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(104) Write a letter to your friend abroad to send you some stamps and pictures. R.K.

Sahni 87, Mount Road, Chennai. 22-9-2008 My dear Vimal, I am very happy to receive your kind letter of the 8th inst. I am glad to hear that you have come first in the sports competition in your house. I have written to you that I am interested in stamp-collecting and collection of pictures. I have got an album of these collections. I request you to kindly send me some rare stamps of your country and some pictures of very important places and beautiful landscapes there. I intend displaying them in a public exhibition. Thanking you. Yours sincerely, Saroj Kumar Tandon. (105) Write a lettter to your friend asking him to return the book he had borrowed from you last month. Shiv Nagar, Murshidabad. 9th October, 2008. My dear Prem, Last month you took from me Idioms and Phrases by H. Martin. You had promised to return the book in a week. I think your examinations are over and you do not need it now. The book is necessary for me for my examination. So please return the book in a day or two. Yours sincerely, Purshottam Lal. (106) Write a letter to your friend advising him to donate his books to the book bank in his school. 24, Sultanganj, Aligarh. June, 10, 2008. My dear Kundan, I am getting on well with my studies. How are you ? How is your school life ? You may be knowing that Book Banks have been started in most of the schools in our state. The scheme aims at helping poor pupils with books. Books are collected from those who have been promoted to higher class. I have donated five books. I hope there is a Book Bank in your school. I would advise you to donate your books and do your part in helping the poor. Yours sincerely, L. Ibrahim (107) Write a letter to your friend to come to your house to join you in preparing for the examination. Jeewani Kuti, Loha Mandi, Agra. 10-1-2008 My dear Kumar, You have often told me that you find it difficult to study your lessons in your house as it is very small. Why can't you come to my house and join me in preparing for the Public Examination, which is fast approaching. I have a separate room free from disturbance. Our combined study would be beneficial to both. My room is airy and well furnished and I have got all the books needed. I hope you will agree to my proposal and come to my house daily from next week. Yours sincerely, Raja (108) You hold two complimentary tickets for a musical programme. Write a letter to a friend of yours inviting him to accompany you. Kamal Kunj, Tagore Nagar,

Chembur, Mumbai. March 20, 2008. My dear Suraj, You must have been surprised at the second letter of mine within the span of four days. The last letter I had sent to you was just to acquaint you with what I am going to do after my examination. But this letter is an invitation to you to a great musical feast. I know you are a great Indian classical music fan and will not miss an opportunity to feast yourself on musical recitals of renowned Hindustani Singers and Songs stresses. I have secured two complimentary tickets for a great musical programme for three nights beginning from Saturday 4th April, 2008 at Shambhu Hall, Kings Circle, Matunga. The programme is to start at 10 o'clock every night and is likely to continue until long past mid night. The programme consists of both vocal and instrumental music and renowned musicians of India are to participate in it. You may wonder why I have written to you so early and urgently to you, when there are still about 15 days for the programme. The sole reason for this is that you should not make any appointment or engagement for these three nights, for I want you to accompany me to the programme. I am certain you will not say No to this, yet awaiting your reply. With kind regards. Yours lovingly, Nirmal Kumar (109) Write a letter to your friend apologizing to him for having failed to keep an appointment. Kamal Sadan, 1st Floor, Flat No. 8, Dadar, Mumbai. 2-3-2008 My dear Rajan. I was expected to come to you last evening to discuss our plans of our trip to Kashmir during the summer holidays. I am sorry I could not keep the appointment. I tender my sincere apologies for the lapse on my part. But I was really helpless. As I was getting out of my house, my cousins from U.S.A. landed. We were meeting them after ten years. So I could not leave them. I generally keep up my appointments. I am sure you understand my problem. I will be meeting you next Wednesday at 6 p.m. My respects to your Dad and Mum. With sincere apologies, I remain, Yours sincerely, Madhav (110) Write a letter to your friend how you plan to spend your vacation after S.S.C. Examination. Satnam Society. Marine Lines, Mumbai-26 25th March, 2008 My dear Sunil, Trust this finds you and your family in good health. I have just finished my S.S.C. exams. My parents have promised to give me a nice holiday after all these days of hard work. We are planning to go on a tour of Northern India. We shall be visiting Simla, Nainital, Chandigarh, etc. The trip is for 14 days. After coming back from the tour, I am intending to join swimming and computer classes. Please let me know whether you will be able to join us for the trip. Please reply soon. With love and best wishes. Your loving friend, Manohar. (111) Write a letter to your friend if you may stay in his house on a particular day. Place ........... Date ............ My dear Venkat, I am happy to inform you that I have passed Type-writing Higher and Short-hand Lower Examinations. I have applied for Banking Service Recruitment Board. I have to sit for an

