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Week 3 Day 4

Materials & Equipment:

Presentation Equipment Student's Homework Journals

Aligning with the Big Picture Today:

The students are going to share their blueprint for a game design idea that they developed. Today is about getting the students in a place where they know how to sell an idea. They will also see a video clip about design.

Objectives and Road Blocks:

The students learn how to sell an idea to a group. The students understand the importance of challenging the standards way of designing. The students may be so nervous for their own project that they struggle to listen to anyone else.

Management Check:
The students are going to be nervous to present their ideas to the whole group. Student respect is key.

Habits of Mind:
Thinking and Communicating with Clarity and Precision Taking Responsible Risks

Students need to be encourages to ask questions It is possible to break the class into 2 groups and have the students present their ideas as opposed to one large group. The important part is that the creative energy in the room increases.

Time Frame (minutes)

Teacher Action

Student Action

5/50 35/50

Give the students 5 minutes to Students think about how to look at their notes and present the idea is the most sketches. Tell them that they convincing way. will choose one of the two to present. Direct the students to come up front and present their ideas. Adhere to a strict 45 second rule. Hold questions until the very end. Students present and students write down questions they may have for after the presentations.

Time Frame (minutes)

Teacher Action

Student Action

45/50 50/50

Give the students 5 minutes to Students write down reect on presentations. What observations in their journals did the effective presentations have in common? A video clip to challenge the Students watch the video clip. students with. The designer talks about cameras and how the form and not the purpose of camera drives the design. It drives home the idea of being "outside the box" . N/A Students will take their 2 game blueprints, amending ideas based on feedback and explain in an essay how the game they presented to the class passes the "test" they created just days before. They are specically ensuring that their blueprinting is on track with the design specications. They need to have a piece of construction paper and an essay detailing how the potential game passes their "test" .


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