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F30100 PU: Status fault power semiconductor 1 Drive objects: A_INFMV, VECTORMV PSA: %1 cause: %2 Response: OFF2 Acknowledgement:

IMMEDIATELY Cause: The feedback signal of the valve status of at least one power semiconductor does not correspond to the switching command. For power units without a series circuit of power semiconductors within a valve (IGCT, IGBT 2,3 kV) with this fault, all power semiconductors are detected. For those with a series circuit (IGBT >= 3.3 kV) this fault detects the first power semiconductor of the series circuit within a valve. Status fault of the 2nd power semiconductor is signaled with F30101. The fault also occurs if the safety interlocking of the Safe Torque Off (STO) on the Power Stack Adapter (PSA) is activated without having previously inhibited the pulses from the control. Fault value (r0949, interpret hexadecimal): 0001 hex: Phase U status valve 1 0002 hex: Phase U status valve 2 0004 hex: Phase U status valve 3 0008 hex: Phase U status valve 4 0010 hex: Phase V status valve 1 0020 hex: Phase V status valve 2 0040 hex: Phase V status valve 3 0080 hex: Phase V status valve 4 0100 hex: Phase W status valve 1 0200 hex: Phase W status valve 2 0400 hex: Phase W status valve 3 0800 hex: Phase W status valve 4 Note: For fault value = 0666 hex, the jumpers for STO on the Power Stack Adapter (X241, X242) are probably missing. STO: Safe Torque Off Remedy: In order to check the gating and the power semiconductors, it is absolutely necessary that the data in the technical customer documentation is carefully observed. Check the function of STO, especially the sequence when stopping the drive and the request for STO. Note: Information on the assignment of messages to the power semiconductors is provided in the Appendix of the List Manual. STO: Safe Torque Off

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