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p The matrix norm ||A|| = trace (AA0)

Herman Bierens November 16, 2009

Let A be an k m matrix. Dene the matrix norm ||.|| by p ||A|| = trace (AA0 ) ||A|| = 0 if and only if A = O, ||c.A|| = |c|.||A|| for any scalar c, ||A + B|| ||A|| + ||B|| (triangular inequality),


Recall that a norm needs to satisfy three conditions

(2) (3) (4)

where of course in the latter case the matrix B has the same size as A. Conditions (2) and (3) follow trivially from (1), but condition (4) is not obvious and will be shown below. We also have ||A|| = ||A0 || (5)

because trace(AA0 ) = trace(A0 A) . Moreover, it will be shown that for conformable matrices A and B, ||AB|| ||A||.||B|| and thus for b Rm , ||Ab|| ||A||.||b||. (6)

Proof of (4): To check the triangular inequality, let B be a k m matrix. Then ||A + B||2 = trace ((A + B)(A0 + B 0 )) 1

= = =

trace(AA0 ) + trace(AB 0 ) + trace(BA0 ) + trace(BB 0 ) ||A||2 + 2.trace(B 0 A) + ||B||2 ||A||2 + 2.||A||.||B|| + ||B||2 (||A|| + ||B||)2

which implies (4). The inequality follows from Schwarz inequality, applied twice, as follows. Let ai.j and bi,j be the typical elements of A and B, respectively. Then m k m k X X X 1 X bj,i ai,j k bj,i ai,j |trace(B 0 A)| = k j=1 i=1 j=1 i=1 v v v v u k u k u k m m u k X u1 X u1 X X uX uX t kt b2 t a2 = b2 t a2 k i=1 j,i k i=1 i,j j=1 i=1 j,i i=1 i,j j=1 v v u m k u m k uX X uX X p p t b2 t a2 = trace(BB 0 ) trace(AA0 ) j,i i,j
j=1 i=1 j=1 i=1

= ||B||.||A||

Proof of (6): Let B be an m ` matrix. Then ||AB||2 = trace (ABB 0 A0 ) = trace ((BB 0 )(A0 A)) Pm 0 We can write BB 0 = i=1 i qi qi , where the i s are the (nonnegative) and orthonormal eigeneigenvalues of BB 0 P the qi s are the correspondingP m 0 0 0 vectors. Note that i=1 qi qi = Im and trace(BB ) = m i trace(qi qi ) = i=1 Pm Pm 0 i=1 i (qi qi ) = i=1 i . Then ||AB||2 = trace ((BB 0 )(A0 A)) m m X X 0 0 0 = i trace(qi qi A A) = i qi A0 Aqi
i=1 m X i=1 i=1

m X i=1

0 qi A0 Aqi m X i=1

= trace(BB 0 )

0 trace(A0 Aqi qi )

= trace(BB 0 ).trace A0 A

= trace(BB 0 ).trace (A0 A) = trace(BB 0 ).trace (AA0 ) = ||B||2 .||A||2

m X i=1

0 qi qi

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