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Stories from Sarehole Mill

by 4OQ, Robin Hood Primary School, Birmingham

Photograph by Pat Reynolds

Miller Gets Pick-Pocketed Harjeevan

1856 SareHole Mill, SareHole Road Haw Green At SareHole Mill there was a Miller called Daggingstine. He was a cruel man with a thick, large, long rope that whenever some-one does something wrong he whipped the with the huge, hurtful rope. He has one wife, her name was Catherine. She always has to do whatever the Daggingstine told her to do. Catherine wanted to get divorced but it is only the Daggingstines had the choice of getting divorce! There was one apprentice called Abidini and Catherine always felt sorry for him because he done all of Daggingstines work for him well he was sleeping, relaxing and watching Abidini struggle to pick up all of those heavy, huge sacks of our. They had there own Baker called Prankingstine. She is the best Baker in the world. Her name sounds like a boys name but she is a Girl. Daggingstine was standing by the large, shallow Millpond but then he felt all dizzy and sick! Suddenly he fainted and fell into the Millpond and oated off to the animals. Then the Pick-Pocketer

swiftly ran through the Mill and exited and got away without anybody seeing him! Will he ever been seen again? Is he going to strike again? That day Prankingstine and Catherine got really worried as the absence of Daggingstine since earlier this day. Abidini was searching for the rest of the day but there was no sight of Daggingstine until the next day, a Wednesday... ...The next day that was a Wednesday Abidini went to feed the Hens at the back of the Millpond all of the Hens were by the pond but they are normally scared from the water. Suddenly he saw a trail of blood until he found Daggingstine so he must of fallen over into the Millpond and bumped his head at the bottom of the pond. Abidini seen that Daggingstines eyes were glancing into his eyes as he was bleeding slowly and weakly as the blood was dripping down his face. Abidini shouted as loud as he could! Catherine I need help! Luckily Prankingstine heard him and came right away to help him! Whats the matter? worriedly said Prankingstine! It is Daggingstine, hes bleeding! Now its stopped! Anxiously said Abidini!

They went to Catherine and told her about Abidini nding him at the back of the Millpond.They cleaned him up. What happened to me?asked Daggingstine. Abidini spotted the Pick-Pocketer at the Bakers so he quickly ran down and chased him until he caught him. The Miller gave him a punishment of working in the Mill as an apprentice but without payment and gets wiped with the strong rope oftenly. He was like that for the rest of his life and every-one in the Mill had know more problems ever again(like that). Abidini never got treated like that again!

A shocking day by Shaka It was night on 1513 13 march in mill it was silent as a mice.sarehole mill has a big chimney a bakehouse a river a house and much more. The mill had its ups like the well and a house and a bed. Also it has its downs like the mill was lled with spider and rats .Only the only sound of trotting hooves can be heard.Suddenly there was a high pitch sound like haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa Evey body in mill came to see like Sarah the cook, Mr collard the millers apprentices and the farmer faizan all looked at the miller Mr hall dead with a nife in his heart! Mr collard pointed out a face in the bushes grab him and they caught him but he put up a big ght. They lock him up in the cellar Mr collard took over the mill.

Trouble at the mill 3 by Barnes Edited by Alex and Faizan Chapter 1 The mill Its 1881 and when I started to notice how lucky I was but most people would d isagree but some people live on the streets I'm lucky not to .The miller came to me and said he heard somebody in the mill, but after a while I forgot and I looked at the glimmering water.In the night I woke up with a start. I heard a scream. The whole of sarehole mill went quiet even the baker was silent she was working late I had to go down but I couldnt bear it.Eventually I went down my legs were shivering like there is earth quake then Chapter 2 Murder Suddenly I saw the baker and my friend another apprentice look at the miller dead,who would kill him an other miller,a civilian or maybe it was

suicide.Every room was dark all the ca ndles were out it was like a black out. I noticed there was some blood on the grindstones. The next night I was searching if anything was stolen then I heard some foot steps. I looked around I didnt nd anything it was dark and dusty with our everywhere.There was a lantern and I did hear footsteps.The room was lit I saw the farmer he ran away swiftly. Was it him who murdered the miller I know the miller did shout at him harshly but really it couldt be the millers own farmer.The next day I notest things had been stolen I dicided to visit the farm. Chapter 3 The farm and a peeler(the police) I came to the farm,the farmer let me strait in it was very strange in the night I had sent for the peelers (the police) as well.The peelers came after lunch and eventually the farmer gave in and was arrested.I was the next person to be the miller so I became the new miller.The mill was a well making money business but I say the mill has had problems. Chapter 4

A happy ending 10 Years later I have made millions of shillings from bread.

