PMP Formulas 29-06

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PMP Formulas

PROJECT SELECTION Definitive Estimate: -5% a +10%. Budget Estimate: -10% a +25%. Order of Magnitude Estimate: -25% a +75%. Rough Order of Magnitude Estimate (ROM) : 50% a +100%. PV = FV / (1 + r)n FV > Future Value R > interest rate (juros) N > N of Periods NPV = PVin - PVout Straight Line Depreciation DL = (Vc Vr)/A Vc Valor de Compra; Vr Valor residual; A - anos Accelerated Depreciation Double Declining Balance Sum of the Years Digits Forward Pass ES = EF of the predecessor node EF = ES + Du Backward Pass LF = LS of the Successor LS = LF Du STD. DEV. OF TASK = P-O 6 Contract Incentives Savings = Target Cost Actual Cost Bonus = Savings x Percentage Contract Cost = Bonus + Fees Total Cost = Actual Cost + Contract Cost Cash Flow = Cash Inflow Cash Outflow Discounted Cash Flow = CF x Discount Factor ARR = Cash Flow / No. of Years ROI = (ARR / Investment) * 100 % BCR = Benefit Cost Ratio > 1 Good Exp. Value = Probability % x Consequence $ Taxa interna de Retorno (IRR) R quando NPV=0 TIME ES LS Du Node Float LF Slack = LF EF = LS ES ES Du EF Free Float = ES(Successor) - EF(Predecessor) SIGMA 1 = 68.26 2 = 95.46 3 = 99.73 6 = 99.99 Channels of Communication COMM = (N2 - N) / 2 = (N x (N 1)) / 2 EF

PERT = (O + 4ML + P) / 6 TASK VAR. = (P O) 2 = Std. Dev ^ 2 6 ____________ CP STD. DEV. = + + CoQ = ( ( Review Efforts + Test Efforts + Training Efforts + Rework Efforts + Efforts of Prevention) / Total Efforts) x 100 %

QUALITY First Time Yield - FTY - o numero de boas unidades produzidas por um proceso dividido pelo numero de total de unidades boas que saem do processo. FTY = Pu/Gu Rolled Throughput Yield RTY - a probabbilidade de que uma unica unidade passe por uma srie de passos de um processo sem defeitos RTYA = {[Gu-(Du+Ru)]/Gu}A RTY = RTYA * RTYB * .. * RTYN Pu: Produced units; Gu : Good units ; Du: Discharged units; Ru: Recovered units. X-Bar R-Bar ULC = X-Bar + 2,66xR-Bar ou X-Bar +3 LLC = X-Bar 2,66xR-Bar ou X-Bar -3 Page 1 of 2

Mediana = n/2 ocupa posio central na srie. Mdia MEDIUM = (Vn + Vn-1 + Vn-2 + ..... + V1)/n Moda MODE = valor que mais se repete. Faixa RANGE = Vn V1 Probabilidade em: Serie (de todos funcionarem) Ps = Pi x Pi+1 x Pi+2 x .... x Pi+n Paralelo (pelo menos um funcionar) Pp = (Pi x Pi+1 x Pi+2 x .... x Pi+n) (Pi + Pi+1 + Pi+2 + ... + Pi+n)

PMP Formulas
EARNED VALUE ANALYSIS PV (Present Value) = BCWS (Budgeted Cost of Work Schedule) EV (Earned Value) = BCWP (Budgeted Cost of Work Performed) AC (Actual Cost) = ACWP (Actual Cost of Work Performed) CV = EV AC CPI = EV / AC (efficiency) SV = EV PV SPI = EV / PV % COMPLETE = EV / BAC x 100 % SPENT = AC / BAC x 100 ETC = BAC EV [atipical] or (BAC EV) / CPI [tipical] EAC = AC + ETC EAC = BAC / CPI [most used] VAC = BAC EAC CV% = CV / EV x 100 SV% = SV / PV x 100 PROCUREMENT Contractor payable = (TC - AC) * SRc + AC + TF Custo no PTA: (TC - AC) * SRc + AC + TF = CPr Preo contratado - contracted target price (TP) O custo previsto - target cost (TC) A margem prevista - target fee (TF) O retorno sobre o custo previsto - target return on cost (ROC) O preo limite - ceiling price (CPr) Taxa de participao no lucro - sharing ratio (SR) O custo real - Actual cost (AC), a participao do contratante RISCO VME = Probality % * Impact Cost if hapens

Frmula make x buy x lease Onde:

M(Im + (Fm x Tm)] = B(Ib + (Fb x Tb) = L(Cl +(Fl x Tl) I = Investimento; F = Fee (taxa); T = Tempo; M/m = Make; B/b = Buy; L/l = Leasing |T| = Im Ib / Fb - Fm

Impact = Probability * Impact

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