marcos v. Manglapus, 177 SCRA 668, Dolorfino v. Court of Appeals, 191 SCRA 880, Peralta v. Civil Service Commission, 212 SCRA 425, Intod v. Court of Appeals, 215 SCRA 52, People v. Nitafan, 215 SCRA 79, Tongson v. Court of Appeals, 215 SCRA 426, People v. Evaristo, 216 SCRA 431, Commissioner of Internal Revenue v. Commission on Audit, 218 SCRA 203, Magtajas v. Pryce, 234 SCRA 255, Loyola v. Court of Appeals, 245 SCRA 477, Ilar v. Commission on Elections, 245 SCRA 759, Aquino v. Commission on Elections, 248 SCRA 400, Mustang Lumber, Inc. v. Court of Appeals, 257 SCRA 430, Tomarong v. Lubguban, 269 SCRA 624, Lalican v. Vergara, 276 SCRA 518, Tan v. People, 290 SCRA 117, Rubber World (Phils.) Inc. v. National Labor Relations Commission, 305 SCRA 721, Guerrero v. Commission on Elections, 336 SCRA 458, BAYAN v. Zamora, 342 SCRA 449, Recana, Jr. v. Court of Appeals, 349 SCRA 363, Cebu Institute of Medicine v. Cebu Institute of Medicine Employees Union, NKL, 360 SCRA 515, Yu Oh v. Court of Appeals, 403 SCRA 300, Tecson v. Commission on Elections, 424 SCRA 277, Movie and Television Review and Classification Board (MTRCB) v. ABS-CBN Broadcasting Corporation, 448 SCRA 575, People v. Sandiganbayan, 451 SCRA 413, PT & T v. National Labor Relations Commission, 456 SCRA 264, Philippine National Oil Company v. Court of Appeals, 457 SCRA 32, Secretary of Finance v. Ilarde, 458 SCRA 218, PLDT v. Manggagawa ng Komunikasyon sa Pilipinas, 463 SCRA 418 ) UBI NON EST DIRECTA LEX, STANDUM EST ARBITRIO JUDICIS, VEL PROCEDENDUM AD SIMILIA Where there is no direct law, the decision of the judge is to be taken, or references to be made to similar cases. UBI NON EST LEX, IBI NON ESWT TRANSGRESSIO, QUO AD MUNDUM Where is no law, there is no transgression, so far as worldly concerns and matters. UBI VIS Wherever it may be, anywhere, everywhere. UBI VOLUIT DIXIT, UBI NOLUIT TACUIT One who wants something says it; one who does not want anything is silent. ( Cited in Palisoc v. Brillantes, 41 SCRA 548 )

ULCISSOR To avenge ones self on, take vengeance on. ULTIMA Final events, the end. ULTIMA RATIO The last argument.; final reason. ULTIMA LICITUM Beyond what is permitted. ULTIMUM SUPPLICIUM ESSE MORTEM SOLAM INTERPRETAMUR The extremest punishment we consider to be death alone. ULTRA JURISDICTIO Outside of jurisdiction. ( Cited in: Chua v. Court of Appeals, 271 SCRA 546, Municipality of Binan, Laguna v. Court of Appeals, 219 SCRA 69, Katon v. Palanca, Jr., 437 SCRA 565 ) ULTRA PETITA Beyond that which was sought or prayed for. ULTRA POSSE NON POTEST ESSE, ET VICE VERSA What is beyond possibility cannot exist, and the reverse (what cannot exist is not possible) ULTRA VIRES Beyond the powers. Modern technical designation, the law of corporations, of acts beyond the scope of the powers of incorporations as defined by its charter or act of incorporation. ( Cited in: Pascual v. Orozco, 19 Phil. 82, Coleman v. Hotel France Co., 29 Phil. 323, Alejandrino v. Quezon, 46 Phil. 83, Government of the Philippines v. El Hogar Filipino, 50 Phil. 399, Barretto v. La Previsora Filipina, 57 Phil. 649, Horney v. Southern Trans. & Trading Co., 59 Phil. 750, City of Naga v. Court of Appeals, 96 Phil. 153, Pirovano, v. The De La Rama Steamship Co., 96 Phil. 325, Arong v. Raffinan, 98 Phil. 422, Yu v. City of Lipa, 99 Phil. 975, City of Manila v. Pallugna, 109 Phil. 698, Santos v. Baylon, 4 SCRA 656, Montelibano v. Bacolod Murcia Milling Co. Inc., 5 SCRA 36, East Asiatic Co. Ltd. v. City of Davao, 5 SCRA 873, Republic v. Acoje Mining Co.

