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a flat, shallow container or receptacle made of wood, metal,etc., usually w ith slightly raised edges, used for carrying,holding, or displaying articles of food, glass, china, etc. New sentence : I put my food in a tray.

2. Serving
the act of a person or thing that serves. New sentence : I serve food to my family

3. Main
chief in size, extent, or importance; principal; leading: thecompany's main office; the main features of a plan.

New sentence : My main receipt is muffins. 4. Crunchy

crunchier, crunchiest. crisp; brittle.

New sentence : The chips is crunchy. 5. Reluctant

unwilling; disinclined: a reluctant candidate.

New sentence : I am a reluctant student. 6. Beverage

any potable liquid, especially one other than water, as tea, coffee,beer, or milk: The price of the meal includes a beverage.

New sentence : My beverage is pepsi cola. 7. Might

simple past tense of may

new sentence : you might eat food.

8. Spill
to cause or allow to run or fall from a container, especiallyaccidentally or wastefully: to spill a bag of marbles; to spillmilk.

New sentence : I spill juice on my shirt. 9. Overconsumption

The act of consuming, as by use, decay, or destruction. New sentence : I make overconsumption.

10. Dislike
to regard with displeasure, antipathy, or aversion: I dislikeworking. I dislik e oysters.

New sentence : I dislike your photo on your facebook page.

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