examination on the 10th proximo. The examination centre is in your town. Please let me know if I may stay in your house on 9th and 10th of next month. Convey my regards to your parents. Yours sincerely X.Y.Z. (112) Write a letter to your friend about a good film seen by you recently. Place ........... Date ............ My dear Arun, Last month I saw a film An Ideal Family. It is a fine film providing good entertainment. The action of all the actors is good. Actor Visu, who plays the role of the head of the family, has done excellently well. The songs are sweet. The photography is praiseworthy, dialogues are impressive. The story is well-knit and the presentation is marvellous. I enjoyed the film throughout. I would ask you to see that film and enjoy. Yours sincerely, Mewa Ram (113) A story written by one of your friends has appeared in a popular weekly magazine and you have just read it. Write a letter to her expressing your opinion about her story. 145, New Street Saharanpur. 15-09-2008. My dear Meena, I am a regular reader of the weekly magazine Sarovar. The short story entitled Shining Stars was very fine. I came to know that it was you who have had written it. What a wonderful story you have written! The development of the plot is superb. You have chosen apt words for description of the natural scenes. The style is elegant. The narration is life-like. May God bless you with greater skill so that you can rise very high in the art of writing stories. Yours sincerely, Kanak. (114) Write a letter to a gentleman requesting him to preside over a function in your school. J.C. Hr. Sec. School, Shikohabad. 17th December, 2008 To, The Principal, Agra College, Agra. Dear Sir, The inaugural function of our school Library Association has been fixed to take place on 28th of this month. The pupils and teachers of our school wish that you should preside over the function and deliver the address. I request you to accept our invitation and give us the opportunity of hearing a fine speech. Expecting your letter of consent, Yours faithfully, Nawal Kishore Sharma Secretary, Literary Association (115) Write a letter to your friend describing your participation in Pongal sports held in the school. Place......... Date........... My dear Kanan, I am well here and hope you are also well with your brothers and sisters. I am writing to you about in the Pongal sports held in my school in the first week of this month. I am sure you would be glad to read about my participation in them. I won the 100 m clash. Manish won the 200 m. I won the long jump. He won the high jump. I won the shotput, he, the dsicus. with just one event, the musical chairs to go, we had equal points.

There was excitement all around. The event would decide the individual championship trophy. Both of us entered the final round. Our friends were cheering us. When the music stopped, I was nearer the chair. I could have sat on it, but I delayed a bit, so that Manish could sit. Do you know, why ? Friendship mattered to me more than the championship. With regards to your parents. Yours very sincerely, Banwari Lal. (116) Write a letter to your friend who has started smoking recently, pointing out the evils of smoking. 16, Kakkawadi, Raipur. 29th November, 2008 Dear Ramesh, Yesterday I received a letter from Govind Pandey whom you know well. The main point in his letter was your heavy smoking as he calls it. While I was with you in D.A.V. High School, we had talks between us about this poisonous weed, and you used to say that you hated it like poison. How is it then that you have become a confirmed smoker ? Bad company is the cause, I suppose. You must be aware of the terrible effects of smoking. It can cause cancer of the lungs or tongue. It can weaken the heart and cause dyspepsia. It also weakens the eyesight, sometimes causing blindness. I, therefore, entreat you to give up this habit immediately and become your old self again. Please convey my respects to your parents and give my love to your younger brother. And please write to me again and tell me that you are free of this dangerous vice. With my best wishes, Yours sincere friend, Kailash. (117) Write a letter to your friend regretting the loss of a book which you have borrowed from him. 16, Motiganj, Bikaner, 15th Sept., 2008 Dear Vishwas, Thank you for your letter of 12th inst., which I received this morning. I am very happy to learn that you have got admission to Government College. The novel Pride and Prejudice which I had borrowed from you when I was in Banmor in May and which you now want back is unfortunately either lost or mislaid. I don't know whether I have lent it to someone or left it in the class. Please pardon me for this negligence. I shall buy a copy today and send it to you by post, the first thing tomorrow. I hope all of you are well and happy, particularly your kid brother, who was in hospital while I was there. With my namaste to your father and mother and ta ta to your kind brother. Yours sincerely, Rajni Kant (118) Write a letter to your friend, explaining to him the danger of taking alcoholic drinks even in small quantities. 26, Carter Road, Bandra. Bombay-50 15th March, 2008 My dear Vinod, Since I write to you last week, I have heard some disturbing news about you from some common friends. This is the reason that has prompted me to write to you again. I have heard that you have started taking alcoholic drinks. Let me, as your sincere friend, advise you to desist from such a course. You know habits die very slow. It is a well-known fact that alcoholic drink weakens the liver and the whole system. You have an excellent record as a sportsman and you will certainly ruin it, if you indulge in drinking. So I plead with you, for your own sake and for the sake of your friends to nip this habit in the bud. With warmest regards to you and all at home.

