Crafting A Balanced Program For You Dream Debut Party Is Not Really As Hard As It Sounds

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Crafting a balanced program for you dream debut party is not really as hard as it sounds.

All it takes is a little imagination. There are endless possibilities in creating a program for your dream debut. A program can be as short as two hours or as long as until wee hours of the night. You can go as crazy as making everyone involved and participate in different aspects of the program. The following is a basic Debutantes program: INTRODUCTION OF THE DEBUTANTE, HER ESCORT AND HER COTILLION COURT TOAST IN HONOR OF THE DEBUTANTE WELCOME REMARKS (BY THE PARENTS) INVOCATION OR PRAYER DINING FATHER & DAUGHTER DANCE GRAND COTILLION WALTZ DANCE 18 ROSES DANCE 18 CANDLES PRESENTATION SINGING OF TRADITIONAL DEBUTANTES BIRTHDAY SONG BLOWING OF THE CAKE CANDLES CUTTING OF THE CAKE 18 TREASURES PRESENTATION GAMES A WORD FROM THE DEBUTANTE TIME TO PARTY The debutantes program can also flow like this: - Guests arrive - Welcoming of guests - Ushering of guests by ushers to their designated seats - Cocktails for guests to mingle (so that they would not mingle once the program starts, and to give you ample time to prepare before your grand entrance). - After everyone has settled in their place, the host will make mention of important people who graced the occasion (if there are). - At this point, cocktails are being served. - Parents talk about debutante (brief summary)- achievement, goals, ambitions, etc. - Audio-visual presentation of debutante from infancy to present. - GRAND ENTRANCE of debutante - Parents talk some more about the debutante (optional) - Toast in honor of the debutante - Debutante speech - Prayer - Dining - AVP of well wishers - Father and daughter dance (This may also be incorporated into the eighteen roses. Fathers are usually the first or last dance of the debutante) - Eighteen roses (speech and dance) - Eighteen candles (speech) - Singing of birthday song - Cutting of birthday cake - Games - Introduction of the debutante, her escort and her cotillion court - GRAND COTILLION WALTZ DANCE - Debutantes thank you speech - Party time - Everyone dances

Other variations may be the following: * The host will have a talk, more of like an introduction and a short summary of the program, a little talk on what is in store for the guests so that they would be enticed into finishing and staying for the duration of the party and making the party a success. The host need not mention the juicy parts (those surprise numbers and whatnots) * For parents who are shy to talk in front of a crowd, the host will do the introduction about the debutante. There will be a little talk before the debutante is introduced. Probably the host may interview some guests and probably ask them some unforgettable moments with the debutante. * For the eighteen roses, each guy can give a note for the host to read while they are dancing. This can also be recorded and played together with the background music while they dance. * Cotillion can be danced at the end of the program after which everybody may dance and which may mark the start of the dancing. * The father or parents of the debutante will talk about the celebrant (you can make a Powerpoint or Flash presentation for everyone to see that has baby pictures or some important milestones of the debutantes life) * Father dances with his daughter as a separate part of the program. * Escort/ bf takes debutante for a dance then everyone dance after some time * Some also incorporate 18 wines, 18 treasures, 18 gifts as a variation so that most of the guests would be able to greet the debutante. * Games are inserted on different parts of the program. Here is a more detailed flow of program but the arrangement can be tweaked here and there according to preference. 1. Registration/Arrival of Guests/Receiving of gifts/Cocktails. 2. Settling of guests on their seats 3. Introduction by the emcee 4. Acknowledgment of the Parents and other VIPs 5. Introduction and entrance of the grand cotillion 6. GRAND ENTRANCE OF THE DEBUTANTE and her escort (optional) 7. Welcome remarks and toast by the Parents 8. AVP of debutante (pictures from infancy to present) 9. Grand cotillion 10. Invocation/Prayer before Meal 11. Dinner and pictorials 12. AVP of well-wishers 13. 18 ROSES 14. FATHER AND DAUGHTER DANCE 15. 18 CANDLES 16. Singing of birthday song, blowing of 18 CANDLES and cutting of birthday cake 17. GAMES 18. DEBUTANTEs thank you speech 19. PARTY/Everybody on the dance floor So remember, in making your program, list first what part of the basic program you want to retain or delete and then you can make your own rendition according to your liking. Dont make it too long but dont make it too short either. Create a balanced program and be imaginative in adding your own flavor into it. A debut party well thought of is a debut party well remembered. Getting ready for your upcoming debut party? Basics first! Sometimes, debutantes forget even the simplest of things! So before anything, read these super simple guides regarding your debut essentials. This will definitely help you get a step ahead in your debut planning. Invites Still sticking to your motif, choose the invitation that is simple, elegant, and proper for the occasion. Do not rely on electronic invites such as the Email. If you are confident however that your guests check their email regularly, you