Trouble at sarehole mill by Faizan Edited by Alex and Barnes 1788 sarehole mill

Hi i`m the miller of sarehole mill would you like a would you like a job here. them they staired at the loveley but old mill.With beautiful blue buttery's ying next to them yessaid tom. Ok then you need to sign this contractsaid the miller Oksaid tom. You can start off with cleaning the wheat off the oor and you will get 4 shillings a day.said the miller. With ghostly white our ying around. What 4 shillings that's it i`m quiting. said tom. You can`t because you signed the contract so you have to work 5 years so hahaharr. cheekly said the I`m running away right nowso Tom tried to run away from sarehole mill but the miller stoped him running away from sarehole mill and made Tom him work an extra 5 years...

Trouble at the dirty lake by Emily 1888 October 10th I was in the old Mill and Simran the Miller told me to go and get the Bread that the baker had cooked so he went away to get the bread. As soon as Iman got there he saw Emilia the baker and said Hello I have been told to come and collect the bread that you have made for Yes the Miller has told me that you would be visiting me for the bread said Emilia Could I please have the bread Yes of course you can Thank you The Baker gives the bread to Iman and walks away. As soon as Iman was at the Mill she quickly tasted the bread and thought Oh this bread is horrible I should through it away. So Iman walks to the Beautiful,Majestic lake and he threw the sack into the lake but he forgot to let go and he fell in with it. Meanwhile in the Mill Simran the Miller was wondering where Iman was and she was getting

angry. Then she said to herself I wonder if the baker knows where he is . When the Baker got to the bakehouse he said to the Baker Where is Iman last time I saw her she was going to you. But she is not there now Oh No she must have fell into the lake. But I told her to be very carefull Do not worry we will be able to nd her You better. HELLLPPP Said Iman as she tried hard not to drownd . Dont worry we are here said Simran. Yeah and I will help you outsaid Emilia HURRY!! Emilia got a branch and pulled Iman out carefully. When Iman got out she said Thank you so much I really appreciate it Everybody get back to work NOWWW Everybody got back to work and did not tell anyone want happend.

The End

The miller gets a heart attack by Akmal

once in 1988 the aprentnteice were working to make some bread so they can feed there family and to make all the people started when there are nine year old.the mill was so dusty and wheat was going everyone and the sun was all over the mill. The miller was going to see if the anprentices were sleeping everyone was doing ne the miller was going back but then fall on the oor the miller had hart the apprentices went to the miller but he was no more and he was dead.

so they called everyone and the miller was dead.So everyone one of them said lets see if some one can be a good miller. that's a good idea so lets see who can be a good miller,everyone had to try to be the best miller and had a vote the anprentices so the miller is johnso there was no need to worry anymore.

The end

the scary Sarehole mill by Madison

Inside the mill is really scary. Lesry went inside up sters saw all the others crying .lesery said wears saterday Bess said please help wat wat saterday feel down the walter weal oh hold on saterday i said lesery he wad dead lesey!!!!! ev ran rond the mill as she did she fell down the well not fell summy pulled the rope she went splat!!!! seryone said help said Saturdaa .the miller came charging up the stairs weres my two other apprenticsyou umm said sumy . help Saturday is that you said the miller y..e..s m.r miller g et her out of the walter weal now said the miller . ok said the other apprentics thay went to get a rope . the miller went down stars out side what is this red stuf. he went more out side . eeeeeyw ok she is dead he went up sters he saw the apprentice's pulling Saturday out she is out said the miller x her up now

she was well now

the end

The murder at Sarehole mill by Bilal

IN 1885 I WAS WALKING INTO THE MILL STONE the wheat what had thousands and thousands of holes in it . II herd some one scream so i ran to the mill and sore a died body i saw the miller had been murdered and they thought the police Would come.

So they got some one decide as the miller so they put the miller in the closet. And diced the miller as james. AND TOM GOT CARMER AND CARMER UNTILED the miller went to BED AND HE WAS IN A HURE TO CLEAN UP THE MESS HE WOKE UP AND Saw EVERY THING CLEAN AND TOM WAS ASLEEP . The pored a bucket of water on the apprentice the apprentice woke up and said how did that and the miller was right in front of him. The miller tolled tom to get back to work so he started cleaning the horse poop he was so tired he nealy fell in the poo.

The millers wife screamed and screamed because the boy was inhere bed the miller went running and he sore the boy in the bed asleep. The miller throw the boy out of the miller.

The end

The Millers Time of Death by Simran In 1890. There was a huge,dark black water wheel as I walked past. There was dirty smelly rats and spiders everywhere in the mill it was like it was never cleaned but i will clean it. I could hear the water wheel with all the fresh water rolling in the water wheel . Even though i was new it felt like i had been here for my whole life.T hen there was a warm,calm breeze going past my head. There was a great smell of bread in the bakery i saw myself touching the bread and eating it. The vivid,yellow blazing hot sun was shining on the mill it was like a dream that never ended but she did not know what was awaiting for her yet. There were so many old and rusty dangerous machines so I went downstairs to eat. When i had nished i went back upstairs to work. Suddenly the miller was gone i looked everywhere he was no where to be found until I saw him in the water wheel! Was this my fault? i did not know i thought...AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH HHHH It was not my fault few it was so loud the horses ready to take people to different places. I took the miller to a hospital on a brown,huge horse