Yours sincerely, Vishal (119) Write a letter to your neighbour requesting him not to play his T.V. loudly. H.A.N. David, 55, A.A. Road, Madurai. 6-9-2008 To, V.P. Damodaran, 56, A.A. Road, Madurai. Dear Sir, I feel sorry to write this to you. At night, your T.V. is turned on very loudly daily. My mother is suffering from Asthama. The high volume of your T.V. disturbs her sleep. So I request you to be kind enough not to turn on your T.V. too loudly at nights. I will be thankful if you oblige. Yours sincerely, H.A.N. David (120) Suppose you live in a rented house. Write a letter to your landlord requesting him to conduct repairs in the house you are occupying. 27, Delhi Road, Mathura. June 15, 2008 Shri R. P. Sharma Gaja Paysa, Mathura. Dear Sir, Permit me to draw your kind attention to the poor condition of the house. I am living in as your tenant. Two roofs need urgent repairs. The walls have developed big cracks. Floors need replastering. The roofs of bathroom and kitchen leak during the rainy season. Kindly arrange these repairs soon as the rainy season is very near. I shall feel highly thankful to you for your favour. Yours faithfully, Gauri Shanker (121) Your mother wants to spend a few days with your elder brother who lives in Nainital. Write a letter to your brother asking him to come to the railway station to receive her. 162, Mall Road, Meerut, March 20, 2008 My dear Brother, You will be glad to know that mother has agreed to spend a few days with you at Simla. She was feeling reluctant to leave home. But she changed her mind when sister Usha arrived from Bharatpur yesterday. Usha would be staying with us for two or three weeks. She would look after the home in the absence of the mother. Mother will be leaving Delhi by the Kathmandu Express on 25th March, 2008 at 8.30 p.m. She will reach Nainital on the morning of 26th March at eight o'clock. You should come to the railway station to receive her from Bogie No. 23504. As she is visiting Nainital for the first time, it will not be possible to reach your residence alone. With regards, Yours affectionately, Rajesh (122) Suppose you are Dinesh. Your father is living at Chennai. Write a letter to him giving him home news. 82, Pant Nagar, Ghaziabad. May 18, 2008 My dear Father,

We have not heard from you for more than a week. We are worried about your health. Here, all except Kamlesh have been keeping good health. Last week she had a severe attack of influenza and remained confined to bed for four days. We consulted Dr. Dubey. He advised her complete rest for a week. You need not worry about her, for she is improving rapidly. You will be glad to read that Rakesh has passed the half-yearly exmination getting first position in the school. I have been studying hard and hope to do well. Sudha had some deficiency in English. So, we have engaged a tutor for her. Last Sunday Mamaji and Mamiji paid us a visit. They were keeping good health. Please do not forget to write to us at least once every week. With kind regards, Yours affectionately, Govincd. (123) Write a letter to your mother requesting her to send you her latest photograph. 28/3, Peetampura, Delhi - 110038 June 18, 2008 My dear Mother, I received your kind letter yesterday. This proved to be a source of great joy to me, for the feeling, that our near and dear ones remember us, gives us emotional satisfaction. Those who live in a hostel are always waiting to hear something from home. The postman's visit is always welcome to us. I do not like to remain away from my family. I am waiting for that day when our school will close for the summer vacation. Our examinations are drawing near. so I cannot come to see you. I request you to send me your latest photograph so that I may not feel lonely. Please do not forget to send me your photograph as early as possible. With love and regards. Yours affectionately, Sumit (124) In a letter to your friend, write about his faults and also about the good points of his character. Examination Hall. .................... March 28, 2008 Dear Ramesh, Jai Hind! As you know it is difficult to call a spade a spade these days. But as your friend and wellwisher, I take up this unpleasant duty to point out a few defects in you. Your father has asked me again and again that I should advise you to get up early in the morning. It is really very bad that you keep in bed till date. I am really pained to hear that you quarrel with your younger brothers and sisters over trifles. You should give up this bad habit and try to love them. Moreover, it is undesirable that you waste much of your day-time in the company of bad boys. You will ruin yourself in this way. If you do not mind these defects now, you will realize it in your later life. It is good that you have soft corner for the poor. I have heard with great interest that you help the poor class-fellows with books and money. I feel happy, when I learn that you stand first in the class in all the examinations and your teachers are satisfied with you. You are neat and clean, it is really very good. The other day your headmaster was praising you for your active participation in many of the extra-curricular activities. Please try to imporve yourself, as far as possible. I hope you will not mind the first paragraph of this letter, and try to remove the defects if you have any. As far as the good points are concerned, it is hightime that you should develop them fully. Any service I am fit for. Yours sincerely, Bhagwan Kumar. (125) Write a letter to your mother telling her how you saved the life of a child. 325, Sadar Bazar, Delhi. December 15, 2008 Respected Mother,