Inc., 7 SCRA 361, Cordero v. Cabatuando, 6 SCRA 418, People v. Soria, 7 SCRA 242, C.N. Hodges v. Municipality of Iloilo City, 19 SCRA 28, Perez v. Monetary Board, 20 SCRA 592, Calleja v. Court of Appeals, 20 SCRA 895, Pechueco Sons Co. v. Provincial Board of Antique, 31 SCRA 320, Cotabato Light and Power Co. Inc. v. City of Cotabato, 32 SCRA 231, Asiatic Integrated Corporation v. Alikpala, G. R. No. L-37187, September 15, 1975, Gokongwei, Jr. v. Securities and Exchange Commission, G.R. No. L-45911, April 11, 1979, Homeowners Association of the Philippines, Inc. v. Municipal Board of the City of Manila, 24 SCRA 856, City of Baguio v. De Leon, 25 SCRA 938, Miguel v. Catalino, 26 SCRA 234, Villanueva v. City of Iloilo, 26 SCRA 578, San Mauricio Mining Co. v. Ancheta, G.R. No. L- 47859, October 30, 1981, Bautista v. Juinio, 212 Phil. 307, Samson v. Mayor, Bacolod City, 60 SCRA 267, City of Ozamis v. Lumapas, 65 SCRA 33, Asiatic Integrated Corporation v. Alikpala, 67 SCRA 60, Sanidad v. Commission on Elections, 73 SCRA 333, Wylie v. Rarang, G.R. No. 74135, May 28, 1992, Lopez Realty Inc. v. Fontecha, G.R. No. 76801, August 11, 1995, Villacorta v. Bernardo, 143 SCRA 480, Phil. Gamefowl Commission v. Intermediate Appellate Court, 146 SCRA 294, House International Bldg. Tenants Assn., Inc. v. Intermediate Appellate Court, 151 SCRA 703, Cebu Institute of Technology (CIT) v. Ople, 156 SCRA 632, Cebu Institute of Technology (CIT) v. Ople, 160 SCRA 503, The Dial Corporation v. Soriano, 161 SCRA 737, Rural Bank of Buhi, Inc. v. Court of Appeals, 162 SCRA 288, Blue Bar Coconut Phils. v. Tantuico, Jr., 163 SCRA 716, Insular Bank of Asia & America v. Intermediate Appellate Court, 167 SCRA 450, Heirs of Eugenia V. Roxas, Inc. v. Intermediate Appellate Court, 173 SCRA 581, Esso Standard Eastern Inc. v. Commissioner of Internal Revenue, 175 SCRA 149, Bugnay Construction and Development Corporation v. Laron, 176 SCRA 241, Crisologo-Jose v. Court of Appeals, 177 SCRA 594, Phil. Communications Satellite Corp. v. Alcuaz, 180 SCRA 218, Zaide, Jr. v. Court of Appeals, 184 SCRA 531, Hipolito, Jr. v. Ferrer-Calleja, 190 SCRA 182, Chavez v. Sandiganbayan, 193 SCRA 282, Reyes v. Court of Appeals, 194 SCRA 402, Casino v. Court of Appeals, 204 SCRA 449, Solicitor General v. Metropolitan Manila Authority, 204 SCRA 837, B. A. Finance Corporation v. Court of Appeals, 211 SCRA 112, United States of America v. Reyes, 219 SCRA 192, Metrobank v. Quilts & All, Inc., 222 SCRA 486, Tolentino v. Secretary of Finance, 235 SCRA 630, Mariano, Jr. v. Commission on Elections, 242 SCRA 211, Lopez Realty, Inc. v. Fontecha, 247 SCRA 183, Limketkai Sons Milling, Inc. v. Court of Appeals, 250 SCRA 523, Subic Bay Metropolitan Authority v. Commission on Elections, 262 SCRA 492, Conte v. Commission on Audit, 264 SCRA 19, Mathay, Jr. v. Civil Service Commission, 312 SCRA 91, Liang v. People, 323 SCRA 692, Rural Bank of Milaon ( Camarines Sur) v. Ocfemia, 325 SCRA 99, Acebedo Optical Co. Inc. v. Court of Appeals, 329 SCRA 314, Salva v. Makalintal, 340 SCRA 506, Atrium Management Corporation v. Court of Appeals, 353 SCRA 23, C & S Fishfarm Corp. v. Court of Appeals, 394 SCRA 82, Twin Towers Condominium Corporation v. Court of Appeals, 398 SCRA 203, Municipality of Kananga v. Madrona, 402 SCRA 330, Hornilla v. Salunat, 405 SCRA 220, Villaruel, Jr. v. Fernando, 412 SCRA 54, Eastern Assurance & Surety Corporation (EASCO) v. Land Transportation Franchising and Regulatory Board, 413 SCRA 75, Palma Development Corporation v. Municipality of Malangas, Zamboanga del Sur, 413 SCRA 572, Honasan v. The Panel of Investigating Prosecutors of the DOJ, 427 SCRA 46, Freedom from Debt Coalition v. Energy Regulatory Board, 432 SCRA 157, Woodchild Holdings Inc. v. Roxas Electric & Construction Co. Inc., 436

SCRA 235, National Liga ng mga Barangay v. Paredes, 439 SCRA 130, Manila International Airport Authority v. Airspan Corporation, 445 SCRA 471, City of Manila v. Laguio, Jr., 455 SCRA 308, Laguna Autoparts Manufacturing Corporation v. Office of the Secretary, DOLE, 457 SCRA 730, ) UMBRA Shade. UNITAS Unity. UNIVERSITAS University; whole; aggregate. UNO ACTU In a single act. UNO ANIMO With one mind. UNO EADEM DIE AC TEMPORE IN EADEM LOCO On this same day and time, in the same place. ( Cited in Javellana v. Ledesma, 97 Phil. 258 ) URBANITAS Living in the city, city life, city fashion. USACAPIO CONSTITUTA EST UT ALIQUIS LITIUM FINIS ESSET Prescription was instituted that there might be some end to litigation. USITATUS Ordinary, customary, common, familiar. USQUE AD MEDIUM FILUM AQUAE VIAE As far as the middle of the stream or road. USU-CAPIO

To acquire ownership of a thing by long use, to acquire by prescription; USUFRUCTUARIUS Usufructuary, one who has the use and profit but not the property of a thing. USURPATOR Usurper. One who uses or takes possession unlawfully. UTILE PER INUTILE NON VITIATUR That which is useful is not impaired by the superfluous. ( Cited in Sales v. Director of Prisons, 87 Phil. 502) UT RES MAGIS VALEAT QUAM PEREAT That it may be rendered effective than void. ( Cited in: Javellana v. Mirasol, 40 Phil. 761, Almeda v. Florentino, 15 SCRA 514, Allied Banking Corp. v. Ordonez, 192 SCRA 246, Davao Integrated Port Stevedoring Services v. Abarquez, 220 SCRA 197, Tolentino v. Secretary of Finance, 235 SCRA 630, Marsaman Manning Agency, Inc. v. National Labor Relations Commission, 313 SCRA 88 ) That construction is to be sought which gives effect to the whole of the statute- its every word. ( Cited in: Almeda v. Florentino, 15 SCRA 517, Radiola-Toshiba Phils. Inc. v. Intermediate Appellate Court, 199 SCRA 373, JMM Promotions & Management Inc. v. National Labor Relations Commission, 228 SCRA 129, Philippine Employ Services & Resources Inc. v. Paramio, 427 SCRA 732, Inding v. Sandiganbayan, 434 SCRA 388 ) URBS City; town. UTI POSSIDETIS As you hold; principle in international law whereby belligerents hold possession of conquered land. UTI ROGAS I vote as you propose. UT SAEPE As often.

USQUE AD NAUSEAM To the point of disgust. UXOR (UX.) Wife. A woman lawfully married. ( Cited in Manzanares v. Moreta, 38 Phil. 821) UXOR SEQUITUR DOMICILIUM VIRI The wife follows the domicile of her husband. _______ V VACATIO Being free from a duty, service, a freeing or exempting dispensation. VACANS Vacant, empty, unoccupied, without owner. VADIMONIUM Recognizance. A promise secured by bail for appearance on a particular day before a tribunal, bail, security. VADIUM VIVUM A species of security by which the borrower of a sum of money made over his estate to the lender until he had received that sum out of the issues and profits of the land. VAGINA The covering, sheath, holder of anything. VALET ANCHORA VIRTUS Virtue is an effective anchor. VANESCO To disappear, pass away.