may do so, just be sure to get a confirmation by calling them to ask if the invitation was received. However, a hard copy of your invitation is still the best way to invite people. After all, this is also where you can showcase your own creativity! Inviting through SMS or texting may be quite impolite. Remember, you are the one asking them a favor to attend your party. Texting should only be used for confirmation purposes. Carefully prepare the list of names included in your program. Make sure names are not misspelled. And be sure the people included in your program know what to do. Send your invitations at least two weeks before the event itself. This way, your guests will not set other appointments on your big day. Your Motif Motif is usually reduced to the color that will dominantly be used in the party. But really, motif is more than just that. When choosing your motif, you may consider your favorite color, which is the conventional way of doing it, but to make your party much more interesting to become a real event to remember, you might want to think of a whole theme, rather than just a color. A theme is a guide to what the most of your party will be about. It may range from something romantic like renaissance to something more magical like fairy tales. Its all a matter of imagination and creativity, and of course, personality, that motif, which you think is you. Once you have set your motif, everything else becomes easy. Music Choosing your music is like choosing the mood of your party. Just remember that it should not clash with your theme. If you have a Pocahontas theme, the most suited music would be Pocahontas Original Soundtrack. But whos dictating? You are always free to be creative! Dont stick to conventions. Choose the music you love most. Wouldnt you want to remember your special day with a beautiful music? For your 18 roses, you may pick a song for each and every dance. The song should suit the man you are dancing with. You may request a friend to sing your favorite song during dinner or ask the dj to play your most memorable song while parading around your guests. Program and Entertainment The program of your party is important in keeping your guests entertained. Remember, it is your party. Youre the star! But you are also the hostess, you have the responsibility to make the night as enjoyable for them as it is for you. Most often, the right performers, and emcee do it all. To entertain your guests, you can abuse your talented friends into making them sing your favorite song for instance. In this way, you are giving an opportunity for them to showcase their talents. Parts like the Cotillion de Honor require a great deal of preparation however. It may take months of preparation before you can produce a perfect Cotillion de Honor. It would also make your event more interesting, if you include special segments, or the not usual segments. But always take note of your theme. Dress Depending on your motif, you pick the dress that you think will bring out your best, that which will make you feel confident.

Most of the time, we feel confident when were wearing something that we think brings out our best figure. So consider the whole design of your gown, more specifically its cut. Be sure that it fits you perfectly well. Deciding if a gown fits you perfectly well or not is more than just checking if its tight or loose. Its really a matter of feeling. When wearing it makes you feel confident and comfortable, then it must be good on you. It is easier to choose an outfit knowing what you really want. You can shop for ideas and designs in the mall and gather them into a collective of what design suits your taste. Hair and Make-up Hair and make-up may be the most crucial little detail, because hair and make-up can definitely transform you. It is very important that you feel comfortable and confident with your hair and make-up, because how you look would more or less direct your mood the whole evening. It would be helpful to experiment with your looks before the big event itself. This way you more or less know what looks good on you. Accessories Choosing the right accessories would come in easy as soon as you get your dress. Accessories play a big role, especially when you have chosen a relatively simple gown. Most of the time, the right accessories do it all. If your dress can stand on its own, then simple accessories are best to be used to avoid overdressing and exaggeration. Most well dressed people are the ones who keep it simple but undoubtedly elegant. Bag A bag is important to keep close the important things you need, those, which you think, you cannot last a single night without. However, carrying a bag with you during this very important occasion is just optional. For some people, a bag is not an important detail. But you wouldnt want a wrong bag to ruin your almost perfect debut, would you? Your bag must definitely match your dress. If it matches, then its the perfect bag. Shoes Your shoes may not even be visible during the whole night of your party, because of your long dress. But it still is important to have the right shoes, just in case. In picking your shoes, the thing to consider, aside from style, is of course comfort. No debutante would want a hurting foot after dancing with the eighteen roses. Your shoes should blend with your dress. It should be in harmony with your gowns color or detail. If not, it should match your bag. Be sure to ask opinions from your family and friends about your whole outfit so that during your debut you wouldnt worry about it at all. Souvenirs Souvenirs are remembrance, memories, reminders of your event. To achieve the real purpose of souvenirs, do not just give away something that has always been given away. Pick something special that matches your motif. Pick a

souvenir that you think will remind your guests of your memorable day with them. Think of something even more creative to give your friends or family who have helped you a lot in organizing your debut. They will appreciate this token so much that they wouldnt get tired of helping you at all. 18 Generic traditional 18s to use:  18 Roses