You will be glad to learn how I saved the life of a boy from being burnt to death. Last night, when I was studying in my drawing room. I heard a loud cry Fire, Fire. I saw through the window. Many people with buckets full of sands and pitchers of water were running to the house at the corner of our street. I came down immediately and reached the spot. There the people were trying their best to extinguish the fire, which was beyond their control. The owners of the house were crying that their only son was left on the upper storey of their house and nobody was willing to risk his life to save the life of the child. I went inside the house, climbed upstairs amidst dense smoke and flames. I took up the child from the cradle and jumped down immediately. By God's grace both of us were safe. In this way I saved the life of a child, whose parents were so glad to have him back. They wanted to reward me for this act of bravery, but I refused to accept anything. All the people were praising me for my this act of boldness. The local newspapers gave this news on the front page in bold letters. This was followed by a volley of congratulations from different corners of the city. I hope you will also like and appreciate my this brave deed. With love from, Yours affectionate son, Roshan Lal. II. Social Letters A letter shows the man it is written to as well as the man it is written by. Chesterfield Under the heading Social Letters we include Notes, Letters of Invitations, Replies, Acknowledgements, Postponements, etc. In business letters, we have said, there is a good deal of formality. But the polite formalities of the so-called Social Letters are no less large in number and perplexing in character. In social correspondence there is no room for the ventilation of personal or private thoughts and feelings. There are two kinds of Notes of Invitationformal and informal. A formal invitation is generally written in the third person. It contains no heading, no salutation and no complimentary close. The writers name appears in the body of the letter. The address of the writer and the date are written to the left, below the communication. If it is an invitation to tea or dinner, there should be an R.S.V.P. at the bottom of the letter, R.S.V.P. is an abbreviation for Respondez stil vous plait which means Reply, if you please. If there is an R.S.V.P. it is but politeness to reply accepting or declining the invitation. The reply like the note, is also written in the third person, and repeats the date and time mentioned in the invitation. Then there are informal Notes of Invitations, their acceptance, and refusal. These are all like ordinary friendly letters, though the language used here is more formal. They are addressed to the recipient by name and the formal close is usually : Sincerely yours, or Yours sincerely, or Yours very sincerely. Below we are giving some specimens of both formal and informal types of social correspondence. (1) Formal Notes of Invitation Mr. C.V. Satyanarayan requests the pleasure of the company of Mr. R.S. Yadav, M.P. at dinner at his house, 14, Nehru Road at 8.30 p.m. on Sunday, the 18th May, 2008. Shiva Sadan, Kanpur. May 12, 2008 R.S.V.P. (2) Formal Note of Acceptance Mr. R.S. Yadav acknowledges with thanks the invitation of Mr. C.V. Satyanarayan to dinner at his house on the 18th May, 2008 at 8.30 p.m. He will be delighted to come. Amrit Bhawan, Kanpur. May 15 , 2008 (3) Formal Note of Refusal Mr. R.S. Yadav acknowledges with thanks the kind invitation of Mr.C.V. Satyanarayan to dinner at his house on the 18th May, 2008 at 8.30 p.m. but he very much regrets that he cannot come on account of a previous engagement. Amrit Bhawan Kanpur May 15, 2008 (4) Formal Note of Invitation 16, Prem Sadan,

