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Conroy Acura s case Analysis

Group 9 Pallavi Luthra (152) Pallavi Singhal (30) Akanksha Bhatnagar ( 102) Mohit Lalchandani (178) Mukul Arora (144) Amitabh Tiwari( 52)

What are the strategies should Conroy implement to improve his company s long run profitability?
 Sherden- 20-80-30 rule : Top 20% of customer generate 80% value of profitability , we may lose half of them serving the 30% bottom.

Facts :
y The major source of revenue for Conroy is the sales of MDX AND Tl , leading with the total gross life time profit of ($702,026 +$797,729 = $1499755) , which is more than all others even if we look at the sum profitability as well ($185,040 + $155,821 + $366,547 + $215,470 = $ 922878) y y y y Margin in these two cars is high if we compare it with CSX , RSX , TSX Volume of these cars is high in comparison to the premium RL . Spending on these two cars , in order to increase our over all profitability is striking more Spent on retention and aquisition of customer is equal in all segment cars . On the basis of above facts, the following assumptions, stratergy and projections are formed

y Since the number of cars sold in MDX and TL is more than the highly premium RL .we assume that if we increase our marketing effort on it there is a scope of increasing sales in it . y If we curtail our expense on the retention of CSX , RSX and TSX fron $ 10 to $ 5 that will not harm much the retention rate .As spending equally in all segments for the retention rate is not a good option y Also if we spend more on the acquisition of premium segment of cars , we will be able to attract more customers

y y

Providing economy to the customer in lower segment cars,will be a form of retention strategy in itself. Their will be increase in sales if we reduce our margins

Strategy : Segmented Marketing

 Marketing spend : we are trying to marketing spend  Providing economy : In case of lower segment car, we are trying to provide economy to customer by decreasing margins .  Using economy factor in premium segment cars is not a good option , with marketing point of view because usually consumer buy a car in higher segments for various reasons like prestige , comfort etc . Reduce the margins of CSX , RSX and TSX from 8% to 7.6 % Reduce the retention spend on CSX , RSX and TSX from $ 10 to $5 Increase the aquisition spend on TL nad MDX from $ 241 to $ 290 The projected changes in sales and revenue are shown in the excel as per above changes focus more on the mid- premium segment for

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