they said he was hurt a lot so we had to nd a new miller. Who was it when did it happen how did it happen who knows the other apprentices were there Molly the bakers apprentice was there. I did not know what happened but the other apprentices did know. They did know they had such a suspicious look on especially Molly. Then i asked Molly did you murder the miller she said no but i knew she did and then she said she did i was shocked actually more than shocked. She said to me this miller is bossy so i said all millers are bossy but this one was very bossy. T wo days later we all went to see how the miller was he was injured too much to be a miller and he died. Molly said i would never do anything to my boss me Simran i might of been mean to other people but not the old,poor miller NEVER. Now we needed a new miller the apprentices moaned because no one knew who wanted to be the miller , only the miller knew. Then as the apprentices were sighing away they all heard a distant horse they did not have a clue who it was until now. It was a person who was volunteering to be the new miller everyone in the village knew but this person was now the miller. Everyone told Simran to tell the new miller everything that a miller needs to know and

that was the the new miller after all. Meanwhile everyone thought that nding a new miller was not that hard.

The millr deth and babey by Ethan shapter 1 i went pas the mill i felt the nice brez i hurd the wortor weul spining arawnd. i smelt bred and saw corn evre were i hurd screming the . the millr is dead wot hapond i said the millors wife said i dont kowe shey said.2 day aftor the millors death an nother on is dead by the same team of killors thay ar calld the z team thay ar fbi most wonted thay killd 59 pepelthay murderus .thay killd my freds mum THAY ar ideus i lick to kill thum one old un days i a frureus .the mill is verey qwiut and cold and now wet becousx the millor is dead becos the plec.i and the plec trid to hunt them dawn.i was the millors aprentes i thinc the mill is myn.i wonder haw thay killd him with a gun probley thay burt hem i gest i am writ becouse ther are burnt morcs all over hem even his hed the fbi are stupid.on that day i hurd some one spred oal evre wser i was petrd that day.i wa fureus becos thay burnt the mill and stuf and clos and my home as well. my pay chec to pay my mum. my mum was furus. and she had a babey.she gav it to my mum she was over the moon and back. so i had a litel sister

omg.i was gobd smact becouse i got a litel siter. i was berd becouse my tous wer bernt by the er. it was weeks becouse the babey is 4 month old it is fun haven a litel aprentes.this is fun doing nothinc i am so bord. shapter 2 the nd

we thinc the cops are now on the move hope the cops dont come and kill my sister is safe in are hads we are safe as well. we brete a cot fore here we are now got a new hawes we nley fawnd the peelers are fawnde now we are safe now we.and we are now gowing shoping .

Fire at the Mill By Robert

When I walked through the gate I could smell the ower being ground. Then I went into the mill and I saw an Apprentice working by the large, dirty Water Mill when suddenly his dirty, old rags got caught in Water Mill and he was shouting to death for help!! He just disappeared. in a ash so if you blink youll miss all of it and never know were he has gone! also the water mill got rusty and it caught re.again the apprentice was dead and no one would see him again.The miller could smell something burning so he awoke from his nap saw that the mill was on re he called for Jack the apprentice but he did not come because HE WAS DEAD! The miller was risking his life to save Jack when he got in he could not See him at all so he tried upstairs but he was not in sight so he went out side and got a bucket of water to call down the mill.


The re of Sarehole mill by Aliabbas On 26 September 1885 at sarehole mill.It was another ordinary bright,sunny day at the ,dusty working day at the mill .The baker went to the bakehouse to bake the food whilst the miller went to do his paper work. In the dark, bakehouse the baker was making the bread and he was very,very busy. Suddenly the miller entered !!! What are you doing oh great stuff keep the good work going while i go and have a look how Wayne (the apprentice) is geting on,exclaimed the miller. Wayne was doing great, he used the epensive oven.The machinery was as loud as a elephant. Suddenly they smelt smoke went off it was the baker he forgot to put the oven off!!! The ambulance came rushing ,but it was no use the re got worse and worse and worse!!! Then the next door neighbour of the mill came over and through a blanket and splashed water and the re eventually wore out. Then the apprentice , baker and the miller all went back to work and the they all worked very hard and got their money....... The End

The re mill By Alex Edited by barnes and Faizan 1892, sarhole mill the day after Liverpool football club was established. I` going to the farm said Tom oh, by the way Tom is a charming boy with shiny but dark black hair who was .Five hours later and Tom is still not back. Strange whispered the miller who was not so charming infact,he was the most ruthless -man in England who when the moment he was born, he was as ruthless as he is now then he was taught by his mother who was a not a very smart wome .Oh by the way he was very scruffy.Suddenly ,Tom came in to the dark damp grinding oor.At the same time,The Miller turned on the lit a bright,shining candle .Then there was a farmer named Topo who was a rich every day man who had 100 then he had a small cottage witch cost 50!So he went on to become a farmer Tom dropped the candle,set re to the dark but new grind stones and the miller turned on the soggy old waterwheel but at the same also forgetting to put in the seed so that made the re twice as bad.

