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Role of comfort in military textile:

Throughout the ages, fighting men have worn protection clothing or armor, and since the Middle Ages military forces have adopted standards of military clothing that we refer to as uniform . The primary purposes of military clothing have always been protection, functionality, and identification (of friend and enemy). {Military Textile pg#71} In general comfort has taken a secondary role to these other factors. Human beings cannot function satisfactorily if they are not completely comfortable. {Paper on protective clothing entitled Comfort or Protection Slater (1996)} Protective fabrics with low moisture permeability can create heat stress and profuse sweating in the wearer. Abrasive materials can cause chafing of the skin and cause discomfort that can interfere with attention and performance. In addition, psychological factors related to attitudes and bliefs towards the garment and its ability to protect the wearer can create psychological discomfort that interfere with motivation and willingness to perform high risk assignments. {Military Textile pg#71}

Thermal comfort: It is the comfort or discomfort associated with how hot or cold the individual feels. Thermal comfort is closely related with changes in physiological variables such as skin and core temperature is a function of environmental variables, for example temperature, humidity, and wind speed; the activity level of individual; and clothing properties, such as fabric insulation value and water permeability.

Another interpretation of comfort derives from the tactile sensation that result from fabric in contact with the skin. For example, a military garment may feel smooth or rough against the skin. Depending upon the degree

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