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I11|Is t |11
Is \11\I1 |I1
?s1 t 1I
I.111 |1s Is
/lte|reti.e |cc| |erJ |ca
?.111 1 11I
S|e|u 0e|ts e|e e .euiece |erJ
|ca B|eJc|J, c|aeJ ir Z005,
w|c te|e t|e t|eJiticrel irJie|cc|
scurJ erJ Jc scaet|irc w|ic| is
"Jistirctl] S|e|u 0e|ts' wit| it.
1.111 I ?1
T|is 0crceste|l|eeJs |eseJ t||ee
uiece e|e |ecei.irc reticrel |eJic
ei|ule] elcrcsiJe u|esticicus
cic |cc|ircs t||cuc|cut t|e uK
/ceJea] erJ esti.el scere. /
|e|es|irc |lerJ c cuttirceJce
uur|, |iu|cu, Ju| ||]t|as, eciJ wit
erJ rc|t|e|r sersi|ilities.
|1111s 1111
1 ||1 1| | 11|\
|1111s 1111 1I1sI 1I
/le esti.el wit| |esiJert 0Js
ule]irc |cc| erJ |cll ell ric|t lcrc. 30
lccel |ee|s will |e se|.eJ t||cuc|cut
t|e wee|erJ, ecccauerieJ |]
|caeaeJe seuseces, uies erJ |ct
|cest uc|| serJwic|es.

I |1111 |II1| ?1
I11|Is t |11 Is
\11\I1 |I1 ?s1 t
?1 11I|I11s
lrJie|cc| cle.e|l] useJ wit| J|ua
8 |ess, ||ee||eets erJ s]rt|leJ
Jercee|le tures.
11 |\111s1 1|I
|le]c|curJ Mee's u||er Jerce |eJ
c,000 |curcirc cr T|ealires |ellea
|M stece lest ]ee| erJ t|e] |e.e
|eeJlireJ tc sellcut c|cwJs et t|e
0Z /ceJea]Z erJ T|e |eeJaill.
t11 I I1
T|e Sui|es Jesc|i|e t|ei| scurJ
es 'elect|cacs|uit' w|ic|
is euitcaiseJ |] Je|ut sircle
'|i|ewc||s' er eJ|erelirelleJ
ert|ea t|et |lu|s t|e |curJe|ies
|etweer Jerce erJ irJie.

I |11 s1 111I
11 11|| 1sI.
|11II| ?1\ s1 I1|
s1 1\ s1I
?.111 I1s 11
u|ulele ule]irc S|ecc] ert|usiest Muse ae|es |is |st cciel
T|ealires euuee|erce. |e's u|ett]
11 |I| 1I
1.11 1II ||
T|e Velctcres |crtaer is ccirc
it elcre. 0elic|tirc us wit| e air
c Velctcres scrcs erJ cc.e|s,
t|is |c] eets, sleeus erJ ||eet|es
|cc| 8 |cll.
t1.111 I11s I1
/s |crtaer c /l.e|e/ Kircs,
Siacr |ete| T|causcr |es wcweJ
euJierces |ca S|eelJ tc Teres.
|is eccustic sets e|e just es
|I |s1|I1 1I
|ull tiae uu|.e]c| c irJie t|eets, erJ
cccesicrel |eu ste|, M| 0e||er Keeu
|eu|eserts t|e |c]s cr t|e Jec|s.
I 1I I?\
t 1I||I1sI1
|I11|Is 1 1I\)
1?|\ |1II1)
?.111 ?11II
B|u|ceist e|e t||ee cu]s w|c
wert tc t|e seccrJ |est uri.e|sit]
ir S|eelJ. T|is suaae| t|e]
|eleese seccrJ e.u. 'B|u||itc' w|ile
eutuar sees t|e |eleese c e sulit
/' wit| |eeJs' rest uirt suille|s
1.111 1I 11II|I
T|e wc|lJ isr't s|c|t cr |euccus
twc uiece cutts |ut t|is Juc
sterJ cut wit| t|ei| ere|cetic lc
t1.111 sI11Is |1s
Swiaairc |esscrs is t|e |ecc|Jirc
u|cject c aultiirst|uaertelist
Ber |ewis |c |eeJs lrJie|cuue|s
BlccJ 0|erces, c|eetirc us]c|ucu
te|irc ir iruerces |ca t|e li|es
c Tel|irc |eeJs, /riael Ccllecti.e,
/|t|u| Russell, B|c|er Scciel Scere
erJ aer] ac|e
I?\ |11ssII1)
0J's Me|el |c.e, wet lurs, Mett
I |11I||
I.111 1111
I 1I||11I |1
|I| 1I
B|it erJ Me|cu|] ewe|J rcaireteJ
|erJ |eeJeJ uu |] |]e 0erce|elJ.
|etest el|ua wel| T|e Ri.e| is cut
rcw. |cllcweJ |] |ee ert|] tc t|e
I 1|\
?1 11I1 11Is
0e|| erJ ||ccJirc irJie |cc|
11 |1| s111s
Sue/cc|e, |ca t|e teea |e|irJ
wet lurs.
t11 111 I ?11?
|iu|cu, ur| erJ scul |ca t|is
||erJ rew clu| ric|t.
Your definitive
guide to what'a on
thia weekend. If it
ain't here, it ain't
7+856'$< - page 17
)5,'$< - page 18
6$785'$< - page 26
681'$< - page 48
_:::75$0/,1(625*8. :::75$0/,1(625*8._
?1\1 11|
I1 I1 1s11 s1
I ?I I11s |11
Reaea|e| |cuse ert|ea wc|lJ
|clJ 0r |] Bc| Sircle| Ste.e
wes t|e .cice |e|irJ it. |is sclc
ecti.ities cc urJe| t|e acri|e| c
Ste.e EJwe|Js 8 T|e Bic St|crc
|c.e e |urc| c telerteJ |ierJs
w|c s|e|e Ste.e's |elie ir "t|e |ic
st|crc lc.e w|ic| ccrrects us ell'.
Musicell], it's e usicr ell t|ircs
c|ceric erJ elect|crice w|ic| |e
cells '0|cerice'. / ||illiert we] tc
|ic| c t|e ric|t.
?1 I \I I|\1s
T|e c|ae| |crc BlcrJes |crt
wcaer is |ec| wit| e rew scurJ
erJ |erJ ir t|e c|a c t|e T|e Kete
Jec|scr C|cuu. |usirc irJie ucu
erJ clea wit| eleaerts c ccurt|]
erJ /0's |cc|, Kete |es u|e.icusl]
wc||eJ wit| c|ae| SueJe cuite|ist
Be|re|J Butle| cr e ccllecticr c
11 1s tI
||crteJ |] Me|t]r we|e, t|ese
S|eelJ s]rt|ucu lecerJs e|e
u|c|e|l] |est |rcwr c| t|ei| c0s
ert|ea Teauteticr. Recertl]
cele||etirc t|ei| 30t| erri.e|se|],
Me|t]r erJ ellcw |erJ aea|e|
ler C|eic Me|s| we|e t|e c|icirel
curJe|s c T|e |uaer |eecue,
erct|e| lecerJe|] S|eelJ |erJ
t|et |elu Jere t|e c0s. / Jerite
esti.el |ic|lic|t.
?|1 t | I1I|
?I 1I|
?.111 sI|I ?11sIs
|i.e uiece Blues |erJ |eseJ ir
S|eelJ eetu|irc |e|acrice,
twc cuite|s, uu|ic|t |ess erJ
1|s\' 11I| ?1
?1 |11Is \I1s\
|c|aeJ ir Z00c, t|is e|] t|ic
|cests |ct |cc|irc |eets erJ er
ere|cetic ue|c|aerce.

11s1 1I
11 II1 1'11s\
|le]irc |lues scrcs cr cuite| erJ
I 1|t1Is
11 11s\ ssI
|cwe|Rcc| t|ic, ue|c|airc |ic|
ere|c] clessic |cc| cc.e|s |ca
scae c t|e c|eetest |erJs ir t|e
I 1I11I1
1 I|| 111
|ill|ill] |lues et its |est. |cct
stcauirc cerius erJ lccu ueJel
I1 1I\ s11s
/ |ecule| ule]e| cr t|e Merc|este|
cl| erJ |lues ci|cuit c| aer]
]ee|s. "uricue, t|cuc|tu|c.c|irc
erJ ||illiertl] scu|isticeteJ scurJ.'
C||is |ew|irs, BBC ReJicc.
?.111 1| I111
See |cr cut
11I11 1s1
?1 II
||est airute .erue switc|, listircs
su|ject tc c|erce
I1 I 11| |11
l T|e usuel |leesu|es |e.e er
iJeclcc] it is siaul] t|is, eit|e| |e
|lccJ] eae/irc c| |lccJ] ewul
t|e|e's rct|irc wc|se t|er |eirc
?1 1 1| |1|11?1 Meus
0 Cclua|us e|e er erulcsi.e ucu
|cc| t|ic w|c u|c.iJe c|ecs, sailes
erJ celculeteJ rcise ell ir e Je]s'
11 1s 1| |1I
c uiece ucuuur| |erJ |ca
S|eelJ. Cu||ertl] |ecc|Jirc t|ei|
|st E| wit| /|t|u| welwir |ca
|/lCE, wit| e |eleese s|cw ir
t11 |II sII IsI
|ic|t wit| Cierts e|e |eseJ
ir S|eelJ erJ e|e cu||ertl]
|ecc|Jirc t|ei| Je|ut seltitleJ E|.
tt1 sII11I 111 |11ss
|c|aell] Certu|] KiJs, it's e rew
reae, rew scurJ erJ e rew e|e
c| t|is .euiece irJiel|cc|lucu
|erJ |ca S|eelJ.
I ?1s1\
1s1s ?|1s1 1sI
I.11 \11s ?1III
T|is |erJ |e.e aereceJ tc c|et
erJ aeste| t|ei| scrcs just cut c
cle|e |ca Merc|este|'s ||ic|t
lic|ts c| e ccuule c ]ee|s rcw.
?.111 I |11
Sirce t|ei| elcc|clic irJuceJ
c|aeticr ir Z009, T|e Sel.c
|e.e ceireJ e |euuteticr c| t|ei|
uru|eJicte|le |ut |ucel] ere|cetic
li.e ue|c|aerces.
1.111 |I' ?1\ Is
Be|el] lecel 5 uiece |ca lewcestle
Jistil t|ei| autuel lc.e c lc|t|
/ae|icer eltirJie |erJs irtc ucle|
tirceJ, ecuecus ice |lests.
t1.111 11I| 1s||
0utc| urcles e|e er irJie |erJ |ca
Merc|este| |rcwr c| t|ei| use c
et]uicel tiae sicretu|es wit|ir e
ucu ccrtert.
|| sII 1I' |s1|I1
ll0lE SESSl0lS we /|e
|erJsliJe, we |le] Music, we
ResiJe et T|e Bcwe|].
?1s|1s t ?1
111 |1I11,|I11Is I
|11 1| 1\ I1
?1 1I III I
11 1I|| 1\s1s
t11 II
|1111s 1111
t11t.111 1| |
?1t.111 |I |I \I1
Sci |i |iJ ule]s e sac|ces|c|J c
c|eet ausic leerirc tcwe|Js |cc|
erJ irJie |ut t|e.ellirc t||cuc|
e.e|]t|irc |ca scce tc |iu |cu.

?1 I11?1s1||
Tu||cwcl e|e |uilJirc er elect|cric
rcise teaule e|c.e t|e c|ua|leJ
uille|s c |cc| ausic wit| CcJ/ille
cuite|s |ettlirc ||c|er jur|stc|e
11 s\ \
0|icirell] celleJ C|ic|er|ew|,
|ew| E]es e|e e li.e suectecle tc
t11 I \IsI
/ |ecceelJu|luur|lusicr |erJ
|ca |crJcr w|c'.e tcu|eJ
t1.111 1ss11 \Is
sI1\ ||1? sII s1I
|I111 1I 1|
1 1I 1s
1 1s sI||I11s
I1 11 1| |11
?1 I1??\ I\|11 s1 I
?IsI I1
11 |I11II
t11 II 1I\ \I||
tt1 1|\ 1111I
1t 11ssII1
sII |11s11 IIs\Is
? 11I| 0u|steu, ce|ece,
J|ua erJ |ess, uK ur|] erJ
t11 1 11I1
/ jcu|relistl|lccce|l0J, Sea cut
|is teet| et S|e uri's |c|ce ReJic
erJ is |ell|ert cr clu| Jcaireticr.

tt1 \I1.III|
ResiJerts et 'w/lT ' e rew ric|t
aeste|airJeJ |] t|e uecule |e|irJ
T|e TuesJe] Clu| w|ic| |urs
acrt|l] et 00, SYSTEM./TTlC
e|e uu|.e]c|s c t|e rest c|we|J
t|ir|irc |ess ausic. 0u|steu,
||ee|s, 08B, ce|ece erJ |e]crJ.
tI1 ||s |\?|)
1c]ee|clJ u|cJuce|l0J |ca
S|eelJ w|c |st ste|teJ Je||lirc
ir u|cJucticr e ew ]ee|s ecc erJ
|es sirce curJ |iasel |eirc
c|eauicreJ cr steticrs suc| es
ReJic 1 erJ Su| |M.
t1 \11sI
Rirse |M 0J, Teaue |ecc|Js /8R
erJ wiJel] |ece|JeJ es t|e |est 0J
ir 0u|steu.
I1 I1 ?I \
/ uicree|irc ||ee| |eet ce|ece
u|cJuce|, ZeJ Bies e|e MeJslir|]
|es u|cJuceJ ccurtless ert|eas
erJ cclle|c|eteJ wit| t|e li|es c
S||eea, M|. Sc|u erJ 0ae|.
11 I|\ 11 |11
Jec| 0uus is e |esiJert 0J c| Scuu
Kitc|er, Burce Burce erJ lcw
T|er aece/ire.
11 \I1.III|

1t 1II1
1|\11s| 1. ?s|II
1|111.|cuse, B|ee|s, Tec|rc
erJ ac|e.
t11 1|\11s| 1I
Suc|e|uurc| is e acrt|l] ric|t
et 00. 0Js ule] e |er/ieJ air c
||ee|s, |cuse, J|ua erJ |ess erJ
tec|rc erJ saes| it e.e|] tiae.
tI1 |s |1s
/ |esiJert 0J et S|eelJ's auc|
aisseJ u||er Cc|ille, /ler's ccairc
cut c 0J |eti|eaert erJ uullirc cut
e clessic ||ee| set c| t|is sueciel.
t1 11 |1ss|
0re c t|e u||er Cc|ille 0Js, eruect
|cuse, tec|rc erJ Jeeu |eets.
I1 1s1|
0Jl||cJuce| |es |eer e |e] ule]e|
ir t|e ||ee|s erJ tec| |cuse scere
wit| aer] cuelit] |eleeses cr Meet
Ketie's |ct +9 le|el es well es |is
cwr Beret Recc|Js.
11 I1ss\ I1sss1
Jcrr]'s acst rcte|le |esiJerc] wes
c| u||er Cc|ille ir S|eelJ.
I |1111 |II1| ?1
1\ 11 |I1 ?s1
t 1I
.111 I|\ 1??II
See |cr cut
ian britt
|11 s1 111I 11
oro io $heIheId, Iao ed his roots to study usic io Maochester,
achieviog a 1st degree hooours io FopuIar Music aod $ouod
8ecordiog, theo sigoiog to the iodepeodeot IabeI JaIapeoo
8ecords io Loodoo whiIst akiog hiseII a oae IocaIIy as ao
acoustic sioger/soogwriter.
aIe $torr's usicaI jouroey has takeo hi Iro his ruraI
LiocoIoshire upbriogiog to his owo usicaI Mecca, New rIeaos.
dale storr
I 1I11I1 ?.111
time for tees
T|is ]ee|'s cciel T|ealires tees |e.e |eer JesicreJ |] twc c S|eelJ's
rest e|t] t]ues - Cec |ew c t|e |ertu Ccllecti.e erJ t|e lecerJe|]
Me|tir BeJc|J. T|e tees |erJ ct|e| ae|c|erJise e|e cu||ertl] e.eile|le
t||cuc| Mic|eel 0|J, cccurJe| c t|e site, seiJ. "we'|e
Jelic|teJ tc |e wc||irc wit| |eell] telerteJ e|tists tc c|eete cuelit] liaiteJ
eJiticr tees, |ccJies erJ u|irts. Cec |ew werteJ tc |eect t|e ur erJ
erulcsi.e .i|e t|et erculs t|e cit] erJ we t|ir| |e's reileJ it.'
|eeJ tc tc uic| uu ]cu|s.
heaven 17
s1\I I,
?1\1 11|
_:::75$0/,1(625*8. :::75$0/,1(625*8._
?1\1 11|
I1 I1 1s11 s1
I ?I I11s |11
Reaea|e| |cuse ert|ea wc|lJ
|clJ 0r |] Bc| Sircle| Ste.e
wes t|e .cice |e|irJ it. |is sclc
ecti.ities cc urJe| t|e acri|e| c
Ste.e EJwe|Js 8 T|e Bic St|crc
|c.e e |urc| c telerteJ |ierJs
w|c s|e|e Ste.e's |elie ir "t|e |ic
st|crc lc.e w|ic| ccrrects us ell'.
Musicell], it's e usicr ell t|ircs
c|ceric erJ elect|crice w|ic| |e
cells '0|cerice'. / ||illiert we] tc
|ic| c t|e ric|t.
?1 I \I I|\1s
T|e c|ae| |crc BlcrJes |crt
wcaer is |ec| wit| e rew scurJ
erJ |erJ ir t|e c|a c t|e T|e Kete
Jec|scr C|cuu. |usirc irJie ucu
erJ clea wit| eleaerts c ccurt|]
erJ /0's |cc|, Kete |es u|e.icusl]
wc||eJ wit| c|ae| SueJe cuite|ist
Be|re|J Butle| cr e ccllecticr c
11 1s tI
||crteJ |] Me|t]r we|e, t|ese
S|eelJ s]rt|ucu lecerJs e|e
u|c|e|l] |est |rcwr c| t|ei| c0s
ert|ea Teauteticr. Recertl]
cele||etirc t|ei| 30t| erri.e|se|],
Me|t]r erJ ellcw |erJ aea|e|
ler C|eic Me|s| we|e t|e c|icirel
curJe|s c T|e |uaer |eecue,
erct|e| lecerJe|] S|eelJ |erJ
t|et |elu Jere t|e c0s. / Jerite
esti.el |ic|lic|t.
?|1 t | I1I|
?I 1I|
?.111 sI|I ?11sIs
|i.e uiece Blues |erJ |eseJ ir
S|eelJ eetu|irc |e|acrice,
twc cuite|s, uu|ic|t |ess erJ
1|s\' 11I| ?1
?1 |11Is \I1s\
|c|aeJ ir Z00c, t|is e|] t|ic
|cests |ct |cc|irc |eets erJ er
ere|cetic ue|c|aerce.

11s1 1I
11 II1 1'11s\
|le]irc |lues scrcs cr cuite| erJ
I 1|t1Is
11 11s\ ssI
|cwe|Rcc| t|ic, ue|c|airc |ic|
ere|c] clessic |cc| cc.e|s |ca
scae c t|e c|eetest |erJs ir t|e
I 1I11I1
1 I|| 111
|ill|ill] |lues et its |est. |cct
stcauirc cerius erJ lccu ueJel
I1 1I\ s11s
/ |ecule| ule]e| cr t|e Merc|este|
cl| erJ |lues ci|cuit c| aer]
]ee|s. "uricue, t|cuc|tu|c.c|irc
erJ ||illiertl] scu|isticeteJ scurJ.'
C||is |ew|irs, BBC ReJicc.
?.111 1| I111
See |cr cut
11I11 1s1
?1 II
||est airute .erue switc|, listircs
su|ject tc c|erce
I1 I 11| |11
l T|e usuel |leesu|es |e.e er
iJeclcc] it is siaul] t|is, eit|e| |e
|lccJ] eae/irc c| |lccJ] ewul
t|e|e's rct|irc wc|se t|er |eirc
?1 1 1| |1|11?1 Meus
0 Cclua|us e|e er erulcsi.e ucu
|cc| t|ic w|c u|c.iJe c|ecs, sailes
erJ celculeteJ rcise ell ir e Je]s'
11 1s 1| |1I
c uiece ucuuur| |erJ |ca
S|eelJ. Cu||ertl] |ecc|Jirc t|ei|
|st E| wit| /|t|u| welwir |ca
|/lCE, wit| e |eleese s|cw ir
t11 |II sII IsI
|ic|t wit| Cierts e|e |eseJ
ir S|eelJ erJ e|e cu||ertl]
|ecc|Jirc t|ei| Je|ut seltitleJ E|.
tt1 sII11I 111 |11ss
|c|aell] Certu|] KiJs, it's e rew
reae, rew scurJ erJ e rew e|e
c| t|is .euiece irJiel|cc|lucu
|erJ |ca S|eelJ.
I ?1s1\
1s1s ?|1s1 1sI
I.11 \11s ?1III
T|is |erJ |e.e aereceJ tc c|et
erJ aeste| t|ei| scrcs just cut c
cle|e |ca Merc|este|'s ||ic|t
lic|ts c| e ccuule c ]ee|s rcw.
?.111 I |11
Sirce t|ei| elcc|clic irJuceJ
c|aeticr ir Z009, T|e Sel.c
|e.e ceireJ e |euuteticr c| t|ei|
uru|eJicte|le |ut |ucel] ere|cetic
li.e ue|c|aerces.
1.111 |I' ?1\ Is
Be|el] lecel 5 uiece |ca lewcestle
Jistil t|ei| autuel lc.e c lc|t|
/ae|icer eltirJie |erJs irtc ucle|
tirceJ, ecuecus ice |lests.
t1.111 11I| 1s||
0utc| urcles e|e er irJie |erJ |ca
Merc|este| |rcwr c| t|ei| use c
et]uicel tiae sicretu|es wit|ir e
ucu ccrtert.
|| sII 1I' |s1|I1
ll0lE SESSl0lS we /|e
|erJsliJe, we |le] Music, we
ResiJe et T|e Bcwe|].
?1s|1s t ?1
111 |1I11,|I11Is I
|11 1| 1\ I1
?1 1I III I
11 1I|| 1\s1s
t11 II
|1111s 1111
t11t.111 1| |
?1t.111 |I |I \I1
Sci |i |iJ ule]s e sac|ces|c|J c
c|eet ausic leerirc tcwe|Js |cc|
erJ irJie |ut t|e.ellirc t||cuc|
e.e|]t|irc |ca scce tc |iu |cu.

?1 I11?1s1||
Tu||cwcl e|e |uilJirc er elect|cric
rcise teaule e|c.e t|e c|ua|leJ
uille|s c |cc| ausic wit| CcJ/ille
cuite|s |ettlirc ||c|er jur|stc|e
11 s\ \
0|icirell] celleJ C|ic|er|ew|,
|ew| E]es e|e e li.e suectecle tc
t11 I \IsI
/ |ecceelJu|luur|lusicr |erJ
|ca |crJcr w|c'.e tcu|eJ
t1.111 1ss11 \Is
sI1\ ||1? sII s1I
|I111 1I 1|
1 1I 1s
1 1s sI||I11s
I1 11 1| |11
?1 I1??\ I\|11 s1 I
?IsI I1
11 |I11II
t11 II 1I\ \I||
tt1 1|\ 1111I
1t 11ssII1
sII |11s11 IIs\Is
? 11I| 0u|steu, ce|ece,
J|ua erJ |ess, uK ur|] erJ
t11 1 11I1
/ jcu|relistl|lccce|l0J, Sea cut
|is teet| et S|e uri's |c|ce ReJic
erJ is |ell|ert cr clu| Jcaireticr.

tt1 \I1.III|
ResiJerts et 'w/lT ' e rew ric|t
aeste|airJeJ |] t|e uecule |e|irJ
T|e TuesJe] Clu| w|ic| |urs
acrt|l] et 00, SYSTEM./TTlC
e|e uu|.e]c|s c t|e rest c|we|J
t|ir|irc |ess ausic. 0u|steu,
||ee|s, 08B, ce|ece erJ |e]crJ.
tI1 ||s |\?|)
1c]ee|clJ u|cJuce|l0J |ca
S|eelJ w|c |st ste|teJ Je||lirc
ir u|cJucticr e ew ]ee|s ecc erJ
|es sirce curJ |iasel |eirc
c|eauicreJ cr steticrs suc| es
ReJic 1 erJ Su| |M.
t1 \11sI
Rirse |M 0J, Teaue |ecc|Js /8R
erJ wiJel] |ece|JeJ es t|e |est 0J
ir 0u|steu.
I1 I1 ?I \
/ uicree|irc ||ee| |eet ce|ece
u|cJuce|, ZeJ Bies e|e MeJslir|]
|es u|cJuceJ ccurtless ert|eas
erJ cclle|c|eteJ wit| t|e li|es c
S||eea, M|. Sc|u erJ 0ae|.
11 I|\ 11 |11
Jec| 0uus is e |esiJert 0J c| Scuu
Kitc|er, Burce Burce erJ lcw
T|er aece/ire.
11 \I1.III|

1t 1II1
1|\11s| 1. ?s|II
1|111.|cuse, B|ee|s, Tec|rc
erJ ac|e.
t11 1|\11s| 1I
Suc|e|uurc| is e acrt|l] ric|t
et 00. 0Js ule] e |er/ieJ air c
||ee|s, |cuse, J|ua erJ |ess erJ
tec|rc erJ saes| it e.e|] tiae.
tI1 |s |1s
/ |esiJert 0J et S|eelJ's auc|
aisseJ u||er Cc|ille, /ler's ccairc
cut c 0J |eti|eaert erJ uullirc cut
e clessic ||ee| set c| t|is sueciel.
t1 11 |1ss|
0re c t|e u||er Cc|ille 0Js, eruect
|cuse, tec|rc erJ Jeeu |eets.
I1 1s1|
0Jl||cJuce| |es |eer e |e] ule]e|
ir t|e ||ee|s erJ tec| |cuse scere
wit| aer] cuelit] |eleeses cr Meet
Ketie's |ct +9 le|el es well es |is
cwr Beret Recc|Js.
11 I1ss\ I1sss1
Jcrr]'s acst rcte|le |esiJerc] wes
c| u||er Cc|ille ir S|eelJ.
I |1111 |II1| ?1
1\ 11 |I1 ?s1
t 1I
.111 I|\ 1??II
See |cr cut
ian britt
|11 s1 111I 11
oro io $heIheId, Iao ed his roots to study usic io Maochester,
achieviog a 1st degree hooours io FopuIar Music aod $ouod
8ecordiog, theo sigoiog to the iodepeodeot IabeI JaIapeoo
8ecords io Loodoo whiIst akiog hiseII a oae IocaIIy as ao
acoustic sioger/soogwriter.
aIe $torr's usicaI jouroey has takeo hi Iro his ruraI
LiocoIoshire upbriogiog to his owo usicaI Mecca, New rIeaos.
dale storr
I 1I11I1 ?.111
time for tees
T|is ]ee|'s cciel T|ealires tees |e.e |eer JesicreJ |] twc c S|eelJ's
rest e|t] t]ues - Cec |ew c t|e |ertu Ccllecti.e erJ t|e lecerJe|]
Me|tir BeJc|J. T|e tees |erJ ct|e| ae|c|erJise e|e cu||ertl] e.eile|le
t||cuc| Mic|eel 0|J, cccurJe| c t|e site, seiJ. "we'|e
Jelic|teJ tc |e wc||irc wit| |eell] telerteJ e|tists tc c|eete cuelit] liaiteJ
eJiticr tees, |ccJies erJ u|irts. Cec |ew werteJ tc |eect t|e ur erJ
erulcsi.e .i|e t|et erculs t|e cit] erJ we t|ir| |e's reileJ it.'
|eeJ tc tc uic| uu ]cu|s.
heaven 17
s1\I I,
?1\1 11|