18 Wishes 18 Candles 18 Treasures 18 Shots / Wines / Toasts 18 Cheers 18 Balloons

Butterfly themed debut party For 18 roses, you can try 18 flowers because butterflies love all flowers in general and not just roses. For your 18 candles, why not try 18 fireflies where before the 18 candles ceremony, you could dim the lights and ask you 18 candles to let their lighted candles dance mimicking a firefly taking flight. You could also put wings on your candles to make it look like a firefly. For 18 treasures, you could have 18 seeds where it symbolizes the virtues that you need to have in your journey through life. Make sure no virtue is duplicated. For 18 wines, you could have 18 toasts or 18 champagnes. Casino-Inspired For your 18s, try the following: 18 Black Jacks for your 18 roses. Substitute your 18 candles with 18 rolls of dice or 18 lucky rolls of dice. This symbolizes your guests wishing you luck in every endeavor. It is also like telling you that whatever life gives you, you would be able to handle it. For 18 treasures, you should try18 Poker Chips, 18 Vegas casinos, 18 Vegas Roulettes, 18 Jackpots and 18 Casino Royale. Cherry Blossoms inspired debut party Zen theme For the zen theme, try the following substitutes for your 18s: 18 Cherry Blossoms for your 18 roses (go for pink or white malaysian mums or pink carnations for props since they resemble cherry blossoms), 18 japanese lanterns for 18 candles or 18 origamis where your 18 candles have written their speeches on a paper and folded it origami style. They will unfold the origami and read their speech, and 18 bonsais or18 bento boxes for your 18 treasures/gifts. Fairytale Theme Regarding your theme and what to do with your 18 candles and roses, it depends on what fairytale you want. For instance, if you are supposed to be sleeping beauty, then18 kisses (on the cheek) would not be a bad alternative for the 18 roses. Or instead of having different songs for your 18 roses dance, you could just have a grand waltz song for all 18 roses and call it The Royal Dance or The Grand Waltz. They would be circling you and would dance in a waltz, each of them cutting off every few stanzas of the waltz song. Fashion Show / Runway Inspired Party For a fashion show theme, you can replace your 18 roses with 18 fierce poses and 18 wacky poses, where each of your 18 roses will strike a pose at the center of the stage and then dance afterward. The poses can be funny or fierce just talk it out with each one of your 18 roses and make each totally different. This will essentially be a photoop so that you have a picture of all of your 18s. You may also incorporate the fashion show when you are going to do your 18 candles where your friends are going to walk the stage (or a runway if you will be having one), strike a fierce pose and then render their speech. For the 18 treasures, you can have 18 snag this style, 18 styles, 18 shopping bagswhere each 18 candles will describe why they chose that style for you or why they thought of you when they bought that gift, etc.

