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Level 1

Students Worksheet

Unit 10A
1 2 3 4

A Terrible Date

Follow the instructions.

Read your sentence and memorize it. Tell your group your sentence. Talk about the correct order of the sentences in the story. Stand in a line to show the correct order of the sentences in the story.

I went on a terrible date last week. I went out with a friend of a co-worker. At first, I was very excited, but when he picked me up at my house, he didnt even get out of the car. He just honked his horn at the front of the house. Mydad was really mad. Then the restaurant he took me to wasnt very nice. The menu didnt have a very big selection, and the food wasnt very good. It was expensive, and he didnt pay for my dinner. Wewent Dutch! The worst thing was that he didnt tip the waiter. Iwas so embarrassed. After that, we went to a club, and he couldnt dance. So, do I want to see him again? Yes, I do, because hesCUTE!!
Photocopiable: D.R. Macmillan Publishers, S.A. de C.V. 2010

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