SMK Convent ST - Cecilia Gempur Minda 2 Form Four Chemistry 2010 Name: Time: 1 Hour Class: Answer All The Questions

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Answer all the questions.

1. Diagram 1 shows part of the Periodic Table of elements.

Diagram 1
(a) (i) How did Henry J.G.Mosely arrange the elements in the Periodic Table?
(ii) Name the vertical column and the horizontal row of the Periodic Table.
(iii) State the position of element Mg in the Periodic Table.
(iv) Which element has more than one oxidation number?
(v) Which element in the Periodic Table is used as a standard in determining the relative atomic
masses of other elements?
(vi) Explain briefly why elements Mg and Al are placed in the same group.
(vii) Elements of C and O combine to form molecules.
(i) State the type of bonding in the molecule.
(ii) State one physical property for the molecule.

2. A very diluted potassium iodide solution is electrolysed by using the set-up of apparatus as
shown in Diagram 2.

Diagram 2
(a) Name all the ions that are found in the very diluted potassium iodide solution.
(b) (i) State the ions that move to carbon electrode P.
(ii) Why do the ions stated in (b)(i) move to carbon electrode P ?
(c) Write the equation for the reaction that happened at electrode P.
(d) How do you identify the product formed at P?
(e) What is the substance produced at Q and how do you test for it?
(f) This experiment is repeated by replacing the very diluted potassium iodide solution with
concentrated potassium iodide solution.
(i) The product at which electrode will change?
(ii) Write an equation to show the formation of the new product.

3.Diagram 3 shows a simple voltaic cell.

(a) State the energy change in the voltaic cell.

(b) Which electrode is
(i) the positive terminal : ______________________________________________________________
(ii) the negative terminal: _____________________________________________________________
(c) State the direction for the flow of electrons.
(d) What is the function of the porous pot?
(e) Write the half equation for the reaction at
(i) the positive terminal : ______________________________________________________________
(ii) the negative terminal : _____________________________________________________________
(f) (i) State the observation expected on the reading of the voltmeter, if the zinc electrode is replaced
by magnesium electrode and zinc sulphate solution is replaced by magnesium sulphate solution.
(ii) Explain your answer in 3(f)(i).
3. Table below shows the proton number of elements P,Q and R. Based on information in Table,

Describe how two compounds can be formed from these elements. The two compounds should

have different bond types.


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