Grecian Theme For your 18s, you can try these: 18 Torches for 18 candles (reminiscent of the Olympics). 18 Priestesses can also substitute your 18 candles. 18 Wines (because Goddesses love wine) 18 Heroes can also replace your 18 roses 18 Dieties, 18 Gifts to Troy (you being Helen of Troy), 18 Gift Bearers, or 18 Laurels to substitute your 18 treasures. 18 Goddesses can also be used to replace 18 treasures. You can have a different goddess for each. This list of goddesses can help you. Copy and paste this to your browser if the link doesnt work: 18 Guardians for your 18 toasts Hollywood / Grammy / Oscars Awards Night Since Hollywood is all about awards and movies, you can substitute 18 Awards or 18 Statues for your 18 candles (where each will make a speech on why this award was given to you, etc). For your 18 candles, you can have 18 Clappers where they would say Lights, camera, action before they make a speech. You can also have 18 Awards to replace your 18 Treasures. Your 18s will have to think of this. For instance, Award for being Miss Congeniality or Miss Talent, or Award for being a very good friend, with reasons why they chose it.) Make sure no award is duplicated. Have Oscar statuettes as props for a total award-winning moment. For 18 roses, try 18 Movies / Films, 18 Movie Theme Songs or 18 Best Musical Scoreswhere you will be dancing to their respective soundtracks. Songs to be played will be dependent on the movies that you pick. You could also go for the blockbuster movies from the year you were born up to present (making 18 movies in total) and dance to their theme song. You can also substitute your 18 Roses with 18 Toasts to celebrate your 18 years on earth. The guy will first make a toast, have a speech, then dance with you. Just for fun, before each dance, pose with your 18 Roses partner in front of a number of extras (actors) posing as paparazzi for the effect that you are a Hollywood star being followed by media men. Of course this can also serve as a photo opportunity for the both of you, so have your photographer take your stolen picture as well before dancing with your partner. It would be fun to think of different poses beforehand so that each picture you have with your 18 Roses has a different character from the other. Movie house inspired debut party For a movie themed 18th birthday celebration, you can replace 18 Treasures with 18 Popcorn Buckets. These 18 popcorn buckets will contain the gifts or treasures that your 18 Treasures want to give you. For your 18 Candles, you can do 18 Movie Quotes. These quotes can either tell something about your personality or give you an advice about something. The traditional 18 Candles of a Debut is usually given to the debutants closest friends who can give an advice to light her path. The 18 Movie Quotes can serve this purpose very well. Just like in the Hollywood theme, you can substitute your 18 Roses with 18 Musical Scores or 18 Movie Theme Songs to dance to. Moulin Rouge Replace 18 Candles with 18 CAN-CANdles. Ask them to imitate a can-can dancer with legs flailing up and down before they make their speech or make them line-up and do the can-can first for a spectacular dance number. Making them wear a can-can costume wouldnt hurt. This party will definitely be anything but boring. For 18 roses, you can have 18 sitar players where you will be dancing with the accompaniment of a sitar player (guitar if a sitar is not available). You can also make use of songs from the Moulin Rouge soundtrack for the 18 roses dance. Masquerade / Phantom of the Opera 18 Candles is still appropriate but candles in a candelabra would add more flavor to it. You can call it 18 Candelabras instead.

You can also use 18 Masks, which is sort of a surprise for the debutante. Each person would approach the stage concealed in a mask and then remove it to make a speech. This is going to be very dramatic and exciting because the 18th birthday celebrant doesnt know that these people are part of the program. On the other hand, 18 Masks, 18 Princes and 18 Music of the Night can also be used to replace 18 Roses. Each guy will approach the debutante with a mask on, and reveal himself to the audience by taking off the mask before dancing with the celebrant to classical or opera music. You can opt to have the 18 grand royal dance where you will have just one waltz song to dance to and the men will have a stanza each until he is replaced by another man. Pirates For the Pirates theme, your 18s can be 18 flags for 18 candles where your 18 candles can elaborate on some of your victories and good qualities, 18 tiki torches is also great for 18 candles, 18 Swords for the 18 roses and 18 treasure chests, 18 rewards, 18 loot bags, 18 Treasures, 18 Islands or 18 Jewels of the Sea for 18 gifts/treasures. Pool Party You could have 18 floating candles where each of your 18 friends will place a floating candle on the pool and as it floats hopefully towards you. After placing the floating candle on the pool, they give their speech. Rave and Glam Party For 18 candles, try 18 Glowsticks. For your 18 Glowsticks, each of the person holding one will break the glowstick first to light it up before making a speech. This can create drama if you dim the lights. Try also 18 lighters instead of 18 candles. For 18 roses, try 18 Tequilla Shots, or 18 champagnes where each of your 18 roses will toast before dancing with you. You can also have a TOP 18, (instead of the TOP 100 in music countdowns), where you and your 18 roses will dance to a favorite song of yours. For 18 treasures, try 18 Keepsakes, 18 Mementos, 18 Fabulous Finds and 18 Glam Styles (in keeping with glam theme as well). Rave in the 80s In the 1980s, they used jams to mean a collection of songs or music. If you want your dance to be more upbeat, you can replace it with 18 Jams where you have 18 different New Wave songs to dance to with the 18 special men in your life. For your 18 candles, perhaps instead of using candles, you can use 18 Glowstickssince NEON was very significant in the 80s. You can replace your 18 candles with 18 Neons or 18 Glows or 18 Lights. American Idol Themed Birthday Party For your 18s, you can go with 18 favorite rock songs, 18 electric guitars, 18 rock bands, etc. If you want to have an American Idol inspired birthday, you can list 18 famous American idol contestants and use that for your 18s. Your music for your 18 roses dance can be songs that have been played in American Idol. You can pattern your stage to that of American Idols and have a singing showdown with some of your 18s after which you will emerge as the winner. You can also do an AVP similar to what is being shown in American Idol when they are introducing the contestants. Rock Glam Party You can substitute 18 guitars, 18 songs, 18 albums, 18 favorite bands for your 18 roses and candles. For your 18s, you can have your 18 favorite rock songs played while dancing with your 18 Roses. Sports For your 18s during your debut celebration, you can replace 18 candles with 18 Touchdowns in which you, the debutante, will use some sort of ceramic football to put off the candles. 18 Torches can be used to replace your 18 Candles. Each of the torchbearers will make a wish for you before passing the torch to the next one (or passing the flame to another small torch being carried by another person, if you have the budget for 18 torches). The last torchbearer will be the one to light the flame cauldron, just like what they do when opening the Olympics. 18 Three-Point Shots can replace 18 roses in which the boys will have to shoot the ball first before dancing with you, debutant. Also 18 Toasts and 18 champagne can also be used for your 18 candles reminiscent of popping a champagne after a victory. Finally, to replace 18 treasures, you can have the 18 MVP awards. Starry Starry Night

