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Business Ethics And Corporate Social Responsibility

100 Marks
    Chapter 1. Introduction to Business Ethics Business Ethics Conceptual Background Chapter 2. Indian Perspective of Ethics Ethics: A Global Perspective Chapter 3. Corporate Governance Chapter 4. Concept of Corporate Social Responsibility CSR within the Organization CSR and Society


Ethics : Derived from Greek word: Ethos ---- Customs or accepted behavior. Branch of philosophy that examines moral standards of an individual or society asking how these standards apply to our lives and whether reasonable or not whether Good or bad ,right or wrong . Features :1. It is conduct that must be followed 2. Relative term changes from one business to other 3. Has universal application 4. Cannot be enforced like law Business Ethics: Refers to the code which businessmen are expected to follow while dealing with others. Difference between Ethics and Law :Ethics is Scienc of conduct Law is code of conduct Importance of ethics : Ethics is requirement of human life Helps us to understand how to react to the situation It gives baseline for understanding the concept of right or wrong

Theories of Ethics   o o o  Meta ethics Metaphysical Issues Psychological Issues Linguistic Issues Normative Ethics Teleological ethical Theory Egoism Utilitarianism Altrusion Deontological Ethical theory Virtue Ethics Applied Ethics

Altruism VS Egoism Altruism is an aspect of moral philosophy in which it is argued that moral decision should be based upon the interest or well-being of others rather than on self-interest Egoism is belief that one ought to do what is in ones self-interest.


Purus ---- Person Artha --- Aim /Goal

Four Purushartha 1.Dharma (Duty) 2.Artha (Wealth) 3.Kama (Pleasure) 4.Moksha (Liberation)

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