"Oh no!" said Tom. The re spread downstairs and even out of the mill! The miller thought for a moment and then turned the waterwheel off then on again and the day

The bombing at Sarehole Mill by Ismail It was a peaceful day on the mill and Ismail was sweeping all the smelly dust and ower on the hard,brown oor.T he walls were really dirty he mentioned it to the miller and he said. "your the apprentice your the one who works so clean them yourself". So Ismail went to clean the walls it was 9 o clock he was working over time.He went to get his payment from miller.T he miller was a strict person but when he is the a mood he can be really nice.He got his payment and got a bit more money because he worked over time or the miller was just generous .He was just about to leave when a plane went over and a bomb dropped he ran for his life his heart was pounding like a drum. He ran to safety so did the miller no one died but the miller was badly injured and had to go to hospital. Ismail went go and see him in hospital they weret talking much but then Ismail said are you ok miller he said I'm ne. Ismail just kept looking at him then he stoped breathing there was a big rush he was told to go

out and there was loads of people crowding then a man came out and said es DEAD. Ismail was really sad about the millers death .Then he head the news that the new miller was coming in. Ismail went to greet the new miller.He was very strict he shouted at Ismail every 5 minutes and shouted stuff like, Keep working you lazy animal. When he did something wrong like let one little piece of wheat fall out of the bag of wheat he would get hit with a cane and have to work over 12 hours.He wanted the old miller back but he was dead he is never going to see him again.He had to get use to getting hit and working day and night and he didnt get payed much.He wanted to leave but if he did his family would be broke and would have to rot on the street. The new stricked miller did get really bored after a while shouting every 5 minutes so he did leave. Ismail was curious.Who the new miller was but he wasnt sure if he would be stricked or not. So he

became the knew miller he was better than all the others and sir hole mill was really really successful.

Sarehole Mill by Thomas soon we will meet a total dissaster and it comes the very old mill (ther is mud on the mill it snuck) is on re!!( it is like the sun has icked and the the re icked came down and set the mill on re) the Miller ran out of the mill and it tuck his breath away and the miller and tom get a bucket and put the re out and they all had wall cooked bread.

Sarehole Mill by Chelsea In 1855. There Was A Lazy boring 9 Year Old Boy Named Tom .Tom Worked For The Miller He Hqad Non Stop . The Mill Looked Old and Rusty and Damp because It Was Always Wet Because It Had Water Going In It All Day . Tom Was So Tired That He Could Not Breath Any More . It smelled like the sewers and the water smelt like a pond by the sewers Next Tom Got stuck in the water wheel ahhhhhh Iam stuck in the water wheel it hurts The Wheel I Can Not Believe It he had tried to get out but he couldn't and then he tried and tried and tried to do it breath could not a the miller puled the stick to get tom out but he had no chance and wow the miller though what i can not pull it i am going o get red please help then someone came Few i nnaly got out and the water wheel And he chered up so hat was heend we all lived HAPILY EVER AFTER !!

Rotten luck By Rahul, Author of Arkantos & Mythology & other stories. 1840 1st Spring The mill was an old dusty place with lots of rats & mouldy cheese around there was cheese because thats what they ate at dinner, lunch and breakfast the miller was saying where they grounded the our thing like 8 bags farmer Joe.The old miller was named Dimitri Petrenko he was as cruel as you can get he killed a man & went mental & had to go to an Asylum at he eventually died at the age of 51(1789) one day before his birthday. Krunov was the miller before Petrenko at 1745 he lived 44 years and was murdered by Demrov an old murderer who killed 4 people Tom, James, Kate & Jake. The mill has been dirty, dusty, infested and cold Years after the murder of miller , his son died on the 1800 from a spear when his wife gave birth to Sam he was to be the next miller his whole family were millers he was a different boy compared to his father. He was a man at 19 years and grew to be an excellent miller he died in 1880 at the age 80 older then most of highest ever in his family and died of

age and pain.He died of the pain in his neck,back & head.

In the mill the apprentices were making our for the bakery but a man named Rozadenzkey(this man is Russian) was a thief, this was in 1840 the miller was named Sam.The Russian man started pick pocketing everyone in the mill he pick pocketed the miller 4 times the cook 32 times and Joel 49 times Pavlov 69 times and Alexandrov 71 times comrade its pay day said Alexandrov.Soon a new recruit named Chernov he was so busy sweeping the our of the oor.On the 20th of April a murder happened ...

It was Sam dead by water wheel it was a stab mark on his chest soon there was suspicion on Rozdendzkey because he was the only one with Chernov that night after that incident nobody liked with them by themselves.After that he was going to chase the he apprentice called Joel he was the next enemy soon at night was working with hut there was a struggle and they smashed poles but Rozadenzkey fell down were the water wheel was and got his leg crushed and luckily survived but after about to die.Soon they executed then burnt at the stake.