I.111 II1| \I|\
C|eauicreJ es "T|e acst ercitirc
erJ u|caisirc |erJ ir S|eelJ'
wc|J |es su|eeJ c t|ei| li.e
s|cws erJ J]reaic, rcrc|auleic
euu|cec| tc w|itirc scrcs.
?.t1 11|11\ 1IIs
S|eelJ Suue| C|cuu eet Ste.e
EJwe|JslJecs Kccre|lJce Mcs|cw
1.t1 sI1Is 11||
w|isue|irc 0clls is e u|cject
c|ceri/eJ |] 0eriel Mcr|eJi erJ
Jce |uJscr c '0eeJ 0elte' t|e
eia |eirc tc s|cwcese e ac|e
st|iuueJ Jcwr, Je||e| |lues st]le.
t11 |||s I1
S|eelJ |eseJ t||ee uiece |cc|
|erJ wit| eJJicti.e aelcJies erJ e
|ee|t stcuuirc, |eeJ tu|rirc, s|cw.
tt1 |sI \\
Bic reae ir S|eelJ, useJ tc
|e |rcwr es T|e 0cJceas cr
uri.e|sel Recc|Js, rcw cr Clcse
Ci|cuit Recc|Js.
tI1 1I ||1? 1 1I
leticrell] |ecccriseJ, eae/irc
ucstuur| |cc| r |cll |erJ |ca
|i.e|uccl, sicreJ tc Mcs|i Mcs|i.
t1 1\11 1I
lrJeuerJert ccllecti.e |etweer
|itec| Jiscc, sweau |lues |cc| 8
|cll erJ |ee.] s]rt| tec|rc.

|11 s1 111I
1 1I|\ Is|1
Ycurc S|eelJ e|tist w|c's
cu||ertl] wc||irc wit| /|te|]'s
Me|| CculJt|c|ue cr rew aete|iel.
.111 I |I Is1Is
T|is |erJ |lerJ slic| ucul|cc|
c| wit| st|crc |eets, ucwe|ul
|is, erJ Jistircti.e cuite| lic|s
cca|ireJ wit| cetc|] .ccel
I.111 sI||I1 ?1I1s
|le]eJ ir S|eelJ |erJ 0eeJ
0elte, rcw e c|eet sclc e|tist.wit| e
st|crc cetelccue c scrcs.
?.t11 111 11
|ur||lues cue|tet wit| st|crc
leerircs tcwe|Js c0s c|
|eilirc |ca we|eelJ |cae tc
T|e C|i|s erJ, c ccu|se, Blec| |ece.
11 Is ?1III
See |cr cut
1.111 11|1 11s
B|itis| |e|Jcc|e irJie |erJ
|ca S|eelJ c|aeJ ir Z00c.
lruerces ircluJe T|e Ser |istcls,
T|e St|c|es, T|e | erJ T|e
t1.111 I ?||\?I11
/ cclle|c|eticr |etweer Cut Ycu|
wircs J|uaae| Me|| |le|e|t] erJ
S|ct 0eeJ's leeJ sirce| T|caes
Mett|ews. |le]irc e air c cc.e|s
erJ c|icirel aete|iel. Cet |eeJ] tc
|e |lcwr ewe] |] t|is S|eelJ
|lues twc uiece
tt.111 |sI ||1\1 s1\
|c| t|e uest ew ]ee|s, li|e e
Mississiuui |luesaer ir t|e ee|l]
Z0t| certu|], |ewis |es uitc|eJ uu
cr st|eet cc|re|s e|curJ |crJcr
e.e|] tiae t|cuse|irc e ucc|et
ull c lccse c|erce erJ c|eJuell]
su|eeJirc t|e |rcwleJce c |is
I 1 |1 1\
I.111 ||1s
Set cr er e|erJcreJ uiece c weste
c|curJ, wit| t|e suee|e| we|airc
|is |erJs et e ||e/ie| erJ t|e
euJierce cet|e|eJ e|curJ, '|ecure'
erulc|es t|eaes c |elcrcirc,
lc.e, ccrt|cl erJ aeJress. 0c t|e
ae|cirs c cu| scciet] ccrteir
scaet|irc ct|e| t|er t|e c|cctter
|cceteJ ir t|e Ce| ue|| |e|irJ T|e
C|eues, T|iuuet |ere.

I 1I I?\
\I1 |s 1sI 11I
11I \11\ \I|| \111
11|Is |I1 1I\
?1 1111 |11ssII1)
\I1 |s
T|e aer t|is ric|t is ell e|cut.
1I I
|iues |es |eut t|ue tc |is scurJ
|ca Je] crele|cel] |ecce,
|1I 11|\s|I|1
0uc|erelJ |es |eer t|e|e, seer it
erJ suur it
sIsI1s I|
|ecerJe|] S|eelJ 0J w|c
suee||eeJeJ t|e aiJ c0s |cuse erJ
tec|rc esseult.
|I|\ 1I
0J Slic| 0irrr is e aeirste] c t|e
Be|celcre ue|t] scere.
?sI1Is II1s
KiJ /cre's|cw0J, erJ
aea|e| c /rJ] Vctel erJ 0ca
T|caes' BMusic ccllecti.e.
1I1 |11||
S|eelJs |esiJert ccc|re]
1?|\ |1II1)
||1? 1s\ 1sI
?.111 |III11\ s11I
1| 111\ |I I ?1)
I11\Is1 ||?1I|/
\I|| '1 ||)
11s I1 111I1
|11I |11I
?1 Is 111|I1s t I
|est ]ee| ler ue|c|aeJ wit| T|e
ErJclie 0|c|est|e cr |is t|ec|s,
erJ will |e |eleesirc t|is es e
li.e E.|..
?.111 |1|\\ I1I\
/r eaelcea c 'Erile' e|e Stcres
erJ T|e Blec| Ke]s et t|ei|
lcuJest. Reuccus, |cc| 8 |cll wit| e
t|uauirc |lues |ee|t |eet.
1.11 sI| 1|ss\
/ ausicier erJ scrcw|ite| |ca
S|eelJ w|c's |ecei.eJ etterticr
|ca reticrel u|ess erJ |eJic erJ
tcu|eJ wiJel] ir t|e uK erJ e||ceJ.
I 1|\
111ss1 Is 11s1
I1 1 11
/lte|reti.e ucu |ca t|is |crJcr
?1 I1||
Juece is e |eeJs|eseJ creaer
|erJ, ae|irc u|ercaerell]
ea|iticus erJ, c|uciell], utte|l]
ceuti.etirc rcises.
11 I|\Is 11
T|e rew .ertu|e c T|is Et /l's
wu, Stel|irc |c|se ae|e J|eea],
et|e|eel elect|crice
t11 I11\ sI|
See |cr cut
tt1 I|I
T|is Ce|Ji cu|uiece e|e er
e|sclute austsee. T|ei| ccrstert
irstu|aertswitc|irc, |curJless
ere|c] erJ ellcut wei|Jress
ae|irc c| e li.e s|cw t|et's t|ul]
tI.t1 ||
||cc|essi.e erJ ucst|cc| iruseJ
t1 1IIs 1s
T|e e|tists elsc |rcwr es
wc||ieJe|cutseter ae|e irtellicert,
Jercecc|J|, elect|crice
11I1s t?1
I1s |I|11s.
11s1| 11sI11Is
11 1I |s\I1s
T|ese leJs |e.e |eer Jesc|i|eJ
es "ericaetic ri|ilists' |lc Title
Mece/ire. w|et e|e we ir c|
w|c |rcws! lc cre s|cw is t|e
seae es er] u|e.icus s|cw c|
er] utu|e cre.
1.11 I111111s s I|
Te|irc iruerce |ca ausic
es Ji.e|cert es cl|, clessicel
ea|ierce erJ slcwcc|e, Tcac||cw
we Seil cca|ire eleaerts c ucst
|cc| wit| |eurtirc cl| |e|acries.
t1.111 Is
TEl is er erue|iaertellea|iert
|erJ |ca |eeJs erJ |crJcr.
Elect|cric |e]s, s|cece/e rcise
erJ ue|cussicr cca|ire wit| t|e
eccustic scurJs c clcc|ersuiel erJ
e st|irc cue|tet tc c|eete e |eeutiul
trophy wife
I 1|\ t11
xIord's Irophy WiIe bIeod iodie, eIectrooica aod ath-rock, aod
are sigoed to Moshi Moshi
I |11I||
I1 1111
?1 I||I1s
?.11 |1I11
1.111 IsIs I|sII|
1I||ssI11 ||1I
?1 \I1 |s
I?III1s. \I|| \111
T|ealires cciel cuerirc wit|
|ee|ie Jee|ies erJ Scut| Yc||s 0Js
1I |11\
t1.111 II|| |I
uK's |iccest irJie ric|t
1|1 s1 I
I1|I 1I1sI 1I
|eetu|irc lic| |ee|s, 0cu|le
0eria, wet lurs, T|e 0eet| Re]s
c /|Jille, Cet|e|ire Ve|re Bertle],
Me|| |le|e|t], Jcrr] Mclei|, / 0cc
CelleJ wcc erJ S|ull 8 Bcres.
1 1\1sII
1 1I|Is I1\
I1 I ?1|111 Is|I1sI
11 1I1\
"/r ewescae Juc, wit| Jeeu
aelcJies erJ c|eet |its t|et will
serJ s|i.e|s Jcwr ]cu| suire.'
I 1Is| 11\|
?.111 I| |1|\11
St|crc, eacti.e scrcw|ite| wit| e
ucwe|ul Jeli.e|] erJ aecricert
cuite| wc||
1.t1 1\ 1s
Sirce|lscrcw|ite| ir t|e cl|
t|eJiticr st]le w|itirc aeirl] e|cut
Scut| Yc||s|i|e's |ecert |istc|], t|e
uit erJ steel clcsu|es.
t11 ?\ sIII\1
|ic|l] erte|teirirc sirce|
scrcw|ite| ir e T|ec||e]escue
t1.111 1\ 1s
Sirce|lscrcw|ite| ir t|e cl|
t|eJiticr st]le w|itirc aeirl] e|cut
Scut| Yc||s|i|e's |ecert |istc|], t|e
uit erJ steel clcsu|es.
I 11 11
I 11|I11 1I
1I1sI 1sI..
?.111 ?11II
/ c|ae| |eJ|cca |erJ wit| e
|et|eJ c| lic| Clecc, |iuuies,
ceuitels erJ Ki|ir lc|i|er. T|e] ule]
90's escue slec|e| irJieucu.
1.t 1 s11111s
|cu| |ierJs w|c e|e |e.irc er
eae/irc tiae ae|irc e |ec|et
tccet|e|. lcis], c|cc.irc ucstuur|.
t1.111 ?I| 11
/ t|ic| ||ct| c |euccus e|tuur|
|ectu|eJ u|cc|essi.e rcise,
ccrJerseJ irtc etcrel ucu scrcs
|ee c ucwe| c|c|Js.
t1.11 11ss1
Met|] J|ua |eets |cll e|curJ
urJe|reet| lese| |eea s]rt|s erJ
.ccels t|et scurJ li|e scaecre
s|cutirc c| |elu |ca e sueeJirc
tt.111 |||\1111|
0lY |cc| |erJ cr t|e uuset t|e
R|]t|ar le|el J|ewirc iruerces
|ca t|e wei|Jest cc|re|s c uur|,
u|cc, s]rt|] ucu erJ Jiscc tc c|eete
e uricue scurJ.
1111 1s |I1/? 1111
.t1 \\ I1
wit| e sir acrt| stirt cr t|e
St|uaae|.ille 0cwrlceJ Tcu Z0,
t|is Jistirctl] uricue S|eelJ
|erJ e|e s|cwirc t|et ]cu cer |e
Jie|ert ]et eccessi|le.
1 I |1||I1
Tiaes e|e Jull erJ ucc|ets e|e
eaut]. But, ir t|e e]es c T|e
Ccllie|s t|e sur is s|irirc. T|is eel
cccJ cu|uiece will |e.e ]cu| tces
teuuirc ir rc tiae.
.11 |11s11|
I.111 I11
/ t||ee uiece cca|c ir t|e c|eetest
t|eJiticr c T|e Jea, te|irc scae c
seiJ |erJ's ucwe| erJ scrcw|itirc
c|et erJ |eaculJirc t|ei| st]le
erJ scurJ.
?.t1 I 1I||
T|e Retells e|e rcw er este|lis|eJ,
austsee |erJ ir t|e .i||ert Scut|
Yc||s|i|e ausic scere.
11 I |Is
wit| e successul |eeJlire tcu|,
s|cws et CeaJer C|ewl, 0ct tc
0ct |esti.el, |i.e|uccl ScurJ Cit],
|i.e et |eeJs, suuuc|tirc 0ceer
Cclcu| Scere cr t|ei| Mcsele]
S|cels sclJ cut tcu| erJ s|cws et
CereJier Music wee|, lew Yc||
erJ SXSw, t|e |ires |e.e el|eeJ]
|uilt t|e st|uctu|e tc er eae/irc
1.11 |11I \Is
See |cr cut
t1.11111 ?1 II
S|eelJ |eseJ le|el suecielisirc ir
|iu |cu erJ |ess ausic. ||esertirc
C.R.S.T e c|ew |ca Ce|Ji es well
es scae c S|eelJ's rest uK
ur|]lce|ecelc|iae 0Js.
I \1
I1 1s 11
lile Me|| is e 19 ]ee| clJ scrcw|ite|
erJ cuite| ule]e| |ca Merc|este|
ue|c|airc urJe| t|e reae Mer
MeJe eetu|eJ ir T|e 0|se|.e|
Mece/ire es cre c t|e ccurt|]'s
tcu rew ausiciers.
?1 111|11
See |cr cut.
11 |1|111 s1 I \I1
t11 I 1I|| 11|1sI1
Sirce Seutea|e| Z010 T|e Rie
Vclurtee| |e.e |eer sel |eleesirc
e sircle e acrt| ce|re|irc u|eise
|ca |eJic erJ u|ess cutlets.
tt1 I |111\
See |cr cut
the crookes
I \1 tt1
Ebraced by NME, $teve Laacq,
Music aod just about aoyooe with
aoy usicaI taste, Ihe 6rookes are
the oext $heIheId baod destioed Ior
big thiogs. AIso pIay Ihe Maio $tage
oo $uoday at 3.15p.
Faed Ior their eoergetic Iive
shows, the seII accIaied
8E8E$$IE FF baod have
beeo tipped by aoy as the
oext big thiog to coe out
oI orkshire. aIso pIayiog 02
Acadey $aturday
s 1.11
rigioaIIy haiIiog Iro Iro
$outheod, the Loodoo-based
baod have supported $uede
oo tour as weII as appeariog
at $ecret ardeo Farty aod
I \1
12 Real Ales inc. Shefeld Brewery beers.
continental beers on draught & bottled. real
cider. art exhibitions. bookcrossing shelf.
traditional games inc. bar billiards (last
table in Shefeld). live music. quiz night...
Fri 22nd 1uly. 9pm Jim O`Mahoney
Sat 23rd 1uly. 3pm Robin Hoare
Sat 23rd 1uly. 9pm Mo Andrews
Sun 24th 1uly. 3pm M & J Blues
Gardeners Rest. 105 Neepsend Lane.
SheIfeld S3 8AT. Tel (0114) 2724978.
Email gardenersrest(
LA$T 0808$
....keep|og the Tram||oes Fest|va| ow|og s|oce 2009
0Ic|a| who|esa|e partoer
0o|t 1 Park ho0se works,
8acoo Laoe, $heIe|d $9 3hh
0114 275 1119
I 1s1111
I 11|I11 1I
?.t1 sI|
/ rc|t|e|r certleaer c|eetirc
t|erceirJucirc irst|uaertel erJ
erue|iaertel lccus erJ J|cres.
?.11 |I1
S|eelJ twc uiece eetu|irc er
aea|e|s c T|e Meule Stete erJ
0e|t/ ule]irc irJie|cc| e le 0eet|
Ce| |c| Cutie erJ ||cerir.
1.111 11
Twc uiece ce|eceuur| |iuste|s
c|eetirc ulert] c rcise, |e.e|| erJ
c|uccirc ||]t|as. Ere|cetic, cuic|,
lcuJ. / aust see!
t1.t1 s\|
lc|t|Eest c|cc.eae|e|s ule]irc
Jitties jeauec|eJ wit| c|ercirc
||]t|as, t|ic|] tiaesicretu|es erJ
e sac|ces|c|J c |is erJ |cc|.
?1 |I |11 \11 sII
1I | 1II t 1I
|c.e Ycu will u|c.iJe t|e ue|ect
we|auu tc ]cu| T|ealires |esti.el
II1 s11\
11 1||11 I11\ ?1
1 I |II11 |Is
1 I 111
I1 1I1I\ |11I1s
?1 111 |11\
11 II|| |I 1I
11 11\ I1
M|.lV cc.e| scrcs |] T|e w|c,
T|e Kir|s, T|e Rcllirc Stcres,
T|e Keise| C|ies, T|e 0e||ress,
Ste|ecu|crics erJ aer] ct|e|s.
I 1Is
1tI1 1I1I\ | 1I
0Js clJ erJ rew ule]irc Jerce,
J|ua erJ |ess, Ju| steu, t|erce
|cuse erJ ac|e.

?1 \1II|
Ke|tice, e|e e 5 uiece irJiel|cc|
|erJ |ca S|eelJ. |c|aeJ ir
Z00c, |lerJirc e air c |ce|irc
cuite|s erJ |ee.] J|ua|eets wit|
J|eea] |is erJ ert|eaic aelcJies.
11 |II1s 1
0re c t|e le|cest c|cwJ uulle|s ir
1 11||s1
Vclcerces e|e t|e Re//aeTe//
|erJ, |ittirc t|e |ic| rctes cr t|e
uK irJie scere.
1 |1I1
See |cr cut
I1 111?| s1 s1
T|e |erJ is |eseJ e|curJ
|crtwcaer 0eri erJ cuite|ist
li||i. / |a|ite ir t|e cit].
?1 I 1 |1I1s
T|ir| |iece c Zeuuellir erJ t|e
|ee.iress c Mccwei.
?.111 |11?1I
T|e lew uur|l|e|Jcc|e |erJs |ca
0err] |cwe erJ ellcw ecitetc|s.
11 1?|1s
0re ue|t ausicier ir see|c|
c t|e cclJer e|e c ucst uur|
c|],cre ue|t eist] eaele
.ccelist wit| e ausicel Jeut|
|el]irc |e| ]cut|ul ece c ZZ.
t11 I 1 t11Is
T|e Mece ecue|iers e|e e twc
uiece sue/ |cc| c|cuu |ca S|eleJ
tt1 I| I1
C|urce is rct e Ji|t] wc|J, Steel
T|ees te|e irsui|eticr |ca sirties
ects suc| es |erJ|ir, Zeuuelir erJ
tI1 111
uricue |erJ leJ |] |iea c'S|ee
|ca MireJ lr S|eelJ is cer|e
saes|irc aes|uu c C|iae, |cc|,
tec|rc, Ju|steu, |iu |cu, je//,
elect|c, J|ua 8 |ess.
t1 11s
lew |iJs cr t|e S|eelJ Z uiece
|lcc|.T|ese Z ||ct|e|s e|e rcr
t|e less c|eetirc e sti|| wit| t|ei|
ere|c],ettituJe erJ ercle.
1I II|| |I
/s|c ecccc, 0'S|ee, lic| |ee|s.

I sI s1
1|| I1. |I1sII1
11I| 1|II\
Saell lJees cele||ete t|ei| |st
T|ealires slct |] s|cwcesirc
e Jisue|ete e||e] c |erJs erJ
elect|cric 0Js |ic|lic|tirc t||ee
]ee|s c irJeuerJert u|cacticr.
.111 \I||IsI1s |||
See |cr cut
I.111 ?|111 11I
S|eelJ |eseJ, crt|e|ise 'ecc|c
|eet' ae.e|ic|s, ule]irc swi|lirc,
|ic|l] ||]t|aic Jerce ausic.
?.111 I |1 s111
T|ee Cuss wc|Js erciree| ausic
tc |e lcw ccst, ees] tc lister tc erJ
ur tc J|ir| erJ Jerce tc.
1.111 1Iss 11|
|u// iruseJ lc.
t1.111 11s, s|\!
lrJie uur| scrcs ule]eJ cr e
||utel |ess cuite|, wit|cut lcsirc
Jeriticr, st|uctu|e c| |cc|s.
tI1 1s11I11
0we||ic| erceusuleteJ t|e ucst
Ju|steu ac.eaert w|ic| S|eelJ
|es ule]eJ |cst tc cr ruae|cus
ric|ts c.e| t|e uest ew ]ee|s.
t1 1
Elect|cric aeest|c Seeas u|caises
tc ll t|e Jerce cc| wit| e tec|rc
|ee.] set cllcwirc |is |ecert 1Z'
sI I1I |I1
t11 |I1|1|\1
west St|eet |i.e|ites |etu|r
tc ule] e uricue selecticr c irJie
|cc| cc.e|s
t1 Is1 ?||
ResiJert erJ e.e|]cre's|ite
Circe| ule]irc er eclectic air c
Jercee|le tureece.
-year oId $heIheId aIteroative/rock act with uorivaIIed cheistry
aod eoergy, sooicaIIy ooddiog their heads to Ihrice, 8AIM, Foo
Fighters, Jet aod $iIversuo Fickups.
I sIsI1s 1
T|ealires |esti.el is e st|crc |elie.e| ir irJeuerJert ausic, we wert
tc see e|tists c ell t]ues u|csue| ir er] we] t|e] cer. Mer] ursicreJ
|erJs erJ e|tists e|e rct ewe|e t|et tec|ricell], t|e] cer cere|ete acre]
e.e|] tiae t|e] ule] e cic. Sert|ic is er ees]ir, ees]cut e|tist ausicel
|ic|ts ccauer] t|et eJairiste|s uu|lis|irc cr |e|el c ursicreJ e|tists
wit|cut t|ea reeJirc e |RS c| MC|S ecccurt. Sert|ic elsc |elu wit|
's]rc||criseticr', ellcwirc ausic tc |e useJ ir tele.isicr, la erJ eJ.e|ts.
/rct|e| we] |erJs erJ u|cJuce|s cer ceir |e.erue |ca t|ei| ausic
is t||cuc| Jicitel Jist|i|uticr. /w/| is er crlire ccauer] t|et ellcws
ursicreJ ects |erJ le|els tc cet t|ei| ausic crtc ell t|e aejc| au3 stc|es
ircluJirc iTures, /ae/cr erJ Jurc. lt's e siaule u|ccess, /w/| Jces rct
c|e|ce er] uu|crt ees, t|e] te|e e 15 ccaaissicr cr er] aete|iel sclJ.
Tc s|cw cu| suuuc|t c| t|ese c|ceriseticrs, we teeaeJ u|cacte|s
0|cwreJ ir ScurJ uu wit| Sert|ic c| t|e T|ealires lireuu et t|e |e|le],
wit| Sert|ic e|tists Stel|irc |c|se erJ Ceuec |ct| ue|c|airc li.e cr
||iJe] cr e |ill w|ic| elsc ircluJes t|e li|es c lslet erJ T|cu|] wie.
_:::75$0/,1(625*8. :::75$0/,1(625*8._
111sI1 1s
I.111 11|
T|e uKs u|eaie| ci|l c|cuu, ule]irc
|e|J, eJc], u||er ucu, |ut wit|
iau|essi.e cu|ue|t |e|acries.
I.11 1
|ittirc T|ealires just |ec|e t|e
|eleese c Je|ut sircle 'Best
0ear lic|tlZSeccrJs', C|ertelle,
|ie||e, Kiaa], |, c0 Jeli.e| e
cca|c c ucu erJ st|eetJerce.
1.11 |1I|\ Is
|i|st ccairc tc u|cairerce cr
C|iuaur|'s Je|ut sircle 'Beest',
C|ereier lice|ier .ccelist |cic|
is rcw set tc s|ire ir |is cwr |ic|t.
1.I1 11s 1
Scut|eautcr cu|uiece let|er,
Scctt, Clerr erJ Me|c e|e t|e
sircirc |uilJe|s w|c tcc| ue|t ir
t|e Z010 se|ies c T|e X |ectc|.
1.11 |1s\11I|
C|c]Jcr |c|r Vircert ||er|, ac|e
ccaacrl] |rcwr es ||er|ausic,
is e |ercwreJ u|cJuce| erJ
|eaire| - rct tc aerticr e s|it|ct
ue|c|airc e|tist |iasel.
1.11 1III|\I|\
T|is Juc Jeli.e| e airtu|e c ucu
erJ |iu |cu.
1.I1 II |1II
/ acJe|r Je] suue|ste|, |irie ||eel
reae Victc|ie |es tcuueJ t|e
sircles c|e|ts twice, sircs li|e er
ercel, erJ |es t|e lcc|s tc aetc|.
1 1||\ 111
Bec| eceir ete| |is Je|ut cic lest
]ee|, 0ll] is rcw e ull] eJceJ ucu
1 |III1 1I||Is
|lert] c |cc| ste|s |e.e t||cwr e
TV cut c e wirJcw - |ut rct aer]
cer le] cleia tc c|es|irc e ail|
cet. /listei| cer. T|cuc|, tc |e
ei|, |e wes e ail|aer et t|e tiae.
.11 1|I 1I1
|ec|irc e |iues| ull c Me|se]
accrs|ire erJ sculstuJJeJ
ccurt|] |lues, t|is Z5 ]ee| clJ
|i.e|uuJlier sirce|lscrcw|ite| is
|elicicusl] eccustic.
I.t11 I1 11Is
0.e| t|e ]ee|s, Jcs| |es eaesseJ
c.e| /5 la erJ TV uleceaerts -
eetu|irc cr t|e li|es c 0re T|ee
|ill, C|e]'s /retca] erJ Sc|u|s.
I.11 s1Is ||1I
See |cr cut
?.11 I 1I||11I
lrt|icuirc, ||illiert erJ
cccesicrell] cJJ, T|e Cuilleacts
e|e c|eet |eeJlire|s. ReeJ cu|
irte|.iew c| ac|e.
t.t1 \ 1|\
T|e lccel |c]s ae|e J|eea]
scurJirc |ut c|we|Jt|ir|irc
irJieucu, erJ e|e 0iS' S|eelJ tiu
c| '|ic t|ircs' tc ccae.
I.t1 s11\
T|e t||eeuiece, w|c'.e u|e.icusl]
tcu|eJ wit| c5Je]scstetic, cite
Bjc||, Ete||lerc, Mccwei, Messi.e
/ttec| erJ ReJic|eeJ eacrcst t|ei|
1.t1 1||
T|is |eeJs|eseJ |erJ aeJe lME's
tcu 50 rew |erJs c t|e ]ee|.
1.t1 |1\ 1
T|e Sccttis| cu|uiece sel |eleese
t|ei| lcrceweiteJ Je|ut el|ua
t||cuc| |essist Ric|e|J's cwr le|el
Slcw |ee|re|.
.t1 |I11
Suectc| e|e e rew |erJ wit| |ic
iJees erJ |icce| |cc|s w|c'.e
ccc|eJuu e rew |irJ c ueculie|l]
Erclis| ucwe| ucu.
.t1 \11s |I1ssI1
See |cr cut
I.111 1ssss\\11\1
Cleswecier, ue|t]ste|tirc cuite|
|erJ wit| twc |crtaer erJ twc
?.11 |1 |1Is1!
See |cr cut