20th June, 2008 Dear Mrs. Saxena, We shall be pleased if you and Dr. Saxena will dine with us on Monday next, the 25th instant, 9.30 p.m. We should like you to meet the Guptas who are also coming. Yours sincerely, Sarla Mahajan (5) Formal Note of Acceptance Dear Mrs. Mahajan, We have great pleasure in accepting your kind invitation to dinner on Monday next, the 25th instant and shall be deligthed to meet the Guptas. Yours sincerely, Sarita Saxena. (6) Formal Note of Refusal Dear Mrs. Saxena, We regret that owing to a previous engagement for the 25th instant, we shall be unable to dine with you on that day. Yours sincerely, Sarita Saxena (7) From a society inviting a gentleman to attend a programme The members of the Theosophical Society request the pleasure of the company of Mr. R.P. Sharma at a symposium to be held by the Society in the Town Hall on Sunday the 8th March, at 4.30 p.m. The Theosophical Society, 16, Malaviya Road, R.N. Bansal, Lucknow. Secretary 2nd March, 2008. (8) Acceptance to the Above Mr. R.P. Sharma has great pleasure in accepting the invitation of the Theosophical Society to a symposium to be held in the Town Hall on Sunday the 8th March at 4.30 p.m. 24, Bara Bazaar, Lucknow March 5, 2008 (9) Refusal to the Above Mr. R.P. Sharma regrets that owing to a previous engagement, he is unable to accept the invitation of the Theosophical Society to a symposium to be held in the Town Hall on Sunday, the 8th March, at 4.30 p.m. 24, Bara Bazaar, Lucknow. March 5, 2008 (10) From a lady, inviting a married couple to Dinner 4, Anand Bhawan, Town Hall, Varanasi, April 14, 2008 Dear Mr. Agarwal, We should be very pleased if you and Mr. Agarwal would dine with us on Wednesday the 18th, at 8 o'clock. It will be quite a small party, as we have only asked Mr. and Mrs. Arora and Mr., Mrs. and Miss Bansal. We hope you will be dis-engaged and be able to give us the pleasure of your company. Very truly yours, Bimla Tandon (11) Acceptance of the Above 10, Anand Bhawan, Civil Lines, Varanasi. April 16, 2008

Dear Mrs. Tandon, We have great pleasure in accepting your kind invitation to dine with you on the 18th. I was so sorry to miss you on Saturday, we had gone on a long drive to pleasure park and did not return till six. I hope to be more fortunate the next time you call. Very truly yours, Manju Agarwal. (12) Refusal to the Above 10, Anand Bhawan Civil Lines, Varanasi April 16, 2008 Dear Mrs. Tandon, We are extremely sorry that we are unable to accept your kind invitation to dinner, as we are going to Noida on Tuesday and shall note return home until after the 20th, when I shall hope to come and see you. Very truly yours, Manju Agarwal. (13) From a Gentleman to a young lady, inviting her to go to the Cinema 16, Sukh Nivas, Manoj Road, Indore. Sept. 22, 2008 Dear Miss Malti, I think you said you would like to see the new play at the Ritz. If you allow me I will endeavour to secure seats for any evening next week on which you and your mother may be disengaged, and shall hope to have the pleasure of accompanying you. Very truly yours, Mukand Jain (14) Acceptance of the above 15, Amar Niketan, Civil Lines, Indore. September 24, 2008 Dear Mr. Jain, My mother and I should much enjoy going to the Cinema one day next week, and it is very kind of you to offer to take seats for us. I think Thursday would be most convenient night if it suits you equally well. Believe me, with kind regards from my mother. Yours very sincerely, Malti Jindal (15) To a Gentleman asking him to pay a country visit Nandgaon, Mathura. February 10, 2008 Dear Mr. Narendra, I wonder if you would feel inclined for a little country air ? If so, perhaps you would like to run down to us for a few days. We are only an hour and a half from town, as I think I told you. If you are able to come and will let me know what day to expect you. I will tell the best bus to take. I need to say how pleased we should be to see you. Sincerely yours. S.N. Garg (16) Refusal to the above. Dampier Park, Mathura. February 13, 2008 Dear Mr. Garg, It would have given me very much pleasure to accept your kind invitation to stay with you for a

few days, but I have arranged to go to Kanpur on Friday next with my sister-in-law, which will, I am sorry to say, prevent my coming to you just now. I always think the country is at its fairest this month and I should have been so pleased to pay you a little visit if I could have arranged it. Very truly yours, Narendra Bansal. (17) To a lady offering a Birthday Present. 271, Tulsi Enclave, Professor Colony, Agra. May 10, 2008 My dear Miss Saxena, In wishing you many happy returns of your birthday, I send you a little souvenir which I hope you will like. I hope it will occasionally serve to remind you in days to come of one who held you in affection and wished you all happiness. May the future contain everything for you that your dearest friends could wish. Yours affectionately, J.P. Nagari (18) To a lady, thanking her for a Birthday Present. 6, Ram Nagar, New Delhi May 18, 2008 Dear Mrs. Nagari, I do not know how to thank you adequately for your handsome present, I am delighted with it. It was indeed kind of you to remember my birthday, and I am most grateful for your good wishes. I have had several very nice presents, but none that I shall value more than yours. We are to have a little dance to-night in honour of the event, so I shall have the pleasure of showing my gifts to my particular friends. With renewed thanks, Affectionately yours, H.G. Saxena. (19) An inviation to attend a meeting. 15, G.T. Road, Pilibhit. 20th August, 2008 Sir, The special meeting of the Municipal Committee, Pilibhit will be held on the 28th August, 2008 at 5.30 p.m. in the Municipal Hall. Your presence is earnestly requested. Yours faithfully, S. Chand Secretary To, Shri N. L. Kirpal Purana Mohalla, Pilibhit. Acceptance Sir, Thank you very much for your kind invitation to attend the special meeting. I shall be pleased to attend it and hope to reach in time. Yours faithfully, N.L. Kirpal Refusal Sir, I thank you very much for your kind invitation to attend the meeting, but on account of previous engagement I regret my inability to attend it. Yours faithfully, N.L. Kirpal