Sarehole Mill By Callum C I was standing by the mill pond it was bright and beautiful.The mill pond was the most lovely place in the mill. The mill was alright but accept that's in the mill and the dust that goes window to the other one.The miller was called reznov[was a Russian man]The miller was really strict and horrible.I was only 8 years old and my name was soap mactavish and the baker was called price. One night when i was asleep and i heard a shout from the millers room. It was horrifying,terrifying i was so scared. Oh no it was the murder gang. They went out to the mill pond and beat him up then drowned him. The next morning i went to the mill pond to get some fresh air and then i saw the miller in the pond dead.Oh no he was the best miller ever in the world.I was so scared the miller was dead i saw the wanted poster said wanted the murder gang.He ran to the medical center and told them everything.It was the end of the mill oh no the city will be starving with no food even though we had a great harvest.I think i know how to use everything in the mill to keep it going but i don't have that much time before i have to go.Because it was about to fall down.

When it was knocked down then i thought i could get some builders to rebuild it .So i hired quit a lot of builders to build the mill back up.6 months later the mill was nished the mill it was lovely. The mill pond was discusting it was full of blood and a few bones.When it was all cleaned up and tidy the mill pond was shining like it used to.I thought i could be the miller i am the miller now so i can hire a apprentice now. Oooooohhhhh i told the city and i chose price who used to be the apprentice so he is the apprentice.When he arrived at the mill he got sent to the grind stones and grind some wheat and make some our for the bread.we had our own well it was full of lovely fresh water.When the mill was back up and running the farmer left and we got a new one called woods.Woods was the best farmer in the world.The new miller was pronounced to the city and they said it was the best miller ever in sore hole mill.The mill was back and running until price was about to fall on the water mill and I just about got him before he fell in the water wheel.We ran out of water from the mill pond. Whee am I gonna get some water again it will take over a year.It would take a year to ll up the mill pond again.Then I got an idea I could use the water from the mill well.The well was full of fresh water.The water wheel was huge the water wheel is not going to be running for

ages so I said to price to help me to ll up the mill pond. THE MILL POND WAS EMPTY I AM FURIOUS.!The water wheel was empty no our the city is gonna starve.I didn't want to tell the city the news.3 months later the mill pond was done all the time it took us to ll it back up. he mill pond was full and T the water wheel was running again.We can get some our yeah.

Millers Death by Adam It was a dark,stormy night at Sarholemill in 1503 and Tom and the miller were working at Sarhole Mill.Sarhole Mill was a giant Barbaric place where bread was made.It had two giant millstones,one jawdropping waterwheel,and a bed witch most people didnt hve in 1503 Suddenly a Murderer jumped out of the thick,prikly bushes and pushed the miller into the waterwheel!!! Meanwhile on the otherside of the waterwheel tom was puting our into sacks when he heard a PHOOOOP Tom looked in the sack AGGGGGH the millers head landed directly into the middle of the sack... Tom intended to nd out who did this he jumped onto the giant waterwheel and as it he got to the top he stopped the waterwheel and saw somebody running.He swiftly and carefully jumped off the waterwheel the waterwheel and directly landed on the murderer. Tom ripped off the mask of the murderer but quickly the murderer escapes.

The Next Day Tom puts up signs on the street which read Wanted Murderer Reward 20 shillings If found please come to Sarhole mill for REWARD As the murderer walked past, he tried to look as innocent as possible. But that didnt last for long,because 3 weeks later the murderer was walking past Tom, when he realised that the murderer had the same haircut.Murdererhe shouted and he jumped on the murderer.A mob of people surrounded the murderer.As Tom rolled the muderer over he gasped with horror Mr.Farmer. How could yousaid Tom.Well said the Farmer The Miller wouldnt except my best meat so I had to become the miller so that I could make the weat and grind it with no doubt and I would make loads of money.Well now thats over who will be the new millersaid Tom.Just then a man shouted out from the crowd Why dont you be the miller after all you did catch the murderer.We I suppose I could so from that day on Tom ran the giant Sarhole Mill.

The death of the miller by Bessie As i looked across the beautiful mill pond.I heard a scream and ran into the mill i saw a dead body on the oor i ran also saw a team.I ran back and two people were round the dead body they saw me picked up the dead body and vanesed i saw Maddy crying around the dead body trace i gave her a big hug she was the millers daughter he screamed DADDY!!!! , and cried.

i felt sorry for her she did not appear at work for weeks i had to get to the bottom of this crime.I felt sad that i could not do anything about it . Suddenly it was all clear everything was clear now the poster the two people everything it was all coming together perfectly.I needed a Fajita so i got one and it was a good Fajita to anyway back to the case mmmmmmmmm Fajita i said. Anyway back to the case again i went to see mrs whitebread she saw it all.I walked to Mrs. Whitebread said she saw two men that she had seen before and one looked like the farmer and one like that nice boy called Tom.

