Debma, I,,Ews: I:Ltl:L:Li:Lii

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L o,roolr,






rhe Hon

N,lirister of Healih 10th F oor Hepblrn Block

DebMa,i,,ews &Lonq Termoa@


Lna l.mdm{o@6da.



Encosed p ease lnd a letler lreceved from a.iizen ir Guelph regard ng a clause ln Commu.ily Care Amess ceilre (CCAC)conlracls thai prevenls seruce prov ders wo* ng through CCAC from conlactnS Ihe med a aboLt any CCAC action

Wh e ! realize th s genteman ls nol from my Rid ng lhe c.ndem he ra ses w lbe of i.leresl to a lonlarans because ccAcs operate th.oughoutlhe prov nce Mnisrer coudyoupeaseadviseillhere saclauseagreementswlhmylocalCenlralEastand CentralCCACS thatwo! d prevenl seruice provderc from contactng med a? could you please advise ifth s reslrction is pan of a provmce-wide lemplale governlng al :gencies
ll lunderslrnd lhe situalion corecty,ll would appearlhat every aqency n Onlanowho s coniracted loworkwthlheccAc is prevenledfron dis.ussng heailhcaro ssues relaled to the CCAC in lhe media This means, forexampe thaleven taCCAC provided nco(ecl information, healhcare seru ce provideB woud be prchibiied lrom trylng lo sei lhe record sl.righi.
the Hamiron Nagara Haldmand BrantLH N,w you take immed ate acl on lo remove causes lhst thwart lrarsparcicy by prevenl ng heathcare agencres working wrh

Miiisler, .vewolihef ndngsof lheOmbudsmanregardngalackof lansparencyln

CCACSfrom nlormiigihepublclhroughlhemeda?lnmyvew lhe.lausesdescnbed above aid ii the e.closed letler not only restricl pub ic access bLtalso are unconstlut lther are similar ru es aga nsl med a conlact 2l Lo*lHealh degration Nelworks, ihese rulesshoud also be removed
Thank you for yoLr considerauon. I look fotuard lo your repLy.

christine Eliorl. irPP

- opposlion c tciorHeath

and Long Tem care

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