For a Star-themed debut party, you can replace 18 Candles with 18 Twinkles where you can stick some paper stars on each candle for effect. You can have 18 Magical Silver Dust where you can have your 18 wishes, make a speech and blow silver dust for a magical effect. You can substitute 18 Sparkles for your 18 roses where the guys will make a toast first before dancing with you. Season Spring For your 18 Candles, have your friends talk about 18 different important things you need. Since Spring is a time for rebirth, ask your 18s to make a list of important things you need in order to grow and be the best that you can be. It can be a virtue, a person, or a material thing for example, LIFE, LOVE, FAMILY, HAPPINESS, FRIENDS, FUN, HONESTY, etc. For your 18 roses, you can have 18 Flowers of Spring or just 18 Daisies. You can also replace 18 Roses with 18 Balloons where each of the balloon is tied to a flower. Just make sure that the flower is light enough for the balloon to carry towards the skies. Before dancing with you, your 18 roses will let go of the balloon with the flower. Season Winter A Winter themed birthday party can have a White and Silver motif. With this theme, you can still have 18 Roses, although instead of red ones, use white roses. You can also have 18 Sparkling Wines (use white wines). For 18 Candles, adorn your candles with silver and white ribbons in order to adhere to your theme. Season Christmas You can replace your traditional 18 Roses with 18 Mistletoes, where your 18 Roses will kiss you (on the cheek) before dancing with you. For more feel of the Christmas spirit, decorate your 18 Candles by placing red ribbons on them. You can also have 18 Balloons for that festive feel. Each of your 18 friends will pop each balloon as they make a wish for you. Season Whimsical Spring/Summer You can substitute 18 Roses with 18 Blooms of May or 18 Flowers of May. It can also be replaced with 18 Summer Serenades, where you and your partner will be dancing to some happy tunes. Tropical Birthday Bash You can replace your 18 candles with 18 Bonfires, 18 Torches, 18 Tiki Torches or 18 Seashells, where you can decorate the candles with small shells or put them on huge seashells for a beach effect. For your 18 Torches, you can simply just decorate the candles so that they look like torches. You can also have 18 Campfires, which your friends will light as they join together and bond. For your 18 Bonfires, your friends will get a lighted log from the bonfire as they make their speech. For your 18 roses, you can substitute them with 18 Leis, 18 Balloons, 18 Garlandsor 18 Corals. For 18 treasures, try 18 Treasure Chests, 18 Jewels or 18 Gems. You can also have18 Seashells where inside the seashells are wishes written on paper for the 18 treasures to read. For 18 gifts, try 18 Cocktails where your 18s will make a speech, give a toast and then give you the gift. For a Carribean / treasure hunt / Survivor theme, you can go for 18 flags for 18 candles where the 18s can elaborate on some of your victories and good qualities. 18 tiki torches for 18 candles and 18 treasure chest or 18 rewards for 18 gifts/treasures. Mafia Wars Debut Party Replace 18 roses with 18 Dons (like Don Corleone of The Godfather) and address each of them with Don. For 18 candles, you may try 18 sparks, 18 dynamites (candles looking like dynamites), 18 grenades, 18 gunshots or 18 explosions. For your 18 Gifts/Treasures/Wishes/Toasts you can have 18 Pubic Enemies or 18 Wanted People for the 18 Wanted men, you can design a poster for each of them including their names, physical description and some fictional mafia-related crimes together with their picture or caricature. You can also include what these people are worth in reward money then flash these posters on the screen using Powerpoint as you call on each of them. Vintage Debut Party You can use 18 old songs instead of 18 roses, 18 candelabras instead of 18 candles and 18 nostalgias or 18 historical facts, in which your 18 treasures will share 18 fond memories about you. White Party