So me,Maddy,Emily the farmers daughter,Emilia, Maddys twin and iman a friend went to see the farmer and tom.Then we sortitied a bunch of questions for the two people. we had a case on they seemed very suspicious in a way and Emily and everyone were sent of to the farmer while i went to the millers apprentice he spilled a lot out that he shouldnt.He said me and the farmer killed the miller because he trusted me and the farmer said he could tell me anything OK. (Now i think you are wondering whats my name if you are my name is Francessa real fancy name name right ?But lucky for you just call me well Jess what oh yeah i changed my name to Jessy.)

Right then skip that part OK.So me and my friends ran to get help the poeple took them away and J.R.R. Tolkien came and said thank you to us and after that we screamed.

The terried Sarehole Mill. by Anessa Once upon time there as a Miller who is very very mean. And he had a apprentice called Fright. And Fright needs to work hard so she can earn her money. The Miller pays Fright 62 shillings. But Fright does not want 62shillings. She want have 20 shillings not 62shillings. And then the Miller said to fright you are only allowed 62shillings!. If you don't give me that much money i will stop working for you and you will not have no more bread. And it will be hard for you to get a new people. If you get a new people and you will pay them 62they would not accepted 62 they will want more money then 62 at least 10 then they will accepted it.The Farmer comes out of the mill and gets the money of the Apprentice . The Farmer said to the Apprentice that you over slept and youve only worked here for 20 minutes. So you will only get 5 a day only if you only sleep for long then you will get 5:00 a day. So could you go by Anessa

The Murdered Miller by Iman Tuesday 25th March 1885 The Farmer, Bertie is gardening outside planting crops while I am sitting down in the quite, dull Mill. It is quite a damp, smelly, dusty place with loads of rats scampering around on the ground trying to get bread. All of sudden I heard a scream! AAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH. I ran to the top of the mill to see what was going on. There was a pong which smelt like fresh blood. There right in front of me was a dead miller, Bill, Roger, Blackwell . I almost started crying because it was such startling news! AAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH Help the Miller is dead, somebody help please help!I screamed All of a sudden the farmer burst through the door and said Whats wrong, whats happened, is everyone all right. I am, but he isnt.I cryed The farmer gasps. I heard a scream so I ran upstairs and there I saw him, just lying there!I sobbed.

How about me and you and the rest of the community try to gure out who murdered the miller!said the miller acting as an investigator. Lets do this!We both said. Then we both went down stairs to give every one a private interview of where they were at different times. First up was Johnny the apprentice. Hello Johnny, we are going to give you an interview about the death of the Miller, Bill Roger Blackwell, now where were you at 2:30. Why are you asking me, and by the way I was at the loo. Next up was Daniella, the millers wife,.Where were you at 2:30. I asked. Well I was cooking dinner for tonight until I had the tradjic news. She sobbed. She started crying. We interviewed everyone at the mill but we could not nd the person who killed the miller. Then we hid behind Johnnys door and we heard him dancing and singing quietly I murdered the miller, oh yes I did. We both gasped in shock. Then we ran into his room. you murdered the miller didnt you Johnny.,We shouted. iiiii i was just joking! mumbled Johnny

I don't think you can sneak your way out of this on e, WE CAUGHT YOU RED HANDED!! He told us that he did it because the miller didnt give him enough money and had been working his socks of. But that still gave you no right to kill him, you shouldve just told him but because you didnt you will surely get consequences. We had to get a new miller AND give johnny a consequence. It was that he had to do every-ones jobs and doesnt get any money while the other apprentices get their fair share of shillings for not doing any work.

The End...

Mill Murder by Tyron

November 1901 Sareholemill I can see the mill pond it is a murky greenish couler HEY I can see a Heron!!!! Then I went inside the dusty ,powdery , hard working mill.T he miller always has our on his face so people call him white ogre!!! There are lovely little colorful buttery's hovering over my head. I saw miss white bread she said kindly to me Hi Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh Who was that is it the miller? but if it is the miller who is it. Tyron [me], Ismail,Cal [callum] scurried in the mill to see that something terrible like the millers body on the oor... I saw a shadow ripple with a blade and gone away Who was thatI said quickly Lets investigate whispered Callum So Tyron Callum and Ismail ran after the shadow but it was very fast...I saw a bit of candle wax on the oor I picked it up and threw it at the gure and it fell on the oor GOT YA now who is that?THE MILLERS WIFE! But why would she do that.

Beacuse i want his will Thats why The End.

Sarehole Mill by Ayeera

once upon a time in 1980 lived 4 girls 2 little and 2 tee naggers that wanted to be an apprentice's. in sarhole mill. the names were amber Joceline the little girls and big girl are Carline and shabeena one day shabeena and Carline went to see the miller to have a job the miller looked angry so shabeena said maybe w should go. Carline said no way were gonna get this job for good. the miller came up to the miller came up to them and said would you like to be the new good apprentices? the miller said. carline said yes and shabeena said no. the miller got confuesed. so he said do you want the job or not? shabeena said k i want the job; the miller nely got angry like a miller and said to them GET ON WITH YOUR WORL!!!!!;; ????????? This is how you need to write speech: Would you like to be the new good apprentice?, Said the Miller. Yes, said Shabeena.

