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2 main oral health problems: 1.

Dental Caries (Tooth Decay) - 920/0

• In terms of decayed, missing, filled eeth (DMFT)Index, Philippines ranked second worst among 21 HO Western Pacific Countries.

• Tooth decay & Gum disease are observed to be significantly more ; prevalent in rural than in urban

• The PDA in 1998 survey resulted that: • 88.40/0 - urban areas • 10.90/0 - suburban areas • 0.7% - rural areas

• Local Government Code of 1991. • Oral health is inadequately integrated into the national health care system • There is no currently sustainable basic oral care service bein

ommitment .________, he IDental Health Service is committed to .contrlbute ...o ~the t improvement ot .the .qualitYJof ~the life ... f he Filipinos hrough ~the o .. ttainment lof Jhe ;highest ~possible a :Ievel of oral health. W j.)i',
_ .~ppt.lnro

oal Reduce the prevalence rate ental caries and periodontal isease from 92% in 11998 to 85% and from 78% in 1998 to 60% by the end of 201 0 /" among 'general population. ~
~ I

General Ob]ective Toprevent and control dental disease and conditions .>

ecific Ob·ectives 9th Ed - 2000 1. 0 reduce the average (XDMFT) prevalence of dental caries from .52 to 3.31 amon the 12 year Id by 1998. 2. To reduce the Missing Component of the XDMFTfrom 1.30 to 1.10 among the 12 year~-old children by 1998. Yd"
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ecific Ob·ectives 9th Ed - 2000 . 0 increase the Filled Component f the XDMFTfrom 0.09 to O.12 mon 12 year-old children by 1998.


4. To reduce the prevalence of ~--= periodontal disease among the 15-44 yea I-old people by 10% -each year. ~



5 ecific Ob·ectives lOth Ed - 2007 1. Toincrease the proportionof ~ orally fit children under 6 years old to 80% by 20 1O.

2. Tocontrol oral health risks among the young people.

3. Toimprove the oral health ~~

conditions of pregnant women ----tby 20% and older persons by ... % every year until 2010. 1" -10



Strateaies 1. Social Mobilization 2. Coordination & Partnership with ,.....--.....-sectoral groups .....___ _ 3. Networking with other offices or • services »> ~ 4. Capability building & work value formation -~. Monitoring and feedback _' .•... 6. Operation research studies VV ~








2 Maior Services Direct Services Support Services

Direct Services 1. Dental Health Promotion and Advocacy. e to create dental awareness and commitment among the ~ population for the adoption of desirable oral health practices


Direct Services 2. Dental Preventive Program. • to reduce the prevalence of dental caries and periodontal disease on high risk and priority groups.

Direct Services 3. Dental Curative Program . .....___-• to arrest the progression of ~ disease and minimize tooth loss among target groups

Direct Services 14. Oral Habilitation and Rehabilitation Program. _-------, • to arrest the progression of ~ disease and minimize tooth loss among target groups

Su ort Services 1. Dental Health Planning. • to provide technical assistance in the formulation of dental health plans for direct services and support programs at various levels.
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ort Services raining Program. • to improve the competencies of dental personnel at all levels for them to carry out effectively and efficiently their respective roles and responsibilities in the .implementation of dental ~ •. pro ram. --d

Su ort Services 3. Dental Research Program. • to conduct applied and operations to support the management of the dental health programs.

Support Services 14. Monitoring and Evaluation. .....____ e to monitor and evaluate the implementation of dental health program and projects


ProClramsI Proiects 1. Conceptualized a strategy through "Sang Milyong Sepilyo" ~ project for Social Mobilization of Dental Health Program

Monthly Dental Health Services to Philippine School for the Deaf Pupil in line with the 2-year Oral ~_Care Program ~

ProClrams I Proiects 3. Orientation Training on Comprehensive Dental Health Program in the Four provinces of Regional Health Office No.2

Training of Barangay Dental Auxiliaries on Preventive Dentistry in Dentistless Areas in the ~_province of Bohol, Alba~, and . ~Lanao del Norte.



Pro rams I Pro·ects 5. 4th.National Monitoring Evaluation Dental Survey


6. Monitoring of Comprehensive Dental Health Program in Apayao and Kalinga Provinces of the Cordillera Administrative ~.~-____. Re ion (CAR).

ProClramsI Proiects 5. Dental Health Services Clinic of the Department render the following services: ~ a. Oral Examination b. Preventive treatment c. Curative Treatment



Basic PackaCle of Oral Health Care: Mother • • • • • (Pregnant) ._____-------, Oral Examination Oral Prophylaxis Permanent Fillings Gum Treatment Health Education


Basic Packa e of Oral Health Care:

Neonatal & Infants under 1 yeal-old • Dental Check up as soon as the first tooth erupts • Health linstruction on infant oral health care and advice on exclusive breast feedin ~

Basic Packa e of Oral Health Care:


hildren 12-71 months old • Dental Check up as soon as the first tooth appears land every 6 months thereafter • Supervised "tooth ,brushing drills . • Oral Urgent Treatment ~ -~_------"'. pplication ~of Atraumatic A iiiiiiiiiiiiiiRestorative Treatment (ART}~.J
~r .~-

Basic PackaCle of Oral Health Care: School Children (6- 12 years) • Oral examination • Supervised tooth brushing drills • Topical fluoride Sealant application ~ . • Oral prophylaxis ... - ~ + ~ • Permanent fillings


Basic PackaCle of Oral Health Care: Adolescent & Youth (1 0- 12 years) • Oral examination • Health promotion and


Basic Packa e of Oral Health Care: ther Adults (25-59 years) • Oral Examination _ • Emergency dental treatment • Health instruction and advice • Referrals _---.~_


Basic Packa e of Oral Health Care: Ider Persons • Oral Examination _ • Extraction of unsavable tooth • Gum treatment • Relief of pain • Health instruction and advice


Classification of Oral Interventions: Preventive Services • Oral Examination • Oral Hygiene '-----_------. • Pit and Fissure Sealent Program • Fluoride Utilization Program ~


Classification of Oral Interventions: Curative I Treatment Services • Permanent Filling • Gum Treatment ......__-------, • Atraumatic Restorative Treatment • Temporary filling ~ ...... • Extraction ~ • Treatment of Post-extraction ~,."'-: • Drainage of localized oral ._ ._........ abcesses-incision and drainage VV .~




Classification of Oral Interventions: Promotive Services • Health Education activities

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