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Chinese New Year

It is an all East and South-East-Asia celebration. In China it is known as "Spring Festival." It marks the end of the winter season, analogous to the Western carnival. The festival begins on the first day of the first month in the traditional Chinese calendar and ends on the 15th day. Chinese New Year is the longest and most important festivity in the Chinese Lunisolar Calendar. Chinese New Year is celebrated in countries and territories with significant Chinese populations, such as Mainland China, Hong Kong, Indonesia, Tibet, Macau, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore, Taiwan, Thailand etc. Nauroz
Navroz is a day when special thanks are offered to the almight Allah. This is to mark the beginning of the New Year and to invoke him to bless us with abundance. It is a day of reunion and renewing the ties and brotherhood/sisterhood. All friction and misunderstandgs are forgiven and forgotten. People take stock on this day of their acheivements, setbacks and shortcomings and make new resolutions and new efforts to progress in worldy and spiritual happiness.

Eid al-Adha is celebrated annually on the 10th day of the last Islamic month. It is an important religious holiday celebrated by Muslims worldwide to commemorate the willingness of Hazrat Ibrahim (A.S.) to sacrifice his son Hazrat Ismail (A.S.) as an act of obedience to God before God intervened to provide him with a ram to sacrifice instead. The meat is divided into three parts. The family retains one third of the share; another third is given to relatives, friends and neighbors; and the other third is given to the poor & needy.

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