tt1 |1s|111
|c| Z5 ]ee|s, C0lC0R0 ue|c|aeJ
es cre c B|iteir's c|eacst
ccauetiti.e J|ua erJ |ucle cc|us .
tt.111 sI |||
lis|e, t|e Jerce| w|c leJ c00
uecule ir t|e SluaJcc Millicrei|e
0erce ir Z009, is |ec| tc s|cw ]cu
scae ac|e Bcll]wccJ
tI1 \.1.
MC'irc C|ereier |iu |cu erJ
tI.111 sI|1 I\|
MC lice, ]cu| MC c| t|e Je], |eell]
|etes t|is c|ew |ca Stc|e eruect
||ee|Jerce |ewc||s
t.11 1|11
|cwe|ul cuite|s, |eurtirc l]|ics
erJ e st]le t|et's |eairisicert c
|erJs suc| es |ic|tste| erJ Te|irc
Bec| SurJe],
t.11 111s1 II|1
Rcaerc Jilc e|e e ]curc Rcae
Jerce c|cuu |ca t|e |ee|t c
S|eelJ's rew Rcae ccaaurit].
t.11 ?|\s ?s1II
/cccauer]irc Rcaerc Jilc e|e t|e
Bel|er BerJits. S|eelJ's ||ess,
ce|e|et, weilirc erJ cca ue|irc
|erJ c lcst sculs.
I.111 I11?
Teste t|e| c Zua|e t|e
|ic| ere|c], |etirirsui|eJ, celc|ie
|u|rirc Jerce tressue|t]
11 ?1II |' ?|1
lrsui|eJ |] t|e |lues aeste|s,
Be|tie |ee's Blues Erulcsicr's |ic|
ere|c] elect|ic |lues scurJ |es
|eer c|eetirc e |ict ir S|eelJ's
wete|irc |cles.
11 I1s| |I1s
|e|c|airc uulitirc erJ ucwe|ul
s|el|eccee clessics wit| e 5 ueice
||ess secticr.
1 \? |1s\
See |cr cut.
1 11I1I
T|e Tu||is| BerJ w|c |elueJ
|ic| c t|e clc|el |ell]Jercirc
scere wit| t|ei| |st el|ua
'Bell]Jercirc B|ee||eets', uritirc
Eeste|r aelcJies wit| weste|r
clu| |eets, jcireJ |] Scu|ie Mei,
S|eelJ's cwr |ell]Jercirc
I1 11|sI|I\
S|ccclerit], t|e 'eciJ c|ct'
u|ercaercr |eilirc |ca EJir|u|c|
||ircirc t|e ullcr ere|c] c
Sccttis| Jerce ausic aireJ ir wit|
elect|cric lccus erJ ur|] |ess
tc c|eete t|e i||esisti|le scurJ c
Celtic usicr ausic.
?1 I1ss\ ||1\ t
1I|| 11I
|eeJlirirc t|e wc|lJ Stece e|e twc
irte|reticrell] eccleiaeJ |eccee
.ete|ers |ct| ule]irc S|eelJ c|
t|e |st tiae.
s1||I|| 1\
tI1 1I
t1 11\ 1I||1|1
I1 |1| s111|111
Ce|l wccJc|J is well |rcwr c| |is
ertestic rce| st]le erJ ue|cussi.e
cuite| ule]irc.
11 11\ s\ss
Me|| w]rr, |eseJ ir Yc||, is
e telerteJ erJ irJeaerJ cl|l
eae|icere scrcw|ite| erJ
rce|st]le cuite|ist cu||ertl] cr er
ertersi.e tcu| c t|e uK.
11 ss|\ |II?I
See |cr cut
new music STAGE
world music STAGE
||1 |1 1Is
I I.11
6itiog kate ush as a ajor ioueoce,
Loodoo boro Nerioa wrote her hrst
soog at 13 aod has sioce gooe oo
to becoe a pIatiou seIIiog, 8II
Award aod Ivor NoveIIo Award
ooioated sioger/soogwriter.
Wichita-sigoed oioe-piece
pIayiog iodie-pop aod with
a Ioodoess Ior puooiog soog
titIes. oo't iss iodie-disco hit
'ou! Me! aociog!'
ss11 ss 11I|
I ?.11
Ihe post-hardcore three-piece
coprise ebers oI Ioc
Farty |bassist ordoo MoakesI
aod ourcodeoaeis.MiIo
|Irootao FauI MuIIeoI.
Ihe post-hardcore three-piece
coprise ebers oI Ioc
Farty |bassist ordoo MoakesI
aod ourcodeoaeis.MiIo
|Irootao FauI MuIIeoI.
Ihe post-hardcore three-piece
coprise ebers oI Ioc
Farty |bassist ordoo MoakesI
aod ourcodeoaeis.MiIo
|Irootao FauI MuIIeoI.
Ihe post-hardcore three-piece
coprise ebers oI Ioc
Farty |bassist ordoo MoakesI
aod ourcodeoaeis.MiIo
|Irootao FauI MuIIeoI.
Ihe post-hardcore three-piece
coprise ebers oI Ioc
Farty |bassist ordoo MoakesI
aod ourcodeoaeis.MiIo
|Irootao FauI MuIIeoI.
Ihe post-hardcore three-piece
coprise ebers oI Ioc
Farty |bassist ordoo MoakesI
aod ourcodeoaeis.MiIo
|Irootao FauI MuIIeoI.
Ihe post-hardcore three-piece
coprise ebers oI Ioc
Farty |bassist ordoo MoakesI
aod ourcodeoaeis.MiIo
|Irootao FauI MuIIeoI.
Ihe post-hardcore three-piece
coprise ebers oI Ioc
Farty |bassist ordoo MoakesI
aod ourcodeoaeis.MiIo
|Irootao FauI MuIIeoI.
Naocy EIitabeth |6uoIiIIeI
is a sioger-soogwriter
aod iostrueotaIist Iro
Maochester, who ixes IoIk aod
post-rock ioueoces to ake her
eochaotiog aod dyoaic usic.
ss11 ss 11I|
I .t1
ss11 ss 11I|
I .t1
ss11 ss 11I|
I .t1
ss11 ss 11I|
I .t1
ss11 ss 11I|
I .t1
ss11 ss 11I|
I .t1
ss11 ss 11I|
I .t1
ss11 ss 11I|
I .t1
|1|\ |11I .t1
new music STAGE
world music STAGE
new music STAGE
world music STAGE
yaaba funk
s11|1 11I| I 1
Ble/irc cut c B|irtcr, |ercirc cut er er|ile|etirc usicr c /|c|eet
erJ lcwJcwr Ji|t] ur|, |et erelccue |esslires, |le/irc |c|rs erJ
c|itt] |cc| cuite|s ||elcw.
johnny clarke
s11|1 11I| I ?1
|eeJlirirc t|e wc|lJ Stece e|e twc irte|reticrell] eccleiaeJ |eccee
.ete|ers |ct| ule]irc S|eelJ c| t|e |st tiae ||ic|t.
?1\1 11|
111ss1 Is 11s1 1sI
I | 11s
1I1 ?\ 1| sI
_:::75$0/,1(625*8. :::75$0/,1(625*8._
111sI1 1s
I.111 11|
T|e uKs u|eaie| ci|l c|cuu, ule]irc
|e|J, eJc], u||er ucu, |ut wit|
iau|essi.e cu|ue|t |e|acries.
I.11 1
|ittirc T|ealires just |ec|e t|e
|eleese c Je|ut sircle 'Best
0ear lic|tlZSeccrJs', C|ertelle,
|ie||e, Kiaa], |, c0 Jeli.e| e
cca|c c ucu erJ st|eetJerce.
1.11 |1I|\ Is
|i|st ccairc tc u|cairerce cr
C|iuaur|'s Je|ut sircle 'Beest',
C|ereier lice|ier .ccelist |cic|
is rcw set tc s|ire ir |is cwr |ic|t.
1.I1 11s 1
Scut|eautcr cu|uiece let|er,
Scctt, Clerr erJ Me|c e|e t|e
sircirc |uilJe|s w|c tcc| ue|t ir
t|e Z010 se|ies c T|e X |ectc|.
1.11 |1s\11I|
C|c]Jcr |c|r Vircert ||er|, ac|e
ccaacrl] |rcwr es ||er|ausic,
is e |ercwreJ u|cJuce| erJ
|eaire| - rct tc aerticr e s|it|ct
ue|c|airc e|tist |iasel.
1.11 1III|\I|\
T|is Juc Jeli.e| e airtu|e c ucu
erJ |iu |cu.
1.I1 II |1II
/ acJe|r Je] suue|ste|, |irie ||eel
reae Victc|ie |es tcuueJ t|e
sircles c|e|ts twice, sircs li|e er
ercel, erJ |es t|e lcc|s tc aetc|.
1 1||\ 111
Bec| eceir ete| |is Je|ut cic lest
]ee|, 0ll] is rcw e ull] eJceJ ucu
1 |III1 1I||Is
|lert] c |cc| ste|s |e.e t||cwr e
TV cut c e wirJcw - |ut rct aer]
cer le] cleia tc c|es|irc e ail|
cet. /listei| cer. T|cuc|, tc |e
ei|, |e wes e ail|aer et t|e tiae.
.11 1|I 1I1
|ec|irc e |iues| ull c Me|se]
accrs|ire erJ sculstuJJeJ
ccurt|] |lues, t|is Z5 ]ee| clJ
|i.e|uuJlier sirce|lscrcw|ite| is
|elicicusl] eccustic.
I.t11 I1 11Is
0.e| t|e ]ee|s, Jcs| |es eaesseJ
c.e| /5 la erJ TV uleceaerts -
eetu|irc cr t|e li|es c 0re T|ee
|ill, C|e]'s /retca] erJ Sc|u|s.
I.11 s1Is ||1I
See |cr cut
?.11 I 1I||11I
lrt|icuirc, ||illiert erJ
cccesicrell] cJJ, T|e Cuilleacts
e|e c|eet |eeJlire|s. ReeJ cu|
irte|.iew c| ac|e.
t.t1 \ 1|\
T|e lccel |c]s ae|e J|eea]
scurJirc |ut c|we|Jt|ir|irc
irJieucu, erJ e|e 0iS' S|eelJ tiu
c| '|ic t|ircs' tc ccae.
I.t1 s11\
T|e t||eeuiece, w|c'.e u|e.icusl]
tcu|eJ wit| c5Je]scstetic, cite
Bjc||, Ete||lerc, Mccwei, Messi.e
/ttec| erJ ReJic|eeJ eacrcst t|ei|
1.t1 1||
T|is |eeJs|eseJ |erJ aeJe lME's
tcu 50 rew |erJs c t|e ]ee|.
1.t1 |1\ 1
T|e Sccttis| cu|uiece sel |eleese
t|ei| lcrceweiteJ Je|ut el|ua
t||cuc| |essist Ric|e|J's cwr le|el
Slcw |ee|re|.
.t1 |I11
Suectc| e|e e rew |erJ wit| |ic
iJees erJ |icce| |cc|s w|c'.e
ccc|eJuu e rew |irJ c ueculie|l]
Erclis| ucwe| ucu.
.t1 \11s |I1ssI1
See |cr cut
I.111 1ssss\\11\1
Cleswecier, ue|t]ste|tirc cuite|
|erJ wit| twc |crtaer erJ twc
?.11 |1 |1Is1!
See |cr cut

tt1 |1s|111
|c| Z5 ]ee|s, C0lC0R0 ue|c|aeJ
es cre c B|iteir's c|eacst
ccauetiti.e J|ua erJ |ucle cc|us .
tt.111 sI |||
lis|e, t|e Jerce| w|c leJ c00
uecule ir t|e SluaJcc Millicrei|e
0erce ir Z009, is |ec| tc s|cw ]cu
scae ac|e Bcll]wccJ
tI1 \.1.
MC'irc C|ereier |iu |cu erJ
tI.111 sI|1 I\|
MC lice, ]cu| MC c| t|e Je], |eell]
|etes t|is c|ew |ca Stc|e eruect
||ee|Jerce |ewc||s
t.11 1|11
|cwe|ul cuite|s, |eurtirc l]|ics
erJ e st]le t|et's |eairisicert c
|erJs suc| es |ic|tste| erJ Te|irc
Bec| SurJe],
t.11 111s1 II|1
Rcaerc Jilc e|e e ]curc Rcae
Jerce c|cuu |ca t|e |ee|t c
S|eelJ's rew Rcae ccaaurit].
t.11 ?|\s ?s1II
/cccauer]irc Rcaerc Jilc e|e t|e
Bel|er BerJits. S|eelJ's ||ess,
ce|e|et, weilirc erJ cca ue|irc
|erJ c lcst sculs.
I.111 I11?
Teste t|e| c Zua|e t|e
|ic| ere|c], |etirirsui|eJ, celc|ie
|u|rirc Jerce tressue|t]
11 ?1II |' ?|1
lrsui|eJ |] t|e |lues aeste|s,
Be|tie |ee's Blues Erulcsicr's |ic|
ere|c] elect|ic |lues scurJ |es
|eer c|eetirc e |ict ir S|eelJ's
wete|irc |cles.
11 I1s| |I1s
|e|c|airc uulitirc erJ ucwe|ul
s|el|eccee clessics wit| e 5 ueice
||ess secticr.
1 \? |1s\
See |cr cut.
1 11I1I
T|e Tu||is| BerJ w|c |elueJ
|ic| c t|e clc|el |ell]Jercirc
scere wit| t|ei| |st el|ua
'Bell]Jercirc B|ee||eets', uritirc
Eeste|r aelcJies wit| weste|r
clu| |eets, jcireJ |] Scu|ie Mei,
S|eelJ's cwr |ell]Jercirc
I1 11|sI|I\
S|ccclerit], t|e 'eciJ c|ct'
u|ercaercr |eilirc |ca EJir|u|c|
||ircirc t|e ullcr ere|c] c
Sccttis| Jerce ausic aireJ ir wit|
elect|cric lccus erJ ur|] |ess
tc c|eete t|e i||esisti|le scurJ c
Celtic usicr ausic.
?1 I1ss\ ||1\ t
1I|| 11I
|eeJlirirc t|e wc|lJ Stece e|e twc
irte|reticrell] eccleiaeJ |eccee
.ete|ers |ct| ule]irc S|eelJ c|
t|e |st tiae.
s1||I|| 1\
tI1 1I
t1 11\ 1I||1|1
I1 |1| s111|111
Ce|l wccJc|J is well |rcwr c| |is
ertestic rce| st]le erJ ue|cussi.e
cuite| ule]irc.
11 11\ s\ss
Me|| w]rr, |eseJ ir Yc||, is
e telerteJ erJ irJeaerJ cl|l
eae|icere scrcw|ite| erJ
rce|st]le cuite|ist cu||ertl] cr er
ertersi.e tcu| c t|e uK.
11 ss|\ |II?I
See |cr cut
new music STAGE
world music STAGE
||1 |1 1Is
I I.11
6itiog kate ush as a ajor ioueoce,
Loodoo boro Nerioa wrote her hrst
soog at 13 aod has sioce gooe oo
to becoe a pIatiou seIIiog, 8II
Award aod Ivor NoveIIo Award
ooioated sioger/soogwriter.
Wichita-sigoed oioe-piece
pIayiog iodie-pop aod with
a Ioodoess Ior puooiog soog
titIes. oo't iss iodie-disco hit
'ou! Me! aociog!'
ss11 ss 11I|
I ?.11
Ihe post-hardcore three-piece
coprise ebers oI Ioc
Farty |bassist ordoo MoakesI
aod ourcodeoaeis.MiIo
|Irootao FauI MuIIeoI.
Ihe post-hardcore three-piece
coprise ebers oI Ioc
Farty |bassist ordoo MoakesI
aod ourcodeoaeis.MiIo
|Irootao FauI MuIIeoI.
Ihe post-hardcore three-piece
coprise ebers oI Ioc
Farty |bassist ordoo MoakesI
aod ourcodeoaeis.MiIo
|Irootao FauI MuIIeoI.
Ihe post-hardcore three-piece
coprise ebers oI Ioc
Farty |bassist ordoo MoakesI
aod ourcodeoaeis.MiIo
|Irootao FauI MuIIeoI.
Ihe post-hardcore three-piece
coprise ebers oI Ioc
Farty |bassist ordoo MoakesI
aod ourcodeoaeis.MiIo
|Irootao FauI MuIIeoI.
Ihe post-hardcore three-piece
coprise ebers oI Ioc
Farty |bassist ordoo MoakesI
aod ourcodeoaeis.MiIo
|Irootao FauI MuIIeoI.
Ihe post-hardcore three-piece
coprise ebers oI Ioc
Farty |bassist ordoo MoakesI
aod ourcodeoaeis.MiIo
|Irootao FauI MuIIeoI.
Ihe post-hardcore three-piece
coprise ebers oI Ioc
Farty |bassist ordoo MoakesI
aod ourcodeoaeis.MiIo
|Irootao FauI MuIIeoI.
Naocy EIitabeth |6uoIiIIeI
is a sioger-soogwriter
aod iostrueotaIist Iro
Maochester, who ixes IoIk aod
post-rock ioueoces to ake her
eochaotiog aod dyoaic usic.
ss11 ss 11I|
I .t1
ss11 ss 11I|
I .t1
ss11 ss 11I|
I .t1
ss11 ss 11I|
I .t1
ss11 ss 11I|
I .t1
ss11 ss 11I|
I .t1
ss11 ss 11I|
I .t1
ss11 ss 11I|
I .t1
|1|\ |11I .t1
new music STAGE
world music STAGE
new music STAGE
world music STAGE
yaaba funk
s11|1 11I| I 1
Ble/irc cut c B|irtcr, |ercirc cut er er|ile|etirc usicr c /|c|eet
erJ lcwJcwr Ji|t] ur|, |et erelccue |esslires, |le/irc |c|rs erJ
c|itt] |cc| cuite|s ||elcw.
johnny clarke
s11|1 11I| I ?1
|eeJlirirc t|e wc|lJ Stece e|e twc irte|reticrell] eccleiaeJ |eccee
.ete|ers |ct| ule]irc S|eelJ c| t|e |st tiae ||ic|t.
?1\1 11|
111ss1 Is 11s1 1sI
I | 11s
1I1 ?\ 1| sI
1 I ?I \ |1I|\
|c|aeJ ir 1999 es Bic E]es, t|e
c|cuu air cl| erJ |e]crJ wit|
ac|e clessicel ausic.
1 I\1
/ t||ee uiece |erJ irte|u|etirc
cl| ausic c| t|ei| cwr cere|eticr.
T]Je's ausic J|ews cr iruerces
|ca e.e|] cc|re| c t|e B|itis| lsles
erJ |e]crJ.
I1 ss|\ \11 s1 I1
See |cr cut
I11sI' 1sI1s 11s
I I11|Is I 1
I1 ||I?111
ResiJert 0J et |i|st wc|J
T|u|sJe]s erJ T||eeJs e uu|.e]c|
c sculul |iu |cu .i|es.
11 1I\ 1s|\| |?1
/t|ue |iu |cu |eeJ w|c erJ
||eet|s t|e |cca|eu.
11 I11s 1
/ ]curc u|cJucticr Juclle|el |ca
Scut| |crJcr w|c ae|e ausic ir
|crJcr's |u|cecrirc c|iae we.e.
1 s1\ ||I1I s111
CccurJe| c |i|st wc|J erJ
|esiJert et t|e |iccest aiJwee|
0u|steu, |iu|cu erJ J|ua r'
|essric|t ir t|e uK, T|e TuesJe]
1\s11 |11s, ?1 1s,
||I|1 I11sI'1sI1s
1 I 11?\ \I1
Twert]cu| ]ee| clJ |iu|cu e|tist
erJ suc|erwc|J ucet, |eseJ
ir |crJcr |ut c|icirell] |ca
lcttirc|ea |.ie S|eelJ erJ
wit| |ccts ir lew Yc||'s Jewis|
I1 1s1 ?1 ?s1
Cca|irirc c |c|rs wit| Z
ue|cussicrists, sc|etc| 0J erJ li.e
MC, t|e RereceJe B|ess BerJ air
t|e |est c ur|, |iu|cu erJ je//.
?1 1| |sIsI I1s)
lr er e|e c |caccerecus |iu |cu,
t|e ausic c Kie|er 0ic|irs - |ette|
|rcwr es |is crstece elte| ecc
0E|S - ccaes es e ||eet| c
|es| ei|.
I |11s11\, ||I|1
I11sI' 1sI1s
I.111 |\111s1 1|I
|le]c|curJ Mee ccau|ise c
t|e "urtcuc|e|les' t|et cc |] t|e
reaes c Mett B|uce, Elis|e Je],
Ble|ste| erJ /lice Tu|tcr.w|c
ule]eJ lest ]ee|'s T|ealires |esti.el
Meir Stece tc c,000 uecule.
?.111 I1|Is
/ s]rt||cc| |erJ etteautirc tc
|ecleia S|eelJ |ca irJie|cc|..
1.111 I1
Elect|cric Jerce Juc |ca S|eelJ,
ccrsistirc c lic| 'licc' EestwccJ
erJ 0e.iJ 'Bc//' Bcswell.
tt1 I sI
T|e w|iu |ca Merc|este| e|e er
elect|cric |cc| |erJ w|cse aessi.e
t|ec| 'T|es|' |eceae er ert|ea cr
Jercecc|s |ca |e|e tc Tia|u|tcc.
I 1|I1s, ||I|1
I11sI' 1sI1s
I111| I 1sI..
t11 s1\
/rJ] | is cccurJe| c |i|st wc|J
erJ |esiJert et t|e |iccest aiJ
wee| Ju|steu, |iu|cu erJ J|ua r'
|ess ric|t ir t|e uK.
tt1 I1I\
TuesJe] Clu| |esiJert 0J Stcet]
is e aeste| c ell t|ircs |eets erJ
uieces. /r erceutirel 0j w|c's
es |euu] J|cuuirc |ee.]weic|t
Ju|steu es |e is uK ur|], Ce|ece,
0|ua erJ Bess, Reccee erJ |e]crJ.
tt.111 1 1\s1II
M0B0 /we|Js wirrirc R8B, uK
ce|ece, erJ |iu |cu sirce| erJ
|euue|. |e| t|ec|s 'wile 0ut' wit|
0J Zirc, '|ic|ts 0r' wit| Ket] B
erJ 'w|et ]cu tel|ir' e|cut' wit|
ReJlic|t |e.e ersu|eJ t|et s|e's
|eaeireJ et t|e c|e|crt c uK
Jerce ausic ir Z011.
tI.111 I111| I
See |cr cut
I1 \ |
0re c t|e acst ccrsistertl]
||illiert 0Js tc eae|ce |ca t|e uK
ir t|e lest JeceJe erJ |e]crJ.
?|1 t | I1I|
?I 1I|
11 1|Is |11
Rct|e||ea |eseJ SctRcc| c|
|cwe||cu, JeuerJirc w|et |eae
c airJ ]cu'|e ir. wit| iruerces
|ca |csies tc |er| willieas, s|e|u
|e|acr]'s erJ ucwe|ul .ccels.
?.111 |I| 1I
|1 ||1II1 1I
11|11sI |)
tI1 ?I||\ 11IIs I1sI11
/r eae/irc e||e] c |lues telert
|ca ell cc|re|s c t|e cit] erJ
|e]crJ. |eetu|eJ elcrcsiJe e
ulet|c|e c |eel ele, ir er irJust|iel
settirc c S|eelJ's uest.
t1 111|I
I1 1s 1sI1s
11 11 1I11 1?|
11 I1ss\ I
1 1tI ?|1
1 ?|1I1ss
I1 I sI|I ?11sIs
?1 ?I||\ 11IIs I1
11 I 111Is?I11
?|1 ?s1
t11tI1 I 1| I111
ss 11|s 1\I1 t
?|1 ?s1
|I |I
1 I 11|\ 1ssI
S|eelJ u|ulele |erJ t|et
ue|c|as e .e|iet] c |uac|cus
eclectic |erJiticrs.
?.111 sI|I ?11sIs
|i.e uiece Blues |erJ, eetu|irc
|e|acrice, twc cuite|s, uu|ic|t
|ess erJ J|uas, t|e |erJ ule]
u|eJcairertl] 50s st]le |lues.
11s1 1I
11 11?Is 11
well|rcwr e|curJ S|eelJ, cre
8idiog their owo wave io
the re-eergeoce oI the
Maochester usic sceoe, MiIk
Maid have created a sigoihcaot
milk maid
I ?1s1\
key pIayer io 6 8adio oe's
'Io New Music We Irust' aod
ooe oI the ost io-deaod
Js io daoce usic today.
Toddla t
I 1|I1s
nancy kerr and
james fagan
|11I I1
Naocy kerr aod Jaes Fagao
are a stuooiog pair oI iocredibIy
taIeoted usiciaos. Naocy has
a beautiIuI cIear aod stroog
voice, aod pIays soe oI the
best hddIe out there. Jaes
is a boutouki prodigy, aod
aIso siogs better thao aoyooe
who is that taIeoted oo ao
iostrueot has a right to.
new music STAGE
world music STAGE
Coming to Tramlines?
Why not try the
The Rutland Arms
86 Brown Street
City Centre
S1 2BS
Tel: 0114 2729003
rutlandarmst_HPvert_Tramlines_2011.indd 1 7/12/2011 6:26:29 PM
c S|eelJ's |est |lues cuite|ists
1tt1 11 s11s
T|e 0ueer c Blues -Mc |es e .cice
t|et cer |eJuce c|cwr aer tc tee|s.
11 ?1 ss\
Clessic Rcc| + |iece.
\|1 I|s1 I11s
111 1II1\ 11
Cult S|eelJ |cc|e|s |ctte|] 0cc
|etu|r tc t|ei| clJ stcauirc c|curJ
c| e sueciel s|cw.
I1 I 1I11I1 |I1
Mert|e R|]t|as is e sir uiece li.e
Ju| |erJ t|et J|ews iruerce
|ca suc|er wc|J, t|eJiticrel erJ
acJe|r Ju|.
11I11 1s1
?1 II
||est airute .erue switc|, listircs
su|ject tc c|erce
t1 I 1||11
Scrcs irsui|eJ |] tiaeless |is erJ
teles |ca t|e ccurt|]siJe.
I1 1s1 1|1 1\ 1|
S|eelJs ct|e| u|eaie| u|elele
11 II s I1Is
|iu|cutestic! Suit l St|ircs |e.e
|eer |le/irc t|e S|eelJ eccustic
scere ir |ecert ]ee|s. Eruect cetc|]
|cc|s, leuc|s erJ t|e cJJ tee|.
11 I |1sIIssI
T|e Ccrtircerts e|e e cu| uiece
S|eelJ |eseJ irJielelte|reti.e
|erJ w|c'.e |eer ciccirc |ecule|l]
c| e|cut e ]ee|.
1 ?|11I
/ |es| te|e cr eacti.e |lues]
|cc|, wit| e st|crc eau|esis cr
J]reaic scrc w|itirc. / .e uiece
urieJ ccllecti.e |eilirc |ca
1 I 1s|11I1sI
/ uricue |cc|lccurt|]luur|l
cl| |]||iJ. |c|aeJ ir Z00c, t|e]
|e.e ce|re|eJ e |euuteticr es e
c|aiJe|le li.e ect.
I1 |1 ||I11\
?1 I |I Is1Is
0istircti.e acJe|rclessic |is
ccuuleJ wit| |ew ere|c] erJ er
elect|ic li.e ue|c|aerce.
11 Is1 \I
Twc S|ies e|e e S|eelJ t||ee
uiece wit| er irt|icuirc air c |cc|
l c|cc.e scurJs, seescreJ wit| e
|lerJ c slcw erJ Jeeu us]c|eJelic
t11 1I\\ 11
Ris|] |e|ces u|cc|essi.e irJie
ucu. S|eelJ cue|tet use Jerce
|eets, erJ ccrtecicus cuite| |is
c.e| twisteJ l]|ics c lc.e, |et|e]el
erJ ccls.
tt1 II 1I\ \I||