To, Mr. S.L. Yadav, Secretary, Municipal Committee, Pilibhit. (20) Invitation to a Wedding Party The undersigned requests the pleasure of Mr. Rattans company at the dinner at his residence in Maida Mohalla, Meerut on the auspicious occasion of the wedding of his son, Nitin Agarwal at 8.00 p.m. on Thursday, the 12th November 2008. Rameshwar Dayal 6th November, 2008 Acceptance Mr. Ram Chand has great pleasure in accepting the invitation, which has so kindly been extended to me to the dinner on the auspicious occasion of the wedding of his son, Nitin Agarwal, at 8.00 p.m. on 12th November, 2008. Pilibhit, 9th November, 2008. Refusal Mr. Ram Chand, on account of previous engagement, regrets his inability to accept the dinner so kindly extended to him on the auspicious occasion of the marriage of his son, Nitin Agarwal, on the 12th November, 2008. Pilibhit 9th November, 2008. (21) Invitation to Dinner Mr. and Mrs. Wahid Ahmad request the pleasure of Mr. Narayan Das Saxena's company at a dinner on the 20th inst. at 7.30 p.m. to be held at their residence on the occasion of their daughters marraige. BIHAR MANZIL Civil Lines, Moradabad. 8th July, 2008. R.S.V.P. Note of Acceptance Narain Das Saxena thanks Mr. and Mrs. Wahid Ahmad for their kind invitation and will be delighted to have the honour of dining with Mr. and Mrs. Wahid Ahmad on 20th July at 7.30 p.m. at their residence. 10, Civil Lines, Moradabad. 9th July, 2008. Note stating inability to Attend Narain Das Saxena thanks Mr. and Mrs. Wahid Ahmad for their very kind invitation, but regrets that a pervious engagement prevents his presence. He, however, sends his blessings to the new couple. 10, Civil Lines, Moradabad. 9th July, 2008. (22) Reply in negative to the invitation of your friend to visit him Raj Niwas, Matatila, Bulandshahr 29th December, 2008 Dear Prahlad, I was pleased to note the contents of your letter, who can be happier than I to have joined your sisters marriage. But it is certain I shall not be able to attend it. My Uncle's marriage takes place on the same date. I will be missing not only your marriage but also of your gay company in the wedding party of my Uncle's marriage. I may find time to pay a visit a few days before the marriage with best of wishes, Yours sincerely, Pramod.

(23) An Informal letter of Invitation. Tulsi Kutir, Das Compound, Mainpuri. 14th April, 2008. My dear Rajesh, It shall be a great pleasure to me if you please be kind enough to join us at an At Home at my residence on Sunday, the 20th inst. at 8.00 p.m. in lieu of my getting a younger brother. Sincerely yours, Govind Mittal. Informal Letter of Acceptance 25, Gali Maliyan, Hathras, April 17, 2008. Dear Govind, Many thanks for your kind invitation to an At Home at your residence on Sunday the 20th instant at 8 p.m. and I feel great pleasure to accept it. You please accept my wishes for the baby. You shall find me there with you in time on this happy day. Yours sincerely, Rajesh Agarwal Informal Letter of Refusal 25, Gali Maliyan. Hathras. Apri 17, 2008. Dear Govind, I am sorry that on account of previous engagement, I shall not be able to join you at your At Home on Sunday, 20th instant. With sincere thanks to you for your kind invitation and lots of good wishes for the baby. Sincerely yours Rajesh Agrawal (24) Formal Letters of Invitation Mr. and Mrs. P.C. Mehta request the pleasure of Mr. and Mrs. R.K. Jain's presence on the auspicious occasion of their son Mohan's wedding with Radha, the daughter of Smt. and Shri R.N. Kalkar at their residence at 8 p.m. on Friday, the 15th of October, 2008. 125, Khatrana Shikohobad. Formal Letter of Acceptance Mr. R.K. Jain feels a great pleasure in accepting the kind invitation of Mr. and Mrs. P.C. Mehta on the auspicious occasion of their sons marriage on Friday, the 15th of October, 2008. 215, Rawatpara, Agra. October 9, 2008. Formal Letter of Refusal Mr. R.K. Jain regrets to say that his illness prevents him from accepting the kind invitation of Mr. and Mrs. P.C. Mehta on the auspicious occasion of their son's marriage on Friday, the 15th of October, 2008. 215, Rawatpara, Agra October 9, 2008. (25) From a Gentleman to a Legal Adviser asking Advice 12, Civil Lines, Allahabad, November 5, 2008 B.K. Esq. Dear Sir, I am in a little difficulty respecting a late servant of mine. I dismissed him for misconduct without giving him a month's warning, and he has now summoned me for a month's wages. What would

