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Week 3 Day 2

Materials & Equipment:

Sticky Notes Journals Homework from previous day

Aligning with the Big Picture Today:

The students are going to take some time and nalize the "test" the nal board game must pass in order to satisfy the design specications. They also will begin brainstorming for prototypes for the games. They need to come up with 3 different possibilities before they nally construct.

Objectives and Road Blocks:

The students demand high expectations of their nal product in the form of a rigorous test in must pass. Student may ask supercial and too few questions to exhaustively cover the design specications. Students do not rush to a nal conclusion about a prototype.

Management Check:
. Students need to stay on task to complete the rough draft of their "test" It is a process that requires mastery and completeness. These are the sorts of things that students will short circuit. Students need to get the most out of the discussion with the other groups. They need to be led in a way they can be given feedback.

Habits of Mind:
Thinking and Communicating with Clarity and Precision Striving for Accuracy

Time Frame (minutes)

Teacher Action
Show 8 minute clip of IDEO designers on Nightline who redesign a shopping cart.

Student Action
Student write in their journals insights that standout to them while they are watching that may inform the teamwork process.. Share ideas insights with the group.

8/50 13/50

Lead a discussion of what what seen the video clip

Time Frame (minutes)

Teacher Action
Direct the students to join their partner and come up with a complete rough draft of the "test" for their game.

Student Action
Students discuss and brainstorm the best way of asking questions of the game to ensure that it is fully designed.

40/50 50/50

Direct the students to nd Students share with another another group in the room and group. discuss the questions from their rough draft of their"test" . N/A Students nalize the "test"

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