I ?1s1\
1s1s ?|1s1 1sI...
11 11s
|c|aeJ Z010, 0|erce e|e twc
||ct|e|s w|c'll tee| ]cu e rew cre.
1.11 \1s
/ twc uiece Rcc| |erJ |eseJ
e|curJ t|e MiJlerJs. /rJ rc,
t|e]'|e rct |elicicus.
1.111 11
/t t|e ac|e e.ertce|Je erJ c
t|e suect|ua, we'.e cct |c|ses.
T|e] ule] srctt], urccau|caisirc
.t1 1I|\ 1I1
See |cr cut uece Zc
1 1I 1\
Twcuiece /ae|icere tirceJ |cc|
.11 ?1 s|
T|e] useJ tc ae|e ice c|eea, rcw
t|e] ule] ir e |erJ.
I.111 |I1
/lcie|s e|e |ca S|eelJ erJ e|e
aeJe uu |ca t|e s|e|Js c Meule
?.t1 Is|1 I1
|eetu|irc c|ae| aea|e|s c
'Cclcu|' t|e] e|e ccaacrl]
Jesc|i|eJ es 'sct' ausic.
1.t1 11I1' 11Is
Mct|e|'s Ruir's scurJ is e J|eaetic
.ccel st]le wit| uurc|] ucstuur|
|is erJ sweeuirc scurJsceues.
t1.t1 I|| I
Tell S|ius e|e e t||ee uiece
erue|iaertel lccu |erJ |ca
tt.t1 sI s1s
urJeeJ |luesuur| |eJrec|s |ca
Jeeuest Scut| r wilJest west
1I I 11|I11 1I
T|e /uJecicus /|t Erue|iaert is
ac|e t|er e |ecc|J le|el t|e]'|e e
ccaaurit] airJset t|et ]ee|rs c|
scaet|irc ac|e t|er 'rire tc .e'
erJ eia tc te|e |ec| cu| c|cser
scciel |eeJcas.
?1s|1s t ?1
I1 I|\ 1??II
?1 |IIsIs |I
11 ?
1.111 111|
t11 11 1sI|
I |11II| I
1 1I1sII
Jce Ce|rell ||ircs ]cu |is letest
u|cject w|e|e cl| aeets its |icce|
||ct|e|, eruect scae eailie| eces.
1 1I\ 1
0ter ccaue|eJ tc er ee|l] 0]ler ir
|is .ccel st]le, Mi|e |uc|es ae|es
urJe|steteJ ceas.
I1 1I
0e.e B|ceJ|u|st |C|eer.ille Cere|],
M] Mcr|e] Be|] ue|c|as |is
Jise|airc sclc ccaucsiticrs, ull c
|ecile l]|icisa.
?1 11I1 I 11|
See |cr cut
11 I |1I ?11I1
l|is| Juc T|e |cst B|ct|e|s |eleeseJ
t|ei| Je|ut el|ua T|eils c t|e
|crel] |ue|ts l 8 lll ir lc.ea|e|
Z00c. Sirce t|er t|e]'.e ule]eJ
s|cws wit| Ric|e|J |ewle],
M we|J erJ Jclie |cllerJ.
t11 sI I1s1s t I
T|e lccel |erJ |eeJlire T|ealires'
|st /ccustic Stece eceirst t|e
sturrirc |ec|J|cu c S|eelJ's
|II\ || ?||1111
s11I t I 11sI1
1sI I 11I11I1|
I.tI.11 I |1I|1
||s' |II|\1|I|
/r eccert|cric selecticr c eu|el
Jelic|ts tc setc t|e /uJic Visuel
Zcre's li.e ce|ircs.
1.111.t1 || s11
Meirl] elect|cric ccaucsiticr
J|ewr |ca |urJ|eJs c |cu|s c
iau|c.iseJ sessicrs es ue|t c
cue|tet Mct|e| 0 Virece|.
1.11.t1 I II11
S|eelJ|eseJ |e|ec|cc.e Juc
eetu|irc |ete| Rcu|cre cr cuite|
erJ .ccels erJ C|e|ea McElee|re]
cr sce|irc |e|u erJ celeste.
.11.t1 11 11
Music w|ic| twists erJ t|e.e|ses
VeuJe.ille, T|e Bcre Ye|J erJ t|e
T|eet|e c t|e /|su|J.
.11I.t1 I 11sI1
11s1I1|\ sII| s1
I'|| |11 I1 \11 |t1?)
l Mcrste| e|e jcireJ |] C|e|lie
Ccllirs cr t|eus erJ ue|cussicr,
Mic| we|J cr wccJwirJ erJ
ue|cussicr, |eul Mc|cre] cuite|
tc scurJt|ec| t|e clessic 19cc
tele.isicr eJeuteticr c M.R.
Jeaes' s|c|t stc|] 'w|istle /rJ l'll
Ccae Tc Ycu'.
I.t?1 I |1I|1
||s' |II|\1|I|
?1.111 I 11sI1
s\I1 |I Is
1||Is11 ||?1I
T|is le|ce ersea|le, eetu|irc e
sueciel erJ |e|e euuee|erce |ca
Steu|er MellirJe| c C/B/RET
Froduced by Ji $cIavuoos |oI
rioderao aod Nick 6ave +
Ihe ad $eedsI, $heIheId-based
avid J 8och's debut aIbu $kio
& ooes is a Iush coIIectioo oI
darkIy roaotic copositioos.
AIso pIayiog $ Live oo $uoday
at 5.15FM
david j roch
|I11| I1
V0|T/lRE, will ule] e airtu|e c
clessic Ce|s, l Mcrste| erJ ct|e|
t1.111 1IsI 1 I
?I ||1?
|uce c0sl/0s 0iscc.

|1111s 1111
|| 1\ 1| | 11|\
|| 1\ I11|Is |I1
|Is\ 1
T|e Ccaacr Rcca will |e s|cwirc
ell t|e ecticr |ca t|e aeir stece
cr ell 35 c its tele.isicrs erJ cre
ciert sc|eer sit, eet, J|ir| ||eel ele
erJ ule] uccl.
1t.111 1I1sI' 1I
||es| ||uits, /s|c/Cc Cc, 0err]
Bec|, Kee Tercc. 0u| lecerJe|]
0J's ell ule] |ec| tc |ec|.

11 11
|e|c e|e e rewl] c|aeJ B|ic|tcr
cu| uiece. T|ir| |e|eac|e sue||irc
wit| Ket] |e||].
t11 |1s|t
t1.111 1ss11 \Is
sI1\ ||1? sII s1I
|I111 1I 1|
1 s1| s1||
1 I |1I1\
I1 Is |Is\I
?1 ?|111 11I
11 I|\ s1 I
t11 I 11?\ \I1
tt1 ?11|\I11
1| |11|
1I1sII ?1 |s1
Is1111 |II1|
B|ircs ell t|i|es uriteJ ir cre
ccauler c Jerce ausic Jelic|ts ir
er clJ cutle|] ectc|].
Rcca 1 0|S Ccllect! u|eserts
lccel |e|ces c |cuse erJ tec|rc.
Cc.e|irc Tec|rc, |cuse, Miriael,
0lJ S|ccl, 0iscc, /ciJ Tec|rc, 5
Rccas, c |cu|s c Jerce ausic,
0.e| 30 0Js.
Rcca Z we|e|cuse 0eeu 0iscc
tc |ur| 8 Scul, 0rB, B|ee|cc|e erJ
Rcca 3 C|irJirc Rccas - |cuse.
Rcca + C|eet |ell 0lJ S|ccl tc
/ciJ Tec|rc. Rcca 5 weic|irc
Rcca 0rB tc B|ee|cc|e

I1 II|| |I. I11
I1 11 I1|\
|ccel |cc| 8 |cll
I.11 1 |1s ?s1
ErRe.e|erJ 8 T|e Me|e|s cuite|ist
||ircs |is rew |erJ tc 00
?.111 1I 1|
S|eelJ's |cttest rew twcuiece
ule] u|cue| ue|t] |cc| r' |cll.
1.t1 1I1|I 1\
T|e Ji|tiest, Je||est, uu|.e]c|s c
|cre c|urc|irc |cc| ir t|e uK
t1.111 11\ I1II
See |cr cut
tt1 II|| |I
T||eeJs |esiJert 0Js.
I 1| 1| 11s1|
11\ |1\I| 1sI.
1? 1|111 1 1|| 1 s1I
1|111 |I. 111\ |111\
S|eelJ's urJe|c|curJ |ecc|J
le|els cc |eeJ tc |eeJ wit| t|e
certu|icr 0eJJ] ||eJJ] |cstirc.
Cue|erteeJ aeJress!
t11 1I t 1| 11?I
/|ie is clcsel] essccieteJ wit|
|ecceelJu| c|ew, Secucie ScurJ
S]stea erJ CclJ uu lc|. 0u|/ee's
'|c erJ clesses e|e elacst es well
|rcwr es t|e aer |iasel. Ycu cer
cetc| |ia cr t|e Mic et acst |
ir S|eelJ ircluJirc Cc.e|t ScurJ
S]stea w|e|e |e's e |esiJert.
tt1 1s\| t 1|| 1 s1I
0er|le is cre c t|e 0 Me lut
C|ew. T|ese cu]s |ew|ite t|e |ule
|cc| w|et|e| u|cJucirc tures
c| ule]irc cut et | ec|css t|e
tI1 111\ |111\
0eJJ] ||eJJ] |cse tc eae ir
Jeaeice urJe| t|e cuiJerce c
Suce| Mirctt. Musicel |ic|lic|ts
|e.e ircluJeJ ue|c|airc ir /|ice
tc lelscr MerJele erJ ||ee|irc t|e
Cuirress wc|lJ Recc|J c| sueeJ
tI.111 | 111s
|I1s|II ||Is|)
/ler 0eeJaer |es |eer |euuirc t|e
S|eelJ urJe|c|curJ scere sirce
|e wes cut c reuuies.
t1 t1I1 1| 1I1
/ aeric usicr c ell t|et is
urccau|caisirc ir t|e wc|lJ c
Jerce ausic.
I1 1I11||
/utcc|e |es |eer ule]irc cut cr
t|e S|eelJ scere c| aer] ]ee|s
rcw erJ is |rcwr es cre c t|e |est
Ju|steu, ur|] erJ |cca|e|c|e|c
I.111 I 1s1| |s|I1
J VerJel |e|e welte| Ecc is ae|irc
|ic ir t|e wc|lJ c u|cJucticr
erJ is cue|erteeJ tc |e cre c t|e
reaes tc lcc| cut c| ir t|e utu|e.
11 1I 11?I
0J 0eeJ|eet wes e ue|aerert
rtu|e cr t|e urJe|c|curJ |e.e
scere urtil |e ac.eJ tc B|ic|tcr
ee|l] t|is ]ee|. / 0J erJ ertestic
1.111 1|| 1 s1I |1s
|Is| |?)
0 Me lut is e ei|l] sel
eruleretc|] le|el. T|e] uut
cr ue|ties, u|cJuce c|e/] |e.e
t|ec|s erJ ue|c|a |liste|irc sets
t|et ircc|uc|ete aer] st]les c
|| sII 1I 11s1
Seater ScurJ S]stea is e
reae t|et aeers cre t|irc |ic
et ue|ties! w|et|e| |cc|irc
we|e|cuses c| cut ir t|e elJs.
T|e] |e.e e |euuteticr c| |ercirc
ausic erJ |ic stec|s.
|| sII |It1I1 I|
11s1 \I1
|icuiJ Steel ScurJ S]stea is ue|t
c t|e licuiJ steel eail] t|et |es
|eer uuttirc cr e.erts ir S|eelJ,
|eeJs 8 B|istcl c| t|e lest ew
I |1111 |II1| ?1
1I1sI 1I
leil Me|s|l0er lc||is |c|ua's
|esiJert 0Js ule] ue|t] ausic erJ
T|ealires| aires.
|1 t 11|\
1.111 \II 1\11sI
usuell] curJ |e|irJ t|e J|ua
|it, Keit| Re]acrt is elsc e
telerteJ eccustic cuite|ist erJ
1.111 1 |
||crtaer c Scul |euuerirc, |e is
elsc cuestirc wit| er eccustic slct.
|eetu|irc |is cwr aete|iel, e ew
Scul |euuerirc t|ec|s.
.111 IsI1 I1?
T|e |erJ ule] t|ei| cwr ||erJ c
|i |eseJ |cc| wit| e t|eJl|lues
eel, cca|ireJ wit| e .e|ieticr c
eccustic t|ec|s erJ cc.e|s. |c.el]
ell ir ell.
.111 1 ?1I 1
|eetu|irc e cellc, e cejcr erJ er
eccustic cuite|, S|eJ Bcet S|eJJ,
Jeli.e| e c|illeJ set.
Lookiog Ior a
baod versed io
rock aod roII
ythoIogy aod
boastiog outsider
art seosibiIities
Irooted by a
seductive, deep
sea diver! Look
oo Iurther.
Tol. C1142 /2 23 23
nil 3 Tbo Plozo, 8 Filzwilliom Slrool,
Sboiolo, S1 418
Tramlines Express food
menu @ Bar 23
Eat in or takeaway
Fish and Chips 5
Thai Fishcake with sweet chilli sauce 3.50
Classic Burger with relish and chips 4
Cheese Burger with chips 4.50
Cajun chicken burger with lemon mayo & chips 4
Chilli and rice 3.50
Roast Pepper, mushrooms and goats
cheese bap with chips 3.50
Chicken and chorizo salad 4.50

Drinks offers on all weekend
BAR 23 HP tramlines.indd 1 7/12/2011 1:05:22 PM
ow open in Shelleld
edo sushi is a new Japanese lakeawav serving good qualilv
sushi and Japanese hol lood al verv conpelilive prices.
Based in lhe Cilv Cenlre we oller a varied nenu lron lhose who wanl a quick heallhv snack such
as a nixed sushi box or salad lo wholesone neals such as Chicken Terivaki noodles or Pork Cullel
Japanese currv. l vou donl have line vou can lake readvnade boxes lreshlv nade on lhe dav or il
voure leeling advenlurous lake a pick lron lhe ala carle nenu.
Cone see us al: 2224 High Courl Chanbers or visil us on




Edosushi_HP_Tramlines_2011.indd 1 7/13/2011 10:13:00 AM
_:::75$0/,1(625*8. :::75$0/,1(625*8._
1.111 1II s| t
Met wele |es |eer w|itirc erJ
|ecc|Jirc sirce ee|l] Z00+.
|uttirc cut 1/ E|s erJ ule]irc
wit| .e|icus |erJ u|cjects e|curJ
t|e wc|lJ.
t1.111 111 |11 II
eruect tc |ee| t|e |est McJlScull
S|ellc|t|e|rlMctcwr es well es
|e|e c0's |eet erJ R8B ceas te|irc
]cu irtc t|e ee|l] |cu|s
I1 11 s111|1|\ s1 I
11 |111Is
/ccleiaeJ S|eelJ sirce|
scrcw|ite| ue|c|as t|ec|s ir e
|e|est|iuueJJcwr eccustic set.
?1 1I\ 1
T|e wc|J cerius is |erJeJ e|cut
tcc auc| ir tcJe]'s scciet] |ut
Mi|e |uc|es is er erceuticr.
11 I 11I1 s1 I
\11|| 1sI1s
See |cr cut

I 1|\
11 11 1I 1 s1 1sI|111
I1 1I1
|ccel |cc| r'|cll
11 1II I11s1 ?s1
Ric|t Tu|re|s Bewe|e li|e tc ae|e
lcuJ ausic erJ s|cut.
11 |I\ |I1s
|c|aeJ ir S|eelJ ir lete Z009,
t|e] JeciJeJ tc reae t|ei| ausicel
ccllecti.e |i|es |icrs.
1 |IIsIs |I
Belee|ic s]rt| ucu. / |erJ w|c
seea tc cet |ette| wit| e.e|] s|cw
t|e] ule].
1 ?II1s |1|
/t t|e tiae c ccirc tc u|ess, t|is
|erJ |eJ crl] ule]eJ twc s|cws,
erJ e|e el|eeJ] u|ic|irc uu e
rua|e| c uecule's ee|s.
I1 I11 \11s I1 |11
||e.icusl] |rcwr es T|e Suue|est
|e||ies, Tcc Ycurc Tc |c.e e|e e
t|cuicel, .isuel, us]c|eJelic |erJ
|ca ltel].
?1 |I.|11.11
S|eelJ |erJ Cets.|c|.|e|u |e.e
|eer ule]irc tccet|e| sirce ee|l]
Z00/ erJ J|ew cr t|ei| lc.e c u|cc,
ucst|cc| erJ irJieucu.
11 II1s
|ette|rs useJ tc |e e |erJ w|c
cleiaeJ t|e] li|eJ tc ae|e lcuJ
ausic ir Je||l] lit |ccas. But cut c
t|e Je||ress ccaes lic|t.
t11 I |1s |1I|\
0e|ut el|ua wes |eleeseJ ee|lie|
t|is ]ee|.
tt1 \ |III
0|ewirc irsui|eticr |ca Jiscc,
|ur|, elect|c erJ letelJ ucu,
t|e lest 1Z acrt|s |e.e |eer er
ercitirc jcu|re] c| S|e|e /letti.
tI1 \11|
/t 19 ]ee|s clJ, Clesccw |eseJ
u|cJuce| Kc|eless c|eetes e serse
c suece ir |is ausic t|et scae
suerJ e lietiae t|]irc tc ec|ie.e.
t1 t111
Scue|e|eeJ is er 1c ]ee|clJ
u|cJuce| |ca S|eelJ. |e.irc crl]
|eer u|cJucirc c| e|cut e ]ee|, |e's
el|eeJ] |ecei.eJ |uce uleuJits.
I1 ||s
C|ecer is e ]curc u|cJuce| w|c |es
.e|] cuic|l] |iser tc u|cairerce.
11 11\
0MK is cre c t|e acst eJeute|le
0Js e|curJ. |is c|cice c t|ec|s is
|ee.] erJ |e |rcws |cw tc cet er]
Jercecc| ccirc.
11I1s t?1
1| I s11I. ?s1
|1|\1 |111 I
s11I1s sI|s1
I.I11 1sII Is 1I1
Mele]sier |c|r, Sirceuc|e ||eJ erJ
rcw S|eelJ |eseJ, 0wic|t sircs
uctert l]|ics utilisirc |is cuite| erJ
11 \I1I\ 111\s
Ki|st] tells stc|ies w|ic| e|e cter
eutc|icc|eu|icel, elsc iruerceJ |]
t|e |eeut] erJ aelerc|cl] c t|e
c|est t|et s|e c|ew uu ir.
1.111 11I\s 1|1|\
/te| e |ecert sulit |ca t|e
S|eelJ |erJ 'Reueet /te| Me',
Me|t]r is uus|irc |is sclc ce|ee|
li|e re.e| |ec|e.
1.111 1s\\ 111\
|ur|] 0c|e] e|e e .euiece |erJ
|ca t|e scut|siJe c Clesccw.
.I11 I 1I1I
T|e Ricts e|e e cu|uiece |ca
Stc|e t|et cculJ eesil] |e t|e rert
c|eet |erJ c cu| cere|eticr.
.t11 II |II\ 1s
/ |lerJ c |ercirc cl| erJ eccustic
elect|c, sircirc tures c |cue,
Jesuei| erJ t|e Mecirct |ire.
I1 |1sII1s
|e]s |caece tc Merc|este|'s
ausicel |e|itece wit|cut eelirc t|e
reeJ tc |iu it c c| iaitete it.
?1 |II11 |Is
?.11 11sI1 I|s1
Mcrste| lslerJ ule]s ausic usirc e
J|ua |it, e |ess cuite| erJ e erJe|
teleceste| elect|ic cuite|.
t11 11\ 11I1s
0J suirrirc t|e rest |eel |lec|
ulestic til t|e .e|] erJ. Eruect e
sac|ces|c|J c eu|el uleesu|e.
|\ |II\ |11
|\ |11 I.
1|| |I| 1| Iss1|II\
tI.111 ?111
0e|utirc t|ei| uricueis| |lerJ c
c|ees] |cc| c| erJ us]c|eJelic
iau|c.iseticrs wit| |ets lcc|irc e
st|crc ucssi|ilit].
t.t1 1I1 1s I
|1I 11
/ cu|uiece ccaeJ] cl| 8 |cc|
cutt wit| e ew ac|e se|icus
rua|e|s erJ t|e cJJ erc]
irst|uaertel t|ec| t||cwr irtc
t|e air.
t.1 ?11\s I111\
B|c|er Setu|Je]'s |lese euu|cec|
tc scrc w|itirc |es |esulteJ ir
scaet|irc t|et ae] c| ae] rct |e
wc|t| listerirc tcc.
I.11 \\ I1
/ suue|| li.e ect t|et will |lcw
]cu ewe] wit| t|ei| |ic scurJ erJ
J|i.irc e||erceaerts.
1.t1 I 11I1 |1|\1
|e|acriseJ .ccels, c|icirel
scrcw|itirc es well es cc.e|s
cca|ire wit| er ere|cetic erJ
jc]cus steces|cw.
11 11| |1s\|1|
S|eelJ's |es|est ur| |erJ.
T|e] use je// erJ scul wit|ir t|ei|
c|icirel, .i||ert aete|iel erJ ae|e e
su|u|isirc ccllecticr c ur| cc.e|s
scurJ li|e t|ei| cwr.
1.11 |\ t |II
|e] 8 |ette e|e er eccustic cl|l
|lues Juc eetu|irc /rre|e |ette
cr .ccels erJ Tca |e] cr eccustic
.111 11s111s1 \I1
Rure|curJ KiJs e|e e t||ee uiece
w|c ule] est, rcis] ucu scrcs.
|cllcwirc ue|c|aerces et |eeJs
erJ ReeJirc, t|e] |eleeseJ t|ei|
Je|ut sircle lest ]ee|.
.I1.1 I?s
I.t1I.11 |11s1I
|c|rs, Viclir, /ccc|Jier, Cuite|,
0cu|le Bess, Kit erJ Vccels aircle
tccet|e| tc c|eete e uricue erJ
ercitirc scurJ.
I 1?
1s11 I I1.
|1sIs 1I?I|II\
|1Is1|\ sII||1? 11s
?\ 1| sII |1sIs
1I?I|III s1 II1
tI1 ?I II
/ li.el] erJ well este|lis|eJ
J|uaairc c|cuu t|et e|e ue|t c t|e
|ewracwe|s Clu| erJ K|c|cJile
K|ew |ca Cetes|eeJ.
t1 I I1
T|e |erJ w|cte erJ |ecc|JeJ t|ei|
urJe| t|e Ste|s ert|ea ee|lie| t|is
]ee|, erJ |e.e |eer li|ereJ tc Jc]
I1 I 11II11
/ ter uiece |erJ |eseJ ir |eeJs.
Eruect e li.el] s|cw.
pete david and the payroll union
1\I1s 11
Whiskey-soaked Aericaoa with a ooose rouod its oeck.
I1 1| I1I
See |cr cut
11 \1
T|e ultiaete ue|t] |erJ. Ert|eae
s|cwaers|iu, e wiJe |erce c
cc.e|s erJ c|icirel aete|iel erJ
c|eet irte|ecticr wit| t|e c|cwJ.
|11 s1 111I
t1 1s sI||I11s
Sc wetc| t|is suece c| scrcs t|et
ae|e ]cu wee ]cu|sel, erJ ]cu
ae] rJ ] st|ercel]
e|cuseJ ir t|e ee| Jeue|taert,
erjc] r ..
I.t1 sI||I1 ?1I1s
will's st]le is |crest erJ t|e|e's
t|eceJ] ir |is .cice erJ l]|ics.
/r]cre w|c |es e.e| werteJ c|
scaet|irc will wert c| ac|e.
T|ir| R]er eJeas wit| t|e sculul
Jeeuress c Ric|e|J /s|c|ct.
11 1 1| |1s|11)
11 11?1 |1I
Ru|e|le|is e|e e .e uiece irJiels|e
|erJ wit| aea|e|s t|et |eil |ca
|ct| C|este|elJ 8 S|eelJ.
1 |11s I1
T|e twc ||ct|e|s,|ic Jcucie
erJ little Jcucie e|e utte|l]
uraiste|e|le irJi.iJuell],uut t|ea
cr stece tccet|e| ir e |erJ c|aet
erJ ]cu'.e cct |ewc||s.
1 ?||\ |I sII |I
/ll t|e c|.icus |ee|erce ucirts e|e
/ae|icer, |ut t|e|e's scaet|irc
Jesue|etel] Erclis| e|cut ell t|is, ir
airJ c t|e |erlerJ |c||c| stc|ies
c M.R. Jeaes, Bcw wcw cr t|e
u|cwl, wiuecut.
I1 |1I \111 sIs
wit| lcuJ, ||es| .ccels, cuttirc
|is erJ ucurJirc ||]t|as t|ei|
st]le is urli|e er] ct|e| |erJs et
t|e acaert...
?1 \|s\1
Russie's rest, K/|ElK0, ||irc
t|ei| cwr ||erJ c |eurtirc irJie
tc t|e ||cc 8 |e||ct. |]ueJ |]
BBC cMusic, t|e |erJ c|eete
etacsu|e|ic scurJsceues eacrc
irecticus ucu aelcJies.
11 I 1I||
wit| e scurJ Jesc|i|eJ es
"sue||lircl] aelcJic' T|e Retells
e|e rcw er este|lis|eJ, austsee
|erJ ir t|e .i||ert Scut| Yc||s|i|e
ausic scere.
t11 I |11
|e.irc u| t| tc
|e ac|e t|er ]cu| e.e|ece
irJie |cc| |erJ, t|e lcw cuite|
J| scurJ cca|ires |ee|telt
l]|ics wit| er urstcuue|le ere|c].
tt1 I I1
T|e Sui|es Jesc|i|e t|ei| scurJ
es 'elect|cacs|uit'. T|et aust |e
wc|t| e lcc|.
tI1 II1| \I|\
See |cr cut
I 1I I?\
1II1 |1?|\) |11|
Eccert|ic clu| ric|t ||ircs t|e cccJ
tiaes tc t|e 'lires.
t.111 I |11sI|| 1|
wei|J, ausicell] Ji.e|se erJ e|c.e
ell, er ewul lct c ur.
I.I11 II11 |1
Ercitirc rew ausicel u|cject |ca
/|c|ie 8 Be|tie.
1.t11 I|\ I\
T|e iaaersel] telerteJ M|. /t|e]
Je|uts |is rew scurJ et T|ealires.
11 11 1| 1|II\
||ertic s|eluur| aeJress |ca
Jeeuest Je||est Esser. Bic ir t|e
ccrce lire scere.
1 I11I |111I
+ uiece |eccee ect |ca
Merc|este|, c|illeJ .i|es erJ
|eeutiul |e|acries.
1 sI| 1s 1
Beers|ites ||irc t|ei| t|cuicel
scurJ erJ cccJ lcc|irc J|uaae| tc
t|e Cets|].
I1 I11
C|e/] elect|c eccustic cl| |ca t|is
lcttirc|ea |eseJ t|ic.
?1 I 1s1 1|1 1\ 1|
/ll ]cu||ite scrcs u|eleleeJ!
11 I1 s1 I 1I
0|uas, cuite|, uu|ic|t |ess.
|s]c|c|ill] sessicr sc|teJ.
t11 Is1 11I 1I1I
Eruect er irtersel] ere|cetic li.e
s|cw |ca t|is uiece s|e
uur|c]us]|e|Jcc|e |c|Je.
tt1 I\1ss1111 |s
Ere|c], uessicr, ertestic
ausiciers|iu, |ic ||ess erJ .ccel
I?\ 11ssII1
t1 1111\ II1' III 111
|||?1II\ 1I)
I1 I |1I 1s1|1
1Is\ 1 |1II1
||1? ||11| ?s)
11 |1s11 111' |1s\,
11| s1 ?|1 ||1?
11 111\ 11?' \\
|I1|1 |?|1 I|)
1 1I I|11?|\ |I
1 11. 11|I
I1 1s|| 1I|\ ||I|
?1 11ss||sI11 |sI|
1s 1)
11 1I 1s1| |1s1|
t11 \111\ \I1 |I11\
tt1 1\I1sI| |I11\
tI1 |11| ?s!

