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USER GUIDELINES FOR MOBILE BANKING Welcome to SMS Banking - Another innovative utility for the benefit of its

techno savvy customers by CANARA BANK. An ordinary mobile phone can make your banking experience more friendly and enjoyable by letting you stay connected with your account at any time. SMS Banking is independent of the handset model and you can avail this facility from most of the service providers (GSM/CDMA).All that you have to do is to enter simple text messages for operating Mobile Banking. Under Core Banking environment, we have introduced the SMS (Short Messaging Services) under Mobile Banking facility with the following enhanced facilities: 1. SMS Request/Enquiry Facility (SMS PULL Services) 2. SMS Alerts Facility (SMS PUSH Services) 3. Email Alerts Facility. This SMS Services with enhanced features will be extended only to the Retail customers of Core banking branches for enquiring and getting alerts. SMS request/enquiry facility is on-line and real time basis available 24/7. Whereas, SMS / Email Alerts facility will not be real time and you would receive the same within 30 minutes from the time of transaction in the account for which alert to be sent. What I need for Mobile Banking? Mobile phone which supports SMS (GSM or CDMA) Registration of Email_id and Mobile numbers with our Branches by submitting an application to the Branch.

BUILT-IN SECRECY AND SECURITY : 1. You should have been registered your mobile number or Email_id for both SMS Request/Enquiry and Alerts and Email Alerts facilities with the Bank. 2. While processing the SMS requests/enquiries, system will check whether the request is from the same mobile number which has been registered for your Customer ID. If requests received from any other mobile numbers, system will not respond to such requests. 3. System will validate account numbers against the customer number while processing SMS Requests/Enquiries.

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4. System will validate cheque numbers against account number while processing SMS Requests. 5. System is not insisting for any user_id or passwords while processing SMS Requests. 6. The messages exchanged between Bank and SMS Carriers is traveling in encrypted format and in a secured communication channel i.e. Secured Socket layer. 7. You would be receiving the messages in text format from your mobile service providers.

I. SMS Request/Enquiry Facility :

1. How to enroll for SMS Request/enquiry facility? All you have to do is to collect Mobile Banking application from your home branch and submit the same in duplicate. Alternatively, the application form can be downloaded from the home page of the Banks Internet Banking Website and submit in duplicate. In the Application, you have to specifically request for SMS Request Facility. Know your customer ID from the Branch for the purpose of using SMS Request facility and note down the same. Details of Email_id and Mobile numbers (With country code) from which SMS request facility is accessed should be invariably mentioned very clearly in the application.

2. What are facilities available in SMS Request/Enquiry and How to use it ? Following facilities available to you

Registration for SMS Banking Change of primary account View of balance in CASA View of Term Deposit details Issued Cheque status View of last 5 transactions De-register for SMS Banking Help message for Keywords

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1. You are requested to note down 13 digit account numbers of your operative account numbers and term deposit numbers. If these particulars are not available with you, please get the same from the Branch. 2. You should memorize your customer ID for sending SMS Requests since all your requests are serviced based on customer ID only. 3. You need not come to the Bank, if you have already provided your mobile number for registration to SMS Banking Service to the Bank. You can straight away register for this service by sending registration message through SMS. 4. Know the usage of Keywords. Please refer keywords summary below. 5. All the SMS need to be sent to short digit 6161 only . 6. Currently, this facility is available for retail customers only. 7. As of now this facility is not available for loan accounts. 8. SMS should be sent from the same mobile number registered with the Bank. 9. Bank does not charge any service fee for sending back the reply till 30.04.2007. 3. What is the Procedure for registration through mobile phone to be done by me ? Following sequence to be following exactly in order to register yourself for the service. 1. Your mobile number should have been registered by the Bank for the facility against your application. 2. Mobile number Registration to be done by you as a one time measure using the same mobile number furnished to the Bank. The following message is to be sent to 6161 for registration. CANREG <Customer ID> or canreg <Customer ID> Eg : CANREG 12345 or canreg 12345

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System will mark the earliest opened and live operative account as your primary account. In order to register for a specific account , type the following message: CANREG <Customer ID> <A/c No.> <Customer ID> <A/c No.> Eg: CANREG 12345 0667111091519 0667111091519 or or canreg canreg 12345

System will mark the account number mentioned by you in your SMS message as your primary operative account. 3. System will register you for SMS Banking service and sends a welcoming message for mobile banking service of the bank. 4. In case you are trying to send message from a different mobile number that is not registered with Bank, you would be receiving appropriate error message from the system. 4. How can I enquire present balance/liability in my account ? Send the following SMS message to 6161. CANBAL <Customer ID> Eg : CANBAL 12345 or or canbal <Customer ID> canbal 12345

System will respond with current balance/liability in your primary operative account. For the balance of a specific account , type the following message: CANREG <Customer ID> <A/c No.> <Customer ID> <A/c No.> Eg: CANREG 12345 0667111091519 0667111091519 or or canreg canreg 12345