The miller had made up his mind and carline and shabeena start working on stuff. at night the lights were on all day o ne minuite the light turned off the water wheel machine was still on so shabeena got sceard .and said i wish i never got this job in my life,;so shbeena could not see so carlne went down stairs after that caraline heard a scream she got worried that some thing had happened to shabeena. so carline zoomed up stairs to see what had happend. when she was up stairs she saw the most terringist thing that can ever happend to a humun being... SHE HAD HER FINGER CUT OF!! till then shabeena was screaming for life carline told the miller and the miller just said i dont care she can handel it her self. so carline set of to the medical shop. when she was in she could not nd enyhing for nger mediine. so she asked the lady on the counter and toled her do you have eny meebison ? the lady on the counter got confuesd so the lady on the counter said did you mean medicain?yes said carline so the lady saiddo you want nger medicne? yes said carline so the lady gave it and ran to the mill. so she gave shabeena was gave medicand and was ok at last

the end

Sarehole Mill by Ben I t was 1900 and it was nice peace full day on the old dusty mill .Ben was walking through the our dust I heard big brown horses walking past. I walked to the bright beautiful mill pond .I saw a light brown heron. The really strict and horrible miller came over he is called reznov he has got a Russian name .He said come me I will show you in side of the mill so Ben followed reznov in side the mill.

We saw the grind stones they where massive and dirty.I heard the sound of water rapidly glushing. Rezenov said do you know what that sound is the water mill I will take you there said Reznov . I am at the loud water mill cool said Ben .Reznov said do you want to go to the farm said Reznov Ben said yes .Reznov took me there we saw the farmer his name was Woods and he was harvesting crops he had a big black horrible beard and he smelt really bad .Next reznov took me to the bake house we saw the baker he was called Price he was baking the bread he gave me a free sample of bread it was delicious.

The miller showed us a thew other places and then Ben wondered off the miller was about to say some think to Ben but he was gone. Reznov never bovered to nd me .Reznov picked up a candle then he droped it then Ben hared a scream i leged it back as soon as i get closer there was a lot of smoke. Ben could hardly see i got to the miller there was re every where he was getting burned alive.... every one got out i ran it out we all wached the mill turning to ruble they all got buckets water and put it out. Price dragged reznov out 5 days later we had a funeral. Ben thourt to him self why dont i be the miller OK then Ben thourt to him self so he got 7 builders to rebuild the mill it took 7 years . Then every think was back normal. THE END

The Apprentice gets bankrupt. by Emilia In 1855 It is a dark,dusty night at the mill and the apprentices are working to death. They only rely on the sounds of the water wheel so they dont fall in. The Nasty Miller shouted GET YOUR BACKS INTO IT! oh sorry best apprentice you will get your extra wages straight away. The Apprentice who is called Lenny said Hop to it then I have done all of my chores witch is 1 so get it NOW.I could smell the delouse our. The other apprentices were getting really mad their names are Rocky,David,Lilly,Lucy. Rocky whispered to the others We need to get our own back we work to our death and he gets all the credit. Yeah LET DO THISDavid shouted. SSSSSSSSSSSSHHHHHHHHThey all said. That night the miller was sleeping and Lenny. The apprentices got their chance to get there own back on Lenny so they thought they would get all his money and let him feel poor.Meanwhile the others were pickpocketing the miller to get rid of

all his money they kept most of it but threw the rest in the lake. The miller and Lenny woke up with out there money!!!!!!!!!!! Lenny Says Call a detective nooooowwwww Yes sir straight away I will do it nowthe miller answered. BBBBBBRRRRRRBBBBRRRRR Yes this is the Mr D. detective how could we be any help. I am the miller at Sarehole mill and me and Lenny have been pick pocketed but we don no who. We will be right over we will be 2mins bye. said the detective. The detectives got there and said Now this is were it gets dangerous They went through the hole house for clues and there looked they could not nd any, the chances to ned clues were 1% to 100%. We cant nd any evidence any were in the house so we cant do any action until we have evidence.the Detective announced. Lenny and the Miller was not impressed they were so angry, the miller wanted to re them at that very minute.

I am not in pressed I can shut you down right now I think well I hope I can,I want my money back so if dont look I will.Angrily and proudly the miller shouted. I have to get all the equipment that a general would use I will be perfect.Thought The Miller. Meanwhile the apprentices were laughing. Lilly whispered What shell we do with all this money Hang on there is the Miller is in the pond oooooooo no his found the money,He has found Davids name tag.Lilly said. Oh that is were I dropped it that is very bad luck.David whispered. What on earth were you doing now we are done for.SCREAMED Lucy. Rocky announced I broke his glasses so he wont be able to read it I love braking things.It is my perpopus. 3 days later the detectives came back the miller told them he had evidence. I went to the mill pond and I found over 100 shillings and they were Lennys and mineThe Miller proved.