I 1s 1111
t.111 111sI11
B|irc ir T|ealires tc t|e scurJs c
T|e Sueciels, T|e Beet, MeJress,
BeJ Merre|s ,T|e Selecte|,
0esacrJ 0ec|e| 8 T|e /ces...Ycu
cet t|e uictu|e
1.111 1\ 1?s
/a]'s .cice |es wcr aer] ewe|Js,
ircluJirc 'Ycurc /|ts /we|J' es
Z00c wirre| c| '|e| cutsterJirc
ausicel telert, esueciell] ir sircirc
erJ w|itirc ausic'.
.111 I1 \ |1s
Ert|eal] telerteJ ausicier erJ |es
|eer |ca e .e|] ee|l] ece
.111 ?|1 |I ||
|ccel |erJ c|airc es e c|cuu |ca
.e|icus ct|e| |erJs ccae 'Blue
|iu |eel' wit| t|ei| selecticr c
elte|reti.elirJie t|ec|s
I.111 I1s ?||11
Ccurt|] erJ |lues eccustic ule]e| c
t|e |ic|est c|Je|.
?.111 I 11| 1I1s1
\II|s ?s1
Scurt|c|ue |c|r sirce|lscrcw|ite|
Me|c Mi|erJe |es wel|eJ t|e lcrc
|ceJ. Ste|tirc cut es e cre aer
s|cw cuerirc c| |erJs uu erJ
Jcwr t|e rc|t| c ErclerJ
6hapiooed as Ihe ost excitiog aod proisiog baod io
$heIheId" by 6 raw taIeot io 2008. AIso pIayiog Ihe Foru oo
Fresh Iro her sIot
oo the high prohIe
LeItheId stage
at Iastoobury,
race briogs her
poIiticaI soogs to
|1 s1
11|\ I1
pistola kicks
|11 s1 111I t1
_:::75$0/,1(625*8. :::75$0/,1(625*8._
1.111 1II s| t
Met wele |es |eer w|itirc erJ
|ecc|Jirc sirce ee|l] Z00+.
|uttirc cut 1/ E|s erJ ule]irc
wit| .e|icus |erJ u|cjects e|curJ
t|e wc|lJ.
t1.111 111 |11 II
eruect tc |ee| t|e |est McJlScull
S|ellc|t|e|rlMctcwr es well es
|e|e c0's |eet erJ R8B ceas te|irc
]cu irtc t|e ee|l] |cu|s
I1 11 s111|1|\ s1 I
11 |111Is
/ccleiaeJ S|eelJ sirce|
scrcw|ite| ue|c|as t|ec|s ir e
|e|est|iuueJJcwr eccustic set.
?1 1I\ 1
T|e wc|J cerius is |erJeJ e|cut
tcc auc| ir tcJe]'s scciet] |ut
Mi|e |uc|es is er erceuticr.
11 I 11I1 s1 I
\11|| 1sI1s
See |cr cut

I 1|\
11 11 1I 1 s1 1sI|111
I1 1I1
|ccel |cc| r'|cll
11 1II I11s1 ?s1
Ric|t Tu|re|s Bewe|e li|e tc ae|e
lcuJ ausic erJ s|cut.
11 |I\ |I1s
|c|aeJ ir S|eelJ ir lete Z009,
t|e] JeciJeJ tc reae t|ei| ausicel
ccllecti.e |i|es |icrs.
1 |IIsIs |I
Belee|ic s]rt| ucu. / |erJ w|c
seea tc cet |ette| wit| e.e|] s|cw
t|e] ule].
1 ?II1s |1|
/t t|e tiae c ccirc tc u|ess, t|is
|erJ |eJ crl] ule]eJ twc s|cws,
erJ e|e el|eeJ] u|ic|irc uu e
rua|e| c uecule's ee|s.
I1 I11 \11s I1 |11
||e.icusl] |rcwr es T|e Suue|est
|e||ies, Tcc Ycurc Tc |c.e e|e e
t|cuicel, .isuel, us]c|eJelic |erJ
|ca ltel].
?1 |I.|11.11
S|eelJ |erJ Cets.|c|.|e|u |e.e
|eer ule]irc tccet|e| sirce ee|l]
Z00/ erJ J|ew cr t|ei| lc.e c u|cc,
ucst|cc| erJ irJieucu.
11 II1s
|ette|rs useJ tc |e e |erJ w|c
cleiaeJ t|e] li|eJ tc ae|e lcuJ
ausic ir Je||l] lit |ccas. But cut c
t|e Je||ress ccaes lic|t.
t11 I |1s |1I|\
0e|ut el|ua wes |eleeseJ ee|lie|
t|is ]ee|.
tt1 \ |III
0|ewirc irsui|eticr |ca Jiscc,
|ur|, elect|c erJ letelJ ucu,
t|e lest 1Z acrt|s |e.e |eer er
ercitirc jcu|re] c| S|e|e /letti.
tI1 \11|
/t 19 ]ee|s clJ, Clesccw |eseJ
u|cJuce| Kc|eless c|eetes e serse
c suece ir |is ausic t|et scae
suerJ e lietiae t|]irc tc ec|ie.e.
t1 t111
Scue|e|eeJ is er 1c ]ee|clJ
u|cJuce| |ca S|eelJ. |e.irc crl]
|eer u|cJucirc c| e|cut e ]ee|, |e's
el|eeJ] |ecei.eJ |uce uleuJits.
I1 ||s
C|ecer is e ]curc u|cJuce| w|c |es
.e|] cuic|l] |iser tc u|cairerce.
11 11\
0MK is cre c t|e acst eJeute|le
0Js e|curJ. |is c|cice c t|ec|s is
|ee.] erJ |e |rcws |cw tc cet er]
Jercecc| ccirc.
11I1s t?1
1| I s11I. ?s1
|1|\1 |111 I
s11I1s sI|s1
I.I11 1sII Is 1I1
Mele]sier |c|r, Sirceuc|e ||eJ erJ
rcw S|eelJ |eseJ, 0wic|t sircs
uctert l]|ics utilisirc |is cuite| erJ
11 \I1I\ 111\s
Ki|st] tells stc|ies w|ic| e|e cter
eutc|icc|eu|icel, elsc iruerceJ |]
t|e |eeut] erJ aelerc|cl] c t|e
c|est t|et s|e c|ew uu ir.
1.111 11I\s 1|1|\
/te| e |ecert sulit |ca t|e
S|eelJ |erJ 'Reueet /te| Me',
Me|t]r is uus|irc |is sclc ce|ee|
li|e re.e| |ec|e.
1.111 1s\\ 111\
|ur|] 0c|e] e|e e .euiece |erJ
|ca t|e scut|siJe c Clesccw.
.I11 I 1I1I
T|e Ricts e|e e cu|uiece |ca
Stc|e t|et cculJ eesil] |e t|e rert
c|eet |erJ c cu| cere|eticr.
.t11 II |II\ 1s
/ |lerJ c |ercirc cl| erJ eccustic
elect|c, sircirc tures c |cue,
Jesuei| erJ t|e Mecirct |ire.
I1 |1sII1s
|e]s |caece tc Merc|este|'s
ausicel |e|itece wit|cut eelirc t|e
reeJ tc |iu it c c| iaitete it.
?1 |II11 |Is
?.11 11sI1 I|s1
Mcrste| lslerJ ule]s ausic usirc e
J|ua |it, e |ess cuite| erJ e erJe|
teleceste| elect|ic cuite|.
t11 11\ 11I1s
0J suirrirc t|e rest |eel |lec|
ulestic til t|e .e|] erJ. Eruect e
sac|ces|c|J c eu|el uleesu|e.
|\ |II\ |11
|\ |11 I.
1|| |I| 1| Iss1|II\
tI.111 ?111
0e|utirc t|ei| uricueis| |lerJ c
c|ees] |cc| c| erJ us]c|eJelic
iau|c.iseticrs wit| |ets lcc|irc e
st|crc ucssi|ilit].
t.t1 1I1 1s I
|1I 11
/ cu|uiece ccaeJ] cl| 8 |cc|
cutt wit| e ew ac|e se|icus
rua|e|s erJ t|e cJJ erc]
irst|uaertel t|ec| t||cwr irtc
t|e air.
t.1 ?11\s I111\
B|c|er Setu|Je]'s |lese euu|cec|
tc scrc w|itirc |es |esulteJ ir
scaet|irc t|et ae] c| ae] rct |e
wc|t| listerirc tcc.
I.11 \\ I1
/ suue|| li.e ect t|et will |lcw
]cu ewe] wit| t|ei| |ic scurJ erJ
J|i.irc e||erceaerts.
1.t1 I 11I1 |1|\1
|e|acriseJ .ccels, c|icirel
scrcw|itirc es well es cc.e|s
cca|ire wit| er ere|cetic erJ
jc]cus steces|cw.
11 11| |1s\|1|
S|eelJ's |es|est ur| |erJ.
T|e] use je// erJ scul wit|ir t|ei|
c|icirel, .i||ert aete|iel erJ ae|e e
su|u|isirc ccllecticr c ur| cc.e|s
scurJ li|e t|ei| cwr.
1.11 |\ t |II
|e] 8 |ette e|e er eccustic cl|l
|lues Juc eetu|irc /rre|e |ette
cr .ccels erJ Tca |e] cr eccustic
.111 11s111s1 \I1
Rure|curJ KiJs e|e e t||ee uiece
w|c ule] est, rcis] ucu scrcs.
|cllcwirc ue|c|aerces et |eeJs
erJ ReeJirc, t|e] |eleeseJ t|ei|
Je|ut sircle lest ]ee|.
.I1.1 I?s
I.t1I.11 |11s1I
|c|rs, Viclir, /ccc|Jier, Cuite|,
0cu|le Bess, Kit erJ Vccels aircle
tccet|e| tc c|eete e uricue erJ
ercitirc scurJ.
I 1?
1s11 I I1.
|1sIs 1I?I|II\
|1Is1|\ sII||1? 11s
?\ 1| sII |1sIs
1I?I|III s1 II1
tI1 ?I II
/ li.el] erJ well este|lis|eJ
J|uaairc c|cuu t|et e|e ue|t c t|e
|ewracwe|s Clu| erJ K|c|cJile
K|ew |ca Cetes|eeJ.
t1 I I1
T|e |erJ w|cte erJ |ecc|JeJ t|ei|
urJe| t|e Ste|s ert|ea ee|lie| t|is
]ee|, erJ |e.e |eer li|ereJ tc Jc]
I1 I 11II11
/ ter uiece |erJ |eseJ ir |eeJs.
Eruect e li.el] s|cw.
pete david and the payroll union
1\I1s 11
Whiskey-soaked Aericaoa with a ooose rouod its oeck.
I1 1| I1I
See |cr cut
11 \1
T|e ultiaete ue|t] |erJ. Ert|eae
s|cwaers|iu, e wiJe |erce c
cc.e|s erJ c|icirel aete|iel erJ
c|eet irte|ecticr wit| t|e c|cwJ.
|11 s1 111I
t1 1s sI||I11s
Sc wetc| t|is suece c| scrcs t|et
ae|e ]cu wee ]cu|sel, erJ ]cu
ae] rJ ] st|ercel]
e|cuseJ ir t|e ee| Jeue|taert,
erjc] r ..
I.t1 sI||I1 ?1I1s
will's st]le is |crest erJ t|e|e's
t|eceJ] ir |is .cice erJ l]|ics.
/r]cre w|c |es e.e| werteJ c|
scaet|irc will wert c| ac|e.
T|ir| R]er eJeas wit| t|e sculul
Jeeuress c Ric|e|J /s|c|ct.
11 1 1| |1s|11)
11 11?1 |1I
Ru|e|le|is e|e e .e uiece irJiels|e
|erJ wit| aea|e|s t|et |eil |ca
|ct| C|este|elJ 8 S|eelJ.
1 |11s I1
T|e twc ||ct|e|s,|ic Jcucie
erJ little Jcucie e|e utte|l]
uraiste|e|le irJi.iJuell],uut t|ea
cr stece tccet|e| ir e |erJ c|aet
erJ ]cu'.e cct |ewc||s.
1 ?||\ |I sII |I
/ll t|e c|.icus |ee|erce ucirts e|e
/ae|icer, |ut t|e|e's scaet|irc
Jesue|etel] Erclis| e|cut ell t|is, ir
airJ c t|e |erlerJ |c||c| stc|ies
c M.R. Jeaes, Bcw wcw cr t|e
u|cwl, wiuecut.
I1 |1I \111 sIs
wit| lcuJ, ||es| .ccels, cuttirc
|is erJ ucurJirc ||]t|as t|ei|
st]le is urli|e er] ct|e| |erJs et
t|e acaert...
?1 \|s\1
Russie's rest, K/|ElK0, ||irc
t|ei| cwr ||erJ c |eurtirc irJie
tc t|e ||cc 8 |e||ct. |]ueJ |]
BBC cMusic, t|e |erJ c|eete
etacsu|e|ic scurJsceues eacrc
irecticus ucu aelcJies.
11 I 1I||
wit| e scurJ Jesc|i|eJ es
"sue||lircl] aelcJic' T|e Retells
e|e rcw er este|lis|eJ, austsee
|erJ ir t|e .i||ert Scut| Yc||s|i|e
ausic scere.
t11 I |11
|e.irc u| t| tc
|e ac|e t|er ]cu| e.e|ece
irJie |cc| |erJ, t|e lcw cuite|
J| scurJ cca|ires |ee|telt
l]|ics wit| er urstcuue|le ere|c].
tt1 I I1
T|e Sui|es Jesc|i|e t|ei| scurJ
es 'elect|cacs|uit'. T|et aust |e
wc|t| e lcc|.
tI1 II1| \I|\
See |cr cut
I 1I I?\
1II1 |1?|\) |11|
Eccert|ic clu| ric|t ||ircs t|e cccJ
tiaes tc t|e 'lires.
t.111 I |11sI|| 1|
wei|J, ausicell] Ji.e|se erJ e|c.e
ell, er ewul lct c ur.
I.I11 II11 |1
Ercitirc rew ausicel u|cject |ca
/|c|ie 8 Be|tie.
1.t11 I|\ I\
T|e iaaersel] telerteJ M|. /t|e]
Je|uts |is rew scurJ et T|ealires.
11 11 1| 1|II\
||ertic s|eluur| aeJress |ca
Jeeuest Je||est Esser. Bic ir t|e
ccrce lire scere.
1 I11I |111I
+ uiece |eccee ect |ca
Merc|este|, c|illeJ .i|es erJ
|eeutiul |e|acries.
1 sI| 1s 1
Beers|ites ||irc t|ei| t|cuicel
scurJ erJ cccJ lcc|irc J|uaae| tc
t|e Cets|].
I1 I11
C|e/] elect|c eccustic cl| |ca t|is
lcttirc|ea |eseJ t|ic.
?1 I 1s1 1|1 1\ 1|
/ll ]cu||ite scrcs u|eleleeJ!
11 I1 s1 I 1I
0|uas, cuite|, uu|ic|t |ess.
|s]c|c|ill] sessicr sc|teJ.
t11 Is1 11I 1I1I
Eruect er irtersel] ere|cetic li.e
s|cw |ca t|is uiece s|e
uur|c]us]|e|Jcc|e |c|Je.
tt1 I\1ss1111 |s
Ere|c], uessicr, ertestic
ausiciers|iu, |ic ||ess erJ .ccel
I?\ 11ssII1
t1 1111\ II1' III 111
|||?1II\ 1I)
I1 I |1I 1s1|1
1Is\ 1 |1II1
||1? ||11| ?s)
11 |1s11 111' |1s\,
11| s1 ?|1 ||1?
11 111\ 11?' \\
|I1|1 |?|1 I|)
1 1I I|11?|\ |I
1 11. 11|I
I1 1s|| 1I|\ ||I|
?1 11ss||sI11 |sI|
1s 1)
11 1I 1s1| |1s1|
t11 \111\ \I1 |I11\
tt1 1\I1sI| |I11\
tI1 |11| ?s!

I 1s 1111
t.111 111sI11
B|irc ir T|ealires tc t|e scurJs c
T|e Sueciels, T|e Beet, MeJress,
BeJ Merre|s ,T|e Selecte|,
0esacrJ 0ec|e| 8 T|e /ces...Ycu
cet t|e uictu|e
1.111 1\ 1?s
/a]'s .cice |es wcr aer] ewe|Js,
ircluJirc 'Ycurc /|ts /we|J' es
Z00c wirre| c| '|e| cutsterJirc
ausicel telert, esueciell] ir sircirc
erJ w|itirc ausic'.
.111 I1 \ |1s
Ert|eal] telerteJ ausicier erJ |es
|eer |ca e .e|] ee|l] ece
.111 ?|1 |I ||
|ccel |erJ c|airc es e c|cuu |ca
.e|icus ct|e| |erJs ccae 'Blue
|iu |eel' wit| t|ei| selecticr c
elte|reti.elirJie t|ec|s
I.111 I1s ?||11
Ccurt|] erJ |lues eccustic ule]e| c
t|e |ic|est c|Je|.
?.111 I 11| 1I1s1
\II|s ?s1
Scurt|c|ue |c|r sirce|lscrcw|ite|
Me|c Mi|erJe |es wel|eJ t|e lcrc
|ceJ. Ste|tirc cut es e cre aer
s|cw cuerirc c| |erJs uu erJ
Jcwr t|e rc|t| c ErclerJ
6hapiooed as Ihe ost excitiog aod proisiog baod io
$heIheId" by 6 raw taIeot io 2008. AIso pIayiog Ihe Foru oo
Fresh Iro her sIot
oo the high prohIe
LeItheId stage
at Iastoobury,
race briogs her
poIiticaI soogs to
|1 s1
11|\ I1
pistola kicks
|11 s1 111I t1
mabel love
I |11I|| t11
$upported both Artic Mookeys aod MiIes kaoe, this baod Iook
Iike the boys ost IikeIy to break big this year.
$ioger/soogwriter $arah
Mac is $heIheId's IittIe
sarah mac
I |I?11\
II1 I1
11 I ?I11s
T|is ||illiertl] telerteJ |erJ |es
ule]eJ elcrcsiJe |cccie wcccie
uierc lecerJ Jccls |cllerJ erJ
ue|c|aeJ c| |i.e /iJ suu|eac Si|
Bc| CelJc.
11 |IIIIsI
|ccel twc uiece - 'irtellectuel |eu
wit| ere|cetic ue|c|aerce'
1.111 I I1
1 11s1 Is
||e.icusl] |er|]s Ce|uet S|iu
|Z00cZ009, t|e |erJ |eJ e ||ie
sulit tc wc|| cr ct|e| u|cjects crl]
tc |etu|r ir Z010 wit| e rew reae,
|ereweJ .e|.e erJ ert|usiesa c|
w|itirc erJ ue|c|airc.
I1 I 1I1|I 1\
Ve|] auc| |ccteJ ir S|eelJ, |ut
t|ei| scurJ is iruerceJ |] e auc|
||ceJe| suect|ua.
?1 |\111s1 1|I
S|eelJ elect|cluculJerce ect,
|le]c|curJ Mee |e.e |eer cr t|e
scere c| elacst t||ee ]ee|s rcw.
11 1s|?|\ I11
Rcc|l|lues erJ irJie cc.e|s |ca
t|is li.el] 5 uiece S|eelJ |erJ.
t11 11s I1 ?
Reescrs tc |e C|ee|ul ule] t|e
|est |ur| erJ lew we.e ausic
|ca 19// tc 19cZ.
I1sI11 I11|Is Is
1I||ssI11 t11
/|icer 0|uaairc c| juric|s,
Ci|cus S|ills wit| Sweau Ci|cus 8
C|ilJ|er's |ei|c|curJ RiJes
\1II 1
t1 11||s1
/ .e|] sueciel eccustic ue|c|aerce
t|e aisc|ie.cus Vclcerces e|e |ct
li|e e lese| |eea, //irc wit| iJees
erJ ir ull ausicel tec|ricclc|.
I |11I||
??| IsI1111|Is I
Is 1|III1s sII I
|11I|| |1||1s1 ?\
||I|1' ?II Is1I
||1? sII 1sI| ?111
1111 1
.t1 |1 Is1
|c|aeJ ir Z010, u|cue| S|eelJ
.111 I s\s||
I.11 I|sI
I.111 s11
I.1 ?||\ ||1s1
?.I11 11?1|1I
lrJieS|e cutt wit| aea|e|s |ca
S|eelJ erJ C|este|elJ.
?.11 I |1I|
Ccirc |ca st|erct| tc st|erct|
sirce ule]irc tc c00 uecule et t|ei|
seccrJ cic, et er 0esis ete| s|cw
1.t11 II11|I
ScurJ c euic u|cuc|ticrs w|ic|
aires elect|cric Jerce wit| |cc|
erJ |cll.
1.11 11I|I 11s
0re c t|e acst u|cairert reaes ir
S|eelJ ausic, airirc irte|estirc
aelcJies erJ ||]t|as.
t11 1?| |11
See |cr cut.
t1.111 I 11sI|s
|ee.] |cc|irc 3uiece cu||ertl]
ceusirc e sti|.
tt1 11s1 1| 1s
/|cue|l] t|e |iccest scurJ ir
|i.e|uccl |ic|t rcw...T|e]'|e t|e
rew u|irces c t|e cit]
I |I?11\ II1
1 1 1|
See |cr cut
I1 I1??\ I\|11
Er|e||iscrs |crtaer rcw w|itirc
|eeutiul uierc erJ .iclir scrcs.
?1 |11I \Is
Recertl] ule]eJ et t|e eaeJ
SXSw esti.el ir Teres erJ lsle
0 wic|t.
11 I |1|\11 ||1|\
Eccert|ic ||eir c|ilJ c |eul lrerti
erJ Scu|ie Tces, rcw e ull] eJceJ
siruiece s]au|cric |eest.
t11 I 11I11\
T|e |u|cetc|] |le]e|s ea|cJ]
t|eJiticrelisa ir aer] serses,
w|ilst eau|esis elwe]s |eaeirirc
|al] cr u|cc|essicr erJ c|we|J
acaertua e|tisticell].
tt1 I 1I
T|e |csts e|e ir t|et sueciel ceau
c |e.irc |ct| ste|lirc ausiciers|iu
erJ c|eet cetc|] scrcs.
1|1 11
11I|I1' |.
|11II| ?1 |I
t1 I1 |1I?11
I.t1 1s1\ I1ss
1.111 1s sI||I11s
1.11 Is ?1III
1 |11| ss 1s?s1
I.t1 1\s | |I\
Je|e |lcwe|s' rew u|cject uu wit|
will |ca Je|e |lcwe|s |erJ cr
|ess erJ |ec|irc .cr.
?.111 1\11 1||
1|1 s1 I
ResiJert 0Js |eetu|irc lic| |ee|s,
0cu|le 0eria, wet lurs, T|e
0eet| Re]s c /|Jille, Cet|e|ire
Ve|re Bertle], Me|| |le|e|t], Jcrr]
Mclei|, / 0cc CelleJ wcc erJ S|ull
8 Bcres
1 sI|\ 11?Is
I1 1s 11
lile Me|| is e rireteer ]ee| clJ
scrcw|ite| erJ cuite| w|c ue|c|as
urJe| t|e reae Mer MeJe. |e wes
eetu|eJ ir t|e 0|se|.e| Mece/ire
es cre c t|e ccurt|]'s tcu rew
1I |11\
1\ 11 1sI...
.111 I 1I||
"|cst uur| irJie ucu', "sue||lircl]
aelcJic' erJ "euic'.
.t1 ?1|||1 ?1s
T|is |eeJs t|ic ae|e ac|e
rcise t|er e t||ee uiece s|culJ,
eruerJirc t|ei| scurJ wit| eects,
lccus erJ |ew ucwe|.
I1 |11 I 1I ?|
'lew' cu| uiece |erJ. T|e] e|e
e weeu 'til ]e Jucts |urret| e|iJ'
.ertu|e ceuitelist |erJ c| Jeci|el
?1 I ?1
T|e |eel .cice c ]curc ErclerJ
w|c Jeli.e| e lc|t|e|r uetcis c.e|
clessic iruerces |ca T|e Cles| tc
T|e Sueciels.
11 II I |I1
wit| e swit J|uaae|, scae
Jistc|ticr erJ e |eell] ur, |ictcus
|crtaer, Sei/e T|e C|ei| ule] er
erjc]e|le ||erJ c c|uccirc cee|
|cc| wit| e Jistirctl] B|itis| eel.
t11 I sI|1s
T|e Certleaer's u|clic li.e s|cws
|e.e wcr t|ea aer] ers erJ
Friday: 2pm ~ to be conhrmed
Spm ~ Noneofyour Business
4pm ~ The VeIcro Teddy Bears
5pm ~ Citrus Lines
6pm ~ The Hudares
7pm ~ Dirty Fortune
Spm ~ Sour Cherry
Saturday: 2pm ~ Led Tango
Spm ~ JuIian Jones
4pm ~ Noneofyour Business
5pm ~ Winnibegoes
5.45pm ~ BIind Drivers Band
6.45pm ~ EmiIy Jane Stancer
7.45pm ~Sour Cherry
Sunday: 2pm - Conor Houston
Spm - PauI Rich
4pm ~ Lorenz Attractor
5pm ~ Scrim
6pm ~ Evening MeaI and the After Party
7pm ~ ChronicIes of Graham
Spm ~ Kids with Radios
Tigerworks_HP_tramlines_f2011.indd 1 7/12/2011 12:35:45 PM
t|ei| |e|Jwc||irc et|cs, cetc|]
scrcs erJ certleaerl] aerre|s
will su|el] see t|ea wir t|cuserJs
ac|e ir t|e utu|e.
tt1 |11I \Is
/ cui||] set c scrcs wit| tu|
t|uauirc |ese lires, s|u//] cuite|s
erJ uurc|] |e|acries.
tI1 \|I1s t I
1I\ 1|\I
S|eletcrs 8 T|e Eaut] |cc|ets
we|e c|aeJ |ca t|e es|es c
e S|eelJ |erJ wit| e e|ce
|euuteticr c| t|e |est li.e s|cw
ir t|e uK.
t11 1\11 1I
T|e XRe] |c]s, J|cuuirc tec|rc,
clea |cc| , scul erJ |leeu urtil t|e
ee|l] |cu|s

