Consumer Behaviour Questions

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Do you use shampoo Yes No

2. Which of the following brands of shampoo have you purchase. Pantene Organics others (please specify) 3. Factors you consider while purchasing a shampoo RANK THEM ACCORDING YOUR PRIORITY: Hair type Packaging Price 4. Fragrance Hair problem Availability Sunsilk Clinic plus

Who influence you to purchase the brand? Family Advertisement Other Doctor Self

5. Do you change your shampoo Frequently Occasionally Never

6. Rank different attribute with each brand according to your preferences Strongly Agree (1) Neutral (3) Strongly disagree (5) Agree (2) Disagree (4)

Brand Attribute Low Price Strong Fragrance Quality Highly medicated





Others [H&S]

7. No. of times you shampoo your hair in a week 1-2 5-6 3-4 7 and above

8. Size of the pack you purchase most often 100ml Sachets 100 ml to 250 ml above 250 ml

9. In which media you have seen the advertisement of these brands

10. Level of satisfaction you are getting from your shampoo brand. Highly Satisfied Neutral Highly dissatisfied Satisfied Dissatisfied

11) 12)

Which PC Do You Own? A) Assembled B) HCL C) Which Processor Your Computer Own? A) Intel B) Celeron C) Cyrix


D) Acer D) AMD

13) Which Factor You Consider Most While Purchasing A Processor A) Price B) Speed C) Company image D) Technology

14) How Did You Came To Know About different brands of processors. A) Friends B) Family C) Advertisements D) Dealer

15. How much are you satisfied with the following factors in your preferred chocolate? (Tick in the desired column) Factors Flavor/taste Price Quality Packaging Form Brand Image Color Shape Quantity 16. What pack do you purchase? Small Big Family Pack 17. Which promotional offers attract you most? Free gifts Price Offer Any other 18.Which of these factors affect your purchase? Very Satisfied Satisfied Normal LeastSatisfied Cant Say

Advertisement Suggestion from friends and relatives Attractive Display Doctors Advice Brand Ambassadors 16. Which media of advertisement influence your purchase? Television Newspapers Brochures Hoarding Display

17. How frequently do you purchase chocolates? Daily Weekly Monthly Quarterly 18. What according to you is the reasonable price of chocolate? Below5 5-10 10-20 20.30 Above 30 19. If your preferred brand is not available for repeat purchase then what will you do? Postpone your purchase Switch over to other brand Go to the other shop to search for your preferred brand 20. If another brand of the same product appears in the market, will you prefer to stop buying this brand and buy the new brand? No, not at all I may consider No, I shall not cant say

This chapter describes the methodology of the study. This project is based on information collected from primary sources. After the detailed study, an attempt has been made to present comprehensive analysis of consumption of Cadbury and nestle chocolates consumed by the people. The data had been used to cover various aspects like consumption, consumers preference and customers satisfaction regarding Cadbury and Nestle chocolates. In collecting requisite data and information regarding the topic selected, I went to the residents of Ludhiana and collected the data.
Survey design:

The study is a cross sectional study because the data were collected at a single point of time. For the purpose of present study a related sample of population was selected on the basis of convenience.
Sample Size and Design: A sample of 100 people was taken on the basis of convenience. The actual consumers were contacted on the basis of random sampling. Research Period: Research work is only carried for 2 or 3 weeks.

Research Instrument: This work is carried out through self-administered questionnaires. The questions included were open ended, dichotomous and offered multiple choices. Data Collection: The data, which is collected for the purpose of study, is divided into 2 bases: Primary Source: The primary data comprises information survey of

Comparative study of consumer behavior towards Nestle and Cadbury chocolates. The data has been collected directly from respondent with the help of structured questionnaires.
Secondary Source: The secondary data was collected from internet, References from Library. Data Analysis: The data is analyzed on the basis of suitable tables by using mathematical techniques. The technique that I have used is bar technique

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