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Elder/middle-aged man Young father Young woman sharing flat with sister (sister 1) Young woman sharing flat with sister (sister 2) Young woman working at caf (angry at men) Young man involved with caf girl Middle-aged man Young man renting out rooms Middle-aged woman in relationship Middle-aged man in relationship Homes Caf Park Pub/restaurant 9 total scenes Relationships Marriage Housing/rent Arguments All characters are Caucasian (Australian)


Settings Scenes Storylines Ethnicity

White Female, 20s White Male, 20s Est. European Male, 20s White Female, 20s White Female, 20s White Female, 20s White Female, 20s Black Female, 20s White Female, 20s White Female, 20s White Male, 20s White Male, 20s White Female, 20s White Male, 20s White Male, 20s White Male, 20s Beach Home/Flat Street Caf Alley Way Pub/Restaurant 20 total scenes Relationships Sex (under age) Holidays Girls Most characters are Caucasian, but some mixed races



Scenes Storylines Ethnicity

Black Female, 40s Black Female, 30s Middle East, Male, 20s Middle East, Male, 20s White Male, Child Middle East, Female, 40s Middle East, Female, 20s Middle East, Male, Teens Middle East, Male, 50s White Female, 70s White Female, 30s White Female, 20s White Male, 20s White Males, 30s White Male, Teens White Male, Teens White Male, Teens White Female, Teens White Female, Teens White Male, Teens White Male, Teens White Female, Teems White Male, Teens White Female, Teens White Female, 30s White Male, 40s Town Square Kitchen Living Room Dining Room Caf Beauty Salon Dance Studio Pub 24 total scenes Engagements Fights/Arguments Sexual Curiosity Murder Dating Family Fueds Babies Classes/Demograpghic Groups Mostly mixed races, still lots of Caucasians






Single Mum, White, 18 to 19 Moody Child Moody Teen Chaz, White, 30s Clingy Boyfriend, Black Vicar, White, 50s Old Woman, White House Caf B&B Police Station Pub Pub Kitchen 11 total scenes Death/Murder Police Pregnancy Conflicting Characters Funeral New Homes Most characters are Caucasian, but some mixed races






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