I111I/11I I\
|1, I\ I\1... s1
I\ 11 11I|
?1 I 11I1 |1|\1
11 1I1 1|I1s
t11 ?|\s ?s1II
tt1|I1 s I1111 1I
1I I ||1I1
1.?1 1sI. I ||111
11I|)1I' |111 1t1
T|e |Z |c]s e|e cr |e. SicreJ tc
|cuc's |e|el '|c|a' c| t|ei| uu
ccairc 'Cccc |ccc Eu', rctc|irc uu
euuee|erces et Zcc ||cject l|i/e,
erJ |urrirc t|ei| cwr ric|t |ia|c
et Jcs|ue B|cc|es. |lus Reece
Jc|rscr |0e.Buc, Ste.e |]rea
|0e.Buc, Se|ite |/uJecicus, Siacr
|e||is |Meti|, Me|tir Beree|
|/uue|iticr, Rc|e|t MellirJe| 8
Jc|Jer |cue.
111 I\11
|I| I 1Is?1|
t.11 I?|
I.11 sI11 11
?sI I 111s
/r l|is| e.ertcl|ls|cece/e
|erJ wit| |eurtirc aelcJies erJ
irt|icete scrc st|uctu|es.
1.11 t1|11
Krcwr c| t|ei| irt|icete erJ
suell|irJirc |lerJ c je// iau|c.
erJ cl| erJ rcteJ c| t|ei|
sersiti.e irte|ecticr erJ susteireJ
1.11 |I1| 1I1I
Beeutiul eccustic tertu|es erJ
wistul ucetic l]|ics.
.11 |1| s111|111
/ cl| iruerceJ, sirce| scrcw|ite|
erJ eccustic cuite|ist, Ce|l eaulc]s
elte|rete turircs, e |]||iJ uic|irc
st]le erJ e use c t|e cuite| es e
ue|cussi.e irst|uaert.
I1 IsI |11s\I
|e| su|tle erJ eceless .ccels
||irc tc lie t|e s|itirc eacticrel
ruerces c t|e t|eJiticrel B|itis|
cl| scrcs s|e ae|es |e| cwr.
?1 I 1II
lrcc|uc|etirc ell c| rcre c
t|e cllcwirc |esscr, .iclir,
.cice, Jcu|le |ess, |erc| |c|r,
clcc|ersuiel, cle|iret, aerJclir,
11 |1II\ |II
T|is |ic|l] eccleiaeJ cireaetic
ucst |cc| |erJ aereces tc cca|ire
Jelicete cl| irsui|eJ aelcJies wit|
ull cr us]c|eJelic rcise.
t11 I?s
Sie|er is e cre aer cutt, elt|cuc|
tc sterJ cutsiJe erJ lister ]cu'J
rJ it |e|J tc |elie.e..
11 11|1\
Su|ER|ee| e|e |ca Yc||s|i|e
erJ c|aeJ ir Z00+. Seealessl]
cca|irirc ucu, |cc|, |iu |cu erJ
1 I 11s
T|e Resucrse e|e e ]curc S|eelJ
|erJ w|c e|e |ecirrirc tc ceir
|ecccriticr ir t|e cit]. T|ei| st]le is
iruerceJ |] |ct| elect|c erJ irJie.
1 |I1| 1II1s
I1 1|111|
See |cr cut.
?1 I 1?\
wit| scrcs t|et will ae|e ]cu
leuc|, saile, Jerce erJ sirc erJ e
|elereJ serse c ur stece u|eserce
t|ese .e leJs e|e rct tc |e aisseJ.
11 I s11I
Sirce c|airc ir Z010, T|e lc|t|
|e.e |eer Jesc|i|eJ es |e.irc 'e
|ic scurJ' erJ |e.e ule]eJ aer]
c|eet .erues ircluJirc e |eeJaill
cic suuuc|tirc TwisteJ w|eel.
t1111 |11 1 1s1
C/RC0 ir ccrjurcticr wit| t|e |iJs
et ||0l0 |etu|rs tc its clJ |cae
S/w/ c| e |REE T|ealires sueciel
eetu|irc 0E/l MuS|ll |e.|.e
Bee|weesel 3 |cu| set.
I \1
t1 11s ?11|| sI
0cr Be||ell Certs is e cclle|c|eticr
|etweer ausiciers /rJ] wel|e|
erJ |ee ErclerJ.
I1 1I 1s
Music stuJert w|c's c|cwr uu
cr je// cu|es suc| es |it/ce|elJ,
|cliJe] erJ /|ast|crc.
11 |II ss1s
lcelerJic sirce|lscrcw|ite|, rcw
|esiJert ir |crJcr, c|ae| sirce|
wit| Bellet|ir |rcwr c| |e| u|ulele
leJ scrcs.
11 ?|111?1
/r eccert|ic |lerJ c aet| |cc|,
ucst |cc| erJ sct aelcJic irJie
wit| irt|icete |ess erJ J|ua
uette|rs |ereet| twc |e|acrisirc
cute|s erJ ucetic .ccels.
1 1I1 11||1
|ic| ere|c], lc, erJ e|le tc
scricell] |eulicete t|e eelirc ]cu
cet w|er e ci|l u|esses |e| cuer
uela cr ]cu| will].
1 |I1 ?s1
I1 ?|111 11s
?1 ||I |?|
/r irsui|ircl] euu|c|ic |erJ wit|
e |e|J|ittirc cl|'r'|cll scurJ
irtec|etirc eleaerts c |lues erJ
irJie |cc| c.e| scc|eJ |] sce|irc
cu|ue|t |e|acries.
11 |11 I|\ |1I
|ccse Tel| Ccsts | u|esert e
Ji.e|se c|a c ucuule| ausic te|irc
iruerce |ca e|tists suc| es |cu|
B|ct|e|s, 0wls erJ Ste.e Reic|.
t11 \Is |I|
Kirc Ceuisce e|e e |es| erJ
ercitirc c|cuu c irst|uaertelists.
Cell t|ea '|cstJe//' c| '|cstRcc|'
wit| e |eelt|] air c t|e ct|e|, t|ei|
scurJ Jees cer|e ste|ect]ues clJ
erJ rew.
tt1 I |s1 1| I I
?||\ IsI||
I 1s1111
1 1 1 I s 111sIIs
/r e.erirc c wc|Js 8 uictu|es,
cl|, ucu 8 erue|iaertel ausic
1 I1 s111s
.111 Is ?11||
I.t1 1I s|
?1 |1s 111
?.11 I1 ?s|I
1.111 I1s I. s| t I
I1II |1|
t1.t1 I1 III
tt.111 1?1I11
1\1 |I1 t s 11I|
/r ete|rccr c st|iuueJ |ec|
eccustic sets |ca scae c ]cu||ite lccel |erJs erJ e|tists.
t.t11 1I|\ Is|1
t.111 I sI|1s
T|e Certleaer e|e |e|e erJ erist
c| cre |eescr tc w|ite ucutestic
scrcs t|et will ue|sueJe ]cu| |ius
tc ac.e |ca siJe tc siJe.
I.I11 Is |1||I|1
|I |1I|)
11 11\ sI|1|
/r e|tist w|c cca|ires t|e use
c |is ea|iJert|cus ue|cussi.e
eccustic tec|ricue wit| |is
Jesc|iuti.e, Jeeu erJ uessicrete
1.111 Is ?1III
St|crc aelcJies, e Jistircuis|eJ,
sculul .cice erJ test] cuite|
1.t11 1I|\ |\
0e|| erJ uessicrete aelcJies
cca|ireJ wit| |itte| sweet l]|ics.
1.11 |1I \111 sIs
/ cu| uiece cu||ertl] ||ee|irc
crtc t|e B|itis| ausic scere. wit|
lcuJ, ||es| .ccels, cuttirc |is erJ
ucurJirc ||]t|as.
.111 I ?1ssIs
Zeuu B|erricer cca|ire sacct|
|cc|s erJ irecticus aelcJies wit|
witt], leuc| cut lcuJ, erJ et tiaes
Frevious Iive shows have beeo described as 'Ierocious', aod
gaioed the Iaos such as e Archer aod Nick 'MaIIey.
s I1
|ee|t w|erc|irc l]|ics.
.t11 |1 ||I11\
I1 ?|1 |I ||
T|ir| ee|l] St|c|es erJ |its
c Yee| Yee| Yee|s. T|e scrcs e|e
|ic| wit| |e|acric |is erJ |ct
I.111 1| 111sII\
1I I
11 |I 1I s1\
I11s?1|| s1 |1I
II1 s11\
I1 sI 11 \11 ssI Is
11 I1|Is I1s
11 |1 Is1
1 1I|\ Is Is|1
1 ?|Is1 11I11 ?s1
I1 I.?.|.
?1 111 |11\
11 1I II|| |I
11 I ?||\ 1
S|eeJ cl| |erJ.
11 1|I |1I1 ?s1
|c| t|e |st tiae /aelie is e|le tc
ull] erulc|e t|e |erce c |e| .cice,
|ca ucwe|ul |cc|, t||cuc| tc sct
je// erJ sculul |lues.
I1111 t11
t111 ?\ s\ 1s
S|eelJ's TuJc| Scue|e |eccaes
er 0l]auic |urrirc t|ec| c| t|e
Je]! /|ts c|ceriseticrs, suc|ts
c|cuus erJ ccaaurit] c|cuus,
|erJs, Jerce|s, uecule ir erc]
J|ess, |ea|le|s, |ritte|s, stilt
wel|e|s, c]arests, sirce|s erJ
ac|e w|c will |e leuuirc t|e t|ec|.
1sI11II\ 11
I1 || 11
1.t1 |1Is 1
wicceJ cut us]c|eJelic |cc|e|s
1.111 I ?s1II1
|ur| |erJ iruerceJ |] T|e Cles|,
|ee| erJ cccJ tiaes
.11 I1| II
0crceste| |eseJ ce|eceuur|
5 uiece. |e|J |ittirc erJ ert||ellirc.
I 1Is
tI1 II|| I.111
1||11 ?s1 ||11II|)
1I11s1 1s\ ||11II|)
|1| 11?|I t 1I
ule]irc s|e, uur| erJ |eccee
1I1 Is ||I|1
I1 1I11 11II1s
I.111 1sI1| sIs1
11 |I|\ 1I
1.111 |1II11 ?I??\
11 || 1 |I I1ss\
1.11 |1I |1s11I
.t1 sI| I1
.11 1|1 11 1I'
.t1 1I|11 sI||I1
.11 1|I1 II
I.t1 I1I |1?
I.11 I I
?.t11 11s111
?.11 ?|1
1.t1 111sI|1
1.11 1sI| sI1|||
t1.111 s\1
l]|e |es |eer u|cuelleJ irtc
t|e ee|s, |ee|ts erJ sets c sc
aer] uecule |eceuse c |is
urJerie|le uessicr, tec|ricue, erJ
||eet|te|irc e|ilit] tc cc.e| e |uce
eacurt c ausicel c|curJ.
tt.111 |1I 11|\s|I|1
/r irte|reticrell] |esuecteJ 0J erJ
u|cJuce|. Ste|teJ c lie es t|et
.cice ir t|e seairel |e.e t|er |]
/ste|ir 8 Suece.
tI.111 |1
t1 ?11\ I|?\ |11)
t.111 1I\I1
I1 |1\ 'sI

sI 1s 11
tI1 ?|1 ||1\
tI.11 \\| 11?1I1s
t.111 |\111s1 1|I
I.t1 I1 t 1I ?11I\
11 1 s
1.11 I111II
1.111 sII\
.t1 |1s\ I1s\I
.11 I1ss\ I1s1s
.111 11 1\
15 ]ee|s cr t|e |eJic, Z5 ]ee|s cr
t|e Jec|s. , |e wes t|e |st B|itis|
0J tc ule] uleces li|e /ust|elie,
Scut| /ae|ice, t|e uS/, /sie erJ
|e]crJ. / lecerJ ae|e rc asite|e
?1 1| |1
I sI s1
11 I1 1s 1\ I 1
t ??t |111 1
1 11 I1 1s
ResiJert tu|rte|lists ule] |eets
cutsiJe cr t|e te||ece.
11 |1\s
0e|| erJ |ess] urJe|c|curJ |iu |cu
|ca S|eelJ.
t11 ?1 II 1|111
0re c scut| Yc||s|i|e's |est |iu
|cu le|els ||ircs e s|cwcese c
telert tc t|ealires.
tt1 I \
S|eelJ MC u|cJucirc c|eet l]|icel
scrcs wit| c|icirel |eets.
tI1 1I s\s |\
|c|ae| lic|tae|es 0r wer 0J,
eae/irc tec|irel e|ilit] es seer et
C|eeaelJs erJ Scre|.
t1 1I\ 1s||
Micc] Merecles cca|ires eae/irc
tec|ricel telert wit| c|cwJ irtuiticr
w|ic| cets e.e|]cre juauirc.
Scaetiaes ir t|e |ic|t uleces.
I11 11 I1 1s
1I1sI 1I
ResiJerts ule] clJ sc|ccl clessics tc
see cut t|e ric|t.
sI I1I |I1
11||||1I. |1|| Is1I
11|\ I|sI tI s11s II||
Blues |cc| |eet cca|c.
|I1 111
|ccel leJs erJ irJie |cc|e|s.
I |1||I1
T|e |est t|irc tc ccae cut c
Scurt|c|ue sirce t|e M1c1.
I 1 ?1\
/lwe]s Jeli.e| t|e cccJs.
I |III| |Is1
0e.ilis|l] cccJ irJie.
||II ?t
Mea|e|s c t|e Mile |ic| Clu|.
I |11
Rcc| cc.e| |erJ Jiscc.e| t|e 'Rec
t111 1I Is1?||
ResiJert erJ e.e|]cre's|ite
'Circe|' ule]irc er eclectic air c
Jercee|le tureece.

I sII |I1s
11 |1Is 11\
|ertestic li.e |erJ.
sI|\ I ?1I s1
11 1s1 1|1 1\ 1|
I1 II|| |I I ?1?1
1I|1 |?
|le] Mctcwr, |cc| 8 |cll, scul,
Jerce erJ cc| lle|s.
_:::75$0/,1(625*8. :::75$0/,1(625*8._
1Is I
111sI1 1s
t.t1 I 11|\
1ssI ?11I1
S|eelJ's u|eaie| u|ulele c|cuu
ue|c|a c|ilte| cc.e|s c clessic
ucu |its tc cuer SurJe]'s Meir
Stece lireuu.
I.t1 11 1s
||es| |ca e suuuc|t slct wit|
/|ctic Mcr|e]s et t|ei| |ecert
0cr Velle] Bcwl s|cws, lccel |c]s
0eeJ Scrs ue|c|a Je||, ||ccJirc
1.t1 I |111\
T|e lccelleJsJcrecccJ te|e
e ||ee| |ca t|ei| jeauec|eJ
suaae| sc|eJule erJ rcrstcu
tcu|irc tc ue|c|a t|ei| |cre]
.ciceJ, urJe|steteJ irJieucu.
1.t1 I sI11 ?s1
0esc|i|irc t| es 'u|ctc
|c|c cl|' erJ sicreJ tc ewescae
Sccttis| irJie le|el C|eai|el
urJe|c|curJ sirce Z00c.
.t1 I1ss\ |11Is1
T||ee uiece |etu|r tc T|ealires
|e.irc ule]eJ e luJic|cusl] c.e|
su|sc|i|eJ s|cw et t|e ireucu|el
.t1 I |1I111
C|cwJuleesirc sircelcrcs suc|
es '0ecert 0e]s 8 lic|ts' erJ
'|curJs c |c.e' |e.e secu|eJ
t|e SurJe|lerJ |erJ's ulece es e
esti.el austsee.
See |cr cut.
?1\1 11|
11|1 I11I 1sI
tI.t1 |1|s
S|cece/e] euic |cc|
t.t1 ?11sII1
Russier Ci|clesiruerceJ aece
aet| |cc|
11|1 I11I 1sI
BSMle|elleJ ucst |e|Jcc|e.
1.t1 I |1I
Sccttis| ucwe| ucu
1.t1 I1 I11
|crJcr|eseJ irJie rciseri|s.
.t1 1111
|cu| uiece Clesweciers ucst
.t1 1I 1|
T|e lest lc|t|e|r s|cw |ca
B|ic|tcr ce|ece uur|s.
I.111 11|1 I11I
See |cr cut.
\11I 11I|
| 11s
1I1 ?\ 1| sI
tt1 |1|I 11?1s
I 11, |1s\I, I
tI1 |1 | |1|),
?|111?1, 1| sI
1sI...I1111 t
11 |1s|1), 1I|\
t1 |1|\ 1s |I1,
I|1Is|I |1|),
|| |I| |1II
I.t1 11s1 \I|\1 t
11I|| s11\ 1sI,,,
||I \11Is t 1I|\
sI1\, |\s1 1 |1|)
| 1| t |1Is1 |1|)
11|11 t |III| 11I\
|1|), ?1I||
|Is1), sII11 |1|)
I 1III |1s |1|)
|1I11 |1|), 11\||
|1|), I |IIIIsI/11||
11I1 |1|)
1.11 I
1I11|II1, 1|\
|I\ 11I|, I 11s
|1s|I t I |1s\\
1 \\I1 |1|), 11
I1|\, \1 |1s|1)
.111 11 s1 1s
T|e lc|t|'s u|eaie| B|c] e.ert.
wit| li.e ecccaueriaert |] t|e
RereceJe |c|rs
I II1 1\ ? 1?I|I
I1 |s.

s1||I|| 1\
tI1 1I
t1 s1\ 11|I|1
"/ S|eelJ aeste| c cl| erJ
|lues rua|e|s wit| er erceuticrel
cuite| st]le.' lcw T|er Mece/ire
I1 sI11 11 ?sI
I 111s
l|is| e.ertcl|ls|cece/e
|erJ |eseJ ir S|eelJ. T|e]
air elect|crics wit| li.e
irst|uaerteticr tc c|eet eect.
11 |II1 1s I
Musicel Juc Se|e| Mc||e] erJ
Ber Ec|e|sle] ule] cl| c|icirels cr
cellc erJ cuite|, tellirc stc|ies c
erc|ertaert erJ Je|| ccircs cr.
11 11II |Is
Rc/i |leir is e sirce|scrcw|ite|
|eseJ ir B|istcl. |e| sturrirc
Je|ut el|ua 'lrsiJe 0.e| |e|e' wes
|eleeseJ cr |erce Recc|Js ir Z00c.
1 I 11sI1 |I|I1
?s1 ||I|I1 I)
1 I 11sI1 |I|I1
?s1 |IsI111sI| I)
T|e Mcrste| CeiliJ| BerJ
|e.e te|er t|ei| c|csscer|e
ceiliJ| ausic ell c.e| t|e wc|lJ,
erte|teirirc cere|eticrs rew erJ
clJ w|ilst |eteirirc t|e t|ue sui|it
c ceiliJ| Jercirc - cettirc uu erJ
|e.irc e ue|t]!
I1 11IIs I11s
T|e|e is rc Jcu|t t|et ete| 35
]ee|s es e u|cessicrel ausicier
Me|tir is, |ic|t rcw, |ette| t|er
e.e|. wiJel] ec|rcwleJceJ es
cre c t|e rest eccustic erJ sliJe
cuite| ule]e|s ir t|e wc|lJ, |is
irte|u|eteticrs c t|eJiticrel scrcs
e|e aeste|uieces c stc|]tellirc.
?|1 t | I1I|
?I 1I|
1.111 IIs ?I
?.111 ?s 1s||
Bet||eseJ eccustic wi/e|J |etu|rs
tc S|eelJ c| er e.erirc c
irtiaete sclc rce|st]le cuite|.
"wit|cut Jcu|t e ule]e| tc wetc|
cut c|' |Cuite| Tec|ricues.
1|s\ 11I| ?1
?1 I1s I11s
|I |I
I.111 11?Is 1I1
Rc|ir Ce|siJe is e sirce|, cuite|ist,
JJle|, aerJclirist erJ |erjc
ule]e| wit| ac|e t|er 30 ]ee|s