System will respond with the current balance/liability in the operative account mentioned above by you in your SMS message. 5. How can I enquire last 5 transactions in my account ? Send the following SMS message to 6161. CANTXN <Customer ID> Eg : CANTXN 12345 or or cantxn <Customer ID> cantxn 12345 Page No. 4/13

System will respond with a list of immediate previous 5 transactions in your primary operative account. For the transactions of a specific account , type the following message: CANTXN <Customer ID> <A/c No.> <Customer ID> <A/c No.> Eg: CANTXN 12345 0667111091519 0667111091519 or or cantxn cantxn 12345

System will respond with a list of immediate previous 5 transactions in the specified account mentioned by you in your SMS Message. 6. How can I change my primary operative account ? In case you are holding more than one operative accounts under same Customer ID, this option helps you to change your primary operative account whenever you desire to do so. Send the following SMS message to 6161. CANACC <Customer ID> <A/c No.> <Customer ID> <A/c No.> Eg: CANACC 12345 0667254001520 0667254001520 or or canacc canacc 12345

System will respond with appropriate message for having changed your primary operative account. Henceforth, the account number mentioned by you in your SMS message would be your primary operative account.

7. How can I enquire about my Term Deposit Accounts ? This option helps to enquire about term deposits with respect to principle amount, rate of interest, maturity date, current balance, etc., Send the following SMS message to 6161. CANTDQ <Customer ID> Eg : CANTXN 12345 or or cantdq <Customer ID> cantxn 12345

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System will respond with a list earliest opened 3 term deposits account particulars belonging to you. You may be receiving 2 or 3 messages as response containing the required details. For the details of a specific term Deposit account , type the following message: CANTDQ <Customer ID> <A/c No.> <Customer ID> <A/c No.> Eg: CANTDQ 12345 0667303000003 0667303000003 or or cantdq cantdq 12345

System will respond with the details of Term Deposit account mentioned by you in your SMS Message.

8. How can I enquire status of a cheque issued by me ? This option helps to enquire about status of a cheque as to whether paid or unpaid or Stopped. Always cheque issued against your primary operative account can be enquired using this option. In case you want to inquire status of a cheque issued in an operative account other than your primary account, first you have to change your primary account as explained above and send the message. Send the following SMS message to 6161. CANCHQ <Customer ID> <Cheque No.> Or canchq <Customer ID> <Cheque No.> Eg : CANCHQ 12345 4455661 or canchq 12345 4455661 System will respond with the status of cheque as to whether paid or unpaid or stopped. 9.. How can I de-register from SMS Request/Enquiry facility ? This option helps to de-register yourself from the SMS Request/Enquire facility. This option would help you in case you are changing mobile number or you do not want to use the facility any more. Send the following SMS message to 6161. CANDEL <Customer ID> or candel <Customer ID> Page No. 6/13

Eg :

CANDEL 12345


candel 12345

System will respond with a message that you are successfully deregistered from the services. 10. How can help on keywords to be used for usage of the facility ? This option helps to know the various keywords and the purpose of its usage. Send the following SMS message to 6161. CANHLP or canhlp

System will respond with the various keywords and its functionalities. 11. Any Charge/Fee is to be paid by me for availaing the services ? Till 30.04.2007 all the above 3 facilities are free of any charges. 12 . Frequently asked questions on SMS Request/Enquiry Facility : a. Whether registration of my mobile number is a must in my home Branch of the Bank? Yes. Registration with the Bank is first and top-most requirement for availing the facility. b. Whether registration from my mobile is required for availing the services ? Yes. Registration from your mobile number is a must. This is to be done after the Bank registers your mobile number for the services. Otherwise you would not be in a position to use the services. c. Whether I have to spend any amount for availing this service ?

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Bank will not be charging you for availing this facility till 30.04.2007. But you would be charged by your Mobile Service provider for sending messages through SMS. d. What I should do in case I do not require the facility any more since I am changing the mobile number or not interested in further availing the service ? First you de-register yourself from the SMS services of the Bank as said above and inform your home branch to deregister mobile number from the facility by submitting a letter in writing. e. What Should I do in case I am changing the Mobile Number and want to continue with the facility ? Before you change the mobile number, please de-register yourself from the SMS services of the Bank using the existing mobile number. Inform your home branch to register the new mobile number for the facility by submitting a letter in writing. After our branch registers the new number, please do registration from the new mobile number for continuation of service. f. What happens if the message formats sent by me are not correct ? System will give message saying that we are unable to carryout your instructions currently. Please try later. g. What happens if I try from a different mobile number not registered with the Bank? System gives message that This Mobile Number is not registered against the Customer ID. h. What happens if Customer ID sent in the message is wrong ? System will give a message saying that This Mobile Number is not registered against the Customer ID. i. What happens if the A/c No. mentioned by me in the message is wrong ?

