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Why Reach Students? Harvest.

By reaching students, we offer them an opportunity to encounter Jesus in this stage of life where they make lasting values and life-long decisions as a person. Needs. Students today face daily pressures such as broken families, peer pressure, issues on sexuality and unwise living. By reaching the students we offer hope in Christ and help them succeed in life. Investment. By reaching and discipling our students we are sending them out as salt and light in our society as tomorrows workforce, leaders and family builders. Influence. The intellectual and spiritual theories in campuses today will become the accepted norm tomorrow. What Philippines will become is directly related to what happens to this generations students. Cross-Cultural. A part of students in our universities is made up of foreign students who after their studies go back to their respective countries. These students are at our doorstep. Transition. A number of Christian youth attend higher education in the city far from their homes. Reaching these students will protect the spiritual investment made by their churches. Mandate . Jesus commissioned no other agency to go and make disciples but the Church. Only an empowered local church can produce Christ-like students mobilized for ministry and missions. Why University? The university is a clear-cut fulcrum with which to move the world . . . More potently than by any other means, change the university and you change the world. Charles Malik (1906-1987) President of the UN General Assembly

Why reach SLU? ..... Why Campus Ministry? Because we youth can reach our co-young people As we all know nowadays we observe that our world is getting more worse and I believe that God has put this vision to me and all to us as it was stated in the book of Matthew 28: 18 20: All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me so, Go and make disciples of all nation baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you and surely I am with you always. Why now? .. Strategies: 1. Pray for the work of the Lord that it will freely move in this school. 2. Build our relationship 3. Search for a spiritual child and bring it to our group for discipleship 4. Search for advisers 5. Present this to each college/ school 6. Register our group

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