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How to install moshell 2.3 Installation for Unix (Solaris/Linux) Prerequisite: Java Run-Time Environment 1.2.

2 or higher must be installed on theworkstation. Put themoshellxxx.zipon/tmpand unzip it. Then run the install script: cd /tmpunz ip -o moshellxxx.zipbash moshell_install Moshell contains an automated upgrade engine. When prompted to enter the directorywhere you want to install moshell, i t is recommended to enter the same directory as theprevious revision of moshell. The automated upgrade engine will take care of copying allyour custom files (ja r/xml files, site files, etc.) across to the new revision. For your safetythe ol d revision gets moved to a different location so you can still access it if need ed. To run moshell, typemoshell <ip-address>on the command line. If the required jar files are not on the workstation, they will be fetched automatically fromth e node. That s it. 2.4 Installation for Windows (using Cygwin) NoteGo directly to step 13, MoShell Installation, if you have already installed andconfigured Cygwi n previously. Prerequisite: Java Run-Time Environment 1.2.2 or higher must be in stalled on theworkstation. Java 1.3.1_15 or 1.3.1_16 is recommended because it u ses the leastamount of memory and supports all features on MoShell. When running on Windows, Moshell uses a unix emulator known as Cygwin. 2.4.1 Getting and ins talling cygwin 1. Go to the website Click on Install Now 3. Save thesetup.exefile, then execute it.4. Choose Install from internet, click Next 5. Root DirectoryC:\cygwin(It is not recommended to choose a different directory ,especially if it contains spaces) IMPORTANT:Default Text File Type should be se t to UNIX (NOT DOS !!!otherwise ftptransfers get corrupted). Then click Next. 6. Select Internet Connection: put the proxy settings (generally use IE5 settings workswith ESOE PCs). Click Next. 7. Select Packages: Add the following packages: under Archive select unzip under Interpreters select perl under Net select inetuti ls, openssh, and openssl under Shells select rxvt optional: under Editors select v im (if you want to be able to edit files with vi) 8. Click Next, install will st art 9. In the directoryC:\Cygwin,double-click on the filecygwin.bat. This will s tartup theCygwin window and create some files. Now close the Cygwin window. Open an editor and edit the filecygwin.batch(MS-DOS Batch file) click right buttonand edit. Delete the line: bash --login -i. At the end of the file add the following (replacexxxxwith your user id): set USER=xxxxset HOME=/home/xxxxset SHELL=/bin/ bashrxvt -sl 65000 -e /bin/bash --login -i IMPORTANT:Make sure that there are no spaces at the end of the lines otherwise thewindows environment variables don t g et set correctly and your .Xdefaultsfile will not beread (meaning that rxvt look s horrible!). 10. Open the fileC:\Cygwin\etc\profilein a text editor and add the following 6 lines atthe end of the file (replacexxxwith your user id!): export USER=xxxxexport HOME=/home/xxxxexport SHELL=/bin/bashmkdir -p $HOMEcd $HOMEsourc e $HOME/.bashrc 11. Edit the fileC:/Cygwin/etc/passwdin a text editor and make sure that there is a rowwith your username and home directory. If the home direc tory (found towards the end of the line) looks like/cygdrive/hthen replace this with/home/youruserid(replaceyouruseridwith your user id!!). This is needed for s sh to function properly. 12. Start a Cygwin Terminal window by clicking on the icon in start menu or on d esktop,then run the following commands:(Start program cygwin) Create the follow ing 3 files in your /home/youruseriddirectory:.bashrc,.inputrc, and.XdefaultsThi s can be done with the commands: touch .bashrctouch .inputrctouch .Xdefaults 13. Go to the directoryC:\Cygwin\home\youruserid(from windows explorer) and openthe following 3 files in a text editor: In the.bashrcfile, put the following lines: (Delete all and copy all from .bashrc working file.) unset PROMPT_COMMANDexport PS1="\[\033[1m\][\w]\\$\[\033[0m\] "alias ls= ls -FX set -o notifyset -o ignoreeofs hopt -s cdspellshopt -s cdable_varsshopt -s checkhashshopt -s checkwinsizeshopt -s sourcepathshopt -s histappendexport PATH=$PATH:/home/yourid/moshell (Edit yourid ) The last line appends the moshell directory to your $PATH. This will enable y ou to callmoshell from any directory. In the.inputrcfile, put the following line s:(Delete all and copy all from .inputrc working file.) set bell-style visibles et convert-meta Offset output-meta Onset input-meta Onset completion-ignore-case

onset completion-query-items 150set mark-directories onset visible-stats Onset show-all-if-ambiguous Onset expand-tilde On"\e[D": backward-char"\e[C": forwardchar"\e[A": history-search-backward"\e[B": history-search-forward"\e[7~": beginn ing-of-line"\e[8~": end-of-line"\e[1~": beginning-of-line"\e[4~": end-of-line"\e [3~": delete-char"\e[2~": menu-complete"\M-[2~": paste-from-clipboard # Insert"\ M-q": menu-complete"\C-d": delete-char"\C-l": clear-screen "\C-xdf": dump-functions"\C-xdv": dump-variables"\C-xdm": dump-macros (Type man bash if you want to get more information about what these lines do)In the.Xdefa ultsfile, put the following lines:(Copy all from .Xdefauts working file.) Rxvt* background: BlackRxvt*foreground: WhiteRxvt*saveLines: 65535Rxvt*termName: xterm Rxvt*geometry: 143x64+0+0Rxvt*loginShell: trueRxvt*font: "Lucida Console-11"Rxvt *cutchars: " &()*,;<=>? []{ } These are just examples of terminal properties, you c an change them to fit your needs.Typeman rxvt to view all available properties. 14. Open a new cygwin terminal window. The window should be black with white tex tand the prompt should like this:[~]$ If not, then go through the last 4 steps again and make sure you haven t missed outanything. 15. Moshell installation(Run p rogram cygwin) Follows these steps if you already have a working Cygwin environ ment. Put themoshellxxx.zipfile inc:\cygwin\tmp(copy moshell7.0zip file here) Ope n the cygwin shell and go the/tmpdirectory. Run the following: Cd /tmpunzip -o m o moshell7.0zip) bash moshell_install # Go home (C:/cygwin/ho me) copy moshell and moshell logfile folder fromworking file. 16. Running moshel l for the first time If you have set the PATH variable correctly in your ~/.bash rc~/.bashrc~/.bashrc~/.bashrcfile, you should beable to run moshell from any dir ectory. E.g: moshell <ip address> # If unknown command --- go home (C:/cygwin/h ome/moshell) check jarxml fileand copy from working jarxml file. Selamat men cuba!!//matuse

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