Global Governance Conflict and Resistance

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Global Governance, Conflict and Resistance Edited by Feargal Cochrane Lecturer tn Politics and Intemational Relations, Lancaster University, UR Rosaleen Duffy ‘Lecturer Politi aid Intemational Reations, Lancaster Unversity, UR and Jan Selby Lecturer finternational Poti, University af Wales Aberystwyt,, UK A CCF4gga41 toil matter and selection © Fergal Cochrane, Rosaleen Duffy and Jon Selby 2003 (hs and 7 © Jan Selby 2003, Ch8 © Feerga Cochrane 2003 (ch 9.@ Rosaleen Duly 2003 ‘Gh 12 © Rosaleen Dutty and Feagal Cochrane 2003 (hs 2-6, 10-11 © Palgrave Macmillan Ltd 2003 All rights reserved. Ne reproduction copy or transmission of this publeation may be made without writen permission, [No paragraph of tis publication may be reproduced, capled or transmitted save vith wrlten permission orn accordance with te provisions ofthe ‘Copyright. Designs and Patents Act 1988. or undar the terms of any Heence permitting limited copying issued by the Copyright Licensing Agency, 20 ‘Tottenham Cour Road, London WIT ALP ‘Any person who does any unauthorized actin relation to this publication may be ible to criminal presecution and cil claims for damages, ‘he authors have assorted thelr rights tobe identified 2 the authors ofthis work in accordance with the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988 Fist published 2003 by PALGRAVE MACMILLAN ound, Basingstoke, Hampshire RG21 GXS and 175 Fifth Avenue, New Yerk NY. 10070 Companies and representatives thoughout the world PALGRAVE MACMILLAN i the glabal academic imprint ofthe Palgrave Macmillan dvson of St. Martin's Press LLC and of Pagrave Macmillan Lc Macrilan® isa registered trademark inthe United States United Kingdoms tnd other countries. Palgrave sa registered trademark nthe European Union and other countries. ISBN 1-4039-1637-3, ‘This books printed on pape suitable for recyeting and made from fully ‘managed and sustained forest sources ‘catalogue record fr this books avaiable from the Brith Library. Lsrary of Congress Catalogingin-Publication Data ‘lobel governance, confit and resistance / edited by Feargal Cochrane, Rosaleen Df, and jn Selby. em. Includes bibliographical ferences and index. ISBN 1-4089-1637-3, 1.Glebalisaton2, international lations. 3. Conflict management. |. Cochrane, Feargal I Df, Reale. Selby jan, 1972 1321318.65568 2003 327.1—

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