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This rubric is used for evaluating your article critique #1. CRITERIA Synopsis (2 pts) - Provide a complete citation - Provide brief and clear summarization of the article's key points. Content Critique (4 pts) - Identify and critique the research question(s) from your point of view - Identify and comment on a line of argument or reasoning that the author(s) used in the article - Clearly identify the audience - Evaluate and discuss quality of research (underlying theory, research design, research tool, data collection and analysis, etc.) Lesson Learns & Recommendations (3 pts) - Discuss clearly at least two key lessons learned - Suggest how those lessons can be applied to a situation in a real organization or a daily operation - Suggest at least two reasonable enhancements to the article General Requirements (1 pt) - The submission complies with the general requirements stated in the Article Critique Guideline in the Course Information section In order to receive the full credit (10 points), you have to meet all of the above criteria. Point(s) will be taken off from any of those criteria that are not met. When calculating a final grade for this course, the score you received from this assignment will be transferred into a percentage (see how much this assignment is counted for in the syllabus). Note: All late submission will be subjected to one point reduction each day after the due date. So, after 10th day, your score will be zero.

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