11s1 1I
11 1 t I ?|1
Me|| erJ Je ccrsistertl] wcw
t|ei| euJierces wit| t|ei| cwr
||erJ c |lues erJ |cc|'r'|cll!
\|1 I|s1 I11s
11 11I1s
I11 I 1I11I1
S|eelJ's letelJ is |us] erJ
cettirc |usie|. ||ca |ee je//
.ete|ers lctes 8 ScurJs tc t|e
elect|cric scurJsceues c |cc|
|eucees |ee lcJe tc t|e wei|J
scurJs c Te|ere.
I1 I1s / 11s /
1|1I 11 / || s11
/ seealess jcu|re] t||cuc|
aeerirclessress, |ca etacsu|e|ic
11 1 111 s\
T|e cu| uiece c|icirel irJie |cc|
|erJ e|e J| |] t|e Jesi|e tc
erceusulete uecule irtc t|ei| tures
wit| scae c|eet |cc|s erJ |ee|telt
t11 I 11s1\ ||1?
T|e McrJe] Clu| e|e cre c
S|eelJ's acst ercitirc ausicel
u|csuects. T|ei| t|iuau|ert,
swecce|irc irJiel|cc| scurJ is
ee|rirc t|ea e scliJ |euuteticr.
lrsui|eJ |] c0's |cc| |ut ||cuc|t uu
tc Jete wit| |ee|erces tc ects suc|
es Kese|ier, /|ctic Mcr|e]s, erJ
TwisteJ w|eel.
I ?1s1\
1\II1 |1 |11II I
?1 1ss11 I1 11I1
11 I1 111Is
|c| c.e| 30 ]ee|s 0e.iJ RcJicer
|es |eer t|e tcu Jcc ir t|e
cerjescerteJ |eccee Jerce|ells
c B|iteir. T|e |e] tc |is success
|es |eer er ursir|e|le uessicr c|
|eccee ausic.
/ C|eu|ic Jesicre| |] Je] erJ Jj
|] ric|t, |iues |es |eut t|ue tc |is
scurJ |ca Je] cre. Eruect |ecce,
jurcle, Jerce|ell ,sculell.
Be|eT|eire is e u|cject |c|r |ca
e lc.e c ell t|ircs Bess|eleteJ.
MeJe uu c c|icirel /|ctic Mcr|e]s
Bess /ssessir /rJ] lic|clscr erJ
t|e a]ste|icus, |cttcaerJ eeJirc
t|cu|eJcu| t|et is TeJ Veces.
?1s|1s t ?1
s1\ 11I| t ?sI1Is
II1s' ?11I|
1 s1\ 11I| ||Is11
Elect|cric Musicier, 0J, uicree|
erJ curJe| c TwisteJ le|.e
s |sI\ |111I\
?sI1Is II1s
t11 Is s11'
II1 111
See |cr cut uece 50
|II\ || ?||1111
11 11 |11
u|cert Tel|'s .icleule]e|
ert|ec|Jirei|e ule]s sclc wit| t|e
eiJ c e lccu ueJel tc c|eete J|eea],
scurJsceue] le]e|s.
new music STAGE
world music STAGE
new music STAGE
world music STAGE
For the secood year ruooiog, $teeI 6ity's owo hardcore hve
piece, curate a Iioe-up oI puok aod hardcore
rolo tomassi
ss11' ss 11I| I I.111
youth music
| 11s
elect|crics tc eestaeets west
iau|c.iseJ .ccel irserit] .ie scul,
je// erJ |eet ucet|].
1 11 11
T|e] ule] e c|cuueJ uu li.e| c
|e|eticel l]|ics erJ irte|.els |rcwr
crl] tc t|e
1 I s1I 1II1
T|e lcise uustei|s is er iau|c.
ccllecti.e ]cu cer cet
wit|. /r]cre cer tu|r uu erJ jcir
ir |] uuttirc t|ei| reae ir t|e |et.
leaes e|e uulleJ cut, ersea|les
c|aeJ, erJ |ee|ts e|e ||c|er.
?1 s1I s1 11s1
1sI. I11| t 1I1
/ccustic |ee iau|c.iseticr
eetu|irc Mic| Bec| Jc|rr] |urte|,
Jc|r Jesrcc|, /rcie RcserelJ,
|eul Sc|ets|e|ce|, |e|.e |e|e/.
11I11 1s1
?1 II
||est airute .erue switc|, listircs
su|ject tc c|erce
t1 \11s |1|I1
lew S|eelJ |erJ w|c ae|e lcts
c rcise erJ sirc e|cut ell sc|ts c
rcrserse. 0esc|i|eJ es 'Jelic|tul'
|] T|e S|eelJ Ste|.
I1 Is |1 1| 1|I1
|ess Erclis| cl|, ac|e /ae|icer
|ccts irsui|eJ, /te| ule]irc e li.e
sessicr cr Cli.e /rJe|scr's '|ccse
ErJs' cr BBC ReJic +. |cuis T|e|cur
Jecle|eJ "T|e |erJ scurJeJ te||ic,
|irJ c 0cc|s]'.
11 1\s
Be|rsle]'s M]res e|e e acJe|etel]
ett|ecti.e .euiece |crteJ |]
e stuau] aisert||cue erJ e
|urca ||urette. BlesseJ wit| e
aessi.e c|cer erJ e |u|cecrirc
|euuteticr es e Jerc |ct li.e cca|c
]cu'J |e cclis|l] elcc tc uess it
11 11s'I | 111
/ |liste|irc stc|] c lc.e, lcss
erJ |cue w|itter le|ce wit| lcuJ
cuite|s.0cr't Sleeu 0|eea urlees|
t|ei| Je|ut 1Z irc| .ir]l E| c|
1 I Is\\
T|e Jers|]s e|e er /ltlCcurt|]l
lrJiel/ae|icere |erJ, |eseJ ir
S|eelJ. T|ei| Je|ut, sel titleJ
el|ua, wes |eleeseJ ir Seutea|e|
Z009 cr t|ei| cwr Sewe]e|e
S|eelJ le|el.
1 ?II1s |1|
lc, rct e cute u||] Jcc wit| e
suellirc ercael], cu| cute u||]
|c]s wit| e jircle ir t|ei| |ee|ts.
I1 \I1 sII 11I1
|c.e erJ lcss, er|ili|eticr erJ
Jiseuucirtaert, t|ei| scrcs cet
e|curJ t|e t|eaes eailie| tc aer]
Z0 scaet|ircs.
?1 \\ I1
wit| e sir acrt| stirt cr t|e
St|uaae|.ille 0cwrlceJ Tcu Z0
t|is ]ee|, t|is Jistirctl] uricue
S|eelJ |erJ e|e s|cwirc t|et
]cu cer |e Jie|ert ]et eccessi|le.
/ suue|| li.e ect t|et will |lcw
]cu ewe].
Ihe baod behiod the
Iegeodary 1911 aIbu
|Ieaturiog hits such
as 'h eah' aod 'irI
Fro Mars'I pIay Iive -
with support Iro Ioc
Farty guitarist 8usseII
I 1Is
I I.111
_:::75$0/,1(625*8. :::75$0/,1(625*8._
1Is I
111sI1 1s
t.t1 I 11|\
1ssI ?11I1
S|eelJ's u|eaie| u|ulele c|cuu
ue|c|a c|ilte| cc.e|s c clessic
ucu |its tc cuer SurJe]'s Meir
Stece lireuu.
I.t1 11 1s
||es| |ca e suuuc|t slct wit|
/|ctic Mcr|e]s et t|ei| |ecert
0cr Velle] Bcwl s|cws, lccel |c]s
0eeJ Scrs ue|c|a Je||, ||ccJirc
1.t1 I |111\
T|e lccelleJsJcrecccJ te|e
e ||ee| |ca t|ei| jeauec|eJ
suaae| sc|eJule erJ rcrstcu
tcu|irc tc ue|c|a t|ei| |cre]
.ciceJ, urJe|steteJ irJieucu.
1.t1 I sI11 ?s1
0esc|i|irc t| es 'u|ctc
|c|c cl|' erJ sicreJ tc ewescae
Sccttis| irJie le|el C|eai|el
urJe|c|curJ sirce Z00c.
.t1 I1ss\ |11Is1
T||ee uiece |etu|r tc T|ealires
|e.irc ule]eJ e luJic|cusl] c.e|
su|sc|i|eJ s|cw et t|e ireucu|el
.t1 I |1I111
C|cwJuleesirc sircelcrcs suc|
es '0ecert 0e]s 8 lic|ts' erJ
'|curJs c |c.e' |e.e secu|eJ
t|e SurJe|lerJ |erJ's ulece es e
esti.el austsee.
See |cr cut.
?1\1 11|
11|1 I11I 1sI
tI.t1 |1|s
S|cece/e] euic |cc|
t.t1 ?11sII1
Russier Ci|clesiruerceJ aece
aet| |cc|
11|1 I11I 1sI
BSMle|elleJ ucst |e|Jcc|e.
1.t1 I |1I
Sccttis| ucwe| ucu
1.t1 I1 I11
|crJcr|eseJ irJie rciseri|s.
.t1 1111
|cu| uiece Clesweciers ucst
.t1 1I 1|
T|e lest lc|t|e|r s|cw |ca
B|ic|tcr ce|ece uur|s.
I.111 11|1 I11I
See |cr cut.
\11I 11I|
| 11s
1I1 ?\ 1| sI
tt1 |1|I 11?1s
I 11, |1s\I, I
tI1 |1 | |1|),
?|111?1, 1| sI
1sI...I1111 t
11 |1s|1), 1I|\
t1 |1|\ 1s |I1,
I|1Is|I |1|),
|| |I| |1II
I.t1 11s1 \I|\1 t
11I|| s11\ 1sI,,,
||I \11Is t 1I|\
sI1\, |\s1 1 |1|)
| 1| t |1Is1 |1|)
11|11 t |III| 11I\
|1|), ?1I||
|Is1), sII11 |1|)
I 1III |1s |1|)
|1I11 |1|), 11\||
|1|), I |IIIIsI/11||
11I1 |1|)
1.11 I
1I11|II1, 1|\
|I\ 11I|, I 11s
|1s|I t I |1s\\
1 \\I1 |1|), 11
I1|\, \1 |1s|1)
.111 11 s1 1s
T|e lc|t|'s u|eaie| B|c] e.ert.
wit| li.e ecccaueriaert |] t|e
RereceJe |c|rs
I II1 1\ ? 1?I|I
I1 |s.

s1||I|| 1\
tI1 1I
t1 s1\ 11|I|1
"/ S|eelJ aeste| c cl| erJ
|lues rua|e|s wit| er erceuticrel
cuite| st]le.' lcw T|er Mece/ire
I1 sI11 11 ?sI
I 111s
l|is| e.ertcl|ls|cece/e
|erJ |eseJ ir S|eelJ. T|e]
air elect|crics wit| li.e
irst|uaerteticr tc c|eet eect.
11 |II1 1s I
Musicel Juc Se|e| Mc||e] erJ
Ber Ec|e|sle] ule] cl| c|icirels cr
cellc erJ cuite|, tellirc stc|ies c
erc|ertaert erJ Je|| ccircs cr.
11 11II |Is
Rc/i |leir is e sirce|scrcw|ite|
|eseJ ir B|istcl. |e| sturrirc
Je|ut el|ua 'lrsiJe 0.e| |e|e' wes
|eleeseJ cr |erce Recc|Js ir Z00c.
1 I 11sI1 |I|I1
?s1 ||I|I1 I)
1 I 11sI1 |I|I1
?s1 |IsI111sI| I)
T|e Mcrste| CeiliJ| BerJ
|e.e te|er t|ei| c|csscer|e
ceiliJ| ausic ell c.e| t|e wc|lJ,
erte|teirirc cere|eticrs rew erJ
clJ w|ilst |eteirirc t|e t|ue sui|it
c ceiliJ| Jercirc - cettirc uu erJ
|e.irc e ue|t]!
I1 11IIs I11s
T|e|e is rc Jcu|t t|et ete| 35
]ee|s es e u|cessicrel ausicier
Me|tir is, |ic|t rcw, |ette| t|er
e.e|. wiJel] ec|rcwleJceJ es
cre c t|e rest eccustic erJ sliJe
cuite| ule]e|s ir t|e wc|lJ, |is
irte|u|eteticrs c t|eJiticrel scrcs
e|e aeste|uieces c stc|]tellirc.
?|1 t | I1I|
?I 1I|
1.111 IIs ?I
?.111 ?s 1s||
Bet||eseJ eccustic wi/e|J |etu|rs
tc S|eelJ c| er e.erirc c
irtiaete sclc rce|st]le cuite|.
"wit|cut Jcu|t e ule]e| tc wetc|
cut c|' |Cuite| Tec|ricues.
1|s\ 11I| ?1
?1 I1s I11s
|I |I
I.111 11?Is 1I1
Rc|ir Ce|siJe is e sirce|, cuite|ist,
JJle|, aerJclirist erJ |erjc
ule]e| wit| ac|e t|er 30 ]ee|s

11s1 1I
11 1 t I ?|1
Me|| erJ Je ccrsistertl] wcw
t|ei| euJierces wit| t|ei| cwr
||erJ c |lues erJ |cc|'r'|cll!
\|1 I|s1 I11s
11 11I1s
I11 I 1I11I1
S|eelJ's letelJ is |us] erJ
cettirc |usie|. ||ca |ee je//
.ete|ers lctes 8 ScurJs tc t|e
elect|cric scurJsceues c |cc|
|eucees |ee lcJe tc t|e wei|J
scurJs c Te|ere.
I1 I1s / 11s /
1|1I 11 / || s11
/ seealess jcu|re] t||cuc|
aeerirclessress, |ca etacsu|e|ic
11 1 111 s\
T|e cu| uiece c|icirel irJie |cc|
|erJ e|e J| |] t|e Jesi|e tc
erceusulete uecule irtc t|ei| tures
wit| scae c|eet |cc|s erJ |ee|telt
t11 I 11s1\ ||1?
T|e McrJe] Clu| e|e cre c
S|eelJ's acst ercitirc ausicel
u|csuects. T|ei| t|iuau|ert,
swecce|irc irJiel|cc| scurJ is
ee|rirc t|ea e scliJ |euuteticr.
lrsui|eJ |] c0's |cc| |ut ||cuc|t uu
tc Jete wit| |ee|erces tc ects suc|
es Kese|ier, /|ctic Mcr|e]s, erJ
TwisteJ w|eel.
I ?1s1\
1\II1 |1 |11II I
?1 1ss11 I1 11I1
11 I1 111Is
|c| c.e| 30 ]ee|s 0e.iJ RcJicer
|es |eer t|e tcu Jcc ir t|e
cerjescerteJ |eccee Jerce|ells
c B|iteir. T|e |e] tc |is success
|es |eer er ursir|e|le uessicr c|
|eccee ausic.
/ C|eu|ic Jesicre| |] Je] erJ Jj
|] ric|t, |iues |es |eut t|ue tc |is
scurJ |ca Je] cre. Eruect |ecce,
jurcle, Jerce|ell ,sculell.
Be|eT|eire is e u|cject |c|r |ca
e lc.e c ell t|ircs Bess|eleteJ.
MeJe uu c c|icirel /|ctic Mcr|e]s
Bess /ssessir /rJ] lic|clscr erJ
t|e a]ste|icus, |cttcaerJ eeJirc
t|cu|eJcu| t|et is TeJ Veces.
?1s|1s t ?1
s1\ 11I| t ?sI1Is
II1s' ?11I|
1 s1\ 11I| ||Is11
Elect|cric Musicier, 0J, uicree|
erJ curJe| c TwisteJ le|.e
s |sI\ |111I\
?sI1Is II1s
t11 Is s11'
II1 111
See |cr cut uece 50
|II\ || ?||1111
11 11 |11
u|cert Tel|'s .icleule]e|
ert|ec|Jirei|e ule]s sclc wit| t|e
eiJ c e lccu ueJel tc c|eete J|eea],
scurJsceue] le]e|s.
new music STAGE
world music STAGE
new music STAGE
world music STAGE
For the secood year ruooiog, $teeI 6ity's owo hardcore hve
piece, curate a Iioe-up oI puok aod hardcore
rolo tomassi
ss11' ss 11I| I I.111
youth music
| 11s
elect|crics tc eestaeets west
iau|c.iseJ .ccel irserit] .ie scul,
je// erJ |eet ucet|].
1 11 11
T|e] ule] e c|cuueJ uu li.e| c
|e|eticel l]|ics erJ irte|.els |rcwr
crl] tc t|e
1 I s1I 1II1
T|e lcise uustei|s is er iau|c.
ccllecti.e ]cu cer cet
wit|. /r]cre cer tu|r uu erJ jcir
ir |] uuttirc t|ei| reae ir t|e |et.
leaes e|e uulleJ cut, ersea|les
c|aeJ, erJ |ee|ts e|e ||c|er.
?1 s1I s1 11s1
1sI. I11| t 1I1
/ccustic |ee iau|c.iseticr
eetu|irc Mic| Bec| Jc|rr] |urte|,
Jc|r Jesrcc|, /rcie RcserelJ,
|eul Sc|ets|e|ce|, |e|.e |e|e/.
11I11 1s1
?1 II
||est airute .erue switc|, listircs
su|ject tc c|erce
t1 \11s |1|I1
lew S|eelJ |erJ w|c ae|e lcts
c rcise erJ sirc e|cut ell sc|ts c
rcrserse. 0esc|i|eJ es 'Jelic|tul'
|] T|e S|eelJ Ste|.
I1 Is |1 1| 1|I1
|ess Erclis| cl|, ac|e /ae|icer
|ccts irsui|eJ, /te| ule]irc e li.e
sessicr cr Cli.e /rJe|scr's '|ccse
ErJs' cr BBC ReJic +. |cuis T|e|cur
Jecle|eJ "T|e |erJ scurJeJ te||ic,
|irJ c 0cc|s]'.
11 1\s
Be|rsle]'s M]res e|e e acJe|etel]
ett|ecti.e .euiece |crteJ |]
e stuau] aisert||cue erJ e
|urca ||urette. BlesseJ wit| e
aessi.e c|cer erJ e |u|cecrirc
|euuteticr es e Jerc |ct li.e cca|c
]cu'J |e cclis|l] elcc tc uess it
11 11s'I | 111
/ |liste|irc stc|] c lc.e, lcss
erJ |cue w|itter le|ce wit| lcuJ
cuite|s.0cr't Sleeu 0|eea urlees|
t|ei| Je|ut 1Z irc| .ir]l E| c|
1 I Is\\
T|e Jers|]s e|e er /ltlCcurt|]l
lrJiel/ae|icere |erJ, |eseJ ir
S|eelJ. T|ei| Je|ut, sel titleJ
el|ua, wes |eleeseJ ir Seutea|e|
Z009 cr t|ei| cwr Sewe]e|e
S|eelJ le|el.
1 ?II1s |1|
lc, rct e cute u||] Jcc wit| e
suellirc ercael], cu| cute u||]
|c]s wit| e jircle ir t|ei| |ee|ts.
I1 \I1 sII 11I1
|c.e erJ lcss, er|ili|eticr erJ
Jiseuucirtaert, t|ei| scrcs cet
e|curJ t|e t|eaes eailie| tc aer]
Z0 scaet|ircs.
?1 \\ I1
wit| e sir acrt| stirt cr t|e
St|uaae|.ille 0cwrlceJ Tcu Z0
t|is ]ee|, t|is Jistirctl] uricue
S|eelJ |erJ e|e s|cwirc t|et
]cu cer |e Jie|ert ]et eccessi|le.
/ suue|| li.e ect t|et will |lcw
]cu ewe].
Ihe baod behiod the
Iegeodary 1911 aIbu
|Ieaturiog hits such
as 'h eah' aod 'irI
Fro Mars'I pIay Iive -
with support Iro Ioc
Farty guitarist 8usseII
I 1Is
I I.111
_:::75$0/,1(625*8. :::75$0/,1(625*8._
11 111?| s1 s1
Seuc], ||ccJirc |luestirteJ |cc|
8 |cll
1 ?||\ 1|1 1| I 1s
|s]c|cl| |ca aea|e|s c
Clisterirc |elt, t|e |u|cetc|]
|le]e|s erJ ac|e
1 I1| 1\I1
1| |1I1
S|eelJ's Ccsuel C|ci| ae|e t|ei|
T|ealires Je|ut ir t|e sturrirc
su||curJircs c Cit] |ell's Bell|cca.
I.t1 11s'I | 111
T|e lccel ucwe|ucu cu|uiece will
euueel tc ers c ee|l] REM erJ
|e.e e rew .ir]lcrl] E| set c|
|eleese t|is suaae|.
?.t1 I?s
Sie|er is t|e S|eelJ|eseJ u|cject
c scrcw|ite| Mett |cwJer. |ccus
ceutu|e |eets, accJs erJ c|
1.t1 |sI1 t I
|1I|1 ||s
See |cr cut
|1111s 1111
|| 1\ 1| | 11|\'
||1Is 1I\ | ||
/cccauer] t|e |est |ee| ir cu|
lerJ wit| cccJ tiae ausic erJ we
will see cut T|ealires wee|erJ ir
st]le. Jece|
tI1 11 |1I1 s1
t1 1I| ?11\ 1s
I1 Is \||
11 ?ss ||11111
11 1I11s1 1s\
1 I1| IsII 1|.
1 sI|| ?1I1s
I1 I |III| |Is1
?1 I s\s||
11 11s
t11 I|sI
tt1 1I
I11|Is |I1 1I\
I |1111 |II1| ?1
\I1 |s
sIsI1s I|
I111| I
I1|\ s|
I 1|\
I1ss\ ?1III|
s1\ s1 I\ |111 ||11
I 1|111)
I1 1s |?I \)
11\ 1?1I |s1)
s 111s |s1)
|csts Jia erJ Tia, "|]/'
|etu|rs c| er ert|esueciel ric|t
c |ct +5s ecticr. /te| / ]ee|s
c acrt|l] clu| ecticr erJ e ||ie
|eti|eaert,|]/ is |ec| wit|
e |cst c t|e c|eet erJ t|e cccJ
suirrirc t|ei| e.e /' sircles.
/r]t|irc cces es lcrc es it cr e +5
|1 t 11|\
I.111 I |1sIIssI
/r erue|ierceJ c|cuu c ausiciers
w|c e|e cue|erteeJ tc u|c.iJe e
cuelit] ue|c|aerce.
1.111 ||I s1 1I|\
T|e uiercleccustic cca|ireticr is
rct t|e acst ccaacr, |ut wit| twc
irc|eJi|le .cices it |eell] wc||s.
1.111 \I1 |1s1sII1s|
"M] reae is Jec|, |ut cr wee|erJs
l'a |rcwr es KiJ Ccr.erticrel.
0re Je] l wculJ lc.e tc |e cr Jccls
.111 I?|
.111 |1I ||I1II
See |cr cut
|11 t 111I
I 1I 1I| 1|
11|\'s'11|| 1sI.
t1 111\
I1 11 1| |11
/r eccustic "aic|c|erJ'
eetu|irc lc|tcr |ees cr
0cu|le Bess erJ "T|e w|eel'
cr Cuite|s erJ wc|Js. T|ei|
cl|tirteJ, rccJlescae aelcJies
aeerJe| serselessl] ec|css t|e
re lire |etweer t|eceJ] erJ
11 111s
lt's ees] tc |ee| t|e c|cst c
T|e urJe|tcres rct tc aerticr
t|e cuite| u|cc|essicrs c T|e
Bu//ccc|s. lr t|ut|, t|cuc|, e
a]|ieJ c iruerces iruse t|ei|
uricue scurJ.
11 sI1Is 11||
1 |sI \\
See |cr cut.
1 I |1| 1Is1 I
|curJirc |ess |is c.e| e Jcet]
|eet tcuueJ wit| t|e ice cclJ .cice
c e ucet.
I1 I 1I1s\
?1 ?|111?1
T|is cuirtet is c|icirel erJ Jie|ert,
iaaeJietel] ae||irc t|ea cut
|ca t|e rc|a. BlerJirc ucst|cc|,
aet| s]rccueticr erJ st|uctu|e
wit| Ju| eects erJ cleer
c.e|le]irc .ccels.
11 1I1I\ sII |1
t11 111?| \||
/cc|essi.e Vccels erJ Sre|lirc
Cuite| C|urc| ewe] et t|e c|e|crt
c t|is Ri Mcrste|. / S|eelJ
|eseJ |cwe| T|ic |c|aeJ ir Z010.
tt1 II 1I\ \I||
I 1I I?\
tI1t1 1|\ I 1
\11\ t ?|1|\ 1I\
I 1s 1111
t.111 11 1|11s
/ |lerJ c c0s acJ, actcwr,
rc|t|e|r scul erJ s|e |eccee.
.111 I 11sI|s
Jaoe Weaver's $eptiee $oeur is a cooceptuaI pop project oI
cosic aquatic IoIkIore.
Jane Weavers Septieme Soeur
?1s|1s s1 ?1 t11
Ever-chaogiog $heIheId/$aIIord supergroup use a coIIectioo oI
pre-war aoaIogue syoths aod rickety oId dru achioes, to create
soethiog IaotasticaIIy orgaoic.
Chanteuse & the Crippled Claw
|II\ || 1.t1
Nonday 2
02 Acadamy Shafa|d
wadnasday 5
Thursday 20
Shafa|d Un|vars|ty Studants Un|on
Thursday 27
Shafa|d Un|vars|ty Studants Un|on
Fr|day 28
Tha Har|ay
Tha Laadm|||
Fr|day 11
Nonday 14
krena Iicket $ho seIIs tickets for 100's of events at over 60
venues such as 0ororation, ngIish Institute of $ort $hefeId,
Lyceum, Motoroint krena $hefeId, 02 kcademy $hefeId, Ihe
FIug, 0ueens $ociaI 0Iuh, $hefeId 0ity aII, $hefeId 0niversity
$tudents 0nion, Ihe LeadmiII and many more.
Arena QP_tramlines_2011 .indd 1 7/12/2011 12:51:46 PM
_:::75$0/,1(625*8. :::75$0/,1(625*8._
T|ei| scurJ cculJ elacst |e
Jesc|i|eJ es sc|i/cu||eric.
I.111 1 |1I1s
T|e] use twc cuite|s, t||ee eaus
erJ e J|ua|it tc ae|e .e|] lcuJ
?.111 I ?||\?I11
S|eelJ |lues Juc ||ircirc t|e
scurJs c /ae|ice tc t|e |ew c|it c
t|e Steel Cit].
1.111 1I 11
0re rel |erJ c t|is aessi.e
wee|erJ t|et |e.e ule]eJ t|e lest
twc T|ealires. lct tc |e aisseJ.
t1.111 1ss11 111 |11
11 1|\I I||II
|cc|et Setellite wes |c|r ete|
e c|erce aeetirc et er cuer aic
ric|t cr e cuiet T|u|sJe] e.erirc
ir S|eelJ. Eruect 'cl|clcc|'
1 1s 1s s1 I
1II1 I1 1|
Jce McCee e |ecule| et t|e
C|e]stcres wit| ucwe|ul |lues erJ
sculul set list.
1 ?1II1s 11s1
Tic|t t||ee uiece wit|
aelcJic |eue|tci|e c cuite| ucu
erJ |ee.] ||ee|s.
I1 1s 1s s1 I
1II1 1 |1s
/ccustic set |ca Re.e|erJ erJ t|e
Me|e|s cwr EJ Ccsers.
?1 I|| 111
Blues, Yee |ew, Sce erJ Stcau.
11 1I1|| t I 11|
T|ei| scrcs lirce| |etweer t|e
s|iaae| c |cuse ausic erJ t|e
c|irJ c R8B, |ut wit| e steu
|eac.eJ |ca eit|e|.
I 1|\
1\ 11 1sI
I.111 |III| 11?1I
Certle, eairire cl|, ccaulete wit|
lic|tl] st|uaaeJ u|uleles
1.t1 11| sIs
11 1II\ 1I11|
|eeJs |eseJ cu| uiece e|e e
t|iuau| c irJie ea|ierce, iruerse
|ca t|e li|es c t|e
urJe|c|curJ erJ 0]ler.
1.11 I|\ s1 I
Srctt] |ell irsui|eJ ere|c|cce|ece.
.111 1?|1s
T|e c|cuu e ucstuur| aelerce
c Jistc|teJ cuite|, steel] eaele
.ccels erJ cetc|] |cc|s uec| cut
.erues t||cuc|cut t|e cit].
.t1 s//1//sI1|
I1 I|sI |I|1 11I|I
Jercl] irJieucu erJ |c]ci|l
?1 111s 1| |11
11 1Is1 1Is1
Sircelcrc, us]c|eJelic irJie
elect|crice |ca t|e Eest |crJcr
|eseJ |erJ
t11 ?|1 |I ||
tt1 1| 11
|s]c|eJelic irJie ir t|e .ier c
wels| Beec| Bc]s c|, li|e
Suue| |u||] /riaels.
tI1 1\11 1I
T|e XRe] |esiJerts clcse t|e
|e|le]s T|ealires wee|erJ, ule]irc
e.e|]t|irc |ca |ei| aetel tc |iu |cu
11I1s t?1
1111 1|I| ||1\1.
|cuse erJ Jiscc ellJe]e| wit| 13 c
t|e rest 0Js |ca ec|css t|e cit]
t1 11 11\ |I1'
11/|I |I\ \ \s1s)
CccurJe| c /ct |i|e Ye Krcw
erJ CE0 c Jus' |cuse Recc|Js,
Cc|cst c ue|ties |ca S|eelJ
we|e|cuses tc lcttirc |ill Ce|ri.el.
I.111 1 t I11
|111111|||]/||1? 1s\)
usuell] curJ suirrirc |ecc|Js et
Clu| |cr], c| t|ei| cwr Jeeu |cusel
tec|rc ric|t 0|ua|c|lll. T|e Juc
|cst sets |] Rc|e|t Jeaes,
Saecc|e, Tice|s|ir erJ |et|ice
11 |I1 | t Iss\ |1
|1|1 11)
St|eic|t |ca t|e urJe|c|curJ
ue|ties c| t|cse w|c |rcw et
|eseaert .erues ec|css t|e cit].
1 111 1I\1
T|e |csts c cre c t|e c|eetest
urJe|c|curJ ue|ties ir S|eelJ
|etu|r tc t|e scere.
1 1s I |111\/11s'I
0er |es ule]eJ elcrcsiJe wc|lJ
cless 0Js li|e Ce|l C|eic, Sia|eJ
erJ /|creuc|t.Sc eruect e set tc
I1 11s I1 111I1
|||1? 1s\)
/|e Mi|e t|e 0iscc 0est|c]e|. 0Jl
u|cacte|lcccurJe| c t|e |iccest
irJeuerJert S|eelJ clu| ric|ts
c t|e lest 5 ]ee|s wit| Clu| |cr].
Belee|ic erJ |cccie set
?1 1111 1|I| 1I
11 |1\'sI |?1|1|1|1,
|u|'ert is set tc seil c| l|i/e t|is
Suaae| tc J|cu |is |lerJ c tec|
erJ Jeeu |cuse et Ci|cclccc's
|cet ue|ties Be|cclccc.But |st
t11 11s111 ||11/
C|cwac|e |e.e |eer u|cactirc
erJ 0jirc et scae c t|e rest clu|
ric|ts ir S|eelJ, ircluJirc, /rrie
Mec erJ t|e ull 0J |cste| et ReJic
1's lr lew 0Js we T|ust.
tt.111 I |11I I|\
|111111|||]/||1? 1s\)
Clu| |cr] |esiJert Sir |cct Sic|'s
sets u|iae|il] ccrsist c tec|lJeeu
|cuse, airiael erJ tec|rc wit|
eau|esis cr Jeut| erJ su|tle s|its.