VARIUM ET MUTABILE SEMPER FEMINA A woman is always a fickle and changeable creature. VAS A bail, security, surety. VE-CORS Destitute of reason, senseless, silly, foolish, mad, insane. VEHEMENTER Vehemently, ardently, earnestly, impetuously. VEHICULUM A means of transport, a carriage, vehicle. VEL NON Did he devise or not. ( Cited in People v. Turingan, 282 SCRA 424 ) VENDENS EANDEM REM DUO FALSARIUS EST He is fraudulent who sells the same thing to two persons. VENERATIO The highest respect, reverence, veneration. VENESTUS Loveliness, comeliness, charm, grace, elegance, beauty, attractiveness. VENIA AETATIS Privilege of age. VENIAE FACILITAS INCENTIVUM EST DELINQUENDI Facility of pardon is an encouragement to crime. VENIRE FACIAS DE NOVO

You may cause to come. If error is found, the judgment awards a venire facias de novo. The appeal is a procedure which comes to us from the civil law along with the fundamentals which go to make up the jurisprudence of a court of equity. A writ directing a new trial after a mistrial. ( Cited in U.S. v. Tamparong, 31 Phil. 321 ) VENTE AUX ENCHERES An auction. VERBA EAQUIVOCA, AC IN DUBIO SENSU POSITA, INTELLIGUNTUR DIGNIORI ET POTENTIORI SENSU Equivocal words, and such as are put in doubtful sense, are to be understood in the more worthy and effectual sense. VERBA IN DIFFERENTI MATERIA PER PRIUS, NON PER POSTERIUS, INTELLIGENDA SUNT Words concerning a different matter are to be understood by the matter preceding and not by that following. VERBA INTENTIONI, NON E CONTRA, DEBENT INSERVIRE Words ought to be made subservient to the intent, not the intent to the words. VERBA LEGIS The language of the law. ( Cited in: Fianza v. Peoples Law Enforcement Board, 243 SCRA 165, Osea v. Malaya, 375 SCRA 285, Francisco, Jr. v. Nagmamalasakit na mga Manananggol ng mga Manggagawang Pilipino, Inc., 415 SCRA 44, Tecson v. Commission on Elections, 424 SCRA 277, DAR v. Department of Education and Sports, 426 SCRA 217, Southern Cross Cement Corporation v. Philippine Cement Manufacturing Corporation, 434 SCRA 65, La Lugal-Blaan Tribal Association, Inc. v. Ramos, 445 SCRA 1, National Food Authority v. Masada Security Agency, Inc., 453 SCRA 70 ) VERBATIM Word for word. ( Cited in: Julia v. Sotto, 2 Phil. 247, U.S. v. Bustos, 13 Phil. 690,Lorenzo v. Maccoy, 15 Phil. 559, Payet v. Hongkong & Shanghai Banking Corp., 30 Phil. 228, Cerezo v. Atlantic Gulf & Pacific Co., 33 Phil. 425, Bonzon v. Standard Oil Co. of New York, 33 Phil. 425, Tacalinar v. Corro, 34 SCRA 898, Tamayo v. Gsell, 35 Phil. 953, U.S. v. Que Ping, 40 Phil. 17, Enriquez v. Enriquez, 44 Phil. 885, People v. Bustos, 45 Phil. 9, Yu Cong Eng v. Trinidad, 47 Phil. 385, Director of Lands v. Ocampo, 55 Phil. 974, People v. Burgos, 59 Phil. 375, Valdez v. Director of Lands, 62 Phil. 362, Lugay v. Locsin, 66 Phil. 84, People v. Oanis, 74 Phil. 257, Co Tiamco v. Diaz, 75 Phil.

672, Tavora v. Gavina, 79 Phil. 421, Primicias v. Fugoso, 80 Phil. 71, Guido v. Rural Progress Administration, 84 Phil. 847, Deliva v. Surtida, 92 Phil. 131, Magallanes v. Court of Appeals, 95 Phil. 795, Jimemez v. Francisco, 100 Phil. 1025, People v. Silvela, 103 Phil. 773, Murillo v. Superable, 107 Phil. 322, Wright, Jr. v. Lepanto Consolidated Mining, Co., 11 SCRA 508, Mendoza v. Diaz, 18 SCRA 232, Stonehill v. Diokno, 20 SCRA 383, Aquizap v. Basilio, 21 SCRA 1434, Rivera v. San Miguel Brewery Corp. Inc., 24 SCRA 86, IFC-Service Leasing & Acceptance Corporation v. Sarmiento District Corporation, 150 SCRA 329, Olondriz, Jr. v. People, 152 SCRA 65, Distileria Limtuaco & Co. Inc. v. Intermediate Appellate Court, 157 SCRA 706, Chung Ka Bio v. Intermediate Appellate Court, 163 SCRA 534, Solivel v. Francisco, 170 SCRA 298, Liberty Flour Mills Employees v. Liberty Flour Mills, Inc., 180 SCRA 668, Laurel v. Garcia, 187 SCRA 797, Ramos v. Sandiganbayan, 191 SCRA 671, Santos v. Court of Appeals, 203 SCRA 110, Dizon v. Court of Appeals, 210 SCRA 107, Tiu v. National Labor Relations Commission, 215 SCRA 540, Victrionics Computers, Inc. v. RTC, Branch 63, Makati, 217 SCRA 517, Santiago v. Garchitorena, 228 SCRA 214, People v. Maqueda, 242 SCRA 565, Unicane Workers Union-CLUP v. National Labor Relations Commission, 261 SCRA 573, Subic Bay Metropolitan Authority v. Commission on Elections, 262 SCRA 492, People v. Go, 394 SCRA 350, In the matter of the alleged improper conduct of Sandiganbayan Associate Justice Anacleto D. Badoy, Jr., 395 SCRA 231, Urbanes, Jr. v. Secretary of Labor & Employment, 397 SCRA 665, People v. Rullepa, 398 SCRA 567, Office of the Court Administrator v. Mabelin, 399 SCRA 480, People v. Patayek, 399 SCRA 490, People v. Sunga, 399 SCRA 624, Heck v. Santos, 401 SCRA 46, People v. Calamlam, 403 SCRA 222, People v. Roa, 405 SCRA 548, People v. Sanchez, 411 SCRA 288, De la Cruz v. Court of Appeals, 412 SCRA 282, People v. Madera, 45 SCRA 16, People v. Navarro, 414 SCRA 395, People v. Sara, 417 SCRA 431, People v. Payopay, 417 SCRA 463, People v. Vinecario, 420 SCRA 280, People v. Valdez, 421 SCRA 376, People v. Foncardas, 422 SCRA 356, People v. Bautista, 424 SCRA 63, Lam v. Chua, 426 SCRA 29, Republic v. Tan, 426 SCRA 485, People v. Agsalog, 426 SCRA 624, People v. Calimlim, 427 SCRA 15, Electruck Asia, Inc. v. Meris, 435 SCRA 310, Angeles v. Tan, 439 SCRA 409, Esparagera v. J.Y. Realty & Development Corporation, 452 SCRA 335, Gulf Resorts Inc. v. Philippine Charter Insurance Corporation, 458 SCRA 550, Adaza v. Sandiganbayan, 464 SCRA 460, Rayoan v. Fronda, 468 SCRA 688 ) VERBATIM ET LITERATIM Word for word and letter for letter. ( Cited in Keramik Industries, Inc. v. Guerrero, 61 SCRA 265 ) VERBA VOLANT, SCRIPTA MANENT Words pass, writings remain. One should not give more weight and reliability to the selfserving testimony of a party bound by their contract than to the contents thereof. ( Cited in Development Bank of the Philippines v. National Merchandising Corporation, 40 SCRA 625 )

