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1. A. B. C. D.

Caused by Mite epidemic typhus endemic typhus scrub typhus Q Fever

Explanation:-{Refer. Park 18/e, p 574; 19/e, p 622;20/e,p 672} Agent Epidemic Typhus Rickettsia prowazekii Endemic Typhus Scrub Typhus Rickettsia typhi Rickettsia tsutsugamushi Q Fever No Vector Fleas borne Mite Borne Louse borne

Answer:- C. Scrub Typhus

Page 1

2. A. B. C. D.

PHC population in tribal area 10000 20000 30000 40000

Explanation:-{Refer:- Park 18/e, p 693-695;19/e,p 734; 20/e, p 784} Health Center Population In General Population in Hilly Area

Subcentre PHC CHC

5000 30,000 1,20000

3000 20,000 80,000

Answer: B. 20,000

Page 2

3. A. B. C. D.

Obesity defines above percentile? 80 85 90 95

Explanation:- {Refer:-}

The definition of obesity in children involves BMIs greater than the 85th (commonly used to define overweight) or the 95th (commonly used to define obesity) percentile, respectively, for age-matched and sex-matched control subjects.

For children and adolescents (aged 219 years), the BMI value is plotted on the CDC growth charts to determine the corresponding BMI-for-age percentile. y Overweight is defined as a BMI at or above the 85th percentile and lower than the 95th percentile. y Obesity is defined as a BMI at or above the 95 percentile for children of the same age and sex.

Answer:- D. 95

Page 3

4. Hardness of WATER define as ppm or mg/L A. 75 B. 100 C. 125 D. 150

Explanation:- {Refer:- } Water Hardness Scale Milligrams Per Liter (mg/L)or Parts Per Million (ppm) less than 17.1 17.1 60 60 120 120 180 over 180

Grains Per Gallon


less than 1.0 1.0 - 3.5 3.5 - 7.0 7.0 - 10.5 over 10.5

Soft Slightly Hard Moderately Hard Hard Very Hard

Answer:- D. 150 Page 4

5. Essential component of RCH programme in India include all of the following except:A. Prevention and management of unwanted pregnancies B. Maternal care including antenatal delivery and postnatal services C. Reduce the under fiver mortality to half D. Management of reproductive tract infections and sexually transmitted infections Explanation:-{Refer:- Park 18th/e, p343; 19th/e, p367} RCH Programme There are 4 essential Components:y Family Planning (Prevention and management of unwanted pregnancy) y CSSM (include maternal care including antenatal check up delivery and postnatal service. y y Client approach of health care. Prevention or management of STD, RTI and AIDS.

Answer:- C. Reduce the under five mortality to half Page 5

6. A. B. C. D.

SENSITIVE FOR IODINE DEFICIENCY IN COMMUNITYPrevalence of goiter among school children Urinary iodine levels among pregnant women Neonatal hypothyroidism Iodine level in soil

Explanation:- {Refer:- Park 18 /e, p451,467; 19 /e, p494}



Epidemiological assessment of iodine deficiency is necessary before initiating an iodization programme and for surveillance of goiter control programmes. The Indicators are:y y y y y Prevalence of cretinism Prevalence of goiter Prevalence of Neonatal Hypothyroidism Urinary iodine excretion Measurement of thyroid function

Note:- Neonatal Hypothyroidism is the sensitive indicator of environmental iodine deficiency.

Answer:- C. Neonatal Hypothyroidism

Page 6

7. Which of the following is correct for Case Fatality Rate:A. B. C. D.



Explanation:-{Refer:Park 18 /e, p50,52; 19 /e, p51,53}



Case Fatality Ratio



Crude Death Rate









Page 7

8. A. B. C. D.

Functions of PHC are all except Family planning and referral services Referral services Specialist services Collection and reporting of vital statistics

Explanations: - {Refer:- Park 18/e, p696; 19/e, p 752; 20/e , p 804} Functions of PHC y y y y y y Education concerning health problems and their control Collection and reporting of vital statistics Family planning (including maternal and child health care) Essential drugs Referral services Safe water supply and basic sanitation prevention used control of locally endemic diseases. y Training of health guides, health worker, local disease health assistants etc. y y y Immunization against vaccine preventable diseases Nutrition and promoting proper food supply Treatment of common diseases and injuries

Answer: C. Specialist services

Page 8

9. A. B. C. D.

Primary Health Centre {PHC} is supposed to provide all except:Treatment of common ailments Surgeries for acute emergency conditions Vaccination Health education

Explanations: - [Ref. Park 18/e, p696; 19/e, p 752; 20/e , p 804] Functions of PHC y y y y y y Education concerning health problems and their control Collection and reporting of vital statistics Family planning (including maternal and child health care) Essential drugs Referral services Safe water supply and basic sanitation prevention used control of locally endemic diseases. y Training of health guides, health worker, local disease health assistants etc. y y y Immunization against vaccine preventable diseases Nutrition and promoting proper food supply Treatment of common diseases and injuries

Answer: B. Surgeries for acute emergency conditions Page 9

10. A. B. C. D.

Black color in triage is used for Minor illness Possible resuscitation Immediate resuscitation Dead and moribund patients

Explanation:- {Ref:- park 20/e, page 701} Triage y y y Based on likelihood of their survival Not Based on severity of their injuries Four color code Color Red Immediate life saving surgery Yellow Possible life saving surgery

Green Black

Minor illness Dead or moribund patients

Answer:- D. Dead and Moribund patients Page 10

11. A. B. C. D.

In a normal distribution curve, the True statement is:Mean = SD Median = SD Mean = 2 Median Mean = Mode

Explanation:- {Refer:- Park 18 /e, p647; 19 /e, p702} Normal Distribution y y y y y y Bell Shaped smooth curve It is symmetrical Variance = 1 Variance = (Standard Deviation)



Standard Deviation = Area under curve Mean = Mode = Median = 0

Answer:- D. Mean = Mode Page 11

12. A. B. C. D.

In nalgonda tecqnique for defluridation of water agent used is Soda +lime Lime + Soda Alum + Lime Lime + Alum

Explanation:- {Refer:- Park 18 /e, p451, 467; 19 /e, p512} y y Fluoride content in drinking water ~ 0.5mg/l Recommended level of fluoride in drinking water = 0.5 to 0.8 mg/l



y y y

Nalgonda technique is used for deflurination of water It removes fluoride ion by chemical treatment. This technique involve the addition of two chemical Lime and Alum in sequence followed by flocullation sedimentation and filtration.

