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Patricia Cobb

Creative Writing Lesson Plan Introduction

Lesson topic: Creative Writing Length of Lesson: 45 minutes a day for one week

VA Standards of Learning: Strand Writing: 2.12 - The student will write stories, letters, and simple
explanations. a) Generate ideas before writing.

b) Organize writing to include a beginning, middle, and end for narrative and expository writing.
c) Expand writing to include descriptive detail.
Cognitive Objectives Students will: Listen to music clips to help generate ideas for writing Create a short story with a beginning, middle, and end based on the visuals from song Use descriptive words in writing

Materials/Technology and Advanced Preparation Audio file of different songs (My Song) Writing journals Pencil

Teaching and Learning Sequence Introduction/Anticipatory Set Tell students to go to their desk and put their heads down Tell students to put on their imagination caps Tell students we will be listening to a clip of a song

Lesson Development Play first clip on Monday (second clip on Tuesday, etc.) Tell students to use their imagination to write a short story (about a paragraph) about what they see when they listen to the music clip

Patricia Cobb

Tell students to make sure their stories have a beginning, middle, and end Divide number of students in class by 5. Have that many students read their paragraph to the class. Changing students each day.

Closure Ask students if there were any other images they thought of that were not included in the stories from classmates

Assessment Formative Did students listen to song clip and get ideas to write about?

Summative Read students journal entries

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