VERBIS LEGIS NON EST RECEDENDUM From the language of the law, there must be no departure. ( Cited in: Cordero v. Court of First Instance, 67 Phil. 362, Enjay, Inc. v. National Labor Relations Commission, 245 SCRA 588, Philippine Ports Authority, v. Court of Appeals, 253 SCRA 212, Fabella v. Court of Appeals, 282 SCRA 256, Commissioner of Internal Revenue v. Court of Appeals, 298 SCRA 83, Sison v. Commission on Elections, 304 SCRA 170, National Federation of Labor v. National Labor Relations Commission, 326 SCRA 158, Re: Request of Assistant Court Administrator for Upgrading of their Rank, Salary and Privileges upon the effectivity of RA 9282, 440 SCRA 16, Government Service Insurance System v. Commission on Audit, 441 SCRA 532) VERBIS OBLIGATIO Verbal contract. ( Cited in Uy Tam v. Leonard, 30 Phil. 471) VERBIS STANDUM UBI NULLA AMBIGUITAS Where there is no ambiguity, the words should be adhered to. ( SEC Opinions, November 21, 1978 ) VERBOSITAS Multiplicity of words, verbosity, wordiness. VERECUNDUS Shame faced, diffident, bashful, coy. VERE DICTUM Truly said. VERIDICUS That speaks the truth, veridical. VERITAS Truth, reality. VERITAS, A QUONCUNQUE DICITUR, A DEO EST Truth, by whomsoever pronounced is from God. VERITAS LIBERABIT VOS

Truth shall make you free. VERITAS ODIUM PARIT Truth begets hatred. VERITAS SIMPLEX ORATION EST The language of truth is simple. ( Cited in: People v. Malunes, 247 SCRA 317, People v. Losano, 310 SCRA 707, People v. Yabut, 311 SCRA 590 ) VERITAS VOS LIBERABIT The truth will set you free. VERITATEM DILEXI I have loved the truth. VERE According to truth, really in fact, rightly. VEREDICTUM Declaration of truth. VERSIPELLIS That changes its shape or form, that alters its appearance, that transforms himself or itself. VERUM-TAMEN Nevertheless, however, but yet. VETERANUS Experienced, skilled. VETITUM That which is forbidden or prohibited, a forbidden or prohibited thing. VETO

I forbid. ( Cited in: Yangco v. Rohde, 1 Phil. 404, U.S. v. Bull, 15 Phil. 7, Severino v. Governor General of the Philippine Islands, 16 Phil. 366, Aldecoa v. Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corp., 30 Phil. 228, Joaquin v. Herrera, 37 Phil. 705, In re: Dick, 38 Phil. 41, Alejandrino v. Quezon, 46 Phil. 83, Zobel v. City of Manila, 47 Phil. 169, City of Manila v. Posadas, 48 Phil. 309, Government of the Philippines v. Springer, 50 Phil. 259, Bengzon v. Secretary of Justice, 62 Phil. 912, Samanillo v. City of Manila, 64 Phil. 797, People v. Vera, 65 Phil. 56, Villena v. Secretary of Interior, 67 Phil. 451, Pelino v. Ichon, 69 Phil. 81, Peralta v. Director of Prisons, 75 Phil. 285, Nueno v. Angeles, 76 Phil. 12, Vera v. Avelino, 77 Phil. 365, Mabanag v. Vito, 78 Phil. 1, Pia v. China Banking Corporation, 80 Phil. 604, Kuroda v. Jalandoni, 83 Phil. 171, Chiong v. Mayor of Manila, 83 Phil. 257, Soriano v. Abalos, 84 Phil. 1525, Araneta v. Dinglasan, 84 Phil. 368, Arnault v. Nazareno, 87 Phil. 29, Rodriguez, Sr. v. Gella, 92 Phil. 603, Ozaeta v. Pecson, 93 Phil. 416, Santos v. Aquino, 94 Phil. 65, In re: Cunanan, 94 Phil. 704, Subido v. City of Manila, 108 Phil. 462, Bolinao Electronics, Inc. v. Valencia, 11 SCRA 486, Pelaez v. Auditor General, 15 SCRA 569, Villegas v. Auditor General, 18 SCRA 1034, Cabigao v. Villegas, 34 SCRA 632, Garcia v. Macaraig, 39 SCRA 106, Javellana v. Executive Secretary, 50 SCRA 30, Veneracion v. Congson Ice Plant & Cold Storage, 52 SCRA 119, Marcos v. Blanco, 62 SCRA 416, City of Naga v. Agna, 71 SCRA 176, Tobias v. Veloso, 100 SCRA 177, Pilar v. Sangguniang Bayan of Dasol, Pangasinan, 128 SCRA 173, Commissioner of Internal Revenue v. Manila Hotel, 177 SCRA 808, Commissioner of Internal Revenue v. Court of Tax Appeals, 185 SCRA 329, Gonzales v. Macaraig, 191 SCRA 952, Bengzon v. Drilon, 208 SCRA 133, Philconsa v. Enriquez, 235 SCRA 506, Tolentino v. Secretary of Finance, 235 SCRA 630, Marcos v. Commission on Elections, 248 SCRA 300, Galay v. Court of Appeals, 250 SCRA 629 ) VEXATIVUS Causing annoyance, vexatious. VIA By way of. ( Cited in: Conde v. Castle Brothers, 18 Phil. 317, U.S. v. Chow, 18 Phil. 573, Wise & Co. v. Insular Collector of Customs, 49 Phil. 966, Javier v. Orlanes, 53 Phil. 468, Valera v. Rural Transit Co., 59 Phil. 93, Castro v. Panay Autobus Co., 69 Phil. 581, Corpus v. Public Service Commission, 79 Phil. 444, De la Llana v. Alba, 198 Phil. 1, Arevalo v. Quilatan, 202 Phil. 256, Mercury Drug Co. Inc. v. Dayao, 202 Phil. 424, Merville Development Corporation v. Dimayuga, 204 Phil. 675, Leonardo v. Court of Appeals, 205 Phil. 781, People v. Fuentes, 206 Phil. 191, People v. Bautista, 206 Phil. 601, People v. Santos, 206 Phil. 716, People v. Lobaton, 208 Phil. 70, People v. Sison, 210 Phil. 305, Neri v. Employees Compensation Commission, 212 Phil. 623, Francisco v. Francisco, 354 SCRA 112, Serapio v. Sandiganbayan, 396 SCRA 443, Paas v. Almarvez, 400 SCRA 543, Republic v. Peralta, 404 SCRA 360, Ark Travel Express, Inc. v. Abrogar, 410 SCRA 148, Tenorio v. Court of Appeals, 413 SCRA 234, Mariveles Shipyard Corporation v. Court of Appeals, 415 SCRA 573, Santos v. Court of Appeals, 415 SCRA 386, Land Car Inc. v. Bachelor Express, Inc., 417 SCRA 307, People v. Ballester, 420 SCRA 379, Lee v. Regional Trial Court, Quezon City, Branch 85, 423 SCRA 497, Tecson

