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Week 2 Day 4

Materials & Equipment:

Student Surveys MI Theory Survey

Aligning with the Big Picture Today:

Today the students will take a multiple intelligences assessment to determine what intelligences they are most natural in. This will inform each student designer how to create a game that will most benet the class.

Objectives and Road Blocks:

Students will learn today what intelligences the majority of the class possess. Students will reect on the nature of the survey and think if the survey they created was better for accuracy

Management Check:
The room will need to be silent so the student can think during the MI assessment

Habits of Mind:
Thinking about Thinking Thinking and communicating with clarity and precision

Fruitful discussion needs to be had reconciling the results from the MI survey and what they saw in the games.

Time Frame (minutes)

Teacher Action
Students grab the assessment on their way through the door. Explain the direction of the survey to the students Have the students share out with the large group what their top three intelligences are and keep a running total on the board

Student Action
Students complete the assessment. When they are nished they can add the totals and place the scores in the appropriate categories. Students observe and make mental notes what this could mean for their board games.

30/50 40/50

Time Frame (minutes)

Teacher Action
Direct the students to get into small groups (2-4) and think back to when they were playing the board games. What games seemed to be the most popular? Let's interpret that through our results from today. Does it make sense what people enjoyed playing based on the intelligence scores?

Student Action
Students reect in and discuss whether their understanding of multiple intelligences aligns with the observations they made during the board games. (this is where the penny should drop). The light bulbs go off and they see a pattern in the games they liked and the types of intelligences they possessed.


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