you advise me to do in the matter ? Perpahs you will kindly drop me a line. With compliments, Yours truly, H.C. Saxena. (26) From a Gentleman to a Legal Adviser, respecting a claim 24, Agrasen Park, Bareilly. December 15, 2008 S.P. Saxena, Esq Dear Sir, I enclose a letter received this morning from Mr. A.L. Zafri, Mr. Puri's Solicitors, asking for compensation for damage done to his car by its coming into collision with mine. I shall send my driver to you tomorrow morning that he may explain the nature of the accident, and perhaps you will see that no blame attaches to him. Will you have the goodness after you have seen him to write to Mr. A.L. Zafri ? Yours very truly, D.N. Kapoor. Assignment (1) Write a reply to the following letter suitably. N.S.W. Higher Sec. School Madurai-7 2nd July, 2008. To, The Manager, Robinson Cycle Factory, Chennai-600 083 Sir, Our class consists of 50 students, we want to see your factory as we are eager to know how cycles are made. We have been anxiously waiting to do so since June. We propose to visit it on 23rd of this month. We request you to give us permission to see the same. Our class teacher will also come with us. We eagerly await your reply. Yours faithfully, R.K. Mittal, Pupil Leader of XII Std. (2) Write a reply to the following letter suitably. 45, Mahavir Lane, Allahabad. 5th July, 2008. Dear Uncle, I am well here and I hope that all of you are well there. My friend Joseph is coming to Allahabad next month to attend an interview in a biscuit factory. He has no relative there. He is visiting Allahabad for the first time. He does not know Hindi. He will be staying in Allahabad for a week. I shall be very happy if you could kindly extend your help by providing him accommodation in your house. Kindly convey my regards to aunt and my wishes to Jinny. Yours affectionately, Robert. (3) Write a suitable reply to the following letter. Raman & Co. Booksellers and Publishers, Book Market, Varanasi, 18-6-2008. The Manager, Maya Book Depot, Ujhani.

Dear Sir, We would like to call your attention to our invoice No. 125 dated 10.04.2008 for Rs. 1,850 (one thousand eight hundred and fifty). The payment is pending for a long period. In spite of our reminders we haven't received any reply from you. We request you to settle the account at an early date without forcing us to take legal action to recover the amount due to us. Yours faithfully, Ram Narain Misra, (Manager) (4) Write a reply to the following letter suitably. 17, D.B. Road, Coimbatore. August 20, 2008. Dear Amutha, I am much delighted to know that you have won the Young World-Wild Life Painting Contest. Congratulations! I know how happy you are. You must know how proud I am of you. With love, Yours, Priya To, Miss Amutha, Plot 5, D.R. Nagar, Rathnapuri, Madurai-625101. (5) Write a reply to the following letter suitably. 72, Anna Nagar, Madurai November 4, 2008 Dear Vennila, I have been inviting you to Madurai for the last two years. I am sorry to say, but, you have never paid a visit so far. I am not at all satisfied with the way you keep postponing your visit. Hoping to meet you during the winter holidays. Yours Chandra To, Miss Vennila, 65, R.S. Puram. Coimbatore-641007 (6) Write a reply to the following letter suitably. 19, Noori Gate, Alwar. September 4, 2008. Dear Keshav, You have borrowed Animal Kindgom Book-II from me last month. This Saturday is the due date to return the book to my school library. I have already reminded you several times. I am sorry to say this, but, I need the book immediately. Please send it without fail. Yours lovingly, Nirmal To, Karan Keshav, 21, Lakshmi Villa, Raja Street, Dabra. (7) Write a reply to the folowing letter suitably. Bangalore, March 3, 2008. Dear Raghav,