v. Commission on Elections, 424 SCRA 277, Zaragoza v. Nobleza, 428 SCRA 410, Siena Realty Corporation v. Gal-lang, 428 SCRA 422, People v. Ejandra, 429 SCRA 364, Tan v. Mandap, 429 SCRA 711, Professional Regulations Commission v. De Guzman, 432 SCRA 505, Pangilinan v. General Milling Corporation, 434 SCRA 159, People v. Medina, 435 SCRA 610, Ringor v. Ringor, 436 SCRA 484, Jonathan Landoil International Company, Inc. v. Mangudatu, 436 SCRA 559, Saber v. Court of Appeals, 437 SCRA 259, Republic v. Bermudez-Lorino, 449 SCRA 57, De la Torre v. Bicol University, 468 SCRA 542, Miguel v. JCT Group, Inc., 453 SCRA 529, PCI Leasing & Finance, Inc. v. Goko, 454 SCRA 586, Cruz v. Sandiganbayan, 467 SCRA 52, Philippine Fisheries Development Authority v. Court of Appeals, 467 SCRA 449, J.N. Development Corporation v. Philippine Export & Foreign Loan Guarantee Corporation, 468 SCRA 555, Bank of the Philippine Islands v. Uy, 468 SCRA 633) VIA TRITA EST TUTISSIMA The trodden path is the safest. ( Cited in: Rosales v. CFI of Lanao del Norte, Branch III, 154 SCRA 153, Tolentino v. Secretary of Finance, 235 SCRA 630 ) VIDE A word of reference. ( Cited in: Inchausti v. Inchausti, 40 Phil. 504, People v. Santiago, 43 Phil. 120, Francisco v. Paez, 54 Phil. 239, Aquino v. Calabia, 55 Phil. 984, People v. Balubar, 60 Phil. 698, People v. Castaneda, 63 Phil. 480, People v. Tapel, 64 Phil. 112, Mendoza v. Pacheco, 64 Phil. 134, Aglipay v. Ruiz, 64 Phil. 201, People v. Vera, 65 Phil. 56, People v. Celorico, 67 Phil. 185, People v. Caroz, 68 Phil. 521, Gatchalian v. Manalo, 68 Phil. 708, Peralta v. Peralta, 71 Phil. 66, Goldloop Properties, Inc. v. Court of Appeals, 306 SCRA 639 ) VIDELICET That is to say; to wit; namely. Abbreviated as viz. ( Cited in: U.S. v. Scarella, 1 Phil. 390, U.S. v. Ubinana, 1 Phil. 471, Resurreccion v. Lopez, 1 Phil. 720, U.S. v. Dorr, 2 Phil. 332, U.S. v. Douglas, 2 Phil. 461, Pastor v. Gaspar, 2 Phil. 592, IN re: Frank Stanley Allen, 2 Phil. 630, Sparrevohn v. Fisher, 2 Phil. 676, U.S. v. Maano, 2 Phil. 718, Donladson v. Smith, 2 Phil. 766, U.S. v. Colley, 3 Phil. 58, U.S. v. Santiago, 3 Phil. 112, McCullough v. R. Aenlle & Co., 3 Phil. 285, U.S. v. De la Cruz, 3 Phil. 337, U.S. v. Gardner, 3 Phil. 398, U.S. v. De la Torre, 3 Phil. 516, Araullo v. Araullo, 3 Phil. 567, In re: Augustus A. Montagne & Frank E. Dominguez, 3 Phil. 577, O.F. Campbell and Gotau-co v. Behn, Meyer & Co., 3 Phil. 590, U.S. v. Yambao, 4 Phil. 204, U.S. v. Melencio, 4 Phil. 331, U.S. v. Manaul, 4 Phil. 342, U.S. v. Santos, 4 Phil. 373, U.S. v. Highfill, 4 Phil. 384, U.S. v. McGovern, 4 Phil. 451, U.S. v. Nubla, 4 Phil. 456, U.S. v. Licas, 4 Phil. 458, U.S. v. Panganiban, 4 Phil. 483, U.S. v. Gonzales, 4 Phil. 487, U.S. v. Michelena, 4 Phil. 492, Tongco v. Manio, 4 Phil. 609, Mattie E. Levy v. L.M. Johnson, 5 Phil. 643, C. Heinszen & Co. v. Jones, 5 Phil. 27, U.S. v. Ballentine, 5 Phil. 312, Quiroz v. Tan-Guinlay, 5 Phil. 675, U.S. v. Tolentino, 5 Phil. 682, U.S. v. Grafton, 6 Phil. 55, Lienau v. Insular Government, 6 Phil. 230, Zanz v. lavin, 6 Phil. 299, Cortes v. Manila