11 Iss\ |1
Jerr] erJ 0J ue|tre| |iea C |e.e
ule]eJ elcrcsiJe scae c t|e
|iccest reaes ir |cuse ausic.
11 |I1 |1ss1||\ |1|1
1 11s|s ||1II
|1sI|| 11| ?1\)
0eeulsculul |cuse t||u tc Jeeul
sculul tec|, |e elwe]s cets uecule
1 11|1 sI||I1 |1
s1 IsII1/|1)
|is s|ills e|e seccrJ tc rcre erJ |is
ausic selecticr is cuttirc eJce.
I1 11 11\
0e.e |es ||cuc|t tc S|eelJ |is
|lerJ c Jeeu uS |cuse erJ ||c|er
|eets tc aer] e Jercecc|.
?1 11s111 ||11/
|est ceirirc e scliJ |euuteticr
c| t|ei| selecticr c ausic erJ
0J s|ills.
11 1| sI|II1
|111|/1| t 1s)
E.e|]cre |rcws |ia erJ acst
u|c|e|l] cwrs cre c |is air C0s.
t11 1s 1I||| |||
1IsI s11I/1 11ss)
0er |es |u||eJ s|culJe|s wit|
t|e |iccest reaes cut t|e|e ec.
Meste|s /t wc||, Tcr] |uau||ies
8 SerJ]|e.
t11 s1\ I11s?1||
|11||11I| 1|111/1\1)
Recule| et clu|s suc| es
Cetec|es|e| erJ t|e |ucel]
successul |ir uu Clu|.
I |11I||
I.111 1111
?.t1 I1\ ?111
Ihe addictive eIodies aod
heart stoppiog head turoiog
show wiII by Iar outIast the
haogover oI the gig. EIephaot
keys are a $heIheId based three
piece rock baod Iored 2009
Iake. / telerteJ erJ erue|ierceJ
teea c ||ewe|s wit| e uessicr
c| cuelit] erJ irrc.eticr.
Iovest a Iot oI ooey io state
oI the art equipeot aod buiId
a Iarge brew house.
Bu] t|e |est irc|eJierts aelts
erJ |cus |ca ec|css t|e wc|lJ.
riog aII together aod wait 14
days |the ooraI brew tie
Ior beerI aod eojoy!
/t T|c|r||iJce we |elie.e we
ae|e u|ett] Jear cccJ |ee|
erJ wit| c.e| Z00 irJust|] erJ
ccrsuae| ewe|Js cer s|cw cu|
aeJels c| Jcirc sc. But cu| jc|
is irccaulete wit|cut t|e J|ir|e|
sc e |ic t|er|s tc ell c ]cu. we'll
|eeu Jcirc t|e jc| we lc.e we
|cue ]cu Jc tcc.
|11 s1 111I 1
Wellington Express
Continental Food Store
51 Wellington Street,
Sheeld, S1 4HL
Tel: 0114 276 8953
WellingtonExpress_HP_ff2011.indd 1 7/12/2011 12:37:59 PM
0o vou love Sfudenf Club Nighfs?
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Hove vou gof whof if fokes?
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union/obouI/jobs for full defoils ond o 1ob
CIosing doIe for oppIicoIions: 12 noon,
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We ore commiffed fo on Equol Opporfunifies
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StudentsUnion_HP_Tramlines_2011.indd 1 7/12/2011 12:39:41 PM
_:::75$0/,1(625*8. :::75$0/,1(625*8._
|eiceste| sirce| w|c |eleeseJ |cuis
/|ast|crc's "w|er Ycu'|e Sailirc'
wit| |eiceste| Cit] |C ir cele||eticr
c t|e clu|'s success ir |eec|irc t|e
C|eauicrs|iu |le] 0s ir Z010.
11 I1 I 11s |1
|I| 1I
See |cr cut
t1.111 II|\ |I
we /|e T|e |caeless |e|t] er
e.ert wit|cut e .erue!
Swirc, Scul, |ur|, R|]t|a 8 Blues,
Rcc| r Rcll erJ S|e. /t ltc|] |eet
ue|ties it's ell e|cut t|e clJ!
I 1|1 s11?1 I
I1|I 1I1sI 1I
|eetu|irc lic| |ee|s, 0cu|le
0eria, wet lurs, T|e 0eet| Re]s
c /|Jille, Cet|e|ire Ve|re Bertle],
Me|| |le|e|t], Jcrr] Mclei|,
/ 0cc CelleJ wcc erJ S|ull 8
1 t 1 I11\ sI|111
1|1 11
|| 1\1
0|ite|'s Esceue. /ccustic |eseJ
ects /ccustic ects, 0Js erJ scae
.e|] sueciel cuests
I 1111
I11\ ?I 1sI
JuJ] Beet u|eserts e Je] c
irJieucu, cl| erJ ac|e et t|e
ReJ|cuse cr Scll] St|eet es ue|t c
t|e T|ealires esti.el. ||ee ert|] ell
Je], sc ccae elcrc erJ jcir us c| e
|e||ecue ir t|e ete|rccr.
11 I11\ ?I t I
|le]irc 50s cc.e|s erJ c|icirel
scrcs irsui|eJ |] 0uertua |eeu.
0| |c].
11 II1 |1ss1||\
T|e ausicel t|cuc|ts c Jia
Ccrrcll], welllc.eJ S|eelJ e|tist
erJ |ierJ c Betaer.
1 |1s 111
see |crcut uece 5c
.I11 II1|I
"|eetu|irc aea|e|s c Esict|ct erJ
|ericcr, eest |crJcr's Tice|cets
|eiaecire T|e we.e |ictu|es erJ
Viclert |eaaes es sui|], irecticus
ucstuur| erti|e|ces.' - |cw 0ces
lt |eel Tc Be |c.eJ
I.111 sI11 I
|cu |cc| |ca S|eelJ suue|c|cuu
ccau|isirc aea|e|s c t|e |crc
BlcrJes, le..], |ie|s Bewe|e erJ
Slcw 0cwr Telle|essee.
?.11 II 1s\
lrJieucu .euiece iruerceJ |]
Beet |euuerirc, |ere| erJ B|uce
t11 Is111 |1
Cue|erteeJ tc |e.e ]cu Jercirc til
t|e erJ c T|ealires. T|ei| Je|ut
el|ua 'T|e lc]elle Beet' wes
|eleeseJ lest ]ee|.

I 111 I\11
tt1 1?1 Is ?|1
s11\1 s|\ I111
I II11\ 1| I ?|1
/ J|cuir wc||s|cu eiaeJ u|iae|il]
et c|ilJ|er. |e|ticiuerts will |e
|elueJ tc w|ite t|ei| cwr |lues scrc.
lr eJJiticr t|e] will |e.e t|e c|erce
tc ae|e t|ei| cwr irst|uaerts. wit|
li.e ue|c|aerces.
t.t1 I 1I11 1Is11
1Is1 11I| t1II sII
1I1 1\ sIII\1
T|ir| le.e| MirJ t|e Bu//ccc|s
wit| e slic|tl] less errc]irc |cst.
I.t1 s??Is I 1|\
?1Is s1 |\ |I|
sII |1I 111s|I|1.
Mea|e|s c t|e uu|lic e|e ir.iteJ
tc |erJ c.e| t|ei||ite .ir]l tc
C|eic erJ wetc| erJ lister es |e
wc||s |is aecic.
I \1
t1 || |1II
/te| e s|c|t ||ee| |ca t|e ausic
scere, t|e S|eelJ sirce|
scrcw|ite| is |ec| erJ |eleesirc e
rew E| t|is suaae|.
I1 IIs 1|\1III
B|ircirc e acJe|r twist tc
t|eJiticrel cl| scrcs, cter |rcwr tc
sirc e ceuuelle, erJ usuell] J|ewirc
iruerce |ca |e| l|is| |ccts.
I.11 1I|11 1I1
See |cr cuts
1.111 ?\ sII\1
|ccel cl| sirce| J|ewirc iruerces
|ca |cuJcr weirw|ic|t lll, Je|e
T|ec||e], Ccle |c|te|, Bc| 0]ler
erJ leil Ycurc
1.t1 1I\ |\1II
TelerteJ cuite| ule]e| utilisirc
aer] elte|reti.e turircs ir |is cwr
ccaucsiticrs erJ e||erceaerts c
ucuule| erJ cl| scrcs.
1 1 ?1
Sea B|ecc is u|c.irc |iasel tc |e e
J]reaic erJ ircericus scrc w|ite|
erJ ue|c|ae| - w|itirc t|cuc|tul,
aelcJicus, erJ aeac|e|le scrcs
Jeuictirc t|e se|uertire teles c
lc.e, lie, erJ aecic.
1 s11s 1|\
Sclc e|tist. Eruect scrcs w|ic|
tcuc| uucr |crest] erJ t|ut|.
1.111 I 1II|
|Is1 1sI |?I
/ little ac|ile cireae te|es e 1caa
la u|cjectc| erJ t||eeJs uu lcrc
lcst erJ c|scu|e |eels tc w|i|| uu
t|e Just] rcis] ic|e| c u|]sicel
la. T|e /lu|e|et 0|eccr |1c airs
is e lesscr cr t|e elu|e|et erJ e
.elueleJer ei|]tele J|eccr stc|]
ell ir cre.
1.111 I1111III1s
s11\1 sII I
?ssII 1| I 1II
Set| Berrett c / |e|t/ will |e
leeJirc er iau|c.iseticr wc||s|cu
c| ausiciers c er] st]le erJ
irst|uaert w|c wert tc Je.elcu
t|ei| s|ills. Tc |cc| e ulece eaeil
1 11\ s\ss
I1 I 1II| |Is1
1sI I I11I| ||
sII |I1 11s1I1|\
|111 I1 ?1|1s
Jeaes Be|lcw c /ctuel MiJcets
u|c.iJes er c|icirel li.e scurJt|ec|
tc B/|T/ ewe|J rcaireteJ
Jccuaerte|], T|e /tcaic Cee
|cc airutes. CclleteJ usirc
c|icirel e|c|i.e cctece erJ
c|e|tirc t|e |i|t| c t|e ruclee|
e|as |ece.
Fresh Iro his Later With JooIs hoIIaod
appearaoce, Josh I Fearsoo wiII
be cIosiog the IraIioes 2011 FestivaI
Ior Ihe LeadiII.
Josh T Pearson
I |11I|| I.111
_:::75$0/,1(625*8. :::75$0/,1(625*8._
I1 I sI|1s
Erist c| cre |eescr, tc w|ite
ucutestic scrcs t|et will ue|sueJe
]cu| |ius tc ac.e |ca siJe tc siJe
ir e Ji//]irc erJ |]urctic es|icr.
?1 I I111?111
T|ese we|eelJ|eseJ ausiciers
ule] eclectic /ae|icer elt.ccurt|]
wit| aelerc|clic scrcs.
11 1|1I1 ?|1
|irel] tureJ irJie |lerJeJ wit|
scae c t|e |est |lues t|is siJe
c C|icecc. l ]cu li|e ]cu| scrcs
cetc|], erJ i ]cu li|e ]cu| |lues
est t|er t|is is t|e |erJ c| ]cu!
I 1s1111
?111 ?111 1111
T|e Bcca Bcca Rcca ris|es
c t|e T|ealires wee|erJ et t|e
S|cw|cca.Cet |iu tc t|e Tiu,erJ
cet cr Jcwr! B00M! |iea 0'S|ee
MireJ ir S|eelJ.
1\1 |I1 t |1111sI1s
sII 11s'I sI|, 1|1
t sI1 1I Is 1111 I
t1|I sII |I1 |I,
1I, |I1 1I t I||
t.111 I|?11
lrsui|eJ ir ecuel ue|ts |] 0lJ
Erclis| |ecicc|eu|] erJ t|e
le||es|er |eJlerJs.
I1 1s sI||I11s
Sirce|scrcw|ite| |rcwr c| |is
|crest erJ irt|csuecti.e l]|ics t|et
e|e ueuue|eJ wit| Je|| |uacu|.
I.111 |1s 111
|c|aeJ crl] ir /ucust Z010, |cw
0uc e|e twc ||ct|e|s |ca S|eelJ
w|c e|e ett|ectirc ccrsiJe|e|le
etterticr wit| t|ei| Je||l] eacti.e
airiaelist cuite| ausic.
11 \IsI t 1111|I1
|i.euiece |erJ w|c tel| tc uecule
st|eic|t ete| t|e cic tc e.ciJ
s|itirc er] c t|e cee| c stece.
11 |1s |111\
uK erue|iaertel sirce| scrcw|ite|
erJ .isuel e|tist, |lerJs |eeut] erJ
||utel t|ut| iriaite|le st]le.
1.111 sI| 1|ss\
leil McSweere] is e ausicier
erJ scrcw|ite| |ca S|eelJ, uK.
Sirce Z00c |e |es |eleese twc
el|uas erJ e ccuule c sircles. |e
|es tcu|eJ wiJel] ir t|e uK erJ
e||ceJ, ircluJirc e stirt ir Z010 es
suuuc|t tc Ric|e|J |ewle].
.t1 11I1 I 11|
Music t|et is Je||l] |caertic erJ
|ee|t||ee|ircl] |crest. |is sccr
tc |e |eleeseJ Je|ut el|ua. Rcc|'s
.cice ccauels erJ aesae|i/es es
it leeus |ca scrc|cus |e|iticre tc
sce|irc elsettc.
1 I1s sIs1| ||III|
1s II)
|c|ae| |crtaer wit| S|eelJ
|eseJ |erJ |ittle Mer Tete.
|cllcwirc t|e |erJ's ||ee|uu ir
Z009 Jcr |es ste|teJ e sclc ce|ee|,
ccauletirc |is Je|ut el|ua Steu
0ut T|e Mer w|ic| wes |eleeseJ
cr 1ct| 0ctc|e| Z010.
I1 I1I1 ||\1
see |cr cut
?1 11| ||11II|)
T|e uK's u|eaie| ci|l c|cuu,
0uc|ess ule]irc |e|J, eJc] u||er
ucu |ut wit| iau|essi.e cu| ue|t
?.111 |11Is 1|1IsI
T|e aea|e|s c Sc|eeairc MelJiri
we|e acstl] aeJe ir t|e 19c0s |ut
scae c t|ea JiJr't cet ccirc urtil
t|e ee|l] 1990s. T|e] e|e cu| |c]s
erJ twc ci|ls |ca S|eelJ.
1.t1 11|1 11s
B|itis| |e|Jcc|e irJie |erJ |ca
S|eelJ. T|e] J|ew iruerces
|ca e wiJe .e|iet] c e|tists
c| ereaule T|e Ser |istcls,
T|e St|c|es, T|e | erJ T|e
|i|e|tires tc reae |ut e ew.
t11 I ?I I?I
l ]cu e|e luc|] ercuc| tc aeet T|e
|ee|ie Jee|ies cr e |ct Je], uleese
|eac.e ]cu| surclesses |ec|e
cuerirc ]cu| acut|. l ]cu Jc rct
]cu will |e suet et |eueeteJl] urtil
]cu |eeli/e ]cu| aiste|e.
tt1 I\| |I|
|c|aeJ ir 0ecea|e| Z009
S.l.Y.|./.C e|e e c|cuu c li|e
airJeJ ausiciers c|icirell] |ca
|crJcr l S|eelJ l Merc|este| 8
t|e Jeeu uits c weles.
tt.111 1I1sI 1I
\ 1|\, sI|\ 1,
111?| 1sI1 t 1I

II1 s11\
I1 |1s11 11I1s
11 1| 1I|
11 |11sI II1|I11
1 |1I1
1 1sIs 1| s1 I
|I1 1I\
I1 |11sI|| 1| 11
?1 \I1 sII 11I1
11 1ss11 1I
|1|\ 111I s1 11I|s
t1 |111
Scuuue|eJ |e.e |eer et t|e
c|e|crt c Scut| Yc||s|i|e erJ
lc|t| lcttirc|eas|i|e |cl| Music
c| cuite e rua|e| c ]ee|s wit|
t|ei| ertersi.e |eue|tci|e erJ c|eet
I1 I1Is I11\
/ .e|] ucuule| Scut| Yc||s|i|e |cl|
c|cuu wit| e ertestic |eue|tci|e
t|et ircluJes aer] c|icirel scrcs
erJ ucicrert cc.e|s.
11 I111?111
/r /ae|icere st]le cutt wit|
scae ucwe|ul c|icirel scrcs c|eet
cc.e|s erJ |ewc||eJ ccurt|] ausic
11 I|\' 1\
Sets ccrsist c t|ei| cwr
ccaucsiticrs erJ t|ei| cwr
e||erceaerts c t|eJiticrel scrcs
erJ tures.
e |elereJ ric|t c eccustic ausic,
ucet|] erJ cuer aic
1 1s 1I|
.11 IsIs
/ scrcw|itirc u|cject |etweer
Cire welte|s |Sc|eeairc MelJiri
erJ Me|| Rc|e|ts |wetc| T|is |i|e
I.111 II1| \I|\ '|1
' |11II| I1s
Music w|ic| etteauts tc uluc irtc
]cu| lie |] ule]irc st|iuueJ |ec|
eccustic sets ir irtiaete .erues.
I 1Is
tI1tI1 1I I1\\ t 1I
|le]irc rc|t|e|r scul, teale
actcwr, c0s ausic, acJ ausic erJ
/0s erJ c0s scul.
11 11| 1I1s1 \II|s
Me|c Mi|erJe's l]|icell] J|
scrcs Jcr't seea tc cuite t irtc
er] cer|e |ut J|ew irsui|eticr |ca
e .e|iet] c scu|ces, |ca li|.ere
tc Me|.ir Ce]e.
1.111 \III s1 I
+ uiece |erJ |ca t|e 0crceste|.
.111 I 11I|
T|e ReJiecs |e.e elwe]s |eer e
leeJirc lic|t c t|e |s]c|c|ill] Rcc|
r Rcll Scere ir t|e uK erJ Eu|cue
sirce c|airc ir t|e lete 19c0's. /
'w|ec|ircl]' cccJ tiae is essu|eJ
c| ell.
.111 I1 |I ?I11
3 uiece Rcc|llrJie cc.e|s |erJ |ca
?1 \I1\1s\
+uiece |cc| cc.e|s |erJ.
11 11|\1\ ?s1
T|e Sae|t Cesuels e|e e 3 uiece
|erJ t|et ule] |ic| cless li.e ausic
t|et cc.e|s ell e|es c ucule| ausic
|ca t|e 50's tc t|e u|esert.
|| |1s
/ll C|ews ir.ite ell t|e aejc|
S|eelJ scurJs]steas erJ c|ews
tc ccae tccet|e| c| e Je] tc erjc]
eec| ct|e|s scurJs erJ ercle.
1|| 1 s1I 1|111
|1|1 1 s11|
?1 II
11\ 111sI|
FIoppy-Irioged brothers, ooe
a sioger, the other ao acoustic
guitarist, who pIay IoIk-tioged
baIIads that are soIt but with
a sioister edge, who siog
oI dyiog dreas aod bIoody
suers, Iike stereo Nick
rakes" - Ihe uardiao
low duo
I 1111
8aturday 23-Thuraday 28 [uIy
Dscover the wonders o/ how
naturaI Ight s trans/ormed
through a Iabvrnth o/ tunneIs
and magn/cent domes.
An un/orgettabIe exerence,
don't mss t!
Sheffield Cathedral Forecourt,
Church Street, Sheffield
Open Daily
10am-7.30pm (Sat, Mon-Thurs)
12pm-7pm (Sun)

Suitable for all ages and all abilities.

3.50* Individual Tickets
12.00* Family
3.00* Group 10+
*includes Gift Aid donation
Ticket Info
Tel: 0114 275 34 34
cathedral_FP_Tramlines_2011.indd 2 7/13/2011 8:12:22 AM
_:::75$0/,1(625*8. :::75$0/,1(625*8._
I sI s1
|11| ?s 1sI
C|illeJ eccusticl0J sets |ca
S|eelJ's |est eclectic ric|t
I1 1111\ II1' III 111
11 |I1 |I
lt's t|cuc|t t|et t|e ausic is |erreJ
ir Russie
1.11 1 11ss
St|crc .cice erJ |eeutiul cuite|
ule]irc |ca t|is ]curc ur'.
1.111 I|| 111
|ertestic Merc|este| cuite|ist
sirce|, cl|] cuite|ist erJ sirce|
.t1 II 's' I1Is
|iu |cu erJ eccustic useJ
1 | 111\
CccJ 0e] erJ Sc|uules |crtaer
||ircs us |is c|ee|] c|ccrircs.
.11 11\ sI|1||
/tacsu|e|ic ||]t|as, eccustic
aelcJies erJ |escurJirc .ccels.
I.111 sI| 1s 1
S|el|ecceelt|cuicel .i|e |ca
t|ese c|eus
?.t1 \I1 |1s1sII1s|
Sculul tures 8 aelcJic |is.
1.111 I 11I1 |1|\1
|eeJlirc ect |ca t|e cl|
1.111 ||I?111
t1.t1 \I1.III| |I
1 )
tt.t1 11. \I11 |?III
's ||))
tI.111 1sI111 ||11|
sI 1s 11|\
|I1t1 1 |1s\
tIt11 1| I11s
111s |1?||
11 s??
1ss\ 11
1I||| ?11I1
I1ss\ s\Is
sI I1I |I1
11 ) 11 1s\1
11 1| 111 |IsI
\11\I1 11|\ ?s1
1I s11
5 uiece lccel |cc| c|eetress.
Rew irJust|iel, u|ccc] aetel.
|1 1| 1sI|
|e|acr] |ustirc, aelcJic aetel.
\I|| |1
3 uiece uur|]c|urce.
1 t11Is
Z uiece aeric J|cre.
lcise|cu |ca |eeJs. Ycu cctte
|ee| it tc |elie.e it.
/lte|reti.e ucst|cc| sweetress.
1111 1| 11I|
/lte|reti.e aetel |es| |ca uK
|ei|], sweet], |ee.] u|cc.
sI|\ I ?1I s1
I1|I 1I1sI 1I
T|e wic| |esiJerts cet cr t|e 1s
erJ Zs tc suir irJie, |cc| erJ |cll
erJ c0s.
Fresh oII the back oI wiooiog Iastoobury eergiog taIeot
copetitioo, Ireetop FIyers have expIoded oo to the k IestivaI
treetop flyers
1\1 |I1 I1
IJ |JlN|llL VlIE IEl!
LlYL F!l| JN !I l1
V| at| jtj 1ta trtm lttas|irt
Crtta ia1 tajt ttr ti1tr tts|ii|,
at| ttr)t||ia) ttr st|tt|ita tt ttr
IT lttrs trtm irtta1 ||t tr|1
iat|t1ia) Il 1rit)|| rti| i|ts|
!FLF LlYL F!l|,
CFLI |llLF!.
lrtj ttt jtia| ttr ||t Irim|iats lts|tr
lts, ti|t| ||t lts|trs |it ia1 ittts|it
ia ||t jtl i|| tt|ta1.
II! l|1|.
!1 Vt||ia)|ta !|rtt|, !|ttLt|1, !I !EC
I |1 |11 ||
11I| |II1| |1I
1s I1

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