How are you ? You know, writing is my hobby. I want to write an article on the Kargil hero Major Sarvanan, for my school magazine. As Sarvanan's family hails from Trichy, and your father being a journailst, who covered the Kargil war, I thought I could write to you for more information. Yours sincerely, Manjeet. Exercise for Practice (1) Write a letter to your friend advising him to live with his means and stop buying expensive luxury articles on instalments. (2) Write a letter to the Principal of your College asking for a form of application and prospectus. (3) Write a letter to the Warden of Thomson Hostel, Kanpur enquiring about fees and rules. (4) Write a letter to a photograph asking for terms for taking a group photo in your school. (5) You want to go to a hill station during the summer vacation. Write a letter to a tourist agency making enquiries about a summer holiday trip that you would like to take. (6) Write a letter to your landlord asking him to put the house where you reside in a proper state, especially the roof, and to have the whole house whitewashed and painted. (7) Write a letter from a student to the Principal, giving an explanation for his behaviour and offering a satisfactory apology. (8) Write a letter from a father to the Principal of a College requesting for help. (9) You have been living in a big city for six months. Write a letter to your friend in your village/home tour expressing your views on the joys and sorrows of a city life. III. Business letters and Letters to Editors (1) Letter applying for Agency Sadar Bazar, Ghaziabad, Sept. 10, 2008. M/s Padam Kumar Shital Prasad, Vegetable Merchants. Mathura. Dear Sir, We have come to know from a reliable source that you are eager to establish your agency in your district. We therefore, offer our services to act as your sole agent for this district. We are very old dealers of Khurja Ghee and enjoy good reputation in the market. Our firm was established in1980. On account of high prices of pure ghee, there is much reduction in its sale. So with a view to recoup the same, we wish to take this agency. We shall be able to sell nearly 400 tins per month. We can conveniently carry on the agency work with a commission of 6%. The time of credit, which we shall take, will not exceed two months in any case. We are pleased to give you the following references : (1) Messrs Karam Chand Mohan Lal, Motilal Nehru Road, Mathura. (2) Dena Bank, Station Road, Ghaziabad. Should you appoint us as your sole agent for this district, we assure you we shall be always endeavouring to safeguard your interests to the best of our ability. Yours faithfully, Ram Charan Uma Shanker. (2) Advertisement of Posts Wanted a stenographer for the local rationing office. Apply stating age, qualification and other particulars and minimum salary acceptable to the Rationing Officer. Distt. Aligarh. The Rationing Officer, Distt. Aligarh. Sir, In response to your advertisement in yesterdays Amar Ujala for the post of Stenographer under your kind control, I most respectfully offer myself for the post. As regards my educational attainments, I may state that I passed the High School Examination in 2004 and the Intermediate Examination in 2006 with distinction in Steno-typing, both in good Second division. I am working as a Stenographer in the local Central Bank, but the place is temporary and will

terminate by the end of this month. I am 25 years of age and belong to a respectable family of this district. I have sound physique and am well connected. I enclose here with a few copies of my testimonials and certificates for your perusal. I will be glad if favoured with an appointment for interview. I can easily attend your office after this month. Subzi Mandi, Yours respectfully, Aligarh. Ram Avtar Gupta 5-9-2008 (3) Application for a Post 10, Patkapur, Kanpur, May 25, 2008. The Agent, Begg Sutherland & Co. Ltd., Kanpur. Sir, In response to your advertisement in the Hindustan Times of the 10th inst. I offer my services for the post of an Accountant in your office. I passed the H.S. Exam of U.P. Board in 2001 with Commerce as my optional subject from B.N.S.D. Inter College, Kanpur in the First division. In 2003, I passed the Accountancy Exam. of the London Chanmber of Commerce with distinction. Since then I have been serving as an Accountant in the local J.K. Cotton Mills. I am at present drawing Rs. 2,750/- per month, and my relations with my employers are quite smooth. I am applying for this post in the hope of improving my prospects in your firm which has much wider scope for accountants. I am 28 years old and am well connected. I am herewith enclosing copies of a few testimonials regarding my character and ability. I shall feel obliged if you kindly make enquiries about me from my present employers as well as from the Principal of B.N.S.D. Inter College. In the end I give you my fullest assurance that if I am selected, it will always be my best endeavour to satisfy you with my work and conduct. Yours faithfully, Dularey Lal Baijal (4) Write a letter to a Dealer in a Watch Company about the watch received from them. Tripur Mani, 18, South Car Street, Salem. September 8, 2008. To, The Reliable Watch Co., 149, Natwar Road, Chennai. Dear Sir, I regret to state that the watch sent by you is not working properly. It stops very often. The parcel was received in tact. Hence I think there is some defect in the watch. I am sending the watch back to you and request you to send another watch after fully testing it. Yours faithfully, Tripur Mani,

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