Jockey Club, 6 Phil. 501, U.S. v. Ortega, 6 Phil. 728, Gsell v. Yap-Jue, 7 Phil. 130, U.S. v. Orosa, 7 Phil. 247, Panganiban v. Cuevas, 7 Phil. 477, Guamis v. U.S., 8 Phil. 352, Robinson v. The Ship Alta, 8 Phil. 355, U.S. v. Gomez, 8 Phil. 630, U.Sv. Fernandez, 9 Phil. 199, Roxas v. Mijares, 9 Phil. 252, U.S. v. Paras, 9 Phil. 367, Dragon v. Enriquez, 9 Phil. 461, U.S. v. Carrero, 9 Phil. 544, Cassells v. Reid, 9 Phil. 580, Cosio v. Antonino, 10 Phil. 72, Bean v. Cadwalladeer Co., 10 Phil. 606, U.S. v. Rosal, 12 Phil. 135, Gsell v. Yap-Jue, 12 Phil. 519, Alcera v. Nery, 12 Phil. 608, Yueng Sheng Exchange and Trading Company v. G. Urrutia & Co., 12 Phil. 747, Franco v. OBrien, 13 Phil. 359, Government of the Philippines v. W.O. Bingham, 13 Phil. 558, Co. v. Rafferty, 14 Phil. 235, Rodriguez v. Findlay & Co., 14 Phil. 294, U.S. v. Gutierrez, 14 Phil. 388, Arriola v. de laCerna, 14 Phil. 627, Somes v. Molina, 15 Phil. 133, Macapinlac v. Alimurong, 16 Phil. 41, De la Pena v. Hidalgo, 16 Phil. 450, W. Cameron Forbes v. Tiaco, 16 Phil. 534, U.S. v. Samaniego, 16 Phil. 663, Ong v. Jariol, 17 Phil. 244, U.S. v. Panganiban, 17 Phil. 266, Behn v. Insular Collector of Customs, 17 Phil. 388, E.M. Bachrach v. British American Assurance Co., 17 Phil. 555, U.S. v. Williams, 18 Phil. 291, The Manila Railroad Company v. Attorney-General, 20 Phil. 523, A.R. Hager v. Bryan, 21 Phil. 523, Tan Chiong Chan v. Inchausti & Co., 22 Phil. 152, Bagta v. Paguio, 22 Phil. 227, Penalosa v. Tuazon, 22 Phil. 303, Narcida v. Bowen, 22 Phil. 365, Tabotabo v. Molero, 22 Phil. 418, Fernandez v. Tria, 22 Phil. 603, Roa v. Insular Collector of Customs, 23 Phil. 315, In re: L. Porter Hamilton, , 24 Phil. 100, Iloilo Ice and Cold Storage Co. v. Municipal Council of Iloilo, 24 Phil. 471, Lizarraga Hermanos v. F.M. Yap Tico, 24 Phil. 504, Herrera v. Barreto, 25 Phil. 245, U.S. v. Balcorta, 25 Phil. 273, U.S. v. Joson, 26 Phil. 1, U.S. v. Suan, 27 Phil. 12, Tan te v. Bell, 27 Phil. 354, Rabajante v. Moir, 28 Phil. 161, J.C. Cowper v. Dade, 29 Phil. 222, Tagal v. Johnston, 29 Phil. 404, A.M. Barreto v. Lane, 29 Phil. 487, Government of the Philippine Islands v. Philippine Sugar Estates Development Company, 30 Phil. 27, U.S. v. De Guzman, 30 Phil. 416, U.S. v. Kilayko, 31 Phil. 371, U.S. v. Riodique, 32 Phil. 458, U.S. v. Soy Chuy, 33 Phil. 545, U.S. v. Gimenez, 34 Phil. 74, Kalambakal v. Pamatmat, 34 Phil. 518, Hermanos v. Pitt, 34 Phil. 549, U.S. v. Asensi, 43 Phil. 750, U.S. v. Kelly, 35 Phil. 419, U.S. Tan Tiap Co, 35 Phil. 611, Walter E. Olsen & Co. v. Insular Collector of Customs, 35 Phil. 804, Allen v. Province of Albay, 35 Phil. 826, U.S. v. Soliman, 36 Phil. 5, Altavas v. Moir, 36 Phil. 643, Compagnie Franco-Indochinese v. Deutsch Australische Dampschiffs Gesellschaft, 36 Phil. 643, El Banco-Espanol-Filipino v. Palanca, 37 Phil. 921, Government of the Philippines v. Herrero, 38 Phil. 410, Manzanares v. Moreta, 38 Phil. 821, U.S. v. De la Quinta, 40 Phil. 48, Cornejo v. Gabriel, 41 Phil. 188, Kuenzle & Streiff (Ltd) v. Villanueva, 41 Phil. 611, Yu Con v. Ipil, 41 Phil. 770, U.S. v. Esteban, 42 Phil. 1, U.S. v. Magno, 42 Phil. 239, Ganaway v. Quillen, 42 Phil. 805, Mirasol v. Municipality of Tabaco, 43 Phil. 610, El Debate v. Topacio, 44 Phil. 278, Murphy v. Trinidad, 44 Phil. 649, People v. Alvarez, 45 Phil. 472, Quimson v. Suarez, 45 Phil. 901, Serra v. Philippine Natioal Bank, 45 Phil. 907, Pua Casim & Co. v. W. Nuemark & Co., 46 Phil. 342, E. Macias & Co. v. China Fire Insurance & Co. Ltd., 46 Phil. 345, Roman v. Herridge, 47 Phil. 98, People v. Carlos, 47 Phil. 626, Gomez v. Concepcion, 47 Phil. 717, Philippine engineering Co. v. B.A. Green, 48 Phil. 466, Torres v. Lopez, 48 Phil. 772, Santiago v. Calvo, 48 Phil. 919, S.W. OBrien v. Del Rosario, 49 Phil. 657, Julian v. Lutero, 49 Phil. 703, Philippine National Bank v. Philippine Vegetable Oil Co., 49 Phil. 857, Government of the Philippines v. /El Hogar Filipino, 50 Phil. 399, Roman Catholic

