Answering Scheme SK

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SECTION A 1 A 2 C 3 B 4 D 5 A 6 C 7 C 8 C 9 C 10 A

11 B

12 B

13 D

14 C

15 B

16 B

17 D

18 B

19 C

20 D

21 B

22 A

23 D

24 D

25 C

26 C

27 A

28 D

29 A

30 B


SECTION B Question 1 (a) Mark scheme Able to give one reason (inference) base on observation either P or Q Sample answer: P : Less competition for space//water//nutrient//sunlight Q: greater//more competition for space//water//nutrient// sunlight (b) P: Many fruits//big /tall trees//size of fruits are big// distance of trees further/far/10m Q: few fruits// small/short trees// size of fruit small// distance of trees near/close/5m Able to state what is changed (manipulated variable) Distance between each mango tree 1 1 Sub Mark Total Mark

1 1

1 1



Able to state what is measured (responding variable) Average //number of fruits produced 1 1 4


Able to state the purpose (aim) of the investigation Sample answer: To investigate the relationship between the type of circuit and the condition// brightness of the bulbs (vice versa) Accept: The effect of ( must wc on wo) 1 1


Able to state what is changed (manipulated variable) Type of circuit 1 1


Able to state what is measured (responding variable) Brightness//condition of bulbs 1 1


Able to state the conclusion in the investigation Sample answers 1 The bulbs in parallel circuit are brighter compared to the bulbs in series circuit //Vice versa 4 1

Question 3(a)

Mark scheme Able to state the purpose (aim) of the investigation Sample answer: To investigate the relationship between type of substances and the changes in colour of litmus paper. Accept: The effect of ( must wc on wo)

Sub Mark

Total Mark


Abel to state two information gathered in the investigation Sample answer: Type of substances The changes in colour of litmus paper 2 2


Able to state the conclusion in the investigation Sample answer: 1 Pineapple juice and orange juice are acidic while bitter gourd juice is alkaline Reject: Pineapple and orange juice changed blue litmus paper to red while bitter gourd juice change red litmus paper to blue (observation not conclusion) 1


Able to state two information gathered in the investigation Sample answer: Length of shadow//time to measure the shadow//place of investigation//length //height of the post 2 2


Able to state the pattern of change in the length of the shadow Decrease, increase 1 1


Able to predict the length of the shadow at 4 pm The shadow will be longer than the shadow at 3.00pm Accept : The shadow is the longest Reject: The length of the shadow longer//long

Question 5(a)i

Mark scheme Able to state what is change (manipulated variable) The number of straw

Sub Mark

Total Mark

5(a) ii

Able to state what is kept the same (constant variable) Size/length of straw//thickness /type of straw//material used to make the straw//distance of wooden block// mass of the load 1 1


Able to predict the condition of the straws if 2 more straw added to hang load Does not bend // take longer time to bend// remain straight 1 1


Able to state the relationship between what is change and what is measured The stronger the material used the stronger the structure// As the strength of the material used increases, the strength of the structure increases too. 4 1 1

BAHAGIAN B Soalan 1 (a) Skema pemarkahan Boleh memberi sebab (inferens) berdasarkan pemerhatian P atau Q Sampel jawapan: P : Kurang persaingan untuk ruang//air//garam mineral//cahaya Q: Persaingan yang kuat //hebat mendapat ruang//air//garam mineral// cahaya (b) P: Banyak buah//pokok besar//tinggi//saiz buah besar// jarak antara pokok jauh//10m Q: kurang buah// pokok kecil//rendah// Saiz buah kecil// jarak antara pokok dekat//5m (c)i Boleh menyatakan pemboleh ubah dimanipulasikan Jarak antara pokok (c)ii Boleh menyatakan pemboleh ubah bergerak balas Purata//Bilangan buah yang dihasilkan 2(a) Boleh menyatakan tujuan penyiasatan Sampel jawapan: Untuk menyiasat hubungan antara jenis litar dengan kecerahan//keadaan mentol(vice versa) Terima: Menyiasat kesan( jenis litar ke atas keadaaan//kecerahan mentol) (b)i Boleh menyatakan pemboleh ubah dimanipulasikan 1 Jenis litar (b)ii Boleh menyatakan pemboleh ubah bergerak balas Kecerahan/keadaan mentol (c) Boleh membuat kesimpulan penyiasatan Sampel jawapan: 1 Mentol dalam litar selari adalah lebih cerah berbanding mentol dalam litar bersiri// vise versa 4 Soalan Skema jawapan Sub Jum 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 4 1 1 Sub Markah Jum Mark

1 1

1 1

Markah 3(a) Boleh menyatakan tujuan penyiasatan Sampel jawapan: Untuk menyiasat hubungan antara jenis bahan dengan perubahan warna//keadaan kertas litmus Terima: Kesan ( jenis bahan ke atas perubahan/keadaan kertas litmus) 1



Boleh menyatakan 2 maklumat Sampel jawapan: Jenis bahan//perubahan// warna kertas litmus 2 2


Boleh menyatakan kesimpulan penyiasatan Sampel jawapan: Jus nanas dan oren adalah berasid sementara jus peria adalah alkali (vise versa) Tolak: Jus oren dan nanas menukar kertas litmus biru kepada merah sementara jus peria menukar kertas litmus merah kepada biru (ini pemerhatian bukan kesimpulan) 1 1


Boleh menyatakan 2 maklumat Sampel jawapan: Panjang bayang-bayang//masa mengukur bayang-bayang//tempat menjalankan penyiasatan//panjang//tinggi tiang 2 2


Boleh menyatakan pola perubahan panjang bayang- bayang 1 Berkurang, bertambah 1


Boleh meramal panjang bayang-bayang pada 4.00 petang Bayang-bayang lebih panjang daripada bayang-bayang pada pukul 3 petang Tolak: Bayang-bayang panjang//lebih panjang//bertambah panjang. 1 1

Soalan 5(a)i

Skema pemarkahan Boleh menyatakan pemboleh ubah dimanipulasikan Bilangan penyedut minuman

Sub Markah

Jum Mark

5(a) ii

Boleh menyatakan pemboleh ubah dimalarkan Saiz//panjang//ketebalan//jenis penyedut minuman//bahan diguna membuat//jisim pemberat//jarak antara bongkah 1 1


Boleh membuat ramalan jika 2 batang penyedut minuman ditambah untuk menggantung pemberat Tidak bengkok// Paling lambat/lama untuk bengkok//tiada perubahan 1 1


Boleh menyatakan hubungan antara pemboleh ubah dimanipulasi dengan pemboleh ubah bergerak balas Semakin kuat bahan yang digunakan semakin kuat struktur binaan// Kekuatan bahan bertambah, kekuatan struktur binaan juga bertambah 1 1


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