Answer:- D. Lime + Alum

Page 12

13. A. B. C. D.

R.O.M.E. defines by:Bhore committee Kartar Singh Committee Shrivastava Committee Chadah Committee

Explanation:- {Refer:- .} Committee Bhore committee Important Points y Health Survey and Development committee y Prepare Social Physicians y Given MPW (Multi Purpose Workers) y Medical education and Support Manpower y ROME (Reorientation Of Medical Education) Scheme y Village health Guide Scheme y Development of Referral services complex. y For Maintenance phase of National Malaria Eradication Programme (NMEP)

Kartar Singh Committee Shrivastava Committee

Chadah Committee

Answer:- C. Shrivastava Committee

Page 13

14. A. B. C. D.

In a chi square test degree of freedom for a table 3x6 will be 8 10 12 18

Explanation:- {Refer:- park 20/e, p 755} Chi-Square Test ( y y y



It is a Non-parametric test of significance It is used for Non-Normal distribution It is used to test significance of association between 2 or more Qualitative characteristics

Degree of Freedom is the no. of observation in a dataset that can freely vary once the parameters have been estimated DOF = (c-1) (r-1) c=no. of columns r= no. of rows Table 2X2 Table 3X3 Table 4X4 Table 3X6 Table (given in Q) 5X5 Table Degree Of Freedom 1 4 9 10 16

Answer:- B. 10

Page 14

15. Incubation period of HIV is A. 5 years B. 6 years C. 8 years D. 10 years

Important Incubation Periods Diseasae Rubella (German Measles) Mumps Chicken Pox Small Pox Measles Diphtheria Yellow Fever Tetanus Rabies HIV/AIDS 14-21 days 14-16 days 7-17 days 10-14 days 2-6 days 2-6 days 6-10 days 3-8 weeks Months 10 years Incubation Period (IP) 14-21 days

Answer:- D. 10 years Page 15

16. Primordial level of prevention is:A. Life style modification B. Vaccination C. Screening for disease D. Rehabilitation Explanation:- {Refer:- park 20/e, p 39} Level of Prevention Primordial Level Mode of Intervention Prevention of the development of risk factors y y Primary Level life style modification Individual Education

Prior to onset of disease y y Health promotion Specific protection

Secondary Level

Disease is possible y Early diagnosis and treatment


Disease has developed y y Disability Limitation Rehabilitation

Answer:- A. Life Style modification Page 16

17. All of the following are duties of female multipurpose worker except:A. Registration of an pregnant women in her area B. Distribution of conventional contraceptive C. Active surveillance for malaria D. Maintain birth and death registers

Explanation:- {Refer:- Park 18 /e, p697; 19 /e, p754-55}



A. Answer:- C. Active surveillance for malaria Page 17

18. Rideal Walker coefficient or carbolic acid coefficient is used for:A. Expressing efficiency of carbolic acid B. Estimating the amount of carbolic acid required for disinfecting faeces C. Estimating amount of pure cresol in a crude phenol sample D. Expressing efficacy of carbolic acid Explanation:-{Refer:- Ananthnarayan 6th/e, p31} Rideal Walker Coefficient (RWC):y A measure of the efficiency of a disinfectant compared with that of phenol y y y Also known as Carbolic Acid Coefficient Is used to represent germicidal power of a disinfectant Standard used for comparison is Phenol, because of RWC=1 for Phenol y Organism used for testing S. typhi

Answer:- A. Expressing efficiency of carbolic acid Page 18

19. A. B. C. D.

Height of child become 100 cm at 2 years 3 years 4 years 5 years

Explanation:- {Refer:- nelson 18/e, p 72}

Age Of Child 0-3 mth 3-6 mth 6-9 mth 9-12 mth 1-3 yr 4-6yr

Growth of Height (In cm/mth) 3.5 2 1.5 1.2 1 cm/mth 3 cm/ur

Answer:- 4 years Page 19

20. A. B. C. D.

sentinal survillance is done for? Missed cases Subclinical cases Index cases Prodromal infection cases {Deepak PSM page 458, Q-123}

Explanation:- {Refer:- Park 19th/e, p37}

Page 20


Page 21

22. mothers milk deficient in all except :fats, proteins, vitamin C and D, vitamin k A. fats B. proteins C. vitamin C D. vitamin K {..Deepak PSM page199, Q-17} {aroras peads page 27, Q=42} {Refer:- nelson 18/e, p 2079} Late Haemorrrhagic disease of newborn is associated with Breast Fed Infants, is a consequence of vit K deficiency.

Page 22

23. A. B. C. D.

Carbohydrate in mid day meal programme is : 100 125 150 175

Explanation:-{Refer:-Parks 20/e, p575} Mid-Day Meal Scheme y Also known as National programme of Nutrional Support to primary education y Launched on 15th Aug. 1995 y Revised in 2004 y Minimum 300 Cal energy 8-12gm protein

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