Bishop of Nueva Segovia v. Collector of internal Revenue, 50 Phil. 618, Gabriel v. Board of pampanga, 50 Phil. 686, People v. Toledo, 51 Phil. 825, People v. Bangug, 52 Phil. 87, Carag v. Warden of the Provincial Jail, 53 Phil. 85, De la Rosa v. De Borja, 53 Phil. 990, Government of the Philippines v. J. O. Wagner, 54 Phil. 132, Cornejo v. Naval, 54 Phil. 809, Blossom & Co. v. Manila Gas Corporation, 55 Phil. 226, Villafranca v. Cristobal, 55 Phil. 877, Anis v. Contreras, 55 Phil. 923, Ang Giok Chip v. Springfield Fire and Marine Insurance Company, 56 Phil. 375, Palisoc v. Locsin, 57 Phil. 322, People v. Locson, 57 Phil.325, Nueno v. Santos, 58 Phil. 557, Lazaro v. mariano, 59 Phil. 627, Ramirez .v Director of Lands, 60 Phil. 114, Chung v. Insular Collector of Customs, 60 Phil. 945, People v. Manlolo, 62 Phil. 307, People v. Vera, 65 Phil. 56, Montenegro v. Diokno, 65 Phil. 564, De la paz v. Maconfray & Co. Inc., 66 Phil. 402, People v. Tarok, 73 Phil. 260, El Pueblo de Filipinas v. Cabaddu, 73 Phil. 462, Neri v. Akutin, 74 Phil. 185, Mira Hermanos, Inc. v. Manila Tobacconists, Inc., 74 Phil. 367, Concepcion v Jalandoni, 75 Phil. 655, Nueno v. Angeles, 76 Phil. 12, People v. Castillo, 76 Phil. 72, Guekeko v. Santos, 76 Phil. 237, People v. Carlos, 78 Phil. 239, People v. Adriano, 78 Phil. 561, Contreras v. Felix, 78 Phil. 570, Silvestre v. Sanchez, 80 Phil. 368, National Leather Co., Inc. v. United States Life Insurance Co., 87 Phil. 410, People v. Sabilul, 89 Phil. 283, Espuelas v. People, 90 Phil. 524, Patente v. Omega, 93 Phil. 218, Untalan v. Carandang, 96 Phil. 845, People v. Po Giok To, 96 Phil. 627, Advertising Associates, Inc. v. Collector of iNternal Revenue, 97 Phil. 636, Philippine Association of Colleges and Universities v. Secretary of Education, 97 Phil. 806, M.E. Grey v. Insular Lumber Company, 97 Phil. 833, People .v Dipay, 98 Phil. 59, De Prieto v. Santos, 98 Phil. 509, Cebu Arrastre Service v. Collector of Internal Revenue, 99 Phil. 297, Commissioner of Customs v. Valencia, 100 Phil. 165, Arte Espanol Iron works Labor Union v. Pedret, 100 Phil. 1040, Kapisanan ng mga Manggagawa sa Manila Railroad Company v. Bugay, 101 Phil. 18, Villanueva v. Alcoba, 101 Phil. 277, Golez v. Camara, 101 Phil. 363, In re: Ong Sun Cui v. Republic of the Philippines, 101 Phil. 649, Dialdas v. perdices, 101 Phil. 756, National Labor Union v. Sta. Ana, 102 Phil. 302, Yan v. Court of Appeals, 102 Phil. 404, People v. Hidalgo, 102 Phil 719, Jalandoni v. MartirGuanzon, 102 Phil. 859, Boy Scouts of the Philippines v. Araos, 102 Phil. 1080, Compania Maritima v. United Seamens Union of the Philippines, 104 Phil. 7, Hebron v. Reyes, 104 Phil. 175, Joes Radio & Electrical Supply v. Alto Electronics Corporation, 104 Phil. 333, People v. Gatchalian, 104 Phil. 664, Walker Rubber Corporation v. Nederlandsch Indische & Handelsbank, 105 Phil. 934, Municipality of Hinabangan and Rufina Nabual v. Municipality of Wright and Abegonia, 107 Phil. 394, People v. Montejo, 108 Phil. 613, Matubis v. Praxedes, 109 Phil. 789, People v. Aspalin, 110 Phil. 454, Collector of Internal Revenue v. Court of Tax Appeals, 1 SCRA 87, Collector of Internal Revneue v. Fisches, 1 SCRA 93, Dailisan v. Sebastian So Eng So, 1 SCRA 130, Floriza v. Court of Appeals, 1 SCRA 588, Mendiola v. Macadaeg, 1 SCRA 593, Southern Motors v. Mendiola, 2 SCRA 168, Trigal v. Tobias, 2 SCRA 1154, Aquino, Jr. v. Enrile, 59 SCRA 136, People v. Perez, 224 SCRA 529, People v. Cadocio, 228 SCRA 602, Premium Marble Resources, Inc. v. Court of Appeals, 264 SCRA 11, People v. Webb, 312 SCRA 573, Secretary of the Department of Transportation and Communication v. Mabalot, 378 SCRA 128, JG Summit Holdings, Inc. v. Court of Appeals, 412 SCRA 10, People v. Rivera, 412 SCRA 224, Francisco, Jr. v. Nagmamalasakit na mga Manananggol ng mga Manggagawang Pilipino, Inc., 415 SCRA 44, Sarangani v.

Commission on Elections, 415 SCRA 614, Shoppers Paradise Realty and Development Corporation v. Roque, 419 SCRA 93, Tecson v. Commission on Elections, 424 SCRA 27, People v. Islabra, 426 SCRA 547, People v. Cadampog, 428 SCRA 336, People v. Sabardan, 429 SCRA 9, Pasong Bayabas Farmers Association, Inc. v. Court of Appeals, 429 SCRA 109, People v. Tira, 430 SCRA 130, People v. De los Reyes, 430 SCRA 166, People v Leonor, 431 SCRA 223, Freedom From Debt Coalition v. Energy Regulatory Board, 432 SCRA 157) VIDEO To perceive, mark, observe, discern, understand, comprehend, be aware. VIDUUS Deprived or bereft of a husband or wife, bereft of a lover, spouseless, mateless, widowed. VI ET ARMIS With force and tools/implements/arms. In old cases for trespass, a plaintiff often alleged that the defendant had damaged the property by using force or some device. ( Cited in: Perkins v. Perkins, 57 Phil. 205, Montenegro v. Castaneda, 91 Phil. 882, Aquino, Jr. v. Enrile, 59 SCRA 183 ) VICUS An open sore other than a wound that discharge pus. ( Cited in Landicho v. Workmens Compensation Commission, G.R. No. L-45996, March 26, 1979 ) VIGILANTE PROSPICIUNT JURA The law protects him who is watchful of his rights. ( Cited in: Esguerra v. Tecson, 21 Phil. 521, Salao v. Salao, 70 SCRA 65 ) VIGILANTIBUS ET NON DORMIENTIBUS AEQUITAS SUBVENIT Equity aids one who has been vigilant. ( Cited in: Parsons Hardware Co. v. Court of Appeals, 69 Phil. 419, Dozellier v. David, 37 Phil. 435, Barretto, v. De la Paz, 59 Phil. 845, Mendoza v. Cayas, 98 Phil. 107, Sterling Products International, Inc. v. Farberkenfabriken Bayer Aktiengesellschaft, 27 SCRA 1214, Delima v, Tio, G.R. No. L27181, April 30, 1970, G. A. Machineries, Inc. v. Janutro, G. R. No. L-27958, March 31, 1973, Ramos v. Ramos, 61 SCRA 284, Cruz v. Court of Appeals, G.R. No. L-40880, October 23, 1979, G.A. Machineries Inc. v. Juanito, 50 SCRA 1, De la Cruz v. De la Cruz, G.R. No. L-61969, July 25, 1984, Nera v. Auditor General, 164 SCRA 1, Felipe Ysmael, Jr. & Co. Inc. v. Deputy Executive Secretary, 190 SCRA 673, Jacob v. Court of Appeals, G.R. No. 92159, July 1, 1993, Republic v. Sandiganbayan, G. R. No. 109430043, December 28, 1994, Magno v. Philippine National Construction

