wk4 CP

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Birth Rate The number of births of a sample size per 1000 people per year the formula for this 1 B/D=R. The birth rate is down but the populations continue to grow due lower death rates. Better medicine, water and sewerage treatment, and better food are all linked to longer life expectancies. 2. Death Rate The number of deaths of a sample of per 1000 people per year. Increased death rates are caused by the lack of availability of food and water, poor medical care (or non-existent) and disease. 3. Immigration People entering a country for various reasons. A country offering freedom for all that enter is the hopes of those who arrive in America. 4. Emigration People leaving a country for various reasons. Some reasons might be social, economic factors, political instability or war. Which factors are affecting the population size in the video? One female can have forty babies in about three years and those off springs will continue to have that many babies also so that is birthrate. Immigration is when someone brought the animals over to Louisiana. When this happened the nutrias started to eat the vegetation leaving the land under water. What do you predict will happen to the nutria population after all the land is depleted of the nutrias food resource? Unfortunately, the nutria will continue to consume all the vegetation until they deplete their food source. They are going to survive on almost anything that grows and continue to move inland. They will continue to destroy the ecosystem there.

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