We have found the pickpocketer it is Miss Bun she was found withal the money proved the detective. That is the wages she gets from me 12 shillingssaid the Miller But that is inuf to by a horse.the detective said. Ohh shush Shouted the Miller Are you going to solve this or not No with that attitude Im going.Shouted the detective. So there lives were even worse because the apprentices got away and gave all the money to different charities and they all lived with horses and Lot's of different things.


Sarehole mill by Zoya

Once upon a time in the 1885 in sarhole mill there was a big brave miller who had one but apprentice but wanted some more apprentices . The miller went out and found some apprentices he left the mill with his trusty apprentice look after the mill. The millers apprentice was not trusty at all he let the farmer in when the miller said not to let anyone into the mill . The apprentice was not working for the miller he was working for the farmer but lieing to the miller because they both want to get revenge on the miller who didn't want the ower and didn't pay the chillings . SO THEY WANTED REVENGE !!!!!! The farmer and the apprentice they took all the millers money and they

The community found out so they went to get the police and they made it in time the fears police went and sorted out the problem . The miller went and said to the people who want to be his apprentice he needs to check on his other apprentice and when he got back he was ferocious of his apprentice an the very old lazy farmer as he was told the police got the money and gave it to the miller the miller raced back and said to the apprentices you gust need to your signed the contact all of them signed the the contract


Sarehole Mill by Raneyah

In 18555 There was a lazy old miller and there was a apprentice and his name was tom he is 9 year old little boy he worked all day for the miller. And the mill it was dusty,and it smelled of our.Tom was working all day he had none stop he was very tired. The miller was making the our with tom but suddenly the miller was tired because of making the our so he went for a little lay down.After tom had the rent money in his pockets but suddenly he put his rent in the our and then the miller woke up because he wanted the money for the rent. Then the apprentice tom said to the miller c an i go and go and get rent money so he went to get the rent but then he (whisper) to his self and says oh no i havent got the rent what am i gonna do now . The miller shouted where is the rent i want it now or get out of the mill tom said no i dont want to get out of the mill because i do not have enough money to feed my parents please give me two more days miller

says no tom says please give me two more days i promise i will give you the rent. Then the miller woke up and said to tom early in the morning wheres the rent said the miller dont worry said tom i have got it shall i give the rent to you the miller said yes sure you can give the rent.After that tom payed the rent to the miller.Ater thattom started his busy work all day until 10:00 in the morning tom was hungry he had no shillings to give to the miller so tom can have food. The next day the miller woke up and tom was still cleaning the mill and the miller gave 3 shillings to tom then tom started to(whisper) to him self and he said to his self yay i can get some food now and eat with my family.

Trouble at Sarehole Mill by Amrit In 1885 at Sarehole Mill there was a miller and his apprentice Tom. Sarehole Mill was an old, dusty place, but it had its own advantages. It had its own well and it had a Mill house and a bed, something which most people didnt have in 1885. Tom was a very hard worker. The miller was a lazy old man that never ever used to do anything. He just lay there all the time. The miller told Tom to do some work while he lay down and watched Tom. The miller wanted to make sure that Tom didn't have a snack, lunch or dinner break. One day the miller asked Tom to take the heavy, wheat out of the truck.The truck was black and white.The size was 5 meters long. Guss how many people the truck can t in?10 people can t in the truck.But the only think is that if 10 people can t in the truck that means that they will be squashed in the truck. But miller my arms and legs are aching, moaned Tom. Nonsense Tom, I dont care that your arms and legs ache. I am a lazy old man and I dont do any work and Ive only got one thing to say to you Tom - I DONT CARE !!!!!!!, shouted the miller.

As Tom was carrying the wheat because the miller said that he to put it the corner.the rst sack was no holes Finally Said Tom. In the second sack their was three holes Thats not bad like my miller is going to kick me out of the mill thought Tom.In the last sack their was million's of holes Oh no now my miller is going to kick me out of the mill worried Tom Then when the miller came i was still sweeping the wheat up.WERE IS THE WHEAT TOM SHOUTED the miller. (Tom laughed). Well, miller the to sack had no holes in it but, sorry to say this but, the third sack had millions of holes in it, it felt so light that it was showering down while i was putting it next to the two sacks that Tom put in the corner. Tom you havent payed the rentasked the miller, I have payed the rentTom said, No you haventsaid the miller, Ohhhhhsaid Tom, Where is your rent anywayasked the miller, iii think I droped it in the ourworried Tom, You whatthe miller said, nooooooooooothe miller screamed,

Tom do you know that PEOPLE ARE GOING TO EAT BREAD, THEY DONT WANT MONEY IN THE BREAD! shouted the miller, Because people dont want to be in hospital just because you droped your rent in the our and then when the our makes the bread and they are going to blame it all on you and I will agreethe miller explained. But it is not fair because you are my miller and you cant do that to me because i work here and you cant do that to me because i am your apprentic and if you do i will quit and i am never coming back to the mill again Tom shouted loudly . Ok tom only if you dont do that again and dont let people go to hospital again as well ok tom said the miller. (narrator) you are going to listen to

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