Corporation, 198 SCRA 230, Young v. Court of Appeals, 204 SCRA 584, Gonzales v. Chavez, 205 SCRA 816, Abad v. CFI of Pangasinan, Branch VIII, 206 SCRA 567, Sy v. Romero, 214 SCRA 187, People v. Rostata, Jr., 218 SCRA 657, Republic v. Sandiganbayan, 239 SCRA 529, Salandanan v. Court of Appeals, 290 SCRA 67, Ochogabia v. Court of Appeals, 304 SCRA 587, Eduarte v. Court of Appeals, 311 SCRA 18, Akbayan-Youth v. Commission on Elections, 355 SCRA 318, Heirs of Ernesto Biona v. Court of Appeals, 362 SCRA 29, Miwa v. Medina, 412 SCRA 275, Republic v. Agunuy, Sr., 451 SCRA 735, Romero v. Natividad, 461 SCRA 553 ) VIGILANTIBUS ET NON DORMIENTIBUS JURA SUBVENIUNT The laws serve the vigilant, not those who sleep. ( Cited in: Director of Lands v. Abada, 41 Phil. 71, Soliva v. The Intestate Estate of Marcelo M. Villalba, 417 SCRA 277 ) VIGILIUM Sleepless, wakefulness. VILIPENDO Despise, to hold in slight esteem. VILIS Cheap, of small price or value, purchased at a low rate. VIM VI REPELLERE LICET To repel force by force is lawful. VINCULUM Tie ( Cited in Estrada v. Escritor, 408 SCRA 1, Tenebro v. Court of Appeals, 423 SCRA 272, Abunado v. People, 426 SCRA 562) VINCULUM JURIS Legal relationship or tie. ( Cited in: Chinese Chamber of Commerce v. Pua Te Ching, 16 Phil. 409.) A legal bond. (Cited in: Leung Ben v. OBrien, 38 Phil. 182, Cangco v. Manila Railroad Co., 38 Phil. 768, Maclan v. Garcia, 97 Phil. 119, Republic v. De los Angeles, G.R. No. L-26112, April 11, 1972, Iglesia ni Cristo v. Court of Appeals, 199 Phil. 1, Yabut v. Lilles, 52 SCRA 37, Asuncion v. Court of Appeals, G.R. No. 109125, December 2, 1994, De Ysasi, III v. National Labor Relations Commission, 231 SCRA 173, Ang Yu Asuncion v. Court of Appeals, 238 SCRA 602, Tibay v. Court of Appeals, 257 SCRA 126, Garcia v. Recio, 366 SCRA 437, Equitable Leasing Corporation v. Suyom, 388 SCRA 445, Union Bank of the Philippines v. Santibanez, 452 SCRA 228 )

VINCULUM MATRIMONI The marriage tie. ( Cited in De los Reyes v. De Castro, 48 Phil. 123 ) VINDEX A claimant, one who lays legal claim to a thing. VIOLO To treat with violence, dishonor, outrage. VIRAGO A manlike woman; a fierce or abusive woman. VIRGINALIS Virgin, virginal, of or belonging to a maiden. VIR ET UXOR CENSENTUR IN LEGE UNA PERSONA Husband and wife are considered one person in law. VIRGINITAS, VEL CASTITAS CORRUPTA RESTITUI NON POTEST Virginity or chastity, once defiled, cannot be restored. ( Cited in People v. Luague, 62 Phil. 504 ) VIRTUTE CUJUS By virtue whereof. VIRTUTE OFFICII By virtue of his office. By the authority in him as the incumbent of that particular office. ( Cited in: Lamb v. Phipps, 22 Phil. 456, U.S. v. Santos, 36 Phil. 853, Zamora v. Wright, 53 Phil. 613, Balais v. Abuda, 146 SCRA 56, Sarigumba v. Pasok, 155 SCRA 646, Hipolito v. Mergas, 195 SCRA 38, Wenceslao v. Madrazo, 247 SCRA 696, Ulat-Marrero v. Torio, Jr., 416 SCRA 177)

VIRTUTIS AMORE By the love of virtue. VIS A TERGO Force from behind. VIS ET METUS Force and fear. VIS INERMIS An unarmed force. VIS LEGIBUS EST INIMICA Violence is inimical to the laws. VIS MAJOR A greater or superior force. Many contracts state that certain occurrences which are beyond the control of the parties (e.g., acts of God, acts of war, fire, flood, etc.) do not impose liability on the party damaged thereby. Such an occurrence is often referred to as a vis major. ( Cited in: Government v. Bingham, 13 Phil. 558, Urrutia v. Baco River Plantation Co., 26 Phil. 632, Song Fo & Co. v. Oria, 33 Phil. 3, De Villaroel v. Manila Motor Co. Inc., 104 Phil. 926, Gotesco Investment Corporation v. Chatto, 210 SCRA 18 ) VITIUM Error; fault. VIVAMUS ATQUE AMEMUS Let us live and love. VIVA VOCE By or with a living voice. Evidence that is given by live testimony (i.e., a person who appears and testifies in court) is generally preferred to evidence in affidavits or other documents. ( Cited in: Hidalgo v. Crossfield, 17 Phil. 466, Gardiner v. Romulo, 26 Phil. 521, People v. Cabrera, 43 Phil. 82, Co Cham v. Tan Keh, 75 Phil. 113, Board of Election Inspectors v. Piccio, 81 Phil. 577, Javellana v. Executive Secretary, 50 SCRA

30, Fortune Corporation v. Court of Appeals, 229 SCRA 355, Arroyo v. De Venecia, 277 SCRA 268, Farinas v. Executive Secretary, 417 SCRA 503) VOCIFICIO To cry aloud, utter a loud cry, proclaim. VOLENS Willing. ( Cited in Lim v. Commission on Audit, 399 SCRA 50 ) VOLENS ET POTENS Willing and able. VOLENTI NON FIT INJURIA To one who is willing, there is no injury. This Latin phrase expresses the tort doctrine of assumption of risk. ( Cited in: Cerezo v. Atlantic Gulf & Pacific Co., 33 Phil. 425, Tamayo v. Gsell, 35 Phil. 183, Juco v. Suyantong, 43 Phil. 589, People v. Perfecto, 43 Phil. 887, Peralta v. Director of Prisons, 75 Phil. 285, Balmori v. Sison, 80 Phil. 477, People v. Gatchalian, 104 Phil. 664, Sy v. Central Bank of the Philippines, G.R. No. L41480, April 30, 1976, Garciano v. Court of Appeals, G.R. No. 96126, August 10, 1992, Ilocos Norte Electric Co. v. Court of Appeals, 179 SCRA 5, Servicewide Specialists Inc. v. Intermediate Appellate Court, 174 SCRA 80, Sanchez v. Court of Appeals, 279 SCRA 647, Nikko Hotel Manila Garden v. Reyes, 452 SCRA 532 ) VOLUNTAS Volition; will; intention. VOLUNTAS IN DELICTIS NON EXITUS SPECTATUR In crimes, the intent and not the result is regarded. VOLUNTAS TESTATORIS AMBULATORIA EST USQUE AD MORTEM The will of the testator is changeable up to the moment of his death. VOLUPTUOSUS Full of gratification, enjoyment, pleasure or delight. VOTIVITAS A solemn promise, a vow.

VOTUM MORTIS CAPTANDAE The desire of the grantee for the early death of the grantor particularly in contracts de praesenti with deferred execution. ( Cited in Blas v. Santos, 1 SCRA 899 ) VOX EMISSA VOLAT; LITERA SCRIPTA MANET The spoken word flies; the written letter remains. VOX POPULI VOX DEI The voice of the people is the voice of God. ( Cited in Pamil v. Teleron, 86 SCRA 413 ) VULGO To spread among the multitude, to publish, to make known to all by words. ZONAM SOLVERE To untie the girdle; to marry a woman.

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