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Nehemiah 2:11-6:19 Nehemiah Rebuilds the Walls


God helps us face challenges!

1) Show photos. 2) What do these photos have in common? a) They are all challenging. 3) Nehemiah had many challenges! a) He dealt with ridicule and was mocked! Neh 2:19, 4:1 b) He dealt with discouragement! i) Neh 4:14, 20 c) He dealt with Greed and Heartlessness! i) Neh 5:1-3 4) Nehemiah stayed focused on God through the challenge! a) Neh 4:4 5) He had Faith in God! a) Neh 2:20 The God of heaven, he will prosper us.

APPLICATION 1. When you encounter a challenge no matter what size it is SEEK GOD! a. PRAYER! Neh 4:4 b. ASK for help! c. Be armed with the SWORD! (Word of God) Neh 4:14 d. Never let your GUARD down! Neh 4:22 e. The BATTLE is not yours it is the Lords! Neh 4:20 2. What steps can you take this week to depend on God and others to help you face the challenges in your life? 3. How could you help a friend with a problem or difficult situation he or she is facing? 4. How can you depend more on the Lords help to complete or finish the work He has given you to do? Psalms 37:23 The steps of a good man are ordered by the LORD: and he delighteth in his way.

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