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System will give message saying that we are unable to carryout your instructions currently. Please try later. j. What happens in case the cheque number fed by me is wrong ? System will give message saying that Cheque number invalid k. What happens in case cheque number pertains to an account other than primary account ? System will give message saying that Cheque number invalid l. To which number I should send SMS Messages ? Always you send SMS message to 6161. m.Sometimes I not able to send SMS Messages. Sending Message failed error is encountered. What should I do ? There may be temporary problem with your Mobile service provider or with the signal reception in your mobile phone. Please check with your mobile service provider in case problem continues. n. Which are all the Mobile Service Providers supported for this facility ? Reliance, BSNL, MTNL, AIRTEL, DPL, AIRCEL, TATA INDICOM, IDEA, HUTCH, SPICE o. How the response sent by the system can be read by me ? Response will be available in inbox of your messages in mobile phone. Just select and Read the message and scroll down for details. p. In Messages, between the each word/parameter how many spaces should be given? Whether space is a must? Between each word/parameter one space is compulsory. You should not give more than one space between each

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word/parameter. More than one space would be treated as wrong message format by the system. 13. USAGE RULES OF SMS REQUEST/EQNURIES : Sl. Key No. Words 1.

Message Format CANREG <Customer No>

Purpose Registration for Mobile banking service with the earliest opened account as primary account. Registration for Mobile banking service with the account number entered by you as primary account. For changing the primary account number For balance inquiry of primary account For balance inquiry of other account For inquiry of first 3 Term Deposit accounts

or canreg

Response from the system if operation is successful. You are registered for Mobile Banking Services of Canara Bank. Thank you. You are registered for Mobile Banking Services of Canara Bank. Thank you. Your default account has been changed successfully. Balance is INR .. A/C No Balance is INR .. A/C No Account no. ..Prin Amt . Int Rate.. .Due Dt. . Bal amount .. ( splitted into 2 or 3 messages) Account no. ..Prin Amt . Int Rate.. .Due Dt. . Bal amount .. Chque Paid / Unpaid / Stopped and cheque number. Last five transactions in primary account is displayed

CANREG <Customer No> <A/c No.>

2. 3.


or canacc

CANACC <Customer No> <Acct.No> CANBAL <Customer No> CANBAL <Customer No> <Acct.No>

or canbal



or cantdq

CANTDQ <Customer No>

CANTDQ <Customer No> <Acct.No>

For TD inquiry of a specific account



or canchq

CANCHQ <Customer No> <Cheque No> CANTXN <Customer No>

For status enquiry of cheque issued against primary operative a/c Enquiry of last five transactions in primary account.


or cantxn

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CANTXN <Customer No> <Acct.No> 7.


Enquiry of last five transaction of other account. To disable himself from SMS facility.

or candel

CANDEL <Customer No>



or canhlp


System gives list of all the above keywords and their functions

Last five transactions in the a/c number stated in the message is displayed You have been deregistered from SMS Banking Services. of Canara Bank. All keywords and their functions.



Features of SMS / EMAIL Alerts Facility : 1. What are facilities available in SMS /Email Alerts Facility and How to use it ? System will automatically send an alert message to your either through SMS /Email on following events in your accounts in case you have registered for alerts. When a Debit/Credit Transaction amount is above Rs. 10,000/- or the amount specified by you whichever is higher in any of your operative accounts which are registered for alerts facility. Monthly alert on Present Balance/liability in any of your operative accounts which are registered for alerts facility. Overdraft alert when any of your operative accounts goes to debit balance or exceeds the limit.

2. Any Charge/Fee is to be paid by me for availing the services ?

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Till 30.04.2007 all the above 3 facilities are free of any charges. 3. How to enroll for SMS /Email Alerts facility? All you have to do is to collect Mobile Banking application from your home branch and submit the same in duplicate. Alternatively, the application form can be downloaded from the home page of the Banks Internet Banking Website and submit in duplicate. In the Application, you have to specifically request for SMS/Email Alert Facility or both. Details of Email_id and Mobile numbers (With country code) to which alerts are to be sent is required to be invariably mentioned in the application very clearly.

The following details with requisite values are also to be furnished in the application by you for SMS/Email Alerts facility. Alert Type Amount / Periodicit y (Minimum Amt Rs. 10,000/-) Amount to be more than Rs. 10,000/Monthly Facility Required or not Facility require d for A/C No. / Alerts throug h Email or SMS or Both

Credit/Debit Transaction Alert

Required Not Required Required Not Required Required Not Required

Monthly Balance / Liability Alert Overdrawings Any / TOD Alerts Amount

/ /

4. How the alerts messages would be from the System ?

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In case of Credit/Debit transactions alerts, the alert message would be An Amount of INR .. Debited/Credited to your Account In case of Monthly Balance/Liability alert, the alert message would be Available amount in your Account No as of <date & time> is INR. In case of Overdrawing/TOD alert, the alert message would be There is an overdrawing in you Account . Of INR ..


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