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Creating a CutContour with CorelDRAW 11/12 or X3

In CorelDRAW, open Tools menu, then choose Palette Editor this will open the Palette Editor Pop Up.
1. Choose Add Colour

2.Choose Models 3. Choose any colour you prefer for your CutContour

4. Choose Add To Pallette

This will take you back to the Palette Editor.

5. Choose the colour you created

6. Rename the color to CutContour (Spelt exactly as written here, VersaWorks needs the exact spelling to recognise this as a cutline.)

7. Click OK

Optional steps to dock your Spot Color Palette so its one click away. In the top right hand corner of CoreDRAW work area is the Default Palette Chooser
Default Palette Chooser

1. Left click this

Icon then choose Palette then New...

This will open the New Palette Pop Up. Displayed in the window will be userinks.cpl

2. Right Click on userinks.cpl choose Copy from the Drop Down

3. Choose Cancel

Open the Default Palette Chooser, this time go to Open... 4. Left click this
Icon then choose Palette then Open...

This will open the Open Palette Pop Up.

5. Right Click in the white space in this window. Choose Paste from the Drop Down

userinks.cpl will appear in the window.

6. Click Open

When returning to CorelDRAW the userinks will be docked next to your Default Palette and will remain there as a default until you decide to delete or close them.
7. If you place your mouse over the Color you created, the Pop Up CutContour will appear.

Simply right click on this color, and what ever is selected will have its outline changed to CutContour. Do not left click as this will fill the selected objects with CutContour the results could be random at best. Roland Sub Sahara July 2006.

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