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Want to be a part of the design/beautification of your own community?

Work with professional community artists and counteract vandalism - Enjoy a fun, productive, cost-free summer activity with your neighbours!
This is a project funded by the Neighbourhood Matching Fund, Vancouver Board of Parks & Recreation and Collingwood Neighbourhood House, for the renewal/ repair of these SkyTrain retaining-wall

We would like to engage community involvement in mural design & painting sessions beginning late July, until the end of August. Local artists Yoko Tomita & Nick Gregson will lead and engage volunteers in renewing the Berry Trail mural, and repairing the Veggie mural. You are the reflection and legacy of the Renfrew-Collingwood Community. Your support is highly appreciated! Please reach us at:


5288 Joyce Street Tel: (604) 435-0323 Email:

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