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A Proposal By Chris Wong On Activities for improvements of the teacher-and-student relationship A.

How the teacher-and-student relationship is being aggravated Nowadays, it is not hard to see that some students are dissatisfied with their teachers; they even make loads of complaints among themselves or to the principal. On the other hand, teachers often scold the students during class time, not only does it delay the teaching schedule, it also intensifies the hostility between the teachers and students. B. Ways for improvements of the relationship between them 1) Field Trips For the sake of improving the situation, first and foremost, we need to narrow the gap between the teachers and students. Organizing field trips may provide more communication opportunities for them. They can exchange knowledge of hiking, share views towards current issues during the trips, more importantly, they can have chance to take care of each other and hence know deeper about the other side. 2) Letters Day Besides, the school may establish a Letters Day when teachers and students are encouraged to write letters to each other. They may share their inner feelings so as to pull them closer and solve the misunderstandings between them. Through writing letters, they may also give comments and advices to each other, this can create a harmonious atmosphere in the school where both the students and teachers respect and tolerate the opposite sides. C. Conclusion In order to avoid the teacher-and-student relationships to further deteriorate, I suggest the school tackle this problem immediately. Also, I hope that my ideas can be put into practice and carried out smoothly. Thank you for your attention. Chris Wong

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