You can have 18 Favorite Things substitute your traditional 18 Treasures, but you have to make sure these things are all in white. For your 18 roses, you can have 18 white roses or any favorite flower of yours. You can have 18 Balloons so that your friends can present your 18 precious memories. For this, you or your friend can pop or prick the balloon (just like popping a thought bubble) to reveal a message or a story that you can reminisce about. Other options can be 18 stuffed toys (white) and 18 white lanterns (to guide your journey through life). DEBUTS have become such an important part of a girls coming of age because not only does it celebrate the moment we become adults, it also is a chance for us to show people our individuality, and the image we want to project. The parties you give, be it big or intimate, shows a lot about who you are, and how you think the world looks at you. Everyone wants to have a party that rocks or at least remembered. So do you want your debut to be really memorable? Make it unconventional! Debuts dont have to be always as formal as your Juniors-Seniors Prom. Besides, youre also celebrating your 18th birthday party, so why dont you make it into something you will truly enjoy? Here are just some of the coolest ideas to consider in place of your usual formal cotillions, candles and roses. Foam/Bubble Parties If you and your friends love to dance, foam creates that wild and exciting atmosphere for a great bash. Tip: Too expensive? No worries. Create your own bubbles. If your parents and guests arent too conservative, you can still keep that program of yours. You can still dance with the 18 men in your life through the foam and in place of the candles for your 18 girlfriends you can do something like 18 Bubble Blows so they can wish you good luck. Costume Party A talked-about party is not always about the host. If you want yours to be memorable, make it interactive by making your guests part of the show too! Get your friends to talk about your party weeks before the event itself. Ask your friends to come in costumes and be surprised at how fun it is to see everyone dress up as characters and celebrities. Tip: Make it worth your guests while, let your friends know that awards (gift certificates from spas and salons, or tickets to a concert if you feel generous)will be given to those who sport the best costume. This way your friends are challenged to look for the most unique costume, therefore making your party more interesting! 80s Party Blast from the past and ask everyone to be in 80s attire. 80s clothing trends are now in style so though your theme is not new, youd be on top of a trend. Tip: Hire a great band that specializes in 80s music. Get ready to boogie on down! Grammy Awards Night Get everyone to wear formal and make your friends feel like celebrities by having people stand as paparazzis as people enter. Design your location into a formal theatre. Give out fun awards (best friend, best male dancer, etc) Tip: Want to create the best cinematic atmosphere? Greenbelt rents out one of its cinemas just for parties and events like these. Casino Party What a great way to celebrate your adulthood than to play something only adults supposedly are allowed to play. Set up poker tables and prepare fake casino chips allotted for each guest for them to play with. Tips: you can give out finger foods and cocktail drinks (juices and softdrinks in wine glasses:) to add to the atmosphere. Put up redemption centers for those who want to cash-in their chips.

Pool party / Beach party / Luau Have fun with the summer sun and enjoy a relaxing party at the pool or beach. Hold beach games and serve barbequed food and refreshing fruit shakes. You can even opt to ask people to come in Hawaian outfits. Tips: Set up your stereo with some relaxing tunes everyone can either relax, dance or sing to. Music creates the atmosphere here so make sure your guests are enjoying it. Kiddie Party Are you the fun and playful type? Hold a birthday party at Mcdonalds or Jollibee and bring out the child in everyone. Hold childish parlor games like palayok, pabitin and trip to Jerusalem games. Bring out great childhood memories with mascots like Ronald Mcdonald or even Jollibee himself. Tips: To add to the atmoshphere, hire magicians, clowns and balloon twisters. Rent out dirty ice cream trolleys, cotton candy machines and give it out to guests for FREE! People will surely love your party. If your friends are fun and cooperative enough, you can even ask them to come in kiddie clothes. In place of your program you can do something like 18 Ice Cream Toasts or 18 Balloons where balloons are popped after your friends address their little speeches for you

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