Self Evaluation

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Department: ______________________________

1. As an employee your comments are crucial to making Diamond Design a more

productive and enjoyable place to work. Please take the time to make any comments
you feel are appropriate in this area.

a) What are your expectations related to your present role here? Do you feel your
expectations are being met? If not, in your opinion, what can be done to ensure your
expectations are met?
b) What are your future expectations with the company?

3. Do you feel you received sufficient training/guidance to complete the tasks that are
assigned to you on a daily basis? If not, please explain,

4. Do you feel your supervisor is approachable and communicates on a regular basis what
is expected of you? If not, please explain.
5. Do you feel you receive adequate feedback on the work you are doing? If not, please



Employees Signature


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